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THE Editor of the Herald, on July 1, 1868, briefly stated the situation as follows:-
"An increasing activity is manifested in the various directions where the elders are preaching.
"Bro. S. Powers writing from Lafayette, Iowa, says that an excellent opportunity is afforded for the preaching of the word.
"A new branch is organized in Hardin County, Iowa, of eighteen members. It is near the home of Bro. Jason W. Briggs.
"Bro. Thomas W. Smith writes of good being done in or near South Brooksville, Maine.
"In fact it does seem that wherever an effort is being made souls are being won to Christ. Fifteen or twenty were baptized at St. Louis week before last, who recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd calling them to come to him that he might heal them. We congratulate the brethren of St. Louis upon the efficiency of their labor there."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 14, p. 10.
July 1, Elder A. M. Wilsey, of the Presidents of the Seventy, in accordance with the resolution of General Conference, wrote the following request and published it in the Herald for July 15-
"A call to the Seventy.
"'Resolved that the Presidents of the Seventies be requested to inquire into the conditions of the Seventies.'
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"According to the above resolution of the Annual Conference, I consider myself under obligation to inquire into the state or condition of my brethren of the Seventies, and I cannot see how I can, except through the Herald, for there has not been a sufficient number of the Seventies at the last two conferences to form a quorum for business.
"I would hereby request the presiding elder of each branch of the church at large to advise every member of the Quorum of the Seventy in his branch to report to me by letter, individually, to my address, with regard to his situation or capacity for laboring in the vineyard, so that we and the Quorum of the Twelve may know, and that we may report to the next Semiannual Conference, their condition and intentions with regard to traveling to preach the gospel. All who write to me should give me their post office address.
"Dear brethren, let me say the harvest is great and the laborers are few, as in the Savior's day. Let us pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth more laborers into his harvest,. May you be diligent that you may receive your crown.
Your brother in Christ,
"PAVILION, Kendall Co., Ill., July 1, 1869. A. M. WILSEY."
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 14, p. 32.
About this time Elder C. G. Lanphear wrote from Binghampton, Wisconsin, of his labor among the Indians in Wisconsin, as follows:-
"The Lamanites of the Oneida and Stockbridge tribes are near here. Myself and two others held one meeting among the Oneidas, on my way up to the Pittsfield branch. They received the preaching favorably, and expressed a desire for more meetings, which we trust they will be favored with. Our meeting was held at the house of one by the name of Moses Doxteller. I learned that he was a believer in the gospel as taught by the saints, though somewhat at the present connected with the Methodists, the government missionary among them being of that order. He had formerly embraced the gospel under the preaching of those of the Cutler Society, when they were in Kansas. He evidently retains yet the work at heart. We stayed with
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them over night, and when we left in the morning he and his wife wished us to call again if we came that way. He came from Kansas several years past, and settled with the tribe here.
"The tribe here numbers some twelve or fifteen hundred. They own a strip of land eight miles wide and twelve miles long. They are very good farmers, and have got their land in a very good state of cultivation."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 14, p 44.
On August 10, Elder J. W. Lewis wrote from Council Bluffs, Iowa, announcing his return from the European mission.
August 3, Jesse Broadbent reported that on July 19 the Salt Lake City branch was reorganized, the former one organized there having been disorganized by emigration.
August 4, John E. Reese wrote from Montana, announcing that a branch had been organized the fall before in Gallatin Valley, in that Territory, since which they had added seven by baptism.
August 14, Elder T. E. Jenkins wrote from Wales, announcing the arrival of Apostles Briggs and Ells in England.
August 15, the Herald editor stated as follows:-
"We have cheering news from the east, in various localities.
"Brother E. C. Briggs, accompanied by Bro. H. A. Stebbins, has been in Grand Rapids, Michigan, declaring the word with good effect. . . . In and around north Illinois a great inquiry is being made.
"Brethren must be careful that in the political campaign now existing they do not lose sight of the rule of brotherly kindness and love. If holding adverse political views let them be amicably held.
"Peace must be in the church if it is not in the world."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 14, p. 59.
August 20, Elder George M. Rush wrote from Penston, Scotland, announcing that he had opened the work in Scotland, and was contending against much Brighamite prejudice.
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On August 22, Elder T. H. Waddel wrote from Milton, Florida, giving the following cheering news:-
"The weather being so hot in this part of the country, I am now taking a rest for a few days, in the Mount Olive branch, for the first time since I came to west Florida. Since I wrote you last (May 9), with the assistance of Bros. Scogin, Ellis, and others, I have baptized seventy, and organized two more branches, one in Coldwater, west Florida, twelve miles from Milton. The other in Butler County, Alabama, thirteen miles from Greenville, and I am happy to know that God has blessed my labors wheresoever I have been. I baptized one Dr. Wilkinson, who has been a Baptist preacher for many years; one of the best learned men in west Florida. Most of those who have been baptized were formerly members of sects, so you see that the work is progressing. I have more calls than I can possibly attend to, but I expect Bro. Ellis to travel with me as soon as the heat of the weather is past-over."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 14, p. 91.
On August 24, Elder Thomas Job wrote from Salt Lake City, Utah, giving an account of a peculiar move upon the part of Brigham Young. He states:-
"Brigham Young lately traversed every settlement in the Territory, collecting up all the copies of the Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith the Prophet and his Progenitors, by Mother Lucy Smith. He said that they are nothing but falsehoods, that there were 'more lies in them than Lucifer ever told,' that he was going to grind those books over again. But the chief cause is (as one observed) that that book gives a little more favorable account of Sister Emma than Brigham Young does. His exertion is to hurry that family into oblivion, if possible. His wrath towards that family is without bounds.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 14, p. 92
Elder B. H. Ballowe wrote September 2, from Johnsonville, Tennessee, as follows:-
"All things are in a prosperous condition here for preaching the gospel. The people seem to be thoroughly satisfied, and convinced that if the gospel is preached by any denomination
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of people, it is the Latter Day Saints. They have even gone so far as to offer to make us up a salary in the county seat of Benton County, to come and preach for them on the Sabbath, which we refused, not being able, and sent them word back that it was not the desire of their money that brought us here, but to preach the pure gospel of Christ which was for their eternal exaltation in the kingdom of God. We have also been solicited by a number of people both in west and middle Tennessee, where I have preached, to come and make their houses my home as long as I would stay and preach for them. Elders will find no difficulty in preaching the gospel."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 14, p. 108.
On September 4 a conference was hold at Campobello, New Brunswick. Elder Thomas W. Smith presided, and H. W. Robinson was clerk. At this conference five branches and several elders reported.
On September 6 and 7, 1868, a conference was held at Birmingham, England. The following are extracts from the minutes:-
"Resolved: That T. E. Jenkins preside over the district of Wales; that Elder Thomas Taylor preside over the Birmingham district; that Elders John and William Morgan labor in the Forest-of-Dean, Gloucestershire; that Elder R. Adams preside over the Nottingham district, and Herbert Beaumont labor under his direction; that Elders Charles Norton and H. Thead labor in London; Elders Brownlow and Wingfield in Sheffield and neighborhood; Elder John Seville in Stafford; Elder Thomas Whitehouse in Pelsall and vicinity; that all the elders in this land, who are not remembered by the brethren, are requested to report themselves to the president of the district, nearest to their own locality, except Elder George M. Rush, now in Scotland, who will continue to report to the president of this conference; that a fund be formed for the support of the traveling elders.
"Respecting the publication of a periodical in this land, it was resolved that the conference deem it essential for the propagation of the faith of the latter-day work, in the
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British Isles, by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, that a periodical be published, setting forth our doctrine in contradistinction from the corruption and abomination taught by the false apostles and deceitful workers in the Salt Land; that Jason W. Briggs be the editor of the periodical, and that it be published monthly, and the title of the periodical be the Restorer. That for the present its size be not less than eight pages, the editor having the right to enlarge at his own discretion, and all the presidents of branches act as agents for the sale of our periodical.
"Respecting the moneys contributed by the saints in America, for emigration purposes, and now in the hands of Bishop Rogers, it was resolved that those moneys be called for and used; that J. W. Briggs act as treasurer for the same; that this fund be called 'The Perpetual Emigration Fund,' and the persons that are aided thereby shall refund the amount obtained as soon as circumstances will permit; that Elders Ells, Taylor, Jenkins, and Norton, assist Elder Briggs in the management of this fund, and to emigrate those persons whom they think worthy; that this conference sustain J. W. Briggs and Josiah Ells as presidents of the European mission; that we sustain by our faith and prayers President Joseph Smith, his council and all the authorities in the land of Zion. . . .
"Brother J. W. Briggs spoke of the translation of the Holy Scriptures, how they had been preserved until 1867, when it was brought forth to the church, and preached to the people, although the great man of the West had tried every strategem [stratagem] and means to possess himself of it, but Emma Smith was strong enough to preserve them. She being the elect one, could not be deceived.. He then referred to the revelation, said to be the production of the Prophet Joseph, which Emma Smith utterly denies."-The Restorer, vol. 2, pp. 163, 164.
Elders Briggs and Ells, on September 10, wrote from Birmingham, England: "We learn from Bro. Rush that he is now opening the door in Scotland. He has baptized five persons."
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Under date of September 28 Elder T. H. Waddel wrote from Milton, Florida: "Since last fall conference I have baptized one hundred and thirteen persons, and organized four branches; one in Alabama, and three in Florida."
October 1, 1868, President Smith published the following well-written and clear statement of his present position and past experiences. We feel sure that it will be read with interest by the student of history:-
"Looking backward along life's journey is not always the most engrossingly pleasant; but doing so over a life made bitter and burdensome by evil brought about by others, designedly, or innocently through folly, is far less inviting to the mind.
"Years before we were identified with the people of God, in their endeavors to reassert their right to the favor of God, by the practice of virtue and true holiness, we sometimes dreamed of a happy, a redeemed people, and were thrilled with the ecstacy [ecstasy] of having been instrumental, even in a dream, of aiding to bring about so great a happiness.
"The curses which fell upon separate sons who failed to do good according to their condition, was ever recurring to the mind. The grand idea of the separate and several identities answering for their several shortcomings, and receiving for righteousness a righteous reward and crown, was as an anchor to our troubled thoughts.
And when years of maturity brought firmness of recollection, and out of the tangled mass of past fleeting reminiscences, vivid memory painted the violence and injustice which had deprived the church of a faithful friend, and ourself of a kind father; together with many other things not even now pleasant to recall, a continuing fear of losing the right to the tree of life, with a strong desire to do the duties that would, or could devolve upon the son of such a father, we sought to know whether the economy of God designed a happy people freed from bondage, or whether the eternal night of despair should forever inclose [enclose] the confidence and hope once held in Christ.
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"This continued seeking brought continued assurances that God had not forgotten Israel, but would in due time perpetuate his work in righteousness.
"That knowledge was not obtained by consultation with those who held affinity with Brigham Young, James Colin, Brewster, Gladden Bishop, J. J. Strang, or any others who had once known or loved the truth; but was the convincing testimony with which God promised to ratify the truth.
"We were baptized into the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by Joseph Smith, in 1843, confirmed by A. W. Babbitt and another, at a meeting of the church, held in front of the Temple at Nauvoo. This baptism we believe to have been valid, and a legal act of admission to the church or body of Christ.
"The gospel under the preaching of which we were born of water and the Spirit, was the same as that taught at the time we were born of the flesh, in 1832, hence we are frank to say that we were a native born subject of the kingdom.
"This gospel under the influences of which we received the love of the truth, had no polygamic principle in it; hence we have never learned to accept the latter as sacred, while the former has ever been dear.
"In Liberty jail the promise and blessing of a life of usefulness to the cause of truth was pronounced upon our head by lips tainted by dungeon damps, and by the Spirit confirmed through attesting witnesses.
"This blessing has by some been called an ordination, from the usual predilection to confound names and terms.
"The blessing which marked Moses as the deliverer from Egyptian bondage was not that which Jethro pronounced upon his head.
"Subsequent to our baptism in 1843, upon two occasions was the same blessing confirmed by Joseph Smith, once in the council room in the brick store on the banks of the Mississippi, of which we have not a doubt there are witnesses who would confirm the present testimony; once, in the last interview Joseph Smith held with his family before he left Nauvoo to his death. A public attestation of
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the same blessing was made from the stand in the grove in Nauvoo, some time prior to the murder in Carthage.
"We have always felt reluctant to speak in attestation of the position as President of the Church, for three reasons.
"1st. Every aspirant for that position since the crime that left the church a prey to aspirants, has been loud in his own defense, and has each, in turn, run into vice and folly, thereby causing the cause to be evilly spoken of.
"2d. Words are but cheap, protestations are but the breath of one's lips, and wisdom is never very open-mouthed, and the unsupported testimony of any man must fall.
"3rd. If the Lord has promised, and the work is his, the Spirit which bore testimony to it at the beginning will continue its ministrations.
"The silence which in this respect we have hitherto kept, has been variously construed, according to the bias of the minds of the saints who have been under the various circumstances attendant upon the history of the people since 1844.
"Wiseacres, honest in their every conviction, charge fearfulness or hypocrisy; cavillers [cavilers] find cause for doubt, while very many stand aloof from human testimony.
"Many concede the right, but deny the manner in which we have been content to accept the honor by ordination, once conferred by blessing.
"We have never seen the day since we arrived at the years of discretion that we had the power (if we ever had the wish) to change the fact that we are the son of Joseph Smith, the prophet of the latter days; nor has this been forgotten by others. If any work was his to do that could be continued, that we may not reasonably aspire to in righteousness, we have yet to learn what that work is.
"We were left a heritage of shame. Four boys (one now rests), to bear a world's opprobrium; to receive the rude sneer as being the sons of the 'Mormon Prophet, Joe Smith,' to be accounted by their brethren as outcasts because they followed not the beck of men, and at last, when listening to the voice which called them to bear a part in the restoration of the good name they valued, that of their
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father, they sought for it not in the honors of this world, but taking up the cross in the bearing of which their father perished, they seek it by striving to call Israel back to the Lord they forsook; to leave the embraces of the wanton whose breasts are those of a strange woman. And for this, they are called Gurleyites; for this, they are likened to Esau; for this, the scorpion whip of brethren is laid upon them; for this, they bear the world's cold sneer and the hiss of disappointed disciples; for this, they are charged with hypocrisy, base designs upon the credulity of the poor; for this, the vials of wrath of Granville Hedrick, L. D. Hickey, G. P. Dykes, Sidney Rigdon, Brigham Young, and a host of others are uncorked.
"The honors which accrue to the occupant of the position which we now hold, come not from man; nor can man divert the curses sure to follow that man who refuses to do the duty before him because he cannot in his manner of doing it please so great a variety of men.
"The ordination we received at Amboy in 1860, was under the hands of William Marks, William W. Blair, and Zenos H. Gurley, to the high priesthood, and by the voice of the church we were then acknowledged and chosen to be the President of the Church.
"There has been no 'cast iron' policy nor priesthood about the matter from beginning to end, so far as we are concerned.
"We are and have been the acknowledged and avowed enemy to the doctrine of polygamy, and are called to preach in opposition to it.
"In 1856, George A. Smith and Erastus Snow, from Utah, visited us. We told them then we were opposed to polygamy, and expected ever to be. Nor could we be induced to favor it in Utah nor anywhere else.
"In the same year the brethren from Zarahemla visited us. We told them we could not move in the matter till we were called, or convinced that it was our duty so to do. They left with the impression that we would keep to that view.
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"Subsequently, by the means of a vision, we learned what our duty was in regard to the sin in the West. Subsequently still, in 1859, we were told by dream and vision, that the people then trying to gather up the remnants, were acknowledged of God, and for us to cast our lot with them, and raise our voice in calling upon the Latter Day Saints to return to the law which they had forsaken.
"We did so, and in 1860 we met the saints at Amboy, where they had been told we should come to them.
"That these events have not been in accordance with the ideas entertained by many, as to the manner in which the church should have been organized, or that we should have been chosen, we are quite well aware; but so it is, and so they are, and we shall trust in God for the issue.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 14, pp. 104-106.
This was evidently written in a humble, candid spirit, and will recommend itself to the unprejudiced mind. It is a sufficient refutation of the charge of discrepancy regarding dates and places where and when President Smith was blessed by his father.
On pages 51 and 52 of "Succession in the Presidency of the Church," published in 1894, Elder B. H. Roberts seeks to throw discredit upon the claim that President Smith received a blessing under the hands of his father, by pointing out that some of the testimony used by the Reorganization locates the place of blessing in Liberty Jail, Missouri, and some locates the place of blessing in Illinois. Here President Smith states that the blessing was pronounced upon him in Liberty Jail, and twice confirmed upon him in Nauvoo. The strength of this statement lies in the fact that it was not made to meet the criticism, nor to heal the supposed defects in the testimony, but it was made about twenty-six years before the criticism was offered.
The statement was made in the Restorer for October, 1868, that a branch had been organized at Penston, Scotland, by Elder George M. Rush.
The Semiannual Conference of 1868 was held near Council Bluffs, Iowa, October 6 to 8. President Joseph Smith presided, and D. P. Hartwell and Thomas J. Smith were
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clerks. In addition to the usual routine of business, the following special business was done:-
"Resolved that the money in the Bishop's hands, contributed to the Emigration Fund, be subject to the committee appointed for their disposal; . . . that Bro. J. A. McIntosh be ordained to the office of an high priest; that Bro. M. H. Forscutt be ordained to the office of an high priest. . . .
Missions appointed.-G. W. Martin, Thomas J. Smith, and E. G. Cannon to Ohio and portions of Indiana. Stephen Butler to northern Missouri and Kansas. Mark H. Forscutt to labor and preside in the Southern States, including Missouri and those portions of Illinois and Indiana south of the line parallel with the northern limits of the State of Kentucky.
Released from missions.-R. M. Elvin, from southern Nebraska; M. H. Forscutt, from under the immediate direction of Bro. J. Smith; Frederick Hansen, from Denmark; Z. S. Martin, from Ohio; B. H. Ballowe, from Tennessee; C. Downs, from his roving mission.
Resolved that William H. Kelley be continued in his mission to Minnesota; also that all elders not heretofore released be continued in their missions. . . .
The President spoke respecting the great necessity of the saints lending more aid to the press, after which it was resolved that a committee of three be appointed to receive means, and that the presidents of branches take the matter in hand and deliver to said committee all moneys collected for that purpose; that D. M. Gamet, J. Caffall, and J. M. Putney compose the committee.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 14, pp. 140, 141.
On October 10, Elder W. W. Blair wrote from San Francisco, California, as follows:-
"Our conference has just closed, after a most peaceful and satisfactory session. It was more than could be reasonably hoped for, when we consider the late divided and distracted condition of this mission. Our prospects are decidedly encouraging, the elders and saints feel happy and
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confident, and they seem determined to do their whole duty in Christ. The Lord ruled in the midst of our councils, and the ministry joyfully said, Amen.
"We are determined, in this mission, that no man shall be sent to preach except he is a faithful, good man, and able to teach others in plainness the ways of life and salvation; that reproach be not brought upon the work of God.
"You will see by the conference reports that there has been a fair increase, all things considered, for the last six months, in numbers.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 14, p. 173.
The November issue of the Restorer contains an address by President Joseph Smith to the saints in Europe. We commend it to a careful reading. It is as follows:-
"May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
"That which we hear of your zeal and knowledge in the Lord, maketh rejoicing in our hearts, by renewing our hope of you in Christ.
"Let the elders among you wait upon the ministering in the gospel to them that are without, agreeing in the council where your separate labors shall be, by the direction of the Spirit.
"Let the elders also, in their ministry take with them, in so much as they shall be permitted, the priests, that they may be furthered on in usefulness in the truth.
"Let the care of your churches rest upon the officers called thereto by the voice of the brethren; knowing this, that to him that is called to travel in the ministry the care of the churches is burdensome, but they to whom this belongs are standing ministers to the church.
"To the elders chosen to preside in any church among you, give due honor, and let him be assisted in the care of his flock by those called to be priests, teachers, and deacons.
"The council of elders should advise with and counsel by wisdom all those having charge of churches; not to the subverting of their order of government, but to the enlightenment and encouragement of both shepherd and flock.
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"Esteem every man in his own office, according to his diligence, virtue, and faithfulness; observing to love each other with the love which is in Christ.
"Leave off contentions about unprofitable points of doctrine and church government, and rather observe to do the things by which you shall be made personally pure, than to contend about the rendition of obscure passages of law and scripture.
"Teachers, observe to teach the members to do their duty in the family, in the social circle, and in the assembly of the saints, and counsel and observe to procure the frequent meeting together of the flock, seeking to the Lord for wisdom, and the elder and the council for advice. Hear no complaints where reconciliation has not first been sought, nor repeat to others what you hear, until required to tell it to the council.
"Deacons, be sober and faithful. Take honest charge of those things intrusted to your keeping, being ever ready to render an account to the church of your stewardship. Keep the tabernacles of your spirits clean, and counsel others to do likewise. Be ready to assist the elder of the church to fulfill the counsel of the elders. Keep the tabernacles where the saints meet to worship clean, and with persevering care attend to all the duties required at your hands. Be not busybodies, nor backbiters, nor fault-finders, nor cavillers [cavilers], nor schismatics, obey the counsel of the Lord, being fervent in spirit to oppose the wrong, and teaching and exhorting others to come to the light wherein ye walk.
"Priests, observe to minister faithfully, lay aside all perversity of spirit; visit the houses of the saints, exhorting them to be faithful, to attend every duty, to observe the rules of government of the Lord and of the church. Assist the elder in the performance of his duties; attend the sittings of the council of elders, if permitted so to do, and learning by constant attention and care what are the duties whereunto you are called, discharge them in the fear of the Lord, that you may be blessed of all.
"Elders, cease charging evil upon each other and contending with each other about prerogative, or right of
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priority to teach, or preach, or lead the meetings. Lay aside all superfluity of naughtiness, provoke not one another by vain questions nor disputings about preferment. Let your aspirations be for holiness, feeling assured that to be good is to be wise.
"Assemble yourselves to counsel together, spreading the truth by precept and example. Let your teaching be in humility and in confidence; be not haughty in mind nor proud in demeanor; clothe yourselves in simplicity and cleanliness; let the mission of Christ be your theme; your constant meditation to do good to man.
"Finally brethren, come out of the wickedness of Babylon, take earnest heed to the word of the Lord, study to be approved of God that the fellowship of Christ may be yours.
"This I write by permission, in exhortation, that we may be established in faith, in strength, and in hope.
-The Restorer, vol. 2, pp. 180-182.
The issue of the Herald for November 1, contains the following sad news from the pen of W. W. Squires:-
"I am very sorry to inform you of the death of Bro. Thomas H. Waddel, who departed this life on the 10th of October. He was afflicted eleven days with typhoid and remittent fever. By his request I dispatch this. He was with me during his sickness, and died at my house.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 14, p. 138.
Thus a faithful man died at his post, laying down his armor in a land remote from home. A few miles above Milton, Florida, on the east side of Black Water Bay, on an eminence overlooking the bay, where the tall pines stand as sentinels over the grave, can now be seen the lowly mound that marks his resting place. A short time ago the spot was visited by Elder Henry C. Smith, of Lamoni, Iowa, who replaced the decayed headboard with a cedar slab upon which he placed a suitable inscription of name and date of death.
On November 5 Elder W. W. Blair wrote from Santa Cruz. California. the following encouraging news:-
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"Bro. Banta is doing well, and is well liked by the saints where they get acquainted with him. I baptized four at Washington Corners last week, and there are twenty or thirty more in that vicinity that are 'almost persuaded.' Some of them men of large means and kind hearts; so I learn. Bro. Dungan's health is failing; he is an old man and full of years, and may be called home at any time. I have called on the California and Nevada saints for means to be forwarded to the Bishop to aid the work; some are preparing to respond. I suppose I shall be in San Francisco in a few weeks."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 14, pp. 189, 190.
December 5, 1868, Elder Blair wrote from San Francisco in his usual cheerful mood:-
"We are still adding to the members of the church. I recently baptized two at Mission San Jose, and four others were baptized there since then. I also baptized five at Santa Cruz, and three at Watsonville, of late. We have promise of some money for the Bishop, soon. I hope the amount will not be less than $1,500 or $2,000; gold. I hear that the branches are generally doing well, increasing in numbers, faith, and good works.
"We are thinning down the number of elders (traveling), and are determined that none but capable, honest, faithful men, shall go forth to preach. A lack of care in this respect has wrought much evil here, as I learn by traveling through among the saints. 'Be ye clean that bear the vessel of the Lord,' we are determined shall be carried out by the ministry. We now have some noble men in the ministry. Bro. Glaud Rodger is a most excellent brother, and is now on his mission. Bro. George Adams is doing well, as is also Bros. Banta and Clapp, who are now at Yuba City and Marysville. We have many noble souls on this coast, and I trust many more will soon unite with us. I am determined to get the church here under more strict discipline than it has had; I find that our efforts in that direction work admirably, thus far, and we have unshaken faith for the future."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 15, pp. 54, 55.
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