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ON JULY 10, 1875, Martin Harris died at Clarkston, Cache County, Utah. The following obituary was written by his son and published in the Ogden Junction:
Died at Clarkston, Cache County, Utah, July 10, 1875, of old age, Martin Harris, Sr.; aged 92 years, 1 month, and 22 days.
Deceased was born May 18, 1783, at Easttown, Saratoga County, in the state of New York, from which place he moved with his father's family in his ninth year to the town of Palmyra, Ontario County (now Wayne), in the same State. In the fall of 1827 he became acquainted with the Prophet Joseph Smith, and learned all the facts about the Book of Mormon, and became perfectly satisfied in his own mind of its divine origin. Without delay or hesitation he identified himself with the Prophet Joseph Smith, and from that time forward rendered him every assistance in his power to forward the divine work, and to establish the true church of Christ upon the earth in this dispensation.
He went, by the request of the Prophet Joseph Smith, to the city of New York and presented a transcript of the records of the Book of Mormon to Professor Anthon and Doctor Mitchill and asked them to translate it. He also presented the same transcript to many other learned men at the different schools of learning in Geneva, Utica, and Albany with the same request, but was unsuccessful in obtaining the translation of the
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transcript from any of them. After his return from the city of New York he was employed as scribe to the Prophet Joseph in the translation of the records of the Book of Mormon.
After the translation was completed he was called by divine revelation to be one of the three witnesses of the Book of Mormon. The testimony of the three witnesses forms part of the preface to the book. He paid for the printing of five thousand copies and labored as proof-reader of the book. He traveled some two thousand five hundred miles in its interest before the book was printed, and bore his own expenses.
He was one of the six members at the organization of the church on April 6,1830. He was one of the members of the first High Council. He attended the first public meeting, at which Oliver Cowdery preached the first public discourse on the principles of the gospel as revealed through the Prophet Joseph Smith in this dispensation. He attended the first conference of the church held at Fayette, Seneca County, state of New York.
He moved with the church to Kirtland, Ohio, where the first temple was built. He went up to Missouri in company with the Prophet Joseph Smith and others, at the time when they were afflicted with the cholera, and was one of those who were afflicted, but was healed instantly by the power of God. He was one who witnessed the dispersing of the mob by a terrible storm, which, while it proved fatal to many of the mob, brought salvation to the Saints. He was one who assisted in purchasing land in Missouri for the gathering of the Saints, he having paid Bishop Partridge the sum of one thousand two hundred dollars. He was present at the dedication of the Kirtland Temple, and witnessed the powerful manifestations of God on that memorable occasion. He figured conspicuously in nearly all of the early movements of the church, and was one who never withheld his substance or means when it was required to establish and forward the interests of the church. He always thought and said that his mission was to stay in Kirtland, where the first temple was built, so he did not move with the church, but remained in Kirtland till the year 1870, when he came to Utah.
Since coming to Utah he has resided with his son, Martin Harris, Jr., in Cache County. He was in his eighty-eighth year when he came to this Territory. He has enjoyed good health and a good appetite, and has been industrious; all the time since his arrival. He would never be idle so long as there was anything that he could do. He has always borne a faithful and undeviating testimony to the divinity of the Book of Mormon, whether in Kirtland, in the midst of the wicked and ungodly, or in Utah, or any of the different places where the Saints have resided. He was in his happiest mood when he could get somebody to listen to his testimony, and he never appeared to get tired of talking about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, and testifying to its truth. And if at any time he felt dull or tired from any cause whatever, and he could get an opportunity of testifying to the truth of that book, he would revive immediately.
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His health first began to fail him about eight or nine days previous to his death. He first experienced severe pains in his legs, and finally lost the use of his limbs, so that he became entirely helpless, and was confined to his bed. He continued to talk at intervals until a few hours before his death. His last audible words were something about the Book of Mormon and the three witnesses. He sank gradually day after day, and finally expired on Saturday, July 10, 1875.
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, pp. 541, 542
Persecution was strong in several localities, and among other places Southern Indiana came in for a good share. On July 18, 1875, Honorable S. S. Harding, Ex-governor of Utah, by invitation, and it is said for compensation, delivered a four-hour lecture against "Mormonism" in Ripley County, where a small branch of the church had recently been organized. Elder Columbus Scott, then but twenty-five years old, obtained permission to reply, and in fifteen minutes had made things so uncomfortable for the Governor that he interposed, taking the stand himself and crowding Elder Scott out.
The splendid effort made by the young elder in those few moments, together with his gentlemanly bearing during the episode, had an excellent effect and practically rendered nugatory the effort of Mr. Harding.
July 19 Elder J. T. Davies wrote from Morriston, Wales, giving an account of his work in Wales; and also of a missionary trip in England. He reported the work as slowly gaining ground through much opposition and consequent discouragement.
July 27 Elder Thomas Taylor wrote from Birmingham, England, giving an account of Elder Davies' trip in England, and of progress.
July 29 Elder Glaud Rodger, at Waratah, New South Wales, Australia, wrote encouragingly of the work in Australia. Progress was slow but permanent. They were also receiving some favorable press notices, of which the following are specimens:
Mr. Rodger preaches regularly every Sabbath, at the old School of Arts, upon the "Fullness of the Times," and the "Approach of, the Second Advent of the Lord." He is very impressive in his style of delivery, and
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vividly portrays the prophetic statements, denouncing the coldness and apathy of the Christian church throughout the world, at the present day. Arguing from appearances, he draws his deductions from Scripture that the end of the present dispensation is close at hand. In his views there is nothing of a speculative character, the foundation of his belief being based upon the orthodox teaching contained in Scripture. Polygamy is not a doctrine of his section of the church, but is severely denounced as impolitic and unscriptural.
We have had two additions to our list of religions, lately, viz.: the Latter Day Saints and the Unitarians. The former is represented by an elderly and sincere-looking gentleman named Rodger, who can be heard on Sunday at Mr. Fryar's room, opposite the goods shed. I had a long conversation with him the other day, although there is no fear of his converting me to his theological views, I was rather taken up with him. . . . Mr. Rodger told me that his church does not believe in nor practice polygamy, and is not to be confounded with Brigham Young's order. The former gentleman is a minister of the original church of Saints, over whom the son of Joseph Smith is at present president. The great aim of this body is to found a community, in which all the virtues-and, if possible, none of the vices-of modern society shall flourish. To accomplish this, they have established settlements in Iowa and Missouri, where they teach and practice the doctrines of their faith.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, pp. 598, 599.
In the World's Crisis, for July, 1875, appeared a lengthy article from the pen of Elder William Sheldon, of the "Second Advent Church," entitled "Mormonism; or was Joseph Smith a Divinely Inspired Prophet?" This was quite an exhaustive and ingenious attack on the doctrine and text-books of the church. It was replied to by Elder W. W. Blair, of the First Presidency, and published in the Herald. Afterwards it was published in book form, and is yet on sale by the Herald Publishing House, under the title of, "Joseph the Seer; His Prophetic Mission Vindicated and the Divine Origin of the Book of Mormon Defended and Maintained." This is a valuable work.
August 10, 1875, Elder Hervey Green, a veteran who had passed through the troubles of Missouri, Illinois, and the dark days of apostasy, and who was in the active ministry as a representative of the Reorganization, died at the residence of John Nightingale, in San Joaquin County, California.
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From the 10th to the 13th of August there was a public discussion held at Rockcreek, Hancock County, Illinois, between Elder M. H. Forscutt and a Universalist preacher by the name of J. L. Shinn. A stenographic report of this debate was made by Elder D. F. Lambert, and was published in pamphlet form by the church.
August 24,1875, Elder H. N. Hansen wrote from Copenhagen, Denmark. From his letter it seems that the prospects were not very flattering. After a few efforts they had given up their meetings in the hall and Elder Fyrando had again departed for Sweden.
August 26, 1875, Elder J. T. Davies arrived at Plano on his way home from Europe. He left Elder Robert Evans in charge in Wales, until otherwise provided for.
August 26 C. A. Davis wrote from Lambton, Australia, giving an account of a discussion between Elder Glaud Rodger and a Reverend Mr. Bull, which resulted well for the cause represented by Elder Rodger.
September 1, 1875, George A. Smith, first counselor to Brigham Young, President of Utah church, died at Salt Lake City, Utah, in the fifty-ninth year of his age. He was called to the Quorum of Twelve in 1838 and subsequently went with the Utah faction.
The semiannual conference convened near Council Bluffs, Iowa, September 8, 1875, and adjourned the 12th. President Joseph Smith and W. W. Blair presided. Elder H. A. Stebbins was chosen secretary, with Elders T. W. Smith and Duncan Campbell assistants.
Encouraging reports were made from many places. That of Elder J. W. Briggs, of the Utah Mission, will be of special interest. It is as follows:
I have been for the most of my ten months' absence in Utah, engaged in Salt Lake City, preaching nearly every Sabbath there, besides my other business for the church. There are many evils existing in Utah not to be found anywhere else. One reason is that there is the least liberty of speech there in talking of religion and approaching men upon that subject of any place anywhere. The "iron heel," as it is called, of despotism in Europe, compared with its power and exercise in Utah, is as the size of the finger of a man compared to his thigh. Strong, full-grown men say they would be pleased to come to meeting, but circumstances
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will not allow it. The "circumstances" are that they will lose their places, their house-room, or their work, if they attend meetings prohibited by the ruling powers. These powers control all the avenues of wealth, profit, and comfort, and they prevent the common people from any privileges only those they think proper. The Legislature has enacted laws to protect the leaders in their oppressions. . . .
Now the duty of the Reorganization, to succeed, should take the front rank in the Utah Mission, that the world may have abundant reason to discriminate between the two parties. If it is worth the while to maintain a mission in Utah, it must be done well, as the Reorganization can not afford to let others do the work of evangelizing Utah. The first thing toward success is to build a chapel in the city and call the people together, for outdoor preaching is forbidden, every house is closed and the street also. The Reorganization can not compete with the efforts of others, unless we make a strong and permanent effort. I would say that the work in Utah, and that now demanded to be made, is more for the work of humanity than for religion; an effort aside from any religion to break the shackles of sin and evil that bind the men, women, and children there. They need the liberty to breathe the free air of heaven, for if the present abundant evils are the result of past fanaticism, the question is, What will not be the evils in the next generation following this?
The elders of the Reorganization have endeavored to hold regular services in Salt Lake City, and have done much in the towns and settlements in all parts of the Territory. Numbers have been baptized and some branches have been organized. We have also kept the printed word circulated. There is more willingness to read, for many will read who will not hazard their standing by coming to meeting. There is also a spirit of liberality existing in the various towns and settlements which is in great contrast with what existed in years gone by, and there are just as good people in Utah as anywhere else."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, pp. 577, 578.
The following is an extract from the report of Elder Magnus Fyrando:
We have had a few meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark, but must give up there on account of nonattendance. We have not as yet got the tracts printed, and until that time shall be able to do but very little. I have traveled a good deal in Sweden, and with very little success. I have been over the same country that I traveled through some twenty years ago, but nearly all the branches are broken up, or entirely dead; in many places not a trace to be found; in other places a remnant left, but most of them are spiritually dead. Their confidence has been so abused by the Brighamites, that they can believe no more, while others are so strong in their faith in Brigham, that they would as soon believe the ocean was dry, as to believe that he is not a prophet of God.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, p. 579.
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Bishop Rogers reported on hand at last report and received since annual conference, $1,013.97; expended, $990.32; on hand, $23.65. Danish mission: On hand and received, $118.30; expended, $117.80; balance, 50 cents. The chairman of committee on history reported as follows:
We your committee on history beg leave to report: The circumstances and employment of your committee have precluded their doing anything toward the history contemplated by you in your appointment. We therefore ask to be discharged, or that a time indefinite be set for a report. All of which is respectfully submitted.
COUNCIL BLUFFS, September 9, 1875.
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, p. 588.
The committee was continued, and the indefinite time asked for was granted.
The committee on book of parliamentary usage also reported that it had examined the manuscript so far as prepared and with some suggestions returned it to President Smith with its indorsement [endorsement].
"President Joseph Smith stated that the book was nearly completed; only the rule on elders' courts remaining to be examined. Report was received and committee continued."
The First Quorum of Elders asked for the ordination of Elders H. A. Stebbins and D. H. Bays as counselors to President Elijah Banta. The seventies asked for the ordination of Elder E. C. Brand as one of the seven presidents of Seventy. The high priests asked for the ordination of Elders William Redfield and David M. Gamet as counselors to President Charles Derry. These were all ordained on the 12th under the hands of Elders Joseph Smith, I. L. Rogers, T. W. Smith, and Z. H. Gurley.
The subject of ordination of Seventy deferred from last annual conference was taken up and the following prevailed after some discussion:
Resolved, That until it shall be otherwise decided by revelation or act of a General Assembly, the ordination of seventies prior to April, 1873, shall be held as legal, and those so ordained authorized to act as such officers; but that this action does not warrant the further ordinations of seventies except as provided by the rules and precedents of the April session of 1873; and further that it be ordered that the secretary of the
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quorum record the names and issue license to those seventies acting under the ordination referred to in the Reorganization.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, p. 592.
The committee on location reported. Their report was accepted and committee continued. Their report was as follows:
Your committee report that no decisive consideration has been had by them; but that as soon as practicable they will consult, and report progress at as early a day as they can. J. Smith, W. W. Blair, J. H. Lake, I. L. Rogers, David Dancer, Committee.-The Saint' Herald, vol. 22, p. 593.
The Second Quorum of Elders reported that they had received into their quorum Elders F. C. Warnky, Solomon Thomas, and Solomon Salisbury.
Elders H. J. Hudson, P. Cadwell, and J. W. Briggs were appointed a committee to draft a memorial to Congress.
After consultation the committee reported, asking for an extension of time until December 1, then to submit their work to the First Presidency for approval before presenting to Congress. The report was received, plan adopted, and time granted. This memorial was subsequently prepared, approved, and sent to Congress, reading as follows:
From a committee of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, petitioning Congress to inaugurate more decisive measures in the suppression of misrule and tyranny in Utah: setting forth, with documentary evidence, that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints does in no wise favor the criminal policy of Brigham Young, etc., etc., etc.
To their Excellencies, the President and Vice-president; and the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives, of the United States, in Congress Assembled:
At the semiannual conference of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, held at Council Bluffs, Iowa, on the eighth day of September, 1875, the following resolution was adopted:
"Resolved, That Phineas Cadwell, H. J. Hudson, and Jason W. Briggs be hereby appointed a committee to draft a petition for the consideration of this conference, asking Congress to inaugurate more decisive measures in the suppression of misrule and tyranny in Utah, embodying such statements of fact and documentary evidence as the interests of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints demand; that
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the world may be warranted in believing that ''Mormonism' does not indorse [endorse] nor favor in any degree the criminal policy of Brigham Young and assistants, and further that we request the press of the United States to keep the matter before the public continually, and make such statements that are due us [as] a corporate body, which desires the welfare of our beloved country and the just and supreme administration of the laws thereof."
The committee to whom was referred the foregoing resolution, would most respectfully present for your consideration, and action, the necessity for "Congress to inaugurate more decisive measures in the suppression of misrule and tyranny in Utah." That there is a distinctive line of demarcation between the tenets and practices of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, under the leadership of Joseph Smith, and those under the leadership of Brigham Young, in Utah, has been fully set forth before your honorable body in a former Memorial, and presented to the Senate of the United States by the Honorable Lyman Trumbull, May 5, 1870, and was referred to the committee on Territories.
Your memorialists do not deem it necessary to recapitulate those doctrines at this time; but in brief, would say that in Utah, "doctrines are held and practiced which are at variance with the proper usages of civilized nations, and opposed to the law of our common country;" whilst on the other hand, "we do most fully, freely, and unreservedly affirm, that there is nothing required by the law or polity of the church, that can render its members violators of the laws of the land in any of their legal provisions."
We would respectfully represent that from our knowledge of the teachings and practices of the leaders of the Utah church organization, it is opposed to all free governments, and especially to the government of the United States; in proof of which we refer to the following declarations from their leading men, and published by themselves:
"Our ecclesiastical government is the government of Heaven, and incorporates all governments in earth and hell. It is the fountain, the mainspring, the source of all light, power, and governments that ever did, or ever will exist. It circumscribes the governments of this world."-Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 7, p. 141.
"The kingdom of God is an order of government established by divine authority. It is the only legal government that can exist in any part of the universe. All other governments are illegal and unauthorized-any people attempting to govern themselves by laws of their own making and by officers of their own appointment are in direct rebellion against the kingdom of God."-Orson Pratt's Kingdom of God, part 1, page 1.
And in accordance with the above teachings, the government of the United States is considered illegal; and in Utah, an intruder. In proof of which, we refer to the forcible resistance to the entry of United States troops and federal officers, and the obstacles thrown in the way of the federal courts, and the constant evasion of the United States law.
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We further represent, that in accordance with the foregoing statement of belief respecting all governments (except their own) being illegal; it is held, that oaths administered by officers of such courts, or governments, are not binding upon jurors, or witnesses; and to this may be attributed the well-known fact that not one criminal in fellowship with that "ecclesiastical government," in Utah, has ever been found guilty and punished by jurors in the same fellowship, however clear the evidence has been; and that it is the cherished design, and hope of these leaders, to throw off, what they call the shackles of the United States; and to this end they urge the immigration to Utah of all their adherents, which are mainly of foreign birth, and from the humbler class; who, on arriving in Utah, are sent into the far-off settlements, that they may not come in. contact with any who entertain other views. The results are, that communities are forming, and the young are growing up, all over the Territory, with just such sentiments respecting the governments as its sworn enemies and haters inculcate. And, while no Territorial statute law exists in Utah regulating marriage, there do exist Territorial laws respecting property; which, by the ruling of the probate courts, places the wives of Utah, and their children, upon a level with mistresses and their illegitimate children; and, under certain circumstances, discriminating in favor of the latter, against the former; the design of which, is apparent; viz., to disarm and discourage the wife, and protect polygamy. Further; that the mail service is practically abridged to publishers of newspapers and periodicals opposed to this polygamous oligarchy, at some post-offices through which it is impossible to transmit such mail matter, with regularity and certainty; preëminent among them, is the post-office at Ogden.
We, your memorialists, while representing the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, throughout the United States; we, also, represent those members of the said church now resident in Utah, which constitutes no inconsiderable part of the population of that Territory, as before stated, in common with those of other sects, and of no sect; have felt, and still feel, the pernicious effects of this unwarranted and unnatural union of church and state, sought to be forced upon us by an oligarchy of priests; who, declaring against human governments, assume to be the government of God, and rule the Legislature and Territorial courts to the detriment of all law-abiding citizens.
We ask on the part of your Honorable Body:
Firstly; An examination of the statutes of Utah; and the disapproval of all such enactments as are inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States, justice and republicanism in its true sense.
Secondly; To provide for the untrammeled exercise of the right of franchise, by disallowing the present practice of so marking the ballot, and numbering the votes as to show how each votes.
Thirdly; To so amend the jury law, as to exclude from the jury-box, such as are confederates with criminals on trial; this would, among other results, throw open to actual settlers thousands of acres of land now
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fraudulently held by Brigham Young, and others of the ruling oligarchy in Utah.
Fourthly; The placing of the post-offices in the hands of persons who recognize the authority of the government, and the sanctity of the oath of office.
And we further implore Congress to apply the needed remedy for the "suppression of misrule and tyranny in Utah," and thus bring to justice criminals of every character; as Congress has the unquestioned power to legislate over the Territories.
And for the peace, prosperity, and perpetuity of the government of the United States of America, we, your memorialists, will ever pray.
H. J. HUDSON. }Committee.
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 23, pp. 317, 318.
On the 12th Elder M. H. Forscutt baptized twelve persons, who were confirmed by Elders M. H. Forscutt, Charles Derry, J. S. Patterson, and Frank Reynolds. They were Elisha Goode, Olive M. Smith, Samuel Orton, Louisa Orton, F. L. Hitchcock, Emma M. Rhodes, Georgiana Chapman, Elizabeth Runkles, Cynthia Savage, E. T. Kester, E. L. Kester, S. P. Yuhl.
The following missions were assigned: C. G. Lanphear, permitted to return west early in the winter. L. F. West, Texas Mission. F. C. Warnky, Colorado; M. H. Forscutt, Nauvoo District; Heman C. Smith, Central Nebraska District; J. W. Briggs, in the interest of Utah Mission; James Caffall, Iowa and Nebraska; Z. H. Gurley, E. C. Briggs, Josiah Ells, J. R. Lambert, A. H. Smith, W. H. Kelley, J. H. Lake, J. W. Gillen, B. V. Springer, Robert Davis, J. C. Clapp, Glaud Rodger, J. H. Hansen, J. C. Foss, and E. C. Brand continued in former fields; Duncan Campbell, Northern Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan; J. S. Patterson, Central Iowa and Central Illinois; M. T. Short, Indiana; J. T. Davies, released from Wales; Robert Evans, president of Welsh Mission; Thomas Taylor, in charge of the European Mission; Magnus Fyrando and H. N. Hansen, Scandinavian Mission; William Redfield, Utah.
The First United Order of Enoch held meetings during the conference and subsequently published the following report:
According to appointment, the stockholders of the above association met at Council Bluffs, Iowa, September 11, 1875, to elect seven of their
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number as a board of directors for the ensuing year. Prayer was offered by Bro. D. M. Gamet. The secretary read the following:
Annual report and exhibit of the secretary of the First United Order of Enoch, from September, 1874, to August 1, 1875:
Available resources at last report............. $1,625.02
Received on capital stock...................... 375.91
Interest on capital stock and from bank........... 87.08
From D. Dancer, for farm produce............................. 3,121.38
Advance by D. Dancer and due him................. 1,188.07
Sales of horse and farming material................... 74.82
Total receipts......................... $6,472.28
For building six new houses, yet incompleted.............. $2,463.33
Repairs and improvements on other houses, and estates..... 498.57
Material and labor fencing and stable building............ 1,264.02
For breaking prairie-land this year................... 793.25
On farm scales and stock-well............................. 32.82
For grass-seed and labor, and for planting sod-corn, etc.... 110.83
Paid land-tax and road-tax................................ 482.04
Paid officers of board and secretary................... 223.25
Paid bill for printing.................................... 45.91
Paid all other expenses.................................... 7.58
Total.................... $5,921.60
Resources to balance..... 550.68
Cash In Leon bank............................ $521.82
Due from O J. Bailey........................ 28.86
Entire amount subscribed, 454 shares............................... $45,400.00
Amount remaining unpaid on fifteen shares........................ 966.29
The report was, on motion, accepted, and ordered spread upon the minutes and printed in the Herald.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, p. 636.
Board of directors elected were as follows: I. L. Rogers, D. Dancer, E. Banta, George Braby, C. A. Beebe, D. M. Gamet, P. Cadwell.
At a subsequent meeting of the board an organization was effected by the following election of officers: David Dancer, president; Phineas Cadwell, vice-president; Israel L. Rogers, treasurer; Henry A. Stebbins,
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secretary. The appointing of an agent at the location to do business for the company during the absence of the officers was referred to the president. . . .
The following was moved, debated, and adopted:
Resolved, That the First United Order of Enoch pay one-tenth of its net income this year into the church treasury, as a tithing and an offering unto the Lord in grateful acknowledgment of the bounteous favor bestowed upon us by him from the beginning; and that the subject of making this a permanent rule, annually, be presented to the stockholders for their sanction at the next annual election of directors-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, p. 636.
After the adjournment of the semiannual conference the Seventy's report was published, containing the following:
Resolved, That in the decease of Bro. Charles Wesley Wandell, of the presidents of the Quorum of Seventy, we recognize the hand of God in his removal to his rest with Christ, yet deeply deplore the lose of his earnest and devoted service in the extension of our Redeemer's kingdom; and while expressing this tribute of respect to his memory, would not forget to extend our sympathy to his afflicted and sorrowing family, who must feel, in a manner into which we can not fully enter, the loss of a kind husband and affectionate father.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, p. 637.
The semiannual conference of the Pacific Slope Mission was held at Washington Corners, California, October 6 to 10; A. H. Smith, presiding; Richard Ferris and J. F. Burton, clerks. Very little except routine business was done. The committee on selecting location and erecting house for president of mission was continued. John Nightingale of Stockton was ordained a priest.
The following note, with explanation from the editorial pen of Elder J. W. Briggs, will illustrate the policy of Utah authorities towards representatives of the Reorganization:
"HARRISVILLE, Weber County, Utah, September 3, 1875.
"To Mr. John Taylor, Senior; Sir: In justice to the consulted feelings of our citizens, I am under the painful necessity of withdrawing my consent to our schoolhouses being used for such meetings as you proposed to me last evening. Yours respectfully,
"PETER LATER, Trustee."
The meetings referred to above were intended to be for preaching by Bro. William H. Kelley and myself, the original doctrines of the Latter Day Saints. The trustee had consented; but there is a higher power in a school district in Utah. "Our citizens," who compelled this trustee to retract, were representatives of the Utah religion, and wherever it prevails, the liberty of speech is abridged. We sympathize with this trustee
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in being under "the painful necessity" of keeping his nose on that grindstone.
The following is a Herald editorial regarding a visit to, and incidents regarding Lamoni, Iowa:
A party from the conference lately held at Council Bluffs, visited Lamoni, Decatur County, Iowa, on their return east. The party consisted of Brn. I. L. Rogers, David Dancer, E. Banta, H. A. Stabbing, W. W. Blair, D. H. Smith, Duncan Campbell, Samuel Bailey, N. W. Smith, Stephen Stone, A. Hayer, Ole Elifson, and Joseph Smith, all of whom went to view the country, see the people, and attend the Decatur District conference. It was a very enjoyable trip, and resulted in satisfying the excursionists that the land was excellent, the crops this year good, the people agreeable, the conference a pleasant one, and the country a delightful one to live in. Everybody, myself included, had a strong attack of the farming and pastoral fever. Now don't rush into that region all at once, but go cautiously, carefully, and with all things prepared before you; as the law directs. . . .
There are a hundred fifty-three members in the Lamoni Branch this fall, with a constant prospect of increase, as an interest is awakened all over the district. At their last conference it was resolved to build a chapel for worship, and a building committees was appointed, with instructions to proceed at once to the completion of the work. From the character of the committee we are safe in assuring those interested that a strong effort will be put forth to make it a success.
We are also authorized to say that no one, be he Saint or otherwise, who will not consent to the righteousness of God and the rules of right dealing between man and man, is wanted there-nor will such be welcome there, either to those in or out of the church. But men-honest men-true men and women will find warm hearts and good neighbors. There is neither justice of the peace nor constable in the township where the Saints are settled; neither has there been a law-suit there during the five years of their settling there; so says rumor.--The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, pp. 625, 626.
The following from the pen of Elder M. Fyrando gives an idea of the trials and discouragements met by the missionaries in Scandinavia:
We now have the tracts printed; that is, the "Rejection of the Church;" the "Successor to the Prophetic Office and Presidency of the Church," and the "Plan of Salvation." We have printed one thousand of each kind, and distributed a good many of each of the first two among the Brighamites. Some read them with interest; others are more careless. Bro. Hansen is still in Copenhagen, but will soon go into the interior of Sjeland, thence to Jutland, where I think of meeting with him again. I have, since my last letter to you, traveled a great deal in Sweden; have been to Gothenborg. I stayed there two weeks; found a good many friends; distributed a good many tracts, then went to Stockholm to get
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protection from the American consul there. His name is Elvin. I hoped it would have been one of our beloved brothers Elvin from Nebraska City; then I would have had one friend to greet; but no, he was not that kind of a man. He told me there was no religious liberty in Sweden, but the laws were very strict; and if I went and preached against the law, I must be punished according to the law, and he could give me no protection; but if I did not do anything against the law, and then was hurt, I should be protected as an American citizen. (Good advice.) I stayed there some over one week. I was in the palace to seek the king; but he was in Norway at the time, so I did not calculate to hold meetings in Sweden; but shall try to find as many of the friends of the truth as I possibly can, to converse, distribute tracts, and do all I can in Sweden, till about the first of January; then I go to Jutland, Denmark, and shall, with Bro. Hansen, do all I can there. I do not know if I go to Norway at all, as the law is yet harder there than in Sweden. I shall now have to sit down to work to get me an overcoat and some warm clothing; for it is now very cold here. I shall soon send you a few tracts, and also a little book called the "Voice from the Land of Zion." It is a history of the church, something like the one of Lucy Smith's. . . . My health is poor, I caught a bad cold coming from Stockholm. We were five days on the sea, and it was very windy and cold, so when I came to Malmö, I was so poorly that I could not walk up to my sister's in the city; but must take lodging in the first lodging-house I found on the harbor.-The Saints, Herald, vol. 22, pp. 725, 726.
December 12, 1875, Elder R. J. Anthony joined Elder J. H. Hansen in Graves County, Kentucky, and looked after the interests of the work in Western Kentucky and Western Tennessee, while Elder Hansen made an extended missionary trip through Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, making the entire tour, going and returning, on horseback. He stopped in Winston County, Mississippi, on his way south, where he baptized several and organized a branch; visited all the branches in Southern Alabama and Western Florida, laboring in connection with local elders baptizing many.
December 14, 1875, Elder A. H. Smith arrived home, Nauvoo, Illinois, from California, having stopped eight days at Reno, Nevada, where he preached twice.
The year's close found the ministry active and hopeful. A large degree of success had attended their labors during the year. In the year 1875 there was a volume of poems by Elder David H. Smith published at the Herald Office, entitled "Hesperis."
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