F A I T H E T E R N A L   J U D G M E N T
B A P T I S M K E E P   T H E   S A B B A T H
L A Y I N G   O N   O F   H A N D S S T E W A R D S H I P
R E S U R R E C T I O N F A M I L Y  D U T I E S

The  "Family Steps Toward Zion" program came about as a result of a personal experience I had with the Lord in the early nineteen seventies. The experience came as a result of prayer when I asked the Lord the following questions:

        1. Why aren't the Priesthood active and fulfilling their calling?

        2. Why aren't the Priesthood enthusiastic about their call?

        3. Why aren't the Priesthood received well into the homes of the Saints

        4. Why aren't the Saints inviting the Priesthood into their homes?

The answer to all of these questions was answered as He enlightened my mind with the "Family Steps Toward Zion" program.

Then revealed was a commitment I was to receive from three groups before the program would be acceptable to Him. Firstly the pastorate, secondly the priesthood, and thirdly the congregation or the families. The pastorate of myself, Jack Hagensen, Ken Briggs and Gary Kuntz passed the first step with total commitment, the second step with 68 priesthood members present December 8, 1979 passed with enthusiasm and on January 13, 1980 a majority of the families at Enoch Hill committed themselves in a beautiful experience that we had together.

Only the first six steps were brought to my mind. These were to be the first six steps toward Zion that each family and each individual needed to take before they could go on to additional steps. They are faith, repentance, baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead and Eternal Judgment. Also revealed was that additional steps necessary to reach the celestial kingdom would be revealed to the priesthood as they fasted, prayed, and studied the word together. And there would be those moved by the Spirit to write these additional steps and if faithfully followed, these steps would eventually lead us to Zion.

"And also all they who receive this priesthood receiveth me, saith the Lord, for he that receiveth my servants receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth my Father, and he that receiveth my Father receiveth my Father's kingdom."    (D&C 83:6e)

The Lord by His Spirit is moving in power among His priesthood and people. As you open your hearts and the doors to your home to the priesthood, God's power will be made manifest in many ways. Many of your family problems will be replaced with the joy and thrill of knowing Jesus Christ has been in your home, and he desires to have permanent residence there. As you establish your family altars, your homes will be set in order, the church then will be unified and Zion will be.

This program will only be as successful as your devotion and commitment to the Lord and His church. Prepare for each visit with fasting and prayer. Each family step is designed for use in family worship, study, or for personal study. You are encouraged to take a few moments each day and go over portions of the text presented by the priesthood and the additional scriptures on the last page of each step.

Three ring binder notebooks are available through your book steward for a nominal cost. When the priesthood make their visit they will leave a copy of the "Family Steps Toward Zion" text presented during that visit and you can place them in your family notebook for future reference. Eventually as each step is presented and placed in your notebook you will have a tremendous spiritual reservoir to draw on for strength and to keep moving up the steps toward Zion.

This material is presented by the priesthood at Enoch Hill with the desire to stand in the stead of our leader, Jesus Christ, and with the desire to minister to your every need. May the glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. If mistakes are made they are the mistakes of man and not of God. His work will not be frustrated.



Faith on the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation on which we must build our lives (Hel.. 2:74-75). It is the very principle by which we were created, and have our being from day to day (Mat. 6:34-39, Heb. 11:3).

The Lord called upon Joseph Smith and spake unto him from heaven and gave him commandments, that the fullness of his Gospel might be proclaimed, that his Everlasting Covenant might be established, that Faith might increase in the earth.

Faith being the first principle in revealed religion and the foundation of all righteousness, necessarily claims the first place in the Family Steps Toward Zion (Alma 16:217). 


1. The Apostles said to Jesus, "Lord, increase our faith,"

  • Luke 17:5-6, D&C 1:4c-e
  • What is Faith?

  • Heb.11:1

    Alma 16:143

    Alma 16:143

  • Is there a similarity between the word assurance and the word truth?

    2. How can we obtain greater Faith?

  • Rom. 10:16

    Hel. 5:96

  • 3. What is the word of God?

  • John 1:16

    1 Nephi 4:38-40

    John 17:17; D&C 32:1b

  • 4. What is the Spirit of Truth?

  • D&C 83:7b
  • 5. How does the word increase our faith?

  • 2 Nephi 15:1

    Alma 16:151-155

  • 6. What is the purpose of Faith?

  • D&C 8:3d-e

    D&C 28:12a

    D&C 63:3

    Rev. 2:7;  Heb. 11:6

  • 7. What can be accomplished by Faith?

    Gen. 7:15-17

    Rev. 2:7; Heb. 11:6

    D&C 34:3c-e

    Heb. 11; Eth. 5:11-22; Moroni 7:35-43

    8. What are the consequences of no Faith?

                Moroni 7:43

    9. Faith is one of the __________ of the Spirit. Gal. 5:22

        Faith is one of the __________ of the Spirit. 1 Cor. 12:9

        Faith is one of the principles of the ________ ____ ________. Heb. 6:1

        A three-fold cord is hard to break.

    For surely Faith is an invincible surmise, wrought in the heart and soul of man by the Spirit of God. It does not originate with men, but with God. It is of the Spirit. 


    O world, thou chooseth not the better part!
    It is not wisdom to be only wise,
    And on the inward vision close the eyes;
    But it is wisdom to; believe the heart
    Columbus found a world, and had no chart
    Save one that Faith deciphered in the Skies;
    To trust the souls invincible surmise
    Was all his science and his only art
    Our knowledge is a touch of smoky pine
    That lights the pathway but one step ahead
    Across a void of mystery and dread,
    Bid, then, the tender light of Faith to shine;
    By which alone the mortal heart is lead
    Unto the thinking of the thought divine.

    -George Santayna-


    Gen. 7:15-23; 14:27-32 Rom.1:16-17;4:16-22;5:1-2;10:11-16
    Psalms 141:5  Gal.5:6, 22
    Isa. 29:25  Ephs. 6:13-18
    Matt.  6:34-39;8:5-13; 17:20;21:19-20;23:20  1 Thes. 5:8
    Mark  4:30-32; 9:15-26  Heb. 6:1-3
    Luke 22:32 James 1:2-8; 2:1,14-25; 5:14-15
    John 14:12; 16:24 1 Pet.1:6-9
    Acts 3:16; 20:21  
    1 N. 2:18, 28; 3:23-37; 4:13 3 N.  3:57-60; 6:8-11; 12:2-5,32
    2 N. 6:48; 11:145; 15:4  Alma  3:23-26;7:41;  9:65-69; 10:77-99;
    Jac. 2:49; 3:17 Alma 12:113,137-140,161; 13:51;
    Enos 1:5-28 Alma 14:76-77,103; 
    Jarom 1:9 Alma 16:119-120,138-174,202-203,217,225
    Hel.  2:111-113; 3:115-117; 5:7, 96-97 Alma 17:65-66,76; 20:68-69; 24:63-79;
    Mos. 1:121-122; 2:6, 36; 3:9; 5:81;  Alma 25& 26
    Mos. 9:35-37; 11:23-24,167-169 Mor. 6:5; 7:20-53; 8:15-16; 10:4-17
    Eth. 1:63-85,101; 5 WofM 1:78; 4:103
    Sec. 1:4c-e; 8:1b, 3d-f; 10:8c;  Sec. 28:2c, 12a; 32:3a-c; 34:3c-d; 
    Sec. 11:4a-b; 12:4a; 16:4c-d;  Sec.42:5b,7d,12c-13b; 43:3d;44:2a 
    Sec. 17:3a-b; 18:4a-d;  Sec. 52:5b; 61:2c
    Sec. 19:2a-b; 25:1b; 26:3d-g; Sec.63:3a-4a,6b; 68:4a; 85:36a-c

    STEP 2

    R E P E N T A N C E

    The gospel of Christ is plain and precious, calling all men everywhere to repent and be baptized by the water and by the Spirit. Without repentance we are forever separated in sin from our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ, who died that we might live if we will accept the gift of eternal life by obedience to His gospel. Repentance is an essential key which unlocks the power of Christ's atonement in our lives. We willingly forgive others their sins for we see that God's love is openly extended to us in forgiveness, that we might come back to him.


    1. What is our human condition before God?

    Mosiah 1:119-120

    D&C 22:7b

    Romans 3:23

    Jer. 10:23

    2. How does Christ define His gospel? His doctrine?

    D&C 39:2

    D&C 3:16a-b

    3. Why is there a need for repentance, and what is God's plan of salvation?

    Alma 19:88-97

    4. Who does God command to repent?

    Gen. 6:30-31, 59

    5. What is the result of failing to repent?

    Gen. 5:1-2

    Mos. 1:108

    6. How does God show his goodness to us?

    Romans 2:4

    2 Pet. 3:9

    7. What attitude must we have to truly repent?

    2 Cor. 7:9-10

    3 Nephi 5:66

    8. What must we do to be forgiven?

    3 Nephi 5:71-72

    Mosiah 11:140

    9. How do we repent? Refer also to the Lord's prayer.

    (1) Mos. 11:138

    (2) No. 7 above

    (3) D&C 64:2d-e

    (4) D&C 64:2b

    (5) Jer. 10:24/Psalms 31:24

    10. How is true repentance shown?

    Mos. 2:16-17

    Mat. 3:35/Moroni 8:29

    Full repentance requires that you must admit that you do sin. Try to recognize your sins for what they are and view them as God does (Moroni 7:13-16). Study the scriptures, pray and fast, that God will enlighten your mind and impress upon your heart those specific wrongs for which you have need of repentance (D&C 66:2a). Accept the responsibility for your sins. Don't rationalize or try to make excuses for them. Recognize the fact that you are the one who must make the change (D&C 18:1c-d). Be truly sorry (Godly sorrow) and have an honest desire to change (3 Nephi 5:66). If possible, make amends for your wrongdoing. Try to right the relationship with your neighbor (Luke 19:8).  Forgive others and accept their repentance (D&C 64:2b-e, 95:7a-d). Pray for forgiveness from God. He calls us to repentance to save, not condemn us. Have faith that he wants and will help you to change (D&C 81:2, 3 Nephi 12:29). Forgive yourself. Accept God's forgiveness. Don't act as if you have never been forgiven. Remember the devil would like nothing more than for you to continue bearing the burden of your own sins (D&C 76:4g, 18:2h). Finally, you must "remember them no more" (Luke 9:62). Yea, even as the Lord remembereth them no more (D&C 58:9c-d).


    Gen. 4:8; 5:1-2; Matt. 11:20-21; 12:25-39
    Isa. 55:7  Mark 1:13
    Jer. 10:23 Luke 13:3; 15; 17:1-4
    Ezek. 18 Acts 2:37-41; 3:19; 8:18-24; 26:20
    Jonah  3:9-10 Rom.  2:4-9
    Matt.  3:34-38; 4:16; 9:13-14;  2 Pet.3:9
    1 N. 3:28-29, 210-216  Alma 7:13-46; 9:40-61;
    2 N.  1:107-109; 5:30-31; 6:48-49;7:5-9 Alma 10:6, 27-30;13:51
    2 N. 12:23-35, 76-78; 13:11-32 Alma 14:58, 101-104; 
    Jac.  2:48-59 Alma 16:134-135, 216-218, 226-228
    Enos  1:3-11 Alma 17:22,39,57-70;18:9-10 
    Mos.  1:79-91, 107-127;2:16-17, 28-50 Alma 19:11-13,81-117
    Mos. 7:29-37, 46-57; 11:137-145 Hel.  2:72-73; 3:17-30; 4:4, 68-72
    Alma 3:46-70, 85-90; 5:24-28; 6:36-37 Hel. 5:7-14,44,53,61,71,74
    Sec. 2:4b; 3:16; 5:3g-4; 6:4b; Sec.56:3a, 4c-5b; 58:4b, 8b-9d; 63:15
    Sec.13:3;16:3b-4, 6c-7b; 17:2a-b, 6a Sec.64:2b-g; 66:2a; 68:4a; 81:1c
    Sec.18:2f-m, 4d-5b; 28:4a-c; 39:2  Sec. 83:7f-8, 12c-d; 95:4, 7
    Sec. 42:6-7g; 43:5d-g;49:1b, 2c-h Sec.108:5b; 118:4c

    STEP  3

    B A P T I S M

    The third principle in The Family Steps Toward Zion is that of Baptism. This beautiful ordinance is a natural response to Faith and Repentance (Heb. 6:1-3). These three acts comprise the preparatory gospel (D&C 83:4c), and are called outward ordinances (D&C 104:8b,10).


    1. Why were Adam and Nicodemus told to be baptized?


    John 3:5

    2. Why is baptism necessary?

    Mark 1:3

    Acts 2:38; Mat. 5:4

    1 Peter 3:20-21

    D&C 16:4e

    What is our condition without baptism? (Mark 16:15)

    3. Why was Christ baptized?

    2 Nephi 13:7-9

    Mat. 3:43

    4. What actions are required before requesting baptism?

    D&C 17:7

    Moroni 6:1-3

    5. What mode of baptism should be used?

    D&C 17:21,

    3 Nephi 5:24-26

    Mat. 3:43

    Acts 8:35-38

    6. How old must one be for baptism?

    Gen. 17:11

    Moroni 8:11

    D&C 68:4b; 17:20a

    7. What is the strait and narrow gate?

    2 Nephi 13:23-24, D&C 20

    3 Nephi 13:11

    What is a strait?

    8. What follows water baptism?

    Gen. 6:63-64

    2 Nephi 13:15-17

    D&C 32:2g

    Titus 3:5-7 

  • All old covenants have been caused to be done away in this thing and this a new and everlasting covenant, which was from the beginning. It is because of our dead works that this last covenant has been established. Let us follow Christ's exhortation to Paul, "And now why tarriest thou? Arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord." (Acts 22:16)


    Gen. 6:67; 17:4-6; Acts 18:8,25; 22:16
    Mat. 3:31-33; 9:18-21;21:21-25; 28:18-19 Rom. 6:3-4
    Mark  1:3-4;11:30,36; 16:14-15 1 Cor. 1:12-17; 10:1-4
    Luke  1:75-78; 3:3,12,17-18; Gal. 3:26-29
    Luke 7:28;12:58; 20:28 Eph. 4:5
    John  1:34; 3:22; 4:1-3 Col. 2:12
    Acts 1:22; 2:41; 8:12-13,16,35-389:17-18  1 Pet. 3:20-21
    Acts 10:37,47-48; 13:24; 16:15,33;  
    1 N. 3:11-12,73  Alma 16:138; 21:142,186; 29:55 
    2 N. 6:48-49;13:6-8,14  Mor.  1:65; 3:30; 4:86,95
    Mos. 9:41-50,54,176-180;  3 N. 1:26-27; 3:68-70; 9:11-13, 92; 
    Mos. 11:94-96,107-109,121,129,147 3 N. 5:21-28,34-35, 39-40,44-47
    Hel. 2:22-24,79-81; 5:110-116  3 N. 8:32,40,43,62; 12:14; 13:29
    Alma  2:4-6; 3:4,108; 4:2; 5:25-27  Eth. 1:115
    Alma 6:7,11; 7:41; 10:102-104; 12:178 Mor. 6:1-4; 8:5,11-16,20-29
    Sec. 16:2a-b,4e-g,6c-d  Sec. 49:2g; 68:1f-g; 
    Sec. 17:5b-d, 7, 21  Sec. 76:5b; 83:4c,12a; 
    Sec. 39:2,5c; 42:2b;  Sec. 104:10; 105:11b-c


    *(Water and Spirit combined)

    Gen. (6:68-69)(53-55)(7:13)(8:11) Acts ( 1:5)(2:38)
    Mat.(3:38,40-45)(5:4)(20:21-23)(21:21-25)  Acts (11:16)(19:3-6)
    Mark ( 1:6-9)(10:38-40) 1 Cor. 12:13
    Luke 12:59; ( 3:23,28-29) Heb. ( 6:1-3)
    John  (1:25-28,31-32,34)  
    1 N. ( 3:74)  4 N.   ( 1:2)
    2 N.  13:17, (10,15-16,18,24) Mormon ( 3:33)
    3 N.   4:50; 9:15, (14)(12:10)(13:30)(14:3) Ether    5:15
    Sec.(17:8,18) (18:4) (32:2g)(34:2c)  Sec. (55:1b)(68:4a-b) 
    Sec.  (36:1k-l) (39:3c,6) 49:2h;  Sec. 76:5c; (83:10c)

    STEP 4

    L A Y I N G  O N  O F  H A N D S

    The fourth principle of the gospel is the LAYING ON OF HANDS. (Heb. 6:1-3) We need God's help in our lives if we are to be delivered from our natural selfish tendencies and overcome the weaknesses and ills we are subject to. A stream can rise no higher than its source. We need those heavenly blessings which God has set in His church that lift us up and make us "New Creatures in Christ"; that protect us, guide us, heal us, and give us direction. The manner which God has designed to bestow these gifts and blessings upon us is through the LAYING ON OF HANDS.


    1. Why is the gift of the Holy Ghost essential? How does it help us?

    Mos. 11:186-188

    John 16:13

    2. How is the Holy Ghost conferred?

    Acts 8:14-23

    Moroni 2

    By whom?

    D&C 49:2g-h

    3. How does our Heavenly Father bless and help our little children?

    Mat. 19:14-15

    D&C 17:19

    4. How are adults given spiritual blessings and guidance?

    D&C 125:3

    5. How do we receive God's help when we are sick?

    D&C 42:12d

    James 5:14-15

    Mark 6:7

    D&C 125:15c

    6. How does God give authority to priesthood to minister in His name?

    Alma 4:1

    Acts 6:5-6

    D&C 42:4

    3 Nephi 8:70-71

    The fourth step in the Family Steps Toward Zion is under-standing and utilizing the gifts and blessings which come through the LAYING ON OF HANDS. As we have seen, these come through authoritatively administered ordinances in his church. The LAYING ON OF HANDS is the channel through which the Holy Ghost is given to be an abiding comforter. It is only as we trace this channel back to God, through men who have been given authority by the LAYING ON OF HANDS in his church, that we can be sure that they then have power to bestow these blessings upon us.


    Num. 27:18-23  Acts 8:14-23
    Mat.  9:24 Heb. 6:2
    Mark  5:19; 6:14; 16:19 1 Tim. 4:14;  5:22; 
    Alma 4:1; 16:116-117 Mormon 4:87
    3 Nephi 8:70-72 Moroni 2
    Sec. 17:8-12,18; 23:4; 24:2c Sec.104:31f;  117:3-4
    Sec. 32:3c; 34:2c; 49:2g-h;  Sec. 123:27; 
    Sec. 52:3c; 53:2b; 55:1b-d Sec. 125:3,15c
    Sec. 68:4a-c; 76:5b-d Sec. 127:2d

    STEP 5

    R E S U R R E C T I O N

    The first four principles of the doctrine of Christ are matters of choice as we live our life in this probationary state. We are agents unto ourselves, and when we hear the word we may choose to believe and have Faith. Because of our faith we may choose to Repent, receive the Baptism of water, and the gift of the Holy Ghost through the Laying on of Hands. As we live our lives we may choose to receive other blessings through the laying on of hands. When death occurs and we pass over to the other side there remains the last two principles: Resurrection and Eternal Judgment. The choice is no longer ours.


    1. If a man die shall he live again? (Job 14:14)

    Job 19:25-26

    Isaiah 26:19

    2. Where does a man go when he dies?

    Alma 19:42-47

    Ecl. 12:7

    3. What is the Resurrection?

    Alma 8:98-100

    Alma 19:64

    D&C 85:4a-b

    4. How is the Resurrection brought to pass?

    2 Nephi 6:10-15

    2 Nephi 7:43

    5. Who participates in the Resurrection?

    1 Cor. 15:20-22

    2 Nephi 6:32

    John 5:28-29

    6. What is the first Resurrection?

    D&C 85:26d-28

    D&C 76:5-6

    Mosiah 8:55-60

    7. What is the second Resurrection?

    D&C 85:29-30

    D&C 76:7

    Rev. 20:5

    8. What is the state of man without the Resurrection?

    2 Nephi 6:16-21

    Mosiah 8:53

    2 Nephi 8:12

    9. What is the purpose of the Resurrection?

    2 Nephi 6:44-47

    Alma 8:102-107

    God created Adam and by Adam came the fall of man. Because man fell, God sent his son, Jesus Christ, into the World. Because of Christ, came the Resurrection of man. Because of the redemption of man, we are all brought back into the presence of God. This is wherein all men are redeemed, because the death of Christ brings to pass the Resurrection, which is redemption from endless sleep. We are awakened from this endless sleep by the power of God when the trumpet sounds. Then all will come forth and stand before His bar, being loosed from the temporal death. Then comes the judgment of the Holy One upon us. (Mn. 4:71-74)


    Gen. 7:69  Acts 17:18,31-3;23:6-7; 24:14-15,21
      Rom.  1:4; 4:24-25; 6:1-10; 7:4; 8:11; 10:9
      1 Cor. 16:14; 15
    Mat. 10:37; 11:5; 16:22; 17:22; 19:28;  2 Cor. 1:9-10; 4:14 
    Mat. 10:39-41;17:22; 22:23,28-31; 27:55-57  Gal. 1:1
    Mark  8:41-43;12:22,27,29-32 Eph.  1:19-20; 2:4-6
    Luke  3:7; 7:22; 9:22,30-31; 14:14;  Phil. 3:10-11
    Luke 29:27,33-38 Col.  2:12
    John 5:21,26-29; 6:40, 44-54;11:23-27  1 Thes. 1:10
    John 12:1,9,17 2 Tim. 2:8,18
    Acts  1:22; 2:24,31-3; 23:15,26; 4:1-2,10, 1 Pet. 1:3-4,21; 3:21
    Acts 33; 5:30; 10:39-41; 13:29-39;  Rev. 20
    2 N. 1:74-76; 6:10-16,27-35, 45-48 Alma 13:13,53;  14:85-87; 15:32-34,49;
    2 N.7:42-44; 11:61 Alma  16:196-197; 17:25-26; 19
    Jac.  3:16-18; 4:12-14 Hel.  5:68-74
    Mos.  8:13-14, 79-84;54-62; 9:28-29,39-40 3 N.  7:1-2; 11:30-33 
    Mos.  11:105-107 Mn.  3:27-29; 4:70-74
    Alma 2:20-21;3:31; 8:95-107;  Mi.  7:46-48
    Alma 9:14,19-21, 34-46;11:29-31;  
    Sec. 28:12 Sec. 76:3-7
    Sec. 36:12c-g  Sec. 85:4-6
    Sec.42:12e-f Sec. 107:30
    Sec. 45:10a Sec. 108:10c-d
    Sec. 63:5b-c, 13  Sec. 110:12

    STEP 6


    God's wonderful plan of salvation was implemented through our Lord Jesus Christ to bring us back to him. We are commanded to live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. In doing so, we become sanctified and able to stand in God's presence. We shall all stand before Christ on the day of judgment to be judged according to our works. If our desires and works are righteous, we shall enter into the joy and kingdom of our God and Christ. (Enos 1:46)


    1. What is the nature of God the Father?

    Alma 21:18

    Gen. 6:60

    2. What is the purpose of Christ the Son?

    2 N. 1:71-75

    D&C 45:1c

    3. How do the justice of God and the mercy of Christ work together?

    Alma 19:93-97,104-106

    Mos. 8:28-32

    Rom. 5:12-21

    4. Why is there punishment for sin?

    2 N. 1:88-93

    5. According to what will we be judged?

    2 N. 12-66

    3 N. 13:2-3

    1 N. 4:52-54

    By whom?

    John 5:22

    6. What does it mean to be damned?

    D&C 83:12a

    Mn. 4:62-65

    What does it mean to be saved?

    D&C 16:4e

    D&C 76:5a-e

    7. How long are God's judgments?

    D&C 18:2d-e

    D&C 76:7v

    8. What are the categories of God's final judgment?

    D&C 85:4b-5c

    1 N. 4:60-62

    1 Cor. 15:40-41; 2 N. 6:37-43

    9. What is the significance of our desires as related to eternal judgment?

    Alma 16:230-232

    Alma 19:66-67

    (Church History vol. 2, p. 16)

    10. It is recommended that you read all of D&C sec. 76 on your own.

  • Could ye say, if ye were called to die at this time, within yourselves, that ye have been sufficiently humble?
    Behold, are ye stripped of pride? I say unto you, if ye are not, ye are not prepared to meet God.
    Behold, I say, Is there one among you who is not stripped of envy?
    And again I say unto you, Is there one among you that doth make a mock of his brother, or that heapeth upon him persecutions?
    Wo unto such an one, for he is not prepared, and the time is at hand that he must repent, or he cannot be saved; Yea, even wo unto all ye workers of iniquity; repent, repent, for the Lord God hath spoken it.
    Behold, he sendeth an invitation to all men; for the arms of mercy are extended towards them, and he saith, Repent, and I will receive you. Alma 3:48,52,54-57


    Gen. 6:64; 7:64,74  Acts 10:42; 17:31
    Job  34:12; 37:23 Rom.  1:20-32; 2:1-11,16;
    Ps. 1:5; 9:7-8,16; 35:24; 72:2; Rom.  3:6-7; 5; 14:10
    Ps. 94:15-16; 96:10,13; 97:2; 1 Cor. 4:4-5 
     Ps. 98:9; 99:4; 119:39,62,71,160 2 Cor. 5:10
    Pro. 16:10; 17:23;19:28 1 Tim.  5:23
    Ecl.  3:17; 12:14 2 Tim.  4:1,8
    Isa. 30:18; 33:22;11:3-4 Heb.  6:2; 9:27; 10:30
    Eze. 33:20 Jas.  2:13
     Mat.  7:2-3, 31-37 1 Pet.4:5-6
    Mark  3:24; 6:11-12  2 Pet.2:3,9; 3:7
    Luke  3:9; 6:30 Jude  6, 15
    John  5:22,28-30; 8:15-16; 9:39;12:47-48 Rev. 14:7; 16:7; 19:2
    1 N. 3:33-35; 4:52-63  Alma 14:39-41;16:197;  17:9-19;
    Jac.  4:18 Alma 19:56,66-70,78-80, 97-106; 28:24
    WofM. 1:13-17   3 N. 11:32-33; 12:26-35; 13:1-3,43-48
    Mos.  1:64,105-106, 116-117, 125-129; Hel.  3:63; 5:84-86
    Mos. 8:71,81-89; 11:196-198, 13:16 Mn.  1:83-89; 3:18-33
    Alma  3:31-45; 7:18-20; 8:98,104; Eth.  5:39
    Alma 9:14,21,26-32,46;10:51;  Mor.  7:17; 8:24; 10:31
    Sec. 3:3  Sec. 76:5o-p,7u-v 
    Sec. 17:3; 18:1-2f; Sec. 81:1c-e 
    Sec. 36:11a-c Sec. 85:8,23,25,28-29,31
    Sec. 41:3e; 60:4a-c Sec. 98:10f; 108:7b-d
    Sec. 70:1b-c; 75:3f-h Sec. 113:5; 114:1-2

    STEP 7

    P R A Y E R

    The poet has said that "more things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of", and surely this is true. The scriptures are filled with the answered prayers of God's servants and people which have stopped the mouths of lions, healed the sick and moved the cause of righteousness in men's lives. The Lord has said that "men ought always to pray" (Luke 18:1). Prayer is so important. But how do we pray and what do we pray for? We should be like the disciple of the Lord who said "Lord teach us to pray." (Luke 11:1). Let us search the Holy Scriptures, Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants, so that our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, might "teach us to pray."


    1. Who do we pray to and in whose name do we pray?

    2 N. 14:12

    John 16:23-24

    2. Does God hear our prayers?

    James 1:5-7

    Alma 16:177-183

    3. When should we pray?

    Alma 16:219-222

    Dan. 6:10

    4. Why should our hearts be drawn out in prayer continually?

    Mosiah 2:49

    Isa. 55:7-9

    Phil. 4:6-8

    5. What should we pray about?

    D&C 65:1d-f

    Mor. 7:52,53

    Alma 16:219-222

    6. What is the relationship between prayer and temptation?

    3 N. 8:47,51

    Alma 10:27,28

    7. Should families meet together in prayer?

    D&C 17:10a-b

    3 N. 8:52

    Deut. 11:18-21

    8. What does the parable of the widow and the unjust judge teach us?

    Luke 18:1-8

    D&C 98:11


    Our Father who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is done in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And suffer us not to be led into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen. Mat. 6:10-15


    Gen. 20:18  Luke 9:18; 21:36
    Ps. 17:1; 109:4   John 17
    Mat.  5:4,6; 6:5-16; 14:19 Rom.  1:9,10
    Mat. 23:11; 26:36-41 Rev.  8:4
    Mark 9:26; 11:26-28  
    1 N. 1:4;  2:28; 5:172,210  Hel.  2:31
    2 N.  6:103; 11:43; 14:11-12;15:15 3 N.  5:90,99; 8:47; 
    Jac. 2:49  3 N. 9:10,38;12:14
    Enos  1:17  4 N.  1:13
    Mos. 11:10,149,167-168,183,185 WofM  2:50
    Alma  7:40; 8:33; 10:28; 12:5,146 Mor.  4:3; 6:5-6; 7:8,53
    Alma 16:187,219-222; 21:2 Mor. 8:29; 10:4,5
    Sec. 3:1e; 32:3e; 75:2c Sec. 98:11b; 105:5c
    Sec. 108A:5c (Introduction in most versions) Sec. 24:3b; 46:3c; 83:9b; 52:4c
    Sec. 17:6e, 10b; 18:6a Sec. (126:1) Prayers of the Prophets
    Sec. 30:4c; 64:16a; 68:4c Sec. (19:2) Prayers of the Prophets

    STEP 8


    From the beginning, the Lord set aside a day each week for a particular purpose.  Keeping the Sabbath holy is one of His Commandments and as such is found in all three of the Holy Books of the Church.  Since the Doctrine and Covenants Sec. 68:4d tells us that the Saints in Zion shall keep the Sabbath, then a necessary step in our Family Steps to Zion is to learn the meaning and proper use of the Sabbath.


    1. What is the origin of the Sabbath?

    Gen. 2:1-3

    Ex. 20:8-11

    2. Why do we as a Church observe the first day of the week instead of the seventh?

    Mark 16:8; Acts 20:7

    D&C 119:7a-b

    3. Should we engage in commerce on the Sabbath? (Buying and Selling)

    Neh. 13:15-21; D&C 59:2f-3

    4. Since the Sabbath is a day of rest, is it all right for you to hire others to work for you        while you rest?

    Ex. 20:8-11

    5. When Jesus said that "The Sabbath was made for Man, not Man for the Sabbath," did he mean that we are free to do our own thing on the Sabbath?

    Mark 2:25-26

    Isa. 58:13-14

    6. What should be our custom on the Lord's day?

    Luke 4:16;

    D&C 59:2f-3a

    Mat. 12:8-11

    It is not our intent to set ourselves up as a judge and say to you that this thing, or that activity is not proper for the Sabbath.  It is our desire that you should search the Scriptures and use them as a measuring stick against your own life. The Lord is pleased to bless us as we seek to obey him and draw nigh unto him.  If we seek to keep the Sabbath day and delight in his day (Isa. 56:6,7), how great will be our joy with him in eternity.


    Gen. 2:1-3 Tells of the seventh day of the Creation. Jer. 17:19-27 Warning about breaking the Sabbath.
    Ex. 16:22-30 Gather twice as much manna on the sixth day,  none on the seventh. Mat. 12:1-11 Statement of Christ regarding the Sabbath.
    Ex. 20:8-11 Part of the Ten Commandments. Mat. 24:17 Flight on the Sabbath.
    Ex. 31:13-17 Covenant regarding the Sabbath. Mark 1:19 Activities of Christ on the Sabbath.
    Ex. 35:1-3 Commandment regarding the Sabbath. Mark2:21-3:6 Statement of Christ.  See also Mat. 12:1-11.
    Lev. 19:3 Commandment regarding the Sabbath. Mark 6:2 Activities of Christ on the Sabbath.
    Lev. 19:30 Commandment regarding the Sabbath. Mark 13:19 Flight on the Sabbath. See also Mat. 24:17.
    Lev. 23:3, 32 Commandment regarding Sabbath. Luke 4:16 Activities of Christ on the Sabbath.
    Lev. 26:2 Commandment regarding the Sabbath. Luke 6:1-10 Statement of Christ. See also Mat. 12:1-11 and Mark 2:21-3:6.
    Deut. 5:12-15 Part of the Ten Commandments. Luke 13:10-16 Activities of Christ on the Sabbath.
    Neh. 10:31 Buying and Selling on the Sabbath. Luke 14:1-5 Activities of Christ on the Sabbath.
    Neh. 13:15-21 On not observing the Sabbath. John 5:8-16 Activities of Christ on the Sabbath.
    Isa. 56:2-7 On the Sabbath Covenant. John 7:23-24 Activities of Christ on the Sabbath.
    Isa. 58:13-14 Sabbath activities.  
    Jar. 1:11 Statement on the Spiritual condition of the people. Mos.9:56-58 Commandment to observe the Sabbath.
    Mos. 7:116-118 Part of the Ten Commandments.  
    Sec. 59:2f-5d Concerning Sabbath activities. Sec. 119:7 Revelation on the Sabbath.
    Sec. 68:4d A Zionic condition.  

    STEP 9


    "Verily, verily I say unto you, Ye are little children, and ye have not as yet understood how great blessings the Father has in his own hands, and prepared for you; and ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless be of good cheer, for I will lead you along; the kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours; and the riches of eternity are yours; and he who receiveth all things, with thankfulness, shall be made glorious, and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more; wherefore do the things which I have commanded you, saith your Redeemer, even the Son Ahman, who prepareth all things before He taketh you; for ye are the church of the Firstborn, and He will take you up in the cloud, and appoint every man his portion" (D&C 77:4a-d).

    In the church today, we are living under a lesser law, even the law of tithing. Under this law we give one tenth of all we possess, and then one tenth of our annual increase each year following. Today we need to be obedient to this law.

    However, we need to look forward and prepare ourselves, that we might be
    obedient to the greater law, that of stewardship, a law of total commitment, thus the following is given, that we may come to a knowledge and understanding of this law.

    The Father is the beginning and the end. By His Only Begotten He created all things, in the beginning He created the heaven and the earth. (Gen. 1:2,3)


    1. To whom do all things belong?

    Ps. 24:1

    D&C 101:2d

    In section 101:2d the Lord goes on to say that it is His purpose to provide for His Saints, but to be done in His own way.

    2. What does the Lord require of the Saints regarding their possessions?

    D&C 42:9b

    D&C 72:1c

    3. Why are we to give an account of our stewardship?

    D&C 101:2b-g

    D&C 72:1c,d

    4. What are we made accountable for?

    D&C 101:2c

    1 Cor. 12:4-11

    James 2:20-23

    We are told that we should be equal in temporal things, and this willingly, or the manifestations of the Spirit shall be withheld from us. (D&C 70:3d)

    5. Why are we to be made equal?

    D&C 49:3e

    D&C 77:1f,g

    6. How are we to be made equal?

    D&C 51:1b

    2 Cor. 8:13-15

    D&C 81:4e

    In Mosiah 11:153-155 and Alma 1:37-39 we find examples of how a people became equal, and because of this equality they did abound in the grace of God.

    The next question we might ask is, How shall the Lord bring these things about? In Sec. 51:4a He tells the Bishop to appoint a storehouse unto the church and for all things (surplus) to be kept in the hands of the Bishop.

    7. What does He mean to "appoint a storehouse"?

    D&C 58:7d

    D&C 42:14b

    8. Why is the surplus to be kept in the hands of the Bishop?

    D&C 42:10b,c

    D&C 82:2

    9. What shall be the results if we do or do not keep this law of stewardship?

    3 Nephi 11:13

    D&C 101:2g

    10. What further information do we have concerning our accounting and surplus?

    D&C 72:3e

    D&C 42:8c

    D&C 70:3a-c

    D&C 77:1c-g

    D&C 64:5a

    And they did impart of their substance every man according to that which he had, to the poor, and the needy, and the sick, and the afflicted (Alma 1:40)

    He that sendeth up treasures unto the land of Zion, shall receive an inheritance in this world, and his works shall follow him; and also a reward in the world to come (D&C 63:13b).

    And he that is a faithful and wise steward shall inherit all things (D&C 77:4e).

    STEP 10


    The family is the Lord's cornerstone and model of the kingdom. It is the workshop where Zionic principles can be developed according to the guidelines of the scriptures under the direction of the Holy Ghost. Any change from the pattern which God has established will result only in failure, for which there is no remedy except to return to His holy word.


    1. What is God's divine order for husbands and wives?

    1 Cor. 11:3

    Eph. 5:21-23

    For unmarried adults?

    1 Tim. 5:5

    D&C 42:20, 82:1-2

    2. How should companions act toward one another?

    1 Pet. 3:1-9

    Eph. 5:24-25

    Jac. 2:55-57

    3. What is God's order for children?

    Col. 3:20

    Eph. 6:1-3

    Luke 2:51

    4. And for parents?

    Gen. 6:59-65

    Mos. 2:25-27

    Prov. 22:6,15; 29:15

    5. Why should families worship together?

    3 Nephi 8:52

    D&C 17:10b

    Deut. 11:18-23

    6. Why should families meet often at church?

    Alma 4:6

    Moroni 6:6

    Col. 3:16

    7. What should be taught in the family concerning:

    a) Our duties

    Eccl. 12:13

    b) Love

    1 John 4:7-11, 19-20

    Matt. 22:33-39

    D&C 42:12e

    c) The doctrine of Christ

    D&C 68:4a-g

    Gen. 6:57-62

    Alma 17:66-70

    d) Charity, virtues

    1 Pet. 4:8

    Phil. 4:8

    Moroni 7:47-53

    2 Pet. 1:4-9

    e) Forgiveness

    D&C 64:2c-e

    Mat. 18:21-34

    f) Appearance

    D&C 42:12a; 119:3c

    1 Pet. 3:3-4

    Isa. 3:16-24

    g) Idleness

    D&C 56:5c; 58:6c-f; 85:19a

    Mat. 12:31

    h) Backbiting

    D&C 42:7f

    James 3:1-10

    i) Being valiant in testimony

    D&C 76:6g

    Matt. 10:28-29

    Pro. 11:30 

    O, my people, come up Higher,
    Heed the Spirit's voice today.
    Love the Lord and one another
    And I'll answer when you pray.
    Consecrate each passing hour
    Sacred Duties to attend,
    And I'll come to you in power
    And be with you to the end.
