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JANUARY 5, 1872, Elder Thomas Taylor, of Birmingham, England, wrote of prospects there as follows:-
"The work generally in this country looks encouraging. The saints who are coming into the church seem to be of the right kind. Bro. Coward in Liverpool will yet do a good work, but he is a man very much shaken in nerves. He is a thoroughly good man. Bro. Ennion is equally good; but weak in body and far advanced in years. But I pray the Lord to strengthen them, and enable them to do a good work. We have just received an encouraging letter from Bro. Briggs, and are anxiously looking for one from Bro. Ells."-The Saints, Herald, vol. 19, p. 152.
On January 15, Elder W. W. Blair wrote of the work in western Iowa as follows:-
"My meetings at Galland's Grove and at Manteno were very largely attended, and we hope for excellent results. There are many noble souls in Galland's Grove and vicinity, and I look to see the work of God continue to thrive there. My meetings here, yesterday, were well attended, though the Methodists are having a revival, lessening the attendance to some degree. The saints feel well, and the interest in their meetings is on the increase of late."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, p. 86.
The following clipping from the editorial column of the Herald for February 15, 1872, is worthy of preservation, as it shows the esteem in which one of the elders of the church was held in political circles, not only by his own, but also by the opposing party:-
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"We clip from the Omaha Tribune and Republican, the following eulogy upon Bro. H. J. Hudson, of Columbus, Nebraska. . . .
"'Mr. Hudson, of Platte, is one of the ablest debaters and truest men in the Legislature. His record is unblemished, and his leadership universally acknowledged. We thank him in behalf of the State for his fearless and unswerving course in behalf of the public interests.'-Omaha Herald.
"'We indorse the above compliment to Hon. Henry J. Hudson with pleasure. Though not of our political household, we regard him as one of the truest and best men in the State; one of the comparatively few to whom the people may safely and wholly trust their interests. Not strongly partisan, on general questions he is always on the side of right. No amount of money can purchase his integrity, and no temptation force him to surrender his real convictions. His conduct is in glorious contrast to that of many of the members of the Legislature, and must extort the admiration and respect even of his opponents. Fortunate would it be for Nebraska, if men-whether Republicans or Democrats-like Henry J. Hudson were more plenty.'"-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, pp. 114, 115.
The following items from Herald for March 15, 1872, will indicate conditions and prospects in several localities:-
"We had the pleasure of taking a number of the elders of the Kewanee district by the hand, during their late conference at Princeville, Peoria County, Illinois. Bro. John S. Patterson, the presiding elder of the district, is indefatigable in his efforts to disseminate the doctrines of life and salvation in his district. Bro. E. L. Kelley, preaching in Michigan with Bro. E. C. Briggs, has written a letter to the Coldwater Republican in defense of the church. The letter appeared in the issue of that paper for February 24, and is an able and characteristic defense of the truth. Bro. M. H. Forscutt has baptized six in Decatur County, Iowa, since the debate with the Rev. - Ray closed there. Bro. David Powell, on a short mission down in the center of the State of Illinois, baptized six, and ordained Bro. J. G. Emmons
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to the office of priest, to preach the word and watch over the flock there. . . .
"Bro. H. C. Brunson has succeeded in stirring up considerable interest and some excitement in the neighborhood of the Union schoolhouse, not far from Victoria, Knox County, Illinois. Rev. C. W. Smith, who has, we believe, heretofore discussed with Bro. Isaac Sheen, proposes to stop the progress of the work there by opposing it. What success he may achieve in hindering it there remains to be seen. If he honestly thinks that we are deluded and are worshiping [worshipping] erroneously, he is not to be blamed if he presents a strong opposition to our doctrines; but he ought to be honorable in his opposition, using honorable means to disabuse the minds of the people. He will do well to avoid the usual tactics of those who attempt to defeat the elders. Our people must also remember that retaliation, vituperation, and abuse are not arguments proper to be used in defending the faith. . . .
"Letters from Bro. James G. Scott indicate an excellent opening in southern Indiana."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, pp. 176, 177.
The Herald for April 1, 1872, contains a very significant communication from the pen of President Joseph Smith on "Affairs in Utah." We ask for it a careful reading. It will be seen that in this article is foreshadowed the very position which the Utah Church was obliged to occupy about twenty years later, and they are herein forewarned of how the Reorganization will hold such action. He writes as follows:-
"Brigham Young has achieved notoriety; and, outside of the church over which he presides, an unenviable reputation; but what there can be in the present situation of either Mr. Young or any of his long time adherents to offer such tomes of self-gratulation upon as it appears are being written by those inimical to him concerning it, we are unable to see. There is something solemnizing and pity-inspiring in the contemplation of what such a life as Mr. Young's has been reveals; and, although we have no extraordinary reasons to like him, but rather to the contrary, we cannot join in the cry that is being raised against him.
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"We do not favor the admission of Utah into the union of States, with a constitution favoring or permitting the practice of polygamy; nor would we consent to such a compromise as would, by concession, treat with polygamy as existing as a religious tenet belonging of right to original Mormonism, and we would be very much inclined to object to any compromise recognizing it by any means as a religious tenet. In all this, however, we can see no warrant for supposing that any faction, outgrowth, split off, or secession is adding to its own strength by feeding upon the weaknesses, follies, or even vices of Brigham Young and others.
"We have noticed with some degree of curiosity, and some regret, the course pursued by what is called the Reform or Liberal Party, in Salt Lake City, as appears from the Salt Lake Tribune. When this journal first set out there was a feeling humanity discoverable in its editorials and leading articles, that indicated that the course pursued was rather forced upon the men sustaining it than otherwise; but whether the change in its editorial management has changed the forecast of its mission, or destiny itself has shaped its ends, there is a wide difference in the animus of its leaders now and then.
"It has grown bitter, harsh, and acrimonious; and except for now and then a saving clause, it might be inferred that those who were instrumental in originating and continuing the scheme of its publication, had either sold out their entire interest in it as a financial instrument and a social reform, or had forgotten that they ever held a tie in common with those against whom their invectives are now hurled. Plain statements of facts are sometimes necessary, both in exposing wickedness and wrong, and in defending innocence and right; but to state facts in a spirit of persecution and hate, is too apt to leave untold whatever of good might by candor be found for those of whom those facts might be stated.
"The plain statement that Brigham Young is responsible for much of the evil and wrong the people of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have suffered, may be and
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we believe is true; and this statement, if made by us in rancorous enmity to found an argument of our own strength upon is, in our way of thinking, a betrayal of weakness, or an exhibition of petty spite not warrantable in honest warfare.
"Whenever a man, or a party of them, has fallen upon hard lines in the church, and has severed the bond of union which has bound them with the body, there has followed, in far too many cases, an unmasking of fierce enmity. This has resulted in casting before the public a great many statements that need to be received with more than 'one grain of salt.'
"Brigham Young is an old man. He may, 'by reason of great strength,' endure for a few more years; and the end for him may come at any time. What the end may be, few can conjecture; and fewer still would be willing to foretell. That there must follow his death a serious disruption among those now held together by his personal power would seem to be inevitable. What the nature of this disruption will be, the incongruity of the several discordant elements already existing makes difficult of solution. We hope, however, that sufficient good will evolve to save from utter wreck the faith of the masses in God and in humanity. While the supposed disruption is pending, and before the blow falls that causes it, there is one thing we wish to place upon the record of the time's eventful history.
"An attempt is being made to secure the admission of Utah as a State. The abandonment of polygamy, by constitutional enactment, is to be made a condition precedent to such admission; and if admission is granted, it should be upon no other terms. However, should Utah be admitted upon such abandonment of polygamy, we think it to be an act of justice due to our religious contemporaries who may believe in polygamy, to certify to them that we shall regard such abandonment of that dogma as a tantamount declaration to us and to the world that the claim which they have made for its divine origin is a false claim; and that with the men who so abandon it the fact of its origination really lies.
"We might have waited till such abandonment and admission
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are really consummated before taking any position upon them; but we prefer to be charged with striking at shadows in case that the abandonment and consequent admission do not take place, than to be subsequently charged with taking advantage of what might be said to have been forced upon polygamists. We regard the situation in Utah as fraught with very grave issues; not only to 'Mormons' and 'Gentiles' there; but to the people of the United States generally, and to us of the Reorganization especially.
"The position which we as an individual have assumed upon the main question at issue, has been known from the first; and much, very much censure has been passed upon us for assuming that position. Many things which have transpired within the past few years go far towards confirming us in the position taken, and relieving the position taken from its seeming inconsistency. Had we any less faith in the law of compensation, which, ordained of God, makes all things even, we should scarcely have cared to have entered into the field of religious and social warfare as a defender of the faith of 'the fathers' of the church, as a Latter Day Saint, under the depressing, cloud that to us has ever lain over the horizon of the past, and with a knowledge of the ordeal to which we must submit being the descendant of one whose name was 'had for good and evil' among men.
"Very few have shared with us in the feelings and sentiments this warfare has given rise to. Nor have we cared to often express them, for fear that they might be chargeable to an undue morbidity of mind not compatible with the largeness and grandeur of the plan of salvation. To some extent we have feared what the developments of a disruption in Utah might reveal of the past. This fear we have outgrown or overcome; and we are now persuaded, that not being responsible for the acts of others who have lived in the past, we can neither change nor obliterate the record they have made; we have therefore no just reason to fear what the truths of that record are. We are now prepared for whatever those revealments of the past may be.
"We wish everybody to understand that we are not an apologist for Brigham Young or any of those who are his
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coadjutors; neither are we now a defender of those things which in times past we have declared our opposition to. We are, however, now, and we ever expect to be, an opposer of persecution, irresponsible violence, unjust denunciation, harsh, vindictive vituperation, and a building up of reputation out of the vices and follies of others. We have further concluded that now was a proper time to be understood upon some portion of the Utah question."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, pp. 208.-210.
In the same issue, the editor has this to say of the work in Coldwater, Michigan:-
"Bro. E. C. Briggs expected to baptize some on the 3d in the Coldwater River, near Coldwater, Michigan. Many are quite bitter against the work there, but the cause has gained many friends. Much good seems to have followed the labors of Brn. E. C. Briggs and E. L. Kelley in that country."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, p. 212.
The Annual Conference convened at St. Louis, Missouri, April 6, 1872; Joseph Smith president, M. H. Forscutt secretary, A. H. Smith and H. A. Stebbins clerks.
The first day was occupied by reports, among which are the following.-
"President J. Smith announced that the Legislature had yet passed no law by which the Board of Publication could be organized. There was a law, but it required a company of stockholders, a board of directors, and other features such as the board appointed by the church did not possess. The Board is waiting for a contemplated law that will give religious bodies holding property as a whole, the right to organize. . . .
"Elder Mark H. Forscutt, as president of the committee on music, reported that but little had yet been done by the committee; but he hoped by next General Conference to be able to present a satisfactory report, as the committee were at work. Bro. David H. Smith had contributed some original music.
"The President reported that Brn. E. C. Briggs and E. L. Kelley were laboring faithfully in Michigan, and were doing a good work there; Bro. William H. Kelley in
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Indiana; Bro. J. W. Briggs is doing something in Iowa in local labor; and Bro. Samuel Powers in Wisconsin. The English mission should be supplied. Urgent calls come from Utah for a candid, earnest, careful man. There is one who can go from California, and there are some who are willing to go to England and Scotland when there shall be conditions met as are necessary under the circumstances of those brethren.
"He, the President, had sought to know, since the death of Bro. Zenos H. Gurley, whether the time was come, or would come at this conference, for members to be added to the Quorum of the Twelve, but as yet had obtained no indications in that respect, though he had looked forward anxiously to this time. With respect to the First Presidency; Bro. William Marks is very aged and feeble, and may be taken away at any time. This would leave the First Presidency with one member only. He had also sought for light on this question, and received a very pleasing intimation that it would be provided for, though no especial designation was made.
"The speech of the President was listened to with great interest, and was a fitting close to the first day's services and sessions."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, pp. 281, 284.
On the 8th Elders W. W. Blair, J. H. Lake, and J. S. Patterson were appointed a committee to investigate difficulties existing in Hanley branch, England. Subsequently other cases were also referred to them. The following missions were appointed at the conference: M. H. Forscutt, president of the English mission; D. H. Smith, William Redfield, and A. D. Boren were appointed to labor in Utah; J. S. Patterson, to Scotland; J. T. Davies, to Wales; John Avondet, to Switzerland, Italy, and France; A. H. Smith, to the presidency of Pacific slope mission, with privilege of choosing his assistants; Duncan Campbell, to preside over the Canada mission; Josiah Ells, to preside over Eastern mission; T. W. Smith, to preside over the Southern mission; John Molyneaux, to England; E. C. Briggs, to Michigan district; E. L. Kelley to labor under him; W. H. Kelley, Michigan, Indiana, and Minnesota; C. G. Lanphear,
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as circumstances permit; J. H. Lake and Frank Reynolds, in Iowa and Missouri as circumstances permit; J. H. Hansen, to northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin; E. C. Brand, under direction of First Presidency; Henry Love, to the Eastern mission. The following were released from appointment: J. D. Bennett, J. J. Stafford, R. G. Eccles, and A. M. Wilsey. The following were referred to local authorities: Nephi Caudle, J. S. Weeks, T. E. Lloyd, and H. P. Brown.
The following resolutions were adopted-
"Resolved that in the event of any suitable and effective minister desiring a foreign mission at any time when General Conference is not in session, the First Presidency or the Quorum of the Twelve are hereby authorized to grant them letters of appointment, the persons so appointed to report to and labor under the direction of the president of the mission where they may go.
"Resolved that the church adopt the order taught by the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 16:1, 2, 'Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come;' and in the Book of Covenants, section 59, paragraph 2, 'Remember that on this, the Lord's day, thou shalt offer thine oblations, and thy sacraments, unto the Most High, confessing thy sins unto thy brethren, and before the Lord,' to raise moneys for legitimate church purposes. And that, whereas we, the elders in General Conference assembled, believe that the church should put forth a greater effort, financially, than in the past, therefore be it resolved that we consider it to be the duty of the presiding officers of missions, districts, and branches, to teach the law of tithing and free-will offerings, presidents of branches to act as the bishop's agents in collecting and disbursing such tithing and offerings, keeping an account of all moneys received and forwarding the same to the Bishop to carry on the work of the ministry, etc."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, pp. 315, 316.
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On the 8th, T. P. Green was ordained a high priest by Josiah Ells, W. W. Blair, and W. H. Hazzledine. On the 9th, M. H. Forscutt was released as Church Secretary, on account of his appointment to the English mission, and Henry Goodcell, Jr., of San Bernardino, California, appointed to succeed him. John Traxler was recommended for ordination to the office of bishop to act as bishop of Canada. The recommendation was spread on the record for future action.
Protests against the reinstating of John Shippy were presented signed by several, and referred to the First Presidency, the Presiding Bishop, and the president of the First Quorum of Elders. Ezra Strong, Cyrus Newkirk, and John Lawson claimed a standing in the High Priests' Quorum, and were referred to that quorum.
The Northwest Missouri district requested the ordination of Elder F. M. Bevins to the office of bishop. This was referred to the First Presidency. Elders M. H. Forscutt, J. S. Patterson, and A. H. Smith were blessed and set apart for the missions assigned them under the hands of President Smith and Apostles Blair and Ells. Upon their request Elders Lake and Bevins were also blessed by the same parties. The Church Secretary estimated a net increase of about thirteen hundred members. The following officials were sustained:-
"Joseph Smith, as President of the Church, with William Marks as his counselor. J. W. Briggs, as president of the Quorum of the Twelve, with William W. Blair, E. C. Briggs, Josiah Ells, and Samuel Powers as members thereof, with a request that the latter report to the next General Conference.
"On presenting a motion to sustain Bro. Reuben Newkirk, the following substitute was offered on motion of Brn. Forscutt and James Anderson: Resolved that a committee of two be appointed; said committee to be members of the Quorum of the Twelve, designated by the President of the Church, and be instructed to ascertain from Bro. Newkirk whether he is willing to magnify his office as an apostle, and
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to notify him that the General Conferences of the church are no longer willing to sustain him as an apostle unless he shall make an effort to magnify his calling. The President appointed Brn. Jason W. Briggs and William W. Blair as said committee.
"Israel L. Rogers was sustained as Presiding Bishop; Henry Goodcell, Jun., as Church Secretary; Isaac Sheen, as president of High Priests' Quorum and Church Recorder; A. M. Wilsey, as president of Seventy's Quorum; Elijah Banta as president, and J. S. Patterson as counselor, to First Elders' Quorum; David H. Smith as president, and P. Cadwell as counselor, to Second Elders' Quorum.
"On motion of Brn. Mark H. Forscutt and Alexander H. Smith, Resolved that this General Conference extend its sympathies to the family of our deceased brother, Zenos H. Gurley, Sen., by whose death the church lost a faithful and efficient minister, the Quorum of the Twelve an exemplary member, and by whose decease that quorum has been rendered incapable of acting as a quorum; and further that we will earnestly pray for the Lord to raise up faithful and suitable men to supply the vacancies occurring in this and other important offices, men who will do honor to the cause of God and to themselves.
"The President said that in answer to prayer, the names of two or three men had been given him; but that the time was not yet come to set them in the Quorum of the Twelve. All the officers in the church, not members of organized quorums, were sustained, as well as the organized quorums in working righteousness. The President made some excellent remarks on the work, the pleasantness of the conference about to close, and urged all to continued faithfulness and increased diligence."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, pp. 345, 346.
In Herald for May 1, 1872, the editor comments on the work of the conference as follows:-
"The April Conference for 1872 is past, and it now remains for the army in the field, and their coworkers at home, to buckle the armor a little closer and enter the field anew. No extraordinary manifestations
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of power were had during the session, but a remarkable season of peace prevailed; much of the business done being obviously directed of the Spirit, more especially during the consideration of the subject of missions. A new effort was decided upon in regard to the English mission, and the appointments were good. Elder Mark H. Forscutt, to England; John S. Patterson, to Scotland; John T. Davies, of Kansas, to Wales; and John Avondet, to Switzerland; the mission to be under the charge of Elder Forscutt. These brethren have the confidence of the church in America, and so far, our acquaintance with them warrants the conclusion that they will continue to make a good record. It is to be hoped that those who have been anxious respecting the mission will now show how valuable their anxiety is, as these brethren need prayers, colabor, and sinews of war.
"The Legislature of Illinois has at length passed such an act as will permit the incorporation of the Board of Publication heretofore authorized by the church in conference assembled. Measures will be taken at once to effect the incorporation. We shall publish soon such portion of the act as applies to the branches of the church. It will be necessary that attention shall be paid to it in Illinois."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, pp. 272, 273.
The semiannual conference of the Pacific slope mission was held at San Francisco, California, April 6 and 7, 1872; Hervey Green and Glaud Rodger presiding, Peter Canavan clerk. The following officials reported: Hervey Green, Jacob Adamson, George Adams, George Oman, D. S. Mills. D. P. Young, William Potter, D. J. Phillips, Daniel Brown, John Roberts, P. C. Briggs, R. R Dana, Peter Canavan, Richard Amer, Glaud Rodger, John Cobb, A. K. P. Baker, William Anderson, Thomas Job, R. W. McLean, E. H. Webb, J. W. Vernon, William Hart, C. Bagnall, Henry Burgess, Orren Smith, Thomas Dungan, Samuel B. Robinson, and Bradbury Robinson. The following appointments were made: Thomas Job, to Utah; Hervey Green, to preside over the Pacific slope mission; George Adams, Jacob Adamson, Thomas Dungan, sustained in their respective presidencies; Glaud Rodger, as circumstances
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would permit; William Potter, in Sonoma, Lake, and Mendocino counties; Priest R. W. McLean, in Sutter and Butte counties; Elder O. Smith, in San Mateo County, as circumstances would permit. The committee on church records for the Pacific slope mission was discharged, and Peter Canavan was sustained as clerk of the mission.
The Welsh conference was held at Aberaman, South Wales, April 28, 1872; J. E. Reese president, and E. Morgan clerk. The business was of a local character.
Some of the authorities of the church held a council at Plano, Illinois, May 6, 1872, to advise on matters connected with finances The council was composed of Joseph Smith, of the Presidency; Bishop I. L. Rogers; and Josiah Ells, E. C. Briggs, and W. W. Blair, of the Twelve. 1
1 The following propositions were considered and adopted:-
1. It is necessary that an equality of sacrifice in the things of this world be taught and established among the saints.
2. That one important and indispensable necessity to the carrying on the work of God entrusted to us as a people, is the gathering together of the temporal means at the disposal of the saints, for the missionary work, the support of the poor, and the official work of the printing, publishing, and other departments of the church.
3. That it is imperative and important that the law of tithing be taught as tithing, by the local and traveling ministry including the bishopric.
4. That the principles of consecration, donations, and free-will offering, should be taught as distinctive and separate from the law of tithing, by the local and traveling ministry.
5. That any member of the church can tithe himself or herself in accordance with the law whatever may be their temporal condition.
6. That every member of the church may, and should comply with the law of consecration, and free-will offering, by setting apart of their substance, or their income from labor, or the increase of their substance, and paying over the same to the proper persons designated from time to time to receive such consecrations and free-will offerings.
7. That this method of sustaining the finances of the church is not in conflict with any law of the church, but is in accordance with the spirit of every known law, both in the Scriptures, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants. . . .
9. That a record of finances be kept in each and every branch, and that a monthly report of collections and disbursements be rendered to and read before the branch, to be then audited and received, or otherwise disposed of as the case may be.
10. That the amounts remaining on hand in each branch at the end of each and every three months be paid to the presiding bishop to be placed in the general storehouse of the church.
11. That lands, rents, or articles of personal property, and moneys of
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On May 22, 1872, President William Marks, counselor to the President of the Church, died. Of him President Joseph Smith wrote as follows:
"With feelings of no ordinary moment called forth by an event of more than common interest to the church, we chronicle the departure of William Marks, Senior, from this earthly life. Bro. Marks was one of the noblest of men. He has lived a life of most singular usefulness to his fellow men. Kind and upright in thought, it was known of him that his acts were founded in his consciousness of right; and what was wrong to him he would not do.
every description, may be paid into the hands of the bishop, to be used or sold for the benefit of the church finances, and to be credited as tithing.
12. The method of ascertaining the amount which any member may pay as tithing into the bishop's hands, is by an agreement between the person tithed and the bishop or his agent, based upon a statement of the condition of such person's temporal affairs made to the bishop in writing. If no agreement shall be made between the person to be tithed and the bishop, nor the council upon appeal, then no further action shall be attempted by the bishop.
13. Members desiring to be tithed may make a statement of their temporal condition to the bishop at any time, and may ask that an agreement as to amount may be had.
14. That lands, properties, or moneys that may accumulate in the treasury and storehouse of the Lord, in the church, may be legitimately used in the establishing industries of every kind for the employment of members of the church, and their capital,-these industries, including agriculture, merchandise, and mechanics, having for their object the direct benefit of the church.
15. That tithing means a tenth, and applies to all persons who have made a consecration of whatever they may have deemed a surplus;-surplus being construed to signify, in this case, that portion of property and money which a member of the church may feel that he can and will spare as a first consecration out of his or her possessions; this tenth required being but the one tenth of the yearly increase after such surplus has been given.
16. The present emergency in the spiritual affairs of the church requires that the members of the church everywhere take the things here suggested into immediate and active consideration.
17. That President Joseph Smith and Bishop I. L. Rogers be a committee to write to all the branches in America and Canada, soliciting means to aid in prosecuting the missions appointed by the last Annual Conference, and other church purposes.
18. That we consider it to be wrong, and tending to heresy, to teach, preach, or write against the avowed doctrines and order of the church,-the general conferences and high councils being the proper places in which to discuss and determine those matters. . .
I. L. ROGERS, President.
W. W. BLAIR, Clerk.
-The Saints' Herald,vol. 19, pp. 316, 317.
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"Bro. Marks united with the church at an early day and was with the saints through all their troubles, up to the terrifying times of eighteen hundred and forty-four and five, and then, because he would not keep still while crime and iniquity overran the rights and liberties of the people of the church, he was made an offender and left the city of Nauvoo. He was identified with some of the movements towards reorganization of the scattered ones of the fold, but in each instance, when he became aware that there were principles of evil and wrong obtaining in church government, and among the originators, he announced his disapproval and withdrew from their association.
"As the president of the stake at Nauvoo, Bro. Marks was one of the most faithful and steadfast men the church had. He was an example of clearheaded wisdom, a man who ruled his own spirit, and consequently one who controlled others. He was a wise counselor and a wise administrator, and became one of the most valued and trusted friends of the Martyr Joseph. His integrity was incorruptible. He cast his lot and his influence with the Reorganization in 1859, and remained a steadfast promoter of the truth; ever ready to reprove what he saw that he believed to be wrong; and fearing no man, loving neither place nor power, his personal influence was always a force for the cause of God on the earth.
"At the proper time Bro. William Marks became the Counselor to the President of the Reorganized Church, which position he held at the time of his departure, which occurred on the 22d day of May, 1872, at eleven hours and forty-five minutes a. m. In a good old age, respected and loved, he has laid down the weapons of his earthly warfare without regret, to take up the unbroken threads of his spiritual existence, in the rest of the paradise of God, there to await the assembling of the redeemed and the sanctified, when 'He shall gather in one all things in Christ.'
"Bro. Marks was born in Rutland, Vermont, November 15, 1792, and died May 22, 1872, having lived nearly eighty years. He was patient and long suffering during his decay,
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and seemed to be full of confidence that a blessed future awaited him. His death was as the death of the righteous."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 19, pp. 336, 337.
By this sad event President Smith lost his only counselor, and the church a wise and discreet defender.
In accordance with a provision made by the council of May 6, Bishop Rogers and President Smith made an appeal, which was published in the Herald for June 1, and Elder M. H. Forscutt added an appeal for help in the English mission, as he was authorized to do by action of General Conference.
June 15, the Herald contained the valedictory of Elder Forscutt, and with that issue his connection with the Herald ceased.
Elders M. H. Forscutt and J. S. Patterson left Plano, June 20, 1872, for their mission field in Europe, and Elder John Avondet left for Europe eight days later.
June 24, Elder D. H. Smith started on his mission for Utah, where Elder A. D. Boren, of California, was awaiting his arrival
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