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Vol. 3. No. 3. ] CITY OF NAUVOO, ILL. DEC. 1, 1841. [Whole No. 39
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From the Gospel Reflector.
Perhaps there is no portion of the sacred volume that has been an imaginary foundation for more wild, speculative, and enthusiastic notions, that Nebuchadnezzar's dream, recorded in the ii. chapter of the prophecy or vision of Daniel. But in our humble opinion there is no portion of the inspired writings more plain, positive, and explicit, than the above dream, and Daniel's interpretation of the same. However, we shall investigate the subject without much regard to the speculative notions of men. We have ever noticed in most of writings upon this subject, the evincement of an intense desire to support a party at all hazards. We have also discovered the foul practice of the divines, and commentators upon the sacred scriptures, of taking the advantage of the credulous community by handling the word of God deceitfully; spiritualizing such parts as do not, in their most literal sense, suit their purpose; but literalizing other parts that they can use to advantage without spiritualizing. We consider this a productive scheme for the propagation of sectarian principles; but an abominable one in the sight of God. Daniel in the exposition or interpretation of this dream is so plain, and definite in the fixing of times and dates, that there never has been any cause for one word of division whatever: and we trust that the sequel of the subject will disclose to every honest inquirer after truth, the fact that the dream reaches down to a generation as late as the one now on the stage of action and that it immediately concerns all nations.
In this dream and the interpretation of the same, we not only discover the wisdom of God in disclosing the history of future ages; but his willingness to uphold his people in time of trouble, and adversity. It is also manifest that with all Nebuchadnezzar's glory, and his faith in the mythological works of the Babylonians, and also the high pretentions [pretensions] of the magicians, wise men, to the supernatural power of divination, there was doubt on his mind, and he questioned the competency of the magicians to interpret dreams correctly. Hence he issues the proclamation that the magicians, and wise men, should tell him the dream, which should be an evidence to him that they were capable to make known the true interpretation. This proclamation was of such a nature, that honor and promotion, was promised on condition they could make known the dream; but immediate death if they failed doing it. Daniel and his brethren were soon ranked with the wise men of Babylon: "And they sought Daniel and his fellows to be slain." We cannot help but remark here, that had it been a decree for their promotion only; they perhaps would have disdained the idea that Daniel and his fellows, who were poor captives of the tribe of Judah, being wise men; but in the time of adversity, and the severity of a decree, they were willing that others should be ranked with themselves. But when human wisdom was exhausted, and the magicians completely panic-struck in consequence of the severity of the decree, the Lord as usual showed himself to be a revealer of secrets-a protector of the righteous-a God at hand and not afar off. This revelation was a source of consolation to Daniel, and his brethren: for it saved them from being sacrificed to appease the wrath of the king; and the effect produced was the revocation of the impious decree. But to hasten.
Nebuchadnezzar after he had subdued many of the nations of the Old world, and greatly improved the beauty, and magnificence of the city of Babylon, began no doubt to reflect upon futurity, and as the mind of man is never dormant,
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hence during the moments of his soliloquy, or while upon his bed, it was a matter of study and reflection of his mind what should transpire in future ages. This is a thing common to all men, more especially to men of authority, like kings. The idea of death which strips them of all their earthly power and glory, fills them with horror, and causes the most intense reflections during the silent moments. This was the case with Nebuchadnezzar, and it pleased God to make known to him by a dream some important things of future ages, viz: the four great universal (so called) empires of the world, and the kingdom of God that shall transcend all kingdoms established by the wisdom and power of man, and in durability shall outlast them all, or in other words continue when all others are overthrown, and their names in a measure faded into oblivion.
Daniel when brought before Nebuchadnezzar to make known the dream, and the interpretation thereof, commences and says: (Dan. ii. 27.) "Daniel answered in the presence of the king, and said, the secret which the king hath demanded, cannot the wise men, the astrologers, the magicians, the sooth-sayers, shew [show] unto the king; but there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter-days. Thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are: (As for thee, O King, thy thoughts came into thy mind upon thy bed, what should come to pass hereafter; and he that revealeth secrets maketh known to thee what shall come to pass: but as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living, but for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king, and that thou mightest know the thoughts of thy heart;) Thou, O king sawest, and, behold, a great image. This great image whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee, and the form thereof was terrible. This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, his legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay and brake them to pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors; and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth. This is the dream; and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king."
Daniel interprets this dream as follows: "Thou, O king, art a king of kings: for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory. And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven, hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this head of gold. The reader will do well to bear in mind that Nebuchadnezzar is here described as the representative of the Babylonian empire: "Thou (or the empire) art this head of gold." It is evident from Daniel and many other prophets that during the rise and fall of kingdoms, four universal or more powerful than other kingdoms, were to arise and flourish at different periods of the world. In the above they are not only represented by the particular form of the tremendous image, that stood before the king: but by the different metals of which it was composed, gold, silver, brass, and iron. And we concur with the prophet that the Babylonian empire, which was formerly called the Assyrian, and which took its rise at a very early date, but underwent something of a change so that in Nebuchadnezzar's time it was called the Babylonian was the first universal empire on the list. But for the sake of brevity we shall not attempt to be particular in describing these kingdoms, not even to enter into the field of history to particularize the times and dates of their foundation; but only throw out some general hints upon the subject, that the inquirer may come to a correct understanding of the time for the establishment of the kingdom of God,-its prevalence and perpetuity. Therefore, after setting down the Babylonian empire as the first described in the above we will proceed.
"And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee." This kingdom is represented by the breast and arms of the image, which were of silver. It is very well known, that the kingdom which succeeded the Babylonian, was the Medo-Persian. Perhaps the "arms" signify two kings the one of the Medes, the other of the Persians, whose powers were
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united under Cyrus, who was the son of one of the kings and son-in-law of the other, and who besieged Babylon and put an end to that empire, and on its ruins erected the Medo-Persian, or the Persian as it is more usually called, the Persians having soon gained the ascendency [ascendancy] over the Medes. No one disputes but what the Persian empire was a very powerful one, yet according to Daniel, it was some what inferior, or less than the former: for neither Cyrus nor any of his successors ever carried their arms into Africa or Spain as far as Nebuchadnezzar is reported to have done. Therefore, we set down the Persian empire as being the second of these great kingdoms, represented by the great image.
"And another third kingdom of brass which shall bear rule over all the earth." That the Macedonians headed by Alexander the Great, subverted the Persian empire is well known; the kingdom therefore, which succeeded the Persian, and which was the third great empire, was the Macedonian. Alexander lived to spread his conquests into Asia, Africa, and over much of Europe, and after his death the kingdom was divided among four of his generals; but the Selucidae of Syria, and the Lagidae of Egypt were the two most powerful of the four; hence, some have advanced the idea, and perhaps not without some propriety, that they were represented by the thighs of brass; yet all were of the Brazen, Greek, or Macedonian empire. Thus we conclude that the Macedonian empire was the third, which also was represented by the brass of the image.
"And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron; forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things; and as iron that breaketh all these shall it break in pieces and bruise." This fourth kingdom, which was the Roman, is described as being stronger than the preceding. As iron breaketh all other metals, and is more obdurate, so the Roman empire broke in pieces the former kingdoms, and exhibited more strength and durability than the preceding one. The legs, feet, and toes of the image must certainly denote the Roman; for there never was any other nation on earth that answered Daniel's description but the Roman. Indeed, he first describes it as being very strong, or powerful; but afterwards becoming more weak and divided: and finally divided into ten different kingdoms, which were represented by the ten toes of the image. The Roman empire was at length divided into ten lesser kingdoms, as we shall see hereafter. These kingdoms retained much of the old Roman strength, and manifested it upon several occasions, so that "the kingdom was partly strong and partly broken." They mingle themselves with the seed of men;" they made marriages and alliances, one with another, as they do to this day; but no hearty union ensued. The Roman empire, therefore, is represented in a double state: first, with the strength of iron, conquering all before it, "his legs of iron" and then weakened and divided by the mixture of barbarous nations, "his feet part of iron and part of clay." It subdued Syria, and made the kingdom of the Selucidae a Roman province in the year 65 B. C.; it subdued Egypt and made the kingdom of the Lagadae [Lagidae] a Roman province in the year 30 B. C.; and in the fourth century after Christ, it began to be torn in pieces by the incursions of the barbarous nations, and at length divided into ten kingdoms. The principle part of the modern kingdoms of Europe are the remains of those ten kingdoms of the Roman empire.
Historians, and chronologists have given the following list of the divisions of this great empire, the times and dates, &c. Mr. Mede reckons up the ten kingdoms thus, in the year 456, the year after Rome was sacked by Genseric, king of the Vandals: "first, the Britons; second, the Saxons in Britain; third, the Franks; fourth, the Burgundians in France; fifth, the Wisigoths [Visigoths] in the south of France and part of Spain; sixth, the Sueves and Alans in Gallicia and Portugal; seventh, the Vandals in Africa; eighth, the Alemanes in Germany; ninth, the Ostrogoths whom the Longobards succeeded in Pannonia, and afterwards in Italy; tenth, the Greeks in the residue of the empire."
Bishop Lloyd exhibits the following list of the ten kingdoms with the time of their rise: First, the Huns about A. D. 356; second, the Ostrogoths 377; third, the Wisigoths 378; fourth, the Franks 407; fifth, the Vandals 407; sixth, the Sueves and Alans 407; seventh, the Burgundians 407; eighth, the Herules and Rugians 476; ninth, the Saxons 476; tenth, the Longobards began to reign in
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Hungary A. D. 526; and were seated in the northern parts of Germany about the year 483.
Sir Isaac Newton enumerates them thus: First, the kingdom of the Vandals and Alans in Spain and Africa; second, the kingdom of the Suevians in Spain; third, the kingdom of the Visigoths; fourth, the kingdom of the Alans in Gallia; fifth, the kingdom of the Burgundians; sixth, the kingdom of the Franks; seventh, the kingdom ef [of] the Britons; eighth, the kingdom of the Huns; ninth, the kingdom of the Lombards; tenth, the kingdom of Ravenna.
Bishop Newton reckons up these kingdoms thus: "First, the senate of Rome, who revolted from the Greek emperors, and claimed and exerted the privilege of choosing a new western emperor; second, of the Greeks in Ravenna; third, of the Lombards in Lombardy; fourth, the Huns in Hungary; fifth, of the Alemanes in Germany; sixth, of the Franks in France; seventh, of the Burgundians in Burgundy; eighth, of the Goths in Spain; ninth, of the Britons; tenth, of the Saxons in Britain."
The few variations in these accounts must be ascribed to the great disorder of the times, one kingdom falling and another rising. And as a learned writer remarks, "all these kingdoms were variously divided either by conquest or by inheritance. However, as if that number of ten had been fatal in the Roman dominions, it hath been taken notice of upon particular occasions. As about A. D. 1240, by Eberard, bishop of Saltsburgh, in the diet at Ratisbon. At the time of the Reformation they were also ten. So that the Roman empire was divided into ten in a manner first and last." Although names and forms of government have been changed, yet it is evident that the remains of the most of these ten kingdoms, if not all, are now in existence.
Daniel in the first year of the reign of Belshazzar king of Babylon, saw in a vision the same in amount that Nebuchadnezzar saw, viz., the four empires represented by four different beasts. First, the Babylonian by a lion having eagle's wings; second, the Medo-Persian by a bear having three ribs in its mouth; third, the Macedonian by a leopard which had upon its back four wings; fourth, the Roman: "After this I saw in the night vision, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns." (see Dan. vii.) "And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise," or in other words ten kingdoms. Single individuals are not the subjects of this prophecy; but kingdoms.
St. John in his Apocalypse is very plain upon this subject: "And I saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns."-Rev. xiii. 1. The angel interprets this in another place: "The seven heads are seven mountains;" perhaps this alludes to the various elevated parts upon which the city of Rome was built. "The ten horns are ten kings," or kingdoms: and the following shows that they were in the main to last till, or near the time of the second coming of Christ: "These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is the Lord of lords, and King of kings; and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful."-Rev. xvii. 14. But enough is already said upon this part of the subject,-for something of more inportance [importance] is still ahead.
"And in the days of these kings (or kingdoms) shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain and the interpretation thereof sure." But few dispute but what this alludes to the ecclesiastical kingdom of God; but the time when it was to commence is the point at issue. It will be remembered that the stone was to smite the image's toes or feet first. Commentators, and the divines have generally set down the time of its commencement at the commencement of the Christian era; but in
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so doing they have apparently tortured their thinking powers, betrayed their imbecility, and exposed their consummate ignorance of the inevitable force of prophecy upon this subject. Nothing can be more definite and explicit, than that the feet and toes of the great image represents the divisions of the Roman empire-now the modern kingdoms of Europe. Again, nothing is more plain than that this stone, "cut out without hands," was to strike the toes of the image. When Christ came, the toes of the image, or the ten kingdoms were not in existence. "In the days of these kings," or kingdoms. What kingdoms? We answer, the modern kingdoms of Europe, "shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed." But says one, perhaps this stone commenced rolling at the appearing of Christ, but has not yet subdued these kingdoms. We answer, that this kingdom is not to be left to other people, or in other words it shall not be overcome; but when we examine the organization of the kingdom of God in the days of the apostles, and put it in juxtaposition with those of the Catholic, and Protestant denominations, we discover that the latter is quite different from the former; and as there can be no regular succession of authority traced from the apostles to the present time, we are led to conclude that the rolling of this stone is a latter-day work. Daniel while speaking of these kingdoms says, he saw a little horn, which no doubt alludes to popery, that made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; "and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws, &c." John says, that power was given to the beast to make war with the saints, and to overcome them. Isaiah says, that "they have transgressed the law, changed the ordinance, and broken the everlasting covenant." These with many other passages prove to a demonstration that there was to be a great falling away, and disorganization of the church after the days of the apostles. But this kingdom that Daniel describes was "never" to be destroyed; or overcome. However, we do not wish to be understood that this kingdom represented by the stone, is to be entirely different from the one of the days of the apostles, in its form, government, and laws; but in one sense of the word a renewal of that one. But says the objector, there is but one kingdom of God: therefore, it certainly must have commenced at the beginning of the Christian era. Very good, there is but one kingdom of God; but we might say with equal propriety that it commenced in the days of Abraham, or Moses: for according to the scriptures the gospel was preached to Abraham, and also the children of Israel in the wilderness. Daniel most unquestionably in speaking of this kingdom, did not allude to the sameness of uniformity of its laws in all ages of the world; but to the time when God should organize it anew, and prepare the way for his second coming. Daniel did not say that this kingdom should be entirely new; but only: "In the days of the kings the God of heaven shall set up a kingdom." If it is termed new, it is for this reason, that on every occasion when God has reorganized his kingdom, he has brought forth something new as an appendage, not to change or unlawfully add to the law, or gospel of Christ. For instance, in the last days God has given revelation, and commandments concerning the gathering of Israel and the building of Zion, &c. These commandments were not given to the apostles.
Again, it is said, that this kingdom, or stone, should beat fine the iron, clay, brass, silver, and the gold; and some have supposed that it cannot be a latter day work because the four great empires were to be beat fine, and completely exterminated, or to use the scripture phrase "blown to the four winds like the chaff of the summer threshing floor" but they have been destroyed many hundred years. Three of these great empires were destroyed prior to the appearance of Christ: then admitting for the present that the stone commenced rolling the days of the apostles, how could it even then break in pieces those empires.
Let us go back and take another view of the great empires. The Babylonian empire was as we have before mentioned, conquered, and overthrown by the Medes and Persians; but this is not saying that every fragment of it was entirely annihilated. For instance, if the city of Philadelphia should be taken by an enemy, and in a great measure destroyed, and then should be rebuilt by another people, and some of the old materials
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used, and it should be called by another name, and governed by different laws, it could not be said that there were none of the fragments left to be perpetuated. Indeed, would we not use a proper term to say that is was remodeled over, or transformed into another city? The Babylonian empire was remodeled, or transformed into the Medo-Persian. In like manner the Medo-Persian was transformed into the Macedonian, and the Macedonian into the Roman. But there is something different in the fate of the Roman than the predeeding [preceding]. When the imperial power was weakened by the barbarious [barbarous] nations, within its dominions, ten kingdoms, sprung up: some by inheritance others by conquest. Thus one kingdom was transformed into another from the Babylonian down to the various kingdoms of Europe. Hence, when we take all things into consideration, we discover that it may be said with a degree of propriety that when the stone cut out without hands commences to roll, and increases its velocity, it well beat fine or do away the iron, the brazen, the silver and the golden empires; or more properly their descendants; for indeed, there has been a great amalgamation of all these empires. Thus when the stone smites the mighty image upon his feet nations will begin to tremble, and kingdoms and empires shall come to nought [naught] or fall to ruin beneath its universal prevalence-and it will roll forth till the knowledge of God covers the earth as the waters cover the sea, and untill [until] all the works of men, that are opposed to the principles of righteousness, are done away, and the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of Christ.
Again, the fact that this stone was not to smite the image upon his head, first but upon the toes is evidence in favor of the work of God commencing in the western part of the earth from Asia. These empires represented by the image commenced in Asia, and have reached to Europe, and may we not say in a measure to America: for indeed, the European emigrants to America are principa ly [principally] descendants of the ten kingdoms of Europe. Many of the theological writers of both Europe and America, admit this. Surely this kingdom represented by the stone perfectly harmonizes with the predictions of the prophets concerning the ensign that was to be reared upon this land, that we have before mentioned. Thus according to the dream the stone is to roll and strike the feet of the image, and retrace the route of the succession of the empires, that is, from the feet to the head, or in other words commence where any part of the toes can be found, say America; and from this to Europe, where the remains of the ten kingdoms are; and from thence to Asia, and so on till the image is destroyed. We would here remark, that it is not our intention to be understood that this destruction is to be accomplished by the physical force of the people of God, but by the preaching of the gospel, and the judgements [judgments] and power of God.
Now it was not possible for the stone to strike the toes of the image until several hundred years after Christ, because as we have before said, they were not in existence at his day. And if we admit that it commenced rolling in fulfillment of the prediction at that day, we are under the necessity of admitting also that it has not made the first step towards accomplishing that which Daniel said it should. It is said that this kingdom of God shall overthrow the kingdoms of the world; but when we take a retrospective view of the Christian church since the resurrection of Christ, its progress exhibits to the unbiased mind something to the contrary. It is true that during the first three of four centuries there were faithful Christians, and no doubt there have been many honest men and women, who have worshiped [worshipped] God according to the best of their knowledge in all centuries; but their religious rites were much restricted by the vulture fangs of popery. The Mother Church retained her ecclesiastical power, and instead of the "beating fine the kingdoms of the earth," she has been the support of many of the political powers. Indeed, in many instances church and state have been united; but according to Daniel there was to be no union of the ecclesiastical, and political powers in this way; but the whole world to be subjected to one ecclesiastical form of government-and that will be God's government.
The Protestant churches have in this respect, done the same that the Mother Church did. It has been and is now the policy of political powers to increase the union of church and state; and what weapon is more powerful than the
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ecclesiastical power when wielded by men of ingenuity? What has been a greater source of protection to great Britian [Britain], Denmark, and many other powers of Europe, that the ecclesiastical powers of the church united with state? But witness with pain, and indignity the internal effects. Men become the votaries of a religion, and are pacified and made to believe that all is well, while under the severest yoke of oppression, tyranny, bondage, and despotism; but on the other hand bishops, vicars and men of authority, roll in luxury, wealth, and aggrandizement. Break the bands that holds church and state together, and free the inhabitants from priest craft, and such awful despotism, that they may be free men indeed, and those kingdoms that hold men in such bondage will shake from their very base, and at last fall to ruin; and the kingdom of God take their place. From what we have already seen of Catholicism, and the works of the Protestants we are led to conclude that millions of years might roll around, and the work of God that the stone of the mountain represents, would be no nearer accomplished than what it is now; unless there should be a great change for the better. But enough is said upon this part of the subject: for we discover that if the stone commenced to roll in the days of the apostles, it finally was transformed into a popish hierachy [hierarchy]; and we know what they together with the Protestants have done.
It is also said, that this stone as it rolls shall increase in magnitude till it fills the whole earth. Many sects have sprung up since the commencement of the Christian era, and many have fallen; and indeed, it cannot be said that any have lasted through all ages, and increased in magnitude, but the Mother Church. It is true, since the days of the reformation the Protestants have increased in number; but they, as we have before shown, do not answer Daniel's description of the kingdom of God. "It (the kingdom of God) shall never be destroyed," that is, it shall never be overcome, or disorganized; but the kingdom that was established in the first century has been disorganized and overcome, or in other words the saints overcome, as we have before proved by the predictions of the prophets. "And the kingdom shall not be left to other people;" none shall have power or authority over the spiritual affairs of the kingdom but those whom God appoints: and again, its laws, and ordinances shall not be changed; but remain invariably the same for ever.-This cannot be said of the Christian church in all ages past; for it is well known that on several occasions, kings and emperors, have taken the ecclesiastical power into their own hands: for instance, Henry the VIII of England, and many others. It is also well known that there has been a great changing of the laws and ordinances of the church. However, we do not wish to be understood that it is in the power of man to revoke a decree of the Great God; but at the time of the establishment of Popery, new ordinances were substituted; consequently God withdrew his Spirit, and took away the holy priesthood, and thus left the Mother Church just what Daniel described her to be: "And there came up another little horn (or another power) having eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things; I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; until the Ancient of days came and judgement [judgment] was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom." It has been a characteristic of the Mother Church to persecute the saints that would not concede to her foolish doctrines when there was no law of the land to restrain her from it.
From the foregoing remarks we trust that the reader will readily discover the impropriety of dating the time of the commencement of the kingdom of God, represented by the stone that Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream, at the beginning of the Christian era; and no one in his sober senses will pretend to say, that it commenced when Popery was set up-consequently it is a work of the latter-days. This is what Daniel said to Nebuchadnezzar: "But there is a God in heaven that maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter-days."
Indeed, this is the kingdom that the Lord will establish for the millennium, and when all the kingdoms of this world are done away, then will be fulfilled the saying of Daniel in the vii chapter: "But the saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for
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ever, even for ever and ever." "And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him." The words of John the Revelator, which we have before quoted, comes again to the mind with force: "These (ten kingdoms) shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings, and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful."-Rev. xvii. 14. This places the destruction of these kingdoms, and the prevalence of the kingdom of God in the future as yet; and puts the matter beyond successful contradiction, that the rolling forth of the stone was not fulfilled in the progression of either the Catholics, or Protestants: for as we have before said, these kingdoms of Europe are more or less upheld by the various ecclesiastical powers. But according to the above quotation these kingdoms are to make war with the Lamb; and if we reason from analogy we must conclude that these various ecclesiastical powers will also make war with him. For indeed, how can such kingdoms make war without the churches of the same being more or less engaged in the contest?
Thus we discover that the final overthrow of these empires will not take place till they make war with the Lamb.-Daniel also places their destruction, to but a short time previous to the millennium, or to the time when the Ancient of days shall sit. (See Dan. vii. 9-11) Then the great image will be beat fine like the chaff of the summer threshing floor, and the kingdom of heaven come, and the will of God be done on earth as it is done in heaven,-and peace flow like a river to all the people of God.
Now when we put what Daniel has said about the kingdom of God, in conjunction with what the prophets have said about the ensign of the Lord for the gathering of Israel, and then add what John has said about the angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to all nations, &c., they give a clear and conclusive idea of the great work of God-the commencement of his kingdom, its prosperity, its universal prevalence, and the destruction of the kingdoms of this world. Then will be fulfilled another saying of John: "And the seventh angel sounded: and there were great voices in heaven, saying, the kingdoms of the world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ: and he shall reign for ever and ever."-Rev. xi. 15.
Cross Keys, S. C. Oct. 24, 1841.
To Pres. B. Young, and the Elders composing the travelling [traveling] High Council of the Church of Latter Day Saints:-
Dear Brethren: I have received the No. of the Times and Seasons, which contains your "Epistle to the Saints scattered abroad," directing the laborers in the vineyard to communicate with you etc., with which I cheerfully comply. My principal place of residence, is now in the vicinity of Cross Keys, Union, S. Carolina, and I expect to remain here till spring, and then travel to different parts of the State, delivering to the people the message of salvation as I go. My temporal wants are supplied with the fruits of my own labor, which requires a considerable share of my time. Saturdays, Sundays, and occasionally whole weeks, I devote to the work of the ministry. The fruits of my ministerial labors are not numerous; but I trust that they are worthy, and that their names are written in the Lamb's book of life. I have baptized three persons lately, which make ten, in all, that I have baptized in this State; and they are all that I know of in the State. I expect however, to baptize more next Sunday: there are numbers here who profess to believe the gospel as it has been revealed to the saints; but for various reasons do not obey it. I have passed through some pretty severe trials since I have been in the South, and have seen some dark and gloomy times; but the God whom the saints serve, has delivered me out of them all, and placed my feet upon firm ground. Our prospects are better here than they have ever been before.
I shall repair to Nauvoo as soon as my circumstances will admit of it, and till then I am your brother as heretofore. L. M. DAVIS.
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We are highly pleased to see the very energetic measures taken by our citizens to suppress thieving. It has been a source of grief unto us that there were any in our midst, who would wilfully [willfully] take property from any person which did not belong to them; knowing that if any person, who does, or ever did belong to this church, should steal, the whole church would have to bear the stigma, and the sound goes abroad, the Mormons are a set of thieves and robbers, a charge which we unequivocally deny, and pronounce a falsehood of the basest kind. That there are some amongst us base enough to commit such acts we do not pretend to deny, but whether they are all members of this church or not, we do not know; but some who are, have been caught in their iniquity, and one was among the missing, after a warrant was out for him; circumstantial proof is so strong against him, that his guilt is established beyond a doubt.
We are informed that some of those characters have said that such things are sanctioned by the authorities of the church; this is the most base of all lies; and we would here warn all well disposed persons, to be aware of such characters, and if any such thing is ever intimated to them, to heed it not, unless it be to report such persons to the proper authorities so that they can be brought to condign punishment; for know assuredly, that if you listen to them, they will prove an adder in your path, and eventually lead you down to destruction.
In their respective places, will be found the affidavits of Presidents Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, and the testimony of the Twelve on the above subject.
-> We receive regularly, the Ladies Garland, a beautiful Literary work, published by J. VanCourt, in Philadelphia, at $1 per annum in advance, or $5 for 7 copies. We consider it one of the best Periodicals in our country; It is got up expressly for the benefit of the ladies, and it seems well calculated to answer its end. It is mostly composed of original matter, written in a plain, elegant style, beautifully adapted to the capacity of any class of readers, and is worthy of a place on the centre [center] table, in the parlor or drawing room.
"Prairie Flower"-We have received the first No. of a work bearing the foregoing title, published at Shelbyville, Shelby co. Ill. Edited by J. C. Duncan. It is a neat literary work of 24 octavo pages; just the thing to hale from the beautiful prairies of the west. We wish the enterprising editor much success. Price $1,00 per annum in advance.
-> Our paper has not appeared in its usual good style, for one or two Nos. past, as we have necessarily been absent a share of the time to St. Louis on business; but we are again at our post, and we intend to devote more time to the editorial department than we hitherto have been able to do, oweing [owing] to the vast amount of business that crowded itself upon us. We anticipate an improvement in the mechanical department, as we have secured the services of an experienced printer; also, we have moved our establishment into a new and extensive building, which we have had erected expressly for the accommodation of our printing, stereotyping and binding business, so that our facilities for printing are greater than they ever have been, since we commenced publishing this paper.
-> Elder Joseph Fielding, from England, has arrived, with a company of about 200 saints from that country, via. New Orleans. They are in good health and spirits.
Br. F. left several copies of the Millenial [Millennial] Star with us for our friends; we searched the package carefully for ours, but in vain, it could not be found; nothing intended, Br. P. a mere oversight we presume.
Extracts from the Star next No. The work is still progressing rapidly in England.
Whereas it hath been intimated to me by persons of credibility, that there are persons in the surrounding country, who profess to be members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, who have been using their influence and endeavors to instill into the minds of good and worthy citizens in the State of Illinois, and the adjoining States, that the First Presidency, and others in authority and high standing in said church, do sanction and approbate the members of said church in stealing property from those persons who do not belong to said church, and thereby to induce persons to aid and abet them in the act of stealing, and other evil practices. I therefore, hereby disavow any sanction or approbation by me, of the crime of theft,
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or any other evil practice, in any person, or persons whatever, whereby either the lives or property of our fellow men may be unlawfully taken or molested: neither are such things sanctioned or approbated by the First Presidency, or any other person in authority or good standing in said church, but such acts are altogether in violation of the rules, order, and regulations of the church, contrary to the teachings given in said church, and the laws of both God and Man. I caution the unwary, who belong to the aforesaid church, and all other persons, against being duped, or led into any act or scheme which may endanger their character, lives or property, or bring reproach upon the church; and I certify that I hold my person and property ready to support the laws of the land, in the detection of any person or persons who may commit any breach of the same. To which I subscribe my name and testify, this 26th day of November 1841,
Sworn to, and subscribed before me, this 26th day of November, 1841.
Proceedings of a meeting of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, held at Ramus, Nov. 18th, 1841.
Opened by singing and prayer by Elder Brigham Young. The object of the meeting was then stated by the president. Which was for the purpose of taking into consideration the cases of Alanson Brown, Joseph Holbrook, John Telford, James B. T. Page, and Wm. H. Edwards, who stand indicted for Larceny, &c. After the evidence was brought forward, it was unanimously resolved that said five persons be expelled from the Church.
Appropiate [Appropriate] remarks were then made by Elders Young, Richards, Savage, Gurley and others, for the occasion.
A charge was then prefered [preferred] against Thomas S. Edwards for Assault and Battery, with evidence that a warrant was issued for his apprehension, and against Wm. W. Edwards for being accessary [accessory] to the same, after the evidence.
Unanimously resolved that Thomas S. Edwards, and Wm. W. Edwards also, be expelled from the Church.
Resolved that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Times and Seasons.
Resolved that all other church business be laid over to conference.
Resolved that this meeting be adjourned. JOEL H. JOHNSON, Prest.
J. E. Johnson, Church Recorder
We are very glad that the perpetrators of the above crime have been caught in their iniquitous practices; and we are only sorry that anybody should be found who would bail them out of prison; for such individuals if the charges are true ought to be made an example of, and not be suffered to run at large.
We have been informed that some of them have been talking of moving into this place; but we would here inform them, that persons whose conduct has exposed them to the just censure of an indignant public, can have no fellowship amongst us, as we cannot and will not, countenance rogues, thieves, and scoundrels, knowingy [knowingly]; and we hereby warn them that the law will be as rigerously [rigorously] enforced against them in this place as in any other, as we consider such characters as a curse to society, whose pestilential breath withers the morals, and blasts the fame and reputation of any people among whom they may sojourn. There is no poison that is and ought to be despised more than the thief, by any respectable community; yet more especially ought such persons to be abhorred who have taken upon them the name of Christ, and thus with the pretext of religion, and garb of sanctity, cloak their nefarious practices.
We have been told that some individual or individuals, have, under false pretences [pretenses], been wishing to palm their wicked and develish [devilish] principles upon the authorities of the church, stating that it was part and parcel of the gospel which God had revealed, and that it is one of the mysteries which the initiated only are acquainted with. We know not how to express our abhorrence at such an idea, and can only say that it is engendered in hell, founded in falsehood, and is the offspring of the devil; that it is at variance with every principle of righteousness, and truth; and will damn all that are connected with it; for all mysteries are only such to the ignorant, and vanish as soon as men have sufficient intelligence to comprehend them.
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and there are no mysteries connected with godliness, and our holy religion, but what are pure, innocent, virtuous, just and righteous; if this is a mystery, it is the "mystery of iniquity." We are at a loss to know who could be vile enough to propogate [propagate] such base and unfounded statements, and we would say to the church, beware of such men! set them down as the worst of scoundrels; and reject their foul insinuations, with that indignation and disgust, that such unhallowed and vile insinuations deserve; for such men are either avowed apostates, or on the eve of apostacy [apostasy], or have only taken the name of religion to cloak their hypocracy [hypocrisy]; we fear the latter, in some instances, is the case, and the Mississippi scoundrels palm themselves upon us to cover their guilt. We further call upon the church to bring all such characters before the authorities, that they may be tried, and dealt with according to law of God, and delivered up unto the laws of the land.
It is scarcely possible that any virtuous man could be made to believe any such statements however ignorant; yet lest through false pretences [pretenses] the innocent might be drawn into a snare, we would quote the following from the book of Doctrine and Covenants: Sec. xiii, Par. 22. "And if any man or woman shall rob, he or she shall be delivered up unto the law of the land, And if he or she shall steal, he or she shall be delivered up unto the law of the land." Again Sec. xiii, Par., 2. "Thou shalt not steal, and he that stealeth and will not repent shall be cast out." The broad law of God "thou shalt not steal," and thieves, together with "liars and whoremongers," will eventually be found without the city, with dogs and sorcerers." We need only say that if we find such characters engaged in their nefarious practices, whether in or out of the church, we shall take them up and deal with them according to the law of God, and man; and we wish the church to inform us of such delinquents, or the sin will lay at their own door.
As there are gangs of robbers up and down this river, from whom we have suffered much, having had many horses, cattle, and other property stolen; we purpose instituting a police for the protection of our property, and the vigorous enforcement of the laws of our country; and should any, who call themselves Latter Day Saints, be found in their midst, they will be cut off from the church, and handed over to the law of the land.
We hope that what we have written may suffice, and take this opportunity of expressing our decided and unqualified disapprobation of any thing like theft, in all its bearings, as being calculated to destroy the peace of society, to injure the Church of Jesus Christ, to wound the character of the people of God, and to stamp with eternal infamy all who follow such diabolical practices; to blast their character on earth, and to consign them to eternal perdition.
Nauvoo, Ill. Dec. 1st, 1841.
City of Nauvoo, Ill.,
Nov. 29th A. D. 1841.
To the Public:-
The transpiration of recent events makes it criminal for me to remain longer silent. The tongue of the vile yet speaks, and sends forth the poison of asps-the ears of the spoiler yet hear, and he puts forth his hands to iniquity. It has been proclaimed upon the house-top and in the secret chamber, in the public walks and private circle, throughout the length and breadth of this vast continent, that stealing by the Latter Day Saints has received my approval; nay, that I have taught the doctrine, encouraged them in plunder, and led on the van-than which nothing is more foreign from my heart. I disfellowship the perpetrators of all such abominations-they are devils and not saints, totally unfit for the society of Christians, or men. It is true that some professing to be Latter Day Saints have taught such vile heresies, but all are not Israel that are of Israel; and I wish it to be distinctly understood in all coming time, that the church over which I have the honor of presiding will ever set its brows like brass and its face like steel, against all such abominable acts of villany [villainy] and crime; and to this end I append my affidavit of disavowal taken this day before General Bennett, that there may be no mistake
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hereafter to my real sentiments, or those of the leaders of the church, in relation to this important matter,-
Before me, John C. Bennett, Mayor of the City of Nauvoo, personally came Joseph Smith, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, (commonly called Mormons,) who being duly sworn according to law, deposeth and saith, that he has never directly or indirectly encouraged the purloining of property, or taught the doctrine of stealing, or any other evil practice, and that all such vile and unlawful acts will ever receive his unqualified and unreserved disapproval, and the most vigorous opposition of the church over which he presides, and further this deponent saith not.
JOSEPH SMITH, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Sworn to, and subscribed before me, at my office, in the City of Nauvoo, this twenty ninth day of November, Anno Domini 1841.
[L. S.] JOHN C. BENNETT, Mayor of the City of Nauvoo.
Now it is to be hoped that none will hereafter be so reckless as to state that I or the church to which I belong, approve of thieving-but that all the friends of law and order will join in ferreting out thieves wherever, and whenever, they may be found, and assist in bringing them to that condign punishment which such infamous crimes so richly merit.
JOSEPH SMITH, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
City of Nauvoo, Ill., Nov. 30, 1841.
To Brev. Maj. Gen. Wilson Law:-
We, the undersigned, members of the General Court Martial, detailed by you on the order of Lt. Gen. Smith, through Maj. Gen. Bennett, for the trial of David Smith and Joseph Holbrook, officers of the Nauvoo Legion, charged with theft, and being accessory thereto, are of the opinion that they are guilty of the charges preferred against them, and our unanimous decision is that they be cashiered, and their names stricken from the rank roll.
Witness against David Smith-Hazen Kimball.
Witnesses against Joseph Holbrook-B. Young, and W. Richards.
HYRUM SMITH, Brev. Maj. Gen.,
President of the Court.
WM. LAW, Brev. Maj. Gen.,
C. C. RICH, Brig. Gen. 2d Cohort.,
H. McFALL, Adj. Gen.,
S. BENT, Col. 3d Reg. 2d Cohort.,
T. BILLINGS, Col. 1st Reg. 2d Ct.,
J. T. BARNETT, Capt. 3d Com. 1st Reg. 2d Cohort,
Members of the Court.
To Maj. Gen. Bennett:-
I approve of the above decision, and submit it to you for your action on the case.
WILSON LAW, Brev. Maj. Gen.
To Lt. Gen. Smith:-
The General Court Martial detailed for the trial of David Smith, and Joseph Holbrook, officers of the Nauvoo Legion, have made the above report to me, and asked my concurrence in the same, which, under the circumstances cannot be withheld; it is therefore, submitted to you for your final approval or disapproval.
London, August 27th 1841.
Elder Kimball:-
Dear Brother: We received your letter dated 10th of June, which afforded us great joy and satisfaction. I intended to have answered it before; but from various reasons I have neglected it until the present opportunity. Before I received your communication, I had directed and mailed a letter to you and Elder Young, which it is presumed you have received before this. I have been less anxious, or rather I may say, I have been less prompt in writing to you, as I have written communications for the Star, from time to time, which it was thought likely you might receive and thereby learn the state and prosperity of the church in London, and the conference in general. I am happy to say that the work of the Lord is still moving forward in this metropolis.-The prospects have never been better or
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more encouraging than at present. The church now numbers about one hundred, besides fifteen or more that have emigrated. I recently spent about three weeks with the saints in Bedford and vicinity.
I was much pleased with the spirit of unity, love, and good order I found prevailing among them; also their willingness to receive instruction and counsel. Those ordained to the office of Priests, (and a great many there are, about ten I believe) are generally remarkably zealous, faithful and persevering in their labours [labors]. Elder Joseph Brotherton is still laboring in the region around Bedford, with very good success.
Our beloved brother, Elder Adams, who has had the charge of the work of the Lord in that country, has been truly blessed in his labours [labors]. Bedford church, and the branches round, now number over one hundred and twenty. The prospects are very good indeed. During the short time I was there, twenty three were baptized. I baptized nine in the city of Bedford one evening, while there. In my absence, Elder Adams supplied my place in London. He is still with me and labouring [laboring] with good success; will remain with me about two weeks longer, then leave for Bedford, where he will stop a very short time, then proceed on his way to Birmingham, Manchester, and Liverpool, from whence he intends to set sail for New York, (according to your counsel) about the middle of November.
The little branch of six members, you left in Woolwich, still continues the same in number, strong in faith, and rejoicing in the midst of persecution. They have stood like a mighty rock in the midst of dashing waves, unharmed and unmoved. They have succeeded at last in obtaining and renting a very commodious chapel. Last Sunday I went down, in company with Elder Albon, and preached in it for the first time. I held three meetings and they were very interesting and proffitable [profitable]. I believe that Zion will very soon enlarge her borders in the town of Woolwich. The Lord opened the heart of a stranger, a wealthy man, insomuch [inasmuch] that he steped [stepped] forward, at the close of the meeting, and voluntarily offered to assist the brethren by paying a whole year's rent of the chapel. He says he must become a Latter Day Saint. Elder Adams will preach there next Sunday. I have not been able to travel among the churches on account of the circumstances of the church in this city. I did not deem it prudent to leave, when the prospects were so good, and the work moving on so well. I had calculated to leave the church in charge of Elder Adams a few months, but as he is going away it will be impossible, of course. Tho' I am determined in the name of the Lord to submit with cheerfulness to circumstance, yet could I leave my charge here in trusty hands, I should greatly rejoice in being liberated from London a few months. I hope you and Prest. Young will not fail to give me what counsel you think most proper, not only on this subject but all others.
Elder Richards has been with me in London a short time. He left with me the books presented by Prest. Young to the Queen of Prince Albert. I hope to get them delivered very soon. Please to tell brother Young I shall write to him as soon as I get them delivered. I had forgotten to inform you we had left Mr Barrett's Academy, it being too small to contain our congregations, and obtained a larger place which will accommodate about 200; this place is now crowded, which puts us to the necessity of still seeking another.
Sister S-- is alive and well. I gave her the letter you sent me, and she wished to be particularly remembered to you when I wrote. Sister Elizabeth Coleman has been joined in wedlock, by Geo. J. Adams of New York, (now of London,) to Bro. Henry Connor. Bro. Bates and family intend going to Nauvoo with the company that start next month.
I have a few other things which I ought to lay before you. Elder Adams baptized a young woman in Bedford who was born and educated in Calcutta in the East Indies. Her father was an Englishman and a Colonel of a regiment in the East Indies. Her mother was a native of that country. Her parents being very wealthy and respectable they placed her in a missionary school where she received a liberal education. About five yars [years] ago she emigrated with her father into this country. Elder Joseph Brotherton has become acquainted with her, since his arrival in Bedford, and in accordance with the will and approbation of all parties, a treaty of marriage has been formed between them. She is now anxious to return with him to her numerous friends in the Indies, that she may be the means of
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saving some of them thro' the gospel of Jesus Christ. Her father also has recommended them to go, and promises to give them recommendations to people of influence. They will not go unless counseled so to do. They are very anxious that I should go with them. They could not go till a year from this August. What I wish to know is whether you think it wisdom to encourage them in this. The distance is about fifteen thousand miles. It has been upon my mind for several years that I should have to perform a mission in that country, and if it is the will of God, and I should receive proper counsel, I certainly would have no objections to finish my mission, this side of the Atlantic, before I recross it. But in this, as well as in all other things, I submit to your counsel.
Smith co. Va., Sept. 28, 1841
D. C. Smith:-
Dear Brother in the gospel covenant; I now lift my pen to inform you and the readers of your paper, concerning the spread of truth in this southern land. I would here observe, concerning my own travels in the ministry; perhaps you recollect that when you last saw me I was sick with the chills and fever; after my recovery from that attack, I immediately repaired to North Carolina; that was in the fall of 1839, to which place my brother, J. M. Grant, had previously gone. We have generally travelled [traveled] in the south-western part of Virginia and in the north-western part of North Carolina, in which part of the country we have found many good friends; we have generally been treated with kindness and hospitality by most of the people; more so than ever we were at the north. The people have helped us to all the necessary means to enable us to prosecute our mission. Although we have met with some opposition by the learned clergy, yet we have always found the sentiment contained in your motto, to be good, that "Truth will prevail." Yet I often think, it will never fully prevail over falsehood and error, until the millennium commences, and the father of lies is bound and cast into the bottomless pit; and then, and not until then, will rumor, with her ten thousand tongues, cease to sow the seeds of discord and strife. O, how earnestly ought every saint of God to be engaged in their labors, and prayer to the Lord, to hasten that day, that happy, that glorious day of days! My dear brother, I often look forward to that happy time, while journeying to preach the gospel, and although I have been more than two years separated from my kind relatives, and the saints of God, in the west; whom I love, and to whom I am bound with considerations and ties that are stronger than death: Yet the glorious concilation [consolation], that I have, of meeting them, when time with us shall have wound up its successive revolutions, in the kingdom of our heavenly Father, with all the saints, who have gone before, gives me great satisfaction. Notwithstanding some of the saints of God, with whom I was well acquainted, have fallen martyrs by the ruthless hand of violence in Missouri, yet he who bears the martyr's cross, shall wear the martyr's crown. But to resume my sketch.
We have baptized several persons lately in a place called the Rich Valley; the church there at this time numbers 25 members, all in good standing, and many believing. There are great calls for preaching and a prospect of more uniting with the church soon. The church in this vicinity, numbers near 80 including 1 Elder, 2 Priests and 1 Teacher.
The prospects in North Carolina, also, were good, when I was there last. I expect to return in a few weeks to spend a part of the winter there. We had intended to visit Nauvoo this fall, but as we are a long way off, and doing very well, we thought we would make a long trip, and return in the spring. I hope we shall have the fervent prayers of all the saints for our prosperity and success, in bringing souls unto Christ.
I am as ever yours,
Laharpe, Hancock co. Ill. Oct. 31, 1841.
To the Editor of the Times and Seasons.
Dear Brother:-Having lately returned from a short mission of three months in Indiana, I deem it a privilege, and also a duty which I owe to the quorum to which I belong, and to the church in general, to make known the extent of my labours [labors] and also the spread of truth through my instrumentality.
I left Laharpe the 7th day of July, in company with brother William Snow, who had been appointed to visit the church in Laporte, Ia., where we arrived the 21st
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of July. The next day after our arrival, brother Snow was taken sick. I commenced preaching in Laporte, and in the country round about until the 25th of August; brother Snow having recovered his health, we left Laporte for Marshall county, a distance of 22 miles, where we held nine public meetings, and baptized two into the church; after which we returned to Laporte, where we attended a conference held on the fourth and fifth days of September. After conference I returned to Marshall county, and brother Snow to Porter county. I labored in Marshall county until the 20th of September, in which time I led ten into the waters of baptism, organized a church of seventeen members called the Spring Creek Branch; the 20th of September I returned to Laporte, where I found brother Snow; we again united our labors for the spread of truth, after laboring one week in the west part of Laporte county, we baptized two more into the church, and also one in Laporte, which I had not mentioned, making in all fifteen souls, who embraced the new and everlasting covenant, in the short time which I labored. So you see, that although the Lord has chosen the weak things of this world to preach his gospel, truth will prevail, and will prosper in the hands of those whom the Lord has called.
Yours truly,
Minutes of a conference held at Laporte,
Sept. 4th, 1841.
Meeting was called to order at 10 o'clock A. M. by Elder Wm. Snow, who laid before the meeting the object of the conference.
Elder Wm. Snow, was unanimously chosen to preside, and Elder F. D. Richards to act as clerk of the conference.
Cenference [Conference] was then opened by singing, and prayer by the President. The Prest. then represented the official members present, which were, 1 High Priest, 3 Seventies and 1 Priest. After making some remarks concerning the order of the day, and business to be transacted, the Prest. called upon the Elders to represent their respective fields of labor.
Elder Robert Snyder then proceeded to give a short narration of his labors in Laporte, and the contiguous places; stateing [stating] that he had baptised [baptized] 15 during his stay in this region.
Elder Jacob Gates, then addressed the conference, saying that he had traveled and preached in various places, in Laporte, Porter, and Marshall counties, and represented 6 members and 1 Priest, all in good standing.
Conference adjourned until 2 o'clock P. M. Closed by singing, and prayer by Elder Gates.
Conference opened at 2 o'clock by prayer from Elder Snyder.
Elder Richards then gave a succinct account of his labors; stating that he had added 10 to the church by baptism, in Laporte and Porter counties, and opened an interesting field of labor in Marshall county; but by reason of ill health, was unable to continue his labors there; that some had since been added to the church, and there was a cheering prospect of still farther accessions.
Elder Snyder, then addressed the congregation from Jen [Gen]. 31, 10, setting forth the manner of God's scattering and gathering the House of Israel, as declared by the Prophets.
Conference adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock A. M., Sabbath.
Conference met pursuant to adjournment, when it was communicated that Bro. Richards was unable to attend, from over exertion the day previous, and Bro. Snyder was appointed in his stead.
After the usual preliminaries, Bro. Gates delivered a discourse upon the order of the kingdom, touching upon the various offices and authorities in the church.
Conference adjourned until 2 o'clock, when, after singing and prayer, it was addressed by the Prest. upon the subject of Priesthood, and calling, in general; after which some business that had been defered [deferred], was then attended to. Owing to the scattered condition of the saints here, and some being about to repair to the place of gathering, it was agreed that Bro. Wm. K. Parker, be clerk of this branch, consisting of 34 members. Several applications were then made for letters of commendation, which were granted.
Conference adjourned, sine die.
After conference, one person was baptised [baptized] by Elder Gates.
WM. SNOW, Prest.
F. D. Richards, }
Robert Snyder. } Clerks
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Extracts from the minutes of a conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, held in Grafton, Lorain Co., Ohio, Sept. 18th 1841.
Elder John Hughes was elected president, and Thos. Kerr appointed clerk.
Bro. Beals represented the Brooklyn and Parma branch, consisting of 22 members, 1 Priest, and 1 Deacon.
Harvey Edwards represented the Harrisville branch, consisting of 7 members, 1 Elder and 1 Teacher.
R. C. Wetherbee represented the Grafton branch, consisting of 25 members, 3 Elders, 1 Priest, 1 Teacher, and 1 Deacon; also.
A new branch recently organized in Ohio city, consisting of 7 members and 1 Elder.
Conference business was conducted with the greatest harmony, and the congregations numerously attended.
JOHN HUGHS [HUGHES ?], President.
Thos. Kerr, Clerk.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, That all vagrants, idle or disorderly persons; persons found drunk in or about the streets; all suspicious persons; persons who have no fixed place of residence, or visible means of support, or cannot give a good account of themselves; persons guilty of profane or indecent language, or behavior; persons guilty of using indecent, impertinent, or unbecoming, language towards any city officer when in the discharge of his duty, or of menacing, threatening, or otherwise obstructing, said officer; shall, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, or Municipal Court, be required to enter into security for good behavior for a reasonable time, and indemnify the corporation against any charge, and in case of refusal or inability to give security, they shall be confined to labor for a time not exceeding ninety days; or be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars; or be imprisoned not exceeding six months; or all; at the discretion of said Mayor or Court. This act to take effect, and be in force, from and after its passage.
Passed Nov. 13th 1841.
James Sloan, Recorder.
Died-In this city on the 17th of Nov. Maria Chase, daughter of Isaac and Phebe Chase, aged 16 years, and 7 months.
In this city Nov. 24th Emma daughter of Alexander and Mary Ann Badlam, aged one year.
[For the Times and Seasons.]
"Myself and wife buried our first-born on the banks of Grand River, in the deep solitude of the western forest."
We laid him low by the moon's dim light, And were they men, that mother drove
And his dirge was the murmuring billow; Forth from her peaceful home,
The prairie grass was his winding sheet, To bury her child in the forest wild
And a cold moss stone his pillow: And leave him to sleep alone?
'Twas a mournful sight for eye to see Oh no! for if they had but known
The mother's grief, who bore him, The pangs of a childless bride,
As she left her first-born, there to sleep They had mingled their blood together there
With the tall grass waving o'er him. And buried her by his side.
He was born the hope of his father's heart, Yet weep not now, though his ashes rest
But he died in a gloomy hour;- From his kindred far away;
And the joy of the mother was swept away The mother will meet her long lost child
In that frail, but lovely flower; Where all tears are wiped away;
And he lays there still in his prairie bed Then those who caused her heart to bleed
'Neath the oak where his father laid him, Will hear the Judge proclaim,
And the Indians say, the "Prairie Bird" Depart from me, ye wretched ones
Chants the mourner's requiem o'er him. To everlasting flames.
A. NEIBAUR Surgeon and Dentist, (a German Jew,) will give instruction in the above languages during the winter season.
Residence S. E. Water St. opposite the coopers.
Just Received, a new supply of Books and Stationery, such as Kirkham's Grammar, Smith's Grammar, Olney's Geography and Atlas, German and English Grammar, Illinois Form Book, Gospel Reflector, Copy-plate Book, Webster's Elementary Spelling Book, Slates, Pencils, Quills, Ink, etc. etc. For sale by E. ROBINSON, at the Nauvoo stationery.
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