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TO OPEN this chapter we quote the words of President Smith, published in the church organ, The Saints' Herald, for January 1, 1873:
With feelings of profound thankfulness to God do we begin the New Year.
The year past has been a very active year. Shall the present one be less so?
The notable departures from this earthly life, so far as the church has been affected thereby, are Bro. William Marks, Sr., Brn. George Bellamy, J. B. Brown, Austin Cowles, N. H. Ditterline, Duty Griffith, Edward Johnson, John Norton, and Alva Smith, all good men. The most of these brethren were old-time Saints, faithful and true. All of them were of very excellent service to the church where they lived. As the New Year comes in we wonder how many that begin it will be left at its close to battle for the right.
Let us hope that the Reaper will be satiated, and will let the sickle rest this year.
We take up the burden of another year at its beginning with anxious solicitude for the faithful administration of all the affairs intrusted [entrusted] to us, and for the faithful coöperation of all engaged with us in the work of the last days.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, p. 16.
Then came cheering news from over the waters. Elder J. T. Davies wrote on January 2, from Aberaman, Wales, as follows:
Since I wrote last, I have to report that we baptized out of the Brighamite order, Elder Daniel Meredith, Elder Philip Price, Deacon Mathew Price, and Sr. Anne Price; and by present prospect there are many more coming. We also baptized two at You-ys-Ystrad Branch, that had never
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been in the church before. I feel that the Lord begins to work on the minds and hearts of the people, and if the spirit of love and peace will be among the Saints great work will be done here.-Saints' Herald, vol. 20, p. 86.
On January 18 Elder Ralph Jenkins, of Galland's Grove, Iowa, wrote from Hayfield, Virginia, announcing that he had been laboring in Virginia since August, 1872, and had accomplished a good work in dispelling prejudice from the minds of the people.
On January 25 Elder T. W. Smith announced from Bandera, Texas, that he had arrived there from Florida and Alabama on the twenty-first instant, in company with Green Shell. He was preparing for active operations there.
On January 28 Elder L. F. West reported from Milton, Florida, as follows:
I think the work here is promising in some respects, while in others there is room for improvement. There are doubtless some good Saints here who are willing to labor and sacrifice for the advancement of Zion's cause. There are far more of the Spirit and spiritual gifts being enjoyed now than heretofore; but in some of the branches old Lucifer has been doing his "level best" for some time, and has overthrown the faith of some. There is also a disposition manifest by those not of the faith to investigate our principles.
The mission of Bro. T. W. Smith has been greatly blessed to the education of the Saints here, more especially to the priesthood. He did me much good in advising, correcting, and instructing me. It was with regret that I parted with him when he left us for Texas. He left a clear record and many warm friends behind. His mission is about ended in the South. Brethren who take his place, never mind the warm climate, many have survived it. I shall keep the field till April, then likely will have to stop a while to provide the necessities of life for my family.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, p. 156.
Elder I. L. Bear wrote on February 12, from Zürich, Switzerland, giving a graphic account of his voyage from America and his reception by kinsmen whom he had not met for thirteen years. He then closed with these words:
I receive many invitations to come and see them, and I am commencing my labors in the vineyard. Thanks to my heavenly Father for the prosperous journey; he had strengthened me greatly in body, that I was able to endure the suffering journey without any injury to my health as yet.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, p. 180.
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On Monday, February 17, 1873, Elder Samuel Powers, of the Quorum of Twelve, died at Beloit, Wisconsin.
Of him the editor of the Herald wrote:
Bro. Samuel Powers, of Beloit, Wisconsin, of the Quorum of Twelve, passed over the river of death into the spirit land on Monday, the 17th of February (as we suppose), and his mortal remains were laid away in the cold, still repose of the grave, on the 19th.
How sternly does death gather in the loved, the trusted, tried, and true. How pitilessly he takes father, mother, brother, sister, wife, husband, and friend, leaving aching hearts to cherish sad memories of those gone before.
We received a telegram to attend his obsequies, but were prevented from doing so, which we can only regret.
Bro. Powers was one of the best and ablest men of the church, or in the northwest. A man full of the tenderest solicitude for the good of the human race; loving and kind. His rest must needs be glorious.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, p. 146.
The European Mission conference was held in Birmingham, England, April 5, 6, and 7, M. H. Forscutt presiding; C. H. Caton, E. Taylor, and W. Taylor clerks. In addition to routine and local work a letter was read from President Joseph Smith authorizing the organization of the Fourth Quorum of Elders in the European Mission.
The president of the conference then decided as Elder J. S. Patterson was a member of the presidency of the First Quorum of Elders that he was authorized to organize this quorum. Elder Patterson proceeded to do so. Elder Thomas Taylor was ordained president of the Fourth Quorum of Elders, Charles Crump his counselor.
The General Annual Conference met at Plano, Illinois, April 6, 1873, Joseph Smith president; W. H. Kelley, Duncan Campbell, and A. H. Smith secretaries. The first two days and part of the third were taken up with reports and routine work. On the 8th, the committee appointed at April conference of 1872 on the case of John Shippy reported in detail, the substance of which was that his baptism and ordination were legal though unwise acts, but expressed the opinion "that it would be a wise and prudent act in said John Shippy to refrain from all public ministerial labor" until disabilities were removed. The conference
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approved the report, and also demanded Elder Shippy's license until requirements were complied with.
On petition from St. Joseph Branch, Buchanan County (Missouri) was detached from Northwestern Missouri District and attached to the Northern Kansas District.
John Camp, Sophronia McClary, 1 Arthur Milliken, 2 and Lucy Milliken 3 were received on their original baptisms, and John Camp was received as a deacon on his original ordination.
On the 9th President Smith requested Elder J. W. Briggs, president of the Twelve, to preside, as he (Smith) would not be present. After some remarks on the condition of the Quorum of Twelve, President Briggs presented a revelation which had been received by President Smith on March 3, 1873. 4
1 Sister of Joseph Smith the Martyr.
2Brother-in-law of Joseph Smith the Martyr.
3Youngest sister of Joseph Smith the Martyr.
41. Hearken to the voice of the Spirit, O, ye elders of my church; the prayers of my people have prevailed with me.
2. Behold, it to wisdom in me, and expedient in my church that the chief quorums should be more nearly filled, and their organization more nearly completed. Thus saith the Spirit.
3. Let my servants, William W. Blair and David H. Smith, be chosen and ordained to be counselors to my servant, the presiding elder of my church. Let them be set apart to this office by the laying on of hands by my servants whose duty it is to ordain and set in order the officers of my church; and let my servants, the president of the high priests' quorum and the president of the lesser priesthood, also lay their hands upon these their brethren who are to be counselors, but let my servants of the twelve be the spokesmen.
4. Lot my servants William H. Kelley, Thomas W. Smith, James Caffall, John H. Lake, Alexander H. Smith, Zenas H. Gurley, and Joseph R. Lambert, be chosen as especial witnesses, even of the quorum of the twelve, for they are called thereunto, that they may take this ministry upon them. Let them be ordained and set apart to this office by the laying on of the hands of my servants Joseph Smith, Jason W. Briggs, and William W. Blair.
5. Verily, I say unto you, If these my servants will henceforth magnify their calling in honor before me, they shall become men of power and excellent wisdom in the assemblies of my people.
6. Let the names of my servants Daniel B. Rasey and Reuben Newkirk be taken from the record of the quorum of the twelve and placed with the records of the names of the elders, and let them labor as elders, and their labors will be accepted by me.
7. It is my will that my servants, Jason W. Briggs, Josiah Ells, and Edmund C. Briggs, remain and stand in their lot as especial witnesses before me. Let them diligently labor in their ministry, encouraging and directing their brethren in their labors. It is expedient for the good of my cause that my servant Jason take the active oversight of his quorum.
8. Let my servants Archibald M. Wilsey, William D. Morton, and George Rarick, be ordained high priests; and let my servants E. C. Brand, Charles W. Wendell, and Duncan Campbell be appointed as special witnesses of the seventy in their places; and let my
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A motion to accept the revelation prevailed, and further action was then deferred until the next day. Elder William Aldrich tendered his resignation as Bishop's counselor, and it was accepted.
In the afternoon of the 9th, after a lengthy and animated discussion, the following resolution was adopted:
Whereas, The String Prairie and Nauvoo District conference has at its last session, as published in the Herald, adopted a resolution expressive of their opinion, to the effect that none had a legal right to vote on the business before the body except the elders, or Melchisedec priesthood; and whereas, The General Conference of 1868, resolved, and decided affirmatively, "That all private members, male and female, have a right to vote upon all questions that may be brought before the General Conference;" it is hereby
Resolved, That this conference considers the action of the String Prairie and Nauvoo District conference, on the suffrage question, premature, and disrespectful to the entire body, and that said conference is hereby respectfully requested to reconsider and rescind said resolution at their next quarterly conference session.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, p. 288.
The next day the revelation was acted upon by sections and the several ordinations provided for. Bishop Rogers chose as his counselors Elders Elijah Banta and David Dancer. The following is the record on the ordination service:
servants Joseph Lakeman, Glaud Rodger, John T. Davies, and John S. Patterson be also appointed as witnesses of the seventy before me.
9. Until such time as the quorum of the twelve shall be filled, the decision of that quorum, a unanimous decision, shall be accounted final, as if such quorum were filled, according to my law as given in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants. And until such time as the quorum of the seventy shall be filled, their decision, if unanimous and agreeing with that of the quorum of the twelve, shall be considered the same as if the quorum were filled.
10. It is expedient that the bishop of my church shall choose two counselors, and that they be ordained to their office as my law directs, that there may be henceforth no caviling among my people. The bishop of my church may also choose and appoint bishop's agents, until it shall be wisdom in me to ordain other bishops, in the districts and large branches of my church.
11. It is not expedient in me that there shall be any stakes appointed until I command my people. When it shall be necessary I will command that they be established. Let my commandments to gather into the regions round about, and the counsel of the elders of my church guide in this matter until it shall be otherwise given of me.
12. Behold, if my servants and my handmaidens, of the different organizations for good among my people, shall continue in righteousness, they shall be blessed, even as they bless others of the household of faith.
13. Let contentions and quarrelings among you cease. Sustain each other in peace, and ye shall be blessed with my Spirit, in comforting and strengthening you for my work.
14. It is not expedient that I command you further at this time; but be ye diligent, wise, and faithful doing all things with an eye single for the glory of your God, and the good of his people. Thus saith the Lord. Amen.
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The President stated that the ordinations would now be attended to, preparatory to which hymn 601 was sung, and a fervent prayer was offered by the President, invoking the blessing of the Almighty upon his people, and the Spirit's power to attend the setting apart of those called to minister in word and doctrine. The Holy Ghost like a mantle rested upon the assembly, and every heart was moved with joy and gladness, in that the dayspring from on high had visited them, and the Lord had again manifested himself to his people. The hardest heart was melted to tenderness, and all were made to feel that this was indeed the house of God, the very gate of heaven.
Brn. W. W. Blair and D. H. Smith were then ordained under the hands of Elders J. W. Briggs, E. C. Briggs, Josiah Ells, Isaac Sheen, and I. L. Rogers.
Elder E. C. Briggs was spokesman in case of W. W. Blair, and J. W. Briggs in that of D. H. Smith.
Elders W. H. Kelley, T. W. Smith, J. H. Lake, A. H. Smith, and J. R. Lambert were ordained under the hands of Elders Joseph Smith, W. W. Blair, and J. W. Briggs.
Elder Joseph Smith was spokesman in case of W. H. Kelley and Joseph R. Lambert; J. W. Briggs in case of T. W. Smith and A. H. Smith; and W. W. Blair in case of John H. Lake.
Brn.. A. M. Wilsey and George Rarick were ordained under the hands of Josiah Ells and E. C. Briggs. Elder E. C. Briggs was spokesman in the ordination of Bro. Rarick, and Elder J. Ells in that of Bro. Wilsey.
Elder Duncan Campbell was ordained under the hands of Elders E. C. Briggs (spokesman) and Josiah Ells.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, p. 291.
Others mentioned in the revelation were not present, but were subsequently ordained. The 10th the organization of a quorum of elders in Europe was condemned by the adoption of the following resolution:
Resolved, That in the opinion of this conference, the organization of a quorum of elders in foreign lands is impracticable, impolitic, and unwarranted in the law of God.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, p. 293.
Elders Banta and Dancer were ordained counselors to the Bishop by Presidents Joseph Smith and W. W. Blair. The Seventy presented the following:
Resolved, That we recommend to the conference the name of Bro. George W. Brooks, who was a member in the Quorum of Seventy in old organization, to be received a member of the First Quorum of Seventy in the Reorganization. We recommend the name of Bro. Nicholas Stamm for ordination in the Quorum of Seventy. Also the names of Joseph S. Snively, of Canada; John Gilbert, of Massachusetts; L. P. West, of Florida; John H. Hansen, of Iowa; John C. Foss, of Maine; James McKiernen,
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of Iowa; J. C. Clapp, of California, and Robert Davis, of Canada.
Resolved, That we recommend that Bro. Duncan Campbell be set apart and ordained to the office of a president of the Quorum of Seventy, as signified in the revelation.
C. G. LANPHEAR., President.
F. REYNOLDS, Secretary.
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, pp. 294, 295.
Elders Snively and Gilbert declined, the name of L. F. West was withdrawn. The request was granted in the cases of Elders Hansen, Foss, McKiernan, Clapp, Davis, and Campbell; and denied in the cases of Elders Brooks and Stamm.
A large amount of business was done. Some of general and some only of local importance. We think the following of sufficient interest to justify an insertion here:
Resolved, That the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles travel and labor in the ministry of the gospel, severally, as directed by that quorum, under the direction of the First Presidency, according to the revelations of God....
Elder Duncan Campbell was ordained a president of the Quorum of Seventy under the hands of Elders J. Smith, E. C. Briggs, J. Ells, and J. W. Briggs; the latter being spokesman.
Elder Robert Davis was ordained a seventy under the hands of Jason W. Briggs, J. Ells, E. C. Briggs, and Joseph Smith; the latter being spokesman.
Elder J. H. Hansen was ordained a seventy under the hands of Jason W. Briggs, Joseph Smith, E. C. Briggs, and J. Ells; the latter being spokesman.
Elder James McKiernan was ordained a seventy under the hands of Joseph Smith, J. W. Briggs, J. Ells, and E. C. Briggs; the latter being spokesman.
Elder J. C. Clapp was ordained a seventy under the hands of E. C. Briggs, .J. Ells, J. W. Briggs, and Joseph Smith; the latter being spokesman....
[Resolved], That Elder G. W. Brooks be ordained a high priest.
Bro. Brooks was ordained under the hands of J. Ells, J. W. Briggs, J. H. Lake, and I. Sheen; the latter being spokesman....
Whereas, There are but three States in the Southern Mission that are occupied by branches of the church; viz., Alabama, Florida, and Texas; and Texas being separated from Alabama and Florida by two whole States, making a larger field than a traveling elder can occupy. Therefore, be it
Resolved, That the mission which now includes all the Southern
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States, be divided into at least two departments, one to be known as the Southeastern Missions bounded on the north by the Ohio River and West Virginia and Pennsylvania; south by Gulf of Mexico; east by the Atlantic Ocean, and west by Mississippi River. The other, bounded north by Missouri and Kansas; south by the Gulf of Mexico; east by the Mississippi River; west by Mexico and Colorado Territory, to be called the Southwestern Mission. . . .
The Quorum of the Twelve reported concerning the European Mission, as follows:
"The Quorum of the Twelve, after full consideration, have unanimously disapproved of the European publishing scheme, proposed in the minutes of the October General Conference of said mission. Also that in View of all the circumstances, we unanimously recommend the release of Bro. Forscutt from that mission; and that Bro. J. S. Patterson be appointed and sustained as president of said mission.
"J. W. BRIGGS, President of Quorum."
. . .Resolved, That in view of the probable failure of establishing the proposed publishing department in England, and the representations and requests of Brn. M. H. Forscutt and John S. Patterson, as specified in their reports, it is hereby declared to be the opinion of this conference that Bro. M. H. Forscutt should be honorably released from said mission, and he be appointed to labor under the direction of the First Presidency of the church. . . .
Resolved, That when Bro. M. H. Forscutt returns to America, pursuant to resolution of this conference, that Bro. J. S. Patterson be appointed to succeed him in the charge of the European Mission, until otherwise provided. . . .
Resolved, That the Quorum of Seventy travel in the ministry and labor under the direction of the Traveling High Council, according to the law of God. . . .
[Resolved, That] high priests after the order of the Melchisedec Priesthood have a right to officiate in their own standing, under the direction of the Presidency, in administering spiritual things. . . .
Resolved, That high priests, when traveling in the ministry, are subject to the direction of the Traveling High Council.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, pp. 299-302.
By Herald, volume 20, number 9, we find that the following appointments of missions by the First Presidency were indorsed [endorsed] by the conference: J. W. Briggs, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Canada, Minnesota, Iowa; J. Ells, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Eastern Ohio; A. H. Smith, Pacific Mission and Utah; E. C. Briggs, Michigan, Indiana, Western Ohio, Canada, and Wisconsin; J. H. Lake,. Missouri, Iowa,
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Western Illinois; T. W. Smith, Eastern Mission, New England States, New Jersey, New York, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick; W. H. Kelley, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, and Western Ohio; J. R. Lambert, Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri. Moved by Elders W. H. Kelley and I. Sheen, that the appointments be sustained by the conference. Adopted.
The following appointments were made by the conference: N. Dutton, Michigan and Indiana, under the direction of presiding officer; J. S. Snively, continued in his mission in Canada subject to the direction of those in charge of mission; G. T. Chute, Eastern Mission, subject to elder in charge.
The appointments by the Quorum of Twelve and sustained by the conference were as follows: J. W. Gillen, under the direction of Elder A. H. Smith; Glaud Rodger, under the direction of A. H. Smith; J. C. Clapp as president of Southeastern Mission, and preach in Southern Illinois under the direction of J. R. Lambert; J. H. Hansen, Northern Illinois and Wisconsin; R. Davis, under the direction of E. C. Briggs; J. C. Foss, Eastern Mission, under direction of the presiding officer; Joseph Lakeman, Eastern Mission, under the direction of the presiding officer; B. V. Springer, Southeastern Indiana and Kentucky; Davis H. Bays to Texas and New Mexico, and Lewis Middleton to labor with him; F. Reynolds, under the direction of Elder J. H. Lake; E. C. Brand, Kansas, Eastern Nebraska, Western Iowa, and Northern Missouri; Duncan Campbell, under the direction of Elder E. C. Briggs; L. F. West, Southeastern Mission under Elder J. C. Clapp; S. H. Gurley, Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. (See Saints' Herald, vol. 20, pp. 303, 304.)
A resolution of High Priests' Quorum was read as follows:
Resolved, That we, the Quorum of High Priests, after a consideration of the matter, respectfully represent that we can not understand the law of God as placing the high priests when abroad under the direction of the Twelve, but always under the direction of Presidency of the church.
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We, therefore, respectfully ask the conference to reconsider and rescind the resolution passed this day upon this subject.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
ISAAC SHEEN, President.
E. ROBINSON, Assistant Secretary.
Note.-The above passed the quorum by a unanimous vote.
PLANO, Illinois, April 12, 1873..
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, p. 304.
Resolved, That the resolution respecting the high priests when traveling in the ministry, offered by the High Priests' Quorum, be laid on the table. Resolved, That Elder James McKiernan accompany Elder A. H. Smith, on his mission, if practicable. That Elder C. G. Lanphear labor in New York and Pennsylvania. Elder Gilbert Watson labor in Wisconsin, under direction of elder in charge. Elder Daniel B. Rasey labor in Outagamie County, Wisconsin. Elder Reuben Newkirk labor in Northern Illinois and Wisconsin. Resolved, That this conference accept and sustain Elder Joseph Smith as President of the High Priesthood of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, by virtue of which office he is Prophet, Seer, and Revelator to the church. Resolved, That we sustain Elder Isaac Sheen as president of High Priests' Quorum. That Joseph Parsons be sustained as counselor of the president of High Priests' Quorum. That we sustain Elder C. G. Lanphear as president of the Quorum of Seventy. That Elder E. Banta be sustained as president of the First Quorum of Elders. That Elder John S. Patterson be sustained as counselor of the president of the first Quorum of Elders. That Bro. I. L. Rogers be sustained as Presiding Bishop of the church. That Elder Phineas Cadwell be sustained as counselor of the president of the Second Quorum of Elders. That Elder Henry Goodcell, Jr., be sustained as Church Secretary. That Elder Charles Derry be hereby requested to labor in Nebraska and Western Iowa, as his circumstances may permit. That John T. Davies be sustained in his mission to Wales. That Bro. Avondet be sustained as missionary to Switzerland. That Bro. Ursenbach be sustained in his mission to Switzerland. That Bro. J. L. Bear
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be sustained in his mission to Switzerland. That we sustain E. Banta, I. L. Rogers, D. Dancer, J. Scott, and Joseph Smith as the Board of Publication. That we sustain Elder I. Sheen as Church Librarian. Bro. D. P. Young was ordained a high priest under the hands of Elders I. Sheen and E. C. Briggs; I. Sheen being spokesman. (See Saints' Herald , vol. 20, pp. 304-306.)
This was one of the most important conferences ever held by the Reorganization, and marks an epoch in the development of the church, especially as regards quorum organization. Of this conference the editor of the Herald wrote:
The April conference for 1873 is past. Much business of importance to the church was transacted. A more peaceful and pleasant session the church has never hold.
The vote on the most of the questions presented was very unanimous, and the best of feeling prevailed during the discussion of those upon which there was any decided difference of opinion.
Seven were baptized during the session.
Brethren from nearly every quarter were present. Brn. John Gilbert and Francis Sheehy, of Massachusetts; Bro. Elisha Culver, of Vermont; Brn. Robert Davis, Joseph S. Snively, and Duncan Campbell, of Canada; Bro. Wm. H. Kelley, of Indiana; Brn. George Corless and George A. Blakeslee, of Michigan; Thomas W. Smith and George T. Chute, of Alabama; Daniel P. Young and George Adams, of California; Wm. H. Hazzledine, of Missouri; Brn. Frank Reynolds, John H. Lake, William Anderson, of Montrose, Calvin Beebe and Charles Jensen, of Council Bluffs, and a host of others of Iowa; Alexander H. Smith, Joseph R. Lambert, and Thomas Revel and others from Hancock County, Illinois; Thomas P. Green and George Hilliard, of Wayne County, Illinois, with numbers from the various districts of labor in the vineyard, whom we do not now call to mind....
A car-load of nearly fifty Saints, under the charge of Bro. Frank Reynolds, from Nauvoo, Montrose, Vincennes, Burlington, and other places, came in on Saturday, the 5th, and stayed during the session. These Saints held a social meeting after the adjournment of conference, and left on the morning train on Monday, the 14th, for home, rejoicing.
There was less sickness among the Saints during the session than any we have attended for some years.
The weather was of all sorts, rain and clouds, snow and frost, for the first days of the session, clearing up on Saturday, giving us two days of fair weather.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, pp. 240, 241.
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The president of the Twelve soon after wrote an epistle congratulating the church on improved conditions: 5
5 Brethren and Sisters: Peace be unto you in all your habitations. Prompted by a sense of duty and strong desire are these lines indited.
The events of the late General Conference warrant the interchange of mutual congratulations among the Saints. I offer you mine upon the fact, that for the first time in the history of the Reorganization, the Quorum of the First Presidency of the church is filled; we need not say by good and faithful men; they are known to all Saints; how many of whom are their living epistles known and read of all men.
The Quorum of the Twelve, also, being more nearly filled than heretofore by the young and middle-aged, whose faith and zeal, with the vigor of manhood to sustain them in hardships, much labor accomplished and much fruit gathered may confidently be looked for at their hands.
The Seventy also received some additions of constant laborers In the extended vineyard of the Lord. These things, together with the good news from all parts where labor has been bestowed, ought to encourage us to renewed efforts in the great work before us. Twenty years have elapsed since the first steps were taken to reorganize the quorums, that had been shattered to fragments when the old ship, Zion, losing her chief officers, and the understanding of her chart and compass, struck a hidden rock and went to pieces on a foreign coast.
The first years of this period were spent in the humane and sacred duty toward the missing crew, afloat upon many waters, in frail human contrivances for present relief. Some, however, speedily made to themselves leaders and followed them-in their infatuation-right or wrong; while others still more numerous, tried either to forget, or stood aloof waiting. The only parallel to this sudden change in history, may be found in the case of Israel when deprived of the leader God had appointed them, for the space of only forty days, had made-not another Moses-but another God.
From the numerous organizations have the pure in heart come to identify themselves with the church, until those organizations have, one by one, passed away; and to-day virtually but one remains, with name and form to deceive and destroy, viz: the latter-day organized apostasy, with polygamy its specialty; while its elder sister, the former-day organized apostasy remains, with celibacy its specialty; the two forming (where unfortunately for mankind they have the dominion) the upper and nether millstones, between which they fain would grind to powder the messengers of truth, their natural enemy. But God holds the reins in his own hands.
But the time is past for the elders to seek exclusively after backsliding Israel. For, as in former times, after an exclusive mission to such, the world was declared their mission; so now is the mission of apostles and elders to all the world. Hence, missions stand first in the catalogue of things to be done. The true policy in subdividing the great mission into fields of labor, no doubt will be found to consist in "striking while the iron is hot;" or, in other words, to preach where there are ears to hear; where doors are open to enter in rather than seek to open new ones.
Brethren of the Seventy; you, as especial witnesses to all nations, whether the Twelve shall first lead, you are the essential strength of the church, exerted in missionary labor. Will you, with the elders, take it kindly, if we advise with you and suggest some thoughts upon several subjects?
Among the qualifications of an evangelist is, that he be "apt to teach;" to this we would add, be also apt to be taught.
Preach what you know and believe; but mainly what you believe. In private conversation avoid talking to people, but rather talk with them-do not dogmatize. In administering we suggest the formula, "We lay our hands upon thee," etc.; instead of "upon thy head;" and avoid using the words, "the holy priesthood;" but use the name of Jesus Christ alone. Lay down no new rules for the branches. While on your missions, if you need assistance in temporal things, apply to presidents of branches, and not to the members. Finally, as the exponents of the faith of the church, seek to make every act a fit precedent for others to follow.
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April 23 Elder J. L. Bear wrote from Affoltern-a-A Ct Zürich, Switzerland, that he had been preaching in private houses, the only places open to him. He stated:
April 13 I baptized the first fruit of my labor-one of my brothers and my sister's son, aged sixteen years. I need greatly some German tracts;
These suggestions are made for use, if found useful, and to advance a step toward unity.
The Elders' Quorums are expected to furnish a large volunteer force in every campaign against the common enemy, error. Truth [is] the weapon with which we will fight out-and on this line-the great battle of Gog and Magog. To you, the priests, teachers, and deacons, as local ministers, is confided the preservation of order, peace, and the ties of brotherhood; to give words of counsel and comfort for every day's use.
We welcome the high priests into the field for counsel and example.
The proceedings of the general and district conferences show that some diversity of views and opinions exists upon various questions of doctrine, discipline, government, etc. This should disquiet no one. It would be exceedingly strange if it were otherwise. Gathered from every faction of the latter-day apostasy, and every sect of the former-day apostasy, immediate unanimity, would be the most stupendous miracle ever wrought; besides, this would conflict with every idea of growth, which implies time, labor, patience, charity, etc.
Many difficulties located in the future, over which many a fierce conflict is waged, and much ill-feeling generated, are greatly lessened, or entirely disappear as we approach them. Among these questions are lineage and suffrage; which perhaps in their general bearing may be considered more important, and the diversity the most marked.
In reference to the first of them, though the Reorganization owes its existence to the application of the principle involved, and forming the central idea in the system of truth contemplated in the "setting in order the house of God," we speak advisedly here, and all agree in this, it is not the principle itself that separates any, but the diversity arises upon a proposition to limit its operation. Upon this question of limitation we may say, as Paul the aged said, "if the root be holy so are the branches." If the principle be true, so are the logical deductions therefrom equally true; truth tends to expansion; error to contraction. One of the grounds of complaint against ancient Israel was, that they presumed to limit the Holy One of Israel. But the truth upon this point will develop itself and can afford to wait; for "the eternal Years of God are hers;" while with error, it is now or never.
In reference to the suffrage question, we look to the establishing of all the quorums, and their conditions to act severally and as a whole, for its solution.
Here also the diversity arises, not from affirming or denying the principle of suffrage, but its limitation. Now when every quorum performs within itself its own specific duties, from the deacons to the First Presidency, and what devolves upon them as a whole, standing in the relation of "servants," what remains or can remain for the congregation or church, but to pass upon these servants? With her consent they act, without her consent they can not act. Here are the reserved rights in the congregation, and there the delegated rights in the elders (or quorum), and no conflict between them. Truth can not conflict with itself.
The question of tithing, in its practical sense, may be considered settled, so far as applicable to the present condition. One impediment (perhaps the chief one), to the effectual execution of this law, is found in the want of that confidence that ought to exist among Saints. This is due to the fact that imposition has been, and still is practiced under the name and profession of Latter Day Saints; this being one of the iniquities comprised in the "flood" against which the Spirit of the Lord raised a standard in the reorganization of his people.
Will the Saints withhold the sustaining of this standard because of former misrule, against which this is a standing rebuke? If too confiding then, shall we go to the other
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many would read at home who do not come to hear me preach, and the work could and would spread more than through my tongue alone. It is hard to make people believe only with one testimony. I have three Voice of Warnings under my control, the old edition in the German language, they are continually out, and some would like to buy it. This would be the best book here-would do more good than many of the other tracts together. I have translated into the German language "Truth Made Manifest," and for the Brighamites here I have translated "The Bible versus Polygamy," and "Was Polygamy an Original Tenet of the Church," "Rejection of the Church," and "Brighamism, its Promises and its Failures;" but having only one of each, it will be a very slow progress letting the people read it. When I lose one I have to translate it over again, or write several copies of it, which will take much time. If it would be possible to have some of them printed, it would help the work greatly here and break down Brighamism.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, P. 391.
About this time some important changes were made in the body under Brigham Young, which are sufficiently explained in the following editorial from the Herald for May 1, 1873:
We notice a new feature in the church government in Utah. President Brigham Young has resigned several important positions of trust and emolument, which he has hitherto held; among them, are the presidency of the Deseret National Bank, the presidency of Zion's Cooperative Mercantile Institution and the office of trustee-in-trust for the whole church.
George A. Smith, one of the Twelve there, has been chosen, at President Young's suggestion, to be his successor as trustee, President Young, as stated by Mr. Cannon at the time of calling the vote, to retain a supervisory power. This successor is to have twelve assistants whose names are given. It was further ordered, by resolution, that George A. Smith, the incoming trustee, should give bonds to the amount of $25,000; and each of the twelve assistants is to give bonds in $10,000; thus securing from these thirteen men bonds for pecuniary good behavior to the tune of $145,000, still further saddled with a supervisory power vesting in President Young,
extreme now? To you, brethren, belongs a fall share of every legitimate burden, and also the full rewards of well-doing, the glory of success in every righteous enterprise.
The gathering is such an enterprise proposed to the Saints. The best preparation for it perhaps is to comprehend the law of tithing and consecration, and to secure on our part a willingness to abide it; hence, the gathering must be proportioned to the readiness on the part of those who would gather. Finally, brethren and sisters, you love the truth; let it make you free-free indeed-is the prayer of your fellow laborer.
Pray for us, and may the blessings of our heavenly Father abide with you all.
Yours In faith and hope,
JASON W. BRIGGS, one of the Twelve.
-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, pp. 267-259.
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to assume the responsibilities and discharge the duties of an office, which said President Young has carried for years without having ever given a bond in pecuniary, or personal penalty for the faithful performance thereof.
We pity the character for honesty which this exacting of bonds from George A. Smith, as principal; and John Sharp, Joseph F. Smith, Thomas Taylor, and others as assistants, gives to them as compared with President Young; for they are required to give bonds, while he would have been insulted if he had been requested so to do; the inference being, that he was sufficiently honest without bond, but that they are not. Of course we can have no objection to their method of doing their own business, as it is "none of our business;" but that is the look it has to one reading the minutes of the session of conference at which such appointments were made.
Another feature of church government to which we were attracted by reading the minutes, as published in the Deseret News, was the selection by President Young of five additional counselors to himself, as President of the church.
By this selection he practically, and directly, ignores the organic law of the church, and the long usage by which he has himself been governed hitherto. It is evident that President Young, by this act, quietly sets aside the long-established customs of the church; also some of the aged and trusted ministers to the people, and lays down the lines of a new and deep-rooted policy to perpetuate something, to the existence of which he sees danger.
Whatever the object may be, which President Young has in view in these new departures, so manifestly in violation of the rules of church government, as laid down in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, it is to be earnestly hoped, that their force for injury to a long-suffering people may be broken by a refusal to be silent under so flagrant forgetfulness of the principles of true religion, and the revelations upon which the church was originally founded.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, pp. 264, 265.
The same issue of the Herald contains items of interest concerning progress in the field, as follows:
Bro. Joseph C. Clapp held a discussion at Princeville, Illinois, lately, with Mr. Isaac Paden, once a Latter Day Saint, as we are informed, now of spiritualistic tendencies. The debate was to have lasted six nights; it closed at the third, at Mr. Paden's request. . .
Eight were baptized lately in the region of country, in Wisconsin, where Brn. Amos Bronson, C. W. Lange, and Marion Cooper are laboring. . . . Also eight at the Jonesport session of the Eastern Maine District conference. . . .
Bro. Brand had baptized three at Atchison, Kansas. The Saints now have an excellent hall at Atchison. . . .
Bro. T. W. Smith is at Millersburg and Buffalo Prairie. His health
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was improving at last writing and he was preaching. He spoke at Kewanee on his way to Buffalo Prairie. . . .
Bro. Duncan Campbell left to-day for his field of labor, Michigan and Indiana. He meets Bro. Wm. H. Kelley at Coldwater, Michigan, where they will labor together for a time.
Bro. Wm. W. Blair starts to-morrow, May 2, for Southern Illinois, via Canton and St. Louis.
Bro. E. C. Briggs will begin the summer's campaign at Quincy, Michigan, in a few days.
Bro. Josiah Ells has arrived safely at his home and will enter upon his labors soon.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, pp. 265, 266.
Herald for May 15 contains the following items:
Brn. Mark H. Forscutt and John S. Patterson, made a telling defense of the faith, quite lately in Birmingham. Learning that Messrs. Snow and others from Utah were in the town, Bro. Mark advertised that Bro. Patterson would speak on the subject, "Polygamy not Original Mormonism," and invited Mr. Snow to attend, and offered the use of the hall for a reply; or to pay one half the expenses of a joint discussion of the differences of doctrines. Neither of these offers was accepted.
Bro. Patterson's discourse was a good one, and was very fairly reported in one of the Birmingham papers, where it will more than likely "be read by thirty thousand people," as Bro. Mark writes. . . .
Elders are wanted. . . at Madison, Indiana; Golden City, Colorado; Highland, Ohio; South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; Charles City, Iowa; Sweet Home, Oregon; Middletown, Ohio; Otter Tail Lake, Minnesota; Frewsburg, New York; Lafayette, Georgia; West Camden, Tennessee, and a host of other places.
Bro. E. C. Briggs left Plano for the field of his labor, on the 8th instant, full of faith and confidence in the Master and the Master's work. May God bless his labors.
Bro. Brand writes encouragingly from Atchison, Kansas; so does Bro. Hugh Lytle, an old and faithful laborer.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, p. 323.
June 1, 1873, brought the following news:
Bro. T. W. Smith arrived at Plano on the 20th of May, on his way east to his field of labor. He left on the 27th for Galien and Coldwater, Michigan, en route for Pittsburg [Pittsburgh], Pennsylvania, New York, and Jonesport, Maine. Bro. George T. Chute goes with him. . . .
Bro. Albert Bishop states that Bro. Bear had baptized three in Switzerland.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, p. 357.
Then came the following from the pen of Elder J. Avondet in far away sunny Italy:
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PRAROSTINO, Pinerole, Italy, June 2, 1873.
Dear Brethren: What good news I have from the annual conference. I shed tears of joy in reading that God had been so gracious to make known his will unto you. I am here in Italy, in my native land, alone as a witness of the work in these latter days.
I must tell you of my experience in this part of the world, where Paul, the apostle of Christ, came in Rome, preaching what we should preach also; and in fact we preach what he wrote for the good of man.
I found many Mormons here, but they all returned back to the Protestant Church, (or Waldeneses' Church.) They had been so much cheated by the Brighamite elders, whose conduct had been bad. Many poor families who received their teaching, were willing to sustain them, with the prospect to be led to Utah. They left a bad name about polygamy too; so that you see what a hard mission I have. It requires an exemplary conduct to show the difference between our claim and Brigham's trickery.
The time is so hard in Europe, truly the hand of God is upon the nation; or the "hour of his judgment is come." The farmers have to work very hard to have a poor living; so many hundred families have gone to South America, and many more are ready to start for Buenos Ayres [Aires]; a great colony is established in Paraguay, called the Rosario colony, (of Waldenses.)
My prospect is now better, many are quite ready for baptism, so they said to me. If I had some means now to start something about translating some tracts and the Book of Covenants, the testimony of Jesus could be established here. I have not yet called for anything, because I saw it was not necessary; for I have earned my living by manual labor on the farm of my mother; and I spread the gospel in the evening time last winter; and on the Sunday I always preach in one way or the other by visiting from house to house, or preaching when I had an opportunity.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, p. 519.
A letter from Elder J. T. Davies, written June 24, from Cherokee, Kansas, announced that he left Europe, May 29, 1873, on board the Glamorgan from the port of Cardiff, arriving in New York, June 13, and home on the 18th. He states:
I left the work in Wales the best way I could, in the hands of presidents of districts; with Bro. Robert Evans traveling elder. I was not released-they would not do it. They want to hold me as president until I can return.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 20, p. 554.
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