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Vol. VI. No. 6.] CITY OF NAUVOO, ILL. April 1, 1845 [Whole No. 114.
On the 2nd instant, the same day of the publication of the mob in the "Monitor," I received the following
Revelation, given, August, 1833.
"Verily I say unto you my friends, I speak unto you with my voice, even the voice of my spirit, that I may show unto you my will concerning your brethren in the land of Zion, many of whom are truly humble, and are seeking diligently to learn wisdom and to find truth: verily, verily, I say unto you, blessed are all such for they shall obtain, for I the Lord showeth mercy unto all the meek, and upon all whomsoever I will, that I may be justified, when I shall bring them into judgment.
Behold I say unto you, concerning the school in Zion, I the Lord am well pleased that there should be a school in Zion: and also with my servant Parley P. Pratt, for he abideth in me: and inasmuch as he continueth to abide in me, he shall continue to preside over the school, in the land of Zion, until I shall give unto him other commandments; and I will bless him with a multiplicity of blessings, in expounding all scriptures and mysteries to the edification of the school, I the Lord am willing to show mercy, nevertheless there are those that must needs be chastened, and their works shall be made known: The axe is laid at the root of the trees, and every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be hewn down and cast into the fire; I the Lord have spoken it. Verily I say unto you, all among them who know their hearts are honest, and are broken, and their spirits contrite, and are willing to observe their covenants by sacrifice: yea, every sacrifice which I the Lord shall command, they are all accepted of me, for I the Lord will cause them to bring forth as a very fruitful tree which is planted in a goodly land, by a pure stream, that yieldeth much precious fruit.
Verily I say unto you, that it is my will that an house should be built unto me in the land of Zion, like unto the pattern which I have given you; yea, let it be built speedily by the tithing of my people: behold this is the tithing and the sacrifice which I the Lord require at their hands, that there may be an house built unto me for the salvation of Zion: for a place of thanksgiving, for all saints, and for a place of instruction for all those who are called to the work of the ministry, in all their several callings, and offices: that they may be perfected in the understanding of their ministry: in theory; in principle, and in doctrine, in all things pertaining to the kingdom of God on the earth, the keys of which kingdom have been conferred upon you.
And inasmuch as my people build an house unto me, in the name of the Lord, and do not suffer any unclean thing to come into it, that it be not defiled, my glory shall rest upon it; yea, and my presence shall be there, for I will come into it, and all the pure in heart that shall come into it, shall see God: but if it be defiled I will not come into it, and my glory shall not be there, for I will not come into unholy temples.
And now behold if Zion do these things, she shall prosper and spread herself and become very glorious, very great, and very terrible; and the nations of the earth shall honor her, and shall say, surely Zion is the city of our God: and surely Zion cannot fall, neither be moved out of her place, for God is there, and the hand of the Lord is there, and he hath sworn by the power of his might to be her salvation, and her high tower: therefore verily thus saith the Lord let Zion rejoice, for this is Zion, THE PURE IN HEART: therefore let Zion rejoice, while all the wicked shall mourn: for behold and lo, vengeance cometh speedily upon the ungodly, as the whirlwind, and who shall escape it: the Lord's scourge shall pass over by night and by day; and the report thereof shall vex all people; yet, it shall not be stayed until the Lord come: for the indignation of the Lord is kindled against their abominations, and all their wicked works: nevertheless Zion shall escape if she observe to do all things whatsoever I have commanded her, but if she observe not to do whatsoever I have commanded her, I will visit her according to all her works with sore affliction; with pestilence; with plague; with sword; with vengeance, with devouring fire: nevertheless, let it be read this once in their ears, that I the Lord have accepted of their offering; and if she sin no more, none of these things shall come upon her, and I will bless her with blessings and multiply a multiplicity of blessings upon her, and upon her generations, forever and ever, saith the Lord your God. Amen"
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On the 6th instant, I received the following
Revelation, given, August, 1833
"Verily I way unto you, my friends, fear not, let your hearts be comforted; yea, rejoice evermore, and in every thing give thanks, waiting patiently on the Lord: for your prayers have entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth, and are recorded with this seal and testament: the Lord hath sworn and decreed that they shall be granted: therefore he giveth this promise unto you, with an immutable covenant, that they shall be fulfilled, and all things wherewith you have been afflicted, shall work together for your good, and to my name's glory, saith the Lord.
And now verily I say unto you, concerning the laws of the land, it is my will that my people should observe to do all things whatsoever I command them, and that law of the land, which is constitutional, supporting that principle of freedom, in maintaining rights and privileges belongs to all mankind and is justifiable before me: therefore I the Lord justifieth you, and your brethren of my church, in befriending that law which is the constitutional law of the land: and as pertaining to law of man, whatsoever is more or less than these, cometh of evil. I the Lord maketh you free: nevertheless when the wicked rule the people mourn: wherefore honest men and wise men should be sought for, diligently, and good men and wise men, ye should observe to uphold; otherwise whatsoever is less than these, cometh of evil.
And I give unto you a commandment, that ye shall forsake all evil and cleave unto all good, that ye shall live by every word which proceedeth forth out of the mouth of God: for he will give unto the faithful, line upon line: precept upon precept: and I will try you, and prove you herewith: and whoso layeth down his life in my cause, for my name's sake, shall find it again; even life eternal: therefore be not afraid of your enemies, for I have decreed in my heart, saith the Lord, that I will prove you in all things, whether you will abide in my covenant, even unto death, that you may be found worthy: for if will not abide in my covenant, ye are not worthy of me: therefore renounce war and proclaim peace, and seek diligently to turn the hearts of their children to their fathers, and the hearts of the fathers to the children. And again the hearts of the Jews unto the prophets; and the prophets unto the Jews, lest I come and smite the whole earth with a curse, and all flesh be consumed before me. Let not your hearts be troubled, for in my Father's house are many mansions, and I have prepared a place for you, and where my Father and I am , there ye shall be also.
Behold I the Lord am not well pleased with many who are in the church at Kirtland, for they do not forsake their sins, and their wicked ways, the pride of their hearts, and their covetousness, and all their detestable things, and observe the words of wisdom and eternal life which I have given unto them. Verily I say unto you, that I the Lord will chasten them and will do whatsoever I list, if they do not repent and observe all things whatsoever I have said unto them. And again I say unto you, if ye observe to do whatsoever I command you, I the Lord will turn away all wrath and indignation from you, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against you.
Now I speak unto you, concerning your families: if men will smite you, or your families, once and ye bear it patiently and revile not against them, neither seek revenge, ye shall be rewarded; but if ye bear it not patiently, it shall be accounted unto you as being meeted out a just measure unto you. And again if your enemy shall smite you the second time, and you revile not against your enemy, and bear it patiently, your reward shall be an hundred fold. And again if he shall smite you the third time, and ye bear it patiently, your reward shall be doubled unto you four fold: and these three testimonies shall stand against your enemy, if he repent not, and shall not be blotted out.-And now verily I say unto you if that enemy shall escape my vengeance that he be not brought into judgment before me, then ye shall see to it, that ye warn him in my name that he come no more upon you, neither upon your family, even your children's children unto the third and fourth generation: and then if he shall come upon you, or your children or your children's children, unto the third and fourth generation: I have delivered thine enemy into thine hands, and then if thou wilt spare him thou shalt be rewarded for thy righteousness: and also thy children and they children's children unto the third and fourth generation: nevertheless thine enemy is in thine hands, and if thou reward him according to his works, thou art justified, if he has sought thy life, and thy life is endangered by him; thine enemy is in thine hands, and thou art justified.
Behold this is the law I gave unto my servant Nephi; and thy father Joseph, and Jacob and Isaac, and Abraham, and all mine ancient prophets and apostles. And again this is the law that I gave unto mine ancients, that they should not go out unto battle against any nation, kindred, tongue, or people, save I the Lord commanded them. And if any nation,
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tongue, or people should proclaim war against them, they should first lift a standard of peace unto that people, nation, or tongue, and if that people did not accept the offering of peace, neither the second nor the third time, they should bring these testimonies before the Lord; then I the Lord would give unto them a commandment, and justify them in going out to battle against that nation, tongue, or people, and I the Lord would fight their battles, and their children's battles and their children's children until they had avenged themselves on all their enemies, to the third and fourth generation, behold this is an ensample unto all people, saith the Lord your God, for justification before me.
And again verily I say unto you, if, after thine enemy has come upon thee the first time, he repent and come unto thee praying thy forgiveness thou shalt forgive him and shall hold it no more as a testimony against thine enemy, and so on unto the second and the third time; and so oft as thine enemy repenteth of the trespass wherewith he has trespassed against thee, thou shalt forgive him, until seventy times seven; and if he trespass against thee and repent not the first time, nevertheless thou shalt forgive him; and if he trespass against thee the second time, and repent not, nevertheless thou shalt forgive him; and if he trespass against thee the third time and repent not, thou shalt also forgive him; and if he trespass against thee the fourth time, thou shalt not forgive him but shall bring these testimonies before the Lord, and they shall not be blotted out until he repent and reward thee four fold in all things where with he has trespassed against you; and if he do this thou shalt forgive him with all thine heart, and if he do not this, I the Lord will avenge thee of thine enemy an hundred fold; and upon his children, and upon his children's children, all of them that hate me, unto the third and fourth generation; but if the children shall repent, or the children's children and turn unto the Lord their God with all their hearts, and with all their might, mind, and strength, and restore four fold for all their father's fathers then thine indignation shall be turned away and vengeance shall no more come upon them, saith the Lord your God, and their trespasses shall never be brought any more as a testimony before the Lord against them.-Amen."
August 21st. At a council of high priests in Zion, Elder Christian Whitmer was ordained to the high priesthood: and on the 28th, the council resolved, that no high priest, elder of priest, shall ordain any priest, elder or high priest in the land of Zion, without the consent of a conference of high priests.
Soon after the arrival of Oliver Cowdery at Kirtland arrangements were made to dispatch Elders Orson Hyde and John Gould to Jackson county, Missouri, with advice to the saints in their unfortunate situation through the late outrage of the mob.
On the 11th of September, the following members, residing in Kirtland, viz: F. G. Williams, Sidney Rigdon, N. K. Whitney, with myself, and Oliver Cowdery, delegate to represent the residue of the members in Independence, Missouri, met in council to consider the expediency of establishing a printing press in Kirtland, when it was resolved, unanimously, that a press be established, and conducted under the firm of F. G. Williams & Co.
Resolved, that the above firm publish a paper, as soon as arrangements can be made, entitled the "LATTER-DAY SAINTS MESSENGER AND ADVOCATE."
Resolved, also, that the Star, formerly published in Jackson county, Missouri, by the firm of W. W. Phelps & Co., be printed in this place by the firm of F. G. Williams & Co.; and to be conducted by Oliver Cowdery, one of the members of the firm, until it is transferred to its former location.
The same day, Bishop Partridge was acknowledged by the council in Zion, to be the head of the church, of Zion, at that time; and, by virtue of his office, was acknowledged the moderator or president of the council or conferences.
Ten high priests were appointed to watch over the ten branches of the church in Zion.
A hymn, concerning the travels, toils, troubles, and tribulations of the Nephites, was sung in tongues by Elder W. W. Phelps; interpreted by Elder Lyman Wight.
September 26th. The council again assembled in Zion, and ordained Jesse Hitchcock, Elias Higbee and Isaac Higbee, high priests.
Brother John Tanner sent his two sons to Kirtland to learn the will of the Lord, whether he should remove to Zion or Kirtland, and it was decided by the unanimous voice of the council on the 28th of September, that it was the will of the Lord for all, who were able and willing, to build up and strengthen the stake in Kirtland; and Brother Tanner was counselled [counseled] accordingly.
About this time, Elders Hyde and Gould arrived at Zion, and the church having made the necessary preparations, Elders W. W. Phelps and Orson Hyde were dispatched to the Governor
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of Missouri, residing at Jefferson City, with the following petition:
"To His Excellency Daniel Dunklin, Governor of the State of Missouri.
We, the undersigned, citizens of the republic of the United States of America, inhabitants of the State of Missouri, and residents of Jackson county, members of the Church of Christ, (vulgarly called Mormons.) believing in God, and worshipping him according to his revealed will contained in the Holy Bible, and the fulness [fullness] of the gospel contained in the Book of Mormon, and the revelations and commandments of God through Jesus Christ, respectfully show:-
That, we your petitioners, having purchased lands of the United States, and of the State of Missouri, and of the inhabitants of said State, for the purpose of improving the same and peaceably enjoying our rights, privileges, immunities and religion, according to the constitution and laws of the state and national governments, have suffered unjustly and unlawfully in property, in person, and in reputation, as follows:
First, in the spring of 1832, some persons, in the deadly hours of the night, commenced stoning or brick-batting some of our houses and breaking in our windows, disturbing ourselves, our wives and our children, and also, some few days after, they called a county meeting to consult measures to remove us, but after some confusion among themselves, they dispersed with doing no more than threatening, on that day. In the fall of the same year, they or some one, burned a large quantity of hay in the stack; and soon after commenced shooting into some of our houses, and at many times insulting with abusive language.
Secondly, about the middle of July last, yea, in fact, previous, they commenced brick-batting our houses again, and breaking in our windows. At this time, July 18th, the following document was in circulation:
'We, the undersigned, citizens of Jackson county, believing that an important crisis is at hand, as regards our civil society, in consequence of a pretended religious sect of people, that have settled and are still settling in our county, styling themselves Mormons, and intending, as we do to rid our society, peaceably if we can, forcibly if we must,' and believing as we do, that the arm of the civil law does not afford us a guarantee, or at least a sufficient one against the evils which are now inflicted upon us and seem to be increasing by the said religious sect, deem it expedient, and of the highest importance to form ourselves into a company for the better and easier accomplishment of our purpose, a purpose which we deem it almost superfluous to say, is justified as well by the law of nature, as by the law of self-preservation,
It is more than two years since the first of these fanatics, or knaves, (for one or the other they undoubtedly are) made their first appearance amongst us, and pretending as they did, and now do, to hold personal communication and converse face to face with the Most High God, to receive communications and revelations direct from heaven; to heal the sick by laying on hands, and in short, to perform all the wonder working miracles wrought by the inspired apostles and prophets of old.
We believed them deluded fanatics or weak designing knaves, and that they and their pretentions would soon pass away; but in this we were deceived. The arts of a few designing leaders amongst them have thus far succeeded in holding them together as a society, and since the arrival of the first of them they have been daily increasing in numbers, and if they had been respectable citizens in society, and thus deluded, they would have been entitled to our pity rather than to our contempt and hatred; but from their appearance, from their manners, and from their conduct, since their coming among us, we have every reason to fear, that with but very few exceptions, they were of the very dregs of that society from which they came, lazy, idle and vicious.-This we conceive is not idle assertion, but a fact susceptible of proof, for with these few exceptions above named, they brought into our county little or no property with them, and left less behind them, and we infer, that those only yoked themselves to the Mormon car, who had nothing earthly or heavenly, to lose by the change; and we fear that if some of the leaders amongst them, had paid the forfeit due to crime, instead of being chosen ambassadors of the Most High, they would have been inmates of solitary cells. But their conduct here stamps their characters in their true colors. More than a year since, it was ascertained that they had been tampering with our slaves, and endeavoring to sow dissentions and raise seditions amongst them. Of this their Mormon leaders were informed, and they said they would deal with any of their members who should again, in like case offend, but how specious are appearances, in a late number of the Star, published in Independence by the leaders of the sect, there is an article inviting free negroes and mulattoes from other States to become Mormons and remove and settle among us, this exhibits them in still more odious colors. It manifests a desire on the part of their society,
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to inflict on our society an injury that they know would be to us entirely insupportable, and one of the surest means of driving us from the county; for it would require none of the supernatural gifts that they pretend to, to see that the introduction of such a cast amongst us, would corrupt our blacks and instigate them to bloodshed.
They openly blaspheme the most high God, and cast contempt on his holy religion, by pretending to receive revelations direct from heaven, by pretending to speak unknown tongues, by direct inspiration, and by diverse pretences [pretenses] derogatory of God and religion, and to the utter subversion of human reason:
They declare openly that their God hath given them this county of land, and that sooner or later they must and will have the possession of our lands for an inheritance, and in fine they have conducted themselves on many other occasions in such a manner, that we believe it a duty we owe ourselves, to our wives and children, to the cause of public morals, to remove them from among us, as we are not prepared to give up our pleasant places, and goodly possessions to them, or to receive into the bosom of our families, as fit companions for our wives and daughters, the degraded and corrupted free negroes and mulattoes, that are now invited to settle among us.
Under such a state of things even our beautiful county would cease to be a desirable residence, and our situation intolerable! We, therefore, agree, that after timely warning, and receiving an adequate compensation for what little property they cannot take with them, they refuse to leave us in peace, as they found us, we agree to use such means as may be sufficient to remove them, and to that end we each pledge to each other our bodily powers, our lives, fortunes, and sacred honors.
We will meet at the court house at the town of Independence, on Saturday, next, 20th inst. to consult ulterior movements.'
Among the hundreds of names attached to the above document were:-
Lewis Franklin, jailor [jailer]; Samuel C. Owens, county clerk; Russel Hicks, deputy clerk; R. W. Cummins, Indian agent; Jones H. Flournoy, Post Master; S. D. Colonel and Judge of the court; Henry Chiles, Attorney at Law; N. K. Olmstead, M. D.; John Smith, J. P.; Samuel Weston, J. P.; William Brown, Constable; Abner F. Staples, Captain; Thomas Pitcher, deputy Constable; Moses G. Wilson, and Thomas Wilson, merchants.
On Saturday the 20th of July last, according to the foregoing document, there assembled suddenly in the town of Independence at the court house, between four and five hundred persons, who sent Robert Johnson, James Campbell, Moses Wilson, Joel F. Childs, Richard Fristoe, Abner F. Staples, Gan Johnson, Lewis Franklin, Russel Hicks, S. D. Lucas, Thomas Wilson, James M. Hunter, and Richard Simpson, to some of your petitioners, namely, Edward Partridge, A. S. Gilbert, John Corrill, Isaac Morley, John Whitmer, and W. W. Phelps, and demanded that we should immediately stop the publication of the Evening and Morning Star, and close printing in Jackson county, and that we, as elders of said church, should agree to remove out of the county forthwith. We asked for three months, for consideration-They would not grant it-We asked for ten days-They would not grant it, but said fifteen minutes was the longest, and refused to hear any reasons: of course the conversation broke up.
The four or five hundred persons, as a Mob, then proceeded to demolish or raze to the ground, the printing office and dwelling house of W. W. Phelps & Co. Mrs. Phelps, with a sick infant child and the rest of her children, together with the furniture in the house, were thrown out doors: the press was broken, the type pied-the book work, furniture, apparatus, property, &c., of the office were principally destroyed and the office thrown down, whereby seven hands were thrown out of employment and three families, left destitute of the means of subsistence.
The loss of the whole office, including the stoppage of the Evening and Morning Star, a monthly paper, and the Upper Missouri Advertiser, a weekly paper, was about six thousand dollars, without the damages, which must result in consequence of their suspension.
The mob then proceeded to demolish the store house and destroy the goods of Gilbert, Whitney & Co.; but Mr. Gilbert assuring them that the goods should be packed by the 23rd inst: they then stopped the destruction of property and proceeded to do personal violence. They took Edward Partridge; the bishop of the church from his dwelling house by force, and a Mr. Allen, and stripping them of their coats, vests and hats, or caused them to do it themselves, tarred and feathered them in the presence of the mob before the court house.-They caught other members of the church to serve them in like manner, but they made their escape. With horrid yells and the most blasphemous epithets, they sought for other leading elders, but found them not. It being late, they adjourned until the 23rd inst.
On the 23rd inst., early in the day, the mob again assembled to the number of about five
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hundred, many of them armed with rifles, dirks, pistols, clubs and whips; one or two companies riding into town bearing the red flag, raising again the horrid yell. They proceeded to take some of the leading elders by force, declaring it to be their intention to whip them from fifty to five hundred lashes apiece, to demolish their dwelling houses, and let their negroes loose to go through our plantations and lay open our fields for the destruction of our crops.-
Whereupon, John Corrill, John Whitmer, W. W. Phelps, A. S. Gilbert, Edward Partridge, and Isaac Morley, made no resistance, but offered themselves a ransom for the church, willing to be scourged or die, if that would appease their anger toward the church, but being assured by the mob, that every man, woman, and child would be whipped or scourged until they were driven out of the county, as the mob declared that they or the Mormons must leave the county, or they, or the Mormons must die.
The mob then chose a new committee, consisting of Samuel C. Owens, Leonidas Oldham, G. W. Simpson, M. L. Irwin, John Harris, Henry Chiles, Harvey H. Younger, Hugh L. Breazeal, N. K. Olmstead, James C. Sadler, William Bowers, Benjamin Majors, Zachariah Waller, Harman Gregg, Aaron Overton and Samuel Weston, who, with Edward Partridge, Isaac Morley, John Corrill, W. W. Phelps, A. S. Gilbert, and John Whitmer, entered into the following stipulation:
'Memorandum of agreement between the undersigned of the Mormon society, in Jackson county, Missouri, and a committee appointed by a public meeting of the citizens of said county, made the 23rd day of July, 1833.
It is understood that the undersigned members of the society, do give their solemn pledge each for himself, as follows, to wit:
That Oliver Cowdery, W. W. Phelps, William E. McLellin, Edward Partridge, Lyman Wight, Simeon Carter, Peter and John Whitmer, and Harvey Whitlock, shall remove with their families out of this county, on or before the first day of January next, and that they as well as the two hereinafter named, use all their influence to induce all the brethren now here, to remove as soon as possible-one half, say, by the first of January next, and all by the first day of April next. To advise and try all means in their power, to stop any more of their sect from moving to this county; and as to those now on the road, they will use their influence to prevent their settling permanently in the county, but that they shall only make arrangements for temporary shelter, till a new location is agreed on for the society. John Corrill and Algernon S. Gilbert, are allowed to remain as general agents to wind up the business of the society, so long as necessity shall require; and said Gilbert may sell out his merchandise now on hand, but is to make no new importations.
The 'Star' is not again to be published, not a press set up by any of the society in this county.
If the said Edward Partridge and W. W. Phelps move their families by the first day of January, as aforesaid, that they themselves will be allowed to go and come in order to transact and wind up their business.
The committee pledge themselves to use all their influence to prevent any violence being used so long as a compliance with the foregoing terms is observed by the parties concerned.'
To which agreement is subscribed the names of the above named committee, as also those of the Mormon brethren named in the report as having been present.
The damages, which your petitioners have sustained in consequence of this outrage and stipulation are, at present, incalculable. A great number of industrious inhabitants who were dependant [dependent] on their labors for support, have been thrown out of employment and are kept so by the threatnings [threatening] of those who compose the mob. [See their resolutions as published in the Western Monitor, number 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.] In estimating the damages which have resulted from the beginning to this time from those illegal and inhuman proceedings against your poor and persecuted petitioners, were they to name many thousand of dollars, it would be short of a remuneration. Most of the mechanic's shops have been closed, two pair of blacksmith's bellows have been cut in pieces. Our merchant, as you will see by the foregoing stipulation, has been forbidden to import or bring into the country any more goods, by which his business has been ruined. Soon after the above stipulation was made, some of your petitioners proceeded to make a new location in Van Buren county on the south but the settlers in that country drew up an agreement among themselves to drive us from that country after we had commenced laboring there; they threatened to shoot our cattle and destroy our labor, and in fact, "The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but we have not where to lay our heads." We were obliged to return.
Since the stipulation was entered into some of our houses have been broken open and the inmates threatened to be shot if they stirred,
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and also some of our houses have been stoned or brick-batted.
Also, that since some publications have appeared in the Western Monitor and other papers, censuring the conduct of the mob the leaders have begun to threaten life, declaring that if any of the Mormons attempted to seek redress by law or otherwise, for character, person or property, they would die!
Now therefore, for ourselves, as members of the church, we declare, with the exception of poverty, which has not yet become a crime, by the laws of the land, that the crimes charged against us, (so far as we are acquainted,) contained in the documents above written, and those in the proceedings of the mob, as published in the Western Monitor of August 2nd, are not true. In relation to inviting free people of color to emigrate to this section of country-and other matters relative to our society, see the 109th, 10th, and 11th pages of the Evening and Morning Star, and the Extra accompanying the same, dated July 16th-which are annexed to this petition. Our situation is a critical one, we are located upon the western limits of the state, and of the United States-where desperadoes can commit outrages and even murder, and escape, in a few minutes, beyond the reach of process-where the most abandoned of all classes from almost every state may too often pass to the Mexican states, or to the more remote regions of the Rocky Mountains to escape the grasp of justice-where numerous tribes of Indians, located by the general government amid the corrupting influence of mid-day mobs, might massacre our defenceless [defenseless] women and children, with impunity.
Influenced by the precepts of our beloved Savior, when we have been smitten on the one cheek, we have turned the other also, when we have been sued at the law, and our coat been taken, we have given them our cloak also, when they have compelled us to go with them a mile, we have gone with them twain, we have borne the above outrages without murmuring:-But we cannot patiently bear them any longer: According to the laws of God and man, we have borne enough. Believing, with all honorable men, that whenever that fatal hour shall arrive that the poorest citizen's person, property, or rights and privileges, shall be trampled upon by a lawless mob with impunity, that moment a dagger is plunged into the heart of the constitution and the union must tremble! Assuring ourselves that no republican will suffer the liberty of the press; the freedom of speech, and the liberty of conscience, to be silenced by a mob, without raising a helping hand, to save this country from disgrace. We solicit assistance, to obtain our rights; holding ourselves amenable to the laws of our country whenever we transgress them.
Knowing, as we do, that the threats of this mob, in most cases, have been put into execution, and knowing also, that every officer, civil and military, with a very few exceptions, has pledged his life and honor, to force us from the county, dead or alive; and believing that civil process cannot be served without the aid of the Executive; and not wishing to have the blood of our defenceless [defenseless] women and children to stain the land which has once been stained by the blood of our fathers to purchase our liberty; we appeal to the Governor for aid; asking him by express proclamation, or otherwise, to raise a sufficient number of troops, who, with us, may be empowered to defend our rights, that we may sue for damages in the loss of property-for abuse-for defamation, as to ourselves; and if advisable try for treason against the government;-that the law of the land may not be defied, nor nullified, but peace restored to our country:-And we will ever pray."
From the Christian Reflector.
It is but a few weeks since the death of Joe Smith was announced. His body now sleeps, and his spirit has gone to its reward. Various are the opinions of men concerning this singular personage; but whatever may be the views of any reference to his principles, objects, or moral character, all must admit that he was one of the most remarkable men of the age.
Not fifteen years have elapsed since a band composed of six persons, was formed in Palmyra, N. Y., of which Joseph Smith, jr. was the presiding genius. Most of these were connected with the family of Smith, the senior. They were notorious for breach of contracts and the repudiation of their honest debts. All of them were addicted to vice. They obtained their living not by honorable labor, but by deceiving their neighbors with their marvellous [marvelous] tales of money digging. Notwithstanding the low origin, poverty, and profligacy of the members of that band of mountebanks, they have augmented their members till more than one hundred thousand persons are now numbered among the followers of the Mormon Prophet, and never were increasing so rapidly as at the time of his death. Joe Smith arose from the very lowest grade of society, to the head of this large body, without any of those aids, by which most other men have ascended to their high stations.-He is represented by those acquainted with him, as uneducated, uncouth in his manners, dissipated in his habits, and disgusting in his
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personal appearance; and yet unaided by the influence of literature, or the patronage of the great, he induced thousands to obey his mandates, and to rally around his standard. He fought his way through all these adverse circumstances, and left the impress of his depraved genius upon his age, and his name will not be forgotten when that of many a statesman has long been buried in oblivion.
Born in the very lowest walks of life, reared in poverty, educated in vice, having no claims to even common intelligence, coarse and vulgar in deportment, the Prophet Smith succeeded in establishing a religious creed, the tenets of which have been taught throughout the length and breadth of America. The prophet's virtues have been rehearsed and admired in Europe; the ministers of Nauvoo have even found a welcome in Asia, and Africa has listened to the grave sayings of the seer of Palmyra. The standard of the Latter-day Saints has been reared on the banks of the Nile, and even the Holy Land has been entered by the emissaries of this wicked impostor.
He founded a city in one of the most beautiful situations in the world,-in a beautiful curve of the 'father of waters,' of no mean pretension, and in it he has collected a population of twenty-five thousand from every part of the earth. He planned the architecture of a magnificent temple, and reared its walls nearly fifty feet which if completed, will be the most beautiful, most costly, and the most noble building in America. Its walls are of solid stone, four feet in thickness; supported by thirty stone pillars. That building is a monument pointing the traveler to the genius of its founder.
The acts of his life exhibit a character as incongruous as it is remarkable. If we can credit his own words, and the testimony of eye-witnesses, he was at the same time, the vicegerent of God, and a tavern keeper-a prophet of Jehovah, and a base libertine-a minister of the religion of peace, and a lieutenant general-a ruler of tens of thousands, and a slave to all his own base unbridled passions-a preacher of righteousness, and a profane swearer-a worshipper of the God of Israel, and a devotee of Bacchus-mayor of a city, and a miserable barroom fiddler-a judge upon the judicial bench, and an invader of the civil, social and moral relations of men; and notwithstanding these inconsistencies of character, there are not wanting thousands who are willing to stake their souls eternal salvation upon his veracity. For aught [ought] we know, time and distance will embellish his life with some new and rare virtues which his most intimate friends failed to discover while living with him.
Reasoning from effect to cause, we must conclude that the Mormon prophet was of no common genius; few are able to commence and carry out an imposition like his, so long, and to such an extent. And we see, in the history of his success, most striking proofs of the gullibility of a large portion of the human family.-What may not men be induced to believe?
(->) Remarks.-Amid such a volume of smoke, we look for some fire; and we generally find it. The 'Prophet' of New York, has some capital touches on this subject, but their length precludes us, at present, from copying them.
There is a spirit in man, possessed of so much "divinity," that it will discover truth by its own light; no matter whether it is covered with a 'sectarian cloak,' or thrown among the rubbish of scoffers. For this reason we copy the foregoing eulogy on General Joseph Smith, one of the greatest men that ever lived on the earth; emphatically proved so, by being inspired by God to bring forth the Book of Mormon, which gives the true history of the natives of this continent; their ancient glory and cities:-which cities have been discovered by Mr. Stevens in Central America, exactly were the Book of Mormon left them. Write on, gentlemen, you can do nothing against the truth but for it.
To be short, we will sort out of two paragraphs according to truth, and let them speak for themselves.
With his friends. With his enemies.
"God's vicegerent: "A tavern keeper;
A prophet of Jehovah; A base libertine;
A minister of religion; A ruler of tens of thousands and slave
A lieutenant general; to his own base unbridled passions;
A preacher of righteousness; A profane swearer;
A worshipper of the God of Israel; A devotee of Bacchus;
A mayor of a city; A miserable bar room-fiddler;
A judge upon the judicial bench; An invader of the civil, social and
moral relations of men"
And upon these consistencies He and his followers believe in direct
of character there are not wanting revelations, and the gathering of old
thousands, who are willing to stake Israel, and the gifts, and spiritual
their souls eternal salvation upon wife doctrine
his veracity"-and all according to Dr. J. C. Bennett's
this because the spirit of system.
God in their hearts and his
works testify to the truth.
[And upon these consistencies of character there are not wanting thousands, who are willing to stake their souls eternal salvation upon his veracity" and all this because the spirit of God in their hearts and his works testify to the truth.]
[He and his followers believe in direct revelations, and the gathering of old Israel, and the gifts, and spiritual wife doctrine, according to Dr. J. C. Bennett's system.]
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But enough: like as the serene sky, after a storm, shows the sun, moon, and stars more beautiful, so does the revelations, truths, and exalted views of Joseph Smith, the martyred prophet, glitter among such fag ends of corruption. Light, love, and liberty will triumph.
APRIL 1, 1845.
Notwithstanding the ebullitions of apostates, and their terrible exits; notwithstanding the awful assassination of our inspired prophet and patriarch; notwithstanding the legislature of Illinois have feloniously robbed us of our charter, and notwithstanding a knot of vagabond newspapers, by publishing outrageous falsehoods to inflame the public mind against us; have rolled up the black thunder heads of mobocracy, to scatter "the fire shower of ruin," yet Nauvoo keeps the even tenor of its way. The spring has met us with an early emigration of saints, never before equalled [equaled]: they come by land and water.
Nor is this all: goods, wares, and articles of necessity, came also: and tithings for the Temple, in money and in meat, have recently cheered the hearts of the Trustees, and building committee, and nerved the arms of the labors with a celestial kind of feeling, that runs from heart to heart, and causes a whisper to mingle with the busy hum of business: that God means to move on his work with rapidity.
The rearing of houses; the opening of gardens; the breaking up of adjacent prairies; the manufacture of articles for foreign exportation, at the mechanic shops, and the preparations to make our own commodities for home consumption, all give the lie to the false insinuation that Nauvoo cannot live without a charter.
The work of the Temple goes on as fast as possible, and, in fact, the anxiety is so great to labor upon this great house of the Lord, that the committee frequently have to set men at other work. A trench is being excavated about six feet wide and six feet deep, around a square of about six or eight acres, which will be filled with stone, and upon which will be placed an iron fence for the security of the Temple, and Tabernacle.
There never was so great union in the city before; with a few exceptions the whole population are saints, and are governed as easy as a "gentle hand would lead an elephant by a hair" The "exceptions" are mainly men who hang on "to keep tavern, stores, or groceries," contrary to the expressed wishes of the majority of the citizens; and why they "hang on" and as it were "beg" for a chance to shave the saints, for a little money, and occasionally corrupt their good feelings with a little of the good creature, called strong drink, or by gambling; or by trying to introduce the custom of debauchery, is really a matter of common notoriety and surprise! The goodly, who tithe themselves are really in hopes, that these men will take a modest hint to sell out and go where their business can be prosecuted with more patronage and less offence [offense].
It is almost a miracle to see so large a population reside so happily together, without strife and litigation. Our justices have little to do in the line of suing. There are two men in the Church, here, that still hold on to the skirts of Blackstone, but all the business they have to do among the saints, will hardly afford them an excuse for the title of lawyer. They will find the promulgation of the gospel more lucrative, than peddling law, unless the surrounding country should require there professional services aside from any difficulties in Nauvoo.
Nor are the services of physicians held in so great repute in Nauvoo, that the saints confide in medicine; but rather the commandments of God are look [looked] to as being far more safe than trusting in an arm of flesh. There is but one Doctor that does much business in his profession, and that is surgery.
Upon the whole, the union, perseverance, and love which pervades the bosoms of the saints, actually astonishes the world, and causes peace to reign in our midst: for which beseeching him to continue these favors until the kingdoms of this world, shall become perfect.
The mission to the Islands of the south Pacific ocean, as will be seen by a reference to the letters published in the last number of the Times and Seasons, &c., has resulted in success and glory, beyond our most sanguine expectations. We therefore feel grateful to our heavenly Father for his favor so signally bestowed for the advancement of his last kingdom.
The success thus far, being so perfect an index to what must eventually be done towards carrying salvation to the remnants of the seed of Abraham, scattered over the face of the earth,
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that we have concluded to bring together a few ideas relating to the history of those regions for further reflection.
The region under the name of Oceanica, embracing a vast number of Islands in the north and south Pacific ocean, contains about 4,600,000 square miles of land independent of water; and, at least 18,000,000 of inhabitants, most of whom are heathens; especially so, if we let the injuries to their morals, brought about by the introduction of spiritous [spirituous] liquors, gambling, debauchery, and other sins, by white men and Christendom, have any weight in the scale of calculation.
This region is subdivided into three grand divisions, viz: Malaysia; Australasia, and Polynesia. Malaysia lies south of China, and comprises the following Islands and groups:-Sumatra, Java, Borneo, (the largest of this division) Phillipine [Philippine] Islands, Celebes, Spice Islands, Sooloo Islands, Timo, Florris, Sumbawa, &c.-They all lie near the equator in north and south latitude.
Australasia, the second division, lies southeast of the former, and south of the equator, as far as 50 degrees of south latitude, and comprises, Australia (the largest) Van Diemen's land, New Zealand, New Guinea, New Britain, New Hebrides and New Caledonia. Australia is the great depot for the transportation of British convicts.
The third and last, Polynesia, lies east of the other two, and east of the continent of Asia, and comprises all the lesser Islands in the Pacific, both in north south latitude, viz: the Sandwich, the Massachusetts, the Archipellago , Drake's Philadelphia, Magellan's and a few other Islands lie in the north Pacific; and the Ladrone, Caroline, Central Archipella, Washington, Marquesas, Society and Georgian Group, among which are Tahiti and Tooboui, Cook's Austral, Panmotu, Gambia, Navigator's, Vavan, Habaai, Tongta, Feejee, and many other Islands lie in the south Pacific.
Tahiti in the south Pacific, and Owyhee in the north Pacific, are the most important amongst the nations, though Australia and Borneo are by far the largest.
The climate and productions of these Islands are favorable to the great plan of the Almighty-viz-the gathering of his elect in the last days, for "REST" promised before the foundation of the world.
There is another event just transpired to help on the work. The United States have made arrangements, with the government of New Grenada to carry a mail across the Isthmus of Darien at the city of Panama, whereby we can forward letters to those Islands in less than half the usual time. Every thing operates for the good and glory of God when he will, and so we congratulate the saints on the near approach of the great day when the whole host of Israel, together with all the righteous, will come home to spend a Jubilee with God.
After the flood and after Ham had dishonored the holy priesthood, Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his younger son Ham, had done unto him. And, as the priesthood descended from father to son, he delivered the following curse and blessing, as translated by King James' wise men and recorded in Genesis:
"And he said, cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren."
"And he said, blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant."
"God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant."
History and common observation show that these predictions have been fulfilled to the letter. The descendants of Ham, besides a black skin which has ever been a curse that has followed an apostate of the holy priesthood, as well as a black heart, have been servants to both Shem and Japheth, and the abolitionists are trying to make void the curse of God, but it will require more power than man possesses to counteract the decrees of eternal wisdom.
Again Shem or his descendants were blessed with receiving the revelations, prophets, and Savior:-A blessing truly which even the most sagacious infidel has not been able to explain away.
Again, Japheth has dwelt in Shem's tent, both in the land of Canaan and in America; for "tents" is a figurative expression which in Hebrew, would signify the residence or abode.
Now our short chapter will soon end, for the Savior said Jerusalem should be trodden down till the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled, and the very movement of every nation shows the eternal truth of the above quoted passage of scripture. It frustrates the designs of sectarians; it chokes the deists; astonishes the world, and delights the saints-Amen.
From the Prophet and other sources, we receive the most gratifying intelligence from the branches of the church in the eastern section of the Lord's vineyard. In the city of New York the meetings are well attended; union and joy prevails, and twenty were baptised [baptized] in one evening
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In Philadelphia, the same generous spirit prevails. At Pompton N. J. liberality characterizes the saints, and so far as the knowledge comes to us, there is an earnest desire and a laudable intention, manifested to tithe for the Temple, and support the present authorities.
There never was a better feeling prevailing among the saints, than there is now: so, purging the old dross, and blowing it to the four winds, the gold begins to appear, while confidence, faith, hope and charity-mingled with union, love, and fortitude-make the everlasting gospel what it ever was, a refiner's fire.
"Some time ago says the N. Y. Tribune, the Foreign Missionary Board of the Baptist Triennial Convention, which has the seat of its operations in Boston, in answer to an interrogatory put by Rev. Jesse Hartwell of Alabama, made the following declaration:
'If, however, any one should offer himself as a Missionary, having slaves, and should insist on retaining them as his property, we could not appoint him. One thing is certain; we can never be a party to any arrangement which would imply approbation of slavery'
This avowal, as might naturally have been expected, has caused much excitement and dissatisfaction at the South. The Board of the Virginia Baptist Foreign Missionary Society have published an Address, accompanied by a series of resolutions, in which they pronounce the decision of the Parent Board at Boston unconstitutional and violation of the rights of the Southern members of the Triennial Convention, and declare that all further connection with the Board, on the part of such members, is inexpedient and improper. They also express the opinion that, in the present exigency, it is important that those brethren who are aggrieved by the recent decision of the board in Boston, should hold a Convention (either at Augusta, Geo. [GA] or Richmond, Va.) to confer on the best means of promoting the Foreign Mission cause, and other interests of the Baptist denomination in the South. Such a Convention will probably be held either in May or June next, and there is little doubt that it will work a permanent division between Northern and Southern Raptists [Baptists]. It is thus that one religious sect after another splits on the rock of Slavery, finding it impossible to reconcile the growing anti-slavery sentiment of the North with the slaveholding spirit of the South."
(->) The inference we draw from such church jars among the sectarian world, is, that the glory which professing clergymen think to obtain for themselves by division on slavery, temperance, or any other matter of no consequence to pure religion, is "nothing but vanity and vexation of spirit."
Christ and his apostles taught men repentance, and baptism for remission of sins; faithfulness and integrity to masters and servants; bond and free; black and white, and what was the result? It was that the church in the days of the apostles came unto "Mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the first born, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.
Were it possible for God to be ashamed of his creation, the sectarians bluster about foreign missions, preaching to the heathen, the temperance cause, the light of revelation, would make him blush. The Pharisees and Sadducees among the Jews, never whited more sepulchres [sepulchers], filled with dead bones,)than do the popularity seeking sects of the nineteenth century.
Like the fable of the dog and the meat, the christian community are preparing to lose what little religion they may have possessed, by jumping after the dark shade of abolitionism. So passes falling greatness.
To the parable in our last number.
To make the subject plain, the explanation is given in question and answers.
Q.-1. Who is the king and his son?
A.-The king is the father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Q.-2. Who is the woman?
A.-Christ's Church.
Q.-3. When was the marriage and dinner proposed?
A.-At the time Christ and his apostles offered salvation to the Jews.
Q.-4. Who banished the king's son?
A.-The Jews.
Q.-5. Who put to death the woman's friends?
A.-The Roman Church.
Q.-6. What was the rod?
A.-It was the power and priesthood after the holy order of the son of God, which the church had; and was delivered of it, or rather, it was taken from her in the year 570, and the church fell into the hands of the Pope of Rome.
Q.-7. What were the twelve diamonds?
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A.-The Twelve apostles.
Q.-8. Will the woman or church come out of the wilderness?
A.-Yes, with the same adornings as Solomon saw her.
Q.-9. When will the king's son return?
A.-As soon as the church gathers together and gets ready.
Q.-10. Where is the woman?
A.-She is on the continent of America.
Q.-11. How is she known from other women or churches?
A.-By the Priesthood; by her twelve apostles at her head; the organization of her officers being the ancient order, a presidency, the Twelve, and Seventies, walking by immediate revelation, the only principle of light that ever guided the people of God in any age.
Q.-12. Do the inhabitants of the world, look upon her now, with any less jealousy, than they did eighteen hundred years ago?
A.-No; she is evily treated in like manner.
Q.-13. Who despised the king's dinner?
A.-The Jews when they refused the gospel as offered to them by Jesus Christ in person.
Q.-14. Who were invited to the supper?
A.-The Gentiles, when the apostles said to the Jews, seeing you count yourselves unworthy of eternal life, lo! we turn and invite the Gentiles, that they may be ready at Christ's second coming.
Q.-15. What was the dinner?
A.-It was the gospel of eternal life offered in the days of Christ and his apostles; first to the Jew.
Q.-16. What was the supper?
A.-It is the same gospel offered the second time, first to the Gentiles, that the first (which was the Jews may be last); and the last, (which was the Gentiles may be first.
Q.-17. Who is that will not partake of the supper?
A.-It will be those who refuse to obey the gospel when God sets his hand the second time to organize his kingdom, and calls forth his hunters, and sends them out to preach the everlasting gospel, to all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, saying with a loud voice, hear O ye inhabitants of the earth, and hearken unto the voice of the Lord your God, for he has sent his angel to man on earth, and committed the everlasting gospel to him; saying: fear God and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgment is come, and worship him who made heaven, and earth, and sea, and the fountains of waters.
Q.-18. Who is the messenger sent from the king?
A.-It is the angel that John saw flying from heaven, having the everlasting gospel to commit to man on the earth. A
July 9th, 1840. }
Dear Brother Joseph,
I now embrace this opportunity of writing this epistle to you in order to give you a sketch of my travels since I left you, and of the progress of the work of God in this land, together with the signs of the times and of the conflicts which I and my brethren have endured during our journey to this land. You very well remember the time and situation in which we left our homes;-brother Young and I started together. We were both very sick and we likewise left our families very sick. Not being well able to travel brother Bently took us on our way fifteen miles to brother Duel's. This was on the 18th of September, we tarried at brother Duel's house overnight and next day he took us to Lima. Another brother volunteered there, and the same day took us on our way as far as Quincy which is fifty miles from Commerce. When we arrived at Quincy in consequence of the fatigues of the journey I was taken with the chill fever again at the sisters Pitkin's:-after being there one or two days, I then went to Doctor Staley's and remained under the care of Sister Staley and her daughter until the 25th, my pain and afflictions were very severe. I received great kindness from them and also from the Sisters Pitkin; and I pray that the Lord may abundantly bless them, and administer comfort and blessings to them in every time of need; Elder Young's health was very poor in deed; he was not able to sit up but a little while at a time. While we were at Quincy Brothers George A. Smith, Theodore Turley, and Reuben Hedlock overtook us, they being also considerably sick and very feeble. The saints at Quincy were kind and administered to our wants and assisted us on our journey. My sorrow was great on leaving Quincy as well as on leaving Commerce, to see so many of our brethren sick and dying in consequence of being driven and being exposed to hunger and cold.
We all left Quincy on the 25th, Brother Lyman Wight took Elder Young and myself as far as Brother Charles Rich's distance about 9 miles, Brothers Smith, Turley, and Hedlock had a horse and wagon of their own to help them on their way. Brother Wight left us and predicted many things which should come to pass, left his blessing with us and bid us farewell. May God bless him and save him in
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his kingdom. Next day Brother Rich took us and carried us to Brother Wilber's: while on the road the chills came upon me again, and I suffered much pain and fatigue. When we got there we found Brother Turley sick in bed, and the other brethren not much better. Next day Brother Wilber took us on our journey about twenty five miles; to the place where President Marks resided, at the town of Pitsfield. The other brethren left us at Brother Wilber's and took another road.
Next day Brother Allred carried us about four miles to another town where your Uncle Silas Smith resided, we arrived a few days after his death. Next day Brother Rogers carried us to Morgan county, town of Winchester, to the house of Roswell Murray my father-in-law, where we found two of Elder Young's brothers and one sister; and other brethren of the church who had been scattered into that part from Missouri. These brethren had been stripped of their property and smitten &c. yet we found them in comfortable circumstances, rejoicing in God.
From thence Brother Lorenzo Young carried us to the town of Jacksonville, distance twelve miles; my father-in-law went with us on a visit to his friends in the east. The next day the brethren at Jacksonville carried us to Springfield a distance of about forty miles:-this was on the 5th of October. Here we again met with Brothers Smith, Turley, and Hedlock; at this place Elder Young was taken sick, we remained here until the 11th, then the brethren there gave us a horse and fitted up a wagon, and putting both horses to the wagon we all started together: they also gave us some money to assist us on our journey.-We continued on our journey five or six days until we arrived at Terre Haute on the banks of Wabash river on the 17th, during this time our axle tree broke twice, and we had to suffer hunger in consequence of having to cross large prairies, and the food we got was altogether johnny-cake, and corn dodger, and poor bacon. I was very sick during most part of this journey; sometimes I thought I scarcely could live. We put up at Doctor Modiset's. I was here taken out of the wagon and laid upon the bed; the doctor, his wife, and Elder Young were obliged to watch almost all the night in order to keep a breath of life in me. Next morning the brethren came to us: my feelings were for them to go on their journey and leave me and Brother Young with me. I requested them to lay their hands on me and pray for me, which they did previous to their departure. I was then not able to sit up: they left us in tears, some of them not expecting to behold my face again. In about an hour after the brethren departed I arose from my bed; and in a few days we started on our journey. The doctor took us in his carriage and carried us twenty miles. Then we were taken by Doctor Knight to Pleasant Garden about four miles further.
After tarrying there a few days Elder Babbit carried us ten miles to a brother's house-Next day the brother took us on our journey fifteen miles to the town Bellville [Belleville]. A storm arose which obliged us to put up here. Elder Young was taken very sick and was obliged to go to bed: we tarried until the next morning. The landlord and landlady were very kind to us and received our testimony: and I think I never saw better feelings towards us as a people than was manifested in this place, being southern people, and may the Lord bless them and gather out his elect. The next day we took coach leaving some of the people in tears. We continued on our journey mostly night and day until we arrived at Cleavland [Cleveland?] on November 3rd, where we again overtook Brothers Smith, Turley, and Hadlock and my father-in-law. This reminded me of a prediction which I delivered on the morning they left us, viz. that we would get to Kirtland before they would: same day we proceeded to Kirtland.
The brethren had taken up Brother Taylor on the road where he had been confined by sickness. When we got to Kirtland being overcome by the fatigues of our journey, we were most of us taken sick again with the chill fever, some of us were confined to our beds.-We remained there until the 22nd: some one of us preached in the house of the Lord every Sabbath during our stay there. We found the saints in a rather dis-organized state and disagreed, dwelling upon things that were past and finding fault, We found some few that were very kind to us and administered to us in our sickness, others felt disposed to cast reflections upon us, saying that our sickness came upon us in consequence of our unrighteousness; and when the brethren were suffering keenly from the effects of fatigue and sickness: these things were heaped upon them in an unfeeling manner, and when we were preparing to start on our journey, they would not administer to our wants nor help us on our journey, saying that they did not believe we were sent of God, and casting many other reflections upon us (that is many of them,) if it were necessary I could mention names. May the Lord bless and preserve those who did minister to our necessities, for the time will come when they shall be rewarded for their deeds of kindness. On the 22nd, we left Kirtland for Fairport. We did not sail from this place until the 26th on account
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of a heavy snow storm on the lake. On the 27th we arrived at Buffalo. On the 28th the brethren left me at Byron eight miles east of Batavia and pursued their course to the east, I stayed to visit my friends at Byron.
Next day I took cars for the city of Rochester, and found one of my sisters there. Taking a violent cold I was confined here about a week During this time I stayed one night with Brother Ezra Thayre, he lives two miles from the city. He was glad to see me, and inquired much about you and the rest of the brethren: he seemed to be firm in the faith of the gospel and has much love for his brethren. Brother Thayre then took me in his wagon and carried me to Victor within twelve or fourteen miles of the place where you obtained the record of the Book of Mormon. I remained there until about the tenth of February, preached in Victor twice, baptised [baptized] three, one of them was my wife's brother and his wife. The snow continued about three feet deep while I was there, being very cold and blustering. There is much good feeling towards us as a people in that region.
I took coach at Canandaigua for New York, being short of money to pay my expenses I was confined to one meal a day. When I got to Albany, the North river being froze up, I went part of the way by on the ice by runners, and part of the way by land on wheels. When we went to Jersey city, (as we went up on that side,) the coachman not being willing to fulfil [fulfill] his engagement and take us over to New York, and I being destitute of money, I mentioned it to the passengers and a gentleman put his hand in his pocket and gave me a quarter dollar. Then, when we got to the Ferry, the ferryman wanted six pence more each; not having any, it prompted me to pray to the Lord to blind his eyes so that he might overlook me, it was even so; so we see that God will hear prayer whan [when] we call upon him for small things. We went across the river and put up at the Hotel, where I pawned my trunk for my supper and breakfast.
Next morning I went in pursuit of the brethren, being Sabbath day morning. The first one I met with was Elder P. P. Pratt, I then found Elders Young and O. Pratt, and the rest of the brethren; and if I ever felt to praise God it was then, to get in company with my brethren again. I went with the brethren to meeting and my wants were made known, and I received means to redeem my trnnk [trunk]. The rest of the brethren were in similar circumstances with myself, having come into the city in like manner. When we arrived there we found the saints faithful, but not many adding. We concluded it best to lift up our voices and preach the gospel, and in about two or three weeks, there was upwards of forty added. These together with the other saints administered to our wants and provided for us provisions, bedding and money to go to England.
I never saw greater kindness than was manifested towards us in New York, Philadelphia, and other places: and I feel to bless them in the name of the Lord, that his peace shall rest upon them. On the 9th day of March, six of us went aboard the ship Patrick Henry, viz: B. Young, P. P. Pratt, O. Pratt, G. A. Smith, R. Hedlock and myself; many of the saints went along with us to the ship's side, where we bade them farewell. We set sail the same day on the 6th day of April, we landed at Liverpool, in tolerable health.
During our passage over we had two very heavy gales; the ship's mate said he had not seen such for fifteen years back: the ship's crew was kind to us. We remained in Liverpool until the 9th in company with Elder Taylor who had been there a short time and raised a small church.
On the 9th we took cars for Preston, where in a short time we found Elders Fielding, Richards, and Clayton well and in good spirits promulgating the gospel through the towns and cities. Their joy was great to see us, yea, beyond measure; they had often longed to see us and prayed that the Lord would send us unto them, the saints universally were rejoiced to see us and the news of our arrival spread far and near in a short time. Our enemies had reproached the saints and boasted, because (they said) we should never return; and in fact it was believed amongst the enemies that we should no more return. The saints had been toubled [troubled] some on this account, and consequently their joy was greatly increased to see my face again, and still more to see some of my brethren with me.
Many blessings were poured upon us from all quarters, especially from those who were baptized before we left England; we also found that those who had joined the church since that time joined in the theme of rejoicing, and hailed us with a hearty welcome. As soon as the general bustle was subsided the Twelve met in council and organized themselves, and ordained Elder Richards into the quorum.-Then on the 15th, the churches met in conference in the cock-pit at Preston; the total number of members represented was one thousand six hundred and seventy-one; the churches all in good standing, excepting two. From that conference the brethren separated to different
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parts of the country, some going north, some east, some west, and others south. I remained visiting the old churches in order to strengthen and organize, and build them up; I continued in this way until about the first of July.
During this period many were baptised [baptized] amongst the old churches, and even some who had been cut off from the church, returned and mourned that they had suffered themselves to be overcome. I always was received with the greatest joy, wherever I went, in fact, it has been a general time of rejoicing amongst us. You would be astonished to witness the anxiety which is manifested amongst them for the well-being of the saints in America; and for your own welfare and your counsellors [counselors]; and for the high council, and all the elders, bishops, and officers; and also, to see the interest manifested amongst them for the saints in America, while we have related to them their sufferings, during the late persecution; and notwithstanding we have kept nothing back of the sufferings of the saints in America, yet, it is astonishing to see the universal anxiety there is manifest amongst the saints here to get away to the land of promise and help to build up Zion. As soon as we can possibly get them baptised [baptized] they immediately begin to want to go to America, for they declare that that is Zion. Many of the saints are realizing the gifts of the spirit, many speak in tongues, others interpret, some prophecy, and others have the gift of healing.
The work is rolling on as you will see by the number that were baptized since the last conference. We held our last conference on the 6th of July, in the Carpenter's Hall, Manchester. The number of members then represented was two thousand five hundred and thirteen. There was also stated to be fifty nine elders, one hundred and twenty-two priests, sixty-one teachers, and thirteen deacons; these all in good standing. Before the conference was closed the president called for volunteers to go and preach the gospel; when the number manifested was ascertained to be about twenty-eight, who are immediately going forth; some are gone and the others will speedily follow.
Brothers G. A. Smith, Wilford Woodruff, and myself expect to start for London in about three weeks. Elder Young is going to assist Elder Pratt in the printing while he goes to New York after his family. Elder Richards will remain in the regions round about here until the next conference and will assist some in the office. Elder John Taylor is laboring in Liverpool. Elder O. Pratt is laboring in Edinburgh, Scotland. Brothers Hedlock and Clark are going to Scotland. Brothers Wright and Mulliner are already there. Elder Joseph Fielding is going to Bedford, and Elder William Clayton is going to Birmingham.
I would now say that a large company of the saints are preparing to start for America this fall. And Elder Theodore Turley is appointed to go with them. Many of the churches that I have been amongst are preparing to move off next spring: they are selling their property and settling up their affairs and expect to move off in churches early in the spring. I would also say, that the way is opening for the gospel into Ireland: one brother has been ordained and expects to go there directly; many that have been baptised [baptized] have friends there. One brother has enlisted into the army; Elders Pratt and Young ordained him an elder, and he is gone into the army: we have lately received a letter from him and he is now lifting up his voice in the army.
With regard to the state of the country we may say it is bad indeed: trade appears to be growing worse, in fact, many branches of it is almost at a stand, and not expected much to improve for some months. Thousands are out of employ, and we may safely say that there are thousands famishing for want of bread: we often see in the streets whole families begging for bread; and in many instances some respectable looking characters may be seen singing through the streets to obtain a little bread; it is truly heart rending to see so many small children, nearly naked, going from house to house begging. This scene of things is passing before our eyes daily, and we look upon it with sorrow and regret: at the same time it is that which is spoken of by the mouth of the prophets, and we feel to pray without ceasing that God may roll on his work, and restore that which is lost and establish peace, and that the knowledge of God may cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.
We hear of wars and rumors of wars all around, and we can truly say according to the revelations, that God is about to come out of his hiding place and vex the nations of the earth in consequence of the wicked stewards not being willing to administer justice to the saints of God in America and elsewhere.
I will now give you an extract from the "Northern Star" headed, "Distress of the people of Ireland." "It would be impossible to find words to describe to you the state of the people throughout the provinces for want of food. Potatoes have mounted up to eight pence per fourteen pounds generally; in some places they are ten pence to one shilling, and the contrast of employment is distressing in the extreme. You are long aware from official tables
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laid before the house of Commons, that the average price of labor in Ireland, for thirty or forty weeks in the year, is eight pence per day, for an able bodied man; for the remainder of the season, principally during the summer months, one-fourth of the entire population are blank idle.
Now, observe, a stone (fourteen pounds) of potatoes will hardly give a man, his wife, and four or five children (many of them have ten children) one meal in the day. A stone of potatoes is eight pence to one shilling at present; where then are this vast population to be fed from? Nothing short of the miraculous interference of heaven can save them. Hunger has driven them already to attack the flour and provision stores in Limerick, Ennis, Galway, Menreagh, Killaloe, and at several other places along the banks of the Shannon. Upon one occasion they attacked a boat taking in oats intended for the English market; this they instantly seized, and distributed its contents, six hundred sacks, in small parcels amongst the vast multitude. In every case there was no appearance of drunkenness, but there was every appearance of hunger. Yet while all this is going on, we perceive your bishops and princes, your lords and ladies squandering away thousands upon thousands in idle luxury in London, that enormous den. Dare we contemplate the end?"-Dublin corespondent of the Manchester Advertiser.
These things are coming upon the inhabitants, yet they are blind and cannot see it: they appear to exult over the saints, and when a few fine days come (which are indeed scarce) they cry out to the saints, "where is your famines, pestilences, and judgments you have predicted" we tell them to wait a little while and they shall see them, and then they shall know that we have told the truth. And now after all these things which I have seen, together with the toils, fatigues, labors, pains, and sufferings, which I have endured; I have never had one discouraging moment, nor felt the least dismayed; but with an unshaken confidence I have pressed my way forward, and am still determined to pursue the same path, looking forward to the recompense of reward; and these are the feelings of my brethren as far as I have knowledge; they are in good spirits and we have had a season of rejoicing together for the past few days. Since we came into this land there has been six conferences of the church in different parts to do the business of the church; and there has not been hitherto in all our proceedings, the least discordant voice, and we feel as though God was with us indeed, and does bless us and our labors.
A short time ago I went in a company with Elder Fielding to Burnley, a large town, to visit a church. Having a desire to go down into a coal-pit; I went to the master and told him that I was from America and had a desire to go down into the pit. He consented and fitted us out in colliers clothes, and then let us down the shaft to the depth of one hundred and seventy-four yards or five hundred and twenty-two feet. We then took a course and went from the shaft something more than nine hundred yards, and in this place there was about one hundred men and boys laboring, and six horses which drew the coal from different parts of the mine to the shaft. Burnley is the place where the Danes assembled, when they conquered England; and took the men captive, and took their women to wife. These women entered into a secret combination with each other and appointing a night they slew the Danes and liberated their own husbands.
I must now close my correspondence for the present, and I desire that you would give my love to President H. Smith, and to your father and mother, and to all your friends: to Bishops Partridge, Whitney, and Knight; and to the high council; and to all the elders and saints in Zion; and especially to yourself and family. The brethren all send their love to you and the saints. Please to remember me to my dear wife and children. Brother Clayton wishes to be remembered to you and all the saints. This from your friend and well wisher in the new and everlasting covenant.
To Mr. Joseph Smith, Jr.
The Times and Seasons, Is Printed and Published about the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by JOHN TAYLOR, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR.
TERMS.-Two Dollars per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to John Taylor, editor, POST PAID, or they will not receive attention
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