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Vol. 2. No. 2.] NAUVOO, ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER 15, 1840. [Whole No. 14.
Dear Brethren:-In the Messenger and Advocate I promised to commence a more particular or minute history of the rise and progress of the church of the Latter Day Saints; and publish for the benefit of enquirers [inquirers], and all who are disposed to learn. There are certain facts relative to the works of God, worthy the consideration and observance of every individual, and every society: They are, that he never works in the dark-his works are always performed in a clear, intelligible manner: and another point is, that he never works in vain. This is not the case with men; but might it not be? When the Lord works, he accomplishes his purposes, and the effects of his power are to be seen afterward. In view of this, suffer me to make a few remarks by way of introduction. The works of man may shine for a season with a degree of brilliancy, but time changes their complexion; and whether it did or not, all would be the same in a little space, as nothing except that which was erected by a hand which never grows weak, can remain when corruption is consumed.
I shall not be required to adorn and beautify my narrative with a relation of the faith of ENOCH, and those who assisted him to build up Zion, which fled to God-on the mountains of which was commanding the blessing, life for ever more-to be held in reserve to add another ray of glory to the grand retinue, when worlds shall rock from their base to their center: the nations of the rightous (righteous) rise from the dust, and the blessed millions of the church of the first born, shout his triumphant coming, receive his kingdom, over which he is to reign till all enemies are subdued.
Nor shall I write the history of the Lord' s church, raised up according to his own instruction to Moses and Aaron; of the perplexities and discouragements which came upon Israel for their transgressions; their organization upon the land of Canaan, and their overthrow and dispersion among all nations, to reap the reward of their iniquities, to the appearing of the Great Shepherd, in the flesh.
But there is, of necessity, a uniformity so exact; a manner so precise, and ordinances so minute, in all ages and generations whenever God has established his church among men, that should I have occasion to recur to either age, and particular to that characterized by the advent of the Mesiah [Messiah], and the ministry of the apostles of that church; with a cursory view of the same till it lost its visibility on earth; was driven into darkness, or till God took the holy priesthood unto himself, where it has been held in reserve to the present century, as a matter of right, in this free country, I may take the priviledge [privilege]. This may be doubted by some-indeed by many-as an admission of this point would overthrow the popular system of the day. I cannot reasonably except, then, that the large majority of professors will be willing to listen to my argument for a moment; as a careful, impartial, and faithful investigation of the doctrines which I believe to be correct, and the principles cherished in my bosom--and believed by this church-by every honest man must be admitted as truth.-Of this I may say as Tertullian said to the Emperor when writing in defence [defense] of the saints in his day:" Whoever looked well into our religion that did not embrace it?"
Common undertakings and plans of men may be overthrown or destroyed by opposition. The systems of this world may be exploded or annihilated by oppression or falsehood; but it is the reverse with pure religion. There is a power attendant on truth that all the arts and designs of men cannot fathom; there is an increasing influence which rises up in one place the moment it is covered in another, and the more it is traduced, and the harsher the means employed to effect its extinction, the more numerous are its votaries.
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It is not the vain cry of "delusion" from the giddy multitude: it is not the snears [sneers] of bigots; it is not the frowns of zealots, neither the rage of princes, kings, or emperors, that can prevent its influence. The fact is, as Tertullian said, no man ever looked carefully into its consistency and propriety without embracing it. It is impossible: that light which enlightens man, is at once enraptured; that intelligence which existed before the world was, will unite, and that wisdom in the Divine economy will be so conspicuous, that it will be embraced, it will be observed, and it must be obeyed!
Look at pure religion whenever it has had a place on earth, and you will always mark the same characteristics in all its features. Look at truth (without which the former could not exist,) and the same peculiarities are apparent. Those who have been guided by them have always shown the same principles; and those who were not, have as uniformly sought to destroy their influence. Religion has had its friends and its enemies; its advocates and its opponants [opponents]. But the thousands of years which have come and gone, have left it unaltered: the millions who have embraced it, and are now enjoying that bliss held forth in its promises, have left its principles unchanged, and its influence upon the honest heart, unweakened. The many oppositions which have encountered it: the millions of calumnies, the numberless reproaches, and the myriads of falsehoods, have left its fair form unimpaired, its beauty untarnished, and its excellence as excellent; while its certainty is the same, and its foundation upheld by the hand of God.
One peculiarity of men I wish to notice in the early part of my narrative. So far as my acquaintance and knowledge of men and their history extends, it has been the custom of every generation, to boast of, or extol the acts of the former. In this respect I wish it to be distinctly understood, that I mean the righteous-those to whom God communicated his will. There has ever been an apparent blindness common to men, which has hindered their discovering the real worth and excellence of individuals while residing with them; but when once deprived of their society, worth, and council, they were ready to exclaim, "How great and inestimable were there qualities, and how precious is their memory."
The vilest and most corrupt are not exempted from this charge: even the Jews, whose former principles had become degenerated, and whose religion was a mere show, were found among that class who were ready to build and garnish the sepulchres [sepulchers] of the prophets, and condemn their fathers for putting them to death; making important boasts of their own righteousness, and of their assurance of salvation, in the midst of which they rose up with one consent, and treacherously and shamefully betrayed, and crucified the Savior of the world! o wonder that the enquirer [inquirer] has turned aside with disgust, nor marvel that God has appointed a day when he will call the nations before him, and reward every man according to his works!
Enoch walked with God, and was taken home without tasting death.-Why were not all converted in his day and taken with him to glory? Noah, it is said, was perfect in his generation: and it is plain that he had communion with his maker, and by his direction accomplished a work the parallel of which is not to be found in the annals of the world! Why were not the world converted, that the flood might have been stayed? en, from the days of our father Abraham, have talked, boasted, and extolled his faith; and he is even represented in the scriptures:-"The father of the faithful." Moses talked with the Lord face to face; received the great moral law, upon the basis of which those of all civilized governments are founded; led Israel forty years and was taken home to receive the reward of his toils-then Jacob could realize his worth. Well was the question asked by the Lord, "How can the children of the bridechamber mourn while the bridegroom is with them?" It is said, that he travelled [traveled] and taught the rightous (righteous) principles of the kingdom, three years, during which he chose twelve men, and ordained them apostles, &c. The people saw and heard-they were particularly benefited, many of them, by being healed of infirmities, and diseases; of plagues, and devils: they saw him walk upon
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the water; they saw the winds and waves calmed at his command; they saw thousands fed to the full with a pittance, and the very powers of darkness tremble in his presence-and like others before them, considered it as a dream, or a common occurrence, till the time was fulfilled, and he was offered up. Yet while he was with them he said, you shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man and shall not see it. He knew that calamity would fall upon that people, and the wrath of heaven overtake them to their overthrow; and when that devoted city was surrounded with armies, well may we conclude that they desired a protector possessing sufficient power to lead them to some safe place aside from the tumult of a siege.
Since the apostles fell asleep all men who profess a belief in the truth of their mission, extol their virtues and celebrate their fame. It seems to have been forgotten that they were men of infirmities and subject to all the feelings, passions, and imperfections common to other men. But it appears that they, as others were before them, are looked upon as men of perfection, holiness, purity, and goodness, far in advance of any since. So were the characters of the prophets held in the days of these apostles. What can be the difference in the reward, whether a man died for righteousness' sake in the days of Abel, Zacharias, John, the twelve apostles chosen at Jerusalem, or since? Is not the life of one equally as precious as the other: and is not the truth, just as true?
But in reviewing the lives and acts of men in past generations, whenever we find a righteous man among them, there always were excuses for not giving heed or credence to his testimony. The people could see his imperfections; or, if no imperfections, supposed ones, and were always ready to frame an excuse upon that for not believing.-No matter how pure the principles, nor how precious the teachings-an excuse was wanted-and an excuse was had.
The next generation, perhaps, was favored with equally as righteous men who were condemned upon the same principles of the former, while the acts and precepts of the former were the boasts of the multitude; when in reality, their doctrines were no more pure, their exertions to turn men to righteousness no greater, neither their walk any more circumspect--the grave of the former is considered to be holy, and his sepulchre [sepulcher] is garnished while the latter is deprived a dwelling among men, or even an existence upon earth? Such is a specimen of the depravity and inconsistency of men, and such has been their conduct towards the righteous in centuries past.
When John the son of Zacharias came among the Jews, it is said that he came neither eating bread nor drinking wine! In another place it is said that his meat was locusts and wild honey. The Jews saw him, heard him preach, and were witnesses of the purity of the doctrines advocated-they wanted an excuse, and they soon found one--"He hath a devil!" And who among all generations, that valued his salvation, would be taught by, or follow one possessed of a devil?
The Savior came in form and fashion of a man; he ate, drank, and walked about as a man, and they said, "Behold a man gluttenous [glutinous], and a wine bibber, a friend of publicans and sinners!" You see an excuse was wanting, but not long wanting till it was found-Who would follow a dissipated leader? or who, among the righteous Pharisees would acknowledge a man who would condescend to eat with publicans and sinners? This was too much-they could not endure it. An individual teaching the doctrines of the kingdom of heaven, and declaring that kingdom was nigh, or that it had already come, must appear different from others, or he could not be received. If he were athirst he must not drink, if faint he must not eat, and if weary he must not rest, because he had assumed the authority to teach the world righteousness, and he must be different in manners and in constitution, if not in form, that all might be attracted by his singular appearance: that his singular demeaner [demeanor] might gain the reverence of the people, or he was an impostor-a false teacher-a wicked man-a sinner-and an accomplice
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of Beelzebub, the prince of devils!
If singularity of appearance, or difference of manners would command respect, certainly John would have been reverenced, and heard. To see one coming from the wilderness, clad with camels' hair, drinking neither wine nor strong drink, nor yet eating common food; must have awakened the curiosity of the curious, to the fullest extent. But there was one peculiarity in this man common to every righteous man before him, for which the people hated him, and for which he lost his life-he taught holiness, proclaimed repentance and baptism for the remission of sins, warned the people of the consequences of iniquity, and declared that the kingdom of heaven was at hand-All this was too much! To see one dressed so ridiculously, eating no common food, neither drinking wine like other men; stepping in advance of the learned and reverend Pharisees, wise Doctors, and righteous scribes, and declaring, at the same time, that the Lord's kingdom would soon appear, could not be borne-he must not teach-he must not assume-he must not attempt to lead the people after him-"He hath a devil!"
The Jews were willing, (professedly so.) to believe the ancient prophets, and follow the directions of heaven as delivered to the world by them: but when one came teaching the same doctrine, and proclaiming the same things, only that they were nearer, they would not hear. en say if they could see they would believe; but I have thought the reverse, in this respect-If they cannot see they will believe.
One of two reasons may be assigned as the cause why the messengers of truth have been rejected-perhaps both. The multitude saw their imperfections, or supposed ones, and from that framed an excuse for rejecting them; or else in consequence of the corruption of their own hearts, when reproved, were not willing to repent; but sought to make a man an offender for a word: or for wearing camels' hair, eating locusts, drinking wine, or showing friendship to publicans and sinners!
When looking over the sacred scriptures, we seem to forget that they were given through men of imperfections, and subject to passions. It is a general belief that the ancient prophets were perfect-that no stain, or blemish ever appeared upon their characters while on earth, to be brought forward by the opposer [opposed] as an excuse for not believing. The same is said of the apostles; but James said that Elias (Elijah) was a man subject to like passions as themselves, and yet he had that power with God that in answer to his prayer it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and a half.
There can be no doubt but those to whom he wrote looked upon the ancient prophets as a race of beings superior to any in those days; and in order to be constituted a prophet of God, a man must be perfect in every respect. The idea is, that he must be perfect according to their signification of the word. If a people were blessed with prophets, they must be the individuals who were to prescribe the laws by which they must be governed, even in their private walks. The generation following were ready to suppose, that those men who believed the word of God were as perfect as those to whom it was delivered supposed they must be, and were as forward to prescribe the rules by which they were governed, or rehearse laws and declare them to be the governing principles of the prophets, as though they themselves held the keys of the mysteries of heaven, and had searched the archieves [archives]of the generations of the world.
You will see that I have made mention of the Messiah, of his mission into the world, and of his walk and outward appearance; but do not understand me as attempting to place him on a level with men, or his mission on a parallel with those of the prophets and apostles-far from this. I view his mission such as none other could fill; that he was offered without spot to God a propitiation for our sins; that he rose triumphant and victoriously over the grave, and him that has the power of death. This, man could not do-It required a perfect sacrifice-man is imperfect, it requires a spotless offering-man is not spotless-It required an infinite atonement-man is mortal!
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I have, then, as you will see, made mention of our Lord, to show that individuals teaching truth, whether perfect or imperfect, have been looked upon as the worst of men. And that even our Savior, the great Shepherd of Israel, was mocked and derided, and placed on a parallel with the prince of devils; and the prophets and apostles, though at this day, looked upon as perfect as perfection, were considered the basest of the human family by those among whom they lived. It is not rumor, though it is wafted by every gale, and reiterated by every zephyr, upon which we are to found our judgments of ones merits or demerits: If it is, we erect an alter upon which we sacrifice the most perfect of men, and establish a criterian [criterion] by which the "vilest of the vile" may escape censure.
But lest I weary you with too many remarks upon the history of the past, after a few upon the propriety of a narrative of the description I have proposed, I shall proceed. O. C.
I conclude that there are no people on earth who believe in the plan of salvation, or gospel, as set forth in the scriptures, but who believe also, that all who will ever be saved, will be saved by virtue of the sacrifice of Jesus-for this is what was taught by prophets and apostles, as far, at least, as we have knowledge of their teachings: they all testified of Jesus, and had knowledge of his coming into the world, in order that he might save it. Abraham saw his day and when he saw it was glad. John' s gospel 8 chap. 56 verse. The Savior says to the Jews "Had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me; for he wrote of me." John' s gospel 5 chap. 46 verse. And the author of the epistle to the Hebrews says of Moses "that he esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt." 11 chap. from 22 to the 27 verse. "By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents; because they saw that he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king' s commandment. By faith Moses when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh' s daughter; choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God; than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season: esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt; for he had respect unto the recompense of reward."
It cannot be a matter of dispute, that these men were made acquainted with the mission of Christ into the world, and if so, they were acquainted with the gospel or plan of eternal life which Paul says, was, before the foundation of the world. But in order that we may have a clear view of this matter let us enquire [inquire], what it was that was proclaimed to the world, which is called the gospel; for be that what it may, it is God' s plan of saving men: for Paul says that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to all them that believe. See Romans 1 chapter 16 verse "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation, to every one that believeth: to the Jew first and also to the Greek." So, let the proclamation be what it may that was made to the world, by divine authority, that the inspired-men called the gospel, that proclamation was the only thing which could save any person of the human family, and that was the thing which existed before the foundation of the world, the purpose, or scheme of things, which was divised (devised) in eternity, through which purpose of his own will God designed to save them that believe.
The proclamation, is set forth so clearly in the scriptures, that none need mistake it, not only in the commission given to the twelve after the resurrection of Jesus from the dead: but in different of the epistles, so that the enquirer [inquirer] after truth on this point, need not be mistaken. It is so manifest, that it would require a good deal of ingenuity to render it so obscure that a person could not see it at the first reading: a person must be greatly blinded by tradition, who cannot see it if he reads his bible once through with any degree of attention.
When the Savior gave commission to the apostles after his resurrection from the dead, he said unto them, as recorded by Matthew, 28 chapter, 19 and 20 verses: "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations baptizing them in the name
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of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Mark gives the following account of the commission given to the apostles, 16:15, 16, 17, 18. "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.-He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved: but he that believeth not, shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents: and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Luke records thus, 24:45, 46, 47-"Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures, and said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved [behooved] Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem."
In the second chapter of the Acts of the apostles, we have account of their first acting on their commission; and of their making proclamation at Jerusalem: as, according to the Savior's command they were to begin at Jerusalem, so they did, and the account of that memorable day is recorded by Luke, in the second chapter of the Acts of the apostles, 37th and 38th verses. After Peter, who was the speaker on that occasion, had convinced many of the Jews that they had crucified the Lord of glory, the people cried out, and said to him, and the rest of the apostles, "men and brethren what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of the Lord Jesus for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost: for the promise is unto you and to your children, and to all that are afar off; even as many as the Lord our God shall call." Let us put this account together, and we will have something exceedingly plain. Matthew says that they were to go and teach all nations, baptizing them, with the promise that the Lord should be with them until the end of the world. ark tells what the teaching, mentioned by Matthew consisted in; that is, preaching the gospel which he says they were to do to every creature in all the world, and to baptize them that believe, with a promise that the persons thus baptized should be saved: and also that signs would follow them that believe. Matthew says that they should go and teach all nations. ark says that they should preach the gospel to every creature in all the world. So that there is no difference as to the extent of the commission given to the apostles.-Matthew says that the Lord should be with them even to the end of the world, and Mark says that signs should follow them that believe. This doubtless was what Matthew meant by the Lord being with them till the end of the world; that is, by confirming the word with signs following. They both say that the people were to be baptized; but neither of them tell us what they were to be baptized for; only Mark says that the baptized should be saved. Luke throws some light on this subject: that is that repentance and remission of sins should be preached among all nations. This compared with what Peter said on the day of Pentecost, makes this part of the commission very plain. He tells them to repent and be baptized every one of them in the name of the Lord Jesus, for the remission of sins, and they should receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. ark says that he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. Peter says that he shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Matthew says that the Savior promised to be with his disciples always, even unto the end of the world. ark says that signs were to follow them that believe, These two accounts, when put together, amount to this: the Lord promised to be with them, in confirming the word to the believers by signs. Let us now see put the whole account together, and see precisely what it was, that these men proclaimed to the world.
First they were to go into all the world, and teach the gospel to every creature, in the world.
Second, those who believed their proclamation, and repented of their
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sins, they were to baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Spirit, for the remission of their sins, with the promise, that they should receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and prophesy, see visions, and dream dreams, and that in addition to these, signs should follow them-in the name of Jesus they should cast out devils, they should speak with new tongues, they should take up serpents, and if they were to drink any deadly thing, it should not hurt them: they should lay hands upon the sick and they should recover: and to finish the whole of the promises made to them, the Lord was to be with them, and they should be saved. Seven things comprise the whole of the items of command and promise which they were to deliver to the world: First, faith-Second, repentance-Third, baptism-Fourth, remission-Fifth, the gift of the Holy Spirit-Sixth, power-Seventh, salvation and eternal life.
Let the reader compare Matthew 28:19, 20 with Mark 16:15, 16, 17, 18-Luke 24:45, 46, 47, 48, with the second chapter of the Acts of the apostles and he will be enabled to see and understand the apostolic commission without either priest or commentator.
Let it be particularly understood, that when the apostles spake of the gospel, that it was this scheme of things to which they alluded; for this was what they proclaimed, and this was what all the ancient saints believed, and received, and by which they were distinguished from all other people.-When Paul says that if we, or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel than that which we have preached, let him be accursed; or if any man preach any other gospel than that which you have received let him be accursed, it is to the above mentioned proclamation, he alludes; for this is what he preached, and this is what the Galatians had received-not a part of it, but the whole of it--not one, or two, or three, or four, or five, or even six items, and the other one left; but all seven, or else they would not receive the gospel Paul preached, and which the Galatians received, but another, which would not be another, but a pervertion [perversion] of the gospel of Christ.
Minutes of a Conference of Elders and members, of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, held in the city of Philadelphia, Saturday, October 17th, 1840.
According to a previous appointment, the Conference convened at the Latter Day Saints Hall, on Third street above Willow, at 10 o' clock in the morning.
Thirteen Elders and five Priests being present, and a large concourse of Saints in Philadelphia, and from branches in the surrounding country being assembled. Elder O. Hyde of the quorum of the twelve being present, was unanimously chosen President, and L. Barnes, appointed Clerk of the Conference.
The Conference was opened with singing by the congregation, and reading a portion of the word of God, and prayer by the president.
After a very interesting and appropriate address to the Conference by President O. Hyde, upon the necessity of those holding the Priesthood being faithful in their calling; the Elders were called upon to represent the different branches of the church.
Elder L. Barnes represented the church in Philadelphia in a prosperous condition and numbering, including 3 Elders and 2 Priests, 250.
Elder George J. Adams represented the church in New York-in a flourishing condition. He stated that 3 places for regular preaching were now established in that city, and their prospects were never better before, nor as good, as at the present time; and that according to the best of his knowledge the church in New York, including 10 Elders, now numbers over 200 members.
Elder Adams also represented the church in Brooklyn, L. I. in a flourishing condition, consisting of 19 members, including 1 priest, 1 teacher, and 1 deacon. Also the church in Hempstead, L. I. in the care of Elder Lane, consisting of 50 members.
Elder Adams also, represented 3 other small branches of the church in Monmouth co. N. J. under the care of Elder J. G. Divine. One in Shrewsbury, containing 16 members. One at Keysport and Granville, numbering 13; including 1 deacon: and the other
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at Shirk river of 6 members, including 1 deacon, (35 in all.) The last 2 branches named, having been built up since April last by Elder Divine. He stated that 7 had lately been baptized in the city of Newark, N. J; and gave a very glowing and cheering description of the spread of the work of God in the regions round about New York. He stated that he had preached to 5,000 persons at one time in the city of Newark, N. J., who listened with attention and apparent admiration and surprise to the everlasting gospel-and to use his own words, "the work of God was flourishing gloriously--the Macedonian cry was general; not to come over to Macedonia, but to come over to Brooklyn-and over on Long Island-come over to Elizabethtown-and to Newark, and to Jersey city, and let us hear the fulness (fullness) of the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed."
Whole number represented by Elder Adams, 311.
Conference adjourned for one hour and a half.
2 o' clock P. M. Conference again assembled.
Elder E. Malen represented the Brandywine church in Chester co. Pa., in a flourishing condition numbering 135 in good standing, including 4 Elders, 3 Priests, 1 teacher, and 1 deacon.
Elder A. Wilson represented the church on Cream Ridge N. J., and stated that according to the best of his knowledge it consisted of about 100 members in good fellowship, inclusive of 1 Elder, 1 priest, and 1 teacher.
President O. Hyde represented a branch of the church at Thomas River, N. J., of 16 members including 1 Elder and 1 priest.
Total number of members represented in the different branches--896; including 24 Elders, 11 priests, 6 teachers, and 5 deacons.
The subject of more perfectly organizing the church in Philadelphia was then presented before the Conference, and after some consideration, brother John Robinson (a priest,) was unanimously chosen for a presiding Elder, Edson Whipple for a priest, A. Cutts and Wm. H. Miles teachers, and J. Price and S. M. Reeve deacons, and James Nicholson was appointed Clerk of the church in the city of Philadelphia. President O. Hyde and L. Barnes then proceded [proceeded] to the ordination of those chosen.
Conference adjourned until 7 o' clock P. M. 8
7 o' clock P. M. Conference met pursuant to adjournment.
Brother James Whitesides (a priest) from the Brandywine church, and W. J. Appleby Esq. of N. J. were presented for ordination to the office of Elders, both being recommended were unanimously accepted.
President O. Hyde then delivered a very instructive charge to the young Elders, respecting their manner of teaching; J. Landis, J. Syphret, Wm. Small, and C. Hopkins, were then unanimously chosen to the office of Elders, to travel and proclaim the everlasting gospel. G. Chamberlain was chosen to be a priest, after which they were ordained by the spirit of prophesy and the laying on of hands, by President O. Hyde and L. Barnes.
The Conference then closed by singing and prayer.
On Sabbath morning the 18th a large and respectable congregation assembled to hear the word preached; and were addressed by Elder G. J. Adams, of New York: who delivered a very interesting discourse on the subject of the Book of Mormon: proving it to be true beyond the power of successful contradiction.
In the afternoon and evening the Latter Day Saints Hall, again was crowded with intelligent and attentive hearers. President O. Hyde preached with his usual energy, simplicity and eloquence; many were pricked in their hearts, and on Monday six came forward and obeyed the everlasting gospel. ORSON HYDE, pres't.
Lorenzo Barnes Cl'k
P. S. At a meeting of the Saints, held in Philadelphia, Thursday evening
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Oct. 22nd. Resolved, that a Conference be held in the Brandywine church, Chester co., Pa., Jan. 2nd 1841.-And also, that our next general Conference be held in Philadelphia, April 6th, 1841.
Minutes of a conference held in the town of Boonville, Oneida county, N. Y. on the 18th and 19th days of July, 1840.
Boonville, Sept. 18th, 1840.
By request of brother James Blakeslee, I forward you the minutes of a Conference, held on the 18th and 19th of July 1840, to take into consideration of the expediency of dividing the branch called the Boonville branch, which spread over a part of four towns, and numbered between 80 and 90 members. There were present 6 Elders and 2 priests.
After Singing and prayer, proceded [proceeded] to business. Elder James Blakeslee was called to preside, and Edward H. Spinning chosen Clerk.
After mature deliberation, it was thought best to divide said branch, by taking all that part situated in the town of Lee and south west part of Boonville, and organize them into a seperate [separate] branch, to be called the Lee branch. Truman Hough was set apart and ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood, as also to preside over said branch. Nathaniel Spinning was then set apart to the office of a teacher, and Stephen Richman, and Horace Wild, were set apart to the office of deacons, and Benjamin Hawkins chosen Clerk.
It was then voted that we divide the remaining part of the Boonville branch by taking all that part west of Boonville village, as also including Tolcottville and a part of the town of Graig, to be known as the west Boonville branch, Joseph L. Robinson was chosen presiding Elder, Francis Fox was ordained to the Aaronic priesthood, and Darius Preston to the office of teacher; William Johnson to the office of Deacon; Thomas Johnson was then chosen clerk, for said branch.
Augustus Stafford was then set apart to the office of a deacon, to serve the Boonville branch.
July 19th, one baptized, after which preaching, by brother Blakeslee. Afternoon William H. Hart, Daniel Botsford, and Thomas Johnson, was ordained to the Melchisedec priesthood; after which the ordinance of the Lord's supper was attended to, and Conference closed.
After meeting, one more was added to the church. Since the Conference, two more have been baptized by the hand of Elder Joseph L. Robinson.
Last Sabbath, I preached in Lowville and baptized four. In fact, Mormonism, (so called,) is getting a strong hold, the honest are investigating and obeying; and the little stone is rolling above the feet and toes. And thank heaven's King, the time is at hand when that great image, (whose brightness, is not so excellent as when Daniel saw it,) will be broken to pieces and become like the chaff of the summer threshing floor. And may the Lord cut his work short in righteousness, agreeable to his promise-and may his grace be sufficient for us, to preserve and uphold us.
I expect to leave in a few days for Washington county, in this state, to devote my whole time in the service of God, and I beg an interest in the prayer's of all God's people, that I may be kept from the power and influence of sin and satan; and that I may be an instrument in the hands of God, of turning many to righteousness.
Yours Respectfully, CHARLES R. DANA
NAUVOO, ILL. NOV. 15, 1840.
We would inform our eastern Brethren, and the churches in the East generally, that we have made arrangements with Elder Erastus Snow, of Philadelphia, to be our general Agent for the Eastern Country. Churches, or individuals wishing to procure Books of Mormon, can be supplied, by sending their orders to him, Post Paid.
Prices, same as in Advertisement on last page.
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Latter-Day Saints Millennial Star.
We have received two numbers of this very interesting periodical published monthly in Manchester, England, and edited by P. P. Pratt. It is very neatly executed and contains matter of deep interest. Its circulation in Europe is becoming very extensive.
Nauvoo is still growing, great improvements have been made during the past season, the health of the place has been greatly facilitated during the season, by various improvements; such as the digging of excellent wells, draining of stagnant waters, &c. &c. The sickness of the place has generally subsided, and as a community we have great reason to thank a kind and merciful Providence for the bountiful blessings which he has seen fit to bestow upon us.
The laboring man is richly paid for his toils: the weather is extremely favorable for the farmer to gather into his garner the abundance of grain which the earth has brought forth as a reward for all his labors; and while the stormy blasts and wintry cold are hovering over the face of nature, he can regale upon the rich repast which his unceasing industry with the blessings of heaven, has secured for his happiness.
The following article we cut from the St. Louis Evening Gazette of Nov. 5. We agree perfectly with the writer, especially where he says, "we believe they might as well worship us, as Joe. Smith or Sidney Rigdon;" far be it from us to be man worshipers, we believe in only ONE Living and True God, the Father and Creator of all things, who said, "let there be light and there was light," and by the power of whose word, the worlds were formed and came rolling into existance [existence]; at whose presence the mountains flow down, and the valleys take their exit; who said, by the mouth of his servants, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the Prophets that, in the last days the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and all nations shall flow unto it.-That he would bring the children of Israel from the North country, and from every land whithersoever they had been driven, and restore them upon the land of their fathers where they should dwell in peace and safety for ever and ever. Where he would come and plead with them face to face and reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth. Which work has commenced, and as God always works by means, he has been pleased to select Joseph Smith, as an instrument in his hands, to lay the foundation for the gathering of Israel, and the accomplishment of the great work of the last days.
"Times and Seasons."-We have received from "Nauvoo," a monthly paper under this title. It is of Mormon origin and advocates the Mormon cause. The Mormons, Shakers and a few other select bands of people seem to be the only honest and disinterested body of men now extant.
We see the Mormons have eleven agents in England. Indeed there can be no doubt that their numbers are rapidly increasing. If they respect the laws and walk orderly, as we have no doubt they always intended to do, they can protect themselves. They will be too strong for any marauders in their vicinity who want to pillage their lands and goods; and by now and then arming
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themselves, in self-defence [defense], with the "sword of the flesh," any consequences which may follow their efforts at resisting the violence of their persecutors, will be looked upon in the same light that similar acts of self-defence [defense] in other men are regarded. In fact they can place themselves in an attitude, which will command respect, and awe away the profligate scoundrels, who have been heretofore making them their prey.
Let them obey the laws. If they do this, they should demand-not toleration-there is no such thing as toleration in this country-they should demand their rights. Every man, under our free Constitution, has a right to worship God as he pleases. Every man has a right to believe what he pleases. The laws of Missouri did not protect them in the enjoyment of these rights, and they were overpowered-crushed by the weight of popular fanaticism and official tyranny.
If the laws of Illinois will not protect them, they ought to protect themselves. They as men ought to know-what in truth their faith teaches-that there are ten thousand things worse than death. Submission to enormous wrong-consigning their lands to robbery and pillage-banishment from their homes firesides and alters-are each and all worse than death.
The Mormons have had in us a true and steady friend from the beginning. We believe that they are laboring under a monstrous delusion. We believe they might as well worship us as Joe Smith or Sidney Rigdon. Their whole system of faith is, we believe, in its inception a gross imposture. But what of that? So long, as in the language of that true son of Freedom-Thomas Jefferson of glorious and immortal memory-They neither break my leg nor pick my pocket; so long as they do not molest me in my belief or meddle with me in my conduct--I care not what they believe. I may have my opinion that certain systems of belief have a better effect upon society than certain other systems. And I may try by persuasion and argument to make others believe as I do. But I can and will take no measures to force my belief upon them.
Let then the Mormons rest, and if they can let them flourish. Let them rest, at least, from the scandalous persecutions, which they underwent in this State-persecutions which disgrace and damn all those who were participators in or accessaries [accessories] to it.
Palermo, N. Y. Oct. 18th, 1840.
I have twice written lengthy to my brother living near you, concerning the prosperity of the work of our God in this region, and requesting him to hand the same to you for publication, if you thought it worthy of a place in your paper. But perceiving that, by some means it has been delayed; I gladly embrace the opportunity of saying to the saints in Zion, or elsewhere, that for the past season, my labors have been greatly blessed, I have baptized one hundred or rising the past year, all of which are now rejoicing in the triumph of the faith, and blessings of the kingdom; and scores more are truly believing, many of which will, no doubt, become citizens of the kingdom. We held a conference on Saturday and Sunday, the last days of May at Alonzo Wescotts barn in this town, about eight or ten hundred persons attended. A goodly number were ordained, thirteen baptized, 21 confirmed; and truly our meeting will be had in everlasting remembreance [remembrance] by many.
The particulars of my labors, and the above conference, together with the many investigations held in those parts, you will receive in my next.
Elder Maginn has lately been through this place and made us a good visit; we truly had a time of rejoicing with him, as he had been through the tribulation in the West, and was prepared to bare testimony of the sufferings of the saints: he has now gone to Onondaga, about thirty miles distant from this place, and is opening a door in that place. I expect to join him soon: Brother Oliver Granger left this place on Saturday, last week, for Kirtland: he has purchased a large quantity of land in this place of the brethren, and gives them land in the West in exchange.
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You may look for a large company of saints from this place in the spring. I rejoice in hearing from the different parts of the world, of the prosperity of our Redeemer's cause, and can say; preserve thy saints, and servants, thou King of Saints, from the hand of wicked men and devils, that thy servants may go forth armed with thy power, capture the devil, brake down his, kingdom, confound his servants and put them forever at silence before thee, that the wheat may be gathered out from among the tares, the earth prepared for the day of burning, the man of sin destroyed-Christ reign, and all the redeemed out of every nation, kindred tongue and people, may drink with thee, anew in thy kingdom
Yours in the bonds of the covenant . BENJ. C. ELSWORTH.
New York, Oct. 7th, 1840.
BROTHER ROBINSON & SMITH, Highly esteemed brethren in Christ, I now, agreeable to a promise made by me to Br. James Blakeslee, (one of the seventy) write to you, informing you and the brethren at the west, that he has this day sailed for England, in company with Br. Burnham, one of the seventy, and Br. Richards, High Priest. These 3 have started this day to fill their mission in England; the day was clear, their health good, both as to body and mind--they expected a number of their brethren to have went with them according to appointment, but as they did not come, they concluded to go without them.
Brother Blakeslee wished me to state, that he arrived here on the 20th day of Sept. according to agreement; and from that, to this present time, he has preached in this city 19 times: and I assure you, he will long be remembered by the church, and friends here: he is a man of faith, a man of God, and a man that gives full proof of his ministry. May the Lord bless him, and his brethren, and prosper them on their mission. Brother Turley, and Clayton, have just arrived from England, and are now on their way to the west with about 200 others.
Oct. 24th. Dear Brethren, I have just returned from Philadelphia, from a conference held there. Brother O. Hyde was there and presided. Brother J. E. Page had not yet arrived from Ohio, but was expected every day, we had a good time at the conference, every thing went on well, the brethren there are united, they love one another, and pray for one another: the church there is in a prosperous condition, and the whole region around about Philadelphia, presents an immense field of labor, and the laborers are very few. I pray therefore, that the Lord of the harvest will send forth more faithful laborers into his vineyard. Elder O. Hyde has been turning the world upside down in Cream Ridge, new ferry, and baptized (I believe,) about 30-There was a number baptized on Monday morning after conference.
We expect Elders Hyde and Page in New York soon, on their way to Jerusalem: while they remain with us, we expect to hold a conference.
I cannot close this letter without giving you a short account of the history of my past life. I am about 30 years of age, have been 13 years a Methodist, heard the first sermon by a Latter Day Saint in February, 1840, by Elder H. C. Kimball, and believed the gospel as soon as I heard it, and have never doubted it since. I was baptized eight days after I heard the first sermon, and called to be an elder in eight days after I was baptized, called by the spirit of prophesy, by Elder Kimball, and ordained by Elder P. P. Pratt just previous to the time they sailed for England. Since that time I have tried to preach from 3 to 5 times each week, and worked with my own hands to support my family besides, and I have held 3 Public discussions with the great men of this generation, one with the very celebrated Oragen Batchelor; which lasted 12 nights. Doctor Benj. E. Ducher was chairman: it was held in the city of Brooklyn. The chairman took three hours to sum up the testimony, and gave the decision in favor of the fullness of the gospel, on every point, the bible being the guide of evidence.
His closing remarks were these: "I have never seen such a grand combination of arguments to prove any system of religion, as has been brought
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forward to prove the Latter-Day Saints, and I dare not say I disbelieve it, and if it is true, let us hang the BANNER OUT to the WORLD." This was the language of a man who had never been to our meetings before in his life; he is a highly respected, and wealthy gentleman of New York.
Immediately after the above debate I organized the branch in Brooklyn, and baptized a number, the branch in Brooklyn, now number 19, 1 Priest 1 Teacher, and one deacon, and a number believing, ready to be baptized. The other two discussions were with two Methodist priests: one in New Jersey, and one in this city; but they both had to yield before the power of eternal truth. Shortly after I was ordained, the Methodist tried me for heresy, and when I appeared before them they would not hear me there, and then I appealed to the people, and had over 500 Methodist to hear me make my defence [defense]: they thought I was the greatest heretic they ever heard of, hundreds of them have attended our meetings ever since. I expect to baptize a number of them next Sabbath morning.
The work here goes on well, we have two large preaching places well attended-one on the north side, and one on the east side of the city: the one on the east side, is the one I hired to make my defence [defense] before my Methodist brethren, and I have continued preaching to hundreds of them ever since, which has been about one month.
Yours in haste. GEO. J. ADAMS.
Nauvoo, Oct. 1st, 1840.
MESSRS EDITORS, If the following is deemed of sufficient interest to the readers of the Times & Seasons, to subserve the cause of righteousness it is at your disposal.
I left this place on the 28th of April last, intending to spend the summer in and about Philadelphia. I called at Wellsburg, Va.; and tarried with Elder James near three weeks, preaching in that vicinity on both sides the Ohio river. I visited the remnants of the branches in Beaver, Armstrong and Indiana counties Pa., as I passed, preaching and baptizing. I found them generally prosperous, possessing a spirit of gathering, and my heart rejoiced to find brethren whom I baptized four years ago, still firm in the work of the Lord. I went as far East as Providence R. I. I found the work in and about the city of New York slowly, but steadily advanceing [advancing]; but in Philadelphia and the country around, where I preached about three months, the cause is onward with rapid strides: any sound, intelligent, influential, and wealthy men have embraced the gospel in that country. The truth meets with opposition from sectarians in that country as in all other places; but it is like oil in water, always uppermost.--The greatest obstruction is the scarcity of laborers: calls for preaching are very numerous, and indeed, all eastern Pennsylvania is literally crying out "come and help us," "send us preachers," &c. and on the other side of the Delaware it is the same. Prospects are very flattering through all that country; there are many honest souls who will discern between truth and error. I baptized in that country about forty; and Elder Barnes and others a great many more. When I left, (the last of Sept.) the Saints in Lancaster co. numbers about 70. In Chester co. about 130. In Philadelphia 230.-The present number in Monmouth co. N. J. I cannot tell, but there have been about 30 added since I first went there in July.
The churches in that country are well united and dwell together in love. May the Lord bless and prosper them, and roll forth his kingdom, until the spark that is kindled shall blaze throughout the whole country. I expect to return in a few days to that country to spend the winter, and perhaps next summer; I trust that all the faithful saints will remember in their prayers, not only myself, but all laborers in the vineyard.
I remain dear sirs, with high considerations of esteem and respect.
Your brother in the bonds of the gospel, ERASTUS SNOW.
NAUVOONS to the rescue! Your liberty is in danger! Thieves are in your midst! By day and by night are
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they prowling through your streets! Your property is in peril, and life, and limb in Jeopardy! Your love of justice, your personal honor, your attachment to your country, and your holy religion, all, all, loudly call upon you to assist in bringing the culprits to condign punishment. In the face of high heaven are they committing the most nefarious crimes, and the cause of Christianity is bleeding at every pore. Will you, then stand patient lookers on and see the fiends of hell, wolves in sheep's clothing not only perpetrating felonies themselves, but soliciting the just, the noble, and the good, to participate or become accessories-placing the bitter cup of iniquity to the lips of the Saints, desiring them to drink the dregs of pollution and crime; and, by fortuitous circumstances, or casual associations, dragging them down to the lowest depths of human degradation? Shall the just suffer with the unjust? Shall the righteous be punished with the wicked? Does the church tolerate crime? Does God approbate works of iniquity? No. God, angels, and all good men, must forever execrate such abominations. All should raise the voice and hand against such acts, and ferret out the perpetrators-the sore should be probed to the bottom-the church should be purged, and, like the lion of the forest, arise in her majesty and in her strength, and assert her honor, her purity, and her innocence, or everlasting infamy will rest upon us as a people. So long as we are pure we shall be honored, respected, loved, free from mobs and persecution here, but the moment we become impure, or countenance crime, or cherish the transgressor, "the Philistines will be upon us," we shall be like Samson shorn of his strength-powerless and despised. For our own sakes, then, for the sakes of humanity, for the sake of the church and for God's sake, let us leave no stone unturned until the guilty are punished; and my heart's desire and prayer is that God may nerve our arms to the fight until iniquity shall hide its deformed head, and righteousness reign triumphant in the land. God and Liberty!
JOAB, General in Israel.
Nauvoo, July 14th, 1840.
To the saints of the Crooked Creek Branch, GREETINGS: Having taken into consideration the subject of the propriety of establishing a stake at Crooked Creek, as requested in the resolutions of said branch, dated July 7th, 1840, signed by John A. Hicks Pres't. and William Wightman Clerk.
We have to say that we approve of the proceedings of the branch, and that their resolutions are in accordance with our views and feelings, and the sentiments adduced at the last April conference.
Therefore this may certify that the members of the church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints, residing at the Crooked creek branch, are authorized to establish a stake agreeable to their request; and that they select such a location as they may think best adapted for that purpose.
In order to carry into effect this object, it will be necessary to appoint a Bishop to transact business for said stake, which appointment will be left to the decision of said branch.
The first Presidency will some one of them attend as soon as convenient to organize the stake, and give such instructions to the saints as may be wisdom.
Ramus, Hancock co. Ill. Nov. 10, 1840.
As the time has fully arrived for the Saints to gather together that they may be preserved from the calamities that are coming upon the earth; and as several places have already been appointed in which to gather; we have thought it expedient to inform the Saints abroad of the prosperity and prospects of the Saints in this place. We have inserted the epistle of our beloved brethren, President's Joseph and Hyrum Smith, that our brethren may understand the mind of the first Presidency respecting this place.
The measures recommended by our
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worthy brethren have already been entered into, viz: a stake has been organized, lands purchased, a town laid out, lots sold, and already quite a number of buildings, mechanical shops, &c. have been erected, and many more in progress.
RAMUS, is situated in the midst of a beautiful and fertile country, surrounded by a variety of prairie and timber land, the soil rich and productive. There are several saw, and grist mills, with other machineries [machinery's] within a few miles. Within the precincts of Ramus, as also in the adjacent country, there are wild lands, cultivated farms, mills, machineries [machinery's], &c., which can be purchased on very reasonable terms. Within short distances are creeks with privileges for erecting mills, machinery &c. Those wishing to purchase and settle on town lots can be accommodated.
Ramus is situated 50 miles west of Beardstown, 8 miles north east of Carthage, the county seat of Hancock Co., 20 miles east of Nauvoo. It is undoubtedly as healthy a situation as can be located in the western country.-Therefore those of our brethren emigrating from the east who feel disposed to visit Ramus, will find it not inconvenient to call, as it is situated on the road leading from Springfield Ill. through Beardstown to Nauvoo.
May the work of the Lord prosper and roll forth unto its final completion, and the Saints be preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord, is the prayer of the Saints in this place: By order of the Branch: JOEL H. JOHNSON, Pres't. William Wightman, Cl'k.
Copy of a letter from Elder George A. Smith, in England, to a gentleman in Ohio, dated:
Burslem, Staffordshire, England, June 6th, 1840.
Cousin C. C. Waller:-I hasten to redeem the promise I made you last fall at Ohio city, by giving some account of the events that have transpired since that time. I expected then in five weeks to have been in England, but my way was hedged up on every side. I was confined in Kirtland 4 weeks by sickness. I pursued my journey to Hamilton where I was again confined to my room five weeks with a disease resembling a dropsical consumption. Gaining my health a little I went to W. Stockbridge, Mass. where I was attacked with chill fever which lasted twelve days, then left me. I proceeded to New York where I arrived about Feb. 1st. I searched half a day for your brother and found he had removed from Nassau st. The next day I went to Philadelphia, to see cousin Joseph Smith but was disappointed as he had returned to Illinois. After 10 days confinement by sickness in Philadelphia, and a visit to Chester county Pa., I returned to New York on the 27th of Feb. Found your brother in John St.; delivered your letter and had a very agreeable visit. On the 9th of March set sail on board the packet ship Patrick Henry for Liverpool in company with five brethren of the church of Latter Day Saints. After a rough and disagreeable passage of 28 days, landed on the shores of Great Britain. We had 16 days head wind, and three heavy gales. I was very sea sick; remained at Liverpool a few days, then went to Preston; attended a conference of the church of Latter Day Saints-1800 members represented; then I went to Manchester. After a short time came to this place--Staffordshire Potteries. The greater portion of China and Earthen ware sold in America is made in this district; about 70,000 persons obtain a good living when there is employment but vast numbers are now out of work, in consequence of the depression in trade; consequently, in a state of starvation. I have seen more beggars here in one day than I saw in all my life in America. I have seen delicate females gathering manure to get a living for their famishing children. I never before realized the value of American institutions; one third of the earnings of the laboring class is taken for taxes to support government in various ways. In addition to all this, duties are imposed on all the necessaries of life making the cost of almost every article of double value. To all this the common people are strangers, living in other
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peoples premises, being obliged to pay weekly rent or decamp. The roads in England are good-the bridges are expensive and durable-the buildings are generally ancient, and more durable than those in America; many are so ancient that the time of their being built is unknown. Notwithstanding their poverty, many of the people are intemperate; temperance societies have been established in different parts of the country with considerable success, yet there is room for reform: spirit selling seems to be the best business in England, many "drink and forget their poverty."
The principles of the church of Latter Day Saints are gaining rapidly in different parts of the kingdom; some fifty or sixty preachers of different denominations have been baptized since we landed in England, and thousands and thousands of people have believed our testimony; although we have met with some opposition it has always turned in our favor, and many are constantly believing. We have commenced the publication of a monthly periodical entitled the "Latter Day Saints Millennial Star," at Manchester Eng., and for sale by P. P. Pratt, No. 149, Oldham Road; we are also about publishing another edition of the book of Mormon--also several other books. The work of the Lord is making considerable progress in Scotland. I have not heard from my father since I left New York; you will please to send him a letter stating the information this contains and also write me immediately directing to Manchester, England, care of P. P. Pratt; I shall then be sure to get it if I go to London, as I expect to do before it reaches me. I am now preaching 4 or 5 times a week surrounded as usual with friends and enemies; my eye sight is considerably improved, though I am able to write but very little; I have at present no idea when I may return to America. Give my respects to your mother, brothers, sister, and children, and, as you may see them sooner than to all inquiring friends.
I subscribe myself with sentiments of respect, Your Cousin, G. A. SMITH.
We have several communications from the travelling [traveling] Elders, all giving cheering intelligence of the mighty spread of the work of the Lord, thousands having been added to the church, of late.-Ed
DIED-In this place On the 24th, of August, 1840, Sophia Higbee, aged 74 years
She had been about 8 years a member of the church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints: she left an assurance that she was going to reap the reward of those who had overcome, through great tribulation. Having endured the persecutions with the saints in Missouri, and kept the faith: She felt perfectly resigned, to the will of God, and ready to depart and be where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest.
-In Oswego co N. Y. on the 8th of March, Lyman Alonzo, infant son of Truman and Fidelia Gillett, aged 18 Months and 8 days.
Letter and Writing Paper, Just received per steamer Mermaid, and for sale at this office. Nov. 15, 1840.
BOOKS OF MORMON, for sale at this office, by wholesale or retail.
ALSO, For sale by Elder Erastus Snow, Philadelphia city. Price $1 per copy wholesale, or $1.25 retail.
Nov. 15th.
Blanks of all kinds, for sale at this office. Nov. 15.
Is printed and published about the 1st and 15th of every month at NAUVOO, HANCOCK CO. ILL by E. ROBINSON AND D. C. SMITH, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. TERMS: TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable, in all cases in advance. Any person procuring 5 new subscribers, and forwarding us 10 dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. Letters on business must be addressed to the Publishers POST PAID.
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