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UNDER the peculiar circumstances mentioned in volume 1, chapter 23, the year 1836 opened. Serious difficulty existed between Joseph Smith and his brother William, which was affecting several others. The spirit manifested by Joseph, as indicated by his writing, was commendable; and we invite special consideration of the following copied from the Millennial Star:-
"Friday morning, January 1,1836. This being the beginning of a new year, my heart is filled with gratitude to God, that he has preserved my life, and the lives of my family, while another year has rolled away. We have been sustained and upheld in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation, and exposed to all the afflictions, temptations, and misery that are incident to human life, for which I feel to humble myself in dust and ashes, as it were, before the Lord. But notwithstanding the gratitude that fills my heart on retrospecting the past year, and the multiplied blessings that have crowned our heads, my heart is pained within me because of the difficulty that exists in my father's family. The Devil has made a violent attack on my brother William, and Calvin Stoddard, and the powers of darkness seem to lower over their minds, and not only theirs, but casts a gloomy shade over the minds of my brothers and sisters, which prevents them from seeing things as they really
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are; and the powers of earth and hell seem combined to overthrow us and the church, by causing a division in the family; and indeed the adversary is bringing into requisition all his subtlety, to prevent the saints from being endowed, by causing a division among the Twelve, also among the Seventy, and bickerings and jealousies among the elders and official members of the church; and so the leaven of iniquity ferments and spreads among the members of the church. But I am determined that nothing on my part shall be lacking to adjust, and amicably dispose of, and settle, all family difficulties on this day, that the ensuing year, and years, be they few or many, may be spent in righteousness before God. And I know that the cloud will burst, and Satan's kingdom be laid in ruins, with all his black designs; and the saints come forth like gold seven times tried in the fire, being made perfect through sufferings and temptations, and the blessings of heaven and earth multiplied upon our heads, which may God grant for Christ's sake. Amen.
"Brothers William and Hyrum, and Uncle John Smith, came to my house, and we went into a room by ourselves, in company with Father, and Elder Martin Harris. Father Smith then opened our interview by prayer, after which he expressed his feelings on the occasion in a very feeling and pathetic manner, even with all the sympathy of a father, whose feelings were deeply wounded on the account of the difficulty that was existing in the family; and while he addressed us, the Spirit of God rested down upon us in mighty power, and our hearts were melted. Brother William made an humble confession, and asked my forgiveness for the abuse he had offered me. And wherein I had been out of the way, I asked his forgiveness. And the spirit of confession and forgiveness was mutual among us all, and we covenanted with each other, in the sight of God, and the holy angels, and the brethren, to strive thence-forward to build each other up in righteousness, in all things, and not listen to evil reports concerning each other, but, like brethren indeed, go to each other, with our grievances, in the spirit of meekness, and be reconciled, and thereby promote our happiness, and the happiness of the family, and in
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short, the happiness and wellbeing of all. My wife, and mother, and my scribe were then called in, and we repeated the covenant to them that we had entered into; and while gratitude swelled our bosoms, tears flowed from our eyes. I was then requested to close our interview, which I did with prayer; and it was truly a jubilee, and time of rejoicing; after which we all unitedly administered by laying on of hands to my cousin, George A. Smith, who was immediately healed of a severe rheumatic affection all over the body, which caused excruciating pain.
"Saturday morning, 2d. According to previous arrangement I went to the council at nine o'clock. This council was called to sit in judgment on a complaint preferred against Brother William Smith, by Orson Johnson, on the 29th December.
"The council organized and proceeded to business, but before entering on the trial Brother William arose and humbly confessed the charges preferred against him, and asked the forgiveness of the council and the whole congregation.
"A vote was then called to know whether his confession was satisfactory, and whether the brethren would extend the hand of fellowship again. With cheerfulness the whole congregation raised their hands to receive him....
"Sunday morning, 3d. Went to meeting at the usual hour. President Rigdon delivered a fine lecture upon the subject of revelation.
"In the afternoon I confirmed ten or twelve persons who had been baptized, among whom was Malcham C. Davis, who was baptized during intermission to-day. Brother William Smith made his confession to the church to their satisfaction; and was cordially received into fellowship again. The Lord's supper was administered, and Brother William gave out an appointment to preach in the evening, at early candlelight. and preached a fine discourse; and this day has been a day of rejoicing to me. The cloud that has been hanging over us has burst with blessings on our heads, and Satan has been foiled in his attempts to destroy me and the church, by causing jealousies to arise in the hearts of some of the brethren. And I
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thank my heavenly Father for the union and harmony which now prevail in the church.
"Monday morning, 4th. Met and organized our Hebrew school according to the arrangements that were made on Saturday last, as we had engaged Doctor Piexotto to teach us in the Hebrew language, when we had our room prepared. We informed him that we were ready, and our room was prepared. And he agreed to wait on us this day, and deliver his introductory lecture.
"Yesterday he sent us word that he could not come until Wednesday next. A vote was then called to know whether we would submit to such treatment or not; and carried in the negative; and Elder Sylvester Smith appointed clerk to write him on the subject, and inform him that his services were not wanted; and Elders William E. McLellin and Orson Hyde dispatched to Hudson Seminary to hire a teacher. They were appointed by the voice of the school to act in their behalf. However, we concluded to go on with our school, and do the best we could until we obtained a teacher; and by the voice of the school I consented to render them all the assistance I was able to, for the time being.
"We are occupying the translating room for the use of the school, until another room can be prepared. This is the first day we have occupied it, which is the west room in the upper part of the temple, which was consecrated this morning by prayer, offered up by Father Smith. This is a rainy time, and the roads are extremely muddy....
"Tuesday, 5th. Attended the Hebrew school, divided them into classes....
"Wednesday, 6th. Attended school, and spent most of the forenoon in settling the unpleasant feelings that existed in the breast of Elder O. Pratt....
"Elder McLellin returned from Hudson, and reported to the school that he had hired a teacher to teach us the term of seven weeks, for three hundred and twenty dollars; that is, forty scholars for that amount; to commence in about fifteen days. He is highly celebrated as a Hebrew scholar, and proposes to give us sufficient knowledge during the above term, to read and translate the language.
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"A High Council assembled at Kirtland for the purpose of filling the vacancies of the High Council of Zion. Presidents David Whitmer, John Whitmer, and W. W. Phelps, and fifteen high priests and elders present. President Phelps announced the death of Christian Whitmer on the 27th of November, 1835. Four councilors, namely, Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, William E. McLellin, and Thomas B. Marsh, had been chosen apostles, or special witnesses; and Elisha E. Groves was appointed to take the place of P. P. Pratt in the High Council of Zion; Jesse Hitchcock in the place of William E. McLellin; G. M. Hinkle for O. Pratt; Elias Higbee for T. B. Marsh; and Peter Whitmer, Jr., for Christian Whitmer, deceased; who were ordained, at the time, to their office as councilors....
"Thursday, 7th. Attended a sumptuous feast at Bishop N. E. Whitney's. This feast was after the order of the Son of God-the lame, the halt, and blind were invited, according to the instruction of the Savior. Our meeting was opened by singing, and prayer by Father Smith; after which Bishop Whitney's father and mother, and a number of others, were blessed with a patriarchal blessing. We then received a bountiful refreshment, furnished by the liberality of the Bishop. The company was large, and before we partook, we had some of the songs of Zion sung; and our hearts were made glad while partaking of an antepast of those joys that will be poured upon the heads of the Saints, when they are gathered together on Mount Zion, to enjoy each other's society forevermore, even all the blessings of heaven, when there will be none to molest or make us afraid. Returned home, and spent the evening.
"Friday, 8th. Spent the day in the Hebrew school, and made rapid progress in our studies.
"The plastering and hard-finishing on the outside of the Lord's house was commenced on the 2d November, 1835, and finished this day. The job was let to Artemas Millet and Lorenzo Young, at one thousand dollars. Jacob Bump took the job of plastering the inside of the house throughout, at fifteen hundred dollars, and commenced
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the same on the 9th of November last. He is still continuing the work, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather.
"Saturday, 9th. Attended school in the forenoon. About eleven o'clock, received the following note:-
"'Thus saith the voice of the Spirit to me: If thy brother, Joseph Smith, Jr., will attend the feast at thy house this day (at twelve o'clock), the poor and the lame will rejoice at his presence, and also think themselves honored.
Yours in friendship and love,
"N. K. W. (WHITNEY.)
"'January 9, 1836.'
"I dismissed the school, in order to attend to this polite invitation, with my wife, father, and mother. A large congregation assembled, a number were blessed under the hands of Father Smith, and we had a good time. Spent the evening at home.
"Sunday, 10th. Attended meeting at the usual hour....
"Monday, 11th. There being no school, I spent the day at home....
"Tuesday, 12th. I called on the Presidency of the church, and made arrangements to meet to-morrow at ten o'clock a. m., to take into consideration the subject of the solemn assembly."-Millennial Star, vol. 15, pp. 551, 552, 564, 565, 567, and 568.
On Wednesday, January 13,1836, there was a council held at Kirtland, Ohio, composed of the First Presidency of the church, the presidents of the High Council in Zion, and the presidents of the High Council in Kirtland, the Twelve Apostles, the Seventy, and many of the elders.
At this council Elder Vinson Knight was chosen a member of the Bishop's council of Kirtland. He was ordained a high priest and Bishop's counselor under the hands of Bishop N. K. Whitney.
Elder John P. Green was elected a member of the High Council, instead of Oliver Cowdery, who had been elected a president of said council.
Elder Thomas Grover was elected to the High Council to
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fill the place of Luke Johnson, who had been ordained one of the Twelve Apostles.
Elder Noah Packard was elected a member of the High Council in place of Sylvester Smith, who had been ordained to the Presidency of the Seventy.
Elder Joseph Kingsbury was elected a high councilor to supply the place of Elder Orson Pratt, who had been ordained one of the Twelve Apostles.
Elder Samuel James was chosen a member of the High Council, in place of Joseph Smith, Sr. These were all ordained under the hands of Presidents Rigdon, Joseph Smith, Jr., and Hyrum Smith, to positions in the High Council of Kirtland.
Then the following were selected to act temporarily in the High Council of Zion, on account of the absence of John Murdock and Solomon Hancock; viz., Elders Alva Beeman and Isaac McWithy.
Thomas Carrico was appointed a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord.
Elders Joseph Smith, Jr., Sidney Rigdon, W. W. Phelps, David Whitmer, and Hyrum Smith were appointed a committee to draft rules and regulations to govern the house of the Lord.
The following resolution was passed:-
"By the unanimous voice of the whole assembly, motioned, seconded, and carried unanimously, that no whispering shall be allowed in our councils or assemblies, nor anyone allowed (except he is called upon, or asks permission) to speak loud, upon any consideration whatever; and no man shall be interrupted while speaking, unless he is speaking out of place; and every man shall be allowed to speak in his turn."-Millennial Star, vol. 15, p. 582.
Joseph states regarding the work of this day:-
"This has been one of the best days that I ever spent; there has been an entire union of feeling expressed, in all our proceedings this day; and the Spirit of the God of Israel has rested upon us in mighty power, and it has been good for us to be here in this heavenly place in Christ Jesus; and although much fatigued with the labors of the day, yet my
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spiritual reward has been very great indeed. Spent the evening at home."-Millennial Star, vol. 15, p. 582.
On February 15,1836, this council again assembled, when the committee on rules reported. Their report was three times read, then passed upon by the Presidency, the High Council of Kirtland, the High Council of Zion, the Twelve Apostles, the Seventy, the Bishop of Zion and his counselors, the Bishop of Kirtland and his counselors, and then by the assembly as a whole; when it became a law to govern the house of the Lord in Kirtland. 1
At this council Don C. Smith was chosen President of the High Priests in Kirtland; Alva Beeman to preside over the
1"I. It is according to the rules and regulations of all regular and legally organized bodies, to have a President to keep order.
"II. The body thus organized, are under obligation to be is subjection to that authority.
"III. When a congregation assembles in this house, they shall submit to the following rules, that due respect may be paid to the order of worship; viz.:-
"1. No man shall be interrupted who is appointed to speak by the Presidency of the church, by any disorderly person or persons in the congregation, by whispering, by laughing, by talking by menacing gestures, by getting up and running out in a disorderly manner or by offering indignity to the manner of worship, or the religion, or to any officer of said church, while officiating in his office, in anywise whatsoever, by any display of ill manners, or ill breeding, from old or young, rich or poor, male or female, bond or free, black or white, believer or unbeliever. And if any of the above insults are offered, such measures will be taken as are lawful, to punish the aggressor or aggressors, and eject them out of the house.
"2. An insult offered to the presiding elder of said church, shall be considered an insult to the whole body. Also, an insult offered to any of the officers of said church, while officiating, shall be considered an insult to the whole body.
"3. All persons are prohibited from going up the stairs in times of worship.
"4. All persons are prohibited from exploring the house, except waited upon by a person appointed for that purpose.
"5. All persons are prohibited from going into the several pulpits, except the officers who are appointed to officiate in the same.
"6. All persons are prohibited from cutting, marking, or marring the inside or outside of the house with a knife, pencil, or any other instrument whatever, under pain of such penalty as the law shall inflict.
"7. All children are prohibited from assembling in the house, above or below, or any part of it, to play, or for recreation, at any time; and all parents, guardians, or masters, shall be amenable for all damage that shall accrue in consequence of their children's misconduct.
"8 All persons, whether believers or unbelievers, shall be treated with due respect by the authorities of the church.
"9. No imposition shall be practiced upon any member of the church by depriving them of their rights in the house."-Millennial Star, vol. 15 pp. 582, 583.
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elders, in Kirtland; William Cowdery to preside over the priests of the Aaronic priesthood in Kirtland; Oliver Olney to preside over the teachers in Kirtland; and Ira Bond to preside over the deacons in Kirtland. D. C. Smith and Alva Beeman were ordained by Joseph Smith, Jr., Sidney Rigdon, and Hyrum Smith; the others were ordained by Bishop Whitney.
It was agreed that the several quorums should take their turn as doorkeepers in the house of the Lord, and that they should be assisted by Nathaniel Milliken, Thomas Carrico, Amos R. Orton, and Samuel Rolfe.
It was resolved that the Presidency of the High Council should hold all of the keys of the temple, except the keys of one vestry, which were to be held by the '"Bishopric of the Aaronic priesthood."
John Corrill was placed in charge of the house.
On January 16, 1836, a joint council was held at Kirtland, between the First Presidency and the Twelve, in which some differences were reconciled. By reference to footnote it will be seen that the difference arose on account of the unwarrantable interference of another. The minutes of the council are as follows:-
"Saturday morning, 16th. By request, I met with the council of the Twelve in company with my colleagues, Frederick G. Williams and Sidney Rigdon.
"Council opened with singing, and prayer by Thomas B. Marsh, President of the Twelve. He arose and requested the privilege, in behalf of his colleagues, of each speaking in his turn without being interrupted; which was granted them.
"Elder Marsh proceeded to unbosom his feelings touching the mission of the Twelve, and more particularly respecting a certain letter which they received from the Presidency of the High Council in Kirtland, while attending a conference in the State of Maine; also spoke of being placed, in our council on Friday last, below the councils of Kirtland and Zion, having been previously placed next the Presidency in our assemblies; also observed that they were hurt on account of some remarks made by President Hyrum Smith,
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on the trial of Gladden Bishop, (who had been previously tried before the Council of the Twelve, while on their mission in the east,) who had by their request thrown his case before the High Council in Kirtland for investigation; and the Twelve considered that their proceedings with him were in some degree discountenanced.
"Elder Marsh then gave way to his brethren, and they arose and spoke in turn until they had all spoken, acquiescing in the observations of Elder Marsh, and made some additions to his remarks, which were as follows: that the letter in question, which they received from the Presidency, in which two of their members were suspended, and the rest severely chastened, and that too upon testimony which was unwarrantable; and particular stress was laid upon a certain letter which the Presidency had received from Doctor Warren A. Cowdery, of Freedom, New York, in which he preferred charges against them, which were false, and upon which we (the Presidency) had acted in chastening them; and therefore the Twelve had concluded that the Presidency had lost confidence in them; and that whereas the church in this place had caressed them, at the time of their appointment to the apostleship, they now treated them coolly, and appeared to have lost confidence in them also. 2
"They spoke of their having been in the work from the beginning almost, and had borne the burden in the heat of the
2"Is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that Messrs. T. B. Marsh and others, denominated the 'Twelve,' while on their mission to the East, last season, received a letter from the Presidency of the church in which they were censured for neglecting to teach the church in Freedom, Cattaraugus County, New York, the necessity of contributing of their earthly substance for the building of the house of the Lord in this place. The rebuke from the Presidency (as the undersigned has been informed) was predicated upon a letter addressed by him to the Presidents or some one of them, stating that they, the Twelve, taught no such thing. The undersigned, although actuated by the purest motives at the time he wrote, believing he had stated nothing but the truth, has since become satisfied from the best of evidence that that particular item in their instructions was not omitted as he had represented, he therefore most deeply regrets it, being sensible as he now is that he was the cause (although innocent) of wounding the best of feelings, and depressing spirits buoyant with hope, while in a field of useful labor at a distance from home.
"Kirtland, March 7, 1836."
-Messenger and Advocate, vol. 2, p. 263.
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day, and passed through many trials, and that the Presidency ought not to suspect their fidelity, nor lose confidence in them, neither have chastened them upon such testimony as was lying before them; also urged the necessity of an explanation upon the letter which they received from the Presidency, and the propriety of their having information, as it respects their duties, authority, etc., that they might come to an understanding in all things, that they might act in perfect unison and harmony before the Lord, and be prepared for the endowment; also that they had preferred a charge against Doctor Cowdery for his unchristian conduct, which the Presidency had disregarded; also that President Oliver Cowdery, on a certain occasion, had made use of language to one of the Twelve that was unchristian and unbecoming any man; and that they would not submit to such treatment. The remarks of the Twelve were made in a very forcible and explicit manner, yet cool and deliberate.
"I observed that we had heard them patiently, and in turn should expect to be heard patiently also. And first, I remarked that it was necessary that the Twelve should state whether they were determined to persevere in the work of the Lord, whether the Presidency were able to satisfy them or not.
"Vote called, and carried in the affirmative, unanimously.
"I then said to them that I had not lost confidence in them, they had no reason to suspect my confidence, and that I would be willing to be weighed in the scale of truth, to-day, in this matter, and risk it in the day of judgment; and as it respects the chastening contained in the letter in question, which I acknowledged might have been expressed in too harsh language, which was not intentional, I asked their forgiveness, inasmuch as I had hurt their feelings; but nevertheless, the letter that Elder McLellin wrote back to Kirtland, while the Twelve were at the east, was harsh also, and I was willing to set the one against the other.
"I next proceeded to explain the duty of the Twelve, and their authority, which is next to the present Presidency, and that the arrangement of the assembly in this place on the 15th instant, in placing the High Councils of Kirtland
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next the Presidency, was because the business to be transacted was business relating to that body in particular, which was to fill the several quorums in Kirtland, not because they were first in office, and that the arrangements were the most judicious that could be made on the occasion; also the Twelve are not subject to any other than the First Presidency; viz., myself, Sidney Rigdon, and Frederick G. Williams, who are now my counselors; (and where I am not, there is no First Presidency over the Twelve.)
"I also stated to the Twelve that I did not countenance the harsh language of President Cowdery to them, neither in myself nor any other man, although I have sometimes spoken too harshly from the impulse of the moment, and inasmuch as I have wounded your feelings, brethren, I ask your forgiveness, for I love you, and will hold you up with all my heart in all righteousness, before the Lord, and before all men; for be assured, brethren, I am willing to stem the torrent of all opposition, in storms and in tempests, in thunders and in lightnings, by sea and by land, in the wilderness, or among false brethren, or mobs, or wherever God in his providence may call us. And I am determined that neither heights nor depths, principalities nor powers, things present or things to come, or any other creature, shall separate me from you. And I will now covenant with you before God, that I will not listen to nor credit any derogatory report against any of you, nor condemn you upon any testimony beneath the heavens, short of that testimony which is infallible, until I can see you face to face, and know of a surety; and I do place unremitted confidence in your word, for I believe you to be men of truth. And I ask the same of you, when I tell you anything, that you place equal confidence in my word, for I will not tell you I know anything which I do not know. But I have already consumed more time than I intended when I commenced, and I will now give way to my colleagues.
"President Rigdon arose next and acquiesced in what I had said, and acknowledged to the Twelve that he had not done as he ought, in not citing Dr. Cowdery to trial on the charges that were put into his hands by the Twelve; that he
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had neglected his duty in this thing, for which he asked their forgiveness, and would now attend to it, if they desired him to do so; and President Rigdon also observed to the Twelve, if he had spoken or reproved too harshly at any time, and had injured their feelings by so doing, he asked their forgiveness.
"President Williams arose and acquiesced in the above sentiments, expressed by myself and President Rigdon, in full, and said many good things.
"The President of the Twelve then called a vote of that body to know whether they were perfectly satisfied with the explanation which we had given them, and whether they would enter into the covenant we had proposed to them, which was most readily manifested in the affirmative, by raising their hands to heaven in testimony of their willingness and desire to enter into this covenant, and their entire satisfaction with our explanation upon all the difficulties that were on their minds. We then took each other by the hand in confirmation of our covenant, and there was a perfect union of feeling on this occasion, and our hearts overflowed with blessings, which we pronounced upon each other's heads as the Spirit gave us utterance.
"My scribe is included in this covenant, and these blessings with us, for I love him for the truth and integrity that dwell in him. And may God enable us all to perform our vows and covenants with each other, in all fidelity and righteousness before him, that our influence may be felt among the nations of the earth, in mighty power, even to rend the kingdoms of darkness asunder, and triumph over priestcraft and spiritual wickedness in high places, and break in pieces all kingdoms that are opposed to the kingdom of Christ, and spread the light and truth of the everlasting gospel from the rivers to the ends of the earth.
"Elder Beeman came in for counsel, to know whether it was best for him to return before the solemn assembly or not. After consideration, the council advised him to tarry.
"Council dismissed by singing and prayer.
"Warren Parrish, Scribe."
-Millennial Star, vol. 15, pp. 594-596
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Joseph resumes the history as follows:-
"Sunday morning, 17th. Attended meeting at the schoolhouse at the usual hour; a large congregation assembled.
"I proceeded to organize the several quorums present, first the Presidency, then the Twelve, and the Seventy who were present, also the councilors of Kirtland and Zion.
"President Rigdon then arose and observed, that instead of preaching, the time would be occupied by the Presidency and Twelve, in speaking each in their turn, until they had all spoken. The Lord poured out his Spirit upon us, and the brethren began to confess their faults one to the other, and the congregation was soon overwhelmed in tears, and some of our hearts were too big for utterance. The gift of tongues came on us also, like the rushing of a mighty wind, and my soul was filled with the glory of God.
"In the afternoon I joined three couple in matrimony in the public congregation; viz., William F. Cahoon and Miranda Gibbs, Harvey Stanley and Larona Cahoon, Tunis Rapley and Louisa Cutler. We then administered the sacrament, and dismissed the congregation, which was so dense that it was very unpleasant for all. We were then invited to a feast at Elder Cahoon's, which was prepared for the occasion, and had a good time while partaking of the rich repast; and I verily realized that it was good for brethren to dwell together in unity, like the dew upon the mountains of Israel, where the Lord commanded blessings, even life forevermore. Spent the evening at home.
"Monday, the 18th. Attended the Hebrew school. This day the elder's school was removed into the temple in the room adjoining ours.
"Tuesday, l9th. Spent the day at school. The Lord blessed us in our studies. This day we commenced reading in our Hebrew Bibles with much success. It seems as if the Lord opens our minds in a marvelous manner to understand his word in the original language; and my prayer is that God will speedily endue us with a knowledge of all languages and tongues, that his servants may go forth for the last time to bind up the law, and seal up the testimony.
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"'I hereby certify, that, agreeable to the rules and regulations of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, on matrimony, were joined in marriage, Mr. William F. Cahoon and Miss Nancy M. Gibbs, both of this place, on Sabbath, the 17th instant.
"'Presiding Elder of said Church.
"'Kirtland, Ohio, January 19,1836.'
"Wednesday morning, 20th. Attended school at the usual hour, and spent the day in reading and lecturing, and made some advances in our studies.
"At evening I attended on a matrimonial occasion with my family, at Mr. John Johnson's, having been invited to join President John F. Boynton and Miss Susan Lowell in marriage. A large and respectable company assembled, and were seated by Elders O. Hyde and W. Parrish, in the following order: The Presidency and their companions in the first seats, the Twelve Apostles in the second, the Seventy in the third, and the remainder of the congregation seated with their companions. Elder Boynton and lady with their attendants came in and were seated in front of the Presidency.
"A hymn was sung, after which I addressed a throne of grace. I then arose and read aloud a license (according to the law of the land) granting any minister of the gospel the privilege of solemnizing the rights of matrimony, and after calling for objection, if any there were, against the anticipated alliance between Elder Boynton and Miss Lowell, and waiting sufficient time, I observed that all forever after this must hold their peace. I then invited them to join hands. I pronounced the ceremony according to the rules and regulations of the Church of the Latter Day Saints, in the name of God, and in the name of Jesus Christ; I pronounced upon them the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and such other blessings as the Lord put into my heart; and being much under the influence of a cold, I then gave way, and President Rigdon arose and delivered a very forcible address,
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suited to the occasion, and closed the services of the evening by prayer."-Millennial Star, vol. 15, pp. 596, 597.
On the evening of the 21st of January, 1836, the First Presidency met in the west schoolroom of the Kirtland Temple, at which time they ordained Joseph Smith, Sr., Patriarch of the church, and also received their patriarchal blessings under his hands. Joseph states concerning this meeting and other matters as follows:-
"The heavens were opened upon us, and I beheld the celestial kingdom of God, and the glory thereof, whether in the body or out I cannot tell. I saw the transcendent beauty of the gate through which the heirs of that kingdom will enter, which was like unto circling flames of fire; also the blazing throne of God, whereon was seated the Father and the Son. I saw the beautiful streets of that kingdom, which had the appearance of being paved with gold. I saw Fathers Adam and Abraham, and my father and mother, my brother Alvin, that has long since slept, and marveled how it was that he had obtained an inheritance in that kingdom, seeing that he had departed this life before the Lord had set his hand to gather Israel the second time, and had not been baptized for the remission of sins.
"Thus came the voice of the Lord unto me, saying:-
"'All who have died without a knowledge of this gospel, who would have received it if they had been permitted to tarry, shall be heirs of the celestial kingdom of God; also all that shall die henceforth without a knowledge of it, who would have received it with all their hearts, shall be heirs of that kingdom, for I, the Lord, will judge all men according to their works, according to the desire of their hearts.'
"And I also beheld that all children who die before they arrive at the years of accountability, are saved in the celestial kingdom of heaven. . . .
"Many of my brethren who received the ordinance with me saw glorious visions also. Angels ministered unto them as well as myself, and the power of the Highest rested upon us, the house was filled with the glory of God, and we shouted, Hosanna to God and the Lamb.
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"The Bishop of Kirtland with his counselors, and the Bishop of Zion with his counselors, were present with us, and received their anointings under the hands of Father Smith, and were confirmed by the Presidency, and the glories of heaven were unfolded to them also.
"We then invited the councilors of Kirtland and Zion into our room, and President Hyrum Smith anointed the head of the President of the councilors in Kirtland, and President David Whitmer the head of the President of the councilors of Zion.
"The president of each quorum then anointed the heads of his colleagues, each in his turn, beginning at the eldest.
"The visions of heaven were opened to them also. Some of them saw the face of the Savior, and others were ministered unto by holy angels, and the spirit of prophecy and revelation was poured out in mighty power; and loud hosannahs, and glory to God in the highest saluted the heavens, for we all communed with the heavenly host. . . .
"22d. At evening we met at the same place, with the Council of the Twelve, and the Presidency of the Seventy, who were to receive this ordinance. The High Councils of Kirtland and Zion were present also.
"After calling to order, and organizing, the Presidency proceeded to consecrate the oil.
"We then laid our hands upon Elder Thomas B. Marsh, who is President of the Twelve, and ordained him to the authority of anointing his brethren. I then poured the consecrated oil upon his head in the name of Jesus Christ, and sealed such blessings upon him as the Lord put into my heart. The rest of the Presidency then laid their hands upon him and blessed him, each in his turn, beginning at the eldest. He then anointed and blessed his brethren from the eldest to the youngest. I also laid my hands upon them and pronounced many great and glorious things upon their heads. The heavens were opened, and angels ministered unto us.
"The Twelve then proceeded to anoint and bless the Presidency of the Seventy, and seal upon their heads power and authority to anoint their brethren. . . .
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"Brother Don C. Smith was also anointed and blessed to preside over the High Priesthood.
"President Rigdon arose to conclude the services of the evening by invoking the benediction of heaven upon the Lord's anointed, which he did in an eloquent manner; the congregation shouted a long hosannah; the gift of tongues fell upon us in mighty power, angels mingled their voices with ours, while their presence was in our midst, and unceasing praises swelled our bosoms for the space of half an hour.
"I then observed to the brethren that it was time to retire. We accordingly closed our interview and returned home at about two o'clock in the morning, and the Spirit and visions of God attended me through the night.
"Saturday, 23d. Attended at the schoolroom as usual, and we came together filled with the Spirit, as on the past evening, and did not feel like studying, but commenced conversing upon heavenly things, and the day we spent agreeably and profitably. Elder Alva Beeman had been tempted to doubt the things which we received on Saturday evening, and he made an humble confession, and asked forgiveness of the school, which was joyfully given, and he said he would try to resist Satan in future.
"Sunday, 24th. Met the several quorums in the room under the printing office, and after organizing and opening by prayer, called upon the High Council of Kirtland to proceed and confess their sins, as they might be directed by the Spirit, and they occupied the first part of the day, and confessed and exhorted as the Spirit led.
"Afternoon, attended again, and saw the bread and wine administered to the quorums and brethren who were present.
"In the evening met the Presidency in the room over the printing room, and counseled on the subject of endowment, and the preparation for the solemn assembly, which is to be called when the house of the Lord is finished.
"Monday, 25th. Received a line from my scribe, informing me of his ill health, as follows:-
"'Brother Joseph:-My great desire to be in your company and in the assembly of the Saints, where God opens
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the heavens, and exhibits the treasures of eternity, is the only thing that has stimulated me, for a number of days past, to leave my house; for be assured, dear brother, my bodily affliction is severe. I have a violent cough, more especially at night, which deprives me of my appetite, and my strength fails, and writing has a particular tendency to injure my lungs, while I am under the influence of such a cough, I therefore with reluctance send your journal to you until my health improves.
"'Yours in haste,
"'Warren Parrish.
"'P. S.-Brother Joseph, pray for me, and ask the prayers of the class on my account also. W. P.'
"Appointed Elder Sylvester Smith acting scribe for the time being, or till Elder Parrish shall recover his health. Spent the day at home receiving visitors.
"Tuesday, 26th. Mr. Seixas arrived from Hudson to teach the Hebrew language, and I attended upon the organizing of the class, for the purpose of receiving lectures upon Hebrew grammar. His hours of instruction are from ten to eleven a. m., and from two to three p. m. His introduction pleased me much. I think he will be a help to the class in learning Hebrew.
"Wednesday, 27th. Attended school as usual, and other matters also which came before me.
"Thursday, 28th. Attended school at the usual hour.
"In the evening met the Quorum of High Priests in the west room of the upper loft of the Lord's house, and, in company with my Council of the Presidency, consecrated and anointed the Counselors of the President of the High Priesthood, and having instructed them, and set the quorum in order, I left them to perform the holy anointing, and went to the Quorum of Elders at the other end of the room. I assisted in anointing the counselors of the president of the elders, and gave the instruction necessary for the occasion, and left the President and his council to anoint the elders while I should go to the adjoining room and attend to organizing and instructing of the Quorum of the Seventy.
"I found the Twelve Apostles assembled with this quorum,
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and I proceeded, with the Quorum of the Presidency, to instruct them, and also the Seven Presidents of the Seventy Elders, to call upon God with uplifted hands to seal the blessings which had been promised to them by the holy anointing. As I organized this quorum, with the Presidency in this room, President Sylvester Smith saw a pillar of fire rest down and abide upon the heads of the quorum, as we stood in the midst of the Twelve.
"When the Twelve and the Seven were through with their sealing prayer, I called upon President S. Rigdon to seal them with uplifted hands; and when he had done this, and cried hosannah, that all the congregation should join him, and shout hosannah to God and the Lamb, and glory to God in the highest. . . .
"After these things were over, and a glorious vision, which I saw, had passed, I instructed the seven presidents to proceed and anoint the Seventy, and returned to the room of the High Priests and Elders, and attended to the sealing of what they had done, with uplifted hands.
"The Lord had assisted my brother Carlos, the President of the High Priests, to go forward with the anointing of the High Priests, so that he had performed it to the acceptance of the Lord, notwithstanding he was very young and inexperienced in such duties; and I felt to praise God, with a loud hosannah for his goodness to me and my father's family, and to all the children of men. Praise the Lord all ye his saints, praise his holy name.
"After these quorums were dismissed, I retired to my home, filled with the Spirit, and my soul cried, Hosanna to God and the Lamb, through the silent watches of the night; and while my eyes were closed in sleep the visions of the Lord were sweet unto me, and his glory was round about me. Praise the Lord.
"Friday, 29th. Attended school and read Hebrew. Received a line from the Presidency of the Elders' Quorum, they wishing to know whom they should receive, which I answered verbally.
"Afternoon, I called in all my father's family and made a feast, and related my feelings towards them. My father
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pronounced patriarchal blessings on the heads of Henry Gannet, Charles H. Smith, Marietta Carter, Angeline Carter, Joanna Carter, and Nancy Carter. This was a good time to me, and all the family rejoiced together. We continued the meeting till about eight o'clock in the evening, and related the goodness of God to us in opening our eyes to see the visions of heaven, and in sending his holy angels to minister unto us the word of life. We sang the praise of God in animated strains, and the power of love and union was felt and enjoyed.
"Saturday, 30th. Attended school as usual and waited upon several visitors, and showed them the record of Abraham. Mr. Seixas, our Hebrew teacher, examined it with deep interest, and pronounced it to be original beyond all doubt. He is a man of excellent understanding, and has knowledge of many languages which were spoken by the ancients, and he is an honorable man so far as I can judge yet.
"'At a conference of the Presidency of the church, it was resolved that no one be ordained to an office in the church in Kirtland, without the voice of the several quorums, when assembled for church business.
"'Resolved, that Alva Beeman, President of the Elders, be directed to give to the Presidents of the church a list of the names of the several elders comprising his quorum, and all other elders in Kirtland not belonging to any quorum now established.
"'Resolved, that Harvey Whitlock be restored to the church in full fellowship on his being rebaptized, and after, be ordained to the high priesthood.
"In the evening, went to the upper rooms of the Lord's house, and set the different quorums in order. Instructed the Presidents of the Seventy concerning the order of their anointing, and requested them to proceed and anoint the Seventy. Having set all the quorums in order, I returned to my house, being weary with continual anxiety and labor in putting all the authorities in order, and in striving to purify them for the solemn assembly, according to the commandment of the Lord.
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"Sunday, 31st. Attended divine service in the schoolhouse, organized the several quorums of the authorities of the church, appointed doorkeepers to keep order about the door because of the crowd, and to prevent the house from being excessively crowded. The High Council of Zion occupied the first part of the day in speaking as they were led, and relating experiences, trials, etc.
"Afternoon. House came to order as usual and President Sidney Rigdon delivered a short discourse, and we attended to the breaking of bread.
"In the evening my father attended to the blessing of three brethren at President O. Cowdery's. Spent the evening at home. . . .
"In the evening, attended to the organizing of the Quorums of High Priests, Elders, Seventy, and Bishops, in the upper rooms of the house of the Lord, and after blessing each quorum in the name of the Lord, I returned home, had another interview with Mr. Seixas, our Hebrew teacher, and related to him some of the dealings of God to me, and gave him some of the evidence of the work of the latter days. He listened cordially and did not oppose.
"Tuesday, 2d. Attended school as usual, and various duties.
"Went to the schoolhouse in the evening and heard an animated discourse delivered by President Rigdon. He touched the outlines of our faith, showed the scattering and gathering of Israel, from the Scriptures, and the stick of Joseph in the hands of Ephraim, aside from that of Moses. It was an interesting meeting; the Spirit bore record that the Lord was well pleased.
"Wednesday, 3d. Morning, attended our Hebrew lecture.
"Afternoon, studied with Oliver Cowdery and Sylvester Smith. Received many visitors, and showed them the records of Abraham. My father blessed three with a patriarchal blessing. President Alva Beeman handed in seventy of his quorum, designed for another Seventy if God will.
"Thursday, 4th. Attended school, and assisted in forming a class of twenty-two members to read at three o'clock p. m. . .
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"Friday, 5th. Attended school, and assisted the committee to make arrangements to supply the third and fourth classes with books; concluded to divide a Bible into several parts, for the benefit of said classes; continued my studies in the Hebrew; received several visitors, and attended various duties.
"Saturday, 6th. Called the anointed together to receive the seal of all their blessings. The High Priests and Elders in the council room as usual, the Seventy with the Twelve in the second room, and the Bishops in the third. I labored with each of these quorums for some time to bring them to the order which God had shown to me, which is as follows: The first part to be spent in solemn prayer before God, without any talking or confusion; and the conclusion with a sealing prayer by President Rigdon, when all the quorums were to shout with one accord a solemn hosannah to God and the Lamb, with an Amen, Amen, and Amen; and then all take seats and lift up their hearts in silent prayer to God, and if any obtain a prophecy or vision, to rise and speak that all might be edified and rejoice together.
"I had considerable trouble to get all the quorums united in this order. I went from room to room repeatedly, and charged each separately, assuring them that it was according to the mind of God, yet, notwithstanding all my labor, while I was in the east room with the Bishop's quorum I felt, by the Spirit, that something was wrong in the Quorum of Elders in the west room, and I immediately requested President O. Cowdery and Hyrum Smith to go in and see what was the matter. The Quorum of Elders had not observed the order which I had given them, and were reminded of it by President Don Carlos Smith, and mildly requested to preserve order, and continue in prayer. Some of them replied that they had a teacher of their own, and did not wish to be troubled by others. This caused the Spirit of the Lord to withdraw; this interrupted the meeting, and this quorum lost their blessing in a great measure.
"The other quorums were more careful, and the Quorum of Seventy enjoys a great flow of the Holy Spirit. Many arose and spoke testifying that they were filled with the
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Holy Ghost, which was like fire in their bones, so that they could not hold their peace, but were constrained to cry hosannah to God and the Lamb, and glory in the highest.. . .
"Monday, 8th. Attended school at the usual hour.
"In the afternoon lectured in the upper room of the printing office, with some of the brethren. At evening visited Mr. Seixas, in company with Presidents Rigdon and Cowdery. He conversed freely; is an interesting man. Elder Parrish, my scribe, received my journal again. His health is so much improved, that he thinks he will be able, with the blessing of God, to perform his duty. . . .
"Friday, 12th. . . . I met in company with the several quorums in the schoolroom in the temple, at evening, to take into consideration the subject of ordination. I made some remarks upon the subject of our meeting, which were as follows: that many are desiring to be ordained to the ministry, who are not called, consequently the Lord is displeased. Secondly, many already have been ordained, who ought not to hold official stations in the church, because they dishonor themselves and the church, and bring persecution swiftly upon us, in consequence of their zeal without knowledge. I requested the quorums to take some measures to regulate the same. I proposed some resolutions, and remarked to the brethren, that the subject was now before them, and open for discussion.
"The subject was discussed by Presidents S. Rigdon and O. Cowdery, and Elder Martin Harris, and others, and resolutions were drafted by my scribe (who served as clerk on the occasion), read, and rejected. It was then proposed that I should indite resolutions, which I did as follows:-
"'1. Resolved that no one be ordained to any office in the church, in this Stake of Zion, at Kirtland, without the unanimous voice of the several bodies that constitute this quorum, who are appointed to do church business in the name of said church; viz., The Presidency of the Church, and Counsel; the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb; the twelve High Councilors of Kirtland; the twelve High Councilors of Zion; the Bishop of Kirtland and his counselors;
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the Bishop of Zion and his counselors; the Seven Presidents of the Seventies; until otherwise ordered by the said quorums.
"'2. And further Resolved that no one be ordained in the branches of said church abroad, unless they are recommended by the voice of the respective branches of the church to which they belong, to a General Conference appointed by the heads of the church, and from that conference receive their ordination. The foregoing resolutions were concurred in by the Presidents of the Seventies.'
"Saturday, 13th. . . . At one o'clock, p. m., the Council of the Twelve Apostles met in the house of the Lord, and after prayer, and consultation upon the nature and expediency of the preceding resolutions, offered in council on the 12th instant, it was unanimously agreed to offer the following amendment to the second resolution (perfectly acquiescing in the first); viz.: that none be ordained to any office in the branches to which they belong; but to be recommended to a General Conference appointed by those or under the direction of those who are designated in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants as having authority to ordain and set in order all the officers of the church abroad, and from that conference receive their ordination.
"Thomas B. Marsh, Chairman.
"Orson Hyde,} Clerks.
"Wm. E McLellin,} Clerks.
"Sunday, 14th. Attended to the ordinance of baptism before meeting.
"At the usual hour attended meeting. The Presidents of the Seventy expressed their feelings on the occasion, and their faith in the Book of Mormon and the revelations, also their entire confidence in all the quorums that are organized in the Church of Latter Day Saints. A good time-the Spirit of God rested upon the congregation. Administered the sacrament, and confirmed a number that had been baptized; and dismissed.
"Monday, 15th. Attended school at the usual hours.
"Spent the afternoon in reading Hebrew, and in receiving and waiting on visitors. On this day we commenced translating the Hebrew language, under the instruction of Professor
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Seixas; and he acknowledged that we were the most forward of any class he ever instructed the same length of time. . . .
"Wednesday, 17th. Attended the school, and read and translated with my class as usual. My soul delights in reading the word of the Lord in the original, and I am determined to pursue the study of the languages until I shall become master of them, if I am permitted to live long enough. At any rate, so long as I do live I am determined to make this my object; and with the blessing of God I shall succeed to my satisfaction.
"Elder Coe called to make some arrangements about the Egyptian mummies and records. He proposes to hire a room at John Johnson's inn, and exhibit them there from day to day, at certain hours, that some benefit may be derived from them. I complied with his request, and only observed that they must be managed with prudence and care, especially the manuscripts.
"'The High Council of Kirtland met in the house of the Lord at six o'clock, p. m., to discuss the subject of ordination, as laid before the council on the 12th instant; and also the proposed amendment of the Twelve Apostles, of the 13th. After discussing the resolutions drawn by President Smith, [it was] voted unanimously that they should remain entire, and the proposed amendment of the Twelve Apostles be rejected.
"'Joseph C. Kingsbury, Clerk."
"Thursday, 18th. Spent the day as usual in attending to my family concerns, receiving and waiting upon those who called for instructions, and attending to my studies.
"'The High Council of Zion met in the upper room of the printing office at seven o'clock, p. m., to discuss the subject of ordination, as laid before them in the council of the 12th instant, and also the amendment of the Twelve Apostles. After discussing the resolutions drawn up by the President, [it was] voted unanimously that they should remain, and that we perfectly acquiesce in said resolutions without any alteration or amendment.
"'Elias Higbee, Clerk.' . .
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"Monday, 22d. . . . 'The Presidency of the church met and took into consideration the resolutions presented to the Twelve Apostles (dated February 12), the Presidents of the Seventies, the High Council of the church for Zion and Kirtland. After due deliberation it was unanimously agreed that the original resolutions be adopted without amendments.
"'OLIVER COWDERY, Clerk of Council.'
"The lower room of the temple is now prepared for painting. Elder Brigham Young was obliged to leave the Hebrew class and superintend the painting of lower room till finished.
"This afternoon the sisters met to make the vail [veil] of the temple. Father Smith presided over them, and gave them much good instruction. Closed by singing and prayer, which is customary at the commencement and close of all councils and meetings of the Church of Latter Day Saints, although not always mentioned in this record.
"Tuesday, 23d. . . Towards the close of the day I met with the Presidency and many of the brethren in the house of the Lord, and made some remarks from the pulpit upon the rise and progress of the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints, and pronounced a blessing upon the sisters, for their liberality in giving their services so cheerfully to make the vail [veil] for the Lord's house; also upon the congregation; and dismissed.
"Wednesday. 24th. . . At evening, met the quorums at the schoolroom in the temple, to take into consideration the propriety or impropriety of ordaining a large number of individuals who wish to be ordained to official stations in the church. Each individual's name was presented, and the voice of the assembly called; and William Wightman, Charles Wightman, David Cluff, Truman Jackson, Reuben Barton, Daniel Miles, and Moses Daley, were received, and nineteen were rejected. Their ordinations deferred until another time. Presidents Orson Hyde, Oliver Cowdery, and Sylvester Smith were nominated and seconded to draft rules and regulations concerning licenses, and by vote of the assembly, passed unanimously.
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"Thomas Burdick chosen by nomination to officiate as clerk, to record licenses and receive pay for his service accordingly. Also voted that the Twelve and Seventy see that the calls for preaching in the region round about Kirtland be attended to, and filled by judicious elders of this church. . . .
"This evening [March 3] the several quorums met agreeable to adjournment, and were organized according to their official standing in the church. I then arose and made some remarks on the object of our meeting, as follows:-
"'1. To receive or reject certain resolutions that were drafted by a committee chosen for that purpose, at a preceding meeting, respecting licenses for elders and other official members.
"'2. To sanction, by the united voice of the quorums, certain resolutions respecting ordaining members, that have passed through each quorum separately without any alteration or amendment, excepting in the Quorum of the Twelve.'
"After singing and prayer, President Oliver Cowdery, chairman of the committee appointed on the 24th ultimo. to draft resolutions respecting licenses, arose and made report in behalf of the committee, which was read three times by the chairman. The third time he read the resolutions he gave time and opportunity, after reading each article, for objections to be made, if any there were. No objections were raised or alterations made, but an addition was made to the sixth article, extending the powers of chairman and clerk pro tem. to sign licenses, etc.
"I then observed that these resolutions must needs pass through each quorum separately, beginning at the Presidency, and consequently it must first be thrown into the hands of the President of the Deacons and his council, as equal rights and privileges is my motto; and one man is as good as another, if he behaves as well; and that all men should be esteemed alike, without regard to distinctions of an official nature. The resolutions passed through the President of the Deacons and his council by their unanimous voice.
"It was then thrown before the presidents of the several
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quorums and their council in the following order, and in the same manner as before, viz.; the Teachers, Priests, Bishop of Kirtland, Bishop of Zion, Elders, High Priests, Seventy, High Council of Zion, High Council of Kirtland, the Twelve, and, lastly, into the hands of the Presidency of the church, and all the quorums, and received their unanimous sanction. The resolutions are as follows:-
"'Whereas the records of the several conferences, held by the elders of the church, and the ordination of many of the official members of the same, in many cases, have been imperfectly kept since its organization, to avoid ever after any inconvenience, difficulty, or injury, in consequence of such neglect, your committee recommend:-
"'1. That all licenses hereafter granted by these authorities assembled as a quorum, or by General Conference held for the purpose of transacting the business of the church, be recorded at full length by a clerk appointed for that purpose, in a book to be kept in this branch of the church, until it shall be thought advisable, by the heads of the church to order other books and appoint other clerks to record licenses as above; and that said recording clerk be required to indorse [endorse] a certificate under his own hand and signature, on the back of said licenses, specifying the time when and place where such license was recorded, and also a reference to the letter and page of the book containing the same.
"'2. That this quorum appoint two persons to sign licenses given as aforesaid, one as chairman, and the other as clerk of conference; and that it shall be the duty of said persons appointed to sign licenses as clerk of conference immediately hereafter, to deliver the same into the hands of the recording clerk.
"'3. That all General Conferences abroad give each individual whom they ordain a certificate, signed by the chairmen and clerk of said conference, stating the time and place of such conference, and the office to which the individual has been ordained; and that when such certificate has been forwarded to the person hereafter authorized to sign licenses as clerk of conference, such persons shall, together with chairman of conference, immediately sign a license; and
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said clerk of conference shall, after the same has been recorded, forward it to the proper person.
"'4. That all official members in good standing and fellowship in the various branches of this church, be requested to forward their present licenses, accompanied by a certificate of their virtuous and faithful walk before the Lord, signed by the chairman and clerk of a General Conference, or by the clerk of the branch of the church in which such official member resides, by the advice and direction of such church, to the clerk of conference, whose duty it shall be to fill a new license, as directed in the third article; and that all licenses, signed, recorded, and indorsed [endorsed], as specified in the first article, shall be considered good, and valid to all intents and purposes, in the business and spiritual affairs of this church, as a religious society, or before any court of record of this or any other country, wherein preachers of the gospel are entitled to special privileges, answering in all respects as an original record, without the necessity of referring to any other document.
"'5. That the recording clerk be required to publish quarterly, in a paper published by some member or members of this church, a list of the names of the several persons for whom he has recorded licenses within the last quarter.
"'6. That this quorum appoint two persons to sign as chairman and clerk of conference, pro tem., licenses for the standing chairman and clerk, who shall be appointed as named in the second article, and also to act in their absence, in signing other licenses, as specified in the foregoing article.
"'Presidents Joseph Smith, Junior, was nominated as chairman, Frederick G. Williams, as clerk, and Sidney Rigdon as chairman pro tem., and Oliver Cowdery as clerk pro tem. Vote from the several quorums called, in their order, and passed unanimously.
"'President Joseph Smith, Junior, made some remarks upon the resolution offered to the council on the 12th of February, followed by President Thomas B. Marsh, who called a vote of his quorum to ascertain whether they would repeal their amendment of the 13th of February. And nine of the
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Twelve voted in the affirmative, and three; viz., John F. Boynton, Lyman E. Johnson, and Orson Pratt, in the negative. And the original bill of the 12th of February was passed.
"'Dismissed by prayer, half past nine o'clock.
"'OLIVER COWDERY, Clerk.' . . .
"Saturday, 12th. Engaged a team to go to Hudson after Mr. Seixas' family and goods, also a horse and carriage for himself and wife. Cold weather and fine sleighing. I was informed to-day that a man by the name of Clark froze to death last night, near this place, who was under the influence of ardent spirits. O, my God! how long will this monster intemperance find its victims on the earth? Methinks until the earth is swept with the wrath and indignation of God, and Christ's kingdom becomes universal. O, come, Lord Jesus, and cut short thy work in righteousness !
"Saturday, l9th. . . . 'Elders Orson Pratt, John F. Boynton, and Lyman Johnson, met the Presidency of the church, and verbally withdrew all objections to the first resolution presented to the quorums by the Presidency, on the 12th of February, for the regulation of ordinations.
"'OLIVER COWDERY, Clerk of Conference.'
"Sunday, 20th. Attended the house of worship. The Quorum of High Priests delivered short addresses to the congregation, in a very feeling and impressive manner. One individual was baptized at intermission.
"In the afternoon, administered the Lord's supper, as we were wont to do on every Sabbath, and the Lord blessed our souls with the outpouring of his Spirit, and we were made to rejoice in his goodness.
"Monday, 21st. At school in the morning. After school, went to the printing office, and prepared a number of elders' licenses, to send by Elder Palmer to the court of Medina County, in order to obtain licenses to marry, as the court in this county will not grant us this privilege. Ten persons were baptized in this place. . .
"Saturday, 26th. At home, attending to my domestic concerns in the morning. After breakfast, met with the
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Presidency to make arrangements for the solemn assembly, which occupied the remainder of the day."-Millennial Star, vol. 16, pp. 620, 621, 622, 631, 632, 633, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646. 647, 648, 662, and 708
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