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THE Herald entered the new year with the following exhortation, and encouragement:
We hail the readers of the Herald with a glad New Year! The old year-once new-has grown old with usage; and Time, with ever hastening feet, has given the full measure to the days as they passed, until, the complement filled, the end has come-and the old, old year is past.
To some the hours of the past year have hasted slowly, as on leaden wings; pain, sorrow, and grief have been their constant guests, unwelcome, but ever present. Loved ones, tried and true ones, to whom they ever looked for aid and human solace, have gone down to the silent land, and their hearts have been left desolate.
To some the days have been full of temptation; all round them have lain the pitfalls of pride, lust, envy, ambition, and the love of the things of this world-and to them the lagging days have been but waymarks that distinguish for them the battle places of triumphs and defeats; and they are contented though sad, to see how few the triumphs have been. They are still battling, and to them the old year goes out with a sigh, because the turning of the glass shows that there must be a renewal of the struggle, and they fear lest they, like the departing year, may have grown old for the conflict. To some the months of the year past have been but so many slowly moving months of trial, in which there have not been to them many cases for rest and peace from care and anxiety in the tiresome journeying; no halting places in vineyards of spiritual recuperation and delight have been offered to their hesitating steps, where they would gladly have waited till the storms were overpast; no cessation of the watchfulness against their easily besetting sin has been permitted
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them. They have ever been on sentinel duty, and for them the year agone was full of strife, and they look forward to the passing of the new one with renewed hope, that as they draw nearer to the end of time they may be stronger to resist, and so nearer their final strife and victory.
To some the hours, days, and months of the past year have been seasons of profound enjoyment-rich in treasures of love; mental, moral, and spiritual stores, with a fair proportion of temporal blessings-their lives have passed along upon the stream of time, as floats the richly laden argosy up from her traffic in the Eastern seas, before the pleasant tradewinds. They have learned to watch, without fear; to pray, without dissembling; to work, while yet they waited, and have found in their labor an ever coveted and always prized peace. To them the hours have been golden; the days, but opportunities for good; the months, seasons of restful employment-and now they look back without regret, and forward without fear. The future holds no dread, they have learned the value of to-day-and the ever present is fraught with lessons to be learned, duties to be performed, and these in their accomplishment make the time-past, present, and to come-the ever blessed now.
How is it with us? What does the past hold for us? What is there in the future that we shall fear, or prize, at its coming?
The prospect before us as coworkers is, in many respects, a pleasant one. The work in England, Wales, Australia, California, the Canadas, the Western Midlands, the Eastern, Middle, and Southern States, is going steadily on. Now and then a coworker falls out by the way; some by death, some by apostasy, but the Lord seemeth still to care for his own.
Let us stand by one another. The year 1875 will be one of import in the history of the church and the world. And to be prepared for the times propitious is our duty as men.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, p. 16.
The Messenger met its readers with the following salutation:
We greet the Saints in general, and readers of the Messenger especially with a happy New Year. We bid adieu to the past only so far as its experience has been unsatisfactory, the rest of it is memorized and constitutes the light, life, and guide of the present. The past is like an overcrowded museum, choice selections may be made from it. That the present is an improvement upon the past, we need only note the fact that at the present time the original faith of the Latter Day Saints, or gospel of Christ, may be preached in Utah without a guard of soldiers or friends. If such a change has been wrought in ten years in Utah, much more elsewhere. The footprints of the first missionaries of the Reorganization, E. C. Briggs and Alexander McCord, are still visible, and all the "soft soap" of the tabernacle works can not wash them out. If this is really a Zion, then the law of the Lord must go forth from hence; and we see no means here for it to go forth, except through the Messenger. This last
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circumstance was overlooked by Mr. Pratt in his last recitation of his "high way" sermon.-The Messenger, vol. 1, p. 10.
Elders Wandell and Rodger reported the baptism of a few, and that the work in Australia moved slowly.
Herald for January 1 contained the following:
From a letter received from Independence, Missouri, we learn that Bro. George W. Pilgrim has been called to the charge of the Saints there. We welcome Bro. Pilgrim as a coworker, an earnest Christian, a devoted truth-seeker. May the Spirit ever attend his ministrations.
Brn. Milton B. Oliver and P. G. Pitt have lately been chosen to watch over the flock at Plano; the latter as priest, the former as elder of the branch. These are faithful workers for Christ.
There is a branch of thirteen members at Kirtland, Ohio, now worshiping [worshipping] the Temple, the first offering as a tabernacle built by sacrifice in the latter-day work. . . .
Bro. G. H. Hilliard, writing from Jeffersonville, Illinois, 11th ultimo, says, "Our conference is just over, we had a peaceable time, all seemed united." He expects, through the help of God, to raise up a branch in Johnson County, Illinois. The Lord has blessed their efforts in his cause, and brought forth fruit, "for which," he adds, "we feel thankful and pray for a continuation." . . .
By letter from Bro. L. R. Devore, dated at Graysville, Ohio, December 4, we learn that Elders James Craig and James Brown had met with some opposition from among the Disciple Church, which resulted in a discussion between Bro. Brown and a Reverend Doolittle, of the above-named society, which terminated favorably for the cause of Christ, in that public opinion has been awakened, and some had already proclaimed for the truth, the gospel, as taught by Latter Day Saints.
We learn from Bro. A. Smith, of Wheeler's Grove, Iowa, that the Saints there are building a church-house, which they expected to have ready to hold services by the first instant. . . .
Bro. C. G. Lanphear is still battering away at the fortifications of sin and error in the state of New York.
Bro. J. R. Cook, writing from Long Valley, California, November 7,. 1874, said, "We need Bro. Alexander H. Smith very much." Since he last wrote he had baptized three, and several more had given in their names for baptism. Several new fields for preaching had been opened. His ministrations to the sick have been abundantly blessed. . . .
Barnet Moses Giles is out in the Salt Lake Tribune, in a two-column article in laudation of himself and his work, in connection with the Latter Day Saints, that is quite interesting in its way. He intimates that if the Saints will now hear to him, he can accomplish the great work of the last days.
From Bro. E. B. Mullen, of Wilmot, Missouri, we learn that the last
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Central Missouri District conference was a most enjoyable one; the Spirit's presence being richly enjoyed by the faithful.
Bro. E. C. Brand was to leave Tabor, Fremont County, Iowa, about the 20th ultimo, for Missouri and Kansas for the "winter campaign."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, pp. 19, 20.
The following items were published January 15:
Elder Mark H. Forscutt was, at last advices, preaching at Belleville, Illinois. He was expecting to go into Wayne County soon. He was awaiting advices from there.
Brn. George Hilliard and I. A. Morris were at Tunnelhill, had baptized ten, and expected more to come. He writes that Bro. Joseph Clapp was well spoken of at Tunnelhill.
Bro. John Hansen is still at work in Kentucky, and is alone.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, pp. 51, 52.
Elder J. W. Briggs; made the following call for historical items:
A succinct statement of facts, historically, of the great latter-day apostasy and of the Reorganization is demanded by the spirit of the times. It is contemplated to meet this demand in this year 1875, and publish through the Messenger an outline of the facts relating to the apostasy and the Reorganization, to commence as soon as the subscription list insures its permanency; and indicates withal, that this gap should be filled. We have facts and documents underlying the subject never yet published, and which will place in a clear light the real character of these two contemporaneous and antagonistic events. The basis of a true faith is true facts; while the basis of a false or hypocritical faith, is false or pretended facts, and the former exposes the latter. Thus is enhanced the value of facts; and to this end we solicit contributions of facts from all who may possess them, respecting:
1 The apostasy; it is an effect; what is its cause? The facts of that time must answer, and will answer.
2. The Reorganization.
Whoever feels conscious of possessing facts bearing upon either of these subjects; facts that elucidate either the one or the other, please communicate the same to us, to the end that error and wrong may be rebuked, and truth and right vindicated.-The Messenger, vol. 1, p. 14.
On February 14, 1875, Doctor Robert D. Foster wrote to President Smith, from Lodi, Illinois, giving an account of his trip to Washington City in company with Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon, and Elias Higbee in 1839. He graphically describes the journey, and gives some remarkable experiences in Washington. He bore a strong testimony to the prophetic calling of Joseph Smith. This
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testimony is the more remarkable from the fact that Doctor Foster was one of those who participated in the opposition to Joseph Smith during the dark days in Nauvoo just prior to the martyrdom. Ending on February 20, 1875, Elder J. R. Lambert held a debate with a Mr. William C. Savage, at Magnolia, Iowa, on the following propositions:
1. Resolved that the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the church of Christ.
2. Resolved that the Christian Church (sometimes called New Light) is the church of Christ.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, p. 214.
Subsequently Elder Lambert baptized Mr. Savage's moderator in this discussion, Mr. William O. Cadwell, who afterwards attained some prominence as an elder in the church.
March 4 the First Presidency issued the following appointment for a day of fasting and prayer:
To the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, throughout the world, Greeting:
It is thought to be wisdom that there should be a day of fasting and prayer observed, before the sitting of the ensuing annual conference; a day in which the church may render thanksgiving and praise to the Lord, for bounteous blessings already bestowed; and a day in which prayer and supplication may be made for the special blessings of watchcare, and freedom from the influence of evil spirits; direction and guidance in the spiritual and temporal affairs of the church; the opening of effectual doors for the preaching of the word and the sending of laborers into the field, and for deliverance of those afflicted, from sickness and mental bondage; it is therefore considered by us, that Sunday, March 28, 1875, be appointed such day of fasting and prayer; and that the several branches of the church are hereby requested to observe that day in appropriate service.
Presidents of districts and branches are requested to notify their several charges, so far as practicable, and see that a due respect is accorded to this request for prayer.
W. W. BLAIR } Of the Presidency
PLANO, Illinois, March 4, 1875.
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, p. 178.
In the case of Ann Eliza Webb Dee Young versus Brigham Young, the court granted her five hundred dollars per month alimony, to begin from the filing of the complaint, amounting to nine thousand five hundred dollars at time of decision, and adjudged that in addition he should pay her an attorney fee of three thousand dollars. This he
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failed to pay within the specified time and was by Judge McKean sentenced to twenty-four hours imprisonment for contempt of court. This sentence was carried into effect, and Mr. Young spent the time from one o'clock in the afternoon of March 11 to the same time on March 12 in the penitentiary.
On March 14, 1875, Elder Charles W. Wandell, missionary to Australia, died at Sydney, Australia. Of him Richard Ellis wrote under date of April 9, as follows:
Once more I pen you a few lines. One sad news is the death of Bro. O. W. Wandell. I have no doubt but that Bro. Rodger informed you of it in his letter to you by this mail. Dear brother, I can bear my testimony that Elder Wandell has been a faithful Latter Day Saint and a servant of God while in this far-off land, and has left a name that will never be forgotten by the Saints here. I believe he died of heart-disease. He stopped at my house until he could not get up-stairs to his room, then he desired me to get him to St. Vincent Hospital; he thought that by going there he might be thoroughly cured of bronchitis, which he thought he had; but soon after he was admitted to the above institution, he was told that it was the heart-disease he had; yet he thought he would rally and be able to attend to his mission. The Saints visited him twice every week, but we could see that he was going fast. He was happy, and had no fear of death; he also bore his testimony to the truth of the work, and that you were the legal successor of your father. He also stated that the angels visited him and sang for him. He was under medical treatment just one month. He had everything he wanted, and was buried respectably. We bought a grave lot for him where two can be buried.
While we were standing round the grave, Elder Rodger gave us a short discourse on death and the resurrection, and a short history of Bro. Wandell's life; then we selected a few verses of the hymn Elder Wandell composed, "Weep, weep not for me, Zion," and sang it over the grave before we separated, and it had great effect upon all present.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, p. 344.
And the editor wrote of him as follows:
It is with regret and pain that we announce, the sad news of the death of the life of the flesh of Bro. Charles W. Wandell, missionary, in company with Bro. Glaud Rodger, to Australia. The letter of Bro. Rodger, received by us on the 19th of May, and published in this issue, contains the tidings of his demise on the 14th of March last, in the fifty-seventh year of his age.
We never saw Bro. Wandell, but we feel that he was a true and faithful man; one of whom it may be fitly said, "He hath lived faithfully, and now rests, awaiting his resurrection to the better life beyond the veil."
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We can not express in words the solemn sadness which pervades our thoughts, while writing of the departure of this excellent laborer. We have no fitting tribute in readiness to offer to his memory. We can only for a moment fold our hands, close our eyes, and in silence reflect upon the glory of life, the incomprehensibility of death, and the grandeur of a life-work well finished, the fitness of the death of a colaborer while in actual labor for the Master of life.
We offer our condolence to the Saints at Sydney and at Waratah; and express a hope that the life of Bro. Wandell may have been a sanctifying influence to their establishment in the peace of the kingdom of our God and his Christ.-The Saint's Herald, vol. 22, p. 336.
The last entry in Elder Wandell's private journal was under date of March 2, 1875, and was as follows:
The swelling of my limbs, caused by heart-disease, has developed a dangerous sore in my left leg. The point is to keep this sore from mortifying and killing me at once. Know all men that I want all of my bound books and other church books to be the property of the Australian Mission of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I want my clothes, all of them, to be given to the elder whom the church may send out to take my place. The trunk goes with the clothes. I here (March 2) feel it my duty to state that I believe Young Joseph Smith to be the true leader and President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, as against the claims of Brigham Young to that office; and to be the legal prophet, seer, and revelator thereof. He must increase, but Brigham shall decrease. After my decease I wish the church to assemble in a conference capacity, make action with reference to me that may be just and proper. I feel more than ever convinced that a splendid work will yet be done here. Also I here record my unlimited faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ as the world's Savior. It is in view of the completeness of that atonement that I am enabled to think so calmly about it. God and Christ are true, and so is a universal Providence.
After the conference meeting spoken of shall have been holden, I want this diary to be carefully and properly prepared for the post-office, and sent direct to Plano, to Bro. Joseph, to be preserved in the archives of the church.
To any of my personal friends in America who would ask after certain inner emotions, etc., I will say that all is calm and serene. The eternal future is bright, and one night last week the angels sang a beautiful song. The adversary has not showed himself in any distinctive form, and I am truly and greatly blessed.
Elder Glaud Rodger was directed to take charge of the mission until further arrangements were made.
Elder Wandell states that he was employed at one time in the Historian's office at Nauvoo. In commenting on the
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history of Joseph Smith as published in the Deseret News about 1855, he makes a statement which is quite important. It is as follows:
I notice these interpolations because having been employed (myself) in the Historian's office at Nauvoo by Doctor Richards, and employed, too, in 1845, in compiling this very autobiography, I know that after Joseph's death his memoir was "doctored" to suit the new order of things, and this, too, by the direct order of Brigham Young to Doctor Richards and systematically by Richards.
The annual conference convened at Plano, Illinois, April 6, 1875. Presidents Joseph Smith and W. W. Blair presided; H. A. Stebbins secretary; T. W. Smith and E. L. Kelley assistants.
Elders Phineas Cadwell, G. H. Hilliard, and S. V. Bailey were appointed a committee on complaints.
Reports were submitted from Australia, England, Switzerland, Canada, Nova Scotia, and Wales, and also from nearly every State and Territory in the United States. These reports generally indicated progress, and the general outlook was hopeful.
The following extracts are made from the minutes, which we think of especial importance:
The Bishop reported as follows: On hand at last annual report and received during the year, $3,864.06; expended during the year, $3,619.29; balance due the church, $244.77.
Allendale Branch, Missouri, was transferred, at its request, from Nodaway District to Decatur District.
On the 9th, Bishop Rogers nominated Elder H. A. Stebbins as his counselor to succeed Elder E. Banta, resigned. This nomination was ratified by the conference, and he was ordained on the 11th by President Joseph Smith and Apostle J. H. Lake. Hans N. Hansen was ordained an elder at the time and by the same parties. The Quorum of Seventy reported as follows:
Report of the Quorum of Seventy: Quorum met on call, C. G. Lanphear in the chair. The president gave the following report of the present situation of the members as far as he could ascertain:
C. G. Lanphear, president; laboring in his calling all of the time.
Duncan Campbell, one of the seven presidents; laboring in Indiana, Michigan, and Canada.
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Wm. H. Hartshorn; not preaching. His care and time taken in providing for his family. Is a worthy brother.
Thomas Revel; in good standing, and doing what he can in the cause.
Frank Reynolds, secretary; is earnest in his calling, and doing what he can.
J. M. Wait laboring as circumstances will permit.
J. L. Adams has been preaching in Illinois and Iowa the past winter, and had good success.
E. M. Wildermuth; preaching in the branch where he resides, and vicinity.
J. W. Gillen; laboring in Montana Territory with good success.
C. H. Jones; preaching at Lamoni, Iowa, and the region round about.
Nathan Lindsay; work in the ministry not known.
Jeremiah Jeremiah; president of the Canton Branch, Illinois; is doing what he can.
S. J. Stone; preaching occasionally in the Amboy Branch, Illinois.
Thomas Jenkins; doing all he can. Resides in Wales. Is in poor health.
J. T. Phillips is preaching and having good success.
B. V. Springer; laboring successfully in Southern Indiana. Care of his family prevents his giving his whole time to the ministry.
G. W. Shaw; active as his circumstances will permit. Has labored with good effect in Canada.
Wm. H. White; not known. . . .
Daniel Bowen; reported on the secretary's books as advanced in years. Is a good and worthy brother.
Otis Shumway; age about eighty-two. Always had a good standing in the church. Preaching in the branch and vicinity.
J. W. Roberts; extent of his labors not known. . . .
Benjamin Leland; correspondence as to his labors solicited.
J. D. Lytle; supposed to be engaged in the work to some extent.
James C. Crabb; is presiding over a district in Iowa.
Andrew Holisway; not known. . . .
David Jones; is thought to have moved to the British possessions, and subsequently to have returned to Iowa. . . .
George Hatt; has been preaching in Nebraska. Some difficulties between him and the district authorities are pending.
Samuel Ackerley; reported by the brethren in good standing. No report of preaching.
C. F. Stiles; preaching in the vicinity of his home in Missouri and regions about. Nearly in readiness to give all his time to his calling.
Jonathan Delap; is reported as not being in fellowship in the branch where he resides.
Jans Johnson; residence not known. I would solicit information from any of the brethren who can give me his address and standing.
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A. B. Alderman; was presiding over a branch when last heard from. He desired to labor in his calling.
D. L. F. Bronson; no report of labor in the ministry. . . .
Isaac Bogue; was appointed on a mission to Eastern Michigan at the last annual conference, but I have received no report. . . .
Stephen Bull; is reported as not in fellowship with the branch where he resides. . . .
David Jones; supposed residence in the state of Missouri. Is reported on the secretary's book in the field and ready to do what he can.
George Rouch; no report. Residence unknown. . . .
Samuel Gurley; earnestly working in the cause; presiding over a district in Iowa.
Robert Davis; time nearly all taken in his calling. Has had good success.
Joseph C. Clapp; engaged wholly in the ministry. Has had good success in all places where he has labored.
James McKiernan; laboring with an earnest desire to do all he can.
Glaud Rodger; on a mission to Australasia. Has been blessed in his ministry.
J. H. Hanson; preaching in Kentucky and the Southern States. Has had good success.
J. C. Foss; laboring in Maine. Has had good success in his ministry.
C. G. McIntosh; desires to do all he can in his region, and expresses an earnest desire for the cause.
C. W. Wandell; on a mission to Australasia, in company with Glaud Rodger. Has had great success in the cause. He was in poor health when last heard from.
1Joseph Lakeman; laboring with success in Maine.
Andrew Hall; is acting as Bishop's agent in Pottawattamie County, Iowa.
John Thomas; no report of labors. . . .
J. T. Davies; on a mission to Wales. Is having good success in his mission.
J. S. Patterson; has been giving all the time he could to the ministry with good success. Is ready to devote his whole time, if his family can be cared for.
The present number of members is fifty-two, as recorded on the secretary's book. . . .
There are in the quorum from twenty to twenty-five in active service. Of the remainder, about fifteen or twenty laboring to some extent, and a few no report of labors. Signed, C. G. Lanphear, president; Frank Reynolds, secretary. . . .
Resolved, That the quorum consider the acts of the Buffalo Prairie, Illinois, and Leon, Iowa, Branches, in disfellowshiping members of the quorum, as being premature and illegal, as the charges; and evidences
1Was dead at the time, but the news had not reached America.
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sustaining them should first have been presented to this quorum. And we hereby request that the officials of said branches present the charges and evidence to substantiate the same, to this quorum for our consideration. And we also further request that all other branches or districts in future having grievances against members of this quorum requiring trial, shall refer said cases to us for adjudication. . . .
Whereas, Much misunderstanding exists regarding the legality of the ordinations of some of the quorum, by reason of their having been ordained at district conferences; therefore,
Resolved, That we request the present conference to settle the question as to the legality or illegality of such ordinations.
Resolved, That we sustain C. G. Lanphear as president, and Frank Reynolds, secretary, together with all the members of the quorum in righteousness.
Resolved, That we sustain President Joseph Smith, his counselors, and all the other quorums in righteousness.
Adjourned to meet at the call of the president.
C. G. LANPHEAR, President.
J. S. PATTERSON, Secretary pro tem.
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, pp. 294, 295.
The request that the conference decide on the legality of certain ordinations was deferred until the semiannual conference.
The following providing for locating a place for gathering was, after much discussion, adopted:
Whereas, The impression seems to be gaining ground, and it is believed that this impression results from the prevalence of the spirit of the gathering, that the circumstances of the country and the condition of the church indicate that the time is come that there should be a gathering of the Saints into a more centralized condition, and that such centralization is demanded by the necessities of the church and the genius of the latter-day work; and
Whereas, The spiritual condition is favorable to such gathering; and whereas such a gathering contemplates the centralizing of the chief authorities of the church at as early a day as practicable, in order to the more effectual work of the ministry, and building up of the church of Christ and the locating of the "publishing department," press, and fixtures within the limits of such gathering place; therefore be it . . .
Resolved, That a standing committee of five be appointed by this conference, whose duty it shall be to select and make such location as is contemplated in the foregoing preamble, and arrange for and effect the purchase of lands, locate a town site, and perform such other acts as are consistent with the making of such locations, and consummating such purchases; and that said committee make report of their labors to a
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General Conference of the church at as early a time as they shall deem prudent.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, pp. 295, 296, 299, 300.
Joseph Smith and W. W. Blair of the First Presidency, I. L. Rogers, David Dancer, of the Bishopric, and J. H. Lake of the Twelve were appointed the committee provided for in the above resolution.
The First Quorum of Elders reported the deaths of Wesley Fletcher, James Horton, and William Arnold, the promotion of J . S. Patterson, the expulsion from the church of Noah Dutton, and the expulsion from the quorum of W. F. Randall, Levi Lightfoot, and J. D. Bennett, and that Elders M. B. Oliver, H. C. Bronson, John Beard, David Brand, S. V. Bailey, O. J. Bailey, John Kier, and W. A. Moore were received into the quorum in their places.
The Second Quorum of Elders reported they had dropped Jesse Broadbent from the quorum.
President Smith reported as follows on book of parliamentary usage:
As President of the church I would respectfully submit:
That soon after the last annual session, in connection with Bro. T. W. Smith, I began the compilation and preparation of a book on business and parliamentary usages and rules, for the use of the church; which is now nearly completed, and I would request your honorable body to authorize and appoint a committee to whom I may refer this work when ready, upon whose favorable decision I may at once proceed to put the same in print, and offer it for sale to the elders of the church.
Further; I will agree to make such work ready for examination within two weeks after adjournment of conference, Providence permitting.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, p. 298.
The committee asked for was appointed, viz.: W. W. Blair, M. H. Forscutt, and J. S. Patterson.
A resolution against discrimination on account of color, nationality, or sex, was; adopted as follows:
Resolved, That it is the opinion of this assembly that the gospel is to be offered to all mankind, irrespective of color, nationality, sex or condition in life; and that elders in Christ are not justified in making, or insisting on being made, any separation in church privileges, worship, or sacrament, other than is made in the church articles and revelations in regard to ministerial ordinations and labor; and that we advise all officers of the church to be governed by the spirit and tenor of this teaching and this resolution,-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, p. 298.
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The following resolution on sacrament was adopted:
Whereas, Believing that the bread and wine used at the sacrament are simply blessed for the use of those who at the time and with an understanding of its purpose partake of it, in no way relating to its subsequent use, therefore be it
Resolved, That we rescind a former resolution of General Conference making necessary the passing of the bread until all be taken.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, p. 299.
An effort was again made at this conference to establish the system of furnishing to families of the ministry a stipulated amount for support, the amount to be in proportion to the number of dependents in the family; but this was strongly opposed and was lost. The conference also passed resolutions on the Twelve taking charge of missions, tithing, and secret societies. They are as follows, as found in Saints' Herald, volume 22, page 299:
Resolved, That it is the duty of the Quorum of the Twelve to take charge of all important missions, especially those to foreign countries.
Resolved, That the law of tithing is binding upon the church in its scattered condition.
Resolved, That in the opinion of this body, this church has no right to subvert the liberties of its members by prohibiting their membership with what is known as "a secret society," unless such society shall first be condemned by either a decision of the General Assembly of the church, or by the law of the land.
The following persons were by vote received into fellowship on their original baptism:
Susannah Cramer, James Bewsher, Elizabeth Bewsher, Ralph S. Reed, Polly L. Hyde, Sally Richardson, and Selinda Blair. The following were baptized: S. M. Howe, Mary Howe, Henry Staley, Beatrice Briggs, Ency Ewing, and Mary Cazaly.
Missions were appointed as follows:
J. W. Briggs continued in Utah. Josiah Ells, Northern and Central Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. E. C. Briggs, Michigan, Northern Indiana, and Canada. W. H. Kelley, Utah as soon as practicable, and until then Northern Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. T. W. Smith, Illinois, Iowa, and to visit the Cutlerites in Northern Minnesota. A. H. Smith, Pacific Slope Mission. James Caffall, Spring River District. J. H. Lake, to extend his labors in addition
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to his former field into Pike, Brown, and Schuyler Counties, Illinois. J. R. Lambert, Southern Illinois, Southern Indiana, and Kentucky. Z. H. Gurley, Iowa and Missouri. C. F. Styles and E. C. Brand, under direction of James Caffall. J. S. Patterson, Central Iowa, Central Illinois, Central Indiana, and Southern Ohio. J. C. Foss, Southern Ohio, and West Virginia as soon as practicable. Robert Davis, Canada. J. H. Hansen, Southeastern Mission. George Shaw, Canada. B. V. Springer, Southwestern Ohio and Southern Indiana. C. G. Lanphear, New York and Pennsylvania. J. C. Clapp, Pacific Slope. J. T. Davies and Robert Evans, Wales. M. H. Forscutt, to extend his former mission into Iowa and Missouri, if deemed advisable. L. F. West and J. W. Bryan, Texas. S. V. Bailey and Henry C. Smith, Michigan and Northern Indiana. Magnus Fyrando and Hans Hansen, Scandinavian Mission. Heman C. Smith, under direction of J. R. Lambert. Fred Ursenbach, Switzerland and Italy. J. S. Snively, referred to district where he lives. Nicholas Stamm, referred to local authorities. F. P. Peterson, Denmark, under the direction of M. Fyrando. C. W. Wandell and Glaud Rodger, Australia, with permission to Elder Wandell to return home if the state of his health demanded. F. C. Warnky, Colorado. Charles Derry, Western Iowa and Nebraska. Robert Warnock, Utah. Thomas Taylor, European Mission. J. V. Roberts, to the district where he resides. Joseph Lakeman, in charge of the Maine and Nova Scotia Mission. Duncan Campbell, Canada, Michigan, and Northern Indiana. William Anderson, California. J. L. Adams, referred to his district. C. N. Brown, Massachusetts District.
The Pacific Slope Mission held its annual conference at Alameda, California, April 6 to 12; A. H. Smith of the Twelve and Elder Hervey Green presiding; Elders Peter Canavan and J. C. Clapp clerks. The reports of missionaries and branches were quite encouraging. The state of California was divided into eighteen subdistricts and presidents appointed over them as follows: San Bernardino, John Brush; Los Angeles, Alma, Whitlock; Santa Barbara, Joseph F. Burton; Santa Cruz, R. R. Dana;
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San Francisco, S. M. Hubbard; Alameda, H. H. Morgan; Visalia and San Joaquin, Orrin Smith; Sacramento, Cornelius Bagnall; Alpine (we find no record of a president being appointed for this district); Petaluma, Peter C. Briggs; Yolo, J. B. Price; Humboldt, Bradbury Robinson; Del Norte, Placer, and Shasta, J. M. Parks; Butte, William McLean; Plumas, William Potter. The numerical strength of the Pacific Slope Mission was reported at about 1,072, including 923 in California, 115 in Nevada, and 34 in Oregon. Elder J. C. Clapp was appointed to preside over Oregon and Washington, and Elder George Smith over Nevada. Jeremiah Root and John M. Range were ordained elders. Measures were adopted looking towards a permanent location for the president of Pacific Slope Mission, and the following committee was appointed: John Roberts, D. S. Mills, Simon Stivers, James M. Parks, Moses Meeder, John Joyce, and R. Huntly.
In The Signs of the Times, for April 22, 1875, a paper published by the Seventh-day Advents, in Oakland, California, Elder J. H. Waggoner made an attack on the gifts of the gospel as exercised by the Saints. This was fully examined and answered in a series of articles by President Joseph Smith, that were published in the Herald, commencing June 1, 1875.
On April 25 the Saints at Stockton, California, dedicated their house of worship previously erected, Elders Alexander H. Smith and Daniel S. Mills officiating in their behalf.
The charge of favoritism having been made against the church, Elder Charles Derry replied in the following forceful and characteristic manner:
COLUMBUS, Platt County, Neb., April 27, 1875.
Dear Herald: If I lacked an evidence of the impartiality, justice, and liberality of the Reorganized Church, I could not fail to see an indisputable one in the fact of the publication of the article under the head of "Favoritism." In that act the motives of the church are impugned, and charges grave enough, if true, to sink the church in the depths of obloquy and shame. I have had the privilege to sit in the highest councils of the church, and of observing the secret springs, if there were any, that moved the whole machinery. I have helped to consider plans and measures for
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its onward progress. I have seen and heard the schemes of men tried and examined. I have seen the efforts of the powers of darkness to destroy, by seeking to corrupt the noblest minds; and I can testify before God and men that no base scheme, nor any stratagem of the Arch Enemy, has been able to sway those councils nor fascinate the minds of God's anointed into the adoption of any measure that would crash or injure in the least the very least of God's little ones, much less to betray the church of God into the hands of the enemy.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, p. 379.
Early in May, 1875, Elder J. R. Lambert, while on his way from his home in Woodbine, Iowa, to Southern Indiana, stopped in Green County, Iowa, and held a debate with a Reverend A. Wilson, of the Church of God.
May 16,1875, Elders Magnus Fyrando and H. N. Hansen arrived at Copenhagen, Denmark. Elder Fyrando visited Sweden, while Elder Hansen visited the place of his birth in the country. Meeting again in Copenhagen they made a fruitless effort to find an opening. Then Elder Fyrando went again to Sweden, while Elder Hansen sought and obtained employment at manual labor in Copenhagen. While thus employed he visited among the Brighamites and awakened an interest among them and finally procured the use of a hall, and wrote for Elder Fyrando, who was visiting the churches in Sweden.
They again met in Copenhagen and opened their work, holding their first public meeting on July 18, 1875, having an audience of about thirty.
Early in June, or the last of May, a debate was held in Stark County, Indiana, between Elder C. W. Prettyman and a Disciple preacher.
On June 10 President Joseph Smith left Plano, Illinois, for an extended missionary trip in the East, returning August 4. During his trip he visited and labored in Boston, Fall River, and Dennisport, Massachusetts; Jonesport, Machias, Little Kenebec, Mason's Bay, Indian River, Ram Island, Deer Isle, and Addison's Point, Maine; Grand Manan, New Brunswick; Providence, Rhode Island, and Kirtland, Ohio.
The Herald for June 15, 1875, announced the arrival of Elder J. C. Clapp in Oregon, his field of labor.
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About this time Elder T. W. Smith, of the Quorum of Twelve, published a small edition of hymns and sacred songs entitled, "Songs of Zion." This little work was quite largely used in some localities, and contains some productions of excellent merit.
June 22, 1875, Elder William H. Kelley left Council Bluffs en route for Utah, his appointed field. He arrived at Ogden, Utah, on the 24th, where he remained until the 26th, then moved on to Logan, Brigham City, and other points north. Returning from his trip north, he went to Salt Lake City, July 3, where he met his colaborer, Elder Jason W. Briggs.
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