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IN consequence of so many reports of evil, some true and some false, concerning professed Latter Day Saints, the Reorganization has ever had a difficult task, especially in the early days; but the year 1866 opened with flattering prospects. Though not great in numbers an earnest and zealous ministry was occupying the waste places with a fair measure of success. The Northern States and the Canada were occupied by the ministry, and as the war cloud had disappeared the elders were pushing into the Southern States, where the message was being hailed by many with gladness. The rallying cry had been heeded by hundreds in Utah, California, and Nevada. In England and Wales the warning cry had been heralded, and many received it.
On January 3, 1866, Elder Hugh Lytle wrote from Houston, Texas, that his health had failed him. He states: "I have only baptized one this winter, and forty last fall. . . . I shall start home soon, as I am not able to do the walking necessary for a mission in this country." He returned home soon afterward, leaving Elder Spencer Smith to continue the work alone.
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Elder J. W. Briggs was detained from starting on his mission to Europe on account of severe sickness of himself and family. Of this the mission was advised in the Herald for February 1, 1866.
In the Herald for March 1, President Smith published a call for the assembling of the Twelve Apostles and the High Council at Plano, Illinois; the Twelve on April 1, the High Council on the 6th.
On March 4, 5, 1866, there was a special conference at Goshen, Utah. At this conference a statement was made by Elder Thomas Job, which indicated that Thomas B. Marsh, who was the first President of the Twelve, accepted the Reorganization just prior to his death. 1 If this is true, it may account for his grave being so long neglected by the dominant church in Utah, and almost forgotten. (See History, vol. 1, p. 657.)
The Herald for July 24, 1895, states editorially.-
"In the Ogden (Utah) cemetery, on an elevated point of ground between where flows the sparkling waters of Ogden and Weber rivers, and where the towering mountains stand as silent sentinels over the tomb, there stands a humble marble stone on which is chiseled the following inscription:-
"'Thomas B. Marsh, First President of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Born at Acton, Massachusetts, November 1,1799. Died January, 1866. Erected by his friends, July 17,1893.'
"By the above dates it will be seen that he had lain in
1An account of his death was published in the Telegraph, where the editor remarked that Thomas B. Marsh was dead, who had been once President of the Twelve Apostles, and that he had no more to say about him. But Bro. Job said that he had something more than the editor or that paper to say about T. B. Marsh; that Thomas had been in the Josephite conference in Salt Lake City, and bore a strong testimony to the truth, and necessity of the reorganization; and when a revelation through young Joseph was read to him he said that it was the voice of God, and again testified that he knew it, and desired us to write to the young prophet to send for him back from here, that he had faith that he would bear the journey, and join the young prophet, if he could go that (last) spring. He said that he had that much to say about T. B. Marsh, and that he thanked God for it and that such was the reason that the editor of the Telegraph had so little to say about him.-True Latter Day Saint' Herald, vol. 9, p. 139.
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this silent mound for over twenty seven years ere a monument was erected to his memory, though he passed away in a country where there were thousands who professed to love the cause he served, and in the faith of which he died. Upon inquiry we have learned that his resting place was neglected and apparently forgotten until about three years ago, when Mr. G. W. Larkin, who was then sexton, was looking over the old records he found the record of a lot deeded to T. B. Marsh, and also the record of his burial therein. Search was made on the spot indicated by the records, when a grave was found marked by some small rocks laid around it, and a headboard, then rotted off at the ground, which bore simply the initials, 'T. B. M.' It was overgrown by sagebrush in such a manner as to obscure it from view. Larkin and Son, undertakers, cleared off the lot, and published in the city papers an account of their find.
"Then a Mr. David M. Stewart took charge of a subscription paper, and in this way raised the neat marble stone which marks his resting place, at a cost of sixty-five dollars. Brigham Young was the second President of the Twelve, and he too has passed away. His burial place has been well cared for. His family cemetery is a beautiful, well-watered, green lawn, inclosed [enclosed] in an iron fence. And now subscription papers are being circulated widely with a view of raising a splendid monument to his memory to cost many thousands. The last account we saw the amount subscribed was over seven thousand dollars.
"We understand that fifty thousand dollars are desired. Why this distinction? When the records of the two men are finally examined, where exact justice is meted out, will these two monuments be an index to the rewards there given? If not, will anyone feel rebuked for unjust discrimination here?" The Saints' Herald, vol. 42, p. 470.
This was a period of special activity among the ministry, and encouraging reports were frequent. Under date of March 5,1866, Elder Thomas Dobson wrote:-
"We have had a glorious time in the Mason Grove branch [Iowa]. Myself and Elder Eli Clothier have continued our
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labors since I last wrote to you from this place, and truly the Lord has blessed our labors; fourteen have been added within the last three weeks by baptism, and many more are believing, and that too in a small settlement."-True Latter Day Saints' Herald vol. 9, p. 93.
Elders W. A. Litz and C. A. Beebe wrote, March 7,1866, from Cokerville, Monroe County, Alabama, as follows:-
"On our arrival here, January 6, we were well received, and doors were opened to us to preach almost in every house. Our meetings were well attended, and the best of order preserved. In fact, we can never speak in too high terms of praise of the people we have found here. In the two short months we have been here, we have, by the blessing of God, baptized twenty-five, who are rejoicing in the truth of God, and many more believing, who will, we suppose, obey soon. We expect on to-morrow to organize a branch here, and to baptize some more, as we learn that is the calculation of some. . . .
"I think we can calculate on a large branch here, at least fifty, but others say one hundred, in this neighborhood. I suppose they know better than we do. There are some blacks who have asked for baptism, when we go again to baptize. They seem to think it would be too much trouble for us just to go to baptize them.
"We have not heard from Brn. Graybill and Ballowe, and know of no chance before we get home, as we don't expect to go farther before we return. The weather is very warm here, and we have all the work we can do; and we shall reap while the harvest lasts, and when we have reaped the field and secured the grain to the garner of the Lord, then, if the Lord will, we hope to see our brethren in the West.
"Since the foregoing was written, we have baptized four more, and three more request baptism. We have organized a branch, and call it the 'Lone Star."'-True Latter Day Saints' Herald, vol. 9, pp. 109,110.
Such reports were coming from all over the States and the Canadas, also from England and Wales.
On March 22, General Connor, who was in command at
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Camp Douglas, Utah, called at Plano, Illinois, for the purpose of conferring with President Smith on the Utah problem, but unfortunately President Smith was absent at Nauvoo, whither he had gone to perform the sad duty of burying his youngest child.
The Annual Conference was held at Plano, April 6-13, 1866. Presidents Joseph Smith and William Marks presided; J. W. Gillen and Isaac Sheen were clerks. On the 6th and 7th the following district presidents reported: Z. H. Gurley, Sen., James Blakeslee, Josiah Ells, Samuel Powers, Reuben Newkirk, Charles Derry, E C. Briggs, L. W. Babbitt, George Morey, and A. H. Smith. J. W. Briggs reported the European mission; and Elders Wilson Sellers, A. M. Wilsey, and J. S. Adams reported. Sunday, the 8th, was devoted to preaching. On the 9th the following-named men were ordained high priests: Hiel Bronson, Ebenezer Robinson, Loren W. Babbitt, Jesse Price, Philo Howard, S. W. Condit, G. A. Blakeslee, Joseph Parsons, and Ahira Jones.
The President nominated Hiel Bronson and Jesse Price to fill the places of Calvin A. Beebe and A. G. Jackson, deceased, in the High Council. These nominations were confirmed by the conference, and the persons chosen were ordained by J. W. Briggs, James Blakeslee, and Josiah Ells. T. W. Smith was ordained a seventy, and J. B. Lytle was ordained an elder. The following missions were appointed: J. W. Gillen, Utah. Wilson Sellers, Southern Nebraska and Northern Kansas. J. C. Crabb and J. B. Lytle, Indiana. George Hatt, England. C. G. Lanphear and J. D. Bennett reported.
On the 10th the following resolutions were adopted:-
"Resolved, that the time has arrived for the church to publish the New Translation immediately.
"That the church take immediate measures to release the hands of the Twelve, that they may carry the gospel to the nations of the earth. That the Bishops be instructed to collect means for that purpose.
"That any member of this church having been lawfully married, and having put away their companions for any
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other cause than for the cause of fornication, is unworthy of the fellowship of the saints of God; and that the church be very careful, with all inquiry, that they receive none into the church who have put away their companions for adultery, they themselves being the offenders.
"That in view of the demand of the work in Utah, it is deemed advisable that, as far as practicable, the saints in that region remain for the present."-True Latter Day Saints' Herald, vol. 9, p. 123.
The High Council reported 2 :-
2The High Council of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, met at the house of President Joseph Smith, in Plano, Kendall County, Illinois, on the 9th day of April, 1866.
Members present: Joseph Smith, President.
Members of the High Council: William Aldrich, John O. Gaylord, Jacob Doan, George Morey, O. P. Dunham, Winthrop H. Blair, and Hiel Bronson.
The following high priests were chosen to act in the places of Edwin Cadwell, Zenos Whitcomb, Lyman Hewitt, Dwight Webster, and Jesse Price, who were absent; to-wit: Lorin Babbitt, Joseph Parsons, Silas W. Condit, George A. Blakeslee, and Ebenezer Robinson.
Opened by prayer by the President. E. Robinson was chosen clerk.
The President made a statement that the first business to be presented was an appeal made by Cornelius Bagnall, William Potter, E. C. Brand, Henry Robinson, Miriam Brand, Julia Marvin, George W. Oman, George C. Millgate, and others, from the 6th of April conference of 1865, held in San Francisco, California.
Clerk read appeal from above parties. President read proceedings of a court of elders, held at Sacramento, California, December 20 and 21, 1864, and also commenced reading minutes of a semi-annual conference, held at San Francisco, California, April 6, 1865. . . .
After a full and free discussion of the whole subject, as appearing before the council, the President made the following decision: That this High Council sanction the action of the conference held in San Francisco, California, April 6, 1865, in withdrawing the hand of fellowship from the following named persons; to wit: Cornelius Bagnall, William Potter, Edmund O. Brand, Henry Robinson, Miriam Brand, and Julia Marvin; also in suspending George W. Oman and George C. Millgate.
On motion It was voted unanimously to sanction the decision of the President.
Inasmuch as the full and careful examination of the foregoing appeal had also necessarily included an examination or the case of Elder George P. Dykes, on motion, voted unanimously, that the action of the conference held at San Francisco, California, April 6,1865, in sustaining the action of the court of elders in the case of Elder George P. Dykes, be sanctioned by this High Council.
On motion, voted, that this High Council recommend that in all cases where persons are cited to trial, in this church, that the charges shall be specified in writing, at the time of citation. . . .
JOSEPH SMITH, President of Council.
-True Latter Day Saints' Herald,vol. 9, pp. 126,127.
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The ordination of H. P. Brown to the office of high priest, and of E. S. Dille to the office of elder, was provided for.
Apostles J. W. Briggs, E. C. Briggs, and Samuel Powers ordained the following men: George Hatt and John B. Lytle, to the office of seventy; Thomas Standeven, to the office of elder; and Ebenezer Barnum, to the office of priest.
Thomas Standeven was appointed a mission to England.
Bishop Rogers nominated William Aldrich and Philo Howard as his counselors, and they were so appointed by resolution.
L. B. Richmond was ordained a seventy, by Apostles Z. E. Gurley, Sen., and Josiah Ells.
The following resolutions were adopted:-
"Resolved, that the relief of the poor of the church be more prominently brought before the church by apostles, high priests, presiding elders, elders, priests, teachers, and deacons.
"While we deeply deplore the great apostasy and turning the truth into lasciviousness, which has occurred in the Church of Christ in years gone by, resulting in the organization of numerous factions and schisms, yet we cannot shut our eyes to the great truth that the priesthood which was conferred by the ministry of the angel of God upon the head of our martyred prophet, Joseph Smith, and Oliver Cowdery, in May, A. D. 1829, when he said, 'Upon you my fellow servants, in the name of Messiah I confer this priesthood, which shall remain on earth that the sons of Levi may yet offer an offering to the Lord in righteousness,' still remains, and has continued to remain from that day to this. Therefore we believe it to be our duty, as individuals having received that priesthood, to hunt up and minister to the spiritual wants of the scattered sheep of the house of Israel, those who manifest by their fruits that they have received of the Spirit of God and have maintained their integrity before him, therefore,
"Resolved, that we recognize no other rule by which to test the validity of the baptism of persons who have embraced the gospel, except the fruit and manifestation of
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the Spirit. Therefore, the question of rebaptism is a matter of conscience.
"Resolved further, that a connection with those factions during the dark and cloudy day, does not necessarily invalidate the priesthood; holding as we do, that those factions could neither confer nor take away the priesthood.
"Resolved, that baptisms administered by elders without going down into the water, as the law directs, are null and void. Also, that members disfellowshiped by a branch, or other legal authorities, shall make, as far as practicable, reconciliation to said branch, or legal authorities, before being readmitted into the church."-True Latter Day Saints' Herald, vol. 9, p. 124.
On the 11th the ordination of George Hatt and John B. Lytle, to the office of seventy, was provided for.
On the 12th J. C. Williams and Orrin Butts were appointed a mission to Virginia and Tennessee.
The First Presidency made the following appointments: Z. H. Gurley, Sen.; Illinois and Missouri. Samuel Powers and James Blakeslee; Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. Charles Derry and Reuben Newkirk; Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and Minnesota. John Shippy; Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. W. W. Blair and E. C. Briggs; Eastern and Middle States.
The special purpose of these appointments was to travel among and to strengthen and confirm the churches.
They also appointed J. W. Briggs and Josiah Ells to the European mission, to open new fields and organize churches.
The appointments were confirmed by the conference. The following business was also transacted:-
"Resolved, that the presidents of missions and of districts and branches are hereby authorized to solicit subscriptions and donations, for the publishing of the New Translation of the Scriptures made by Joseph Smith, and forward the same to the Bishop; and it is agreed that each person subscribing for this object shall receive one copy at cost.
"That William Marks, I. L. Rogers, and W. W. Blair be appointed a committee to confer with Sister Emma Bidamon respecting the relinquishment of the manuscripts of the
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New Translation of the Scriptures, for the purpose of publishing the same to the church and to the world, and that said committee be empowered to enter into and fulfill the contract for the same.
"That the manuscript of the Scriptures be engrossed, and the engrossed copy be put into the hands of the printer, with a view to the preservation of the original copy.
"That President J. Smith, I. L. Rogers, and Ebenezer Robinson, be appointed a committee to publish the New Translation, and that they may be empowered to act in the name of the church, to take all necessary steps to secure its speedy completion."-True Latter Day Saints' Herald, vol. 9, p. 125.
Elder A. H. Smith was appointed by the conference to take charge of the California mission, with the privilege of choosing his assistants. He chose William Anderson and William H. Kelley.
R. H. Atwood was appointed to the Eastern States. Thomas Job to Utah. H. G. Whitlock; in charge in California until the arrival of A. H. Smith. J. H. Lake; to preside over String Prairie district. Elijah Banta; Eastern and Middle States. C. G. Lanphear and J. L. Adams; Indiana. G. E. Deuel and Wilson Sellers; Nebraska and Northern Kansas.
It was "resolved, that the President do have full editorial control of the Herald, and all matter published therein."
A. H. Smith was ordained a high priest, by Joseph Smith and J. W. Briggs, as provided for by resolution.
The following resolution concerning High Priests was adopted:-
"Resolved, that the ordination of an high priest by the direction of a district conference is null and void."
J. W. Briggs and James Blakeslee voted in the negative.
An annual conference was held at Spanish Fork, Utah, April 6-8, 1866. At this conference it was reported that a company of saints with about one hundred and fifty wagons were ready to start east; so that again the branches were thrown into disorganization by emigration.
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The California annual conference was also held April 6 to 8 The conference was held at Washington Corners. Elder Harvey G. Whitlock presided, and Peter Canavan was clerk. On the 7th the conference attended the funeral of Elder James M. McLam, of the Quorum of Seventy, who was the secretary of the conference. Reports of elders and branches were encouraging. The following appointments were made: Glaud Rodger; Santa Cruz and Santa Clara counties. L. S. Hutchings; under Glaud Rodger. E. H. Webb; to extend his labors to Placerville, and N. Stamm to accompany him. C. T. Garvey was ordained an elder, and he and Peter Canavan appointed to Visalia. David Bonar to Healdsburg, he to request the assistance of P. C. Briggs.
The following officers were sustained: Joseph Smith, President of the Church; the Quorum of the Twelve; the Standing High Council; H. G. Whitlock, President of Pacific Slope; and B. C. Turnbull, Recorder of Pacific Slope. (Herald, vol. 9, p. 174.)
April 25; Elder J. W. Lewis wrote from Wightcraft, England, reporting much and earnest inquiry and the baptism of several.
On April 29, 30, 1866, a conference was held at Merthyr-Tydfil, Wales; T. E. Jenkins president, and N. Grigg clerk. The following is a summary of the business done:-
"Monday, April 30, assembled in counsel. After singing and prayer by Elder B. Thomas, the following branches were reported: Penydarren, . . . New Tredegar, . Aberaman, . . . Llanvabon, . . . Llanelly, . . . Aberavor. . Hirwain, . . . Ystradgynlais, . . . Beaufort,. . Nantyglo, ... Alltwen....
"Then the following brethren received their appointments, Elder William Palmer to labor at Newport, Ponty pool, and vicinity. Elders Lewis Williams and W. Morrice to labor in Carmarthenshire. Elder W. Williams to labor at Neath and vicinity. Elder John Hughes to labor at Swansea and vicinity, assisted by elders from Aberavon and Alltwen. Elders W. Wimpy and Thomas Morgan to labor at Troedyrhiw.
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Elder Charles Hickery to labor at Abertillery and Aberbeeg.
"Resolved, that the Restorer be published in the two languages as before, and that every effort must be made by all desirous to see the work prosper to get it out every month; all branches and subscribers to the Restorer are requested to send in their donations by the first of every month, let it be ever so small; and all the officers and saints are requested to strive to increase the subscribers to the same, so that it may become cheaper."-The Restorer, vol. 2, p. 67.
On May 1, 1866, President Joseph Smith published over his own signature a document defining the duties of the Twelve and Seventy. This document is well worth preservation, both because of its merit, and because it treats of the duties of two of the chief quorums of the church. It is as follows:-
"The duties of the Twelve, as a quorum, are to sit in council upon matters appertaining to the spread of the work abroad, and the firm continuation of it in the land of Zion; and upon this is based the recognition of their right to ordain and set in order all other officers in the church.
"Now, it seems to follow, that as they are to be representatives of the church while the gospel is being carried to the ends of the earth, and the church is to become as a light set upon a hill, this quorum of men should travel under the special direction of the spirit of their calling, and should live as it becomes righteous men to live. This being the case, the former requirements are seen to be essential, either inherent or in the process of acquirement.
"Their decisions (if unanimous) are of high importance, equal in authority to those of the First Presidency and are to be made in righteousness; how carefully then ought this band of especial witnesses to walk as a quorum and as individuals.
"At our April conference, just passed, the Spirit seemed to indicate that the establishment of lines and boundaries, over which the Twelve as integral parts were set to preside, was a contraction of duty inconsistent with the character of
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the work, and an effort was made to place them more immediately under the impulses of the Spirit of God and the direction of the Presidency of the Church. We can all see that this accords with our understanding of the law; and no fears ought to be entertained that the Spirit will direct to be done that which is not in keeping with the law and the revelations heretofore received.
"The day has now come when the dread demons of distrust and suspicion must be exorcised by the efficient prayers of the faithful saints, for there are many lo heres, and lo theres, and few shall be able to stand.
"Let every one then go to with his might to purge the evil from his own heart, and united, stand for the bulwarks of our liberty in the gospel.
"The Seventy are a body of elders set apart for the work of the ministry as a traveling quorum, working under the more immediate call of the Twelve, to preach the word, build up churches, officiate in the various directions necessary in the spreading the gospel, and all acts that an elder may do by virtue of his office as such elder, a seventy may do. But there are certain conditions which require a seventy to travel, as especial witnesses, that are not binding upon the body of elders.
"There can be by the law seven quorums of Seventy seemingly too small a number for evangelization purposes; and yet when we consider the number of elders there may be in the church, we are forced to acknowledge that God is wiser than man, and does not wish to cumber the legislative bodies of the church with too great numbers.
"The Seventy then are to be men of action; ready to go and to come, full of energy and zeal; prepared at a moment's warning to follow the lead of the Spirit, to the north, east, south, or west: proclaiming the gospel as they go, baptizing all who come unto them, laying their hands upon the sick in common with their brethren of the Twelve; under no responsibility of presiding, but when the Spirit so directs, or exigency requires, they may preside by virtue of their right to officiate as elders in the church
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"The law also contemplates the Seventy as a legislative body, and a decision made by these quorums (if unanimous) is of like importance as a decision of the Twelve.
"It may also be concluded that any act which an high priest might do, while abroad as a minister of the gospel building up the church, might be legitimately done by one of the Seventy; for in speaking of the difference between the two quorums, the law says: that those who belong not unto this quorum, neither unto the Twelve, are not under the responsibility to travel, nevertheless they may hold as high and responsible offices in the church; evidently carrying the inference that this was an office in authority greater than an elder, and if an elder may, why may not a seventy, or an apostle preside.
"It is eminently becoming to the office of a seventy to be contented and cheerful, full of the hope of a renewed covenant; free from the resident care of a local congregation, nevertheless wise as a counselor both to the world and the church, having soberness as a safeguard against the levity of the world; always bearing about the consciousness of a slain and risen Redeemer, with the assurance of a realized hope; and ever able to give by precept and example a reason for that hope.
"Is it an arduous undertaking? Most unquestionably it is; but while it is so arduous, there is a possibility that in its very arduousness lies the secret of its success, for in its successful ministry the devils are to be subject to the power of God.
"May the Lord God help the Seventy is the prayer of every well wisher of the latter-day work.
"There is a duty devolving alike upon these two quorums, i. e., the Twelve and the Seventy, that it is well to notice here. We mean the duty of being prayerful men, for by this shall come their power. Now if we could suppose that man could successfully propagate the work of the last dispensation, without the faith requisite to yield obedience to its laws, we could imagine a ministry without purse or scrip, going to the ends of the earth declaring the way of life, without prayer, but as we cannot, it follows that these
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men must be cared for by the divine Ruler of all, and must exercise the faithful prayer, the earnest desire of the soul, by which they are blessed of God.
"Purse and scrip are laid aside. It is the Lord's work. He has promised to provide for them. Self-denial is to become a pleasure, danger is forgotten, fear overcome and cast out; revilings accepted with humility, and scoffings without reproach; the goods of this world measured only by their usefulness to the advance of truth; wisdom taken as a companion-a lovely handmaiden of the Lord; and with the blue dome as their rooftree, the Lord their refuge in sunshine and in storm; his hand their guard, his Spirit their comfort and their guide; Christ their pattern, his followers their brethren, and all the world their neighbors, they pass out, away from the scenes dear to them into the great harvest field, there to wield the sword of truth as ambassadors for Christ, and him crucified. Here is the sublimity of their calling, the excellency of their hope, and who shall then be found to deny them their reward? We trust not one.
"Away with the bickering jealousy of place and of power, let the ultimate accomplishment of our salvation enable us to overcome the divisions of the hour, and the distraction of the time, uniting for the present redemption of Zion.
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 9, pp. 129, 130.
On May 30, 1866, President Joseph Smith departed from Plano, enroute for Washington, D. C., having been summoned to appear before the committee on territories of which Congressman Ashly, of Ohio, was chairman; the committee wishing to consult him on what legislation he would recommend for the Territory of Utah. He was accompanied by Elders W. W. Blair and Elijah Banta, who were appointed to labor in the Eastern States. Elder Banta accompanied him to Washington, Elder Blair stopping at Kirtland, Ohio. His business was transacted by June 11, when he left Washington for Pittsburg [Pittsburgh], Pennsylvania, and Kirtland, Ohio.
On June 9, Elders B. H. Ballowe and Levi Graybill wrote
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of their success in opening the work in Tennessee. Several had obeyed, but no organization had been formed. Churches, schoolhouses, and private houses were open to them, and the people anxious to hear.
On June 19 Elder John Shippy reported the work in New Brunswick, as follows:-
"I left Yarmouth on the 11th inst., and arrived here Saturday, the l6th, and on Sunday afternoon I preached in a schoolhouse to a respectable congregation, and on Monday evening in another schoolhouse to a large congregation, who listened with attention. I have three more appointments out, one for tomorrow night, and the other two for next Sunday. I am sorry to say that when I came here I found Bro. George Lindsley very low with consumption, and his recovery is doubtful. Nothing but the power of God can ever cure him, although he may live till next spring. I think he ought to go home as soon as possible; but he ought not to start alone, so if I had the means I would go with him to Plano. He has sent home for money. Bro. James McCormick has gone home. Bro. J. Landers is on Indian Isle yet. The work is prosperous there. He is expected here soon. What will be the result of my preaching here is yet in the future. What few saints are in Yarmouth are good ones. I left them strong in the faith.
"GRAND MANAN, N. B., June 19,1866."
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 10, pp. 14,15.
June 22, 1866, Elder T. E. Jenkins wrote from Merthyr-Tydfil, Wales, stating that the Brighamites were resorting to slander to oppose the progress of the gospel. He adds:-
"Elders Hatt and Standeven have arrived in England, and have begun preaching and baptizing. Elder J. W. Lewis was with us at our conference of April 29. We had a very good conference, after which, Bro. Lewis stopped in Wales three weeks visiting the branches. He felt good while with us and the saints were glad to see him.
"The saints in Wales in general feel well, the gifts of the Holy Ghost are enjoyed, the elders are preaching very
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faithfully, tracts are being distributed and we increase in number, though slower than we could wish, yet the work is onward and our hope excellent."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 10, p. 46.
On June 30, Elder J. W. Briggs wrote of holding some discussions in Iowa with excellent results.
On July 1 the editorial columns of the Herald contained the following summary of news concerning elders in the field and other matters:-
"In our own sphere, we notice that a more decided improvement is being made in the conduct of the various branches in a general point of view. Individuals may disregard the rules of good behavior of the church, it is true, but there is a very great inquiry for truth in almost every quarter, more especially in those places where the elders are walking in the way most pleasing to God, in uprightness and the practice of virtue.
"Brethren William W. Blair and Elijah Banta are at Brookfield, Ohio, where the prospect is good for an addition to the ranks of the church.
"Bro. Thomas Revel has been called to preside over the church at St. Louis, Missouri, and writes that a better feeling is at work among the saints there, which good news is confirmed by Bro. Noah Cooke.
"The church at Nauvoo is now under the presidency of Bro. William Redfield, Bro. Thaddeus Cutler having reigned on account of continued absence from home.
"Bro. C. G. Lanphear and Jesse Adams are in Indiana working to pretty fair effect, as we learn by letter from Bro. James B. Prettyman. A church has been organized by them at Knox, Starke county, which from accounts received is doing well.
"Bro. Levi Graybill and Benjamin Ballowe, have been laboring in Tennessee with good success, while Brethren William A. Litz and Calvin A. Beebe have done like good service over in Alabama, reporting as we see in their letter a good opening in Georgia and Florida.
"Bro. Litz is the first to report any ingathering of the
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negro race, fourteen having obeyed the word under the preaching of Bro. Beebe and himself.
"Bro. John Shippy is in Maine, and we presume laboring for the cause as wisely and zealously as ever.
"Bro. Zenos H. Gurley is in the southwest of Wisconsin, having been sent there by one of those calls to which he is subject in common with other elders going where the Spirit may direct.
"Bro. Jason W. Briggs, we learn, is holding a discussion with our friends the Campbellites down at Buffalo Prairie, represented by the Rev. Mr. Fisk. He will proceed upon his mission to England as soon as is practicable.
"Bro. Thomas E. Jenkins is in Wales still striving for Zion, while Bro. John W. Lewis is up London way using the fiery weapons of our spiritual warfare to right good purpose. He has succeeded in enlisting quite a good number of efficient elders of the old time persuasion to cast in their fortunes with us.
"Bro. Lewis will please take notice, that Bros. Joseph Boswell and John D. Jones, of the church at Kewanee, Illinois, started from here on the 21st inst. for Europe. These are good brethren and will, we trust, prove an augmentation of strength to the church in England.
"Bro. Charles Derry is prosecuting the work in Iowa, and reports all as going well.
"We have been notified that Bro. Gordon E. Deuel is at Fort Des Moines and that he was doing a good work there. . . .
"Bro. Reuben Newkirk is in motion up in Wisconsin preaching the word. . . .
"Bros. Alexander H. Smith, William Anderson, and James W. Gillen are on their way over the plains to prosecute their several missions. . . .
"We had the pleasure while on our way home from Washington, of standing before a congregation assembled in the Temple at Kirtland; and amid the whirl of thoughts set in motion by such a circumstance, could not feel otherwise than impressed with the fact of the purity of the church when that temple was built.
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"I felt impressed to bear my testimony to the truth and to call upon old saints to return to a consideration of the law as it was and as it is.
"We saw several of those who had in days gone by received pleasure in the truth, some of whom may again come to the fountain for a healing draught. The Temple is in tolerable repair so far as the outside is concerned, but the inside has become the prey of the spoiler.
"All the ornamentation, mouldings, letters, and carved work have been broken up by curiosity hunters, until the two upper rooms are stripped. It is in charge of Uncle Robert Greenough who is trying to keep it from receiving further damage. . . .
"While at Pittsburg [Pittsburgh] we met with the saints in conference, in the hall which they are using as a meeting room. There was a most excellent spirit manifested, and a good attendance upon our preaching. The church there is under the presidency of Bro. Josiah Ells, who is making every effort to prepare for his mission to England."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 10, pp. 1, 2.
On July 26, 1866, Elder Charles Derry wrote from Glenwood, Iowa, of the western-bound missionaries, and the generosity of the saints towards them, as follows:-
"I accompanied Bros. Alexander H. Smith and James W. Gillen as far as Columbus, visiting the saints on the way; but time would not permit me to tarry with them, as it was time the missionaries were enroute for their destination. We found Bro. William Anderson at Columbus, awaiting the return of the brethren. He had wisely and beneficially employed his time in visiting and strengthening the saints, and in persuading others that were not with us to come back into the good old paths. His name is remembered with love and pleasure by the saints in Columbus. On the first of July Elders Gillen, Anderson, Smith, and myself took each our part in preaching the gospel as it is in Christ Jesus; and the result was that two honest, but hard-headed old Mormons of the Brighamite order, bowed in childlike simplicity to the power of truth, and renewed their covenants
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with the Lord. This gave great joy to the saints, and they praised the Lord and declared that this was in accordance with the promise of God unto them. On the next day I and Elders Hudson and Galley accompanied the missionaries to the west side of Loup Fork, where we bent before the Lord on the bank of the above stream, and there with earnest hearts dedicated our beloved brethren to the keeping of Joseph's and Abraham's God, and then with melting hearts and tearful eyes we gave and took the parting hand of brothers. They will be remembered with love by all the saints that saw them on their route. Here let me pay a passing tribute to the noble generosity of the saints in Columbus. The Bishop had done his best; but their outfit was very scant, and their team inadequate to the task. The saints here saw it and began to work, not to find fault; but to supply the deficiency, and in a branch of fifteen members sixty dollars were appropriated towards purchasing a better team; and then enquiries [inquiries] were made and it was found that they were deficient in creature comforts. Two or three buffalo robes, worth about twenty dollars each, were donated by individuals, and feed for the team by others not now connected with us, making in all about one hundred twenty dollars worth [from] this little branch, not rich in the things of this world, but rich in the true faith that is manifested by works. All the saints in central Nebraska contributed nobly to the same object, but their numbers are small and their means limited."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 10, p. 61.
Elder Derry also mentioned in his communication having met a part of a company from Utah. He says:-
"On the 23d instant I met Elder Anderson with eight wagons, from Salt Lake. He reports that they had an excellent journey, no deaths; only lost one span of mules and an ox, I think. They started and traveled together, with forty wagons, until they passed all points of danger, and then thought proper to divide. The remainder were expected in a day or two. Two gave in their names for baptism on the night that they arrived at Omaha. All seem in the best of spirits, and full of faith in
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the work as far as I have seen. Elder Anderson seems to be of the right stamp. He reports that he met the missionaries forty miles east of Fort Kearney, doing well and in good spirits."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 10, p. 62.
Charges were made both in America and Europe that President Joseph Smith was a spiritualist, and a lawyer. In answer to these he wrote Elder T. E. Jenkins of Wales, as follows:-
"Bro. T. E. Jenkins:-Your letter, in which you ask me to correspond with the saints through the Restorer, is received. I feel grateful to the saints for having accepted the little effort I made upon a former occasion, and I am at no loss to believe you when you tell me that all manner of stories are circulated in England and Wales calculated to throw discredit upon my connection with the work of the last days. I once investigated spiritualism, as it is called, but never became a believer in its marvelous manifestations; I simply examined for myself what purported to be for the good of men, and finding no good in it for me, paid no further attention to it. Out of this grew the wonderful stories about my being a spiritualist. I studied law under William Kellogg, in the years 1855 and 1856, in the city of Canton, Fulton county, State of Illinois, intending then to practice at the bar, which I have not as yet done, never having applied for admission. Out of this, I presume, grew the story of my being a lawyer so industriously circulated. It was evidently intended to discredit me in the eyes of the saints; but to my mind an honest lawyer stands a better chance for the celestial kingdom than a dishonest preacher of a desecrated priesthood, no matter how loudly he may declaim against spiritualists and lawyers.
"All this, however, has nothing to do with our faith, or the line of conduct to be pursued by us, both in America and England. That we are approaching an important period in the work is obviously impressed upon all interested in any way in it. For those in the valley of Utah there is given disquiet, although some three thousand seem to be added by this spring's emigration to those already there. Whether this will add to their strength remains
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to be settled, and admits of serious doubt, for where in 1860 there were but some forty thousand inhabitants in the Territory, as appears by the census, there may be but a few hundreds more, and of these many must soon see how futile the faith that deceives so much.
"Our faith is predicated upon the love of God, and his Son Jesus Christ; how important then is it to be observant of the plain principles of the gospel given to us by him, and not allow ourselves to be led captive by the sophistry which seizes upon the examples left by some of the ancients who did evil in the sight of God, and who upon those examples have built a system of treacherous indulgence in crime, under the garb of new commandments received through the 'oracles' of God.
"Busy faithfulness and industrious waiting before God is enjoined upon all lovers of his truth; and no matter how boisterous we may be in declaring God's mercy to the children of men, our practical lives must demonstrate the earnestness and saving grace of our faith, or our examples will not only condemn us in the eyes of him that judgeth, but destroy that which we are so anxiously striving to establish.
"The work prospers in America as fast as could be expected, considering the gathering together of so many and so diversified a body of men, filled with every possible creed of which the last days are susceptible. We are looking for some new element of power by and by from the disentanglement of some of the knotty questions with which we have been troubled in the past, and also by a dismemberment of opposing powers.
"Let me, in conclusion, say to the brethren there, Strive diligently for the righteousness of the kingdom of God, that its peace may abide and abound with you.
"With love of God and his covenant people of the last day, I remain, yours fraternally,
-The Restorer, vol. 2, pp. 81, 82.
In Herald for August 1, 1866, the Editor again speaks of progress, as follows:-
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"Bros. W. W. Blair and E. Banta have organized a conference in the east. . . .
"The canvassing for the New Translation is going on rapidly, so also the work of transcribing is progressing.
"A train of emigrants from Utah passed through here on the 14th of July. We do not know who was in charge. We hear that a large number are at Wyoming, Missouri [Nebraska], waiting transportation. Truth goes slowly, while error travels with giant strides.
"Brethren A. H. Smith, William Anderson, and James W. Gillen are on the plains, going toward sundown; while from the Pacific slope we hear that they are waited for anxiously. . . . .
"Bro. Thomas E. Jenkins writes good news from England and Wales, and altogether there is much to encourage those who will be encouraged."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 10, p. 33.
On August 19,1866, a branch was organized by Elder J. W. Lewis at the house of Mr. Barnes, No. 23 Wellington Street, London, England. There were six members, Elder Henry Thead president.
On August 29, 1866, Elder A. H. Smith wrote from Salt Lake City, Utah, giving an account of the arrival of Elders Anderson, Gillen, and himself in the city, and of the manner they were received. He says "I have seen nearly all the big bugs here; they all strive to win my confidence, professing love for the family to a fabulous degree." He closes his letter as follows:-
"The people here do not believe that either you, or David, are indeed in good earnest, nor working yourselves, but simply giving your leave and names to some one else. They are taught from the stand by their masters that David will be a prince and ruler of this people; yet I heard yesterday, that in a private meeting B. Young ordained his son to the office he himself holds. I have seen Dr. Bernhisel and had a short talk with him. He is much broken, and looks old."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 10, p. 108.
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On September 10, Elder W. W. Blair wrote from Fall River, Massachusetts, a very cheering report of the progress of the church in the East, and added:-
"The work of the Lord is onward. The light and power of his Spirit are with his people; their darkness is passing away, their tribulations are ending, their sorrows are being turned into joy, and their souls are made happy in the goodness and glory of the Highest."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 10, p. l08.
From Utah the work had spread into Southern Idaho, and in September a conference was held in Malad City, Idaho, and a district organized. Thomas Job presided, and William Woodhead acted as clerk. The minutes contain the following entries:-
"John Evans was ordained a deacon.
"Seventeen persons were baptized by Bro. Gillen and others during conference.
"Resolved that Oneida, Idaho, Cache, and Box Elder counties, Utah, be organized into a conference district.
"Resolved that William D. Jones preside over the said conference.
"Resolved that this conference uphold and sustain Joseph Smith as Prophet, Seer, Revelator, and Translator, and President of the Reorganized Church of Christ, and William Marks as his Counselor.
"Resolved that we uphold and sustain all the authorities of the Reorganized Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints.
"Resolved that we uphold and sustain John Lewis as president of the Malad branch.
"Resolved, that Lewis Gaulter act as Bishop's agent for this conference district."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 11, p. 45.
Elder M. H. Forscutt wrote from Salt Lake City, Utah, September 21, 1866, giving an account of a very disreputable and condemnable effort to destroy him and others. He wrote as follows:-
"During the stay of the brethren at my house, I found the following paper inserted under my window sill:-
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"'Aug. 31, 1866.
"'If not out of this Territory in one week, you will die the death of a miserable apostate dog.
"'(Addressed) MR. FROSCUTT.'
"The following Sabbath several of the saints, Bros. Gillen, Anderson, and my own family took supper at my house, and all excepting the two brethren and myself, and my eldest daughter, (five years old,) were immediately taken sick. They vomited most fearfully, and experienced a very peculiar sensation, accompanied by spasms in the stomach, and numbness of the hands and feet. One of the sisters, Jane Maloney, wife of Bro. Maloney, (on whose life an attempt was made nearly a year and a half since, as reported in Herald,) resides at camp. She and her son were very sick, and in conversation with the army surgeon, her husband was informed there was every indication of strychnine. My wife cooked down in the cellar, to which there is a separate entrance, and a neighbor's boy, on hearing of the circumstance, the day following, said he saw two men, whom he described, standing near the stove on the day in question, during the temporary absence of Sister Forscutt with her company. They doubtless did the execrable work, but thanks be to God, who gave us the victory, they were foiled considerably in their nefarious design. All are again restored whom the murderous preparation affected, excepting Sister Maloney, and she experiences a deadening sensation in her toes only. Those whom they most designed to destroy were totally unharmed.
"SALT LAKE CITY, Sept. 21, 1860."
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 10, pp. 142, 143.
Sometime in August, 1866, a colony under direction of Elder G. J. Adams left America for Palestine, claiming that they were divinely instructed to build upon the Holy Land. They had a prosperous voyage and arrived safely at Jaffa, as the following communication to the Israelite Indeed will show:-
"Bark Nellie Chapin, near GIBRALTAR, Aug. 28, 1866.
"Dear Brother Lederer.-I can only write you a few lines at this time as you see we are now full half way to Palestine.
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We number one hundred and sixty-eight persons, old and young, on board of our good vessel, and we have had beautiful weather and fair wind for thirteen days and nights in succession, and it still continues so. All things thus far have been successful. We have a full load of lumber; we have also other passengers and freight, and what is better still, we have already engaged full freight for next year. . .
"September 3, midnight.-We have had the most pleasant voyage that men ever had who crossed the Atlantic; fair wind and good weather. We are all hopeful, and none of us look back. Our faith is strong, our hope high.
"Near Malta, September 12.-We could not stop at Gibraltar, as we passed it in the night, and had a fair wind. We have made about four thousand miles in thirty two days. A glorious passage, thank the Lord.
"JAFFA, Syria, October 4.-Dear brother, by the blessing of God and his goodness, we arrived here safely in forty-two days, a remarkably quick passage. We are received by everybody in the kindest manner, and all things are going on first rate. And now, as we arrive at the place of our destination, we can say, Praise the Lord for all his goodness and loving kindness towards us! Not one case of sickness-except the usual seasickness-occurred on board our ship to damp our cheerful hopes. God bless you!
"Your brother in the hope of Israel,
"G. J. ADAMS."
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 10, pp. 174, 175.
This movement was solely an independent one upon the part of Elder Adams and company, not being authorized by the church or any of its factions in any sense.
October 4, Elder A. H. Smith wrote from Austin, Nevada, that he and Elder William Anderson were that far on their way to California, having left Elder J. W. Gillen in Utah. They found some Morrisites and others at Austin City anxiously inquiring after the Reorganization, but the lateness of the season demanded that they should hurry on over the mountain range.
October 6-8, 1866, the Semiannual Conference was in session near Council Bluffs, Iowa. Elder Charles Derry was
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elected president pro tem., and C. W. Lange and D. H Bays secretaries. The following elders reported on the first day: Wheeler Baldwin, S. W. Condit, Alexander McCord, R. C. B. Elvin, J. A. McIntosh Thomas Dobson, Z. S. Martin, Charles Derry, Hugh Lytle, W. A. Litz, B. H. Ballowe, C A. Beebe, Levi Graybill, Wilson Sellers, Orrin Butts, and J. C. Williams. The second day was devoted to preaching.
The Minutes of the third day of the session show the following business transacted:-
"Bishop Gamet reported his stewardship as follows: The whole amount received, from October 6, 1865, to October 6,1866, $844.42. Amount paid out, $1,024.96. Leaving the church indebted to the Bishop, $180.54. Report accepted.
"Resolved that the deficiency in favor of Bishop Gamet be made up by the various branches in the district.
"Elder McCord was released from the presidency of the Pottawattamie district, and Elder J. M. Putney appointed in his stead.
"Resolved that Elder Thomas Dobson be released from the presidency of the Shelby county district, and Elder McCord be appointed in his place.
"Resolved that southern Nebraska be set apart as a district, over which Elder R. C. B. Elvin preside.
"Resolved that Elder W. Baldwin continue to preside over Fremont district.
"Elder S. W. Condit was sustained as president of the Harrison district, Elder Z. Martin as president of Central Nebraska district, and Elder Charles Derry as president of the Western Iowa district.
"Elder John H. Lake and George Redfield were appointed to labor in Canada; Elders Wheeler, Cannon, and Dexter P. Hartwell to labor under the direction of Elder W. Baldwin; Elders C. W. Lange and Samuel Longbottom under the direction of Elder J. M. Putney; Elder Howard Smith continue to labor in the Pottawattamie district; Elder Hans Hansen labor among the Danish people of Omaha, Nebraska, and organize the same into a branch; Elders W. A. Litz
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and Hugh Lytle appointed as presidents of Alabama, Mississippi, Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee; Elder J. D. Craven to labor under the direction of Elder Litz.
"Resolved that Bro. William Booker be ordained an elder, and labor under Elder Lytle, Alabama; that Elder Wilson Sellers labor under the presidency of Elder R. C. B. Elvin; that Elder A. H. Struthers preside over the String Prairie district; that Elder Thomas W. Galley labor in Colorado Territory, and Elder Peter Murie be released from said mission; Elder Gordon E. Deuel appointed to Northumberland, Canada West.
"Resolved that this conference request the president of the Utah district to send, if possible, some elder to labor in Montana Territory. . . .
"Resolved that Bro. Ezra Landon be ordained an elder, and labor under the direction of Elder John Shippy. . . .
"On application, Resolved that Bro. and Sister Scovil be received into the church on their original baptism.
"Resolved that the southern missionaries, including Elder Gordon E. Deuel, have the privilege of visiting the various branches to solicit means to enable them to proceed to their respective missions.
"According to previous motion Bros. Landon, Booker, and Longbottom were ordained elders under the hands of Elders Charles Derry, S. W. Condit, and H. Lytle.
"Bro. Joseph Smith was sustained and upheld as Prophet, Seer, Revelator, and President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint, throughout the world, and Bro. William Marks as his Counselor; likewise the Quorum of the Twelve, with Elder Jason W. Briggs as president, and all the other quorums in the church.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 10, p. 140.
October 15, 1866, Elder W. W. Blair wrote from Fall River, Massachusetts, giving an account of the organization of the Massachusetts district, to include Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. William Cottam was chosen to preside. He spoke of the activity of Elders E. N. Webster, George C. Smith, C. E. Brown,
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and William Cottam. Of the progress in Fall River he stated as follows:-
"It has seldom been my good fortune to meet with such spiritual saints as those at Fall River. Ten of them have received the gift of tongues. All but two of them have received the gift since uniting with the Reorganized Church, the others received it in the old organization. They have three interpreters, and four who have the gift of prophecy. Healings, spiritual dreams, and visions are had among them to a great degree, and they are all living in the unity of the Spirit, and the bond of peace. This branch was organized, as you will remember, in December last by Bro. James W. Gillen. It then had sixteen members, they now have sixty-three members, and a great many more are believing, while some have expressed a determination to be baptized soon."-The Saints' Herald vol. 10, p. 141.
On October 16,1866, there was a council held at the residence of Elder Zenos E. Gurley, Sen., near Sandwich, Illinois, composed of the Presidency, three of the Quorum of Twelve, two high priests, and several elders. The following resolutions were adopted:-
"Resolved that in view of the circumstances of the case, it is the opinion of this council, that Bro. Jason W. Briggs should not prosecute his mission to England alone; but should labor in this country until such time as Bro. Ells can accompany him, unless otherwise ordered by the spring conference.
"Resolved that the Publishing Committee be requested to obtain information respecting the way the translation of the Scriptures was made, preparatory to the issuing of the preface, etc.
"Resolved that we believe that it is the duty of all the members of the Quorum of the Twelve to go forth from church to church and preach on the law of tithing, in connection with all the other principles of the gospel, so that they may be enabled to devote all their time to the ministry.
"Resolved that to carry out the principles of the law of tithing, it is the opinion of this council, that the law should
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be carried out in the scattered condition of the church, and that as far as we can approximate to that law, is upon the principle of freewill offering, for the practical purposes indicated by that law.
"Resolved that the bishops, in connection with the ministry of the church, should travel and preach the law of tithing.
"Resolved that we do most earnestly entreat all the saints remember, that all their 'surplus property' is the Lord's, and that it is needed for the support of the poor of his people, and the families of the elders whose time is engaged in the ministry.
"By order of council. JOSEPH SMITH, President"
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 10, pp. 158, 159.
A conference was held at Merthyr-Tydfil, Wales, October 28, 29, 1866. Elders T. E. Jenkins and J. D. Jones presided, Nicholas Grigg was clerk. The conference was attended by one seventy, thirty-five elders, and several of the lesser or Aaronic priesthood. The following resolutions were passed and reports presented:-
"Resolved that we uphold and sustain in righteousness, by our faith and prayers, Joseph, son of Joseph Smith the Martyr, as Prophet, Seer, and Revelator of the Church of Jesus Christ, including all quorums in their proper places, as the law directs.
"Resolved that we uphold and sustain in righteousness, by our faith and prayers, Elders Thomas E. Jenkins and John D. Jones as laborers in the principality of Wales.
"Resolved that any officer or member found advocating or contending for polygamy as a divine institution, either in public or private, be excommunicated, unless a spirit of true repentance be manifested to the satisfaction of the church.
"Resolved that the second Sunday of December next be set apart for fasting and prayer for the prosperity of the work of God in this land. (Let all the saints strive to have the true desire in their hearts, so that it may not be in vain.) . .
"Resolved that the principality of Wales be divided into three districts, and that the elders of each district meet in a
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council once every six months (and oftener if needed) for the advancement of Christ's kingdom.
"Resolved that every officer and member do their best to sell and distribute the publications of the church whenever time and opportunity presents itself. . . .
"The following branches were then reported: Penydarren branch; . . New Tredegar; . . . Llanelly; . . . Aberaman; . . . Aberavon; . . . Llanvabon; . . . Nantyglo; . . . Beaufort; . . . Ystradgunlais; . . . Hirwain; . . . Alltwen."-
The Restorer, vol. 2, pp. 98-100.
November 6, Elder Forscutt wrote from Columbus, Nebraska, of Utah affairs as follows:-
"I wrote you on leaving Great Salt Lake City, and merely drop you a line to state that I spent Sabbath here, and had a truly soul-refreshing time. I leave here tonight for Omaha, and will be in Plano as soon as I can manage my affairs enroute.
"Times are lively in Utah. Dr. Robinson, next door but one neighbor to me, and a personal friend, was murdered two days after I left. I also learned from a gentleman who left there the day after the doctor's murder, that General Connor and eight others were under orders from the Danite fraternity to leave or die."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 10, p. 175.
Elder J. W. Gillen wrote from Pleasant Grove, Utah, November l2 to President Smith giving the incidents attending labor there in a more explicit manner than others had given them. We extract as follows:-
"While Alexander was here he preached once in Provo, during his discourse he was interrupted several times. . .On the following day Bro. Kerry took us (Bros. Alexander, William, Job, and myself) to Goshen, where we were made welcome by Sister Job. On the following morning Bros. Alexander and William preached. In the afternoon we went to Camp Floyd. Alexander preached in the evening, and I followed with a few remarks; after meeting we were informed that we could not have the house again. I think that there are some honest souls there, and that good was done by the preaching of the word. Next day we went to
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the city, as there had been an appointment made there for the next evening (Sunday) in Independence Hall. (Bro. Forscutt paid $5.00 for it that evening.) Alexander and William occupied the time to the general satisfaction of the Gentile portion of the congregation. Alexander preached again, by invitation, on Wednesday evening at Fox's Gardens, which had been previously seated for the display of fireworks. There was a good attendance. Your cousin, Joseph F. Smith, was present, and at the close of the meeting he requested the privilege of speaking, which was granted. He spoke in defense of polygamy, and also Brigham's position. He also delivered a prophecy in the name of the Lord, that you and David would come and indorse the proceedings here. He also spoke of the great friendship of the Twelve for your father's family. After he sat down Bro. Alexander followed him and gave him one of the worst castigation that I ever saw any person receive.
"The brethren left the city for California on September 15. I accompanied them as far as Lewella City. On our arrival there we found eight ready to be confirmed, who had been baptized by Priest Joseph Lee, of Lewella City. After confirmation I organized a branch; Joseph Lee, presiding elder, Elder Blodgett to discharge the duties of priest. On the following morning with tearful eyes I took the parting hand of my beloved brethren, not knowing that I ever should have the privilege of again beholding their face in the flesh. I returned to the city in company with Bro. Job, with a sorrowful heart. Since then I have attended a conference at Malad City, Idaho Territory, one hundred ten miles north of Salt Lake City. There were eighteen baptized during conference. On our return we preached at Box Elder, and two were added to the small branch at that place. I have been laboring in Provo, preaching in private houses; have baptized seven there, and organized a branch. There are many more there believing, but they are afraid to come out and obey it. The fact is, . . . the people are in the worst kind of bondage, they are terror stricken, and are afraid of their masters. Whenever a person comes out and obeys the gospel, then their enemies use every effort they
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are capable of to keep them out of employment, and to ruin them in every possible manner. If they have debts owing to them they cannot collect them. There is another great barrier, nearly all have been through their endowment, and this is a cause of terror. . . .
"There has been great excitement of late in the city, caused by the murder of Dr. Robinson. He was called out between the hours of eleven and twelve p. m., by a man to see a man by the name of Jones who had had his leg broken by the fall of a mule. He dressed himself hastily and followed the man, and at the distance of one hundred seventy-five steps from his house he was knocked down, and then shot (he was a Gentile). They can find no trace of the murderers. Some time before that they broke up his bowling alley, and he had the chief of the police bound over to the next term of court. A short time before that the Editor of the Vedette was knocked down, and afterwards led around the Temple block and made to swear that he would leave the Territory in twenty-four hours. Two days before that they tore down Captain Brown's house, and the houses of two others, and then put a rope around their necks and threw them into the Jordan; then pulled them out and threw them in again, and then gave them a week to leave the Territory in. These are a few of the proceedings in the Great Salt Lake City. . . . JAMES W. GILLEN."
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 10, pp. 177, 178.
On December 7, Elder Thomas Job wrote of affairs in Utah and the West, as follows:-
"I beg leave to state that the testimony Bro. Alexander left here works like leaven among the multitude. There is no more use for Brigham to protest that you are not with us. 'That is played out,' and some other refuge, of course, must be resorted to, as you may learn from the minutes of their conference here. Since Brn. Alexander and William left, I have been on a tour through almost every town from Malad to Juab. I met Bro. Gillen at Provo, where he had stayed since Malad conference, September 23. We went together to Box Elder conference, November 25, where we first read the call for missionaries to be sent from here to Montana.
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Bro. Gillen was the first that responded to the call. He left there with the brethren from Idaho where he intends to spend the most part of the winter. Bro. Gillen's moral conduct here has been worthy of his high calling as a minister of the gospel of Christ, and he will have the good will of all the saints here."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 11, p. 24.
A conference was held at San Francisco, California, November 23 to 26. By the minutes of this conference it appears that Elders Smith and Anderson had arrived there. Elder A. H. Smith presided at the conference; Peter Canavan and E. C. Brand were clerks.
The minutes show the following items of business transacted:-
"Resolved that we accept and sustain Bro. Alexander H. Smith as president of the Pacific slope portion of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by our faith, prayers, and means, also Bro. William Anderson as his colaborer.
"The following branches reported: Stockton, . . . Alameda Creek, . . . Centerville, . . and San Francisco.
"The following elders reported: Glaud Rodger, E. H. Webb, Lyman S. Hutchings, T. J. Andrews, H. P. Robbins, H. G. Whitlock, and Joel Edmonds.
"Bro. G. W. Oman stated that he came like the prodigal son, to ask forgiveness and be reinstated in the church and kingdom of God.
"Bro. William Potter wished to become reconciled to all parties where he may have given cause of offense; he desired to be in the kingdom of God. . . .
"Resolved that this conference accept Bro. William Potter (as he has become reconciled) by being baptized.
"Resolved that as Bro. G. W. Oman has made humble confession, he be restored to full fellowship.
"Resolved that this conference receive Bro. John Cooper. without rebaptism, to full fellowship. . . .
"Resolved that Bro. John Cooper hold the office of high priest, agreeable to his ordination under the administration of Joseph Smith, the Martyr.
(page 458)
"Resolved that Bro. E. H. Webb labor in the districts of Sacramento, Stockton, and El Dorado.
"Resolved that Bro. J. Newman go on a mission to San Luis Obispo, and labor in connection with Bro. Outhouse.
"Resolved that this conference invest Bros. Alexander H. Smith and William Anderson, with power to appoint district presidents, subject to the ratification of the next conference.
"Resolved that Bro. Glaud Rodger labor as a seventy, and that he be relieved of the duty of presiding.
"Resolved that we sustain Bro. Dungan in his present field of labor in Humboldt. . . .
"Resolved that Bro. E. C. Brand has made reconciliation to this conference. That he be received by baptism into the church.'-The Saints' Herald, vol. 11, pp. 43, 44.
An eventful and progressive year which brought many seasons of peace and joy to the saints was made sad in its closing by the death of Apostle James Blakeslee, of the Quorum of the Twelve. He died at Batavia, Illinois, December 18, 1866, after a long and painful illness. For further particulars see his biography. On December 18, Elder Thomas Standeven wrote from Hannibal, Missouri, giving an account of his labors in England and announcing that he and Elder Joseph Boswell had returned to America.
(page 459)
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