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JANUARY 1, 1871, President Smith opened the record of the new year as follows:-
"We welcome the year 1871 with pleasure. We have reason to believe that the present year will be one of good to the cause dear to us all; if not so marked in peculiar evidences of advancement as the year 1870, the general results will be fully realized as indicative of the good intended by the Master for Zion's children. There should be a considerable ingathering this year, and there will be if the elders do as they say that they have a desire to do; but the idler and the transgressor will this year find little encouragement and less peace.
"There should be the most strenuous efforts put forth to insure faithfulness, energy, industry, and honesty in the saints. If any fancy that there is too much of these commendable qualities in the church, we most decidedly admonish them to get rid of that fancy, as it is a fallacy. Nor do we by this accuse the church of evil or of wrongdoing, but just state the fact that there is no fear that we have all reached perfection's graces yet.
"The good work still goes on. North, east, south, and west they cry, 'Come, let us hear the truth.' Remarkable evidences are occurring daily to strengthen the faith of the saints and to challenge the attention of the unbelieving. As the faith of the saints increases, these evidences of God's favor will increase also, until, by and by, they will be able to say the Lord blesses continually."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 18, p. 17.
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About this time the question of compiling a church history was agitated and some preparatory steps taken to accomplish the desired result. On February 1, President Smith wrote on this subject as follows:-
"There has been inquiry, in the church and out of it, by friends and by enemies of the cause, for an authentic history of the church. Whether it is not within the design of the divine Ruler that it should be written for general reading, or that the members of the church have lacked the ability and character for the work, are subjects for study. There is a want of this history-a very serious want; and it has long been felt. The church under Brigham Young has continued from time to time to publish in the Millennial Star, extracts from the history begun in the Times and Seasons, but nothing like a complete history has yet been issued by it for the general reader.
"A number of works have been published, ostensibly with a view to give the public an idea of the rise and progress of the church at large; but, from any that have ever come under our notice, none but very crude notions respecting the real origination of the work, its true character and its destiny, could be gathered. These works have been written, as a general thing, by those antagonistic to the work, those who desired to retard its progress, or overthrow it altogether. Those who have not written with the intention of damaging the church, have written for the purpose of selling their writings to make money.
"From those opposed to the church we cannot expect an impartial and unbiased relation of the principal events transpiring during the rise of the church; but we can expect much that is untrue to be stated, and actual occurrences to be warped in their telling, and the motives of prominent actors in those scenes to be sadly impugned and distorted.
"From those deeply interested in the work of the last days, while we should expect the truth to be told in what is written, we must not forget that many who write, relate only what may present that work in a favorable light,
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leaving untold, as a matter of course, whatever may cast shadows upon the truth.
"We have reason to believe that a history of the church would be very acceptable to the church at this juncture, and would be of value to the world as an assisting means of forming a correct estimate of its character. We have been frequently asked to attempt the writing and compilation of such a history. After a long, and we trust a faithful, contemplation of the nature of the work, we have concluded to take the preparatory steps towards the accomplishment of it. We therefore ask coöperation, and suggest the following as being a necessary aid to us in the work.
"Let all interested in the matter of church history having documents in their possession containing facts, incidents, fragments of journals of men engaged in the work, history of missions, and in short anything that will aid, interest, or instruct the student of church history, send such documents, or authentic copies thereof, to us for reference, observing the rules laid down by our respected brother, Jason W. Briggs, who purposes writing a history of the Reorganization, in connection with the history to be compiled by us. If we receive what we shall consider proper support and encouragement in this undertaking, we shall make the effort; if not, we shall defer it to some 'more convenient season.' Personal reminiscences, strange events, miraculous occurrences, visions, answers to prayer, prophecy and its fulfillment, tracts, pamphlets, and articles written in defense of the work, with date of writing and circulation, and a relation of the circumstances and place of writing, may all be found useful in compiling such a history.
"In this connection we call attention to the notice of Elder Jason W. Briggs, the historian of the Reorganization; 1 and
1Having been appointed Historian by a General Conference held at Zarahemla, Wisconsin, April 6, 7, and 8, 1853, in pursuance of the work then contemplated, and that it may contain whatever is known to any member of the church, that may be of interest, and that may come properly within the scope of such a work, I respectfully request facts and incidents connected with the coming forth and progress of the Reorganization of the church. Especially is this asked of those associated with, or having charge of, foreign or remote missions.
All statements of facts, it deemed important, should rest upon the testimony
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we wish it to be distinctly understood that action, present and intense action, is the only means necessary to success; and that procrastination and sluggish movement can only result in sure defeat. Warning effects nothing if not acted upon; requests mean nothing if not complied with; suggestions are worthless if left to themselves; and resolutions are records of folly if not carried out. Let us then be diligent in this thing if we desire the good that may result. We once desired biographical sketches of the prominent men connected with the church, to be written by themselves. to publish in the Herald. One only responded. We presumed no others wished to be represented, and so let the matter rest. We hope there will be more attention paid to our present request."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 18, pp. 80-82.
This object was not then realized, as obstacles intervened preventing.
A series of lectures was given at Plano, of which the Herald states as follows:-
"A course of thirty doctrinal lectures was commenced in the saints' meetinghouse in Plano, January 1, 1871, Bro. Jason W. Briggs leading off on the subject, 'Is there a God?' Bro. Mark H. Forscutt following in the evening on the Being and attributes of God.' These were the first of the series, and were tolerably well attended. Both were excellent discourses upon the respective subjects, each being peculiar of its kind.
"On the eighth Bro. Jason W. Briggs spoke again this
of eye and ear witnesses; and, if extraordinary, should have incontestable evidence of their truth. Contributors ought to distinguish between what is known to themselves and what they learn from others, observing time, place, and order of the events narrated. All communications, to authorize their use, must have the full and proper signature of the writer; not the initials, but the proper name.
The era to be embraced in this history is the one beginning with the year 1852. The History of the Reorganization will include the history of the downfall of every faction; so that facts touching the dissolution of these factions, (in many cases already accomplished, and in others approximating to dissolution,) are desired to advertise the generation to come of some of the wiles of Satan, and the cunning of self-appointed leaders of the flock. All communications upon this subject should be carefully and plainly written, and should be directed to the address of Jason W. Briggs, Cottage, Hardin County, Iowa.
January 15, 1871. The Saints' Herald, vol. 18, p. 95.
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time his subject being 'The Scriptures; do they contain the word of God?' Bro. Jason treated the subject in an excellent manner, and much satisfaction was given to the congregation. In the evening, 'ye editor' [Joseph Smith] held forth upon the subject, 'Jesus of Nazareth-the Son of God.'
"On the fifteenth the fifth and sixth lectures of the course were delivered; the first in the morning, subject, 'Repentance and confession,' by Elder Forscutt; the second by 'ye editor,' subject, 'Water baptism; is it of divine appointment?' It is to be hoped that these lectures may do much good. If similar courses could be held occasionally in different places, a more thorough knowledge of the work might be obtained by the hearers."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 18, p. 85.
Elder W. W. Blair wrote, February 21, from Austin, Nevada, which point he had reached on his way to California. He reported the branch in Austin in a "cold and partially disorganized state;" but thirty-six miles from there he found zealous, spiritual saints, in the persons of S. F. Walker and wife. On the 27th, he reported from Carson City, Nevada, where he proposed to remain for a month. He had stopped at Lovelocks, on his way from Austin, and baptized Paul Temblay, a Catholic, and William Silverwood, a Brighamite elder. At Carson City, among others he met Thomas Harris, a member of the church, and formerly president of Swansea conference, Wales, who was then a member of the Nevada legislature.
On March 8, 1871, Elder Josiah Butterfield died at Watsonville, California. He was in an early day one of the Seven Presidents of Seventy, 2 and at the time of his death was president of Watsonville branch. Of him Elder George Adams wrote a very complimentary tribute, which was published in the Herald, April 1, 1871. 3
2 See Doctrine and Covenants 107:44.
3I send you for publication the mournful intelligence of the death of Josiah Butterfield, the beloved president of the Watsonville branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He filled his office with ability (for his years) up to his departure, I may say. He died as
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The following from the pen of Elder J. W. Chatburn will give the reader an idea of the condition of the people in Utah--
"We came on to Pondtown, I having an old acquaintance there, one Dr. Coon, well known in western Iowa. I sent him word that I would like to obtain a place to preach in, in his neighborhood. He tried to get the schoolhouse for me, and gave the parties whom he asked the following statement as his reason for trying to get the schoolhouse for a Josephite to speak In: 'On a certain occasion,' he said, a couple of elders came from Utah to western Iowa. They could not get any place to preach in in his county until he went to Judge Chatburn and asked him for the courthouse in Magnolia, the Judge having control of the house. The Judge gave his consent, and not only for that time, but gave the privilege to use it as often as we wanted to. And now, brethren, this is the same man, this Chatburn, that I want the schoolhouse for.' The answer was, 'He did a good act in letting the elder have the house, and would get his reward for it, but now he was an apostate, and the command was not to take them in, nor bid them Godspeed.'
"We got a house to preach in, however, and had a good
he had lived for the past thirty-eight years, bearing a faithful testimony to the truth of the latter-day work, and his word no man that knew him could gainsay.
The last meeting he attended was on Thursday eve, February 23. He then spoke of leaving us, and said he was ready to go, that he had often prayed, but never could get a testimony that he would live to see the Savior come. He was powerful in testimony, and as he felt his dissolution approaching he was more vehement, and often in our meetings he would tell us, "I can do no more good here; but I want it known to the four corners of the earth that Josiah Butterfleld lived and died a true Latter Day Saint, knowing that this was the work of God, and that Joseph Smith was a prophet of the living God, and that his son Joseph is his successor." Yes, he had that abiding testimony that set him free from the bondage of death, and like the prophets of old, with one glance could survey the future, look into eternity, and in the hopes of his reward claim its joys and blessings as his own. Death to him was powerless, at the approach of eternal life; and he will, by the power of the redemption wrought out by Jesus Christ, come forth in the morning of the resurrection, clothed in a more glorious body, blooming with immortality, to reign upon a renovated earth. O that his family may try to emulate his example, and live as he lived; then it will be well with them, as it was with him. Death will be swallowed up in victory.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 18, pp. 217, 218
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large congregation. I felt the Spirit of 'preach' in me, and handled them without gloves, showing them that that commandment did not reach me, as I had the gospel of Christ, and I could prove it, if anyone would meet me in a public discussion. . . .
"I took my valise on my shoulder, along with Bro. Worwood, and started through the snow for Payson; stayed with George Garner, a good man. To meet such a man in Utah is like the cooling spring in the desert to the weary traveler. From here we went to Santa Quin; here I made a stop to preach. This is a hard place. The people are poor and priest-ridden, and in fact, the farther south, the poorer the people are, and the more bound down by the iron hand of tyranny.
"Next morning Bro. Worwood left me to go to Salt Creek, his home. I stayed two or three days, and then was taken sick with the winter fever. The first chance I had, I came back to Pondtown, in order to get where I could have some attendance, not knowing what might be the result; but I am thankful that God did not forsake me, and that he has blessed me with health again. . . .
"On arriving at Pondtown I found that Orson Hyde had been there and had arraigned Dr. Coon, and Denniss (the man that let me have the house to preach in) for trial, for the part they had taken in having me preach in that place. After Mr. Hyde had dilated on the enormity of the crime they had been guilty of in harboring a Josephite, he asked them what they had to say in their defense. Dr. Coon arose and undertook to make the statement that he gave at the time he applied for the house. He got about half way through when Mr. Hyde told him to sit down if that was all that he could do, praising up our enemies. Mr. Hyde then went on with a long tirade of abuse, the Josephites in general being the subject, calling them 'apostates and designing men who would put the knife to Bro. Brigham's throat if they had the power.' Dr. Coon arose and said, 'That description of a Josephite would not fit Judge Chatburn;' for, said he, 'I know that he is a good man.' 'Sit down, Bro. Coon.' said Hyde, 'we want you to ask pardon without any
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comments, or we shall out you off.' The Doctor then arose, pale and trembling, and asked forgiveness; but Denniss told them to 'cut away.'-The Saints' Herald, vol. 18, pp. 218, 219.
Elder T. W. Smith was, by the Presidency, appointed a mission to the Southern States. In the Herald for March 15, he and others of that mission were editorially mentioned as follows:-
"Bro. T. W. Smith is now in the South, having gone into the Southern mission at our appointment, pursuant of act of the April conference of 1870. Bro. Lanphear, who has been in charge for some time past, wrote that Bro. Smith's coming would be welcomed. Since his arrival there we learn that he is busy attending to the ministration of the word. Bro. Lanphear has been very faithful, and those brethren of the South have reason to rejoice that their ministry has been so blessed as it has. Bro. T. Waddel, who died while prosecuting the mission, has had good successors. Brethren Isaac Beebe, G. R. Scogin, - Booker, and L. F. West have all added their labor for Christ to the cause."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 18, p. 177.
The Annual Conference for 1871, convened at Plano, Illinois, April 6, Joseph Smith, president; M. H. Forscutt and Edwin Stafford secretaries; Jesse Broadbent, reporter. The usual reports were made and were encouraging. The Church Librarian reported thirty-three volumes in library. The Church Recorder reported two hundred and twenty branches, with an aggregate membership of six thousand nine hundred and three. Elder Joseph E. Betts was recommended for ordination to the office of Bishop. Consideration of the recommendation was deferred. The following resolution was adopted:-
"That the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints shall not be counted in good standing who will contract debts without a fair prospect of being able to pay the same."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 18, p. 287.
Judah Griffiths was by vote received as a member and high priest on his original baptism and ordination in 1881 and 1835.
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On the 10th, the following resolutions were adopted:-
"That this conference send out no elders to labor or represent this church except they are out of debt, or make satisfaction with their creditors, and this to be a precedent to act upon in the future. . . .
"That this conference considers it very improper for branches to ordain men not belonging to their branch or district, and more especially when it is done without the knowledge or consent of the branch to which they belong, and that we hereby condemn all such action as unwise, and request all churches to be governed by the spirit of this resolution in the matter of ordinations in the future. . . .
"That an appeal from the decision of a branch to a quarterly district conference of which said branch forms a part, is proper, and should be had previous to an appeal to the High Council, and that such appeal gives the district conference the right to examine, and, if necessary, retry all questions that may be so appealed. . . .
"Whereas Granville Hedrick has a name on the record of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and has left the church, and assumed to be the leader of a separate body, having no connection with said church, and opposed to it, be it resolved that this conference does hereby instruct the Secretary to prefer a charge against him for having separated himself from the church, and notify him to appear before a court of elders to be appointed at the next Semiannual Conference to try such cases as may properly come before them.
"Whereas Ebenezer Page has a name on the record of the Reorganized Church, and has left the church, and affiliated himself with Sidney Rigdon, be it hereby resolved that this conference instruct the Secretary to prefer a charge against him for having so done, and cite him to appear before a council of his quorum at the next Semiannual Conference."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 18, pp. 310, 311.
The ordination of Thomas P. Green to the office of high priest was provided for. President Joseph Smith reported that he had become liable for a sum of nearly $2,000 in the
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erection of the church building at Plano. The conference authorized Bishop Rogers to liquidate the debt. The next day the Board of Publication was discharged according to the request of its members. They gave as a reason that they were not permitted under their appointment to choose their own president, which privilege they should be granted. The objectionable feature was removed, and Bishop I. L. Rogers and President Joseph Smith were appointed members of the Board of Publication with power to choose their assistants. They subsequently chose David Dancer, John Scott, and Elijah Banta.
At this conference the Second Quorum of Elders was organized, under direction of the first quorum. David H. Smith was chosen president, and Phineas Cadwell counselor; and they were so ordained. Jesse Broadbent was chosen secretary.
The following action was had regarding missions: Elders J. H. Lake, J. S. Snively, Thomas Nutt, William Powell, G. M. Rush, and A. M. Wilsey were released from former appointments; Thomas E. Lloyd was appointed to labor under Josiah Ells; Thomas Nutt, to Fremont district; A. M. Wilsey, under Josiah Ells; Elders A. H. Smith, D. H. Smith, C. W. Lange, Jesse Broadbent, J. S. Snively, and L. W. Babbitt were appointed to labor under direction of the President; and Priest Hans Anderson was appointed to labor under the First Presidency. All other elders under former appointment were sustained in their respective fields. J. H. Lake was ordained a seventy; and E. L. Kelley, a priest.
The following officers were sustained: Joseph Smith, President, Prophet, Seer, and Revelator to the church; William Marks, counselor to the President; Jason W. Briggs, president of Quorum of Twelve Apostles, Zenos H. Gurley, Sen., William W. Blair, Samuel Powers, Reuben Newkirk, Edmund C. Briggs, and Josiah Ells, members of the Twelve; Isaac Sheen, president of High Priests' Quorum, Joseph Parsons, counselor; the Seventies' Quorum, with A. M. Wilsey, president; E. Banta, president of First Quorum of Elders, with J. S. Patterson,
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counselor; D. H. Smith, president of Second Quorum of Elders, Phineas Cadwell, counselor; I. L. Rogers, Bishop, with William Aldrich, counselor; M. H. Forscutt, Secretary; and Isaac Sheen, Recorder.
The editor of the Herald commented on the conference and Its work as follows:-
"The conference of the church for April, 1871, is past; and we wish to enjoin upon the saints that wise men reduce precept to practice, and good examples they follow in fact. Our work is spiritual, but temporalities enter into our labors as essential ingredients of successful labor. So with our resolutions passed in conference, they are enunciations of the popular voice, and as such ought to be regarded. We rejoice that so many evidences of advancement are found in the reports from the various districts and fields of missionary labor; but we think some of them offer opportunities for improvement.
"One thing quite noticeable in our late conference, was the strong undercurrent for good which pervaded the minds of those present. With such a feeling for good existing in the minds of a body of men like the elders in and of Israel, we are assured the liberties of the people will be safe from subversion. The attendance of delegates was not so large as last year; but the reports of the Secretary and the Recorder show a better representation, though it was by no means so accurate or so full as it should have been. We hope this will be improved, and it can be if these officers receive the coöperation of every colaborer for Zion, local and traveling, which it is their right to demand and expect. It is not their fault that reports are meager, or untrue in respect to those items which local authorities neglect to attend to properly. Let our next yearly exhibit be better in letter and spirit.
"The importance of organized districts, and branches not in districts, sending delegates to the Annual or Semiannual Conferences, was clearly demonstrated at our spring session, and we are anxious that much greater care shall be exercised hereafter in this matter. Be represented, and
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that by good and true men chosen of God and approved by you.
"The law provides for the organization of the elders' quorum into bodies of ninety-six each. (See Doctrine and Covenants, section 104, paragraphs 31 and 41.) The organization of the quorums will continue till all are organized, preparatory to the calling of a grand solemn assembly ere long to take place."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 18, p. 273.
April 6 to 10, the Pacific slope annual conference was held at Washington Corners. Elders W. W. Blair and H. Green presided, M. B. Oliver and J. W. Gillen acted as clerks.
The following appointments were made:-
"J. W. Gillen and J. C. Clapp to Oregon and Washington territories; Elder Glaud Rodger to Humboldt County, in connection with Elder Thomas Dungan; Elder H. Green to his old field as president of the San Francisco district; M. B. Oliver to Amador, El Dorado, Calaveras, and Sacramento counties, assisted by Elder R. R. Dana; C. Bagnall to Sacramento, Amador, El Dorado, Calaveras, and Yolo counties; William Potter under the direction of the president of the district where he may reside; Elder James Foxall with Elder H. Green, as circumstances may permit; Elders D. S. Mills and D. P. Young to Alameda, San Joaquin, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, and Sonoma counties; Elder George Adams to Santa Cruz and Monterey counties; Priest N. Stamm under the direction of H. Green, as his circumstances will permit; Bro. Joseph Outhouse was sustained in his labors in San Louis Obispo County.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 18, p. 375.
The following resolution was adopted:-
"Resolved that whereas the term of office, as president of the California mission, held by our beloved Bro. T. Dungan, has expired, by the arrival of the president of the Pacific mission, we hereby tender Bro. Dungan a vote of sincere thanks for his able and efficient service in said office."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 18, p. 376.
On June 1, the First United Order of Enoch published the following description of its lands, and account of the work already done.-
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"Some time having elapsed since the partial organization of the Order, the directors think it just that the stockholders and the church should be informed of what has been done.
"The committee appointed last fall, for the purpose of selecting a location, traveled through Fremont and part of Page counties, Iowa; and Nodaway, Gentry, and Harrison counties, in Missouri; and from thence into Decatur County, Iowa, and decided to locate in Fayette township, in the southwestern part of the last named county, provided that a sufficient quantity of land could be obtained to justify a settlement there. The purchasing of land begun last fall; but much of the land being held by speculators, made the process of buying and securing proper transfers, tedious and slow. The committee continued their efforts until this spring; when, the purchases of land having reached twenty-five hundred acres, twelve hundred of which lies in a body, the remainder in detached portions of from forty to one hundred and sixty acres, within three miles of the center of the main body, it was thought advisable that the board of directors should meet upon the ground and effect, if possible, a permanent organization by complying with the statutory provisions of the State.
"The board met upon the ground, on the eighteenth and nineteenth of May last, pursuant to a call of the president to that effect, and proceeded to a survey of the country, with the view of laying before the stockholders a description of it, and to give some instruction through a report to those of the brethren desirous of aiding the great work by making homes in that country.
"The face of the country throughout southern Iowa is in most places broken and rough, but varies in its character of roughness from the abrupt and steep hills of the borders of the streams, to the long sweeping roll of the elevated land. That portion of Decatur County through which Grand and Little rivers run, is in many parts hilly, and covered with timber of good quality. Here and there, however, on alternate sides of the stream, are spread wide tracts of bottom land; in some places abounding in a dense growth of the
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trees indigenous to the center of Iowa and Missouri, in other places offering the smooth meadow land to the tiller's hand.
"To the west of Grand River, lies the town of New Buda, a small hamlet of some years standing; but as lifeless and dull as the new state of the country there will admit of. It is built upon a beautiful site, just on the rising ground between the highland and the wide bottom of the river valley. Not far from New Buda, still westward, the land rises to the general level of the Missouri slope, and the country is a sweep of wide prairie, intersected here and there by small water courses scantily timbered. The township of Fayette lies with a part of its southern extent in the State of Missouri; in fact, the northern line of that state did originally run to the north of the township, but when the boundary was ultimately settled the line passed through the second southern tier of sections about one and three-fourths miles north of the south township line. The soil throughout the country is good; not so rich as the bottom land of the Boyer, Soldier, Maple, and the Nishnabotna's; nor the great alluvial deposits of the Big Muddy, but quite as good as any of the uplands of either of the small streams above named.
"Wheat is raised, but has not been made a staple, for lack of market. Corn, potatoes, oats, timothy, and clover are here as good as the average in the countries where these flourish; and vegetables and small fruit may be had for the trouble of cultivation. A fair quality of water is obtained by sinking wells from twenty to forty feet.
"The prices of land vary from five to ten dollars for unimproved, and from twelve to twenty-five for improved farms, and land can be obtained in any amounts, from twenty to one hundred and sixty acres and more.
"The board is now prepared to say to all concerned in and for the good of Zion, that the location is made; and to advise all who wish to seek and make homes in that vicinity, that they can now feel safe in purchasing there, as there is now a sufficient amount of land held to ensure a settlement. Those who wish to look at the country with a view to settle with us, are referred to Messrs. Jordan and Robb, of Leon,
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the county seat of Decatur County, the land agents through whom the most of the land has been purchased, and the only agents the company has there.
"The brethren are advised to look well to the title of lands they propose to purchase, as some confusion in titles, both those held by residents and non-residents, has been created by carelessness in stamping and recording deeds, with other omissions. To be careful is to be safe; to be careless is to purchase care and anxiety with unsafety. By obtaining an abstract of title, it can be easily tested whether good or faulty. Application to proper agents and county officers will secure those who purchase. Bro. E. Banta will also be in the county a part of the time, and when there, will do all in his power to aid those making inquiries or purchases.
"The company does not begin the active business of settlement this spring for the following reasons: They have not yet filed their articles of incorporation in the offices of the secretary of state, and the county recorder; nor have they published their intentions in the newspapers of the county where they expect to do business, as the statutes require. (See Iowa Code, page 197, sections 1154, 1155, 1156.) Without doing this the company could not become a legally organized body.
"The board of directors, when assembled upon the ground, in their meeting of the 18th and 19th of May, last, were of the opinion that it would not be wisdom to so publish their intentions, for the following considerations: Firstly.-the subscriptions to the capital stock have only reached the sum of forty-four thousand dollars; whereas the constitution of the order says it shall be fifty thousand. Secondly.-There is being surveyed through the township of Fayette a line of railway, which it is thought wisdom to wait a few months for the permanent location of, before the actual labor of settlement is entered upon. Thirdly.-It is thought that much land can be bought this summer, by individuals desiring to make homes, without creating so much excitement as the publication of our intentions is sure to do. As the matter now stands, persons desiring to buy can go in
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and purchase without being subjected to much questioning, as the people do not clearly understand what it is proposed to do. When the incorporation is published as completed, this uncertainty will be removed, and all persons buying will be questioned, and advantage may be taken of the circumstances of such publication.
"The line of railway referred to is proposed to run from Chariton, on the Burlington and Missouri River road, in the county of Lucas, Iowa, to Cameron, in the county of DeKalb, Missouri, on the line of the Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad, the distance being about ninety miles. Should this be accomplished, it will put the dwellers in Decatur County within some five or six hours' ride of Jackson County, Missouri.
"There is an abundance of good stone within from four to eight miles from the supposed center of the land now purchased. Timber land in great plenty lies contiguous, within from five to ten miles. There are no towns of any size nearer than from fifteen to eighteen miles, and should the proposed road be built, the location selected could not fail to secure ample railway facilities.
"Anyone wishing so to do, may find good locations in Missouri as near to the settlement as they see fit, or if they please, anywhere on the line between there and Jackson County, Missouri.
"The board has so far acted for the best, according to their wisdom; and now it is desired to impress upon the stockholders and all others, that the capital stock must be increased by new subscriptions, or the constitution must be so changed as to permit an organization with a less sum.
"E. BANTA, President. }
"D. DANCER, Vice President. }
"I. L. ROGERS, Treasurer. }
"D. GAMET. }Board of Directors.
"C. BEEBE. }
"SANDWICH, Ill., June 1, 1871.
"[Director Alexander McCord was absent from home when the call for meeting was made by the president, and for the reason that he was not present at the meeting, and for lack
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of time to send him the written copy, his name does not appear to this report.]
"NOTICE.-Notice is hereby given to the stockholders of the United Order of Enoch, that a meeting will be held on Saturday, the 23d day of September, 1871, at Council Bluffs, Iowa, for the purpose of electing seven directors of said United Order of Enoch, to fill vacancies occurring by the expiring of the term of the present board. All shares must be represented either by persons holding them, or by proxy properly accredited. Blank forms will be forwarded to stockholders, by filling out of which they may empower others to cast their votes for them if they so desire.
"E. BANTA, President of Board.
"SANDWICH, Ill., June 1 1871."
-Supplement to The Saints' Herald for June 15, 1871.
In the Herald of June 15, President Smith published his opinion of the duties of deacons. (See Herald, vol. 18, pp. 369-273.)
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