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TO INTRODUCE the year 1869 we cite an editorial written by President Smith, which indicates the progress the church was making:-
"In 1860, this Reorganized effort against the foes that had scattered the people of God, consisted of less than five hundred, all told. In 1868, conferences are held from Maine to California, including Utah, also in England, with a membership of rising ten thousand. . . .
"Within the eight years between April, '60, and April, 1868, without any organized capital, the church has printed, sold, and given away some ten thousand volumes of three and five hundred pages respectively, besides stereotyping and printing five thousand volumes of a new translation of the Holy Scriptures; which for a people proverbially poor, and flouted for their persistent fanaticism, is sufficient answer to the charge of lacking in energy."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 15, p. 20.
On January 9, 1869, President Joseph Smith wrote an address to the saints in Europe, full of sound, practical advice. 1
1 PLANO, Illinois, January 9, 1869.
Let the saints bear in mind the object for which the gospel is preached -the salvation of souls.
Those only are saved who are freed from sin; therefore let all who desire to be saved free themselves according to the law of Christ.
The law of spiritual unity and strength is for men and women who have wisdom sufficient to yield to that law without contention and strife.
For while we declare that God purposes to force none to accept of his grace, he will give ineffable peace to those who, by reason of wisdom and a will to do good, accept the offer which he makes, and become heirs with Christ.
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January 22, Elder Ebenezer Robinson wrote from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, testifying that the Spirit of God was with the Reorganization as it was with the church in the beginning. He states:-
The witness of the gospel borne to us becomes a testimony against us, whether for good or for condemnation, as it is written, "it is a savor of life unto life, or of death unto death."
Who then desiring to bear witness of the truth, if willing that the testimony which he bears shall be the one by which he is to receive his honor when the Judge rewards the children of men, after the judgment, must depart from evil, not only in name but in fact.
For us, brethren, let me assure you as an ambassador from a far land, there can be neither rest nor safety till the Master of the field sends out his servant to tell us that the harvest is over.
And if, when these stewards shall find us reaping, they so report, as of those found worthy their testimony will prevail over the testimony of those who have idly waited the call to cease from labor.
So then, let our profession of faith be the practice of the gospel teachings.
The liberty of the gospel is the liberty of children of God who fear not the law, neither of carnal commandments nor good works; because by it are the children of God on the earth made coequal with the children of God in heaven, for they shall see God, and have companionship with the angels.
He then that is wise will seek not to abuse this liberty of the gospel to the perversion of the pure in heart but weak in the faith; nor yet for the purpose of excelling in word. But will, accounting it as the grace of God, be content to do all that lies in his power for the good of man, to the glory of God; leaving the height of his exaltation and the excellency of his honor to the mercy and the justice of God, who doeth all things well. Herein is an exceeding great faith exemplified.
If in the exercise of faith we please God; it is being without the works of faith we please the adversary of all righteousness; which, when he is pleased, delighteth to torment the spirit which is in us, if haply he may enter in and destroy us
From this the Savior-teacher, whose teachings we do well to heed, sayeth, "In patience possess your souls."
The hope of eternal life being begotten in us, let us press on in the free exercise of good works which cometh from the indwelling of that Spirit by which we are made alive in Christ; for we have been baptized in Christ with one baptism into one hope and one calling; therefore unto one working of the selfsame good deed, whether in England, or in America, or in Wales.
Be of good comfort, children of light. Your Father who delighteth in the good of all his creatures, feels for your present afflictions, and will soon send healing for all your ills.
But death must reign until his power is broken by the lamb who taketh away the sins of the world; and this he will not do until his work upon the earth is perfected.
And a people prepared for his coming, who shall be pure in heart, clean in appearance, robed with the garments of peace, and sanctified by the love which has been shed abroad for all his saints.
Be watchful, be prayerful, be sober.
The Restorer,vol. 3, pp. 213, 214.
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"For years I longed for the time to come when the same peaceful and pure Spirit would be poured out upon the church, which was received and enjoyed at the beginning of the work of the last days; behold here I find it, and why should I not rejoice?
"My lot, as you are aware, is to mingle almost constantly with the business men of the world, and much of the time comparatively with strangers, and then to have the privilege of sitting quietly in a brother's parlor and read of the dealings of our heavenly Father with his children in different countries and in different lands, furnishes such a happy contrast that I am at a loss to find language to express my gratitude."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 15, p. 121.
Elder Robinson united with the church October 16, 1835, at which time a remarkable manifestation of the Spirit was given (see vol. 1, p. 589); so the above testimony is quite important.
January 25, 1869, Elder Philo Howard, counselor to Bishop Rogers, died near Batavia, Illinois. Of him the editor of the Herald wrote:-
"It is with sorrow that we chronicle the death of Bro. Philo Howard, a counselor to the Bishop. He was a faithful and fearless witness for Christ, loved by all, respected for his many sterling qualities. About a year ago he was taken with some kind of disorder of the throat, by which his speech was injured. He thought that it would soon wear off; but it continued to grow worse; until, notwithstanding his great personal worth, the fervent prayers of the saints, the frequent administration of the ordinance for the healing of the sick, and the remedies which skill prescribed, he gave up the contest, and has gone to rest, his body to the grave, his spirit to the paradise of God. Two strong pillars were taken when Dimic and Philo Howard laid down the weapons of their earthly warfare."- The Saints' Herald, vol. 15, p. 83.
On January 26, Elder Jason W. Briggs wrote from Birmingham, England, recommending that some elder be sent to Scotland to assist Elder Rush. He also stated that he could not recommend the sending of anyone
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at the time to England; yet if one was to be sent he thought it should be Elder William H. Kelley or Elder George Hatt.
On the same date, and from the same place, Elder Josiah Ells wrote, and among other things said:-
"The odium caused by the apostasy seems, for the present, to have closed every virtuous ear. The accounts of their doings are sickening. I have reference to this land; but their cause is forever dead, and nothing but the hope that they will be taken to the States holds them together as a people."
On February 12, Elder T. P. Green wrote from Jeffersonville, Illinois, regarding his past experience and present satisfaction, as follows:-
"An experience of thirty years in God's work has given me a solid footing, and it seems to me that I could stand on no other platform than that of God's truth, and feel safe.
"During the long and dark apostasy of the church, I have remained here attending to my profession as a doctor, making homes for my family, and preaching around in this circuit of country. Like all the brethren I have had my dark days and my sunny days; but I thank God for the Reorganization.
"Brothers William Anderson and Frank Reynolds were the first to visit us, and tell us the news of your mission, and we thank God for the faithful labors of those brethren. We have also been since blessed with the teaching of other brethren, among whom are Brothers Hazzledine and Mark H. Forscutt. The work in this region has been progressing finely; their almost unceasing labors have furnished a fine example of industry, and their influence, both among the saints and in the world, is very great.
"During the past the Lord has been very kind to us here, and he is so still. As far as I could, I have labored for him in return. I have visited around in all the branches of this subdistrict, and find them in good working order. The Dry Fork Elm River, and Brush Creek branches have reported before; but through the blessings of the Lord, we have now
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another branch added, called the Little Wabash-it being located near the stream of that name."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 15, p. 152.
On March 16, Elder Thomas Taylor wrote from Birmingham, England. He was very sanguine of success, and commended highly the work of Elders Briggs and Ells.
March 25, 1869, Mrs. Emma Smith, wife of President Joseph Smith, died at Plano, Illinois. By this sad bereavement President Smith was left with three small children.
The Annual Conference convened April 6, at St. Louis, Missouri. Joseph Smith presided, and T. J. Smith and John Ritchie acted as clerks. At this conference the following elders reported: T. J. Smith, George Martin, M. H. Forscutt, G. E. Deuel, C. W. Lange, J. H. Lake, D. H. Smith, E. C. Briggs, H. A. Stebbins, William Anderson of Iowa, William Smith, George Horton, B. H. Ballowe, Stephen Maloney, T. W. Smith, Samuel Powers, Stephen Butler, James Wagner, D. H. Bays, S. J. Stone, J. W. Nichols, and C. G. Lanphear. Some of the above reported in person and some by letter.
Samuel Longbottom was released from the European mission, and M. H. Forscutt from the Southern mission, which he had not been able to fill.
William H. Kelley was appointed to Minnesota; A. H. Smith and D. H. Smith to Utah and Pacific slope; James Wagner and G. E. Deuel to West Virginia; C. W. Lange and H. A. Stebbins to Wisconsin; B. H. Ballowe to Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennessee; Elke Jasper to Holland; J. W. Briggs and Josiah Ells to the European mission; G. W. Martin and T. J. Smith to Ohio and Indiana; T. W. Smith and S. J. Stone to the Eastern mission; C. G. Lanphear, Southern mission; D. H. Bays to northern Kansas; J. H. Lake and J. S. Snively to Canada.
The compilation of a new hymn book was authorized by resolution, and Joseph Smith appointed on the committee of compilation, he to choose his associates. He chose M. H. Forscutt and David H. Smith, and also appointed Norman W. Smith
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to act in case D. H. Smith was gone on his mission before the completion of the work. Each of them assisted in the work, and the four names appear as committee in the Saints' Harp, which was the result of this provision.
The Bishop's financial report was as follows: Balance due Bishop at last report $2,452.29; received from all sources, $900.16; paid out for all purposes, $2,130.93; due the Bishop from the church, $3,683.06.
Several resolutions were adopted, of which the following are the most important:-
"Resolved that it is not the true policy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that the Twelve shall control the funds of the church in the hands of the Bishop, but that the Bishop shall be amenable to the General Conference alone.
"A motion prevailed recommending to the publishing committee the issuing of a Sunday school paper, monthly or semimonthly. . . .
"The following preamble and resolution presented, and resolution passed:-
"School of the Prophets.-The need for an educated, intelligent, and sincerely devout body of seventies to promulgate the gospel, and high priests to preside over the churches, has been, and now is, felt very sensibly by very many who have the salvation of souls and prosperity of the church at heart.
"Etiquette is not taught in the camp, nor the art of war in the nursery, neither are priests educated at Oxford, nor rabbis with the Jesuits; nor can we reasonably expect a plentiful supply of genuine Latter Day Saint elders to be furnished by the schools of the Gentiles; as well might we look for the sturdy oak in the hothouse, or the orange in Lapland, as for thorough, devout, self-abnegating elders from the popular schools of fiction and fashion; 'tis contrary to the common course of nature-the child clings to the breast from whence it derives its nourishment, and the faith of the pupil is tinctured with the mind of his professors.
"Church property contributes to the stability of the work,
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and we need a school wherein to educate our own young men.
"As discipline detracts not from the courage of the soldier, neither would a proper ministerial education detract from the piety and earnestness of the ambassadors of truth; but on the contrary would give confidence, couple wisdom with their knowledge, and judgment with their zeal.
"Suggestions.-A quarter section of land could be purchased, a building erected, the land fenced and broken, professors elected, and the land worked conjointly by professors and students. Four or five hours a day of close study is sufficient, six or eight hours a day of farm labor would contribute to the health of body and mind, and by this means a school could be made both efficient and self sustaining.
"In keeping with the above, I respectfully offer the following: Resolved that this conference recommend for the consideration of the Twelve and the general church authorities, the feasibility and advisability of establishing a school for the education of our own young men, with a view to the ministry; and that the question be brought up at the next sitting of the General Conference. . . .
"Whereas, the past financial policy of the church is believed by many to have a damaging tendency, and to some extent is drying up the various financial streamlets that would otherwise flow freely to assist the work of God; wherefore,
"Resolved that in the opinion of this conference, the true policy of the church, in this matter, is to be found in the epistle of the Twelve to the church on tithings and offerings, viz.: through the branch presidents as Bishop's agents should all moneys come into the church treasure, and that the spiritual authorities of the church should discountenance the paying of moneys directly to the Bishop, where that policy works to the injury of the poor in districts or branches. . . .
"Resolved that this conference consider Bro. James Anderson a member of the Reorganized Church, on his original baptism."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 15, p 281, 282.
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The editor of the Herald comments on this conference as follows:-
"The conference at St. Louis was one of the happiest meetings of the spiritual authorities that it has been our lot to attend. From the first there seemed to rule every mind but this one thought, 'How shall I serve the cause of Christ?' No man seemed to think his way or will should govern or control; but let righteous counsel prevail, and peace continue.
"Advancement in the work was the desire of all; and the enhancement of their usefulness to the Master's call felt by every one.
"Every temper was under strong and contented control; every opinion or thought expressed was so expressed frankly, calmly, and earnestly, every man felt to assist his brother to express his view by listening with attention, and holding him in estimation as a brother indeed. . .
"There were not many missions taken; by reason of the fact that nearly all the elders who can take the field actively and entirely, are already out; nor was the representation very large for the same reason.
"The reports received indicate a healthier condition of the work in most places. In some, however, the contention and strife of some, with the apathy of others, are doing their legitimate work of disintegration."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 15, pp. 273, 274.
From April 6 to 8 the annual conference of the Pacific slope mission was in session at Sacramento, California; Elders W. W. Blair, Glaud Rodger, and Hervey Green presidents, and Elders J. W. Gillen and J. C. Clapp clerks. In addition to the usual reports of churches and elders, the following business was done: " Resolved that no one but those holding the Melchisedec priesthood have a right to lay on hands for the healing of the sick."
The following appointments were made: Glaud Rodger and Thomas Dungan, Petaluma district; Hervey Green and George Adams, San Francisco and Visalia district; Orrin Smith in Antioch and vicinity; J. C. Clapp, Oregon mission
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Marcus Lowell, Sacramento and vicinity; M. B. Oliver, Amador County; William Potter, Elko, White Pine, and vicinity; Elders Garlick and Wardle, in Sacramento and vicinity; Elders Hiram Falk, E. C. Brand, and G. P. Slayton, and Priests J. R. Cook and J. N. Stamm, under president of mission.
Elder W. W. Blair was sustained as president of Pacific slope mission.
The following teaching of President Smith on the gathering, and the necessary preparation for it, was published in the Herald for April 15, 1869:-
"The necessity for the saints becoming self sustaining is becoming more and more apparent The widening difference existing between the faith which we preach, and that which has grown upon the people as a gospel of saving grace, is pressing home upon us the great principle of the latter-day work, the gathering.
"When speaking of this, we deprecate that indiscriminate rushing together which has, to some extent, marked the rise and rapid increase of the church at an earlier day.
"Our reasons for this are the lamentable results which have followed the real disregard to the written word upon the subject; the uncertain reliance which it has been the means of fixing in the minds of the many, upon the word which requires a due preparation, before becoming worthy to be called 'the pure in heart.'
"These are grave considerations. We have had far more difficulty in securing the confidence of the saints than in preaching the word; and, although it may be urged that there ought to be a simultaneous gathering and proselyting [proselytizing], in order to fulfill the rule of law making the observance of certain commands called celestial possible, we cannot yet see how, if this were granted, that it can precede in importance, or obviate the necessity of a complete and thorough purifying of the heart.
"In the purified heart there is no fear. Neither is there doubt of his word or distrust of his servants.
"It follows that those who may be afflicted by fear, or ,tormented by doubt and distrust are not ready to be called
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'pure in heart.' If they wait till gathered, before beginning their career of righteousness or process of heart purifying, they are distrustful of God, fearing lest his power does not reach to the confines of the borders; they doubt the wisdom of the provision which is made for those who repent.
"The man who depends upon the continued reiteration of human intentions and evidences, cannot be safely grounded upon the testimony which God gives to those who are to be his at the day of gathering. He that has received the truth of God as he gives it to the seeker, is at no loss to bear in his heart the pain of separation from the elect gathered, and still find ample trust in God. Such never fail; but like the generous flower which sheds its perfume when bruised, they will continue to show the love of God which is in them, though trials, persecutions, and languishing away from Zion may be theirs. They are purifying themselves, and could be trusted with the honor of a community; while the loud aspirant for the honors of the elect would betray the trust of a people, stir up contention, tear down what others would build up, and scatter by their acts what by their precept they would gather.
"It requires a more than ordinary amount of faith to look the accumulated difficulties surrounding the word steadily in the face. Nor does it require less to bear up under the despondency which lies lurking in every work where once flourished this truth.
"Those things of which we are assured ought always to remain in our memories as fixed facts. One prominent truth of which all are convinced, is the goodness and wisdom of God. He has so far shown that he is able to control the universe. He did so while Moses journeyed with Israel; and when Jesus came it was still the same. He has not proven changeable during the years of ancient apostasy; nor may we fear that, during the terrible struggles which have fallen to the church in the modern falling away.
"Another, which is the anchor of our hope, is the promised resurrection of the dead, in which resurrection those who have proven susceptible to the influences of gospel
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grace are advanced in degrees of usefulness. This gives stability to every phase of our faith and all are concentrated upon it, else are we without hope. The resurrection does not depend upon the gathering of the saints, nor does the strength of God depend upon it. The only great object to be accomplished by the gathering is the perfecting of the machinery by which the gospel is promulged [promulgated]; the securing a unity of action after the perfecting unity of thought. The unity of action through every branch of the church polity is to be attained before any political sovereignty will be permitted by that power which has hitherto ruled the church destinies, and it cannot be confidently hoped that any great power will be vouchsafed to a people not prepared to use that power wisely. That which we have fought, bigotry, superstition, intolerance, proscription, and priestcraft, are some of the ruling evils which cannot be permitted to enter into the councils of a free people; nor are they principles which will in any wise govern the ruler of Zion. That some of those things are in the minds of some who are earnestly desiring the gathering of the saints, themselves will admit.
"We are just as anxiously looking for the day when the saints may be at rest in their promised land. But while we earnestly desire this, we cannot by any device known to our philosophy, shut our eyes to the sad lack of mental and moral discipline which is calculated to bring honor to the free citizens of a free Zion.
"Men are discouraged because church authority does not punish departure from church deportment. Men are doubting because new and strange revelations are not made, while long standing commands are not fulfilled. Some there are who mourn for Zion polluted, whose very breath of weeping is defiled by that which pollutes the body. They load the air with lamentations for the departed renown and the future glory, and smile when conscience charges them with lack of virtue.
"We dare not predict a speedy and overwhelming gathering of such elements; nor need any hope for it.
"For our own part we would by far prefer to be a lonely
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but faithful sentinel upon the walls, a 'vedette' upon a distant outpost of Zion unredeemed, than to be an unredeemed and unregenerate citizen of Zion redeemed; for the one would result in sure and ignominious expulsion, while the other must eventuate in a victorious bidding to come home.
"The position occupied by us, as a people, has been and is misunderstood, and persistently misconstrued. Shall we continue to foster misunderstanding and misconstruction among ourselves by refusing to be governed by those things most surely believed by us?"-The Saints' Herald, vol. 15, pp. 240-242.
Elder T. W. Smith wrote from Machias, Maine, April 16, that he had recently opened the work there, where he had been invited by John C. Foss, whom he had recently baptized at Grand Manan.
A conference was held at Merthyr, Wales, April 24 to 26; T. E. Jenkins president, W. Grigg clerk.
In addition to the regular business these items of business were transacted:-
"Resolved: 'That the conference sustain the following elders in the discharge of the duties of the missions appointed them by the October conference,' Elders Robert Evans, John E. Hughs, Richard Thomas, and Lewis Williams; 'that all the authorities of the church, with Joseph Smith as President, be sustained;' 'that J. W. Briggs be sustained as president of the British mission, and Josiah Ells in connection with him;' 'that Elder Thomas E. Jenkins be sustained as president of the Welsh mission;' . . . 'that Elder Charles Hickery and Thomas Stoke, priest, be appointed to labor in Cwmrellin and Abertalary and vicinity round about.' . . .
"All the meetings passed off well; a good feeling prevailed, and the reports given were encouraging, and several have promised to be baptized in a number of the branches, and may the saints bear in mind and put in practice the good teaching and counsel given during the conference is our prayer. Amen. Official officers present: One of the Twelve; one of the Seventy; twenty-four elders; three
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priests; two teachers; one deacon."-The Restorer, vol. 8, pp. 247-249.
May 1, 1869, was the date of the first issue of the Herald printed by steam power, the "Taylor Cylinder Power Press" having recently been purchased as previously provided for. The May number of the Herald also contained the announcement of a child's paper. This subsequently appeared on July 1, 1869, and has been regularly published ever since, under the name of Zion's Hope. It has ever been, and now is, a child's paper, dedicated to the Sunday school cause. Its present editor is Mrs. M. Walker, of Lamoni, Iowa.
About this time Elder E. C. Brand was released from the presidency of Nevada district, and started for Utah to do missionary labor.
Elder Frederick Hansen wrote from Council Bluffs, Iowa, May 10, explaining why he returned from Europe without filling his appointed mission to Denmark. 2
On May 20, Elder A. H. Smith left Plano on his mission west.
About June 1, Elder Elijah Banta arrived home from his mission to California.
On June 9, Elder Charles Derry wrote from Manteno, Iowa, stating that Elders Alexander H. and David H. Smith
2I suppose that the saints are aware that Bro.-- and myself were appointed to go to Denmark on a mission, some time ago. And I suppose that many are anxious to know what the reason is that we did not go there to fulfill that mission.
There are several reasons for not going. The brother that I was to go with did not get ready to go the first summer. I then took a short mission with Bro. Samuel Longbottom to England, with the understanding that he would come to England in the spring and then go with me to Denmark. Under those agreements I went and staid there until August. During my stay there I wrote three letters to him, but received no answer. When Bros. J. W. Briggs and J. Ells came to England I supposed that they had heard from him; but they had not. I then told them all about the mission and how it was that I had not gone any further. They said that they considered that I had done my duty and therefore was at liberty to return. I did accordingly, as I did not feel capable of taking the responsibility upon myself. But I must say I was sorry to do so; the cry has been from Denmark a long time, "Come over, for we are ready to receive you." . . .
I have still the hope of going to Denmark sometime on a mission, if circumstances be favorable.-The Saint' Herald vol. 16 p. 52.
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had arrived there on their way to Utah. The editor, in Herald of June 15, had the following to say regarding "Zion's Hope:-
"For Zion's Hope we also ask a strong effort. Every friend of progress in the church, every lover of the truth, every father, every mother, every brother, every sister, is materially affected by the teaching and training of the children of the household to which each separately belongs. A corner or column of the Herald is insufficient to meet the great want felt in this direction, and to give success to any new enterprise engaged in by us as a people, it is requisite that the object for which we especially strive in that enterprise be worthy and the effort persistent.
"We do not desire to quote scripture voluminously to prove that the saints should educate their children, for this is conceded.
"The tendency of the age is toward light reading. To counteract the evil growing out of this taste, it is essential that a united public opinion should pronounce against it, and should declare in favor of that which combines the elements for instruction and entertainment.
"The young mind must be fed. If fed with that which is conducive to a healthy growth, vigorous minds may be expected.
"If fed with that which does not enrich, there is no growth. Neither can we expect our faith to be correctly understood by the rising generation, unless we take some pains to inculcate its principles by precept and example."-The Saint' Herald, vol. 15, pp. 367, 368
Of the general situation President Smith wrote as follows:-
"In attending the meetings of the saints in various parts of the country, we have been pleased to see such strong affection to the word with such fervent desire to do good. It only remains for them to put these desires in motion and practical righteousness will as naturally result as fertility follows the rain and the sunshine.
"The sterility of winter is but the barrenness of the state
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of sin; the plenteous harvest of autumn, the result of the heat of summer; so the fruits of the Spirit are, after the cold of the winter of discontent in sin and the heat of the conflict for victory over the unrighteousness of this world. The gloom and the cold we have known, the storms and heat we are now experiencing; will the glorious harvest be ours to reap?
"Since writing for the last number of the Herald, we have had the pleasure of attending a meeting of the saints at Quincy, Branch County, Michigan, where we were permitted to enjoy a season of peace in Christ.
"Bro. E. C. Briggs was there, attending to the work of his ministry.
"Among others present we saw with pleasure Bro. William Arnold, of Utica, Michigan; Bro. J. C. Gaylord, of Burlington, Wisconsin; Bros. Norman W. and Sherman I. Smith, John E. Hopper, Horace Church, and Asa S. Cochran, of Hopkins, Allegan County, Michigan; Bro. Henry C. Smith, of Decatur, Michigan; all living at distances from the Coldwater branch, within the precincts of which the meeting was held. The presiding elder of this branch should feel justly proud of the steadfastness of his charge, for notwithstanding much that has occurred within the past two years was of a character to injure their faith, they are but the more firmly united. We shall pray that Bro. William Reynolds may be continued in wisdom to watch over the saints of Coldwater.
"Brothers Samuel V. and Oliver J. Bailey, George and Bradford Corless, George L. Pope, with others of the branch, seemed to be full of patient endurance for the work there.
"May it be granted that the feeble effort which we were able to put forth upon that occasion of assembling together, may work no injury to the saints in Coldwater, is our prayer.
"Messrs. L. D. Hickey, Wingfield Watson, and John S. Comstock, adherents to the claims of James J. Strang, were present at the meeting; and being permitted the liberty, asked many questions respecting the positions which the
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church has assumed touching the presidency, the doctrines of the church, etc.
"To some of these questions Bro. E. C. Briggs replied. To some we replied. The answers to some were satisfactory to the questioners, to others they dissented. On the whole they expressed themselves not satisfied with our reasoning, though they could not complain of the treatment which they received."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 15, pp. 366, 367.
On June 22, Elder E. C. Brand was at Austin, Nevada, on his way to Utah, and was to baptize some.
On June 23, Elders A. H. and D. H. Smith were at Council Bluffs, preparing for their journey west.
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