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ELDER FORSCUTT wrote, on July 8, 1872, from Brooklyn, New York, that neither Elder Avondet nor Elder Davies had arrived, but they had engaged passage on the steamship Australia, which was advertised to sail on the 13th.
On the 10th, Elder David H. Smith wrote from Salt Lake City, Utah, announcing his arrival in the city, and that he found Elder Boren awaiting him; and that they had opened the mission, holding services in the Liberal Institute. He adds:-
"We receive the support of many noble minded, not of our ranks, and the sympathy of all opposed to the tyrannical rule here; besides the secret sympathy of many in the ranks of the polygamists. We aim our arrows at polygamy, secrets, penal oaths, and wicked covenants for binding the people under penalty of death,-and they tell. We also preach against narrow policy and propound principle in its place. The time has come to speak plainly, however charity winneth; and we do not condescend to personality, nor narrow minded abuse, however, they are aimed at us by the opposite power."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, p. 498.
On July 23, Elder Josiah Ells left Plano, Illinois, for Utah. Elder Ells was appointed at the Annual Conference to the Eastern mission, and we have seen no record of a change to Utah, but presume that it was done by direction of the First Presidency.
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On July 26, Elder John T. Davies left for his mission in Wales.
The subject of marriage among Latter Day Saints, on account of the looseness practiced by some professing to be saints, had become quite an important one, hence the following article from the pen of President Smith, published August 15, 1872, will be read with interest:-
"There are occasionally questions coming to the office respecting the relationship and church standing of persons who have been married, but who have been separated from their companions. It would seem that either the law is not sufficiently explicit, or there is a fear to act as the law directs. We will quote one of these questions, and then the law, then give our understanding of both law and question.
"Question.-If a man or woman, being married, puts away his or her companion, husband or wife, as the case maybe, and marry again, is it adultery? If so, should such persons retain fellowship in the church?
"Answer.-Under ordinary circumstances we would not reply to this question in the form in which it is stated; and we now strongly suspect that the question is asked with a view to local application.
"The various complications arising out of Utah marriages, and their consequent difficulty of solution recurring at every new case, renders frequent allusion to the subject necessary, and sometimes profitable. . . .
"Quotations: 'For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they twain shall be one flesh.'-Matt. 19: 5.
"'Whosoever shall put away his wife, except for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery; and whosoever marrieth her that is put away, doth commit adultery.'-Matt. 19: 9.
"Whatever persons among you having put away their companions for the cause of fornication, or in other words, if they shall testify before you in all lowliness of heart that this is the case, ye shall not cast them out from among you;
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but if ye shall find that any persons have left their companions for the sake of adultery, and they themselves are the offenders, and their companions are living, they shall be cast out from among you.'- Doctrine and Covenants 42: 20.
"The sum of these quotations is this: Men and women of competent age may marry, and that marriage is a covenant between two only, and they twain thereby become one flesh. The term flesh limits the continuance of the contract to the time of severance by the death of one or both of the contracting parties. The result of the keeping this covenant inviolate is that neither can be absolved except by a transgression amounting to a crime. This crime when committed breaks the bond of the covenant; which bond is the purity of faith, one with the other. When this bond is broken the one who is criminal may be put away lawfully, and the one putting the other away is at liberty to marry again, thereby securing another companion in the place of the one put away.
"We presume that if anyone wished to marry a person convicted of adultery, or fornication, they might do so after he or she was put away. From the passages quoted it is to us very clear that there was no justifiable cause for the dissolution of the marriage contract in the days of the Savior; but if either party to it became a transgressor, it was then a broken bond; and the one aggrieved was justified in severing the connection.
"We know of no change having been made in the law of God touching the case. The lawmaking bodies of different governments, founding their action upon the Mosaic code, have modified the stern decree of the Savior's rule, until there are many causes, which if existent, and proven, may give married persons freedom from their contract.
"The great question with the church ought to be, Shall we recognize the divorces granted by the courts of the land under its laws; or shall we insist upon the strictest interpretation of the Savior's words, and permit no persons to unite with the church who have put away their companions, unless that putting away was for the cause given, that of fornication and adultery.
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"It is our opinion that the church should take this ground; that there is but one cause justifying putting away and divorcement, that cause being the one spoken of by the Savior. Further, that any person being guilty of the crime which is a cause for divorce should not retain fellowship in the church after the first known offense, unless they repent and confess; nor at all after the second known offense. We use the words, 'known offense,' because crime and the one committing it must be known to us before we can punish the guilty.
"We have reason to believe that there are many hasty marriages; and that these hasty marriages lead to evil results. The saints should teach and enforce every remedy preventive of crime; and a more considerate, deliberate contracting between men and women, by which they assume so grave relations as those of husband and wife are, would prevent a multitude of evils.
"The world groans under a loose morality fearful to contemplate; and the course of many talented men and women, in teaching and in practicing the absolution of the marriage covenant for trivial causes, is making the world worse; and indeed, it may be said, with some show of truth, that there will come a time, should the teaching of such philosophers become the rule, that virtue and vice, morality and immorality existed but in name; for that which is now vicious and immoral will by teaching and custom have become the rule.
"The church should be the lever of reform in this matter; and while we preach a purer faith, we should also preach a purer practice; while we teach freedom from spiritual bondage to the world, we must insist upon the sanctity and holiness of the marriage bond; for unless holiness shall begin in the domestic relations, it will never be found in the church nor in the state.
"To answer the question direct, 'whosoever' putteth away his or her companion, except for the cause specified by the Savior, and marries another, 'committeth adultery.' Whoever committeth adultery and will not repent and
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forsake should not have fellowship in the church."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, pp. 493-495.
The Herald for September 1, contained the following items of interest from the field:-
"Bro. D. S. Mills writes encouragingly of things in the Alameda branch, of California, and says: 'Bro. Joseph C. Clapp is about to start on a mission to Utah. Bro. James Gillen and family are on the road to Montana.' . . . Bro. John H. Hansen has been preaching at Wilmington, Braidwood, and Wilton Center, Illinois, with good results. . . Bro. A. D. Boren, writing from Salt Lake City, says: 'We will leave the city for the north settlements, and if the Lord will, return and renew our conflict."'-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, p. 529.
On September 3, Elder M. H. Forscutt wrote from Birmingham, England, a succinct statement concerning the European mission. 1
1Pursuant to resolution of the last General Conference I am now In Europe as a missionary. Elder John S. Patterson and I left Plano On June 20, and traveled together to Galien, Michigan, where I preached the word. Brother John went to Pittsburg [Pittsburgh] via Chicago. I went to Kirtland, and preached in the temple to attentive audiences. Met with Bro. Patterson at Pittsburg [Pittsburgh], and preached there; thence together to New York, ministered the word in Brooklyn, and held two council meetings for instruction with the brethren there.
On July 13 we started on board the Australia, and after a passage of twelve days, landed at Glasgow. We were kindly received by Bro. Gavin Finley. The following day I left for Liverpool, and thence to Leicester, where I had the pleasure of striking hands with mother and sister, after twelve years' separation.
The following Saturday I went to Birmingham without having visited any of my brothers in the flesh, and commenced my ministry the following day. I met a hearty reception at Bro. Taylor's. I have visited Stafford, Stoke, Hanley, Leamington, Warwick, Smethwick, Kates Hill, Dudley, and Walsall. The difficulty at Hanley, I am pleased to report, is settled, and the two branches are again one, under the name of the United Hanley branch.
I start this week, if the Lord will, for Clay Cross, Chesterfield, and Sheffield, to try what I can do there for this cause. Bro. Patterson has been laboring in the North of England, and in Scotland, and still is; and from one of his letters to me I judge with some success. I have not heard from Bro. Avondet and Davies, hence can make no report of them; but I trust they are sowing good seed.
The European mission is a peculiar one. It is more difficult to make a good and lasting impression on the minds of the people here than on those of the people of America. A great many or the few saints there are, are so situated in their family connections that they cannot ask an elder home with them, and either he or they have peace. The burden of the
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Under date of September 11, Elder J. S. Patterson wrote from Painston, Scotland. After relating the voyage and the departure of Elder Forscutt from Glasgow, he spoke of his labors, especially among the "Brighamites," which confirmed him in the conclusion that they were "joined to their idols." A letter from Elder J. Avondet, written from Geneva, Switzerland, September 12, related; that he sailed from New York City on July 6, upon the vessel City of Limerick, for Liverpool. Continuing, he states:-
"I landed in Switzerland the 24th July, and my first business was to see the old Mormons; but those who left the Brigham church are very cold, and said that they had been so much deceived by his elders that I felt immediately I could this time only sow the seed. I tried to collect them together, but none of them came,-only some strangers came.
"I was well received by my parents and brother-in-law, nephew and nieces, who are honest of this world, but it is no use to speak religion with them now. Those who claim to be Christians never pray at their meals, neither in family, and the Sunday is for business a great deal.
"I wrote to Bro. Ursenbach, to Lausanne. He came here and staid [stayed] two days. It was real happiness that I enjoyed to see the good brother in the faith. He gave me one hundred francs [about twenty dollars] for the cause of Christ. It came in a good season, because I had to face my expenses. The people here are building and marrying so much, that it is madness. Religion it is disputed. If God's mercy is not manifest very few will be saved. No church open to ministers
support of the ministry rests therefore upon a few; but they cheerfully bear it. The majority of the saints are poor; a few, very few, are in comfortable circumstances; but none of them rich. There are but three branches in England, the London, Birmingham, and Hanley branches; widely separated from each other. There are calls for elders to visit in several parts; but without money to rent halls there is no chance to preach, unless we preach in the open air. Open air preaching is seldom however of much use, as with a few exceptions, and in country places, the lower classes only stop to listen, and there is far more of insult and abuse to meet than there is of reason. Notwithstanding these hindrances, the work moves on slowly, and is gaining ground. The saints feel well, are faithful, and in earnest."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, p. 638.
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except of their own; a hall is very dear, and it would be necessary to be taken fully at my own expense; but I hope a door may be open by and by.
"I feel to start in Italy soon, and sow the seed as much as possible, by God's help. . . .
"Bro. Ursenbach had a little tract of his own against polygamy, that has done some good. He cannot preach, but is traveling much of the time, and when he can scatter some seed he uses his influence. I translated the little tract, The Gospel, and scattered it round about, till I may be able to have another more explanatory."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, pp. 663, 664.
The Semiannual Conference was in session at Parks Mill, near Council Bluffs, Iowa, from September 12 to 15, 1872; Joseph Smith was chosen president, and D. H. Bays and R. M. Elvin secretaries. The first two days were occupied in routine work. On the 14th, the Articles of Incorporation were carefully considered by sections, and after some amendments were adopted. 2 This incorporation was to be effected, and was
2Articles of Association adopted by "The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints," at a general meeting of the members of said church, held at Plano, in the county of Kendall, in the state of Illinois, on the 21st day of October, A. D. 1872.
Article 1. The name of this association and organization shall be "The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints," and shall be incorporated under the laws of Illinois, under and by that name. The church adheres to the doctrines and tenets of the original "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints," as organized by Joseph Smith (the martyr), now deceased, on the 6th day of April, A. D. 1830, as the same has been reorganized by Joseph Smith, now of Plano, Illinois, with the advice and assistance of Jason W. Briggs, Zenos H. Gurley, William Marks, Sen., Israel L. Rogers, Isaac Sheen, and many others. The church government consists: 1. Of a First Presidency, consisting of a president and two counselors. 2. A Quorum of the Twelve, (a traveling high council.) 3. A "Standing High Council," of the church; and at each "stake" a similar subordinate "Standing High Council," consisting of twelve chosen for that purpose. 4. A High Priests' Quorum. 5. One or more Quorums of Seventy, not exceeding seven. 6. Quorums of Elders. 7. Bishops, consisting of a Presiding Bishop, and associate or local bishops-said bishops having temporal jurisdiction subject to the general direction of the church, and higher church authorities. 8. Quorums of Priests. 9. Quorums of Teachers. 10. Quorums of Deacons. 11. Until otherwise provided, the Reorganized Church at Plano, Illinois, shall be the principal or central church. All others shall be "stakes" or "branches," but all subject to the same church government
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subsequently effected in the State of Illinois in harmony with an act of the Legislature providing for the incorporation
subordinate to this organization and constituting a part thereof. A branch may be organized at any time, or place, by the concurrence of six or more resident members in good standing, of said Reorganized Church, one of whom must be an elder, priest, teacher, or deacon. A "stake" is a large branch, organized into a "stake," at the direction of a general conference of the church; and Plano, Kendall County, Illinois, shall be the principal place of business of said corporation. Said Reorganized Church, and its stakes, and branches, are in all respects subject to the doctrines and tenets of the said original, and reorganization, in this article mentioned.
Article 2. The Presiding Bishop and his counselors shall be the trustees of the church, and perform all the duties contemplated by an act, entitled, "An act concerning corporations," approved April 18, 1872, and in force in Illinois, July 1, 1872, a majority of whom may perform any act under said law, or contemplated by this organization.
Article 3. This organization shall publish, print, circulate, sell, or give away, religious, school, and missionary books, papers, tracts, and periodicals, such as said church shall deem necessary or useful to the promotion of religion and morality; and for that purpose may purchase or own such printing presses, types, cases, and material as shall be necessary to conduct such publication, binding, and circulation of books and published matter aforesaid; and said publication business shall be under the immediate control and management of a committee of publication, to be nominated by the Presiding Bishop and confirmed or approved by the church, at any general annual or semiannual conference; but the title of the property to be in the corporation, and all suits relating thereto must be in the corporate name.
Article 4. This corporation may purchase and hold, or receive donations, or in any other legal way, procure, receive, and hold the title of any real or personal property for the use of said church, its stakes, and branches, the title of all of which, whether purchased, donated, or otherwise legally obtained, or received, and wherever the same shall be located, whether procured by the general church or any stake or branch, shall be taken to the corporation and in the corporate name of said Reorganized Church; and said corporation shall hold the same for the use of said church, its stakes and branches; and said corporation may sell and convey the same, or any part thereof, applying the proceeds to the use aforesaid.
Article 5. This church corporation shall have a corporate seal, all conveyances shall be signed by the Presiding Bishop, as such trustee, and sealed with the seal of said corporation. These articles of association constitute the by-laws of said corporation, until revised or amended; said by-laws, or articles of association, may be revised or amended at any general conference of the church, by a two thirds majority vote of the members of said church, present and voting at such conference. Notice of such amendment shall be given in the church paper at least two months before action can be had on such proposed change.
The principal place of business of said corporation may be changed from Plano aforesaid, to any other place by the direction of the Quorum of the First Presidency, the Bishop and counselors, and the Publishing Committee. Upon such change being made, a certified copy of the affidavit of organization of this corporation, together with a similar affidavit of the action of said church reorganizing said corporation, and
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of religious bodies. 3 The following appointments were made, and other business transacted: J. C. Clapp, to western
naming such new place of principal business, shall be filed in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county in which such new principal place of business is located; such change of principal place of business shall not change or affect the rights of said corporation; but only the location of its principal office or place of business. Said corporation may establish subordinate places of business at any time and in any place; but all shall be subject to the control of the general office. Said corporation may appoint agents at any time and place to act in behalf of said corporation. Said corporation may sue and be sued, defend and be defended in all courts and places-but all shall be done in said corporate name.
Article 6. All property now held or owned by said church, in the name of any person or persons, as trustees or otherwise, including the publication establishment at Plano, Illinois, shall vest in said corporation; and all persons holding such property in trust for said church are hereby directed and required to transfer and convey the same to said corporation, as the property of said church; and said corporation shall by operation of law succeed to all property now owned by said church or held for its use; and may sue for and recover the same, in the name of said corporation.
Article 7. The term of office of said trustees shall be as follows; viz., of the Trustee, who is the Presiding Bishop of the church, during his good behavior, and while he remains such Presiding Bishop. Of the other trustees, who are the counselors of said Presiding Bishop, during their good behavior-not extending beyond the term of office of said Presiding Bishop as such trustee, except as hereinafter provided.
Upon the death, resignation, or removal from office of said Presiding Bishop, the office of the other trustees shall become vacant, upon the appointment of another Presiding Bishop, who shall be the successor as bishop, and his assuming the office of such trustee-and thereupon such new Presiding Bishop and his counselors shall be the trustees of said corporation. It being understood that no person can be trustee of said corporation except the Presiding Bishop of said church and his counselors. Said trustees, or either of them, may be removed by said church for cause, the same as any other church officer-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, pp. 690-693.
3Sec. 35. How Incorporated. The foregoing provisions shall not apply to any religious corporations, but any church congregation, or society formed for the purpose of religious worship, may become incorporated in the following manner, to-wit: by electing or appointing, according to its usages or customs, at any meeting held for that purpose, two or more of its members as trustees, wardens, and vestrymen, (or such other officers whose powers and duties are similar to those of trustees, as shall be agreeable to the usages and customs, rules or regulations of such congregation, church, or society,) and may adopt a corporate name; and upon the filing of the affidavit, as hereinafter provided, it shall be and remain a body politic and corporate, by the name so adopted.
See. 36. Affidavit to be Filed. The chairman or secretary of such meeting shall, as soon as may be after such meeting, make and file in the office of the recorder of deeds in the county in which such congregation, church, or society is organized (which shall be recorded by such recorder), an affidavit. Such affidavit, or a copy thereof duly certified
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Iowa for a season, then to Kentucky; N. Stamm, Pella, Iowa; J. L. Bear, Germany and Switzerland. The following were continued in their former appointments: M. H. Forscutt and associates in the European mission; the missionaries
by the recorder, shall be received as evidence of the due incorporation of such congregation, church, or society.
Sec. 37. Term of Office. The term of office of the trustees of any such corporation may be determined by the rules or by-laws of the congregation, church, or society.
See. 40. Removal of Trustee. A trustee may be removed from office by an election, called and conducted in like manner as elections for trustees, or his office declared vacant for a failure to act, immoral conduct, or for an abandonment of the faith of the congregation, church, of society.
See. 41. Rights of Property. Upon the Incorporation of any congregation, church, or society, all real and personal property held by any person or trustees for the use of the members thereof, shall immediately vest in such corporation and be subject to its control, and may be used, mortgaged, sold, and conveyed the same as if it had been conveyed to such corporation by deed; but no such conveyance or mortgage shall be made so as to affect or destroy the intent or effect of any grant, devise, or donation that may be made to such person or trustee for the use of such congregation, church, or society.
See. 42. Land: Burying Ground. Any corporation that may be formed for religious purposes under this act, or under any law of this state for the incorporation of religious societies, may receive, by gift, devise, or purchase, land, not exceeding in quantity (including that already held by such corporation) ten acres, and may erect or build thereon such houses, buildings, or other improvements as it may deem necessary for the convenience and comfort of such congregation, church, or society, and may lay out and maintain thereon a burying ground; but no such property shall be used except in the manner expressed in the gift, grant, or devise, or, if no use or trust is so expressed, except for the benefit of the congregation, church, or society for which it was intended.
Sec. 43. Powers of Trustees. The trustees shall have the care, custody, and control of the real and personal property of the corporation, subject to the direction of the congregation, church, or society, and may, when directed by the congregation, church, or society, erect houses or buildings and improvements, and repair and alter the same, and may, when so directed, mortgage, incumber[encumber], sell, and convey any real or personal estate of such corporation, and enter into all lawful contracts in the name of and in behalf of such corporation: Provided, that no mortgage, incumbrance[encumbrance], sale, or conveyance shall be made of any such estate, so as to defeat or destroy the effect of any gift, grant, devise, or bequest which may be made to such corporation; but all such gifts, grants, devises, and bequests shall be appropriated and used as directed or intended by the person or persons making the same.
Sec. 44. Previous Incorporations. Any congregation, church, or society, heretofore incorporated under the provisions of any law for the incorporation of religious societies, may become incorporated under the provisions of this act, relative to religious societies, in the same manner as if it had not previously been incorporated, in which case the new corporation shall be entitled [to] and invested with all the real and personal estate of the old corporation, in like manner and to the same extent as the old corporation, subject to all the debts, contracts, and liabilities.
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laboring in Utah; missionaries in the Southern States; missionaries in Canada mission; those in the Michigan district; J. H. Hansen, C. G. Lanphear, and E. C. Brand. Bishop I. L. Rogers nominated as a board of publication: Joseph Smith, Elijah Banta, John Scott, and David Dancer. The conference approved of these nominations, and added I. L. Rogers, thus forming a board of five members. The building of a chapel in Salt Lake City was authorized, and steps taken to establish a chapel fund for that purpose. Josiah Ells, A. D. Boren, and three others to be selected by them were chosen a building committee. The Northwest Missouri district presented a petition asking for the appointment of Elder A. J. Blodgett as their bishop. He was by motion requested to act as bishop's agent until further arrangements were made. The following officers were sustained: Joseph Smith, President of the Church; J. W. Briggs, as president of the Twelve Apostles; W. W. Blair, E. C. Briggs, Josiah Ells, and Samuel Powers as members of the Quorum of Apostles; Isaac Sheen, as Church Recorder and president of High Priests' Quorum, with Joseph Parsons as his counselor; A. M. Wilsey, as president of the Seventy; Elijah Banta, president of First Quorum of Elders, with J. S. Patterson counselor; D. H. Smith, president of Second Quorum of Elders, with P. Cadwell counselor; I. L. Rogers, presiding Bishop; and Henry Goodcell, Jr., Church Secretary. The following resolution was passed regarding the death of William Marks: "Resolved that the church recognize in the death of Bro. William Marks, Sen., a serious loss to the quorum to which he belonged, and that the prayers of the entire church be earnestly requested that his successor be early appointed." The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, p. 669.
The word trustees, wherever used in this act, shall be construed to include wardens and vestrymen, or such other officers as perform the duties of trustees.
Sec. 46. Books and Periodicals. The trustees or any other persons designated by any such congregation, church, or society, incorporated under this act, shall have power to publish, print, sell, or give away, such religious, Sabbath school, and missionary tracts, periodicals, or books as they may deem necessary to the promotion of religion and morality.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, pp. 688, 689.
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The semiannual European conference was held in London, England, October 5 and 6, 1872. Elder M. H. Forscutt was president, and Elder J. S. Patterson secretary.
The president recommended the establishment of a publishing department for the church in Great Britain, and Thomas Taylor, C. D. Norton, John Owen, J. Rook, and J. S. Patterson were appointed to draft a plan of organization for that purpose. There was also a committee appointed, consisting of Elders M. H. Forscutt, Thomas Taylor, and J. S. Patterson, to write an appeal in behalf of the proposed publishing department.
The semiannual conference of the Pacific slope was held in San Francisco, California, October 6 to 9, 1872. Hervey Green and George Adams presided, and D. S. Mills acted as clerk. Reports were favorable and outlook encouraging.
Elder J. T. Davies wrote from Ystrad Trefodog, Wales, announcing that he was in his field and busy, meeting with much Brighamite opposition.
October 21, 1872, the church at Plano, Illinois, adopted the Articles of Incorporation which were adopted by the previous Semiannual Conference, and the articles were subsequently filed with the proper officer. The editor of the Herald mentions the event as follows:-
"The affidavit of the appointment of trustees, and the Articles of Incorporation, as adopted by the Semiannual Conference of the church, at Council Bluffs, Iowa, September, 1872; and as also adopted by the church at Plano, October 21, 1872, were filed in the office of the recorder of deeds, in Kendall County, Illinois, on the 5th day of February, 1873, and the church is now an incorporated body. The several branches of the church are by the terms of the constitution, parts of the general body corporate; a record of their organization on file in the office at Plano, or in the hands of the Church Recorder, is evidence of their connection with such corporation.
"The property of the church held by the several respective branches, becomes the property of the body corporate, and the title should be made to the Bishop in
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trust for the church. While the Bishop remains a faithful man to his office, he remains the trustee; but when he becomes unworthy of trust, the church should impeach him and appoint another.
"We must learn that our duty to the well-being of the whole body demands of us a hearty, unreserved approval and sustaining of each other; but that sustaining must only be in good and correct acts; if our public servants prove to be weak, inefficient, or unworthy, we should suffer no false delicacy to prevent us from abasing them if guilty of wrong, or of choosing more earnest, stronger, and more efficient men to occupy their places. Right minded, unselfish, true men will not object nor be offended if others are thought to be more efficient; those who love self more than the good of all, or who love office for office name, will as a usual thing be partially unfit for great trusts, and will be wounded if others are preferred to themselves for those trusts.
"Now that the church is in a condition to begin to carry on its temporal affairs with legal safety to the people's moneys, we hope that those who are able and have the disposition to help the storehouse and treasure chest, will do so.
"The history of the early Christians, as handed down to us by well-accredited tradition, shows that hundreds gave their earthly substance that the work of the church might be carried on, and those really needing aid could know where to apply, with reasonable certainty of receiving it. Men of other faiths are giving their labor, their time, and their means in liberal supply, that the work of those faiths may not be crippled for want of the sinews of war.
"The saints have long wanted (so they have said) to become one; and roods of paper have been written over; and thousands of cubic feet of breath have been expended to lay before the saints the beauties, and glories, and grandeur of this condition of oneness when it should be arrived at; but the number who have really schooled themselves into the condition of temper to become one is, impracticably small. The usual understanding with the majority of those loudest in their professed desire to become one is, that others shall
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become one with them, not that they shall become one with others. Thus their whole theory is a failure because of a lack of practicability.
"The church is now legally one, every branch of it has legal unity with every other branch; and that legal unity is, as we understand it, in accordance with the spiritual law given to the church for its guidance, found in the Book of Covenants. It now remains for us to avail ourselves of that legal oneness to the enhancement of our spiritual unity and the advancement of our spiritual interests.
"Those who now feel like it can make a consecration 'with a bond and deed that cannot be broken.' The church itself in its corporate existence can receive gifts, donations, consecrations, legacies, and bequests for the specific uses of such purposes as such things may be devised for; and when properties are so devised and so used it is an irrevocable deed-it cannot be broken.
"We often hear of 'one mighty and strong,' who shall do wondrous things-as a man-no one believes that he is, or is to be other than a man. In what is his strength to be? His own person or the prestige of his name?
"Is he to do a work so wondrous that it is to be outside of and independent from the one great work of God, and still to be held accountable by and to that work? Is it to be a strength inherent in himself, or the reflected strength of another? Is there anything stronger than truth, the truth; God's word, the word; the word which giveth life? He then that abideth in the word, the truth, is strong-'mighty and strong.'
"In unity of the truth there is strength. This unity of truth is only to be found developed and developing where men say, 'I am desirous and willing,' and are performing. 'He who saith he loveth my work and my cause, and who doeth nothing to establish my cause and do my work, shall not have peace in eternal life,' saith the Spirit.
"There are many truths which go to make up the unity of the truth; and some of them are very strong, but are not strange truths; the corner stone of a building is neither the threshold, lintel, nor keystone of its arched doorway; nor
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the pediment, nor capital of its principal pillars; but all may be of one kind of material, hewn from the same quarry. So it is with those who may erect the building. He who quarries the marble slab, is not he who carves the elaborate arch; nor is he who lays the stone in its cemented bed, the one who paints the exquisite designs on the frescoed walls and ceiling, yet these may all be members of one family, bearing one name, or be those bound together for the accomplishment of one common object.
"So in the church there will be diversities of labor, and in that diversity of labor there is now supposed to be an unaccountable and reprehensible inequality, that must be abolished,-if needs be,-by power. There is no power that will ever do this but the power of truth, the unity of the truth; unless-and the alternative is fearful to contemplate-there be a complete destruction of all and singular the properties of the saints. But the work which is to be done cannot be done if the alternate occurs; hence we must conclude that the lines of inequality must be voluntarily thrown down, by those having the privilege abasing themselves, thus assisting others to be elevated.
"We shall be glad to take by the hand in fraternal regard the men who will now begin to work practically for Zion's good; helping each other, thus by concentration and unity, forming a band mighty and strong. So shall we be spiritually one as we are now legally one."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, pp. 144-146.
The Herald for November 1, 1872, contains the following items of interest concerning the missionary field:-
"News from Bro. Duncan Campbell announces the successful close of the Kent and Elgin district conference. Bro. James Mather, of Batavia, Illinois, had arrived at Louisville, and with a colaborer was on his way to Quebec, to fill anticipated calls for labor. . . . The Canada mission now extends from ocean to ocean, including the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, and the territories lying north and northwest. . . . Bro. John Lake, writing from Vincennes, Lee County, Iowa, October 10, 1872, says: 'I have just returned from Peakville, Missouri
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where I preached the word to a large and attentive congregation. . . . Bro. William W. Blair started on the 10th or 11th of October for Princeville, Peoria County, and Millersburg, Mercer County, Illinois; and Independence, Missouri, by the way of Decatur County, Iowa. . . . Bro. Joseph C. Clapp writes from Sedgwick, Decatur County, Iowa, that he will soon deliver a course of lectures at Leon, the county seat. He is preaching at Davis City, and in the schoolhouse near to Bro. Hopkins. News from Bro. Mark H. Forscutt to the 26th of September. He was then in London. Does not write of the success or the disasters of the mission. Bro. E. C. Briggs started for his Michigan field on the second week of October, recovered from his attack of the ague. Bro. J. H. Hansen writes from Wilmington, Illinois, that he has good meetings and fair liberty."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, pp. 661, 662.
November 2, 1872, the saints in Wales, through their committee, T. E. Jenkins, John Hughes, and J. T. Davies, made an earnest appeal for support to enable them to publish a Welsh periodical.
November 4, the First United Order of Enoch announced that they had chosen as directors D. M. Gamet, Phineas Cadwell, William Hopkins, Elijah Banta, I. L. Rogers, David Dancer, and C. A. Beebe; and as officers, Elijah Banta, president; William Hopkins, vice president; I. L. Rogers, treasurer; H. A. Stebbins, secretary.
On November 11, 1872, William Smith, the only surviving brother of Joseph Smith the Prophet, and the only survivor outside of the Utah faction of the first twelve chosen in 1835 to form a quorum of Apostles, wrote a letter to President Smith, defining his position.. 4
4 Joseph, you are well aware that since the organization of the church in 1830, many who were the first elders have had to pass through untold scenes of afflictions, adversities, and trial; and having myself, with others of my brethren, shared abundantly in all the changes incident to the history of the church thus far, I feel it a duty that I owe to old time saints, and for the good of the cause of Zion abroad, to say to you, and to all whom it may concern, that I am not a leader of any class of Mormons whatever; and that I do most cordially indorse the Reorganization,
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The following account of a short trip by President Smith furnishes some interesting items of history:-
"On the 9th of December, just past, we left the sanctum and the cares of copy and proof for a short tour in Hancock and McDonough counties, to speak a word in behalf of the doctrine of the church. In company of Bro. J. C. Clapp, of Oregon and California fame as a preacher of the 'One Faith,' we went to Lacrosse. . . .
"Arriving at the 'Shakerag' schoolhouse a little after seven p. m. we found Bro. Joseph R. Lambert, of the Rock Creek branch, addressing a packed house. Waiting till he closed we made our way to the stand, and spoke for a few moments, indicating what course we proposed to take during the meetings we should hold there in the neighborhood. The next morning Bro. Clapp, finding that we had good help in Bro. Lambert, left for St. Louis and Kentucky. Bro. Lambert and myself held two meetings in the Cottage schoolhouse, on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, when we went on to Colchester; Bro. Lambert remained and spoke on Friday and Saturday evenings, as he informed us by letter, received since our return home.
"Proceeding to Colchester, McDonough County, by wagon through the kindness of a cousin, Don C. Salisbury, we found that Uncle Arthur Millikin had asked for and received
and further state now, as I always have done from the time of the great apostasy in 1844 and 1845, that the legal presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, belongs of right, to the oldest son of the martyred prophet, Joseph Smith, who was the first prophet of the church, and the called of God.
I hope that this may answer the inquiries of many of my friends, who continue to write to me on the subject of the right of presidency and the legitimacy of the church over which my nephew, Joseph Smith, presides. I hope that this declaration of my faith and belief may find a favorable place in the columns of the Herald.
Go on then, ye swift messengers of peace. "Let Zion in her beauty rise," while the errors of the past shall be forgotten; charity and love fill every heart, is the prayer of your brother in Christ. Where love is there is the spirit of forgiveness; and long may this good spirit, which is the spirit of the gospel, abide with those who have named the name of Christ.
With much love and esteem I subscribe to all saints to whom these lines may come greeting, with charity for all and hatred to none.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, p. 723.
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permission to use the Christian church, a large and comfortable building, in which a small band of Christians, under the charge of Elder Stevens, hold their stated meetings.
"We spoke here on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings, to as kind and attentive listeners as it has been our fortune lately to meet. The surviving sisters of the martyrs, Catharine, Sophronia, and Lucy, with a number of their children, attended the meetings, and we have no doubt good was done. . . .
"Bro. Joseph R. Lambert is an able young minister, fully alive to the work, and of a careful and studious habit. We were much pleased with his company and his assistance.
"On Monday we returned to the neighborhood of Fountain Green, Hancock County, and spoke there in the Hickory Grove and Eagle schoolhouses, in the latter on Tuesday evening, and in the former on Monday night. . . .
"The position of the church on the question of polygamy was asked for at the Cottage and Eagle schoolhouses, and at Colchester, which we gave as briefly and decisively as we could."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, pp. 17, 18.
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