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IN this chapter we introduce without special comment the statements and affidavits of several of the saints, and others, prepared for and introduced by the Washington committee to the Congress committee on judiciary:-
"I, Simeon Carter, certify that I have been a resident of the State of Missouri for six years and upwards, and that I have suffered many things by a lawless mob; both me and my family having been driven from place to place, and suffered the loss of much property, and finally expelled from the State. I further certify that I belong to the Church of the Latter Day Saints, commonly called 'Mormons.' And I certify that in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight both me and my people suffered much by the people of the State of Missouri. And I further certify that in this same year, in the month of November, between the first and sixth, were surrounded by a soldiery of the State of Missouri, in the city of Far West, in Caldwell County, both me and many of my 'Mormon' brethren, and were compelled by their soldiery, which were armed with all the implements of war to shed blood, by a public declaration of our entire extermination, to sign away our all, our property, personal and real estate, and to leave the State of Missouri immediately.
"I certify I had at that time one hundred and sixty-two acres of land, the same which I held the certificates for. I
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further certify that I was obliged to give up my duplicates to help me to a small sum to carry me out of the State. I further certify not.
"Territory of Iowa, Lee County.
"Sworn to and subscribed before me a justice of the peace for said county, this 2d day January, 1840.
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 551.
"I hereby certify that in the year 1838 I was residing in Daviess County, Missouri, and while from home I was taken prisoner in Far West, by the militia, and kept under guard for six or eight days, in which time I was forced to sign a deed of trust, after which I was permitted to return home to my family in Daviess County, and found them surrounded by an armed force, with the rest of my neighbors, who were much frightened. The order from the militia was to leave the county within ten days, in which time my house was broken open and many goods taken out by the militia. We were not permitted to go from place to place without a pass from the General, and on leaving the county I received a pass as follows:-
"'I permit William F. Cahoon to pass from Daviess to Caldwell County, and there remain during the winter, and thence to pass out of the State of Missouri.
"'Signed November 10,1838.
"'REEVES, a Brigadier-General.'
"In which time both me and my family suffered much on account of cold and hunger because we were not permitted to go outside of the guard to obtain wood and provision; and according to orders of the militia, in the spring following I took my family and left the State with the loss of much property, and trouble.
"Territory of Iowa, Lee County, etc., subscribed and sworn before D. W. Kilbourn, J. P."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 566.
"(January, 1840.)
"I hereby certify that General John Clark and his Aid, at
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their arrival at Far West, in Caldwell County, Missouri, came to my tavern stand and without my leave pitched their marquees in my yard, and did take my wood and hay to furnish the same, and did bring their horses in also, and without my leave take hay for them, and did take possession of my house and use it for a council house, and did place a strong guard around it so as to hinder any person from going in or out, and I myself was not permitted to go in and out; for all this I have received no remuneration, and was not even permitted to pass out of town to water travelers' horses without a permit. The above took place in the first part of November, 1838.
"I also certify that Caleb Baldwin, Lyman Wight, Hyrum Smith, Joseph Smith, Junior, and Mr. McRae, in Clay County, Missouri, did apply for a writ of habeas corpus and did not get it.
"Sworn before D. W. Kilbourn, J. P."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 580.
"I certify that I saw General John Clark and his Aid, on their arrival at Far West, Caldwell County, Missouri, in the yard of John M. Burk, and gave orders to their waiters to pitch their marquees in his yard, and to take of his wood for fire.
"I also saw Captain Samuel Bogart with his men come near my dwelling, and did pitch their camp, and took my house logs without my leave, and did burn them. I also saw him with the horse of Joseph Smith, Junior, in his possession.
"Sworn before D. W. Kilbourn, J. P."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 580.
"To whom it may concern.-This is to certify that on the day following on which the troops arrived at Far West, that two men of said troops came to my house, broke open my trunk, and took therefrom both money and clothing, and also a number of papers, among which were deeds and notes, and also a number of cooking utensils, and in consequence of the cruel and inhuman treatment which I
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and others have received from those troops, we are reduced to a state of almost absolute starvation; and Daniel Avery and myself are appointed as a committee to go out and beg corn and meal, or anything we may obtain that can render them assistance or relieve them in their suffering condition.
"Sworn before D. W. Kilbourn, J. P."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, pp. 580, 581.
"I removed my family from the State of Michigan to Clay County, Missouri, in the year 1835, where I lived in peace with the people, on my own land, eighteen months or more, when the people began to be excited in consequence of the emigration of our people to that county. The excitement became so great that I was obliged to sell my place at half price, and removed to the County of Caldwell, where I purchased me a farm, settled my family, and made a good improvement, and was in a good situation to support my family, and there lived in peace with the people until the summer and fall of 1838, when the mob began to arise, and we were obliged to fly to arms in self-defense; but notwithstanding our exertion, they murdered and massacred many of our people. We applied to the Governor for assistance, and his reply to us was, 'If you have got into a scrape with the mob, you must fight it out yourselves, for I cannot help you.' The mob still increased, until I was obliged to remove my family to Far West and there remain, surrounded with mobs of murderers until General Clark arrived with his army, with the Governor's exterminating order. Then we were all taken prisoners, our arms taken away; they then treated us with all the cruelty they were masters of, and took possession of whatever they pleased, burnt timber, and laid waste town and country.
"I heard General Clark say that he would execute the Governor's order; 'but notwithstanding, I will vary so much as to give some lenity, for the removal of this people, and you must leave the State immediately; for you need not expect to raise another crop here.' What were not taken to prison were permitted to return to their homes to make preparations to leave the State. Finding I had no safety for
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myself and family in Missouri, I fled to Illinois for safety.
"Sworn to before D. W. Kilbourn, J. P."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 581.
"MONTROSE Lee County, Iowa, January 7,1840.
"I hereby certify, that sometime in the month of October, 1838, an armed force collected in the County of Carroll, near De Witt, and in open daylight drove a man by the name of Humphrey out of his house, and set fire to it and burnt it to ashes, and then sent an express ordering all the 'Mormons' to leave the place as soon as the next day. The next day they sent another express ordering them to leave in six hours, or they would be massacred upon the ground. They also fired their guns at different persons traveling the road near the town. The 'Mormons' were at length compelled to leave their possessions, and all removed to Caldwell, consisting of seventy and perhaps one hundred families, many of whom were in want of the sustenance of life, sick, and some died upon the way.
"About two weeks after this another armed force invaded Far West, took my gun, and compelled me to sign away my property, both real and personal, and leave the State forthwith.
"Sworn to before D. W. Kilbourn, J. P."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 581.
"MONTROSE, Lee County, Iowa, January 7, 1840.
"This is to certify that I was at work on my farm on the last of October, 1838, when an armed company, under General Lucas, came and took myself and my three sons prisoners, and threw down my fences and opened my gates, and left them open, and left my crops to be destroyed, and while I was a prisoner, they declared that they had made clean work in destroying the crops as they passed through the country; and they took from me two yoke of oxen, and three horses, and two wagons, and compelled me and my sons to drive them loaded with produce of my own farm, to supply their army.
"I had in possession at the time, four hundred and eighty
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acres of land, and rising of an hundred acres improved, with a small orchard and nursery, the necessary buildings of farm, etc.; and in consequence of my imprisonment my fences remained down and most of my crops were destroyed and further this deponent saith not.
"Sworn to before D. W. Kilbourn, J. P."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 581.
"MONTROSE, Lee County. Iowa Territory,
January 7, 1840.
"This is to certify that about the middle of October I was driven, by the threats of the Daviess County armed force, to leave my possessions, consisting of a preëmption right to a quarter section of land with thirty acres under improvement, and a good house. I went to Di-Ahman and remained until about first of November, when I was driven from there by an armed force under General Wilson. I then went to Far West. While at Ondi-Ahman the armed force took from me one cow and calf, and a yoke of oxen, one horse, and five sheep; they also took from me fifteen hogs. While at Far West they took two cows belonging to me and I saw the soldiers killing the live stock of the inhabitants without leave or remuneration, and burning building timber, fences, etc.
"Sworn to before D. W. Kilbourn, J. P."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, pp. 581, 582.
"Lee County, Iowa Territory.
"This day personally appeared before me D. W. Kilbourn, an acting justice of the peace in and for said county, John Smith, and after having been duly sworn, deposeth and saith, 'That in the months of October and November, 1838, I resided in the town of Adam-ondi-ahman, Daviess County, Missouri, and whilst being peaceably engaged in the ordinary vocations of life, that in the early part of November, my house was entered by a body of armed men painted after the manner or customs of the Indians of North America, and proceeded to search my house for firearms,
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stating that they understood the Mormons knew how to hide their guns; and in their search of a bed on which lay an aged sick female, whom they threw to and fro in a very rough manner, without regard to humanity or decency. Finding no arms they went off without further violence.
"'Shortly after this above-described outrage there was a number of armed men, say about twenty, rode into my yard and inquired for horses which they said they had lost, and stated, under confirmation of an oath, that they would have the heads of twenty 'Mormons,' if they did not find their horses. These last were painted in like manner as the first. These transactions took place when the village citizens and its vicinity were engaged in a peaceable manner in the ordinary pursuits of life.'
"This deponent further saith, 'That the mob took possession of a store of dry goods belonging to the Church of Latter Day Saints, over which they placed a guard. I went into the store to get some articles to distribute to the suffering poor, and the officer who had the charge of the store ordered me out peremptorily, stating it was too cold to wait on me, that I must come the next morning; and returning the next morning I found the store almost entirely stripped of its contents. Thereupon we as a church were ordered to depart the county and State, under the pains and penalty of death, or a total extermination of our society. Having no alternative, (having my wagon stolen,) I was compelled to abandon my property, except a few movables which I got off with in the best way that I could, and on receiving a permit or pass which is hereto appended, I then proceeded to depart the State: "I permit John Smith to remove from Daviess to Caldwell County, there remain during the winter, or remove out of the State unmolested. Daviess County, November 9, 1838. R. Wilson, Brigadier-General. By F. G. Cochnu." I accordingly left the State in the month of February following, in a destitute condition.'
'Sworn to before D. W. Kilbourn, J. P."
-Millennial Star. vol. 17, p. 582.
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''MONTROSE, Lee County, Iowa, January 7,1840.
"I do hereby certify that I, Samuel Smith, made an improvement and obtained a preëmption right upon one hundred and sixty acres of land in Daviess County, Missouri, in 1837. On the first of November, 1838, I was compelled to leave the county by order of General Wilson, in ten days. They took without my consent, two horses, which have never been returned nor remunerated for; also destroyed my crop of corn, drove off four head of cattle.
"Sworn to before D. W. Kilbourn, J. P."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 582.
"Illinois, Adams County, March 11, 1840.
"I, James Powell, do certify that I was a citizen of the State of Missouri in 1838. I solemnly declare that while I was peaceably traveling to one of my nearest neighbors, I was assaulted by a company of men, to the number of five-Autherston Wrathey, John Gardner, Phillomen Ellis, Jesse Clark, and Ariel Sanders. First they threw a stone and hit me between the shoulders, which very much disabled me; they then shot at me, but did not hit me. One of them then struck me with his gun, and broke my skull about six inches-a part of my brain run out. I have had fourteen pieces of bone taken out of my skull. My system is so reduced that I have not done a day's work since.
"I know no reason why they should have done so, as I did not belong to the Mormon Church, neither had I ever heard one preach. In this situation I was forced to leave the State forthwith. I was carried three days without having my head dressed. When I arrived at Huntsville, Doctor Head offered me assistance. I refer to him for further testimony.
"Attest, John Smith.
"We certify that the foregoing affidavit of James Powell's is true and correct, as we stood by and saw it with our eyes. We also heard them say they would kill the Mormons
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if they did not clear out. We carried the wounded man in our wagon till he was out of reach of the mob.
"Sworn to before William Oglesby, J. P."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 629.
"Illinois, Columbus, Adams County, March 11,1840.
"I, John Smith, certify that I was a resident in the State of Missouri in 1838, when I was driven from my house and a preëmption right, and forbid to stay in the State, threatening me if I did not go forthwith. I took my family and pursued my journey one hundred miles. In consequence of cold, snow, water, and ice, at the inclement season in which I was driven, I fell sick, and for four weeks I was unable to travel, during which time I was threatened daily; yet I was so sick it was considered by many that I could not live, and was compelled to start when I was not able to sit up through the day. I landed in Illinois. The long and fatiguing journey, lying out in the cold open air, proved too much for my companion; it threw her into a violent fever, with which she died. Many others in company took sick and died with the same hard fare.
"Sworn to before William Oglesby, J. P."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 629.
"Illinois, Adams County, March 16,1840.
"I, Smith Humphrey, certify that I was a citizen of Missouri in eighteen hundred and thirty eight; and sometime in the month of October of the same year I was fallen upon by a mob commanded by Hyrum Standley. He took my goods out of my house; and said Standley set fire to my house and burnt it before my eyes, and ordered me to leave the place forthwith. I removed from De Witt to Caldwell County, where I was again assailed by Governor Boggs' exterminating militia. They took me prisoner, and robbed my wagon of four hundred dollars in cash, and one thousand dollars worth of goods, and drove me out of the State.
"Sworn to before C. M. Woods, Clerk of Circuit Court."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 630.
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"QUINCY Illinois, 16th March, 1840.
"This is to certify that I, Henry Root, am and was a citizen of De Witt, Carroll County, Missouri, at the time the persecutions (known by the name of the 'Mormon War') commenced and terminated between the citizens of said State of Missouri and the Mormons; that in the fall of 1838, in the month of September, a mob (under no regular authority) headed by William W. Austin, Sr., consisting of from one hundred to one hundred and fifty men, came into De Witt and ordered the Mormons to leave that place within ten days from that time; that if they did not leave they would be driven from there by force.
"The Mormons did not leave; the appointed time came, and the mob came, armed and equipped for war. The Mormon citizens petitioned to the Governor of the State, but no relief came. They sent to the General of that brigade, who ordered the militia to repair to De Witt to disperse the mob. On the arrival of the militia, Brigadier-General Parks told me the Mormons had better leave their property and go off, as his men were prejudiced against them, and he could do them no good nor relieve them. With that the Mormons left.
"Sworn to before C. M. Woods, Clerk of Circuit Court, Adams County, Illinois."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 630.
"QUINCY, Illinois, March 16,1840.
"I, Joseph Clark, certify that I was a citizen of the State of Missouri in 1838; and when peaceably traveling the highway I was shot at twice by Governor Boggs' exterminating militia; commanded by Major-General John Clark.
"Sworn to before C. M. Woods, Clerk of Circuit Court, Adams County, Illinois."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 630.
"QUINCY, Illinois, March 16, 1840.
"This is to certify that I, Thomas D. Casper, was a resident of the State of Missouri in the year 1838. I was not a
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member of the Church of Mormons or Latter Day Saints, but witnessed the following acts of distress: As I was on business, I inquired for Perry Moppin, and learned that he, with Samuel Snowden, Esq., had gone after Mr. Wilson, a Mormon, and had threatened and sworn to take his life if he did not tell his name; and they swore they had the tools to take his life if he had not told them his name.
"Further they agreed that the Mormons should leave the country of Missouri except they would deny the faith, or their religion. And I heard Anthony McCussian say that he would head a mob in any case to prevent the lawyers from attending to any case of their (the Mormons') grievances; and he was a postmaster. And I saw two men that said they had been at Haun's mill at the murder; and one by the name of White and the other Moppin stated that he had slain three Mormons. And I, Thomas D. Casper, witnessed other things too tedious to mention; and solemnly swear before God and men that what is here written is a true statement of facts relative to the suffering of the Mormons in the State of Missouri.
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 630.
"QUINCY, Illinois, March 16, 1840.
"I, Jesse W. Johnston, certify that the following circumstances took place in the State of Missouri while I was a resident of that State; viz: I was taken prisoner by Governor Boggs' exterminating militia. I saw one man killed belonging to the Mormon Church, and was forced by them to take corn out of the fields of the Mormon Church without leave. This was in the fall of 1838.
"Sworn to before C. M. Woods, Clerk of Circuit Court, Adams County, Illinois."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, pp. 630, 631.
"QUINCY, Illinois, March 17, 1840.
"This is to certify that I. Oven Cole, was a resident of Caldwell County, State of Missouri, and while residing at my dwelling house the militia under Governor Boggs,
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and by his orders, plundered my house, and shot me through my thigh. My damage sustained by the militia by being driven from the State, besides my wound, was five hundred dollars. The militiamen were quartered on the lands of the people called Mormons, contrary to the laws and Constitution of the State. I hereby certify this to be a true statement.
"Sworn to before C. M. Woods, Clerk Circuit Court Adams County."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 646.
"QUINCY, Illinois, March 17,1840.
"I, Ezekiel Maginn, certify that I was a citizen of the State of Missouri in the year 1838, and was an eyewitness to the following facts: First, I saw the militia, called for by Governor Boggs' exterminating order, enter the house of Lyman Wight, and took from it a bed and bedding, pillows, and dishes, personally known to me to be his property.
"Sworn to before C. M. Woods, Clerk Circuit Court, Adams County."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 646.
"QUINCY, March 17, 1840.
"I, Addison Green, do certify that in the month of October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, when I was peaceably walking the high road in Ray County, State of Missouri, I was molested and taken prisoner by ten armed men, who took from me one double barrel fowling piece and equipage, threatening to blow out my brains, and swore that if I was a Mormon they would hang me without further ceremony. They had previously been to my lodging and taken my horse, saddle, and bridle. All was then taken into the woods about one mile to Bogart's camp.
"I was kept a prisoner until the next morning, when I was let go; but have not obtained any part of my property, which was worth about one hundred and fifty dollars.
"Sworn before John H. Holton, notary public."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 646.
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"I John P. Green, was in company with several of my neighbors walking the road in peace, when one of our company, a young man, by the name of O'Banion, was shot down at my side! being shot by a company of mobbers; and soon after this we were fired upon again, and two more were killed and several others wounded. This was about the 25th day of October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, in the State of Missouri. And I do hereby certify the above to be true according to the best of my knowledge.
"Sworn to before John E. Holton, notary public."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 646.
"This is to certify that I, Asahel A. Lathrop, was a citizen of the State of Missouri at the time the difficulty originated between the people called Mormons and the inhabitants of the aforesaid State, and herein give a statement of the transactions that came under my observation, according to the best of my recollection.
"I settled in Missouri in the summer of 1838, in Caldwell County, where I purchased land and erected buildings. The said land I now have a deed of; and in the fall I purchased a claim on what is called the East Fork of Grand River, together with a large stock of cattle and horses, sheep and hogs; it being about sixty miles from the aforesaid county where I first located; and moved on to the latter place, supposing that I was at peace with all men. But I found by sad experience that I was surrounded by enemies, for in the fall of 1838, whilst at home with my family, I was notified by a man by the name of James Welden that the people of Livingston County had met at the house of one Doctor William P. Thompson, then living in the attached part of said county, for the purpose of entering into measures respecting the people called Mormons; and the same Welden was a member of the same, and also the aforesaid W. P. Thompson was a justice of the peace; and they all jointly agreed to drive every Mormon from the State; and notified me that I must leave immediately, or I would be in danger of losing my life.
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"At this time my family, some of them, were sick; but after listening to the entreaties of my wife to flee for safety, I committed them into the hands of God and left them, it being on Monday morning; and in a short time after I left, there came some ten or fifteen men to my house, and took possession of the same and compelled my wife to cook for the same, and also made free to take such things as they saw fit; and whilst in this situation my child died, which I have no reason to doubt was for the want of care; which owing to the abuse she received and being deprived of rendering that care that she would, had she been otherwise situated. My boy was buried by the mob, my wife not being able to pay the last respects to her child.
"I went from my home into Daviess County and applied to Austin A. King and General Atchison for advice, as they were acting officers in the State of Missouri, and there were men called out to go and liberate my family, which I had been absent from some ten or fifteen days; and on my return I found the remainder of my family confined to their beds, not being able the one to assist the other, and my house guarded by an armed force.
"I was compelled to remove my family in this situation, on a bed, to a place of safety. This, together with all the trouble and for the want of care, was the cause of the death of the residue of my family, as I have no doubt; which consisted of a wife and two more children, as they died in a few days after their arrival at my friend's. Such was my situation that I was obliged to assist in making their coffins.
"I will give the names of some of the men that have drove me from my house and abused my family-those that I found at my house on my return: Samuel Law, Calvin Hatfield, Stanley Hatfield, Andy Hatfield; and those that were leading men were James Welden, Doctor William P. Thompson, a justice of the peace, and William Cochran, and many others, the names I do not recollect.
"And I have also seen men abused in various ways; and that whilst they were considered prisoners, such as the mob cocking their guns and swearing that they would shoot with their guns to their face, and the officers of the militia so-called
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standing by, without uttering a word; and in these councils they have said if a Missourian should kill a Mormon, he should draw a pension, same as a soldier of the Revolution.
"I was also compelled to give up my gun; and the terms was, I was to leave the aforesaid State of Missouri, or be exterminated. My property is yet remaining in said State, whilst I am deprived of the control of the same.
"Written this 17th day of March, 1840.
"Sworn to before D. W. Kilbourn, J. P., Lee County, Iowa Territory."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, pp. 646, 647.
"I, Burr Riggs, of the town of Quincy, and State of Illinois, do hereby certify that in the year 1836, when moving to the State of Missouri with my family and others, we were met in Ray County, in said State, by a mob of one hundred and fourteen armed men, who commanded us not to proceed any further, but to return, or they would take our lives; and the leader stepped forward at the same time, and cocked his piece. We turned round with our team, and the mob followed us about six miles and left us.
"Some time after this I moved to Caldwell County in said State, and purchased about two hundred acres of land, and a village lot, on which I erected a dwelling house, staked, and commenced improving my land, and had at the time I was driven away, about forty acres of corn, vegetables, etc.; and in the year 1838, in the month of November, was compelled to leave my house and possessions in consequence of Governor Boggs' exterminating order, without means sufficient to bear my expense out of the State.
"Given under my hand at Quincy, Illinois, 17th March, 1840.
"Sworn to before C. M. Woods, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Adams County, Illinois."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 647.
"I, Simons P. Curtis, a resident of Quincy, Adams
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County, Illinois, certify that in the year 1838, I was a citizen of Caldwell County, Missouri, residing in the city of Far West. Also that I went in search of a lost steer, and in passing by Captain Bogart's camp, while he was guarding the city, I saw the hide and feet of said steer, which I knew to be mine; the flesh of which I suppose they applied to their own use.
"I also certify that Wiley E. Williams, one of the Governor's aids, who was gun keeper, caused me to pay thirty-seven and one half cents to him. I also paid twenty-five cents to a justice of the peace to qualify me to testify that the gun was mine. The said Wiley E. Williams is said to be the one that carried the story to Governor Boggs, which story was the cause of the exterminating order being issued, as stated by the Governor in said order.
"Sworn to before C. M. Woods, Clerk Circuit Court, Adams County, Illinois."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 647.
"I, Elisha E. Groves, of the town of Quincy and State of Illinois, upon oath saith, that I was a resident of Daviess County, in the State of Missouri, and that on the 16th day of November, in the year of our Lord 1838, Judge Vinson Smith and others came to my house and ordered myself and family, Levi Taylor, David Osborn, and others, to leave our possession which we had bought of government and paid our money for the same, saying we must within three days leave the county, or they would take our lives, for there was no law to save us after that time. In consequence of these proceedings, together with Governor Boggs' exterminating order, we were compelled to leave the State of Missouri. Furthermore this deponent saith not.
"Given under my hand at Quincy, the 17th day of March, A. D. 1840.
"Sworn to before C. M. Woods, Clerk Circuit Court."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, pp. 647, 648.
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"QUINCY, Illinois, March 17,1840.
"This is to certify that I was a citizen, resident of Caldwell County, Missouri, at the time Governor Boggs' exterminating order was issued, and that I was quartered on by the mob militia without my leave or consent at different times, and at one time by William Mann, Hiram Comstock, and brother, who professed to be the captain; also Robert White; and that I was at the murder at Haun's mill, and was wounded; and that I was driven from the State, to my inconvenience, and deprived of my freedom, as well as to my loss of at least four hundred dollars.
"Sworn to before C. M. Woods, Clerk Circuit."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 648.
"I do certify that I was a resident of Caldwell County, in the State of Missouri, in the year of our Lord 1838, and owned land to a considerable amount, building lots, etc., in the village of Far West; and in consequence of mobocracy, together with Governor Boggs' exterminating order, was compelled to leave the State under great sacrifice of real and personal property, which has reduced and left myself and family in a state of poverty, with a delicate state of health, in an advanced stage of life. Furthermore this deponent saith not.
"Given under my hand at Quincy, Illinois, March 17,1840.
"Sworn to before C. M. Woods, Clerk, Adams County, Illinois."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 648.
"QUINCY, Illinois, Adams County, March 18, 1840.
"I, Jacob Shumaker, do certify that I went back to the State of Missouri about the first of October last, with the calculation to live with my family, but finding it impossible, as the mob surrounded my house and threatened me with my life-say to the amount of twenty or thirty of them; and whilst they were quarreling about me, what they should do and in what way they should dispose of me, I crept out of the back window and made my escape; and leaving my family to their most scandalous abuses, my
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wife and oldest daughter barely escaping from their unholy designs.
"I was thus a second time obliged to leave the State, or remain at the risk of my life. The former alternative I chose. My loss sustained by the above-mentioned abuses was not less than three hundred dollars. A lot of land containing forty acres, for which I paid four dollars per acre, situated in Caldwell County, was unjustly and unlawfully taken from me, and is still retained by some person or persons to me unknown. I hereby certify that the above is a true statement.
"Sworn to before C. M. Woods."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, pp. 660, 661.
"I, Levi Richards, a resident of Quincy, Adams County, Illinois, practitioner of medicine, certify that in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight I was a citizen of Far West, Caldwell County, Missouri, and that in the fall of said year I saw the city invaded by a numerous armed soldiery, who compelled its inhabitants to surrender, give up their firearms, and submit to their dictation. They then set a strong guard round the city, thereby preventing egress or ingress without special permission. Then they collected the citizens together upon the public square, formed round them a strong guard of soldiers, and then at the mouths of their rifles compelled them to sign what was termed a deed of trust, thereby depriving them of all their property and civil rights.
"This occupied several days of most inclement weather, when they were brought to the same order by General Clark, and I judge some forty or fifty were made special prisoners by him. At this time he delivered his speech to the 'Mormons.' which has been published, and which is substantially correct. I was compelled by a company of men armed with rifles to leave my house and go to Captain Bogart's camp (he commanded, as I understood, a part of the guard which surrounded the city) upon an indirect charge or insinuation; was detained a prisoner two days. examined, and then liberated. I then asked the clerk of the company,
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who had been my keeper, the following questions, which he readily answered:-
"Were those men who massacred the 'Mormons' at Haun's mill, out under the Governor's order, or were they mobbers?
"A. Mobbers.
"Are Captain Cornelius Gillium and his company out by legal authority, or are they mobbers?
"A. Mobbers.
"Where are those mobbers now?
"A. They have joined the army.
"This company at the surrender at Far West were painted like Indians. The army wore a badge of red (blood!). I saw a large amount of lumber and timber destroyed, and used for fuel by the soldiers. The destruction of cattle, hogs, etc., seemed to be their sport, as their camp and the fields testified when they withdrew. An excellent gun was taken from me, which I have never seen or heard of since. A gun that was left in my care was taken at the same time, which I afterwards found with Wiley E. Williams, of Richmond (reputed one of the Governor's aids), to obtain which I had to prove property, affirm before a magistrate, and pay said Williams fifty cents!
"I was called to extract lead, dress the wounds, etc., for several persons (saints) who were shot in the above siege, two of whom died. Immediately previous to the above transactions, and for a long time before, the citizens of Caldwell, and particularly Far West, were called upon to watch for mobs by day and guard against them by night, till it became a burden almost intolerable.
"Sworn to before C. M. Woods, Clerk Circuit Court, Adams County, Illinois."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 661.
"I, Gibson Gates, do hereby certify that I was residing in Jackson County, Missouri, in the fall of the year 1833, and had been for the space of about one year. I was at a meeting one day for worship, when a man by the name of Masters came to us, stating that he was sent by the
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mob to inform us that if we would forsake our religion they were willing to be our brethren and fight for us; 'but if not,' said he, 'our young men are ready, and we can scarce constrain them from falling upon you and cutting you to pieces.'
'Soon after this there came a large company of men, armed, to my place, and with much threatening and profane words ordered me to be gone by the next day, or they would kill me and my family; in consequence of which threatening we quit our house in the month of November, leaving most of our effects; suffering very much with cold, fatigue, and hunger, we took on the prairie, and went southward twenty miles or more, where we stayed a few weeks. But still being threatened by the mob, we removed to Clay County, where we lived in peace until the fall of 1838, when a mob arose against the people of the church of Latter Day Saints, when we were again obliged to leave our home, seek safety in another place for a few weeks. When we returned, our house had been broken open, and the lock of a trunk broken open and the most valuable contents thereof taken away; the most of our bedding and furniture was either stolen or destroyed; and we were then ordered to leave the State.
"Sworn to before David W. Kilbourn, J. P."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, pp. 661, 662.
"This is to certify that I, David Pettigrew, was a citizen of Jackson County, Missouri, and owned a good farm, lying on the Blue River, six miles west of Independence, and lived in peace with the inhabitants until the summer and fall of 1833, when the inhabitants began to threaten us with destruction. I was at work in my field and a man by the name of Allen and others with him came along and cried out, 'Mr. Pettigrew, you are at work as though you was determined to stay here, but we are determined that you shall leave the county immediately.' I replied that I was a freeborn citizen of the United States, and had done harm to no man. 'I therefore claim protection by the law of the land,' and that the law and Constitution of the land would not suffer them to commit so horrid a crime.
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They then replied, that 'the old law and Constitution is worn out, and we are about to make a new one.'
"I was at a meeting where we had met for prayer, and a man by the name of Masters came and desired an interview with us; he then stated that he was sent by the mob to inform us that if we would forsake our 'Mormon' and prophet religion, and become of their religion, they, the mob, would be our brothers, and would fight for us; 'but if you will not, we are ready and will drive you from the county.'
"A few days after this a large mob came to my house, commanded by General Moses Wilson, Hugh Brazeale, and Lewis Franklin, and broke down my door and burst into my house, armed with guns, clubs, and knives; some of them were painted red and black. This was in the night, and my family was much frightened. They threatened me with immediate death if I did not leave the place. After much abuse they left us for the night, but in a few days after they returned and drove me and my family into the street, not suffering us to take anything with us. I saw that we must go or die; we went south to Van Buren County, in company with eighty or ninety others. In a short time after I returned to my farm and found my house plundered, my grain and crop, stock, and all my farm and farming tools laid waste and destroyed; and shortly after my house was burned to ashes.
"I called to Esquire Weston, of Independence, and inquired of him if he could inform me what all this mobbing and riot meant, informing him of the destruction and plundering of my house; to which he gave me no satisfaction, but insulted me and treated me roughly. Governor Boggs lived in the county, and I have seen him passing through among us in our great distress, and gave no attention to our distresses. He was then Lieutenant Governor of the State. On my return to my family in Van Buren County I was much abused by a man by the name of Brady; he said he would kill me if ever I attempted to go to my farm, or if he saw me passing that way again. I returned to my family, and in a few days after a company of men came where we
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lived and said they would spill my blood if I did not leave the place immediately. The leaders of this company were John Cornet, Thomas Langley, and Hezekiah Warden; they lived in Jackson County.
"This was in the cold winter, and our sufferings were great. I fled across the Missouri River to Clay County, where I lived three years, in which time I often heard Judge Cameron and others say that 'your Mormons cannot get your rights in any of the courts of the upper country;' and I had not the privilege of voting as a free citizen.
"I moved to Caldwell County, bought land and opened a good farm, and lived in peace until the summer and fall of 1838, when mobs arose in counties round about, and I with the rest was obliged to take up arms in self-defense; for the cry was that the mob law should prevail if we stood against them, until the army came and took us all prisoners of war. I with the rest was obliged to sign a deed of trust at the point of the sword. I with sixty others was selected out and marched to Richmond and Ray County, by the command of General Clark, where they kept us a number of weeks, pretending to try us as treasoners and murderers. At length I obtained my liberty and returned to my family in Caldwell County; and I found that there was no safety there, for there was no law, but all a scene of robbing, and plundering, and stealing. They were about to take me again, and I was obliged to leave my family and flee to Illinois. In about two months my family arrived, having suffered much abuse and loss of health and property. Soon after the arrival of my family, my son, a young man, died; and I attribute his death to the cruel barbarity of the mob of Missouri, he being a prisoner among them, and having suffered much because of them.
"My father was a soldier, and served in the Revolutionary War. under the great Washington, but I have not had protection on my own lands; and I have not been permitted to see my farm in Jackson County, Missouri, in seven years. Soldiers were stationed or quartered in different parts of Far West; and they treated us roughly, threatening to shoot us, and making use of anything they pleased, such as burning
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house, timber, and rails, and garden fences, and stealing and plundering what they pleased.
"When I was at Richmond, a prisoner before Judge King, we sent for many witnesses; and when they came they were taken and cast into prison with us, and we were not permitted to have any witnesses. The day I came out of prison they compelled me to sign a writing which was not true, or remain in prison.
"Sworn to before D. W. Kilbourn, J. P."
-Millennial Star, vol. 17, pp. 662, 663.
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