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IN the Herald for July 1, 1870, the editor gave the following brief summary of work done in different parts:-
"There were some thirty baptized in Utah about the first of the last month; three at Nauvoo on the 12th; two at Burlington, Wisconsin, on the 19th; and Bro. Blair has baptized thirty in Floyd and Crawford counties, Indiana, and three in Michigan. Bro. Ells writes of numbers uniting at Pittsburg [Pittsburgh] and in Ohio. Some thirteen have united in the Kent and Elgin conferences in Canada. A number have been baptized in Michigan by Bro. Henry C. Smith, E. C. Briggs, and T. W. Smith. Four have united near Osseo, Wisconsin, in the ministry of C. W. Lange. J. M. Wait, we are informed, is on the move in Wisconsin with Bro. Gilbert Watson. Elder Forscutt is busy in central Illinois. Bro. Wilsey is in eastern Iowa. Bro. J. S. Patterson is active in the Kewanee district. Bro. Z. H. Gurley is in Wisconsin, near Blanchardville; he has baptized three. Bro. A. G. Weeks is also moving in south Iowa. Bro. A. Sharer is still preaching in the circuit where we last noticed him. Bros. D. H. Bays, Stephen Maloney, and others are keeping the outposts in Kansas. Bros. J. S. Lee, William Summerfield, R. A. Marchant, James F. Wilson, Christian Andreason, are all at work in northwest Missouri. Bros. H. J. Hudson at Columbus; G. Hatt, J. Gilbert, J. Avondet, and Muller at Omaha; Z. Martin and Webb at De Soto; J. W. Waldsmith, R. C. B. and R. M. Elvin, James Kemp and others at Nebraska City, are all working in Nebraska. The 'host' who are laboring in the St. Louis conference with Bro. William H. Hazzledine, are carrying on the war with
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vigor. They cannot fail, when such men as Hall, Gittings, Smith, Thorpe, Bellamy, Anderson, Sutton, Allen, and others are contending for the truth. Bros. W. H. Kelley and R. G. Eccles are laboring in Minnesota with good effect. Bros. C. G. Lanphear, Isaac Beebe, G. R. Scogin, and L. F. West are earnestly engaged in the work in Alabama and Florida. The work is also onward in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Bro. N. H. Ditterline writes that two have just been baptized, two more names been handed in for baptism on the following Sunday, and more almost ready."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 17, p. 400.
On July 7, Elder W. W. Blair left his home for Utah and the West.
The question of seventies presiding was agitated considerably about this time. President Smith, in an article on the subject published July 15, 1870, took the position indicated in the following:-
"It is our belief that the Seventy is a quorum in the church second in importance to that of the High Council at home; and abroad, to that of the Twelve. In this case, then, the nature of their office is a compromise between that of an apostle and that of an high priest; and any act therefore which may be required of them as special witnesses while traveling abroad they may consistently and legitimately do; and while at home, any act which is by law made the duty of an high priest they may by privilege perform."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 17, p. 432.
July 19, Elder W. W. Blair was at Omaha, Nebraska, on his way west. He had visited Council Bluffs, Galland's Grove, and Little Sioux, and had invited Elders Alexander McCord and S. W. Condit to accompany him to Utah, and Elder McCord had agreed to join him in Utah after his harvest was cared for.
July 19, Elder E. C. Brand, writing from Salt Lake City, Utah, gave an account of disturbances and mobbings in Provo, Utah, and elsewhere, which were disgraceful. He states:-
"Tuesday, 5th July, came to Union Fort; preached on Legal Succession. Sixth, preached again; baptized three.
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Seventh, preached at Lehi. There I visited the bishop, Mr. David Evans, in company with an old veteran of the cross, Bro. John Lawson. The bishop took up a billet of wood as thick as my arm to strike me. . . .
"Eighth, came to Battle Creek [now Pleasant Grove] and preached there. Ninth, to Provo. There, after preaching, the same spirit that caused them to take up stones to stone Jesus, was there. They stoned us with stones as big as our fists; one struck Bro. David Clark, of Lehi, on the head. The names of the prominent stoners at that place I give you to publish, if you will: Sam Warner, Al Brown, and Bill Lundow. There we baptized seven and organized a branch. Thence, on the 11th, to Springville, the spot rendered famous by the Parish murder, etc. Here, through the kindness of Mr. William Huntington, I preached in a good sized hall, to a large audience. They behaved well. Twelfth, returned to Battle Creek [now Pleasant Grove] and preached again, at the house of Bro. Sterrett. There a plan was concocted in the tithing office to mob us, and try and break up our meetings. We were saluted, during preaching, with yells such as fiends of hell only know how to execute, rocks, etc. The man living on the right of Bro. Sterrett groaning during prayer, and the man on the left, an old man named Neff, encouraging the boys to make all the noise they could. One of the police of the place also encouraging the boys to throw rocks. When the boys were remonstrated with and threatened with law, they declared that Alonzo Farnsworth was a policeman and was as bad as they. Bro. Sterrett then applied to the justice of the peace, Mr. Hyrum Winters, to know the names of the police (this was at 10:30 at night), that he might call on them to stop the disturbance and noise. He said he did not know who the police were. Pet Bacon and Walter Mayhew were the principal rowdies. Next part of the program was, two men, one named Alma Peak, applied for baptism at seven next morning. They came with their clothes under their arm. A crowd were waiting at the store. They intended to have baptized me, but they did not have their fun.
"Thirteenth, came to American Fork. There the bishop
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instructed the police to keep order and we had a peaceable meeting. Fourteenth, returned to Lehi; baptized four; and to the credit of Lehi be it said, we had an orderly meeting. They behaved well, and the time before they did the same, with the exception of part of the bishop's family. The balance of his family behaved well. Returned on the 15th to Union Fort. Sixteenth and seventeenth, I was joined by Elders John Townsend and Jesse Broadbent; we held a two days' meeting and had a glorious time. Baptized three more and organized a small branch, and returned yesterday rejoicing, making seventeen baptized in seventeen days."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 17, pp. 500, 501.
Elder W. W. Blair, writing from Salt Lake City, August 15, over the signature of "Argus," gave a graphic account of the famous Newman and Pratt discussion, which had just closed in that city. 1
1 Yesterday, at half past four, closed a discussion between Dr. J. P. Newman, chaplain of the United States Senate, and Elder O. Pratt, of this city, on the question, "Does the Bible sanction Polygamy?" Pratt, affirmative; Newman, negative. By their usual sharp practice, Elder Pratt and his friend got the time for debate limited to six hours, two hours each afternoon for three consecutive days, beginning Friday, the 12th, at two p. m.
The first day there was an audience of about four thousand; on Saturday, about six thousand; and on Sunday, not far from ten thousand. The best of attention was paid, while Mr. Pratt vainly attempted to maintain his point, and Mr. Newman triumphantly refuted him, proving, with distinguished ability, that the Bible, though it regulated polygamy, as it did the matter of divorce and other evils, did not sanction polygamy, but utterly condemned it, under the patriarchal, Mosaic, and Christian dispensations. Dr. Newman is an able logician, a fine orator, a man of extensive research, a bold, sincere, and accomplished advocate. His labors in this city cannot fail to aid greatly in disenthralling many from the false notion of polygamy and from priestcraft. His proofs and arguments were mainly from the Bible, and such as our elders have used against "the twin relic" for years past, yet he introduced some new and very prominent ones, as you will see on perusing his speeches, which I will send you.
Mr. Pratt made an utter failure, especially the last day. I pitied the man; a man who was once full of the Holy Ghost and power; but I rejoiced in God to see his favorite institution battered to pieces under the ponderous blows of his talented opponent.
The masses took deep interest in the discussion, and the leading men of the priesthood were at times greatly agitated as the Doctor, with masterly skill, exposed the falsity of their arguments, or turned their own weapons against themselves, or hurled back their oft-repeated slanders against monogamic societies.
On Sunday Brigham appeared in a worshipful mood, and sang graciously with the choir. During Elder Pratt's speech he exhibited no
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The Semiannual Conference was held at Council Bluffs, Iowa, September 15 to 19, 1870. Joseph Smith was president, and D. H. Bays and R. W. Briggs, clerks. The first two days were devoted to hearing reports. On the 17th, some missions were assigned and other business done as follows:-
"The following resolutions were adopted: That Elders A. McCord, Samuel Wood, J. W. Chatburn, and M. C. Nickerson, be assigned to the Utah mission. That Elders Thomas Nutt and William Powell be assigned to the English mission. That R. J. Anthony labor in southern Nebraska and northern Kansas. That Elder Charles Derry be reassigned
little unrest. a fear of failure, as did also George A. Smith, John Taylor, George Q. Cannon, Z. Snow, and others; but when Mr. Newman opened out fully upon the grand arguments of his position, cutting, conclusive, and sweeping, as they were, Brigham was excited, and while affecting to recline in his seat and takes things coolly, he shook his fan (and the day was cool) at an unusually rapid rate, and fastened his eyes, with a vacant stare, upward to the dome of the Tabernacle. George A., with eyes strained to watch the effect produced upon the people, would cast an occasional glance at the towering and animated form of the Doctor as he hurled some crushing argument against their tottering system, while his looks clearly betrayed discomfiture and the fear of its consequences with the people.
D. H. Wells sat with eyes downcast, his side to the audience, and his band covering his eyes and face most of the time, evidently confounded and displeased. George Q. Cannon, Joseph F. Smith, John Taylor, W. H. Hooper, Dr. Bernhisel, Judge Snow, and many other of the Utah celebrities exhibited in their looks unmistakable evidences of conscious defeat. The radical Brighamites try to put a good face on the matter, some calling the Doctor "the biggest fool that ever came to Utah," and others, using the vernacular of the valley, put in an occasional "dam," where there is no mill site; while another, a wiser, if not a more worthy class, keep "mum."
The Gentiles and Josephites are jubilant, as you may well suppose, and are hoping that the discussion may be published in pamphlet form and circulated throughout the realms of Brighamism. I suppose a synopsis of the discussion, if not the entire text, will be published in the leading journals east and west. If so, the Gentiles will have at hand a concise and complete refutation of this baleful heresy with which to meet Brigham's elders if he sends out any more on proselyting [proselytizing] tours.
Utah's skies are brightening; her people breathe freer, of late months, than ever before. Mining interests are on the increase, and there are good reasons to hope that Utah will, ere long, be found prominent, if not foremost among the mining districts of America.
As your readers will be anxious to know in regard to the "New Movement," [Godbe movement,] I can only say that they are still holding regular meetings in the city, though it is evident that many have lost their interest in it, as their meetings are not nearly so largely attended as last winter. Some of the prominent business men of the city are connected with it, and it represents a fair class, an average class of the
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to southwestern Iowa, southern Nebraska, and northern Kansas. That Elder J. A. McIntosh be assigned to the Galland's Grove district. That Elder H. Falk labor in northern Ohio, under the direction of Elder Josiah Ells. . . . The names of Frank Chambers, aged one hundred years and six months, and Sarah Chambers, his wife, were presented as candidates for admission on their original baptism; conference received these veterans into the church by rising vote."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 17, p. 633.
The 19th, W. N. Abbott was ordained an elder. The following note attends the minutes:-
"The above minutes, necessarily brief, present but a meager outline of the session through which we have just passed. Conference convened and continued to be held in God's first temple, under circumstances of the most favorable character. The weather, so threatening at first, was tempered to the exposed condition of the congregation, who felt and expressed thanksgiving and gratitude to that heavenly Father whose watchcare and loving-kindness is extended to his humblest creature. Brethren of Iowa, Nebraska, and Missouri attended in mass. Illinois was represented by our highly respected and urbane president, who is, however, in an official capacity, rather a cosmopolitan than a resident of that State; also by the sober Rogers, the energetic Banta, and the quick-thinking but silent Dancer. God bless this financial triumvirate, and enable them justly to discharge the arduous duties to which they have been appointed, in the fear of God who judgeth the heart, and in the favor of good men, who judge from
people, in a social and intellectual point of view. They are spiritualist and seem to hold the Bible, Book of Mormon, and Book of Doctrine and Covenants in no greater esteem than the productions of A. J. Davis and his compeers. Their views on marriage remain substantially what they were last winter, i. e., that men and women should be guided by their own tastes, judgment, or affinities as to whether they shall have one or many wives. Their paper, the Salt Lake Tribune, causes the radicals to fret. It shows up the deceptions and tyranny of Brighamism as none can do but those well acquainted with them by immediate contact. The paper is ably edited and is doing the Territory fine service in the advocacy of civil and religious liberty, as also the mining and other interests calculated to prove permanent benefits to the masses."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 17, pp. 539, 540.
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accomplished facts. The genial-hearted Bro. Brand represented Utah, the land of grief, of broken vows, of disloyalty to the covenant of youth, sitting in the valley and shadow of death, clothed in the cypress of mourning. God forgive her! and may she soon be decked with the myrtle of rejoicing.
"The spirit of peace and love seemed to pervade the entire assembly. The evening prayer meetings were seasons of rejoicing indeed; God's promise, 'I will be with you to the end of the world,' was verified to the joy of the believer. Perfect concord and unity characterized the business deliberations, some of which were of the most important character, though not properly belonging to the minutes of the conference.
"The 'First United Order of Enoch' held frequent meetings, which resulted in effecting a permanent organization. The first regular business meeting of the stockholders was held Monday, 19th, at which time seven directors were elected. . .
"A committee, consisting of Messrs. Rogers, Banta, and Dancer was appointed to seek a location and purchase lands. . . . The First Quorum of Elders was permanently organized, and quite a goodly number were in attendance."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 17, p. 634.
Of this conference and other incidents of his trip west, President Smith stated:-
"Leaving home is not always pleasant, nor always profitable. There are, however, times when it is necessary and desirable. Six years ago, 'ye editor' crossed the State of Iowa by team, leaving the Mississippi at Fort Madison, in Lee County, and traveling almost due west. The journey lasted thirteen days, only two of which were free from rain.
"On the 9th of September last we left Plano, Illinois, at 10: 20 a. m., and at nine a. m. of the 10th arrived at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Such is the difference a few years has wrought.
"On Sunday, the 11th of September, we assembled with the saints of the Council Bluffs branch, in their meeting room. . . . The interval from Sunday to Thursday was
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occupied in visiting the houses of the saints. Wednesday evening we had the pleasure of taking by the hand our indefatigable colaborer in Utah, Bro. E. C. Brand. The saints met this evening for prayer; but that wise presiding elder, Bro. James Caffall, suggested to the saints the propriety of listening to the elders from abroad, which they by vote decided to do. Elders E. C. Brand, Davis H. Bays, and J. Smith were requested to address the saints, which they did. An excellent spirit prevailed.
"All day, Wednesday, saints were arriving, and on Thursday morning, the 15th, when we reached the conference ground there were several hundred assembled. Conference convened at 10:30 a. m. on this day. From Thursday morning until Saturday night there were constant arrivals, until it is estimated that there were thousands present at the services on Sunday.
"The business of the conference was pretty much all concluded by Saturday night, so that the entire day on Sunday was occupied in the preaching of the word. This conference was one of the most important, considering the nature of the business accomplished during its sessions, that has ever assembled in the west. The First Quorum of Elders was filled up, and some excellent counsel was given to the elders by the president of that quorum.
"The attendance was very large. The Sunday service very impressive and well received. Much astonishment was felt and expressed by many one-time Latter Day Saints that there were so many of the Reorganization in the land. Some expressed great satisfaction at seeing so many engaged in the good work. The feeling is very general that great good will result to the cause by reason of the good Spirit prevailing. During the session the conference was addressed by brethren E. C. Brand, Thomas Job Franklin, Riley W. Briggs, Davis H. Bays, Charles Derry, and ourself. The best of feeling prevailed throughout the entire session, and hundreds of saints have returned to their homes full of comfort and peace. One excellent thing seems to have resulted from this conference, that is, numbers of old saints, who nave been watching the church for a long time for the out-cropping
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of evil, have about concluded that the saints or the Reorganization are really in earnest, and will succeed in reëstablishing the fair fame of the church."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 17, pp. 592, 593.
September 15, the Herald had the following regarding the work in different places:-
"Letters from Bros. H. J. Hudson, George Derry, John Avondet, and P. Tempest, in Nebraska, show the condition of the church in that State to be improving. . . . Letters from T. W. Smith show that the saints in Michigan are doing a good work. Bro. E. C. Briggs and others are actively at work there. The work in Wisconsin and Minnesota is also looking up. Brothers W. H. Kelley and R. G. Eccles in Minnesota. Brothers J. M. Wait, Gilbert Watson, C. W. Lange, and Reuben Newkirk, in Wisconsin, are doing what they can to declare the work of God. Advises from the St. Louis district give assurances of active labor there. Some of the best and ablest men of the church are in this district. Men who will perish for truth's sake, but who will give no countenance to evil. May their days be crowned with good fruits. Across in Illinois, the Wayne County saints are keeping the cause moving. In western Missouri and eastern Kansas the work of gathering 'into the regions round about' is going steadily on, and good men and true are finding the spheres of labor for Christ widening before them. May their number and their faith increase. In Utah, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, and California there is much preaching; and if those who love the truth will in their lives exemplify it, nothing will prevent the accomplishment of the purposes of God in the land.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 17, pp. 560, 561.
The Order of Enoch published an official notice to the Herald for October 1, 1870, announcing names of directors. 2
2 The following-named brethren were chosen as the board of directors for the First United Order of Enoch, at the meeting of the stockholders held September 19, 1870, and are hereby authorized to solicit stock, and receipt for moneys paid in as installments. Stock subscribed and paid in by January 1, 1871, will be received on the same terms as original subscriptions. E. Banta, president; D. Dancer, vice president; I. L. Rogers, treasurer; D. M. Gamet, P. Cadwell, C. A. Beebe, Alexander McCord, directors.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 17, p. 605.
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October 18, Elder Josiah Ells wrote from Machias, Maine, giving some interesting items concerning the people who belonged to the G. J. Adams colony, who went to Palestine. He states:-
"I have preached three times to the people whom G. J. Adams organized into a congregation, and some of them went with him to Palestine; there are but three remaining in that land, as I learn from some of the party returned; they seem satisfied now that he learned his doctrine in the church organized by the Seer; and I understand they intend to be baptized; the leading men I have not seen, except one, who desired me to call upon him when I returned.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 17, pp. 693, 694.
The same difficulty that was experienced in Utah had also to be met in England. Members of the church, as fast as opportunity offered, would emigrate to the States. No objection could be urged in regard to their going when their circumstances could be improved thereby, yet it left the work from whence they removed without the necessary support, and often resulted in breaking up and disorganizing branches and districts. Thus it appears that little has been accomplished in some of these fields, when in fact the results of progress there are to be found elsewhere. In the following letter, written October 21, 1870, from Birmingham, England, Elder Thomas Taylor mentions this disposition to move to the United States:-
"I believe there are some very good saints in Wales, as I receive some very good letters from some of the brethren, those who, I believe, are trying to do right, and to spread the work of the Lord; but of course it is the same there as in all other places, they are not all saints who bear the name. We have always been troubled some little in that way; but generally speaking, our branch now is in a good position, although small in number yet they are of the right kind. The Lord blesses those who are doing right. The reason of our numbers being small is, that our members keep moving to America as fast as they can get the chance. We have baptized between seventy and eighty into the Birmingham branch. We baptized four lately, and we have
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good times in our meetings. I am happy to say that I think the work in this country, although it moves along slowly, is sure."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 18, p. 90.
President Smith, on November 1, published an account of his visit and labors in the west. He visited, enroute, Council Bluffs (where he attended the General Conference), Little Sioux, Magnolia, Mill Creek, Glenwood, Manti, Sydney, Hamburg, Iowa; and Omaha and Nebraska City, Nebraska. He closes the account in the following language:-
"There is one thing of which we wish to make mention here, and express our strongest gratitude for. The presiding elders of the branches we visited sustained our efforts nobly. Bro. Gamet, at Little Sioux; Bro. P. Cadwell, at Magnolia; Bro. William Miller, at Omaha; Bro. James Caffall, at Council Bluffs; Bro. E. L. Hyde, at Glenwood; Bro. John Leeka, at Plum Hollow; Bro. S. S. Wilcox, at Manti; Bro. W. Calkins, at Mill Creek; Bro. K. Johnson, at Nebraska City; all gave their best efforts to second our efforts for the cause. Bro. William Redfield, presiding; and Bro. Thomas Nutt traveling in the Fremont district, took especial pains to accompany us to the different places in the district where appointments were to be held. We are also indebted in thanks for the assistance of Bro. Riley W. Briggs upon several occasions, more especially when at Sidney, where the prospect looked dark, he nobly came forward and stood with us in the declaring the word. He proved himself a 'friend in need' upon that occasion."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 17, p. 658.
The Herald for November 15, 1870, contained an account of the number emigrating from Utah in three months, aggregating over two hundred.
Elder W. W. Blair, on November 21, wrote from Salt Lake City, Utah. From his letter we make the following extract:-
"We are adding to our numbers in all parts where the elders are laboring. Prospects were never brighter, though every obstacle is thrown in the way of our progress by the
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authorities of the Brighamite Church. Threats, flattery, social influence, business interests, and every force except physical, is used by them to keep the people entirely under their control, and from investigating, 'Josephism.' Our trust is in the mighty God of Jacob. In him do we hope. He will set the captive free. We have sent six companies of emigrants east this year. We shall not encourage emigration to the east another year, as the way is rapidly opening for the people to procure a living, now that the mines are being extensively opened."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 18, p. 20.
Elder Blair again wrote of Utah affairs on November 30. From his communication we quote:-
"The Cullom bill that passed the House last winter with a three fourths majority, and was so likely to become a law, caused a degree of excitement here truly astonishing, and the mere mention of it now causes the 'muchly married' to fear and quake exceedingly. It is thought by some that that bill, or something like it, will become a law during the present session of congress. Last spring the mining interests of this territory began to be looked after with energy, and it is now a fixed fact that Utah is fabulously rich in silver, gold, copper, iron, coal, etc. The Brighamite authorities have done what they could to prevent the development of the mines until they saw it was being done in spite of them, when they consented. . . .
"It is rumored that the grand jury lately found a bill against some connected with the killing of Joseph Morris and others in Weber Valley in 1862, and that hearing a writ was issued, one prominent in that outrageous affair has fled from before the iron hand of justice.
"The Governor, in October last, issued a proclamation forbidding the mustering of military companies throughout the Territory, and appointing P. Edward Connor major general of the Utah militia, and Col. --Johns adjutant general. This created no small stir among nearly all classes, and brought the indignation of the leaders to the boiling pitch. There was much speculation as to whether the Mormons would respect the proclamation; but at last
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that point was settled by small squads mustering in the city, then by the muster in Cache Valley, then in Ogden, Provo, etc., and at last in this city but a few weeks since, when seven of the officers, Colonel Ottinger, C. H. Savage, two Livingstons, John C. Graham, - Fennimore, and A. Burt, chief of police, were arrested on the charge of insurrection and sent to Camp Douglas. The United States Government seems in earnest at last, and it remains to be seen how the affair will end.
"While speaking of General Connor, I will state, that he is both detested and feared by the Mormon authorities. However much they may hate him, there are hundreds if not thousands of others who admire his manly courage, and esteem him very highly for his kindness to the poor and distressed in furnishing them food, raiment, employment, and protection, in time of great need. . . .
"I forgot to tell you that the census of this Territory, just completed, sets down the entire population, Mormon, Jew, Gentile, and apostates, at about eighty-seven thousand, instead of one hundred and fifty thousand Mormons as claimed by the Utah leaders. The population of this city is less than thirteen thousand instead of thirty thousand as has been claimed. Truth is a jewel, and facts are stubborn things." The Saints' Herald vol. 18, pp. 34-36.
He again wrote on December 12, that an interesting and successful conference was held in Ogden, on December 3 and 4. Elders Blair, Samuel Wood, J. W. Chatburn, and Alexander McCord were present.
On December 15, President Smith published an account of a trip to Kansas and other points, which will be read with interest. It is as follows:
"On the 3d of November we left Plano for Nauvoo and Kansas. Had the pleasure of addressing the saints at Montrose, Iowa, on Sunday, November 6, and in the evening spoke to them at Nauvoo in the old meeting room of 'the Olive branch.' Bro. Thomas Revel is doing the best he can at Nauvoo to sustain the honor of the cause. Bros. Richard Lambert, A. H. and D. H. Smith have seconded his efforts
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there. At Montrose, Bro. F. Borley presides. The branch is laboring under some difficulty, which it is hoped may be removed ere long.
"On Monday evening we spoke to the saints at Keokuk, Iowa. Found a goodly number of good people here striving to do right; but sometimes severely tried to know what was best to do. We feel that there is to be a much better day for the Keokuk branch. We left Montrose on the morning of the 9th of November, in company with Bros. John H. Lake and D. H. Smith, who are expecting to attempt an opening in Burlington, Iowa. . . .
"Met with Bro. E. Banta at Burlington, and parted with him at Osceola, on the Burlington and Missouri River railway, he going to Decatur County, and we continuing on the way to Kansas. Arrived at Cherokee Station, on the Kansas City, Ft. Scott, and Gulf railway, on the evening of the 11th of November. Found Bro. Stephen Maloney waiting there. With him and the saints located in Cherokee County, Kansas, and Jasper County, Missouri, we spent the next ten days, preaching at Galesburg, Missouri, twice, and at Pleasant View branch three times; attending the session of the Southern Kansas and Southwest Missouri conference. We had the pleasure of seeing Bros. Melvin Ross, Isaac R. Ross, Alexander Williams, John Thomas, James Dutton, and Ezra Depue from the mountains of Montana; Bro. Dutton presided over the branch at Pleasant View. Bros. Benjamin, Charles, and Richard Bird from Texas; Bros. Kidgel and John Walker from Utah; Bros. C. Randall, W. Taylor, Perry Cole, and G. W. Stone from northern Illinois, have all made settlements in this part of Kansas.
"So far as we were permitted to see the country, it is a most excellent one for the saints to make homes in. About four days' easy ride by wagon from Independence, Missouri, ten hours by rail. Coal and water are easily accessible and of a very fair quality. The climate is very good, the crops excellent, and land cheap. Cherokee lies in the southeast corner of Kansas, close by Missouri. We can safely say that we know of no better new country.
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"We bade the saints of the Pleasant View branch good-bye on the 21st, and arrived at Pleasanton, Decatur County, Iowa, on the 22d. Here we took by the hand several of the early saints. Bros. G. Morey, D. Perdun, E. Robinson, A. W. Moffett, and many others, are daily striving to make the name honorable. We attended prayer meeting at the house of Bro. Morey, who was lying sick, on Wednesday evening. On Friday we went land-viewing in company with Bros. Banta and Moffett. Saw a very excellent country, but from what we learn since, though the citizens are quite favorable to the project, it is quite possible that the committee will fail in locating there, on account of the local excitement caused by the going in there to buy. Those of the saints more directly interested as stockholders should be careful that the efforts of their committee on location and purchase are not crippled by reason of slack payments of installments. Failure is not admissible, for there is energy and perseverance in the field."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 17, pp. 749, 750.
Elder William Worwood wrote, December 30, from Fillmore, Utah, giving an account of his own and Elder E. C. Brand's labors in southern Utah, laboring in different places as far south as Beaver and Minersville.
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