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Vol. IV. No. 8.] CITY OF NAUVOO, ILL. March 1, 1843 [Whole No. 68.
To the Editor of the Times & Seasons.
Sir,-Among the many signs of the times, and other strange things, which are continually agitating the minds of men, I notice a small speculation in the Chicago Express, upon the certificate of one Hiram Redding, of Ogle co. stating that he has seen the sign of the son of man in heaven, as foretold in the 24th of Matt. The slanderous allution of a "seraglio," like the Grand Turk, which the editor applies to me, he may take to himself, for "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." Every honest man, who has visited the city of Nauvoo, since it existed, can hear record of better things, and place me in the front ranks of those who are known to do good for the sake of goodness, and show all liars, hypocrites; and abominable creatures, that while vice sinks them down to darkness and wo, virtue exalts me and the saints to light and immortality.
The editor, as well as some others, "thinks that Jo Smith has his match at last," because Mr. Redding certifies that he has seen the sign of the son of man. But I shall use my right, and declare, that notwithstanding Mr. Redding may have seen a wonderful appearance in the clouds, one morning about sun-rise, (which is nothing very uncommon in the winter season) he has not seen the sign of the son of man, as foretold by Jesus; neither has any man, nor will any man, till after the sun shall have been darkened and the moon bathed in blood, for the Lord hath not shown me any such sign, and, as the prophet saith, so it must be : Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth has secret unto his servants the prophets. (See Amos 3:7). therefore, hear this, O earth, the Lord will not come to reign over the righteous, in this world, in 1843, nor until every thing for the bridegroom is ready.
Yours respectfully,
Joseph Smith.
To the Editor of the Times and Seasons.
Sir,-Since my arrival in this country I have had an opportunity of visiting my old friends, the Methodists, (do not suppose, sir, for a moment that I am about to rail against that body, for had I not had a good opinion of them I should not have remained with them nearly fourteen years) and I found them as busily engaged in raising means to send missionaries to the heathen as in the old country, and found that they not only "spoke the same language," but the same stories passed current in both countries, such as the Missionary Hen, the sugar, the shaving, &c, &c. And as it seemed to be the general opinion that the Lord required at the hands of the religious part of the community the conversion of the world, I was led to examine the progress that had been made towards this "consummation so devoutly to be wished;" and, from the best information within my reach, on the subject I found it something like the following:-
The inhabitants of Asia are estimated at upwards of 500,000,000, and China alone is said to contain near 400,000,000, all, with a very few exceptions, idolators [idolaters] . Hindoostan is supposed to contain more than 120,000,000, who are principally idolators [idolaters]. Burmah 11,000,000. Siam two or three million; Japan, twenty or twenty-five; Turkey, eleven; Persia, ten; Arabia, ten; and Russia, in Asia, seven or ten millions. Nearly the whole of these are gross idolators [idolaters]. They worship the workmanship of their own hands. They worship rivers, lakes, mountains, birds, beasts, and fishes. Their idols are set up in their temples, in their houses, in their stores; in their streets and highways, on the banks of rivers and canals, in their ships and boats, The Chinese hang spells and charms about their necks, stitch them up in their clothes, or tie them to their bed-posts. In the west of Asia Mohammedanism prevails; in the east the religion of the Lama; and in the south that of Brumha [Burma]. The Brumese most earnestly desire annihilation, and are counted infidels by the Christian world because they believe in the eternal duration of matter-they cannot imagine how the Lord's putting nothing to nothing should make a world. So that, upon the whole, we cannot say much for missionary success in Asia, but when we turn to Africa it presents a still darker aspect. There are supposed to be 110,000,000 inhabitants, nearly all living in the most degraded manner. It is true that Christianity is professed in Abyssinia and Nubia, but in the most debased forms. Mohammedanism has diffused itself over most of the northern and eastern regions, while the most loathsome practices prevail amongst the whole negro nations, demanding, in may cases, from its votaries the sacrifice of human life. The nations and tribes of the negro race are very numerous, and the interior of their country has scarcely, if ever
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been penetrated by any of the missionaries. But, sir, I will leave this gloomy and almost hopeless part of the world, and hasten to show you what the missionaries have accomplished. While idolatry spreads her wings over the whole face of Asia and Africa, there is an extensive continent where they are basking in the meridian glory of missionary success, and their labors are now no longer needed; I need not say that I mean Europe. It is said that Europe contains two hundred and twenty five millions of inhabitants, and about one hundred and thirty millions are Roman Catholics, thirty five millions are Protestants, thirty millions are of the Greek Church, and the rest are Mohammedans, Jews, &c. Surely we should have abundant cause to rejoice in such an extensive harvest, but, sad to relate, nearly two-thirds of the whole mass have been converted, we are told by the mother of harlots, thus (it is generally agreed) having become tenfold more the children of hell than they were before. Yet, notwithstanding this sad event there is a goodly number still remaining, although we must, by common consent, deduct from the pure church that of the Greek, as being "full of errors," we have yet thirty million although they are divided into about six hundred different sects, and Paul has said there is but one body (church) one Lord, one faith, and one baptism, yet it remains for us to follow on and find the real benefit accruing from the labors of the clergy. But to what body shall we now look, is it the Calvanists? No, no, cries then thousand voices, they consign the innocent and the virtuous to eternal torment. Is it the Methodist-methinks I hear the famous Whitfield, while journeying in Scotland, exclaim-"the damnable doctrine taught by Wesley!" Where then shall we look? The majority say to the Church of England. Here, then, we are compelled to lay aside the remaining five hundred and ninety nine sects as being corrupt, and not the church of Christ. [A question naturally may arise here-whose church then have they been converted to?] But which portion of the Church of England, the Orthodox, the evangelical, or the Pussey, I must leave with your readers to say. It is pretty clear, I think, sir, that something has been accomplished.
We will now take a bird's-eye view of America, which has been a wide field for missionary enterprize [enterprise] for many years back. Humboldt estimates the population to be as follows:
Indians 8,600,000.
Negroes 6,500,000.
Mixed race 6,500,000.
Whites 13,500,000.
The whole amount is more than thirty five millions, some estimate it at forty millions. And few indeed of the Indian or black population have yet been converted by them so there may well by a cry for help, help sounding in our ears. Money, to send out missionaries to the poor perishing heathen. Such a great stir was made about this thing that I asked-are they all going to hell for not believing in him of whom they had not heard? and was answered, No, God could not be just in that-(So you see, sir, they were of opinion that they are going to heaven by millions!) I then asked-when the missionaries reach these nations, with the GLAD TIDINGS, will they all believe? No, not one in twenty. Thsn [Then], what will become of those who reject your gospel? Why God will be just in sending them all to hell!!! Forgive me, sir, but I could not prevent the thought from darting cross my mind-Then they are laboring that a way may be opened to send these multitudes * * * and I could not wish them God speed. Do, sir, unravel this mystery, that I may feel more charity towards my old friends.
But, to return, from the best calculations that I could get at, the state of the world, at the present time, is something like-
Pagans, Jews, &C. 620,000,000.
Mohammedans 160,000,000.
Roman Catholics 132,000,000.
Protestants 37,000,000.
Greek Church 30,000,000.
Total 979,000,000.
In looking at the conversion of the world, it is a great work and many obstacles in the way; but let us imagine the work perfect, and all the sects flowing to the mountain of the Lord's house, I am afraid instead of peace, there would be war. For a deadly enmity exists among them, and I doubt the reign of peace would not commence till they were all exterminated. What do you think must be done?
Believe me, your affectionate brother,
John Greenhow
Springfield, Feb. 22, 1843.
House of Representatives-
To the Editor of the Times and Seasons
Sir,-Last evening I attended a meeting, held in the State House, where a Millerite was holding forth. As it was the first time that I ever heard on of this strange deluded sect, I, of course, felt a little interested, and thinking that his discourse might be edifying to the readers of the Times and Seasons, I have forwarded it to you for publication.
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The speaker began the services without much ceremony, but with apparent boldness and sobriety. Prayer was had as usual. This prayer consisted of broken, vain, and frequent repetitions, such as-O Lord, have mercy! O Lord, give us wisdom! O Lord! O Lord! O Lord!-a-hem-a-hem-a-hem-bless the senators and representatives of the people. O Lord, give them wisdom! O Lord,-hem-hem: O Lord-ham-lead us to thee. O Lord, lead us to thee. O Lord lead us to salvation! O Lord, bless us all. Give us wisdom! Give us salvation!-a-a-h-a-m-O Lord! After continuing in this strain for some time, the sound of amen afforded me great relief, as I had suffered materially in hearing these agonizing groans.
Here follows a synopsis of his discourse, and you must judge as to its logic or Scriptural truth.
After making some prefatory remarks, by way of exhortation, telling the audience to seek after knowledge, he read from Daniel, chap. viii. concerning the beast, and the other strange phenomena. He had reference to a chart that was prepared for the purpose of explaining his views more fully, which was hanging behind him. This chart was filled up with various pictures, designed to represent the interpretation of Daniel's vision, and which, he said, was to fulfill prophecy, as the prophet said-"make it plain, and write it upon tables;" hence, said he, we have spread it upon this chart, and now, when prophecy is fulfilled, we need no revelation to know it. He says that the stone spoken of by Daniel, "cut out of the mountain without hands," is Christ in his second coming. The stone referring to Christ! I had myself supposed that this stone referred to the church, as it was to become a great mountain, and fill the whole earth. Christ, when he comes, will appear in person, not as a mountain. He further stated that the secret of the Lord is with them that love him, therefore, put your trust not in the god of this world, but in the God of heaven, for he is able to give us true wisdom. I do not know how much it took of the god of this world, or the wisdom of the world, to prepare this chart. He further says that the God of heaven will hear prayer, and give us wisdom if we will ask him, for human wisdom must fail, and the arm of flesh is not sufficient. Then, thought I, what is the chart or map of the Millerites but an emanation of human wisdom, yet all the mysteries of Daniel's vision are pretended to be explained by it, and not by revelation from God. He states that when prophecy if fulfilled we want no revelation to know it, forgetting, I presume, that Christ said-There is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, and hid that shall not be known.-Matt. x. 26. And no one will doubt that Daniel's vision was a mystery. The prophet Amos, too, as well as Christ, differs with this Millerite, for he states-surely the Lord God will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.-Amos iii. 7. He quotes Luke 24th to prove that Israel is not to be gathered again; yet he says that God's ministers are to be sent out into all the world, and the gospel must be preached in all nations, to fulfil [fulfill] the promise of Christ, in the 24th of Matthew, and their ministers, he informed us, were the angels that gather God's elect people from the four corners of the earth. I will leave you to judge whether or no his last statement be correct; and whether Israel is to be gathered according to the Scriptures. With one breath he blows hot and with another cold. The main drift of his discourse was to prove that Christ was expected to come every day; and his imperfect references to Scripture rendered it difficult for me to understand what he wanted to explain, in fact I believe he did not know himself, half the time, what he was saying, or what he believed. Daniel's beasts, he says, represents kingdoms, horns power and general rule; the whole referring to the anti-Christian world in the days of the Roman Papacy. The Bible cronology [chronology] of time, according to his rule of interpretation, brings the coming of Christ down to 1843. He speaks of signs preceeding [preceding] his coming, speaks of the eclipse of the sun in 1780, the falling of the stars in 1833, and quotes Joel in support of his position. He says that the host spoken of by Daniel, are saints, because they are trampled under foot, not being permitted to fight, for said he, God's people do not fight. I suppose then Christ and his apostles were not God's people, for Christ told his disciples to sell their coats and buy themselves swords for their own defence [defense] I conclude. Here follows his logic; yet said he one saint shall put a thousand to flight, and two their ten thousands. How this was to be done he did not say, but left his hearers to conjecture (as God's people must not fight). He says, although it is said in the Bible that no man knoweth the hour or the day of the coming of Christ, yet we may know the year. His rule for calculating prophetic time is one day to a thousand years, and vice versa. If this is correct in all cases it may be a thousand years to come before Christ's second advent. Some have said, lo here is Christ and lo there is Christ, but go not after them. That the Quakers believed that Ann Lee was Jesus Christ, and the Mormons
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believe that he has come to Nauvoo. He further stated, that he was looking for the day of judgment every moment; for they had counted time down to 1843, and now the reckoning had run out; and as a ship, when her log book is full, is not far from port.* He says the elements of this earth will be burned up, and the wicked destroyed; quoting Malichi [Malachi], but forgetting to say that Elijah, the Prophet should come, before the great and notable day of the Lord shall come, and turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers, least I come and smite the earth with a curse. He referred to Noah, the flood, Sodom, Jerusalem, and the present blindness of the Christian world; but forgot to say that Noah had a revelation from God, that an angel was sent to Sodom, or that God revealed to the prophets concerning the destruction of Jerusalem, or that John had said that he saw an angle flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to them that dwell on the earth, in order to save the present generation from destruction. This could not be, according to Millerism, as no revelation is needed in these days. Now the query in my mind is this, if we are to have no revelation to make known unto us the day of judgment, and all the mighty revolutions that are to transpire in the coming of Christ, in this day of darkness how shall we know when the trumpet gives an uncertain sound? or is this Millerite's chart sufficient to warn the world of its destruction? or is it an invention of man?
Now as your paper is a vehicle of knowledge, I wish you to answer the following questions:
1. Do the Mormons believe that Jesus Christ has come to Nauvoo?
[If Christ had not come when you were here last, he is not come yet.]
2. If they do, please tell me when he came, and whether he came in the clouds, with ten thousand of his saints?
[We have neither heard of nor seen Christ, nor any saint, coming in the clouds of heaven.]
3. Did every eye see him?
[We have not heard of any body seeing him, either in Asia, Africa, or Europe, and we have had no particular information of the kind in America.]
4. Did all nations wail because of him?
[There has been a good deal of wailing lately among the nations, but not on account of seeing Christ.]
5. Did he consume the wicked, and burn up the earth?
[There are some few wicked left yet. The earth is not burnt in Nauvoo, however you may fare in Springfield.]
*We think that Mr. Miller will have to put a few more leaves into his log book, or he will not be able to land at all.-Ed.
6. Are we living in a new heaven, and on a new earth?
7. Or did this Millerite tell a lie when he said the Mormons believed that Jesus Christ had come to Nauvoo? for it is important that men should keep truth on their side when they believe the day of judgment is near at hand, least that day overtake them as base and wilful [willful] impostors, wolves in sheep's clothing, and appoint their portion among hypocrites and unbelievers, in that lake where all liars shall meet their fate.
Having given you a short sketch of the Millerite sermon, some part of which I have not said was not true; but I leave for your better judgment to conclude whether or not they are consistent with the principles of reason, good logic, or the language of the bible. And if the above interrogatories propounded are answered in the affirmative, it must be they have all taken place since I left, and I shall expect to find that a great revolution has taken place in Nauvoo, when I return home from Springfield. I know that strange things do sometimes happen in these last days, and especially in the land of Ham. And what is still more strange, is, that no one should find it out and proclaim it to the world but J. C. Bennett, and the Millerites.-One thing is certain, Balaam's ass was not a Millerite, for he could speak the truth, and talk plain Hebrew, and this Millerite could not do it.
I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant. WM. Smith.
Fort Wayne, Allen Co, Ia. Feb. 16, 1843.
Rev. Mr. Taylor,
Sir,-Having on a former occasion addressed a note to the Hon, High Council of your church and not having received any answer to my communication, I have upon reflection concluded through you, to renew my request. Upon a close examination of the public pulse, I am induced to believe that there is a large and respectable portion of the citizens of this city, and of the adjacent country, who are not only willing, but deeply anxious that a preacher of your church should pay us a visit, and expound her doctrines.
It is true we have occasionally heard the word dispensed in neighborhoods remote from this city, by young men who have but just commenced their career in turning the gospel crank, but who nevertheless are almost daily making accessions to the church; but by the friends of the cause generally, it is not thought expedient that they should commence active
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operations in this place, inasmuch as we have a goodly number of learned, and highly talented men among us, who would gladly avail themselves of an opportunity to break them down, by involving them in discussions. It is for this reason that we need an experienced hand-one who is not only willing but able to defend the faith once delivered. &c. By pursuing this course, I have no hesitation in saying that I believe it would be the means of doing much good by forming a large and respectable branch to the church. There is a great number of influential and respectable men among us, who are inquiring after truth, and whose minds are, I think sufficiently divested of prejudice to receive it.
If it is thought advisable that one of your honorable body should be sent on a mission to this place, please announce it in your paper or inform us by letter in season, that preparation may be made for his reception. Permit me in conclusion, to say that my only apology for troubling you with this note, is, that I feel an interest in the cause of our common master, and like to see it prosper.
Respectfully yours,
David Ball.
We are frequently receiving solicitations similar to the above, for elders to be sent to the different parts of the Union and have published Mr. Ball's letter for the purpose of giving a general answer to the whole.
The public mind has of late become considerably aroused, concerning the principles of eternal truth, which the great Jehovah has revealed for the salvation of the human family; so much so that we find it extremely difficult to supply the many calls that are made upon us for elders. We could indeed wish that all the places were as well supplied as Mr. Ball represents the neighborhood that he resides in to be-with even young preachers; we would say of them (while they are zealously engaged in the cause of truth, and studying to shew [show] themselves approved) as Paul said to Timothy: "Let no man despise thy youth." But we are convinced that there may be circumstances, such as Paul met with in Alexander, the coppersmith, when he says, "at my first answer no man stood by me;" that it may require men of experience to combat their errors; men having a knowledge of human nature, as well as of the gospel; and probably this case is one of those.
A special conference will be held in this place on the sixth of April next, at which time there will, in all probability, be provisions made for many of those calls.-Ed.
History of Joseph Smith
Early in the month of August, Newell Knight and his wife paid us a visit, at my place, at Harmony, Penn and as neither his wife nor himself had been as yet confirmed, it was proposed that we should confirm them, and partake together of the sacrament, before he and his wife should leave us. In order to prepare for this, I set out to go to procure some wine for the occasion, but had gone only a short distance when I was met by a heavenly messenger, and received the following revelation; the first paragraph of which was written at his time, and the remainder in the September following:
Revelation given at Harmony, Penn. Aug. 1830.
Listen to the voice of Jesus Christ, your Lord, your God, and your redeemer, whose word is quick and powerful. For behold I say unto you, that it mattereth not what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, when ye partake of the sacrament, if it so be that ye do it with an eye single to my glory; remembering unto the Father my body which was laid down for you, and my blood which was shed for the remission of your sins: wherefore a commandment I give unto you, that you shall not purchase wine, neither strong drink of your enemies: wherefore you shall partake of none, except it is made new among you, yea, in this my Father's kingdom which shall be built up on the earth.
Behold this is wisdom in me: wherefore marvel not for the hour cometh that I will drink of the fruit of the vine with you on the earth, and with Moroni, whom I have sent unto you to reveal the Book of Mormon, containing the fulness [fullness] of my everlasting gospel; to whom I have committed the keys of the record of the stick of Ephraim; and also with Elias, to whom I have committed the keys of bringing to pass the restoration of all things, or the restorer of all things spoken by the mouth of all the holy prophets since the world began, concerning the last days: and also the son of Zacharias, which Zacharias he (Elias) visited and gave promise that he should have a son, and his name should be John, and he should be filled with the spirit of Elias; which John I have sent unto you, my servants, Joseph Smith, jr. and Oliver Cowdery, to ordain you unto this first priesthood which you have received, that you might be called and ordained even as Aaron: and alse [also] Elijah, unto whom I have committed the keys of the power of turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers, that the whole earth may not be smitten with a curse: and also with Joseph and Jacob, and Isaac, and Abraham
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your fathers; by whom the promises remain; and also with Michael, or Adam, the father of all, the prince of all, the ancient of days:
And also with Peter, and James, and John, whom I have sent unto you, by whom I have ordained you and confirmed you to be apostles and especial witnesses of my name, and bear the keys of your ministry: and of the same things which I revealed unto them: unto whom I have committed the keys of my kingdom, and a dispensation of the gospel for the last times; and for the fulness [fullness] of times, in the which I will gather together in one all things both which are in heaven and which are on earth: and also with all those whom my father hath given me out of the world: wherefore lift up your hearts and rejoice, and gird up your loins, and take upon you my whole armor, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, having done all ye may be able to stand. Stand, therefore, having your loins girt about with truth; having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace which I have sent mine angels to commit unto you, taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of my spirit, which I will pour out upon you, and my word which I reveal unto you, and be agreed as touching all things whatsoever ye ask of me, and be faithful until I come, and ye shall be caught up, that where I am ye shall be also. Amen.
In obedience to the above commandment we prepared some wine of our own make, and held our meeting, consisting only of five, viz. Newell Knight and his wife, myself and my wife, and John Whitmer. We partook together of the sacrament, after which we confirmed these two sisters into the church, and spent the evening in a glorious manner. The spirit of the Lord was poured out upon us, we praised the Lord God, and rejoiced exceedingly. About this time a spirit of persecution began again to manifest itself against us in the neighbourhood [neighborhood] where I now resided, which was commenced by a man of the methodist persuasion, who professed to be a minister of God, and whose name was-. This man came to understand that my father-in-law and his family had promised us protection, and were friendly; and enquiring [inquiring] into the work, and knowing that if he could get him turned against me, my friends in that place would be but few, he accordingly went to visit my father-in-law, and told him falsehoods concerning me, of the most shameful nature, which turned the old gentleman and this family so much against us, that they would no longer promise us protection, nor believe our doctrines. Towards the latter end of August I (in company with John and David Whitmer, and my brother Hyrum Smith) visited the church at Colesville, New York. Well knowing the determined hostilities of our enemies in that quarter, and also knowing that it was our duty to visit the church, we had called upon our heavenly father, in mighty prayer, that he would grant us an opportunity of meeting with them; that he would blind the eyes of our enemies, so that they would not know us, and that we might, on this occasion, return unmolested.
Our prayers were not in vain, for when within a little distance of Mr. Knight's place we encountered a large company at work upon the public road, amongst whom were several of our most bitter enemies. They looked earnestly at us, but not knowing us, we passed on without interruption. We that evening assembled the church, and confirmed them, partook of the sacrament, and held a happy meeting, having much reason to rejoice in the God of our salvation, and sing Hosannas to his holy name.-Next morning we set out on our return home, & although our enemies had offered a reward of five dollars, to any one who would give them information of our arrival, yet did we get clear out of the neighborhood, without the least annoyance, and arrived at home in safety. Some few days afterwards, however, Newel Knight came to my place, and from him we learnt that very shortly after our departure the mob had came to know of our having been there, when they immediately collected together, and had threatened the brethren, and very much annoyed them during all that day. Mean time brother Knight had come with his waggon [wagon], prepared to move my family, &c &c. to Fayette, N. Y. Mr. Whitmer having heard of the persecution which had been got up against us at Harmony, Penn., had invited us to go and live with him; and during the last week of August we arrived at Fayette, amidst the congratulations of our brethren and friends. To our great grief, however, we soon found that satan had been lying in wait to deceive, and seeking whom he might devour. Brother Hyrum Page had got in his possession a certain stone, by which he had obtained to certain revelations, concerning the upbuilding of Zion, the order of the church, &c. &c., all of which were entirely at variance with the order of God's house, as laid down in the New Testament, as well as in our late revelations. As a conference meeting had been appointed for the first day of September, I thought it wisdom not to do much more than to converse with the brethren on the subject, until the conference should meet. Finding, however, that many, (especially the Whitmer family
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and Oliver Cowdery) were believing much in the thing set forth by this stone, we thought best to enquire [inquire] of the Lord, concerning so important a matter, and before conference convened, we received the following:
Revelation to Oliver Cowdery, given at Fayette, N. Y. September, 1830.
Behold I say unto thee, Oliver, that it shall be given unto thee, that thou shalt be heard by the church, in all things whatsoever thou shalt teach them by the Comforter, concerning the revelations and commandments which I have given.
But behold, verily, verily I say unto thee, no one shall be appointed to receive commandments and revelations in this church, excepting my servant Joseph Smith, jr. for he receiveth them even as Moses; and thou shalt be obedient unto the things which I shall give unto him, even as Aaron, to declare faithfully the commandments and the revelations, with power and authority unto the church. And if thou art led at any time by the Comforter to speak or teach, or at all times by the way of commandment unto the church, thou mayest do it. But thou shalt not write by way of commandment, but by wisdom: And thou shalt not command him who is at thy head, and at the head of the church; for I have given him the keys of the mysteries and the revelations which are sealed, until I shall appoint unto them another in his stead.
And now, behold I say unto you, that you shall go unto the Lamanites and preach my gospel unto them; and inasmuch as they receive thy teachings, thou shalt cause my church to be established among them, and thou shalt have revelations but write them not by way of commandment. And now behold I say unto you, that it is not revealed, and no man knoweth where the city shall be built, but it shall be given hereafter. Behold I say unto you, that it shall be on the borders by the Lamanites.
Thou shalt not leave this place until after the conference and my servant Joseph shall be appointed to preside over the conference by the voice of it, and what he saith to thee thou shalt tell. And again, thou shalt take thy brother Hiram Page between him and thee alone, and tell him that those things which he hath written from that stone are not of me, and that satan deceiveth him: for behold these things have not been appointed unto him: neither shall any thing be appointed unto any of this church contrary to the church covenants, for all things must be done in order and by common consent in the church, by the prayer of faith.
And thou shalt assist to settle all these things according to the covenants of the church before thou shalt take thy journey among the Lamanites. And it shall be given thee from the time that thou shalt go, until the time that thou shalt return, what thou shalt do. And thou must open thy mouth at all times declaring my gospel with the sound of rejoicing. Amen.
We extract the following from the St. Louis Gazette, from which it would seem that the inhabitants of Missouri are not quite all peaceable, innocent, harmless, and unoffending; but that there are some among them (although the Mormons are gone) that will kill one another; that follow the legal council of the celebrated Judge Lynch, and are governed by the principles of mobocracy. It is a wonder that they have not made out that the Mormons have made some predatory excursions among them, and in their route killed these people; the same for instance, as Joseph Smith killed Ex-Governor Boggs. What would be thought if such circumstances as the following had taken place in any of the eastern states?
(From an occasional correspondent.)
Jefferson City, Feb. 21, 1843.
Extraordinary Doings.-I have just seen a letter dated Warsaw, Benton County, February 14, from the tenure of which it would appear that Benton County generally, and the town of Warsaw in particular, is now a scene of civil war. You must recollect that a violent feud has for some time past existed between two parties in Benton County, the one headed by Andy Jones, and the other by the family of Turks. Col. Turk was some time since waylaid and shot on the public road, by one of the Jones party-his eldest son, James Turk, had been previously killed in an affray, on the road to Benton Court, by a man named Norrell-Norrell was subsequently tried and acquitted, and within a few months he was shot in his own yard. The Turks then undertook to rid the country of Jones and his party, who lived on the Pomme de Terre, and were suspected, and with strong reasons, of being a gang of counterfeiters and horse thieves, &c. Thomas Turk raised a company of Slickers, with the ostensible reason of discovering the murderer of his father-many outrages of law followed, and Jones left the country. There were others, however, who had sided with Jones in the feud, and a predatory war has existed ever since. The letter I allude to says that there are 150 of these Slickers now in Warsaw, and there are 250 of the Anti-Slickers, or those espousing the cause of Andy Jones, ready to meet them, both parties well armed, and it was expected a fight would come off that night. This
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you will think rather an unusual method of celebrating the nativity of St. Valentine-this meeting of armed forces are queer bullet doux.
Some time ago we inserted (from a Missouri paper) an account of one of their public functionaries, who was entrusted with money to pay the militia for their services, in the so-called Mormon war, had taken the "sabine slope," it would seem from the following that some more of these honourable [honorable] gentlemen do not superabound with honesty. People that could wantonly, and without provocation, destroy the amount of millions in property, butcher in cold blood, men, women, and children, and drive fifteen thousand people from their lawful possessions, will not make many bones either of fighting each other, or robbing the government.
Mr. Miller introduced a resolution that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to report a bill authorizing suit to be brought against all disbursing officers in the Mormon and other difficulties, who have neglected to make settlement, which was adopted.
Awful Calamity at Troy.
Thirty Lives Lost
About 4 o'clock, P. M. on last Friday, a great land-slide occurred, from the very high hill called Mount Ida, at Troy N. Y. Part of the hill gave way and slid down upon the town, as it did in January 1837, crushing houses and killing a number of people.
Some eight or ten dwellings, occupied by poor families, were crushed and buried beneath the mass of earth. In these, it is supposed there were not less than thirty or forty persons, only ten or twelve of whom escaped.
Within an hour, nine bodies had been dug from the ruins-five of which were without life, one partially injured, and three not beyond recovery.
Had this avalanche occurred in the night, the destruction of life would have been still greater, as many occupants of the houses were absent at their labor or elsewhere.
Babes in their cradles, mothers with their children in their arms, and stout, smart men, who but two hours before breathed freely and in health, have been taken from the ruins, mutilated and mangled corpses.
A man from the country, passing at the time with his team, leaped from his sleigh and escaped. The horses and load of wood were buried beneath the earth.
The Budget says:-"We just left the scene of disaster. It is one of horrific desolation.-Thousands were congregated on the spot, and a corps of efficient men engaged in penetrating the earth and clearing away the fragments of buildings."-Doylestown Democrat.
-> We would notify our subscribers that this number closes the volume with all those who commenced at vol. 3, no. 9, which was the commencement of the book of Abraham. We wish all those who intend to continue the paper to notify us by forwarding their subscription the earliest opportunity.
Times and Seasons.
City of Nauvoo,
Wednesday, March 1, 1843.
The Elias.
There are few subjects that have puzzled the children of men more than the solution of this one question, Who is Elias? There has not been so much difficulty in identifying him with Elijah, as there has in relation to the office that he was to sustain as spoken of prophetically by Malachi. "Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet, before the great and dreadful day of the Lord: and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." Mal. iv:5, 6. The great question that remains to be solved, is, was John the Baptist the Elias, or was he not?-There is indeed something perplexing, since there seems to be a clashing of scripture testimony in relation to this subject. I say seems to be, because in reality there is not. The angel Gabriel, when he appeared unto Zachariah, the father of John the Baptist made the following statement concerning him: "fear not Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife shall bear thee a son; and thou halt call his name John, and thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth, for he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb. And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God.-And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, und [and] the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." Luke i:13-17.
Here then is a clear statement, making out that John the Baptist was the Elias. Now we turn to John, chap. i. beginning at the 20th ver. "And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed I am not the Christ. And they asked him, what then? Art thou Elias? and he saith I AM NOT. Art thou that prophet? and he answered No." Turn we now to Matt. xi. 13, 14. "For all the prophets and the law prophesied
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until John. And if ye will receive it, this is the ELIAS which was to come." Here, then, is a strange comixture of prophesying and testimony, apparently conflicting and at variance; so palpable, indeed, is the difference that one says that he is the Elias, the other says he is not. What shall be done? is one part of it untrue? verily, no. Shall we try to evade it? no. If the paradox cannot be unriddled on reasonable terms, we will acknowledge the difficulty, leave it irreconcileable [irreconcilable] to our understanding, and say "let God be true and every man a liar." We will however venture an assertion which strange and anomalous as it may appear, and indeed is, we think we can sustain; which is this that John the Baptist was the Elias, and that he was not the Elias, and taking this cingular [singular] course we are only stating what is above stated and we think that we shall be sustained by reason, common sense, and the Scriptures.
The Elias spoken of in the Scriptures, is a restorer, hence our Saviour [Savior] said, "Elias verily cometh and restores all things." And yet it is evident that John the Baptist was the Elias, for our Saviour [Savior] says, "but I say unto you that Elias is indeed come, and they have done unto him whatsoever they listed, as it is written of him" Mark ix, 13.
Ever since the fall of man the great Jehovah has had it in his mind to restore him to his pristine excellency, to remove the curse from the brute creation and to restore the earth to its primitive glory; nay, while this earth was one dark chaotic mass, before God said "let there be light, and it was so," or ever this world rolled into existence, or the morning stars sung together for joy a plan was formed in the councils of heaven, it was contemplated by the great Author of our existence, Eloheim [Elohim], Jehovah, to redeem the earth from under the curse. Hence when the Gods deliberated about the formation of man, it was known that he would fall and the Saviour [Savior] was provided who was to redeem and to restore, who was indeed the "Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." The eternal plan of Jehovah however, was as perfect at that time as it is now the foundation was perfectly laid the outlines were clearly sketched with a master hand, and the interstices have been filling up from that day to this. Satan has gained no more power, than he has been permitted to hold; the universe has been under the direction of the Lord of Hosts and it will be seen by and by that he whose right it is, will possess the earth, Satan will be bound, the earth redeemed, and "the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God, and of his Christ.
The earth has to be redeemed by the power of God, through the medium of the priesthood; the priesthood in heaven and on earth combined. And ever since the fall of man, in the different ages of the world, men clothed with the priesthood, have had a view of this subject: poets have sung about it, and prophets have prophesied of it; it has engaged the pencil of the artist, the tongue of the learned, and the pen of the scribe; and if ever the souls of the prophets were fired with the spirit of God it was when they prophesied of the mountains dropping down sweet wine, and the wilderness blossoming as the rose, when the lion and the lamb should lay down together, and the earth be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea. When Zion should be established in glory, and all nations flock to her standard. When the temple of God should be reared, and the waters of life flow from its threshold; when the tree of life should be planted, and the leaves thereof be for the healing of the nations; when the inhabitants of Zion should dwell in safety, and no more say I am sick, and Jerusalem become the throne of the Lord."
In prospect of these things many prophets and servants of God have united their faith, and energies to bring about the thing so desired, and to act the part of Elias, or restorers. Enoch tried to do it but was not able. He walked with God, he had great faith, he raised up a powerful church, and taught them the principles of righteousness, but could not redeem the earth; the earth was becoming more corrupt ant God took Enoch and his church to himself, and hence arose the saying, 'Zion is fled.' The salt being thus removed, there was nothing to preserve the earth, and it was overthrown with a flood.
Moses tried, in his day, to accomplish something in relation to this matter; but he did not accomplish it; he drew nigh unto God by faith, and obtained promises from God. The Lord said that he would make of the Children of Israel a kingdom of priests and thus they being taught of God, and being enabled to teach all nations it might necessarily be presumed that intelligence would flow through their instrumentality, and that the kingdom of God would be planted and flourish on the earth; but they sinned against God, they lost the Melchizadec Priesthood; and instead of being a kingdom of priests, they had only one High Priest, who could go into the presence of God, and that only once a year, instead of the whole kingdom being brought into the presence of God, as a "kingdom of priests." Moses failed in his attempt he was taken from
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their midst, and they placed under a "schoolmaster until Christ."
The great prototype of John the Baptist, Elijah, was a great prophet, the spirit of God rested upon him in a powerful manner, yet he could not do much; but had to exclaim, "they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine alters; and I am left alone and they seek my life."
John the Baptist came in his day as an Elias; a restorer. The angel Gabriel said that he came in the "spirit and power of Elias," and if the people would have submitted to his teaching and to the teaching of our Savior, the things that are spoken of in the prophets would have been fulfilled; hence says our Savior, 'if ye will receive it,' this is the Elias which was to come; but he goes on to tell them that they would not receive it. He says 'he that hath ears to hear let him hear, but whereunto shall I liken this generation?' it is likened unto children sitting in the markets and calling unto their fellows, saying; 'we have piped unto you and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you and ye have not lamented. For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say he hath a devil. The son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say behold a man gluttenous [gluttonous] and a wine bibber, a friend of publicans and sinners.' Matt. XI, 14 and 19. thus they rejected John the Baptist, and although he was indeed the Elias, he could not be so to them, and hence, when they asked him 'art thou Elias?' he said 'I am not.' They forfeited the favor of Jehovah, the kingdom of heaven was taken from them, and the blessings of God withdrawn from their midst.
We do not attach blame to any of the ancient prophets, we believe they done their best: but they lived among a corrupt people who would not listen to the word of the Lord, besides, the time appointed by Jehovah had not come and they could not be made perfect without us, and we without them; it requires the priesthood in heaven, and the priesthood on earth combined, to bring about these things, and as the Lord has been pleased to reveal unto us the fulness [fullness] of the gospel, and he is about to gather his word into one, and his people into one, since we are favored with the faith of all the priesthood that have lived, as well as those that are now living. The faith and assistance of the fathers on the Asiatic continent, as well as the ancients on this continent, inasmuch as we are faithful, we may perhaps unite in singing this new song, saying:
'The Lord hath brought again Zion:
The Lord hath redeemed his people, Israel.
According to the election of grace,
Which was brought to pass by the faith,
And covenant of their fathers.
The Lord that redeemed his people,
And satan is bound, and time is no longer:
The Lord hath gathered all things in one;
The Lord hath brought down Zion from above;
The Lord hath brought up Zion from beneath;
The earth hath travailed and brought forth her strength;
And truth is established in her bowels;
And the heavens have smiled upon her;
And she is clothed with the glory of God:
For he stands in the midst of his people:
Glory, and honor, and power, and might,
Be ascribed to our God, for he is full of mercy,
Justice, grace and truth, and peace,
For ever and ever; Amen."
As the Prophet observes, "Behold this is wisdom in me: wherefore marvel not for the hour cometh that I drink of the fruit of the vine with you on the earth, and with Moroni, whom I have sent unto you to reveal the book of Mormon, containing the fullness of my everlasting gospel; to whom I have committed the keys of the record of the stick of Ephraim; and also with Elias, to whom I have committed the keys of bringing to pass the restoration of all things, or the restorer of all things spoken by the mouth of all the holy prophets since the world began, concerning the last days: and also John the son of Zacharias, which Zacharias he (Elias) visited and gave promise that he should have a son, and his name should be John, and he should be filled with the spirit of Elias; which John I have sent unto you, my servants, Joseph Smith, jr. and Oliver Cowdery, to ordain you unto this first priesthood which you have received, that you might be called and ordained even of Aaron: and also Elijah unto whom I have committed the keys of the power of turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers that the whole earth may not be smitten with a curse; and also, with Joseph, and Jacob, and Isaac, and Abraham your fathers, by whom the promises remain; and also with Michael, or Adam, the father of all, the prince of all, the ancient of days:
And also with Peter, and James, and John, whom I have sent unto you, by whom I have ordained you and confirmed you to be apostles and especial witnesses of my name, and bear the keys of your ministry; and of the same things which I revealed unto them; unto whom I have committed the keys of my kingdom, and a dispensation of the gospel for the lasts times; and for the fulness [fullness] of times, in the which I will gather together in one all things both which are in heaven and which are on earth;"
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and also with all those whom my Father hath given me out of the world; wherefore lift up your hearts and rejoice, and gird up your loins, and take upon you my whole armor, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, having done all ye may be able to staud [stand]. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth; having on the breastplate of righteousndss [righteousness]; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace which I have sent mine angels to commit unto you, taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of my Spirit, which I will pour out upon you, and my word which I reveal unto you, and be agreed as touching all things whatsoever ye ask of me, and be faithful until I come, and ye shall be caught up that where I am, ye shall be also. Amen.
Eruption of Mount Ætna.
The following account of the recent eruption of Mount Ætna, is from a correspondent of the London Despatch [Dispatch ?]. The eruption took place in the fore part of December last.
We started from Palermo, by the Messina road, at half past 7 o'clock on Monday morning, December 5, and towards sunset on the following day, arrived at Aderno, (114 Sicilian or 115 English miles from the capital,) and thence while changing horses, we had the first view of the eruption. We could plainly discern the fiery stones rising and falling, but at that distance looking like sparks. A ball of fire seemed to roll up from the crater, swelling as it rose into the form of a vast balloon, from the top of which proceeded a blazing column, which at length, burst at its summit, and fell in soft showers of slowly descending fire. Next morning we arranged for our excursion up the mountain, and started at 12 at night. The lava light grew stronger as we advanced, and on turning a projecting point of the mountain, the crater and the upper part of the stream of lava burst upon our sight in all its magnificence.
We were now 4500 feet up the mountain, and about six miles distant from the crater. I do not think it looked grander at any higher point. The volcano was spouting out fire and red hot stones to a prodigious height (fully twice as great as that of the cone, which is 1100 feet high) in a large column, apparently of the size of a martello tower, at the mouth of the crater, and distending to an enormous bulk, till at its utmost height, it burst into myriads of fiery fragments, those on the left being particularly conspicuous, because there was no lava there, and the red hot stones contrasted with the dark side of the mountain. As they fell they cast a bright glow on the snow, and each particular fiery fragment lighted up its own portion of the snowy surface, while a column of illumined steam arose wherever the hissing balls of fire sunk upon the ground.
The higher we climbed the longer line we saw of lava; and after another hour and a half's ascent we reached a plain of seeming sand and (being in fact, pulverized scoriæ,) of about a mile square in extent, and studded with genissa or broom, the only plant that grows at this height, which was above that of Cassa del Bosco. Here the guides required us to stop, as it would be highly dangerous to proceed further during the night. We were, however, well content to halt in the position we had now attained, as we enjoyed a complete view of the crater, and of the whole stream of lava from its source to the lowest depth it had yet reached. The crater thus seen, resembled an enormous bowl brimming over with molten metal, such as one sees in the carron founderies[foundries], which streamed down in the cascades of living fire, and it struck against some stupenduous [stupendous] rock upon the mountain side, and separated into various currents, twisting and winding in rivulets of fire, snake-like, along the surface of the mountain; so tortuous in its course that where the stream of lava was full ten miles long, no part of it had yet reached above two miles from its source in the volcano.
Along with the volume of flame incessantly vomited forth by the crater, we now heard at every burst a booming sound like the roaring of the sea against an iron bound coast, gradually swelling louder and louder, as if beginning far down in the bowels of the earth, and bellowing more fearfully as it approached the outlet, whence it issued ever anon with fresh explosions like terrific peals of thunder. In the prodigious blaze of light we could not for some time perceive that the lava did not, as we at first supposed, brim over the lip of the cup, but burst a passage through the side of the cone some 300 feet below the top, whence it gushed forth in an impetuous flood, and presently flowed in bubbling runnels of liquid fire that ran along the ground, at first in narrow streams sometimes as fine as chains of forked lightning linked together, flashing along the snow, but these as they descended fell into one another, and united in one wide meandering lava flood. Another current swept down the hill side with a statelier match, the flood of fire occasionally overflowing, flinging a golden glare upon the surrounding snow, till at a distance of about two miles from its source it struck against a tall
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rock overhanging a shelving precipice, many hundred feet deep, and splitting itself on the rock into two divided torrents, like the falls of the Rhine, at Sheffhausen; it leaped in twin cascades of fiery flood clear down into the gulf of desolation that yawned below. Occasionally we could see huge rocks spouted out from this fall of fire, and shoot away in separate masses into the ravine, thundering along the blocks of old lava in the Val del Bove, into which this fresh stream poured, stretching like strings of burning beads along the distant snow.
When the first excitement which this sight, "horribly beautiful," produced, had partially subsided, we began to feel the pinching cold insufferable. Our feet were stony, as if all circulation had departed, and on dismounting from our mules it was with great difficulty that we could stand. Indeed, no wonder, for we were within a few hundred feet of the line of perpetual snow, and the wind, though happily very moderate, cut through us like a razor, bringing water to our eyes, and freezing our ears and noses. But any temporary sufferings, any toil would have been amply repaid by the splendor and magnificence of the majestic sight upon which we were gazing. It is pleasant to know that the eruption has not caused, and is not likely to cause, much damage, by reason of the desolate soil over which the lava has this time directed its course. It is not expected to last much longer.
Conference Meetings.
Minutes of a Conference held in Quincy, Ill. Feb. 18th 1843.
Conference convened pursuant to previous appointment. Elder David Hollister was in attendance, from Nauvoo. Elder B. Dustin was unanimously chosen president, and J. Nichols clerk, of the conference. Elders D. S. Hollister and G. M. McKenzie, were chosen council. President Dustin them made some preliminary remarks, setting forth the object of this meeting.
On motion, elder J. Nichols then represented the branch of the church at Quincy, consisting of 77 members, including 2 high priests, 5 elders, 1 priest, 1 teacher, and 1 deacon, mostly in good standing.
On motion, Joseph Pine and wife were admitted into this branch.
On motion, it was resolved, that a few loads of produce be made up, and sent to Nauvoo, for the benefit of the Temple.
On motion, resolved, that we adjourn till 6 o'clock, P. M.
At 6 o'clock conference re-assembled, and was opened with prayer, by elder Hollister. A lecture was delivered by elder Hollister, upon the duty of the saints. Two members were presented for ordination, and accepted, viz: Silas Maynard, elder, and Simeon Crandle, deacon, who were accordingly ordained.
On motion, resolved, that we adjourn till tomorrow, 10 o'clock, A. M.
Sunday morning, 10 o'clock, conference met according to adjournment. Elder Hollister delivered a lecture from the gospel of John, 21:22d verse.
After intermission of one hour, the sacrament was administered by elders Hollister and Pine.
On motion, Elder E Tufts and wife's request for a letter, was unanimously granted.
The minutes of this conference were then read, and on motion, resolved, that it be adjourned till the 20th day of May next.
B. Dustin, Pres't.
J. Nichols, Clerk.
(Reported for the Boston Bee.)
Mormon Conference.
The great Mormon Chiefs met in Conference, at Boylston Hall, on Thursday, Feb. 9th, at two p. m. The number of officials was, 16 Elders, 5 Priests, 4 Teachers, and 3 Deacons, together with a large and respectable assembly of all sects and denominations, both Infidel and Christian, who assembled at an early hour, to hear the wonders of the new and everlasting covenant, The Conference was opened by singing and prayer by Elder G. J. Adams, when, on motion, Elder Adams was called to the chair, and Elder E. P. Maginn was chosen Secretary. The Prest. then stated in a brief manner the object of the Conference, which was for the purpose of spreading the fulness [fullness] of the gospel, throughout New England, and was followed by Elder E. Snow, whose object appeared to be to disabuse the public mind in relation to signs and miracles, showing their real object, which was for the benefit of the Saints. He also showed the inconsistency of their opponents in circulating such foolish reports concerning them, instead of coming out and meeting them with the word of God, upon the broad platform of honorable investigation. Two or three others of the faithful followed on the same subjects. The Conference then adjourned to two p. m. on Friday. In the evening the public were addressed by Elder Derby on the subject of baptism. Friday Conference met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened with singing and prayer, by E. P. Maginn. The Prest. then called upon the presiding Elders to represent the different branches composing this Conference, which was done as follows:-
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Churches Represented by Members Elders Lesser Officers.
Boston T. Nickerson 114 3 4
Peterboro' N. H. E. P. Maginn 115 3 4
Gilsum do. do. 30 1 1
Lowell, Mass. do. 60 1 3
New Salem do. do. 45 4 4
Wendell do. do. 50 5 4
Northbridge do. do. 35 2 3
Leverett do. do. 35 2 3
Salem do. E. Snow 110 4 4
Georgetown do. do. 32 4 3
N. Bedford do. Hutchings. 96 3 8
Millbury do. Benson. 11
Cape Cod do. Nickerson 35 1 2
Not organized. 25________________________
793 33 43
It will be seen from the above, that in the short space of about fifteen months, a society that was only known among us by report, now actually numbers near one thousand in this immediate vicinity, and their preachers seem imbued with a spirit and determination to carry every thing before them; for, in fact, they all seem to have the Bible at the end of their tongue. After the representation of the Churches, they adjourned to two p. m. on Saturday. On Friday evening the congregation was addressed in a very able and lucid manner by Elder Maginn, on the subject of sins and wonders. On Saturday, agreeable to appointment, the Conference was opened by singing and prayer by E. Snow, after which a number of the faithful were called by the spirit of prophecy and revelation, to the different offices, such as elders, priests, teachers, and deacons. The officers were then addressed by the Prest., on the order of the church, and the object of God in establishing it by revelation in these last days; followed by Elder E. Snow on the same subject. Those that were called, were then ordained with great solemnity, under the hands of Elders Nickerson, Snow, and Adams-after which, on motion, resolved, that licenses be granted to said officers, signed by the Prest. and Secretary.-The Conference then adjourned, sine die. In the evening we had an able discourse on baptism for the dead, from E. Snow. On Sabbath morning, at nine o'clock, the ice was brushed away, and eight of our citizens were very decently buried in the river, after the ancient order, by Elder Adams, who seems a perfect water fowl. The great congregation was addressed in the morning by Elder Maginn, on the subject of the false spirits that was to come forth in the last days, for the overthrow of mystic Babylon; and he proved the impossibility of the religious world being able to discover between true miratles [miracles] and false ones-and that they were not given to make men believe, but to edify the Church. In the afternoon, five elders gave their testimony to an immensly [immensely] large crowd of people, who seemed much pleased; after which the ordinance of confirmation or the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, according to the scriptures was attended to in a very impressive and solemn manner, by elders Maginn, Adams and Snow. In the evening, Elder Snow gave us a rich treat, on the apostacy [apostasy] of the Church, and the establishing of the "the new and everlasting covenant in these last days," for the bringing in of everlasting righteousness, and the salvation of the world. I have given you a true sketch of the movements of this new and curious sect in this vicinity. My motto is, live and let live. If the Mormons can be put down by Scripture and reason, let them go; but let us never attempt to put them down by persecution and religious bigotry: let us prove "all things and hold fast that which is good,"-hear a matter first, and then judge.
To the Editor of the Weekly Bee:
Dear Sir,-I wish through the medium of your valuable paper, to make some remarks concerning the Latter day Saints or Mormons, as people in general appear to be entirely ignorant of their doctrine. I had been led, from out door and newspaper reports, to believe they were people of the worst character-a sect who denied the Bible and substituted another book in its stead; and in short, that they were every thing that was bad. Curiosity led me to their meeting at the Boylston Hall and I can truly say I was astonished and most agreeably disappointed. First a beautiful hymn was read and sung. Then a Prayer, apparently sincere, solemn and impressive, was offered up to that God whom Christians profess to worship-the blessing of Heaven was invoked upon all men, of every sect, creed and denomination; after which a text was chosen from the New Testament, from which the speaker descanted at considerable length; and I must say I never heard a more able sermon. His reasoning, was logical, philosophical, and easy to be understood. Passage after passage seemed to flow like a torrent to prove this position. He contended that the Priesthood which was lost when the Church went into the wilderness, has been restored by the ministering of Angels-and that this is Christ's Church re-organized; and having Apostles, Prophets, &c. and also the gifts and blessings, snch [such] as healing the sick, &c. &c. in ancient times-and that Joe Smith is a Prophet chosen of God to lay the foundation and be instrumental in carrying on the great work. That this Gospel must be preached unto all people
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before the second coming of Christ, which from the signs of the times it is expected will be in this generation. They also preach baptism for the remission of sins, and the laying on of hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost, as practised [practiced] anciently. The doctrine certainly appears to be plausible, consistent and in accordance with that laid down in the Scriptures. I have been induced to make these remarks from a conviction that this people have been grossly slandered and defamed. If they are imposters [impostors], as has been so often represented, or if their doctrine be false, let the public know it before more of the unwary are imposed upon. Let some of our learned Divines come out against them and publicly discuss the subject; it is their duty to do so, that if there be error or falsehood, the public may be disabused. If they are wrong the world ought to know it; and if they are right, it is of vital importance that their doctrine should be widely disseminated
A Seeker after Truth.
From the Boston Bee.
Review of the Mormon Lectures.
Agreeable to previous appointment, on Thursday evening, Jan. 19th, Elder Adams made his appearance before an immensely crowded house to give a history of his visit to Nauvoo, the Holy City of the Saints. He commenced by quoting the words of Pilate to our Lord, viz: "what is truth?" and said he had taken a good text, and intended to give nothing but plain facts; said he was well aware of the deep rooted prejudice that existed in the minds of many against his people, but he felt extremely happy to have an opportunity of standing before such a crowd of the enlightened citizens of Boston, in defence [defense] of the truth. After various preliminary remarks, concerning his journey to Nauvoo and defeating Dr. West in discussion, he drew a line between Joseph Smith the Prophet, and John C. Bennett the apostate, proving the prophet to be one of the most noble hearted patriots and the earth, and John C. Bennett one of the most degraded, polluted, perjured scoundrels that now live. He then spoke of the great Temple at Nauvoo, that is (when finished) to become the glory of the western world, which will probably be accomplished in about two years. Then came a description of the twelve Oxen carved as large as life, to be overlaid with fine gold, on which rests the baptismal fount, that is used especially for baptising [baptizing] those afflicted with various diseases, and also to baptise [baptize] for the dead. He then gave a powerful, a soul stirring and an eloquent appeal, in behalf of the doctrine of baptism for the dead; his reasoning on that subject was unanswerable. He then turned to the Bible and proved the doctrine to be Scriptural and glorious; he did this with perfects ease. Talk of the Mormons believing the Bible! they believe all the truths in our Bible and nearly half a dozen others. Next came a description of the Nauvoo house, a splendid edifice now being erected for the accommodation of illustrious visitors that may call at the Holy City from time to time. He then spoke of the industry, temperance, virtue and integrity of the Saints in general, and related two or three witty anecdotes, illustrating the character of the Prophet, and settling him in a very favorable light before the public. He next touched upon the falsehoods, slanders and misrepresentations, under which this infant Church has been compelled to struggle for years; and closed by making a strong appeal on the subject of the persecutions, privations and almost uuparalleled [unparalleled] suffering his brethren, and especially the Prophet, had been forced to pass through in the establishing of the glorious dispensation of the fulness [fullness] of times, that was finally to usher in the great Sabbath of rest. The speaker carried every thing before him; and no man said why say you so-although full opportunity was given at the close. By the by Mr. Bee, I want to sting Elder Adams a little for his own good, for the comfort of his hearers, and, if Mormonism is true, for the benefit of coming ages: I mean in regard to his loud speaking; for the way he uses his lungs, is a caution to Yankee sinners, and unless he reforms, he wont last long, I hope a word to the wise will be sufficient.
P. S. In my next, I will give you a short sketch of his original sermon on the parable of the Prodigal Son.
Yours truly,
A Lover of Truth.
From the Cincinnati Daily Times.
Destructive Fire-Explosion and Loss of Many Valuable Lives!!!
On Saturday last, about 5 o'clock, P. M. the extensive pork packing establishment of Messrs.. Pugh & Alvord, corner of Walnut and Canal streets, was discovered to be on fire. The firemen repaired to the spot with their usual alacrity, and while engaged in combatting [combating] the destructive element, many on the room of a smaller building connected with the main one, a dreadful explosion took place, occasioned, it is conjectured, by the combustion of gas, generated by the fire inside the building, which was very close.
The roof of the small house was blown off, and the walls of the other thrown outward, burying many of the firemen and spectators under the ruins, while some of those on the roof sunk into the house, or were precipitated to the
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ground, some few without material injury.-At this moment, the flames for the first time burst out. The concussion of the air was so great, that persons on the opposite side of Walnut street, who were standing on some tiers of barrels of pork, were thrown down, and part of the upper tier of barrels were thrown upon one or two, whose limbs were broken by them.
Such was the consternation created by the shock of the explosion-which was heard and felt in distant parts of the city-that several minutes elapsed before the spectators recovered from the panic. Assistance was then given to the sufferers, some of whom were dead-some so dreadfully mutilated and wounded that they could scarcely be recognized, many of whom died in a short time, and some may possibly recover.
The general appearance of the ruins shows that an immense force operated. The upper part of the building down to the first story was thrown into the street, covering Walnut street and Canal street with bricks and heavy timbers, kegs of lard, &c. About 200,000 lbs. of meat, which was in the smoke house, will be lost. We understand the building and its contents were fully insured. Measures will no doubt be taken to ascertain and lay before the public the cause and extent of the loss.
A deep, appaling [appalling], and mournful feeling pervades the city: those rescued from the ruins, are amongst our most respectable, intelligent and enterprizing [enterprising] citizens, in the prime of life, with families, and noted for their public spirit and social qualities. So many conflicting statements are afloat in relation to the great calamity that at this time it is impossible to speak with any degree of accuracy either of the extent or effects of this afflicting dispensation.
No such heart rending and tragical [tragically] event has ever occurred in our city, if we except the explosion on board the steamboat Moselle, some year since.
[Nine persons were killed, and about thirty wounded.]
In the afternoon of Sunday, the City Council met and passed the following preamble and resolution:
"Whereas, by an afflicting dispensation of Divine Providence, a number of our fellow citizens were suddenly deprived of life by the accident which occurred during the fire at the corner of Walnut street and Canal, on Saturday, Feb. 25, 1843-therefore be it
Resolved, by the City Council, That the Mayor be requested to issue his proclamation, inviting our citizens to suspend their several occupations and employments during Monday next and to attend the funerals of the deceased when ever they may occur, and thus pay the last tribute of respect to their memory."
Accordingly, His Honor, the Mayor, issued his Proclamation.
More Riots in Canada.
The Montreal papers of the 6th. received yesterday morning, bring information that the workmen on the Lachine canal had again broken out in riot. The cause appears, to be the old story-the sectional differences of the Corkonians and Connaught men. On the evening of the 4th, a party of 300 Corkonians, armed with guns, scythes, hatchets, &c. marched from Lachine to the village of the tanneries, where they were fortunately met and dispersed by a detachment of the 71st regiment, which had been summoned from Montreal. Twenty seven were arrested and lodged in jail. But for this there would probably have been a desperate conflict, as the Connaught men were mustering in force to receive their assailants.-N. H. Statesman.
A list of receipts by mail, for the first quarter of the fourth volume of the Times and Seasons.
William Miller, New Trenton, Ia. $1,00 B. Bomont, Peterboro, N. H. 2,00
Jesse Miller, Charlestown, N. H. 1,00 Z. Worth, Bedford, Ia. 2,00
Mrs. R. Monroe, Utica, N. Y. 2,00 J. Fairbank, Mead's Basin, N. Y. 2,00
Job Parkhurst, West Minster West, Vt. 2,00 Israel Whiton, Willington, Ct. 2,00
Jonathan Courthall, Hope, Me. 2,00 Tyrell & Greenwood, Fowler, O. 2,00
Wm. W. Dyer, Grafton O. 2,00 R. Gager, Friendship, Me. 2,00
T. Watson, Greenville, O. 1,00 L. W. Montague, Norfolk, N. Y. 1,00
R. C. Wetherbee, constantine, Mich. 1,00 B. Aber, Plymouth, O. 1,00
M. H. Peck, West Milton, O. 1,00 W. Tuttle, Palmyra, O. 1,00
Caleb Hall, East Hamilton, N. Y. 2,00 C. Haight, West Niles, N. Y. 1,00
E. M. Sanders, Stanton, Del. 2,00 W. Vanorden " " 1,00
A. Borrough, Hunts Hollow, N. Y. 2,00 W. Bartlett, South Vinal, Me. 2,00
Phebe Foster, Randolph, N. H. 2,00 J. B. Nicholson, Philadelphia, Pa. 2,00
N. Wane, " " 2,00 A. Burr, Collinsville, N. Y. 2,00
Z. Parker, Lisbon, " 2,00
D. Richardson, " 2,00
J. C. Cone, Peru, Vt. 2,00
Wm. Bachelder, North Danville, Vt. 2,00
J. Brinkerhoff, West Niles, N. Y. 2,00
J. Bisbee, East Pharsaha, N. Y. 2,00
T. Burbank, Bradford, Mass. 1,00
A. D. Boynton, " " 1,00
J. H. Worthing, West Canaan, O. 1,00
H. Johnson, Pratt, O. 1,00
S. W. Disbrow, East Bethany, N. Y. 2,00
S. Tuttle, Fair Haven, Ct. 2,00
W. G. Rule, Spencersburgh, Mo. 2,00
A. Momfort, Mason, O. 2,00
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Lines occasioned by the death of Elder George W. Gee, late of Ambrosia, Lee County, I. T. who died in the city of Pittsburg [Pittsburgh] , Penn. on the 20th of Jan. 1842.
By Miss E. R. Snow.
The Hero's Reward
Well may the fire of glory blaze If such the meed the warrior gains- Who goes opinion to unbind,
Upon the warrior's tread; If such the palm he bears- That reason may go free,
And nations twine the wreath of praise If such insignia he obtains- And liberate the human mind
Around the hero's head: If such the crown he wears: From cleric tyranny.
His path is honor, and his name If laurels thus his head entwine, To sever superstition's rod,
Is written on the spire of fame. And stars of triumph round him shine; And propagate the truth of God.
His deeds are deeds of courage, for How noble must be His reward Who wars with prejudice, to break
He treads o'er gory ground, Who, 'midst the crafts of men; Asunder error's chain,
Amid the pride and pomp of war Clad in the armor of the Lord And make the sandy pillars shake
When carnage sweeps around: Goes forth to battle, when Where human dogmas reign,
With sword unsheath'd, he stands before The powers of darkness warfare wage, Who dares to be a man of God,
The foe, amid the cannon's roar. And satan's host around him rage. And bear the Spirit's sword abroad!
Above all earthly, his shall be
An everlasting fame;
The archives of eternity
Will register his name
With gems of sacred honor rife-
His crowns will be eternal life.
The Morning-Glory.
For the Times and Seasons.
I saw the fairest flower, But Sol had hardly mounted An emblem of thy beauty,
That nature's fields adorn, His station at mid day, That soon must droop and die:
Spread forth in all it's splendor, Before this morning-glory As this pale wither'd flower,
Quite early in the morn. Began to fade away. Neglected you must lie!
'Tis called the morning-glory, It's leaves turned pale and quivering, Thus 'tis with human glory,
Thus little Mary said, It's feeble head hung down; How soon its day is o'er;
As gently she was causing It's glories all departed It spreads abroad its splendor,
It's tender vines to spread. And dropped on the ground. And then 'tis seen no more.
Such splendid tints of beauty, Alas! thou charming flower, "Ah! true, my dearest father,"
No Pencil could portray, Where are thy beauties fled? Young Mary quick replied.
As this sweet lovely flower In one short fleeting moment "But then to-morrow morning
Most richly did display. Sunk down among the dead! This vine will be suppli'd.
It's hues so rarely blended, Behold, young blooming Mary, With many a lovely flower,
And of the brightest dye; Thy flowers fade away! As sweet and bright as they;
It far surpass'd the iris Though rear'd with such attention, 'Tis called the morning-glory,
That hung across the sky. How soon their charms decay! That blossoms every day."
O, then rejoice dear Mary,
Though we must sink in pain,
There sure will come a morning
When we shall rise again:
And, clothed in living splendor,
That ne'er shall fade away;
Thou'lt be a morning glory
In that eternal day.
The Times and Season, is edited by John Taylor. Printed and published about the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock county, Illinois, by John Taylor & Wilford Woodruff
Terms.-Two Dollars per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to John Taylor, editor, Post Paid, or they will not receive attention.
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