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IN the early part of the year 1865 encouraging reports were received from every place where the Reorganization had been represented. Reports were received of local conferences held at the following-named times and places: St. Louis, Missouri, December 24, 25, 1864; Montrose, Iowa, December 10, 1864; in Buckhorn branch, Canada West, January 14, 15, 1865; Little River, Decatur County, Iowa, January 28, 29, 1865; Pittsfield, Illinois, February 4, 5; Plum Creek, Iowa, February 4, 5; Nebraska (place not given), February 19, 20; North Star, Iowa, February 25, 26; Nauvoo, Illinois, March 11-13; Brush Creek, Illinois, April 1, 2,1865.
In the Herald for March 1, 1865, President Joseph Smith published the following address:-
"To all the Saints in Churches assembled to whom this may come, your Colaborer and Fellow Servant in the cause of Christ sends Greeting.-
"It having been pleasing in the sight of God to permit us to enjoy a season of prosperity in the work of the last days, to the end that many have espoused the faith, and much good been done to the establishing of the church on its original basis; therefore we owe it to him to acknowledge his kindness and mercy, by a more united effort than has hitherto been made.
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"The work in foreign lands seems to be moving on slowly but surely, and in our own country we can see its effects almost daily, in the reports of those whose armor is on and who are in the field.
"There seems to be also a lull in the great whirlwind of politics which has been raging so fiercely for the past four years. Peace is to be desired, although the prospect now seems to be doubtful. It may be that the tempest is only gathering new strength and that peace is a delusive hope. Therefore, brethren, let divisions which are among you cease, let the animosities which have been engendered by the too sanguine and hasty spirits be as things of the past, that hope may revive within us all, and a strong purpose of achieving our enfranchisement from evil take full possession of our souls. The saints so far have been permitted to escape, to a comparative degree, taking part in the conflict, now in its fifth year; how long we shall thus be favored is within the mind of the Father, but that the prayers of his people have been heard, who can doubt.
"The hall in which it was contemplated holding the April Conference for the year 1865, at Amboy, Lee County, Illinois, having been destroyed by fire, there is now no place of sufficient size at Amboy wherein to hold that conference; it is therefore deemed wise and expedient that the place of holding the Spring Conference, be changed from Amboy, Lee County, Illinois, to Plano, Kendall County, Illinois. It is easy of access, being on the line of the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad, some fifty-five or sixty miles west of Chicago, and about thirty five east of Mendota, the junction of the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad with the Illinois Central railroad. Notice to the saints is therefore hereby given of such change of place, and conference districts and branches are requested to select their representatives to that conference, according to the law in Doctrine and Covenants respecting reports of the churches.
"In order that a more concentrated effort may be made, and also that a more complete unity of feeling may be attained to, it is hereby recommended and requested, that Thursday, the thirtieth day of March, be observed by the
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church as a day of thanksgiving and praise to God, for his kindness and mercy to us as a people, and that the following Sunday, April 2, be observed as a day of fasting and prayer, that God will prosper us as a church and as a people with a more abundant outpouring of his Spirit to guide and direct us; also that we may have a propitious season for our conference; and that he will (if it so be that the wisdom of his divine economy will permit) grant that peace may come to this our country.
"Let it be observed in all the branches of the church and by all the scattered members, that a people's mighty voice may ascend to the throne of grace, for an abiding testimony that we remember the Lord our God.
"Done at Nauvoo, Illinois, this 11th day of February, A. D. 1865.
"President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints."
-True Latter Day Saints' Herald, vol. 7, p. 65.
In accordance with the above the Annual Conference of 1865 convened at Plano, Illinois. The following are the minutes of this conference as published:-
"April 6, at ten a. m.
"Conference convened by calling Pres. Joseph Smith to preside, Pres. William Marks, associated; Isaac Sheen and J. W. Gillen clerks, and Charles Derry reporter.
"Pres. Joseph Smith delivered an address in which he recommended that a library should be established for the benefit of the church, and in reference to the necessity of making our conferences representative bodies.
"Reports of branches: Buffalo, North Star, Fort Des Moines, and String Prairie, Iowa; Allegheny and Hyde Park, Pennsylvania; Valley, Virginia; Abingdon, Amboy, Henderson Grove, Atlas, Canton, Batavia, Fox River, Pittsfield, Plano, Mission, Kizer Creek, Princeville, and Buffalo Prairie, Illinois; Elk Grove, Geneva, Willow, Union, and Freedom, Wisconsin; Swan Creek, Lake, and Galien, Michigan; Hannibal, Missouri; Lindsley, Buckhorn, and Trafalgar, Canada West.
"Official members present: of the Quorum of the Twelve,
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Z. H. Gurley [Sen.], James Blakeslee, John Shippy, W. W. Blair; high priests, I. L. Rogers, Isaac Sheen, O. P. Dunham, J. C. Gaylord, William Aldrich, Edwin Cadwell, Jesse Price, Jacob Doan; of the Quorum of Seventy, A. M. Wilsey, Charles Derry, C. G. Lanphear, J. W. Gillen, R. W. Briggs, James Burgess, L. W. Babbitt, Stephen Stone, R. Partridge, William D. Morton, Isaac Bogue; elders, Josiah Ells, Briggs Alden, George A. Blakeslee, Frederick Squires, Caleb Hall, Horace Bartlett, E. M. White, Philo Howard, Thomas Stafford, Wesley Horton, George Rogers, A. G. Jones, William Swett, Henry Holmes, Yance Jacobs, William Hazzeldine, M. Madison, P. S. Wixom, J. T. Adams, G. Braby, C. M. Brown, Thomas A. Hougas, Joseph Parsons, David H. Smith, Andrew Hayer; priests, Austin Hayer, G. W. Shute; teachers, Robert Moore, Silas Rogers, Hans Hayer; deacons, Samuel Reynolds. Many official members arrived afterwards.
"The following presidents of districts reported: Z. H. Gurley [Sen.], J. Blakeslee, J. Shippy, W. W. Blair.
"The following presidents of sub-districts reported: L. W. Babbitt, C. G. Lanphear, Joseph Smith, C. Derry, J. Jeremiah, J. Ells, R. W. Briggs, and A. M. Wilsey."-True Latter Day Saints' Herald, vol. 7, pp. 124, 125.
The following missions were appointed: John Landers and George Lindsay; to New Brunswick. John D. Jones and Joseph Boswell; to Wales. George Hatt and John W. Lewis; to England. H. P. Brown; Northern Iowa, in charge. James Blakeslee; Michigan and Indiana, in charge. W. W. Blair; Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, and New England States, in charge. John Shippy; Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, in charge. Z. H. Gurley, Sen.; Northern Illinois and Eastern Iowa, in charge. J. W. Gillen; to go with W. W. Blaie. S. J. Stone and C. G. Lanphear; to Eastern New York. Josiah Ells; to preside over Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia district. Wentworth Vickery; to Canada. J. W. Briggs; continued in his mission, the title of which was at this conference changed from English mission to that of European mission. Charles Derry; Iowa, Kansas,
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and Nebraska district, in charge. Henry Holmes; to Canada. Caleb Hall; Northern Wisconsin. J. L. Adams and J. D. Bennett; to Indiana. Edwin Cadwell and Horace Bartlett; Lafayette County, Wisconsin. Samuel Powers; Minnesota and Wisconsin, in charge.
E. C. Briggs was sustained as President of Utah and Pacific district.
W. W. Blair and J. W. Gillen were appointed a committee to settle difficulties in St. Louis.
The names of Daniel B. Rasey, David Newkirk, and George White were by resolution stricken from the Quorum of the Twelve, and the President was authorized by resolution to name a committee to select two men to fill the places of Daniel B. Rasey and David Newkirk. He appointed as such committee Z. H. Gurley, Sen., W. W. Blair, and A. M. Wilsey; who selected Josiah Ells and Charles Derry. They were accepted by the conference and ordained apostles by Joseph Smith, Z. E. Gurley, Sen., and James Blakeslee.
William H. Hazzeldine was, by the same parties, ordained a high priest, as provided for by resolution.
The following authorities were sustained: Joseph Smith, President of the Church; William Marks, his counselor; J. W. Briggs, Z. H. Gurley, Sen., James Blakeslee, W. W. Blair, John Shippy, Josiah Ells, Samuel Powers, Charles Derry, and E. C. Briggs apostles; I. L. Rogers, Bishop of the Church; the High Council; Isaac Sheen, President of High Priests' Quorum; A. M. Wilsey and his associates as Presidents of Seventies' Quorum.
The following resolutions were adopted:-
"Resolved, that all the conferences of districts are advised to recommend the branches to receive donations monthly from members of the churches, for the purpose of assisting poor saints to emigrate from Europe to this country, and to send such donations to the Bishop.
"That the necessities of the church require a concordance and synopsis, suited to the proper promulgation of the faith of the church.
"That the emigration fund remain in the hands of the Bishop until called for by a conference of the church in
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Europe and indorsed [endorsed] by action of the General Conference of the church in America.
"That the necessities of the church require the publication of a series of tracts, for distribution.
"That the necessities of the church require the establishment of a church library."-True Latter Day Saints' Herald, vol. 7, p. 127.
At this conference the Publishing Committee was released, and President Joseph Smith was appointed to take charge of the publishing and editorial department of the Herald, and of all church publications.
A vote of thanks was tendered to Isaac Sheen "for his unceasing efforts in the editorial department of the Herald."
We are particular to quote all important business done at the General Conference because it has more official significance than business done in local conferences; and some things done at these conferences have an important connection with future action, as will appear in its place.
At the time of holding the General Conference a conference was held at Salt Lake City. The minutes show the work in good condition and prospering. Local conferences were of frequent occurrence in those days, as districts were becoming quite numerous, and most of them held their conferences every three months. To speak of them all, and to speak in detail of the business done by them, would render our work too voluminous. So from this time we will mention only such items as seem to be of general interest.
On May 1, 1865, President Joseph Smith took charge of the Herald editorially and otherwise, as provided for by the action of the Annual Conference. The following is his salutatory.
"In taking charge of the editorial department of the Herald, I am acting in accordance with the expressed wish of the saints, and in so doing am entitled to their faith, their prayers, and their upholding in righteousness, in love and in peace.
"I am by no means unaware of my want of ability, of my lack of qualifications, nor yet of the arduousness of the
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undertaking; but feeling a desire to do that which seems to be for the best, I place myself in the hands of Him who hath been good to me in time past, and who has promised to hear even the young ravens when they cry.
"Frequently solicited and as urgently pressed to take the present responsibility, I have as uniformly refused to do so, having my eyes open to the requirements of the position and to my almost utter destitution of them.
"I feel the necessity for an extended, united, and strenuous effort being made for the advancement of the work of the last days; and am assured that the Herald should be made to answer the ends of its establishment for the perpetuation of our unity.
"I can make no promises other than this: to study the nature of the wants of the church, and to minister unto them according to the best of my ability. I hope for the cordial support of every one in the church who can use a pen for the cause of truth, and hereby ask for contributions for the columns of the Herald, upon the various subjects connected with our faith.
"We must awaken from our lethargy; we must put on our armor for the good fight; we must march out manfully, letting those who will be sluggards lag behind, and those who will be mockers stand upon the wayside, marking our onward progress by the bitterness and activity of their vituperation.
"If our range of thought and vision has been too limited for want of culture in the things which make for peace, it is attributable (to a degree at least) to the want of some of the things which ought to be and abound in us, that we may neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of the Son of God.
"With this short salutation, I greet you, one and all, in the bonds of peace, committing myself with all the things intrusted to my care to the protecting providence of that God who receiveth our prayers and answereth them according to his wisdom for our good.
-True Latter Day Saints' Herald, vol. 7, p. 129.
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Early in May, 1865, the Presidency and Twelve held a joint session and published the result of their deliberations as follows:-
"Extract of minutes of a council of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, held at the residence of Bishop I. L. Rogers, near Sandwich, in Kendall County, Illinois, on the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th of May, 1865.
"Present of the First Presidency, Joseph Smith and William Marks. Of the Quorum of the Twelve, Zenos H. Gurley [Sen.], James Blakeslee, Samuel Powers, W. W. Blair, Reuben Newkirk, John Shippy, and Charles Derry.
"President Smith was requested to take the chair, and Charles Derry to act as clerk.
"The following resolutions were considered and adopted unanimously:-
"Resolved, that the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve declare to the church that the doctrine of sealing, as relating to marriage for eternity, is a heresy, and hence not taught or sanctioned by the law of God.
"That the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve reaffirm the article published in the Herald on the 1st of May, 1863, entitled 'Loyalty of the Saints.' [See this volume, p. 316.]
"That the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve, declare that the choice seer spoken of in the Book of Mormon, second chapter of the Second Book of Nephi, is Joseph Smith the Martyr.
"That Isaac Sheen be appointed Librarian to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
"That Isaac Sheen be authorized to receive subscriptions of money and of books for the Church Library.
"That the several branches of the church be instructed to report to the district conference to which they belong and the districts to the General Conference.
"That Hiram P. Brown preside over the part of Iowa comprising seven tiers of counties west of the Mississippi and four south of the Minnesota line.
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"That the Editor of the Herald furnish the branches of the church with blank forms for branch representation.
"A question was asked as follows: What is to be done in the case of the president of a branch refusing to act in accordance with the will of the majority?
"Resolved, that if the act required was a legitimate duty, it would become the duty of the officers of the branch to report him to the next highest in authority over him.
"The following resolution was discussed:-
"Resolved, that the gospel makes provision for the ordination of men of the negro race, who are received into the church by obedience to its ordinances.
"After much discussion, it was
"Resolved, that we refer the above matter to the Lord, and that we come together fasting and praying to God that he will reveal his will on this point unto his servant Joseph Smith.
"The quorum carried this resolution into effect, and sought earnestly and diligently unto the Lord, and on the following day the Lord was pleased to answer our prayers, and we received the following revelation through his servant Joseph:-
"'Hearken ye elders of my church, I am He who hath called you friends. Concerning the matter you have asked of me: Lo! it is my will that my gospel shall be preached to all nations in every land, and that men of every tongue shall minister before me: Therefore it is expedient in me that you ordain priests unto me, of every race who receive the teachings of my law, and become heirs according to the promise.
"'Be ye very careful, for many elders have been ordained unto me, and are come under my condemnation, by reason of neglecting to lift up their voices in my cause, and for such there is tribulation and anguish: haply they themselves may be saved (if doing no evil) though their glory, which is given for their works, be withheld, or in other words their works are burned, not being profitable unto me.
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"'Loosen ye one another's hands and uphold one another, that ye who are of the quorum of the twelve, may all labor in the vineyard, for upon you rests much responsibility; and if ye labor diligently the time is soon when others shall be added to your number till the quorum be full, even twelve.
"'Be not hasty in ordaining men of the negro race to offices in my church, for verily I say unto you, All are not acceptable unto me as servants, nevertheless I will that all may be saved, but every man in his own order, and there are some who are chosen instruments to be ministers to their own race. Be ye content, I the Lord have spoken it.'
"The foregoing was presented to the Quorum of the Twelve, in council assembled, who unanimously voted that the revelation be received.
"Resolved, that the seventeenth paragraph of the seventeenth section of the new edition of the Book of Doctrine and Covenants forbids the ordination of high priests except by the direction of the High Council or General Conference, which words (General Conference) signifies a conference of the general church authorities.
"That any member of the Quorum of the Twelve is authorized to ordain men into the Quorum of the Seventies when the necessities of the church demand it.
"That elders' courts have power only to decide as to the guilt of parties accused, and to report those found guilty to the church, who shall lift up their hands against them.
"That the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve recommend, that in all branches of the church where it is practicable there be Sunday schools established.
"That the above resolutions be published in the Herald.
"Council adjourned on the evening of May 5, sine die.
"Joseph Smith, William Marks, Presidents of the Church.
"Zenos H Gurley, James Blakeslee, Samuel Powers, Reuben Newkirk, John Shippy, WM. W. Blair, Charles Derry, of the Quorum of the Twelve."-True Latter Day Saints' Herald, vol. 7, pp. 163, 164.
Among other important items it will be seen by the above that the two leading quorums of the church did as early as
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May, 1865, indorse [endorse] the Sunday school cause and recommend its prosecution.
On April 30, 1866, the conference of the European mission again met at Merthyr-Tydfil, Wales; J. T. Phillips presided, and N. Grigg acted as clerk. Reports showed that of the missionary force appointed by General Conference, J. T. Phillips and T. E. Jenkins had been active in Wales, and Thomas Revell in England. The following branches reported: Penydarren, New Tredegar, Cymbach, Llanvabon, Llanelly, Nantyglo, Beaufort, Aberaman, Hirwain, Aberavon, Alltwen, and Ystradgynlais. They reported a total membership of 165. Several branches were not reported.
The following extract from the published minutes is important:-
"It was moved and unanimously agreed to sustain and uphold, by our united faith and prayer, Joseph, the son of Joseph Smith the Martyr, as Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, and all the quorums of the holy priesthood of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And it was agreed that Elder J. T. Phillips be released from his labors in Wales, to return back to the land of Zion; and all of the saints feel regret at his departure, for he was greatly beloved by all, and has proved himself a man of God, and can return with a clear conscience before the Lord, and with the blessings and prayers of all the saints for his faithful labors and righteous example and precepts. Also moved and carried that Elder T. E. Jenkins be sustained as president of the Welsh mission."-True Latter Day Saints' Herald, vol. 7, p. 189.
On April 22, 23, 1865, a conference was held in Genoa, Nevada, which was attended by Elder E. C. Briggs, of the Twelve, who presided; John Parkin clerk. The following is a part of the business done:-
"Resolved, that Bro. A. Johns be appointed president of this district. That Brn. J. Parkin, M. Williams, and Cassidy, labor as their circumstances will allow. That Bro. A. Johns be ordained a high priest. That we sustain Bro. Joseph Smith
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as Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, also Bro. William Marks as his counselor. That we sustain the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as special witnesses. That we sustain all the authorities of the church. That we sustain Bro. E. C. Briggs as President of the Reorganization on the Pacific coast.
"Reports of branches: Carson Valley; Bro. B. T. Jones, president; 29 members, 1 seventy, 5 elders, 1 priest; 4 baptized and 1 cut off since last report. Empire: Thomas Phillips president; 8 members, 3 elders; 2 cut off.-True Latter Day Saints' Herald, vol. 8, p. 44.
The missionary force was active and was meeting with great success in almost every place. Elders John D. Jones and Joseph Boswell were prevented from going immediately to Wales, and on August 3 wrote for publication an explanation stating: "Our business became so dull that it as yet has prevented us from getting ready."
On August 21, 1865, Elder Thomas Job reported from Utah that emigration east in the spring had greatly crippled the work there. He says: "We had skeletons of two branches left, one in Salt Lake City, and another in Provo." He stated, however, that he had organized two other branches during the summer; one at Goshen, with Christian Anderson as president, and one at Spanish Fork, with William R. Huscraft president.
During this summer the work of the Reorganization was extended to Texas, which resulted in nearly all of the Lyman Wight colony who remained there uniting with the church. They had heard something of the movements before communication was shut off by the vicissitudes of the civil war. Then for years no tidings had reached them, while they waited patiently for the dark cloud which rolled between them and friends in the North to pass away. As soon as it was possible to pass the lines Mr. Andrew Huffman started in search of former associates who had emigrated north just before the war began. Not knowing their whereabouts, he visited Nauvoo, where he met President Joseph Smith, who gave him the coveted information; and when Mr. Huffman went on to Western
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Iowa to meet friends, President Smith sent by his hand letters to Elders Hugh Lytle and Spencer Smith (the latter a son-in-law of Lyman Wight), requesting them to accompany Mr. Hoffman to Texas as representatives of the Reorganization. They complied, and after a few weeks of hurried preparation, were on their way, and ere the summer was ended had opened a successful campaign in Texas. Elder Lytle wrote from Bandera, Texas, on September 11,1865, as follows:-
"Believing that it would be interesting to the readers of the Herald to hear of the success of the latter-day work in this land, I now proceed to give you a short account of our labors here. Brn. A. Hoffman, of Texas, Spencer Smith of Galland's Grove, Iowa, and myself, arrived at this place on the 14th of August. We found all well, and very anxious to hear preaching. Brn. Hoffman and Smith have both been prostrate with the fever since we arrived, but are now recovering. I commenced preaching on Sunday, the 20th ult., and have continued twice on Sundays, and also on Wednesday evenings since. Sunday, the 27th, I baptized seventeen, and on the following Sunday fifteen more; since then we have baptized three more, and received one upon his old baptism, and two added who were baptized yesterday. We have organized a branch of thirty-eight members; twenty-two were members of the old organization, and sixteen are new members. It is believed by those here that fifteen or twenty more will come in this fall. We shall start soon to Austin and Montgomery counties, where we expect to labor for the winter. I am told there is a good prospect in that part of the State. May the good Lord grant success to his laborers in the vineyard, is the prayer of your Brother in Christ."-True Latter Day Saint' Herald, vol. 8, p. 127.
The Semiannual Conference met near Council Bluffs, Iowa, October 6, 1865; Joseph Smith presiding, George M. Rush and Dexter P. Hartwell clerks.
The following branches were reported: Plum Greek, Nephi, Glenwood, Fremont, Florence, Columbus, Mason's Grove, Boyer, Little River, Camp Creek, Weeping Water,
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Nebraska City, North Star, Crescent City, Twelve Mile Grove, Morning Star, and Raglan.
The following business was done:-
"Resolved, that, whereas circumstances have transpired which render it necessary, the conference hereby request Bro. Edmund C. Briggs to return from California, and if possible meet with the church in conference, on the sixth day of April, 1866.
"Resolved, that this conference request the High Council to come together at the Spring Conference of 1866, to dispose of alleged troubles in California. . . .
The following missions were appointed: "A. J. Field was appointed to labor in connection with W. W. Blair in Ohio. Davis H. Bays was appointed to go to Decatur County, Iowa. William Litz was appointed to go to the States of Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama. Moses Nickerson was appointed to go to Michigan and Canada. . . .
"Resolved, that David M. Gamet be ordained to the office of high priest.
"That David M. Gamet be ordained bishop for the church in this western country.
"He was then ordained an high priest by Elder Charles Derry. Bro. Joseph Smith ordained Bro. Gamet a bishop.
"President Smith called upon those who were ready to take missions in their respective districts to come forward. . . .He said: 'While it is upon my mind, I will say that the church is determined to be a little more strict with the proceedings of her representatives. We do not want those who are so extremely smart, but we want men who are honest and straightforward; those who will do their duty fearlessly, and serve God with full purpose of heart.'
"The following missions were appointed: E. W. Knapp, in connection with D. H. Bays, was appointed to go to Decatur County, Iowa. Asa Walden was appointed to go to Cass County, Iowa. B. V. Springer and Lehi Ellison's mission to Indiana was continued. H. J. Hudson in connection with Z. S. Martin, Thomas Smith in connection with Z. S. Martin; George Smith in connection with George Sweet.
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"The following resolutions were adopted:-
"That Brn. Calvin A. Beebe and Benjamin H. Ballowe be ordained elders, and travel under the direction of Bro. W. A. Litz.
"That Dexter P. Hartwell labor in the ministry in connection with W. A. Litz, and Leonard L. Crapo in connection with Bro. Walden, in Cass County, Iowa.
"That the Southern Nebraska district be attached to Wheeler Baldwin's district. . .
"That Amos Chase labor in the ministry in connection with S. W. Condit.
"That the mission to Minnesota be continued.
"That Peter Murie be appointed on a mission to Colorado.
"That Moses Nickerson's ordination be reconfirmed.
"That Mary Valoir be received into the Reorganized Church, she having been a member of the old organization."-True Latter Day Saints' Herald, vol. 8, p. 164.
It will be seen that provision is made at this conference for the extension of the missionary work to other Southern States not yet reached by the elders. Elders W. A. Litz, Calvin A. Beebe, B. H. Ballowe, and D. P. Hartwell were appointed to prosecute the Southern mission.
At the time the General Semiannual Conference was in session, the semiannual conference on the Pacific Slope was held at Washington Corners (now Irvington), California. Apostle E. C. Briggs presided, and J. M. McLam was clerk. Encouraging reports were presented by Elders E. C. Briggs, Harvey Whitlock, Elijah Webb, Glaud Rodger, Hiram Falk, L. S. Hutchings, Joel Edmonds, Daniel P. Young, D. Bonar, J. M. Newman, and Henry Burgess.
The following business was transacted:-
"Ten members were confirmed, and three children blessed during the conference.
"Resolved, that local and traveling elders have no right to interfere with the presidency of a branch.
"That this conference acquiesce in the measures adopted in the General Conference held at Amboy, Illinois, with regard to the European Emigration Fund, that we will contribute
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to the extent of our ability for that purpose, and that the president of each branch be instructed to carry into effect this resolution, by receiving monthly contributions.
"That this conference acquiesce in the measures adopted by the conference in the East, to send out tracts, the little preachers.
"The following resolutions were also adopted: That Bro. Thomas Dungan be appointed by this conference to preside over Humboldt Bay district, bounded north by Eureka, east by Shasta, south by Tehama, west by Crescent City. That Bro. [Abednego] Johns be sustained as president of Nevada district. That Bro. Webb be sustained president of Sacramento district. That Bro. G. Adams be sustained president of Santa Cruz district. That Bro. G. Rodger be appointed to preside over San Francisco and Petaluma districts. That Bro. D. Bonar labor under the presidency of Bro. G. Rodger. That Bro. J. M. Newman labor under the presidency of Bro. G. Adams. That Bro. C. T. Garvey be ordained a priest. That Bro. C. T. Garvey labor under the presidency of Bro. Rodger. That Nicholas Stamm be ordained a priest. That Bro. N. Stamm labor under the presidency of Bro. Webb. That Bro. J. M. McLam labor under the presidency of Bro. Webb. That Bro. H. Falk receive a mission under the presidency of Bro. G. Adams. That Bro. Peter C. Briggs be ordained to the office of an elder. That Bro. Peter C. Briggs labor under the presidency of Bro. Rodger. That we sustain Bro. T. J. Andrews, our book agent. That we appoint Bro. B. Turnbull church recorder for the Pacific Slope. That we sustain Bro. Joseph Smith as President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. That we sustain Bro. William Marks, his counselor. That we sustain the quorum of the Twelve. That we sustain the Standing High Council. That we sustain the High Priests' Quorum. That we sustain the Seventies' Quorum. That we sustain the Elders' Quorum. That we sustain the Bishop, I. L. Rogers. That we sustain priests, teachers, and deacons in righteousness. That Bro. H. Whitlock accompany Bro. E. C Briggs to San Bernardino conference.
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"Resolved, that we sustain Bro. E. C. Briggs President of the Pacific Slope."-True Latter Day Saints' Herald, vol. 9, pp. 43, 44.
On October 8,1865, Elder George Shaw was ordained a seventy, in the Lindsley branch, Ontario, by Elder John Shippy.
December 5, 1865, Elder W. A. Litz reported from St. Joseph, Missouri, that himself and Elders Ballowe, Beebe, and Levi Graybill were that far on their way to their mission in the South; that Elder Hartwell's health would not permit him to go, and Elder Graybill had taken his place.
Elder J. W. Lewis who, with Elder George Hatt, was appointed to Europe at the Annual Conference, wrote from London, England, December 20, 1865, as follows:-
"I sailed from New York, October 3, and landed in Liverpool, October 17. I remained in Liverpool two days searching for friends of brethren in Florence and Council Bluffs. I found all the friends above referred to; I believe good was done among them. I left Liverpool on the l9th, and arrived in Sheffield about twelve o'clock. Having no address of the saints I traversed Sheffield four days, and on Sunday evening just as they were commencing their evening meeting, I found them, and for the first time I learned that Bro. Revel had left for America. The brethren and sisters received me as a messenger of peace and good will; their kindness was great, and I must say they are saints indeed and of a truth. I was the more pleased as Bro. Revel had left a holy savor behind him. Would to God that every servant of God leaving places for other missions, or returning home, may leave behind such hallowing influences as Bro. Revel. Although not acquainted with him, I feel to ask God our Father to bless him for his faithful labors.
"While in Sheffield I visited all the places I could. I felt impressed by the Spirit to go to London. I resolved to follow the dictates of the Spirit. I informed the brethren of my intention, but wanted an elder to fill the place of Bro. Revel. Until that was done I could not leave; I felt this
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mission laid upon me till Bro. Jason Briggs arrived. I felt glad to find one faithful good man, that Bro. Revel baptized, and I informed him that he was wanted for the ministry, to travel in Bro. Revel's place, in Sheffield, Chesterfield, Blaby, Birmingham, Nottingham, and all places which should open to him, and when I should be in London to commune with me on all matters till the arrival of other authority, when all would submit to that authority. This Brother consented to do so, as soon as he could settle things at home. This has been done and he is now in the field laboring, I believe, faithfully. I remained in Sheffield two weeks. The president is a good man, and he with other of the brethren are doing their best to roll on the work.
"After leaving Sheffield I passed through Lincolnshire, visited many of the Brighamites previously forewarned of my coming to England, by the authorities, and directed not to allow us to come into their houses, nor to feed or lodge us in any way. Several of these saints told them, 'they should not take that counsel,' they would hear what we had to say when we (Bro. Derry, as report goes, was coming with me) came. We; that is, Elder Charles Derry and myself, were once good men; they had been blessed under our ministry in years past, and if we had altered, they could soon detect the same. Many of the old standards left last spring; those who remain were making ready, but have turned their course. I have been in London six weeks. Every opposition that can be set in motion is now tried. I can stand almost anything, but to hear the scandalous, scurrilous falsehood in circulation against the family and wife of the martyred prophet is more than I can bear; I never have endured such a trial of patience in all my life as at this time. I have endured temptations of such a character, that had I yielded would have driven these liars out of London.
"This week, in Birmingham, they are going to baptize from ten to twenty, of the old stock, and the last day of this month they will open a room in the center of Birmingham; I expect a good work will be done there. I have written to Bro. Pointon to pay strict attention to Birmingham, and round about, for a season, till the work has got a good hold.
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In Sheffield this week they are going to baptize a few. Last night I baptized a first rate man, an old tried elder. He is a man that will do great good I believe. There is another old elder and a good man will shortly obey. There are three persons just on the water's brink; they have got the Mormon fever, and nothing but water will cure. I received a letter last night to come about one hundred miles from London; they want to see me; they are of the old school. As soon as I can go I shall. . . .
"The Brother with whom I abide, found me a home eighteen years ago when upon a mission. I visited him soon after my arrival in London. He inquired my business, I told him, and he felt astonished. He inquired how I got along. I told him the foxes had holes, the birds of the air nests, but I was not worthy at present to lay my head any place. He informed me that he found me a home many years ago, and he would have the honor this time.
-True Latter Day Saints' Herald, vol. 9, pp. 45, 46.
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