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ON January 17, 1867, Elder J. W. Gillen wrote from Salt Lake City, Utah, giving account of progress in Utah and Idaho.
On January 24 Elder A. H. Smith wrote of the situation on the Pacific coast as follows:-
"The work is gradually rising out of the mud and mire here in California, and I think the next conference minutes will show a more healthy appearance than as yet been presented in California for many days. I look forward in hopes of the blessings of God being poured out more copiously on the Pacific slope than ever yet. I do not expect so great a work here as some in their zeal anticipate. There might be a good work done throughout California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington Territory. provided there were elders enough to labor in these localities. There is now but one active elder in the field that is now on a mission except William and I. There are good men who hold the priesthood, but branches require presidents who are competent men."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 11, p. 77.
On February 5, 1867, Elder William Anderson wrote from San Bernardino, California, giving an account of the journey across the plains and their labors in California. In regard to San Bernardino and the people there who had formerly been united with the Utah Church and who had settled San Bernardino Valley when Amasa Lyman and Charles C. Rich established a colony there in 1851, but who refused to return to Utah when counseled to do so to meet Johnston's army in 1857, Elder Anderson writes as follows:-
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"We now have commenced a course of lecture in this place; our congregations are large, and much interest is manifested. There are many old saints here, and some are far in the dark, and nothing but the power of God can ever affect them. The laborers are few in California. My prayer to God is that he will call many good, faithful, and obedient servants to the ministry, that the many calls may be filled, and that we may be relieved of some of the burden that is resting upon us. My prayer is for Zion and her converts, that God's work may roll on in power over the head of all opposition, and that she may put on her beautiful garments, and appear 'fair as the sun, clear as the moon, and terrible as an army with banners."'-The Saints' Herald, vol. 11, p. 121.
On February 6, Elder J. W. Gillen wrote from Malad City, Idaho, that the work was progressing and about twenty had been baptized since his last communication.
On February 9, 1867, Elder W. A. Litz wrote from Monroe County, Alabama, that he and W. L. Booker left Nebraska City, Nebraska, November 16, 1866, and arrived at Lone Star branch, December 9. He states:-
"Bro. Thomas Waddel accompanied us from St. Louis, by Bro. Hazzledine's permission. We arrived in Lone Star branch, December 9, and have been endeavoring to open new places in different directions. The people treat us kindly, as a general thing, and turn out well to hear. I have just returned from Butler County, after a two weeks' tour.
"Bro. Waddel went to Conecuh County, some thirty-five miles, to preach, and baptized seven. Bro. Waddel is well liked by the saints and friends here, and is well calculated to do good by preaching and example."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 11, p. 77.
February 16, Elder J. D. Jones wrote from New Tredegar, Wales. He reported progress slow on account of the people being suspicious in consequence of the evil works of Brighamism, yet some were embracing the
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cause, and faith and good works were increasing. He wrote of the sickness of Elder Jenkins and the death of Elder Humphrey, as follows:-
"Bro. Jenkins has been very feeble in body, nearly ever since I have been in this country; not able to go about from place to place, and whenever he preached it affected his lungs or breast, producing great pains; oftentimes we thought he was going to leave us; but through the prayers of the dear saints in his behalf, and his desire to stay on the land of the living to bring souls unto Christ, I am persuaded he has been permitted to stay, and his health is now improving fast. To God be the praise for his mercy towards us all.
"One of our best men is gone to rest, and his works do follow him, Elder Robert Humphrey, as you have seen in the Restorer. He has labored with great wisdom and zeal among his countrymen. He was beloved by all that knew him, saint and sinner."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 11, p. 110.
In the Herald for March 1, 1867, the Editor makes some observations of general interest, and we here insert them:-
"We purpose to meet as many of the Quorum of the Twelve as can and will assemble at the conference at Nauvoo on April 1, at which time some questions of peculiar import will most likely be presented for adjustment.
"If practicable, all of the quorum should meet this spring; for the meeting last spring was productive of much that was good.
"The news from various parts is good; see Bro. Litz's letter from Dixie, and Bro. Alexander's letter from California.
"From the East comes the cheering intelligence that the Massachusetts conference is at work, and there appears to be a good work doing there.
"We learn incidentally that a good work is being done in Michigan.
"Bro. Job in Utah, and Bro. J. W. Gillen in Idaho, are busy.
"One very cheering and significant fact is apparent; viz.:
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there is a very great determination to prevent the incoming of wickedness. And this is manifest by both priests and people. If it only continues, and does not degenerate into the spirit of malice and envy, we shall ere long become a happy people; for we shall have overcome the strong scruples of very many who now stand aloof, fearful of evil.
"We have also heard from Wisconsin, and learn that Bros. Powers and Newkirk are striving to do what they can. We shall be glad to chronicle their reports.
"We look forward to the coming summer with anxiety, for we hope there will be more labor done for the Master of the harvest than before. The calls are frequent, and they are remarkably urgent.
"Evidences of the truth of the Book of Mormon are rapidly developing, and although we ought not to need them, they are comforting, consoling, and confirming.
"Bro. T. W. Smith has been preaching at Burlington, Iowa, and has met with some success; at least he has conjured up the ghost of the Spalding story for the 'thousandth' time, and has had to exorcise it by a spirited controversy upon the Book of Mormon in the Burlington Hawkeye. What will be the result, we are not prepared to say."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 11, p. 73.
On March 14, Elder George Hatt wrote from Birmingham, England, giving an account of labor done, including the organization of a branch of nine members at Nottingham on July 1, 1866. The following is an extract from his communication:-
"I saw Bro. Boswell. He had laid the foundation for a good work. He had baptized eleven and organized a branch. As he and Bro. Standeven were returning home to America, it was necessary that some one should take the oversight and build upon the same foundation. I have added four more by baptism. I am very sorry that the above-named brethren could not stay longer. There are many here that would be happy to see them again.
"The work is going on well with the few there are here. If there were more to travel here next summer, I believe
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there would be a good work done. I am traveling from ten to fifteen miles each day. I cannot fill half the calls that I have for preaching. Will some good brethren please to come over and help us, by the Spirit of the Lord, to roll on the work of the Lord in this land?
"The people here are very poor. Will the saints please to do all they can to help these poor brethren from this land? My heart is grieved to see the poverty of the people. Men go to work all day, then come home to a little pea soup for their supper. This is true, for I have taken supper with them. But with all this they love the truth. Some of them, after working all day, will go four miles to meeting and then four miles back again. This is a proof that they have a love for the truth.
"I have spent eleven months on my mission. I can truly say it has been the happiest eleven months I have spent in all my life. I have traveled by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I have a mother and two brothers and two sisters in this country, but I have not had time to go to see them yet. I have endeavored to go by the Spirit, trusting to the Lord to guide me to where I should go."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 11, pp. 156, 157.
In the Herald of March 15, 1867, President Smith published the following notice:-
"NOTICE.-The saints scattered abroad, and those assembled in branches, are hereby requested to observe Sunday, March 31, 1867, as a day of fasting and prayer, that God will favor us at our assembling in conference, April 6, 1867." -The Saints' Herald, vol. 11, p. 89.
About this time Elder Thomas Job reported much interest and some additions in Utah as a result of Elder A. H. Smith's labors.
On March 17, 1867, there was a conference held at Flat Creek, Monroe County, Alabama, but there was no permanent organization reported.
On March 30, 1867, Elder S. J. Vestal wrote from Red Hill, Alabama, reporting labor done in North Carolina, East Tennessee, and Alabama.
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Just prior to the Annual Conference the Presidency, the Twelve, and some others met at Nauvoo in council and adopted some very important resolutions. 1
On April 4, 1867, Elder T. H. Waddel wrote from Evergreen, Alabama, giving an account of the organization of a branch in Conecuh County, composed of ten members.
The Annual Conference convened April 6, at Keokuk, Iowa. Joseph Smith presided; M. H. Forscutt and Charles Hall acted as clerks. After an address by the President of the conference, the following districts were reported: St. Louis, by W. H. Hazzledine; Nauvoo, by Richard Lambert; First District of Illinois, by David Williams; Pittsburg [Pittsburgh], by Josiah Ells; Pittsfield, by L. W. Babbitt; Southern Nebraska, by R. C. B. Elvin; Pottawattamie,
1At a council meeting Of some of the general authorities of the church, held at Nauvoo, Illinois, April 3, 4, and 5, 1867, the following resolutions were passed:-
Resolved that any official member of the church who shall, in public or private, indorse, teach or encourage, either directly or indirectly the doctrines of polygamy, spiritual wifery, or marrying for eternity should be silenced; and if he does not repent of the evil he should be cut off.
Resolved that whereas, too great laxity in the observance of the marriage relation amongst the saints is calculated to result in the destruction of the honor and sanctity of that relation; therefore, it is the opinion of this council that the spiritual authorities of the church should seek to inculcate by precept, also by example, the sanctity of the marital relation in all holiness and virtue; and that nothing less than the strict observance of the covenant of marriage is becoming the character of Latter Day Saints.
While we cannot, as an ecclesiastical body, declare a rule binding the conscience or controlling the belief, we can advise the erring, declare against doctrine manifestly subversive of the general faith of the church, and may regulate the conduct of persons toward the body; therefore,
Resolved that a persistent belief in the doctrines of polygamy, sealing (marrying for eternity), or spiritual wifery, shall be considered as heretical, and the persons so holding to such doctrines, subject themselves to suspicion of apostasy; and such persons, if found advocating those, or any of those doctrines, should be labored with; and if they refuse to conform to the rules prescribed by the body respecting the teaching or advocating heresy, publicly or privately, they are in danger of the council, as not being in possession of the Spirit of God.
Resolved that public meetings are not the proper places for accusation, slander, or deprecation of the character of a brother or sister; also, that one so offending should receive a just rebuke.
Resolved that persons married, who become so estranged in feeling
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Fremont, and Central Nebraska, by M. H. Forscutt; String Prairie, by Alexander Struthers; Canada West, by George Shaw; Second Division of Northern Illinois, by Z. H. Gurley, Sen.
President Smith reported the Lone Star branch, Alabama; Elders Longbottom and Lange reported labor done in Iowa; Elder John H. Lake reported his labors in the Canada mission; and Elder Joseph Boswell by letter the English mission.
"The following brethren were then presented and sustained unanimously: Bros. Alexander H. Smith and William Anderson as the presidency of the California mission. Bro. Thomas E. Jenkins as president of the Welsh mission. Bros. Thomas Job and James W. Gillen as the presidency of the Utah mission. Bro. William Hazzledine as president of the St. Louis conference. Bro. Loren W. Babbitt as president of the Pittsfield district. Bro. Alexander Struthers as president of the String Prairie district, Iowa. Bro. R. Lambert as president of the Nauvoo district, Illinois. Bro. R. C. B. Elvin as president of the Southern Nebraska district, Nebraska. Bro. Wheeler Baldwin as president of the Fremont district, Iowa. Bro. Hiram P. Brown as president of the Northeastern Iowa district, Iowa.
"Appointments.-Bro. James Caffall to labor under the direction of Bro. Baldwin in the Fremont and Mills County district, Iowa. Bro. James Kemp to labor under the direction of Bro. R. C. B. Elvin in the Southern Nebraska district, Nebraska.
one toward another that they can neither live together amicably nor separate without scandal falling upon the church, cannot be retained in full fellowship without endangering the public purity of the body.
Resolved that no authority is resident in the church to grant any species of letters of divorcement whatever, whereby persons duly married are justified in separating and disregarding the covenant of marriage; and persons so separating are in disobedience to the spirit of public purity enjoined upon the church. Branch organizations acting contrary to this are subject to be called to an account for the same, as we believe such acts to be illegal.
Resolved that it is the right of a General Conference to appoint the presiding officers of districts.
JOSEPH SMITH, President.
-The Saints' Herald.vol. 11, p. 168.
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"Resolved that the Territories of Utah, Idaho, and Montana compose the Utah mission.
"Resolved that the State of Missouri, and so much of the State of Illinois as lies south of the degree of latitude corresponding to the north line of Madison County. be united in one district, known as the St. Louis district.
"Resolved that the counties of Brown, Schuyler, Adams, Pike, Scott, and Calhoun, Illinois, be united into one district, known as the Pittsfield district.
"Resolved that the Nauvoo district comprise the counties of Hancock, McDonough, and Henderson, Illinois. . . .
"Resolved that the Bishops or Bishop's agents of districts are responsible to the Bishop of the whole church for all moneys or other properties received by them for the church; but they shall make a report to the quarterly conferences of their respective districts of the receipts and disbursements of said funds, said report to be examined by an auditing committee of three appointed by said district conferences.
"Resolved that the Presiding Bishop shall present, in detail, to each annual conference, his accounts with the church, and that an auditing committee of three shall be appointed to examine and report the same, a summary of which shall be published in the church paper. . . .
"Resolved that we sustain all district presidents not named in the resolutions of this morning.
"Resolved that district conferences have no authority to send missions beyond or outside of their respective limits.
"The following appointments were made by resolutions of the conference: Bro. Charles W. Lange to preach to the Germans in St. Louis, Missouri, and Davenport, Iowa, with the privilege of extending his labors. Bros. Kanute Johnson and Frederick Hansen to take a mission to Denmark. Bro. Andrew Shearer to take a mission in the northern part of Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Bros. Stephen J. Stone, C. G. Lanphear, and Thomas W. Smith to labor under the direction of Bro. W. W. Blair.
"Resolved that the mission of Bro. E. C. Briggs be so extended as to embrace the district; lately presided over by our deceased brother, James Blakeslee
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"Resolved that all the traveling ministry be under the direction and control of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve.
"The President decided that all missions previously appointed, and which had neither been reported nor rescinded, would be considered continued; but that all who refused to exercise their offices in the districts to which they were, or are appointed, should be dealt with, and their cases met in their several districts by the general authorities thereof.
"Resolved that Bros. Revell, Standeven, and Boswell be released from the English mission.
"Resolved that Bros. J. H. Lake and G. E. Deuel be released from their Canada mission.
"The authorities of the church were then sustained, as follows: Joseph Smith as President of the Church, with William Marks as his Counselor. The Quorum of the Twelve. The Quorum of the High Priests. Seventies, Elders, Priests, Teachers, Deacons. The High Council. The Bishopric, with Israel L. Rogers as Presiding Bishop and William Aldrich and P. Howard as his counselors. . . .
"Resolved that Bro. George Shaw be appointed to labor in the Nova Scotia district under the presidency of Bro. John Shippy.
"Resolved that Elder Charles Hall be appointed to labor in the St. Louis conference under the presidency of Bro. Hazzledine.
"Resolved, by request of the President, that Elder Mark E. Forscutt be appointed to labor under the direction of Bro. Joseph Smith.
"Resolved that Elder Archibald M. Wilsey be appointed to labor in the region of country east of the Des Moines River, Iowa. . . .
"Resolved that a committee of three be appointed to draft or adopt a set of forms applicable to representation and the general use of the church.
"Resolved that President J. Smith appoint said committee."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 11, pp. 140-142.
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At the same time that the Annual Conference was held at Keokuk, a conference was held at Provo, Utah, when Montana was provided for by the adoption of the following resolution:-
"Resolved that Bro. J. W. Morgan, M. D., go to Montana to take charge of that mission, according to the request made by the last Semiannual Conference, and be privileged to call on any elder or elders in the district to assist him in the said mission."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 11, p. 158.
California mission conference convened also at the same time, in San Francisco. Elder A. H. Smith presided, and Elders E. C. Brand and Peter Canavan were clerks. The following resolutions were adopted:-
"On recommendation of the San Francisco branch: Resolved that this conference ordain Bro. Orrin Smith an elder. Ordained under the hands of A. H. Smith, William Anderson, and Glaud Rodger.
"On recommendation of the Volcano branch: Resolved that this conference ordain Bros. E. C. Brand, William Roberts, and M. B. Oliver to the office of elder. Bro. Brand being present, was ordained under the hands of Alexander H. Smith, William Anderson, and Glaud Rodger. . . .
"Resolved that the presidents of branches on the Pacific Slope act as agents to assist the Bishop, in accordance to the instructions of the Twelve in regard to collecting tithing.
"Resolved that the conference realize the importance of the Bishop having a general agent or Bishop on the Pacific slope, to receive the voluntary contributions of the saints in aid of the work.
"Resolved that this conference recommend the members constituting the several branches in California to supply the traveling elders with tracts for distribution, in order to spread the work and assist the truth.
"Resolved that G. P. Dykes be permitted to state his feelings to this conference.
"Resolved that we sustain Elder Joseph Smith as President, Prophet, Seer, Revelator, and Translator of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and William Marks
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as his counselor; also Bro. Alexander H. Smith as president of the church on the Pacific slope, and Bro. William Anderson as his colaborer.
"Resolved that we sustain all the authorities of the church in righteousness. . . .
"Resolved that Bro. Orrin Smith and Priest McMillen be appointed the district of Virginia City and the surrounding country, in the State of Nevada.
"Resolved that Bro. E. C. Brand and Priest G. P. Slayton be assigned the city of Austin and surrounding country as the field of their labors.
"Resolved that the wife of Elder E. C. Brand be recommended to the Volcano branch for a livelihood while he is on his mission.
"Resolved that Bro. Lowell be recommended to labor in Sacramento and vicinity, including the locality of his temporal labors.
"Resolved that Bros. H. Faulk and J. Newman he appointed to labor in Colusa County, and the adjoining counties.
"Resolved that Bros. E. H. Webb and D. Phillips labor in the Stockton district, extending as far east as Centreville.
"Resolved that Bro. Young be appointed to labor in Santa Cruz County, and to choose his colaborer.
"Resolved that all local elders be instructed to labor in the vicinity of their location, as much as possible.
"Resolved that William Roberts and M. B. Oliver labor in their respective counties as circumstances permit.
"On recommendation of the Petaluma branch: Resolved that Bros. G. W. Oman and Jacob Adamson be ordained to eldership. Ordained under the hands of Alexander H. Smith and William Anderson.
"Resolved that Bro. Foxall labor under the direction of Bro. Glaud Rodger.
"Resolved that Bro. T. J. Andrews be requested to labor in San Francisco, preaching the gospel.
"Resolved that Bro. Dungan be sustained as president of the Humboldt district.
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"Resolved that this conference appoint some person to receive voluntary contributions of the saints on the Pacific Slope, for the support of the families; of the traveling officers, and that he be empowered to solicit aid of the saints as circumstances may call for relief; also that Bro. T. J. Andrews be chosen as that person, to receive the above contributions and disburse the same in righteousness, where most needed."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 11, pp. 174, 175.
On April 8, 1867, the following epistle and resolution was issued:-
"To the Household of Faith in all the World, Greeting; Beloved Brethren and Sisters:-Grace and peace be unto you, from God and our Lord Jesus Christ. We, as watchmen upon the walls of Zion, and stewards of the great Master to you-ward; of the manifold grace of God toward Zion and her converts; address you at the present time concerning the work and its requirements at the hands of all who love the truth and are willing to labor for its triumph. The ministry whom God has appointed, the spiritual authorities of the church, are expected to be self-sacrificing-to carry the gospel to every creature-and we enjoin and beseech all who have received missions, presiding authorities over districts and branches, to be faithful in the discharge of duties, exemplary in word and deed, ensamples for the flock whom the Lord has called you to 'feed.' The work of setting in order the house of God, of redeeming from thraldom [thralldom] the victims of false guides, and the carrying of the gospel to those who have long sat in darkness, is an arduous one; and the widening fields of labor opening in the Eastern, Middle, and Southern States, the great West, including Utah, Idaho, and the Pacific slope; the Canadas, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, upon this continent, as well as England and Wales, and the open doors in Denmark and Germany upon the Eastern Continent, demand an increase of laborers; and this demand cannot be overlooked nor neglected by us. Neither may we neglect the poor, for if they cry at all unto God he will hear and
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succor them by other hands, while condemnation will fall upon those whose duty it is to minister to them.
"The reports of elders from every part of the vineyard show that doors are open on every side for the word to be preached; and the cry from across the sea is, 'Come over and help us,' and still but few comparatively are in the field. Why is this? The reasons are, that most elders have families, who look to them (very properly) for the necessaries of life. This is the first duty of every head of a family, and the Lord holds such responsible for its faithful discharge, and while God recognizes this obligation, he has imposed another, viz.: to travel and preach the gospel. Some are required to do this continually; and that they may do so, without neglecting their duties to their families, the Lord has commanded a law of consecration and tithing for this very purpose, among others, that the hands of those bound may be loosed. The Lord has said that this is a day of sacrifice and tithing of his people, that the day of tithing precedes the day of burnings, and a promise is made that those tithed shall not be burned. In view of the law of God upon this subject, and the requirements of the work, and the responsibilities resting upon us to 'execute the law of tithing,' through much travail of soul and patient hearing of reason through words and arguments, and prayerful seeking unto the Lord for wisdom and for truth, we have unanimously presented our exposition of the law in question, in a resolution that will accompany this, which we believe is in unison with the letter and with the Spirit, as we believe we have been led by the Spirit; and in name of the Lord it shall bear testimony to you also.
"While we regard a tenth as what the Lord requires, we also recognize the right and duty of all who tithe themselves to exercise a prayerful watchcare over its uses, that all may be done agreeably to the will of the Lord. Those who possess nothing beyond the needs of their families, can have no surplus; and as this is the beginning of the tithing required by that law, such cannot strictly be regarded as subjects of the law of tithing. And such as have over and above, or a surplus, of them the Lord requires this surplus, which the
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Lord calls a tithing, or tenth; while all may bring their offerings into the storehouse of the Lord, from time to time, as the Lord gives to them, and in proportion to the willingness to do so, will the blessings of Heaven descend upon the cheerful giver.
"It is the duty of presidents of branches to present this duty, with others, as in its time and place equal with any other requirement of the gospel. And in the absence of a resident bishop, or special agent, it is their duty to act as agents of the Bishop in this matter, and send to the Bishop such means as are raised in the several branches.
"The question has been asked, How shall the needy in the several branches be relieved? We would say, Let such be relieved first, when needed, out of the tithing, and send the residue to the Bishop, or to the treasury of the whole church. Tithing and offerings, it is evidently contemplated, shall supply every legitimate want of the poor and needy; and therefore it is improper for any to solicit means of the members of the branches, individually, in the name of the church, or as an elder. Brethren, we have felt compelled to call your attention to this subject, for God has ordained this as one of the means to carry forward the great work of building up his kingdom, and blessing his children; the obligation to obey this law is included in the covenant made at baptism; and as you obeyed the ordinance of baptism, so do in respect to tithing. It is a freewill offering. As such, the Lord will accept and have respect unto it; but offered from other motives, he will not have respect to the offering. Finally, brethren, the work has reached a point that requires a more extended and systematic effort to evangelize the world and convert and strengthen the brethren. To this work we have covenanted with the Lord to give ourselves, and all that we possess, of soul, body, and spirit. Fulfilling this covenant assures the triumph of our faith, and prepares us for the seal of our God, giving us a right to the tree of life.
"May the God of all grace bless you, ye Latter Day Saints. Peace be unto you. Amen.
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"From your brethren and fellow-laborers in the kingdom of God, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
"J. W. BRIGGS, President of the Twelve.
"I. L. ROGERS, Presiding Bishop."
"We, the Quorum of the Twelve, in view of the wants of the cause in which we are engaged, after careful, protracted, and prayerful deliberation touching the same, and the law under which such wants can only be supplied, and to answer our consciences towards God, and towards the church, have adopted the following resolution:-
"Resolved that we regard the law of consecration and tithing as a means of fully establishing equality among the saints in the building up of Zion, as the kingdom of God, to which we look for the coming of the Lord Jesus to reign a thousand years upon the earth. But the scattered condition of the church precludes the carrying out of the law in its fullness. Yet the present necessities of the work do require a portion of tithing and consecrations, and we believe that the tithing now required is one tenth of the properties of all who possess a surplus; afterward, one tenth of their annual interest annually. Others not having more than supplies their necessities, are expected to bring their freewill offerings, as the widow brought her mite.
"By order of the Quorum of Twelve,
JASON W. BRIGGS, President.
"NAUVOO, April 8, 1867."
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 11, pp. 145-147.
In April the Quorum of Twelve met at Nauvoo, Illinois, and passed resolutions on the marriage covenant and other important subjects. 3
3 Resolved that while we recognize the validity of the marriage contract entered into before coming into the church, we also recognize the validity of divorces by the courts, touching those same contracts, except in the case pointed out in paragraph 20 of section 42, Doctrine and Covenants, wherein the parties who are the cause of the separation are the offenders: and further, that while the injured party remains unmarried, the offender is not entitled to baptism.
Resolved that no conference has power or authority to send a traveling ministry beyond its own jurisdiction
Resolved that the whole traveling ministry are under the direction of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve.
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On April 26 Elder A. H. Smith wrote from San Francisco, California, of the mission in the West, as follows:-
"The work is in a good condition here in California. The elders are beginning to awaken to a sense of their duty, and are going into the field in good earnest; yet there is an urgent call from Oregon, that I wish could be met. It may be that I can yet meet it myself, but I cannot see how to do it yet. Bro. Andrews will send all the money I collect for Herald and New Translation. Bros. Newman and Faulk are here waiting for the boat to take them to the field of their labors. Bros. O. Smith and A. McMillen have gone on their mission a week ago. Bros. Brand and Slayton are on the move. Bros. Rodger and Young are likewise on the eve of entering the field, in fact, Bro. Rodger is laboring already; and in all there is a better prospect for the progress of the work than was shown after our first conference here. We start today for Petaluma, thence we propose going through Sacramento to Nevada." -The Saints' Herald, vol. 11, p. 188.
A conference was held April 28, 1867, at Merthyr-Tydfil, Wales; T. E. Jenkins president, J. D. Jones clerk. In addition to the general routine of reports, which were encouraging, the following action was taken on church periodicals:-
"The question of the Restorer was then presented. Many of the brethren remarked that according to their views it
Resolved that inasmuch as high priests and elders can officiate in all the lesser offices in the church, they may be chosen to present the reports of branches where it is not convenient to send by the priest or teacher.
Resolved that the Bishop be and is hereby requested to submit to this quorum an exhibit of the financial condition of the church, including the receipts and disbursements of means accruing from tithing and offerings.
Resolved that each member of this quorum present to the Bishop an inventory of his temporal affairs, agreeably to the law of tithing and consecration.
Resolved that we advise the First Presidency, in connection with the Bishop, to take steps as soon as practicable to procure a power press.
Resolved that the Bishop be and is hereby requested to use the funds of the church for the liberation of the hands of the Twelve.
J. W. BRIGGS, President.
Done at Nauvoo, Ill., April, A. D. 1867.
-The Saints' Herald,vol. 12, p. 32.
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ought to be all published in the Welsh language, for this reason, its columns are so small, especially when divided into two languages, its matter is trifling. Let the English therefore subscribe for the Herald, published by the authorities of the church in America; the Welsh for the Restorer, and the Herald, if they feel so disposed. On motion [resolved] that the Restorer be in future entirely Welsh, and that a person be appointed in each branch to receive donations for its publication."-The Restorer, vol. 2, p. 148.
On May 14, 1867, Elder J. W. Gillen wrote from Camp Douglas, Utah; and of emigration he stated as follows:-
"Yesterday many of the saints left the land of Salt for the land of Zion. There were thirty-six wagons belonging to the brethren, and fifty-three wagons belonging to the government, accompanied by an escort of forty soldiers, under the command of Captain Gill. The government train goes to Fort Laramie. The government train has taken quite a number of the brethren and some disaffected Mormons, also some Gentiles who had no means of transportation of their own.
"As near as I can ascertain, the number that have left this season is five hundred. The Brigham City (Box Elder) branch have all emigrated. There is only one left in Camp Floyd and three in Tooele. Some of the Provo branch have emigrated, and the remaining part have gone to Malad City. So you see it is almost impossible to keep them in Utah after they unite with the church, and indeed they cannot remain without great loss."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 12, page 12.
In Herald of May 15, 1867, the following items of news are given editorially:-
"Bro. Alexander H. Smith writes that a good work is being done in California by Bro. William Anderson, the local elders there, and himself. Can Bro. Alexander send, or go, up into Oregon? Bro. Alvan P. Morris writes from Lebanon, Linn County, that there are numbers thereabouts that would welcome the coming of feet bringing good news from a far country. The firstfruits of the labors of Bro. William Anderson and Alexander at San Bernardino
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was the baptizing of eighteen, who desired salvation and who knew the voice of the Spirit.
"Bro. Thomas Dungan writes from Cleveland, Humboldt County, California, that he is laboring there with some good results.
"Bro. Waddel from Alabama, sends a good report of the work there. . . .
"Brethren William Hazzledine, M. H. Forscutt, and Charles W. Lange were appointed a committee on forms for representation, pursuant to the resolution adopted by the conference at Keokuk, to the minutes of which reference is here made. We wrote to Bro. Mark in reference to it, but presume the letter miscarried as the receipt of it was not acknowledged in his subsequent letters.
"From advices received from Utah and Idaho, there is a showing of much good labor. As an index of the zeal and good feeling, they held a six hours' session of meeting. Bro. Job and Bro. Gillen, with many others, deserve the prayers of the saints in their behalf continually, for theirs is certainly an arduous and troublesome mission. May God cheer and protect them."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 11, pp. 152, 153.
Early in June Elders T. E. Jenkins and J. D. Jones each wrote of progress in Wales, and announced the intention of Elder Jones to depart for America. On June 12, he, in company with Elder Thomas Gibbs, sailed from Liverpool, on board the City of Denmark.
June 24, 1867, Elder William Anderson wrote from Genoa, Nevada, reporting general prosperity in California and Nevada. He stated that there had been thirty-two baptisms since last report in San Bernardino, three at Alameda, thirteen at Petaluma, nine in Sacramento, California. In addition he said: "I am much encouraged in the work on the Pacific slope. A brighter day has commenced to dawn on California."
Elder Stephen Maloney wrote from Camp Douglas, Utah, stating that the spring emigration left there on May 20 for the East, and another company was preparing to leave about July 10.
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