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ON August 21, 1835, nine of the Twelve met in conference at Saco, Maine.
On August 23, Joseph Smith returned to Kirtland from his mission to Michigan.
August 28, 1835, the Twelve met at Farmington, Maine, and organized the Maine conference. The same day Joseph preached in Kirtland on the duty of wives.
On September 1, 1835, Joseph wrote the following to John Whitmer, which was published in the Messenger and Advocate. It will be valuable as showing the attitude of Joseph on the gathering, Zion, and other things.
"To the Elders of the Church of Latter Day Saints:-
"After so long a time, and after so many things having been said, I feel it my duty to drop a few hints, that perhaps the elders traveling through the world to warn the inhabitants of the earth to flee the wrath to come and save themselves from this untoward generation, may be aided in a measure, in doctrine, and in the way of their duty. I have been laboring in this cause for eight years, during which time I have traveled much, and have had much experience. I removed from Seneca County, New York, to Geauga County, Ohio, in February, 1831.
"Having received by an heavenly vision a commandment, in June following, to take my journey to the western boundaries
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of the State of Missouri, and there designate the very spot which was to be the central spot for the commencement of the gathering together of those who embrace the fullness of the everlasting gospel, I accordingly undertook the journey with certain ones of my brethren; and, after a long and tedious journey, suffering many privations and hardships, I arrived in Jackson County, Missouri; and, after viewing the country, seeking diligently at the hand of God, he manifested himself unto me and designated to me and others the very spot upon which he designed to commence the work of the gathering and the upbuilding of an holy city, which should be called Zion: Zion because it is to be a place of righteousness, and all who build thereon are to worship the true and living God; and all believe in one doctrine, even the doctrine of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
"'Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion.'-Isaiah 52: 8.
"Here we pause for a moment to make a few remarks upon the idea of gathering to this place. It is well known that there were lands belonging to the Government, to be sold to individuals; and it was understood by all, at least we believed so, that we lived in a free country, a land of liberty and of laws, guaranteeing to every man or any company of men the right of purchasing lands and settling and living upon them: therefore we thought no harm in advising the Latter Day Saints, or Mormons as they are reproachfully called, to gather to this place, inasmuch as it was their duty (and it was well understood so to be), to purchase, with money, lands, and live upon them-not infringing upon the civil rights of any individual or community of people; always keeping in view the saying, 'Do unto others as you would wish to have others do unto you.' Following also the good injunction: 'Deal justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God.'
"These were our motives in teaching the people, or Latter Day Saints, to gather together, beginning at this place. And inasmuch as there are those who have had different views from this, we feel that it is a cause of deep regret:
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For, be it known unto all men, that our principles concerning this thing have not been such as have been represented by those who, we have every reason to believe, are designing and wicked men, that have said that this was our doctrine: to infringe upon the rights of a people who inhabit our civil and free country, such as to drive the inhabitants of Jackson County from their lands, and take possession thereof unlawfully. Far, yea, far be such a principle from our hearts: it never entered into our mind, and we only say that God shall reward such in that day when he shall come to make up his jewels."-Messenger and Advocate, vol. 1, pp. 179, 180.
On September 2, 1835, Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon went to New Portage, Ohio, to attend a conference, returning to Kirtland on the 8th.
The High Council was in session on September 14, 1835, when they provided for compensation for Patriarch Joseph Smith, Sen., and for F. G. Williams, his scribe. Oliver Cowdery was appointed "Recorder for the Church," and Emma Smith was appointed to make a selection of sacred hymns to be revised and arranged for printing by W. W. Phelps.
On the 16th the Presidency of the Church appointed David Whitmer and Samuel H. Smith, agents for the "Literary Firm. "
Joseph adds a few items of history at this date which are as follows:-
"I labored in obtaining blessings, which were written by Oliver Cowdery. We were thronged with company, so that our labor in this thing was hindered; but we obtained many precious things, and our souls were blessed. O Lord, may thy Holy Spirit be with thy servants forever. Amen.
"September 23. I was at home writing blessings for my most beloved brethren, but was hindered by a multitude of visitors. The Lord has blessed our souls this day, and may God grant to continue his mercies unto my house this night, for Christ's sake. This day my soul has desired the salvation of Brother Ezra Thayre. Also Brother Noah Packard came to my house and loaned the committee one thousand dollars, for building the house of the Lord. O, may God
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bless him an hundredfold, even of the things of the earth, for this righteous act! My heart is full of desire today, to be blessed of the God of Abraham with prosperity, until I will be able to pay all my debts; for it is the delight of my soul to be honest. O Lord, that thou knowest right well. Help me, and I will give to the poor.
"Brothers William, John, and Joseph Tippits started for Missouri, the place designated for Zion, or the saints' gathering place. They came to bid us farewell. The brethren came in to pray with them, and Brother David Whitmer acted as spokesman. He prayed in the Spirit, and a glorious time succeeded his prayer, joy filled our hearts, and we blessed them and bade them Godspeed, and promised them a safe journey, and took them by the hand and bade them farewell for a season. May God grant them long life and good days. These blessings I ask upon them for Christ's sake. Amen.
The High Council met at my house on the 24th, to take into consideration the redemption of Zion. And it was the voice of the Spirit of the Lord that we petition the Governor; that is, those who have been driven out should petition to be set back on their own lands next spring, and that we go next season, to live or die on our own lands, which we have purchased in Jackson County, Missouri. We truly had a good time, and covenanted to struggle for this thing, until death shall dissolve the union; and if one falls, that the remainder be not discouraged, but pursue this object until it is accomplished; which may God grant unto us in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Also, this day drew up a subscription for enrolling the names of those who are willing to go up to Missouri next spring, and settle; and I ask God in the name of Jesus, that we may obtain eight hundred or one thousand emigrants.
"I spent the 25th at home.
"This morning the Twelve returned from their mission to the East, and on the same day, the Council of the Presidency of the Church, consisting of Joseph Smith, Jr., Sidney Rigdon, David Whitmer, W. W. Phelps, John Whitmer, Hyrum Smith, and Oliver Cowdery, met to
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consider the case of the Twelve who had previously been reproved in consequence of certain letters and reports coming to the ears of the Council. First, the items contained [in] Warren A. Cowdery's letter, in connection with certain other reports, derogatory to the character and teaching of the Twelve, were considered; and from the testimony of several witnesses (the Twelve), it was proved before the council, that said complaints originated in the minds of persons who were darkened in consequence of covetousness, or some other cause, rather than the Spirit of truth. Second, one item contained in William E. McLellin's letter to his wife, expressing dissatisfaction with President Rigdon's school. Elder O. Hyde was also designated with him (McLellin) or blamed in the matter, in which they were found to be in the fault, which they frankly confessed, and were forgiven, and all things satisfactorily settled.
"Sunday the 27th. I attended meeting. Elders Thomas B. Marsh, David W. Patten, Brigham Young, and Heber C Kimball preached and broke bread. The Lord poured out his Spirit and my soul was edified."-Millennial Star, vol. 15, pp. 342, 343.
From this date to the close of 1835 the history will be sufficiently explicit to follow the account of Joseph Smith as published in Millennial Star, volume 15; and from what we can learn from other records it is approximately correct. It as follows:-
"In the afternoon I waited on most of the Twelve, at my house, and exhibited to them the ancient records, and gave explanations. This day passed off with the blessing of the Lord.
"Sunday, 4. I started early in the morning, with Brother John Corrill, to hold a meeting in Perry. When about a mile from home we discovered two deer playing in the field, which diverted our minds by giving an impetus to our thoughts upon the subject of the creation of God. We conversed on many topics. The day passed off very agreeably, and the Lord blessed our souls. When we arrived at Perry, we were disappointed of a meeting, through misarrangement, but conversed freely with Brother Corrill's
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relatives, which allayed much prejudice. May the Lord have mercy on their souls.
"Monday, 5. I returned home, being much fatigued from riding in the rain. Spent the remainder of the day in reading, meditation, etc. And in the evening attended a Council of the Twelve Apostles; had a glorious time, and gave them much instruction concerning their duties for time to come; told them that it was the will of God they should take their families to Missouri next season; also this fall to attend the solemn assembly of the first elders, for the organization of the School of the Prophets; and attend to the ordinance of the washing of feet; and to prepare their hearts in all humility for an endowment with power from on high; to which they all agreed with one accord, and seemed to be greatly rejoiced. May God spare the lives of the Twelve, with one accord, to a good old age, for Christ the Redeemer's sake. Amen.
"Tuesday, 6. At home. Elder Stevens came to my house, and loaned F. G. Williams and Company six hundred dollars, which greatly relieved us of our present difficulties. May God bless and preserve his soul forever.
"Afternoon. Called to visit my father, who was very sick with a fever; some better towards evening. Spent the rest of the day in reading and meditation.
"Wednesday, 7. Went to visit my father, found him very low, administered some mild herbs, agreeably to the commandment. May God grant to restore him immediately to health for Christ the Redeemer's sake. Amen.
"Bishop Whitney and Brother Hyrum Smith started by land, in the stage, for Buffalo, New York, to purchase goods to replenish the committee's store. May God grant, in the name of Jesus, that their lives may be spared, and they have a safe journey, and no accident or sickness of the least kind befall them, that they may return in health and in safety to the bosom of their families.
"Thursday, 8. At home. I attended on my father, with great anxiety.
"Friday, 9. At home. Waited on my father.
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"Saturday, 10. At home, and visited the house of my father, found him failing very fast.
"Sunday, 11. Waited on my father again, who was very sick. In secret prayer in the morning, the Lord said, 'My servant, thy father shall live.' I waited on him all this day with my heart raised to God in the name of Jesus Christ, that He would restore him to health again, that I might be blessed with his company and advice, esteeming it one of the greatest earthly blessings to be blessed with the society of parents, whose mature years and experience render them capable of administering the most wholesome advice.
"At evening, Brother David Whitmer came in. We called on the Lord in mighty prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and laid our hands on him, and rebuked the disease. And God heard and answered our prayers: to the great joy and satisfaction of our souls our aged father arose and dressed himself, shouted, and praised the Lord, called Brother William Smith, who had retired to rest, that he might praise the Lord with us, by joining in songs of praise to the Most High.
"Monday, 12. Rode to Willoughby, in company with my wife. . .
"Tuesday, 13. Visited my father, who was very much recovered from his sickness indeed, which caused us to marvel at the might, power, and condescension of our heavenly Father in answering our prayers in his behalf.
"Wednesday, 14. At home.
"Thursday, 15. Labored in father's orchard, gathering apples.
"Friday, 16. Was called into the printing office to settle some difficulties in that department. At evening I baptized Ebenezer Robinson. The Lord poured out his Spirit upon us, and we had a good time.
"Saturday, 17. Called my family together and arranged my domestic concerns, and dismissed my boarders.
"Sunday, 18. Attended meeting in the chapel, confirmed several that had been baptized, and blessed several children with the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant.
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Elder Parley P. Pratt preached in the forenoon, and Elder John F. Boynton in the afternoon. We had an interesting time.
"Monday, 19. At home. Exhibited the records of antiquity to a number who called to see them.
"Tuesday, 20. At home. Preached at evening, in the schoolhouse.
"Wednesday, 21. At home.
"Thursday, 22. At home, attending to my domestic concerns.
"Friday, 23. At home. At four o'clock, afternoon, Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, Hyrum Smith, John Whitmer, Sidney Rigdon, Samuel H. Smith, Frederick G. Williams, and W. W. Phelps assembled and we united in prayer with one voice before the Lord for the following blessings: That the Lord would give us means sufficient to deliver us from all our afflictions and difficulties wherein we are placed by means of our debts; that He would open the way and deliver Zion in the appointed time, and that without the shedding of blood; that he would hold our lives precious, and grant that we may live to the common age of man, and never fall into the hands nor power of the mob in Missouri, nor in any other place; that he would also preserve our posterity, that none of them fall, even unto the end of time; that he would give us blessings of the earth sufficient to carry us to Zion, and that we may purchase inheritances in that land, even enough to carry on and accomplish the work unto which he has appointed us; and also that he would assist all others who desire, according to his commandments, to go up and purchase inheritances, and all this easily and without perplexity and trouble; and finally, that in the end, he would save us in his celestial kingdom. Amen.
"Saturday, 24. Mr. Goodrich and lady called to see the ancient records, and also Dr. F. G. Williams to see the mummies.
"Sunday, 25. Attended meeting with Brothers Hawks and Carpenter. President Rigdon preached in the forenoon, Elder Lyman E. Johnson in the afternoon, after which Elder S. Brunson joined Brother William Perry and Sister
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Eliza Brown in matrimony, and I blessed them with long life and prosperity in the name of Jesus Christ.
"At evening I attended prayer meeting, opened it, and exhorted the brethren and sisters about one hour. The Lord poured out his Spirit, and some glorious things were spoken in the gift of tongues, and interpreted, concerning the redemption of Zion.
"Monday, 26. Went to Chardon to attend the County Court, in company with Brothers Hyrum, Samuel, and Carlos Smith. Brother Samuel was called in question before this court for not doing military duty, and was fined because we had not our conference minutes with us for testimony to prove that F. G. Williams was clerk to the conference. This testimony we should have carried with us, had it not been for the neglect of our counsel or lawyer, who did not put us in possession of this information. This we felt was a want of fidelity to his client, and we consider it a base insult, practiced upon us on account of our faith, that the ungodly might have unlawful power over us and trample us under their unhallowed feet. And in consequence of this neglect, a fine was imposed upon Brother Samuel, of twenty dollars, including costs, for which he was obliged to sell his cow to defray the expenses of the same....
"Tuesday, 27. In the morning I was called to visit at Brother Samuel Smith's.... This evening I preached in the schoolhouse, to a crowded congregation.
"Wednesday, 28. At home, attending to my family concerns.
"Thursday, 29. Brother W. Parrish commenced writing for me, at fifteen dollars per month. I paid him sixteen dollars in advance out of the committee's store. Father and Mother Smith visited us. While we sat writing, Bishop Partridge passed our window, just returned from the East....
"Bishop E. Partridge came in, in company with President Phelps. I was much rejoiced to see him. .
"Bishop Whitney and his wife, with his father and mother, called to visit us. His parents having lately
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arrived here from the East, called to make inquiry concerning the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. Bishop Partridge and some others came in. I then sat down and related to them the history of the coming forth of the book, the administration of the angel to me, the rudiments of the gospel of Christ, etc. They appeared well satisfied, and I expect to baptize them in a few days, though they have made no request of the kind.
"Went to the council. The Presidency arose and adjourned. On my return, Elder Boynton observed that long debates were bad. I replied that it was generally the case that too much altercation was indulged in on both sides, and their debates protracted to an unprofitable length.
"We were called to supper. While seated at table we indulged in a free interchange of thought, and Bishop Whitney observed to Bishop Partridge that the thought had just occurred to his mind that perhaps in about one year from this time they might be seated together around a table on the land of Zion. My wife observed she hoped it might be the case, that not only they, but the rest of the company present might be seated around her table on that land of promise. The same sentiment was reciprocated from the company around the table, and my heart responded, Amen. God grant it, I ask in the name of Jesus Christ.
"After supper I went to the High Council, in company with my wife, and some others that belonged to my household. I was solicited to take a seat with the Presidency, and preside on a trial of Brother Elliot. I did so. My mother was called as testimony, and began to relate circumstances that had been brought before the church and settled. I objected against such testimony. The complainant, Brother William Smith, arose, and accused me of invalidating or doubting my mother's testimony, which I had not done, nor did I desire to do. I told him he was out of place, and asked him to sit down. He refused. I repeated my request. He became enraged. I finally ordered him to sit down. He said he would not, unless I knocked him down. I was agitated in my feelings on account of his stubbornness, and was about to leave the house, but my
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father requested me not to do so. I complied, and the house was brought to order after much debate on the subject, and we proceeded to business.
"The decision of the council in the case of Brother Elliot, was, 'that the complaint was not without foundation, yet, the charge has not been fully sustained, but he has acted injudiciously, and brought a disgrace upon himself, his daughter, and upon this church, because he ought to have trained his child in a way that she should not have required the rod at the age of fifteen years.' Brother Elliot made his confession and was forgiven. Sister Elliot confessed her wrong and promised to do so no more, consequently the council forgave her. And they were both restored to fellowship.
"Friday, 30. At home. Mr. Francis Porter, from Jefferson County, New York, a member of the Methodist Church, called to make some inquiry about lands in this place (Kirtland), whether there were any valuable farms for sale, and whether a member of our church could move into this vicinity, and purchase lands, and enjoy his own possessions and property, without making them common stock. He had been requested to do so by some brethren who live in the town of Leroy, New York. I replied that I had a valuable farm joining the Temple Lot I would sell, and that there were other lands for sale in this place, and that we had no common stock business among us; that every man enjoys his own property, or can, if he is disposed, consecrate liberally or illiberally to the support of the poor and needy, or the building of Zion. He also inquired how many members there were in this church. I told him there were about five or six hundred who communed at our chapel, and perhaps a thousand in this vicinity.
"At evening I was presented with a letter from Brother William Smith, the purport of which is, that he is censured by the brethren on account of what took place at the council last night, and wishes to have the matter settled to the understanding of all, that he may not be censured unjustly, considering that his cause was a just one, and that he had been materially injured. I replied that I thought we parted with the best of feelings, that I was not
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to blame on account of the dissatisfaction of others. I invited him to call and talk with me, and that I would talk with him in the spirit of meekness, and give him all the satisfaction I could. [This reply was by letter.]
"Saturday, 31. In the morning Brother Hyrum Smith came in and said he had been much troubled all night, and had not slept any, that something was wrong. While talking, Brother William Smith came in, according to my request last night. Brother Hyrum said that he must go to the store. I invited him to stay. He said he would go and do his business and return. He did so. While he was gone Brother William introduced the subject of our difficulty at the council. I told him I did not want to converse upon the subject until Hyrum returned. He soon came in. I then proposed to relate the occurrences of the council before-named, and wherein I had been out of the way I would confess it, and ask his forgiveness, and then he should relate his story, and make confession wherein he had done wrong, and then leave it to Brother Hyrum Smith and Brother Parrish to decide the matter between us, and I would agree to the decision, and be satisfied therewith.
"He observed that he had not done wrong, and that I was always determined to carry my points whether right or wrong, and therefore he would not stand an equal chance with me. This was an insult, but I did not reply to him in a harsh manner, knowing his inflammatory disposition, but tried to reason with him and show him the propriety of a compliance with my request. I finally succeeded, with the assistance of Brother Hyrum, in obtaining his assent to the proposition that I had made. I then related my story, and wherein I had been wrong I confessed it, and asked his forgiveness. After I got through he made his statements, justifying himself throughout in transgressing the order of the council, and treating the authority of the Presidency with contempt. After he had got through Brother Hyrum began to make some remarks, in the spirit of meekness. He (William) became enraged. I joined Brother Hyrum in trying to calm his stormy feelings, but to no purpose; he insisted that we intended to add abuse to injury, his passion
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increased, he arose abruptly, declared that he wanted no more to do with us. He rushed out at the door. We tried to prevail on him to stop, but all to no purpose. He went away in a passion, and soon after sent his license to me. He went home and spread the leaven of iniquity among my brethren, and especially prejudiced the mind of Brother Samuel. I soon learned that he was in the street, exclaiming against me, which no doubt our enemies rejoiced at. And where the matter will end I know not, but I pray God to forgive him and them, and give them humility and repentance.
"The feelings of my heart I cannot express on this occasion, I can only pray my heavenly Father to open their eyes, that they may discover where they stand, that they may extricate themselves from the snare they have fallen into.
"After dinner I rode out in company with my wife and children, Brother Carlos, and some others. We visited Brother Roundy and family, who live near Willoughby. We had an interesting visit. As soon as I returned, I was called upon to baptize Samuel Whitney, and his wife and daughter. After baptism we returned to their house, and offered our thanks in prayer. I obtained a testimony that Brother William would return to the Church, and repair the wrong he had done.
"Sunday morning, November 1,1835. Verily thus saith the Lord unto me his servant, Joseph Smith, Jr., 'Mine anger is kindled against my servant Reynolds Cahoon, because of his iniquities, his covetous and dishonest principles, in himself and family, and he doth not purge them away, and set his house in order. Therefore, if he repent not, chastisement awaiteth him, even as it seemeth good in my sight, therefore go and declare unto him these words.'
"I went immediately and delivered this message according as the Lord commanded me. I called him in, and read what the Lord had said concerning him. He acknowledged that it was verily so, and expressed much humility.
"I then went to meeting. Elder Corrill preached a fine discourse.
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"In the afternoon President Phelps continued the services of the day by reading the fifth chapter of Matthew, also the laws regulating the High Council, and made some remarks upon them, after which sacrament was administered. I then confirmed a number who had been baptized, and blessed a number of children, in the name of Jesus Christ, with the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant. Notice was then given that the Elders' School would commence on the morrow.
"Monday, 2. I was engaged in regulating the affairs of the school, after which I had my team prepared, and Sidney, Oliver, Frederick, my scribe, and a number of others went to Willoughby to hear Doctor Piexotto deliver a lecture on the theory and practice of physic. Called at Mr. Cushman's, dined, attended the lecture. Was treated with great respect throughout, and returned home.
"Lyman Wight arrived from Zion, also George A. and Lyman Smith returned from a mission, after an absence of five months, to the east. The question was agitated whether Frederick G. Williams or Oliver Cowdery should go to New York, to make arrangements respecting bookbindery. They referred to me for a decision.. 1. . .
"Tuesday, 3. Thus came the word of the Lord unto me concerning the Twelve. 2 . . .
1[The following was obtained:-]
It is not my will that my servant Frederick should go to New York, but inasmuch as he wishes to go and visit his relations, that he may warn them to flee the wrath to come, let him go and see them for that purpose, and let that be his only business, and behold, in this thing, he shall be blessed with power to overcome their prejudices; verily thus saith the Lord. Amen.-Millennial Star, vol. 15, p. 374.
2Behold, they are under condemnation, because they have not been sufficiently humble in my sight, and in consequence of their covetous desires, in that they have not dealt equally with each other in the division of the moneys which came into their hands; nevertheless, some of them dealt equally, therefore they shall be rewarded; but verily I say unto you, they must all humble themselves before me, before they will be accounted worthy to receive an endowment, to go forth in my name unto all nations.
As for my servant William, let the eleven humble themselves in prayer and in faith, and wait on me in patience, and my servant William shall return, and I will yet make him a polished shaft in my quiver, in bringing down the wickedness and abominations of men; and there shall be none mightier than he, in his day and generation, nevertheless, if he repent not speedily he shall be brought low, and shall be chastened
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" . . . Wednesday, 4. At home in the morning. Attended school during school hours, made rapid progress in our studies. In the evening lectured on grammar, at home. King Follet arrived from Zion this day.
"Thursday, 5. Attended school. Isaac Morley came in from the East.
"This morning I was called to visit Thomas Burdick, who was sick. I took my scribe with me, and we prayed for and laid our hands on him in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and rebuked his affliction.
"William E. McLellin and Orson Hyde came in and desired to hear the revelation concerning the Twelve. My scribe read it to them. They expressed some little dissatisfaction, but after examining their own hearts they acknowledged it to be the word of the Lord, and said they were satisfied. After school Brigham Young came in and desired also to hear it read; after hearing it, he appeared perfectly satisfied.
"In the evening I lectured on grammar.
"Friday morning, 6. At home. Attended school during school hours, returned and spent the evening at home. I was this morning introduced to a man from the East. After hearing my name, he remarked that I was nothing but a man, indicating by this expression that he had supposed that a person to whom the Lord should see fit to reveal his will must be something more than a man. He seemed to have forgotten the saying that fell from the lips of St. James,
sorely for all his iniquities he has committed against me; nevertheless the sin which he has sinned against me is not even now more grievous than the sin with which my servant David W. Patten, and my servant Orson Hyde, and my servant William E. McLellin have sinned against me, and the residue are not sufficiently humble before me.
Behold the parable which I spake concerning a man having twelve sons; for what man among you having twelve sons and is no respecter of them, and they serve him obediently, and he saith unto one, Be thou clothed in robes and sit thou here; and to the other, Be thou clothed in rags and sit thou there; and looketh upon his sons and saith, I am just? Ye will answer and say, No man; and ye answer truly; therefore, verily thus saith the Lord your God, I appoint these Twelve that they should be equal in their ministry, and in their portion, and in their evangelical rights; wherefore they have sinned a very grievous sin, inasmuch as they have made themselves unequal, and have not hearkened unto my voice; therefore let them repent speedily and prepare their hearts for the solemn assembly, and for the great day which is to come; verily thus saith the Lord. Amen.-Millennial Star, vol. 15, p. 374.
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that Elias was a man of passions like unto us, yet he had such power with God that he in answer to his prayers shut the heavens that they gave no rain for the space of three years and six months; and again, in answer to his prayer, the heavens gave forth rain, and the earth brought forth fruit; and indeed such is the darkness and ignorance of this generation that they look upon it as incredible that a man should have any intercourse with his Maker.
"Saturday, 7. Spent the day at home, attending to my domestic concerns.
"The word of the Lord came unto me. 3
"Sunday, 8. Went to meeting in the morning at the usual hour. . .
"Monday morning, 9. After breakfast, Mary Whitcher came in and wished to see me. I granted her request. She gave a relation of her grievances, which are unfathomable at present, and if true, sore indeed; and I pray my heavenly Father, to bring the truth of the case to light, that the reward due to evil doers may be given them, and that the afflicted and oppressed may be delivered.
"While sitting in my house, between ten and eleven this morning, a man came in and introduced himself to me by the name of 'Joshua, the Jewish Minister.' His appearance was something singular, having a beard about three inches in length, quite grey [gray]; also his hair was long, and considerably silvered with age; I thought him about fifty or fifty-five years old; tall, strait, slender built, of thin visage, blue eyes, and fair complexion; wore a sea-green frock coat and pantaloons, black fur hat with narrow brim; and, while speaking, frequently shut his eyes, with a scowl on his countenance. I made some inquiry after his name, but received no definite answer. We soon commenced talking on the subject
3Behold, I am well pleased with my servant Isaac Morley, and my servant Edward Partridge, because of the Integrity of their hearts in laboring in my vineyard, for the salvation of the souls of men Verily I say unto you, their sins are forgiven them, therefore say unto them, in my name, that it is my will that they should tarry for a little season, and attend the school, and also the solemn assembly, for a wise purpose In me. Even so. Amen.
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of religion, and, after I had made some remarks concerning the Bible, I commenced giving him a relation of the circumstances connected with the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, as recorded in the former part of this history.
"While I was relating a brief history of the establishment of the Church of Christ in the last days, Joshua seemed to be highly entertained. When I had closed my narration, I observed that the hour of worship and dinner had arrived, and invited him to tarry, to which he consented. After dinner the conversation was resumed, and Joshua proceeded to make some remarks on the prophecies, as follows: He observed that he was aware that I could bear stronger meat than many others, therefore he should open his mind the more freely....
"I told Joshua I did not understand his remarks on the resurrection, and wished him to explain.
"He replied that he did not feel impressed by the Spirit to unfold it further at present, but perhaps he might at some other time.
"I then withdrew to transact some business with a gentleman who had called to see me, when Joshua informed my scribe that he was born in Cambridge, Washington County, New York. He says that all the railroads, canals, and other improvements are performed by the spirits of the resurrection. The silence spoken of by John the Revelator, which is to be in heaven for the space of half an hour, is between 1830 and 1851, during which time the judgments of God will be poured out, after that time there will be peace.
"Curiosity to see a man that was reputed to be a Jew caused many to call during the day, and more particularly in the evening.
"Suspicions were entertained that the said Joshua was the noted Matthias of New York, spoken so much of in the public prints, on account of the trials he endured in that place, before a court of justice, for murder, manslaughter, contempt of court, whipping his daughter, etc.; for the last two crimes he was imprisoned, and came out about four months since. After some equivocating he confessed that he really was Matthias.
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"After supper I proposed that he should deliver a lecture to us. He did so, sitting in his chair.
"He commenced by saying, 'God said, let there be light, and there was light,' which he dwelt upon through his discourse. He made some very excellent remarks, but his mind was evidently filled with darkness.
"After the congregation dispersed, he conversed freely upon the circumstances that transpired at New York. His name is Robert Matthias. He says that Joshua is his priestly name. During all this time I did not contradict his sentiments, wishing to draw out all that I could concerning his faith.
"Mr. Beeman, of New York, came to ask advice of me, whether he had better purchase lands in this vicinity, as he could not arrange his business to go to Missouri next spring. I advised him to come here and settle until he could move to Zion.
"Tuesday, 10. I resumed conversation with Matthias, and desired him to enlighten my mind more on his views respecting the resurrection.
"He said that he possessed the spirit of his fathers, that he was a literal descendant of Matthias the apostle that was chosen in the place of Judas that fell; and that his spirit was resurrected in him; and that this was the way or scheme of eternal life-this transmigration of soul or spirit from father to son.
"I told him that his doctrine was of the Devil, that he was in reality in possession of a wicked and depraved spirit, although he professed to be the Spirit of truth itself; and he said also that he possessed the soul of Christ.
"He tarried until Wednesday, the 11th, after breakfast, when I told him that my God told me that his god was the Devil, and I could not keep him any longer, and he must depart. And so I, for once, cast out the Devil in bodily shape, and I believe a murderer.
"Thursday, 12. Attended school again during school hours, rain and snow still falling, about one inch in depth, and wind very heavy, the weather extremely unpleasant. The laborers who commenced finishing the outside of the
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chapel, were obliged to break off from their business at the commencement of this storm, on the 11th instant.
"This evening at six o'clock met with the Council of the Twelve, by their request. Nine of them were present. Council opened by singing and prayer. And I made some remarks as follows:-
"'I am happy in the enjoyment of this opportunity of meeting with this council on this occasion. I am satisfied that the Spirit of the Lord is here, and I am satisfied with all the brethren present; and I need not say that you have my utmost confidence, and that I intend to uphold you to the uttermost, for I am well aware that you have to sustain my character against the vile calumnies and reproaches of this ungodly generation, and that you delight in so doing.
"'Darkness prevails at this time as it was at the time Jesus Christ was about to be crucified. The powers of darkness strove to obscure the glorious Sun of righteousness that began to dawn upon the world and was soon to burst in great blessings upon the heads of the faithful; and let me tell you, brethren, that great blessings await us at this time, and will soon be poured out upon us, if we are faithful in all things, for we are even entitled to greater blessings than they were, because they had the person of Christ with them to instruct them in the great plan of salvation. His personal presence we have not, therefore we have need of great faith, on account of our peculiar circumstances; and I am determined to do all that I can to uphold you, although I may do many things inadvertently that are not right in the sight of God.
"'You want to know many things that are before you that you may know how to prepare yourselves for the great things that God is about to bring to pass. But there is one great deficiency or obstruction in the way that deprives us of the greater blessings; and in order to make the foundation of this church complete and permanent we must remove this obstruction, which is, to attend to certain duties that we have not as yet attended to. I supposed I had established this church on a permanent foundation when I went to Missouri,
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and indeed I did so, for if I had been taken away, it would have been enough, but I yet live, and therefore God requires more at my hands. The item to which I wish the more particularly to call your attention tonight, is the ordinance of washing of feet. This we have not done as yet, but it is necessary now, as much as it was in the days of the Savior; and we must have a place prepared that we may attend to this ordinance aside from the world.
"We have not desired much from the hand of the Lord with that faith and obedience that we ought, yet we have enjoyed great blessings, and we are not so sensible of this as we should be. When or where has God suffered one of the witnesses or first elders of this church to fall? Never, nor nowhere. Amidst all the calamities and judgments that have befallen the inhabitants of the earth his almighty arm has sustained us, men and devils have raged, and spent their malice in vain. We must have all things prepared, and call our solemn assembly as the Lord has commanded us, that we may be able to accomplish his great work, and it must be done in God's own way. The house of the Lord must be prepared, and the solemn assembly called and organized in it, according to the order of the house of God; and in it we must attend to the ordinance of washing of feet. It was never intended for any but official members. It is calculated to unite our hearts, that we may be one in feeling and sentiment, and that our faith may be strong, so that Satan cannot overthrow us, nor have any power over us.
"The endowment you are so anxious about, you cannot comprehend now, nor could Gabriel explain it to the understanding of your dark minds. But strive to be prepared in your hearts; be faithful in all things, that when we meet in the solemn assembly, that is, such as God shall name out of all the official members will meet, and we must be clean every whit. Let us be faithful and silent, brethren, and if God gives you a manifestation, keep it to yourselves; be watchful and prayerful, and you shall have a prelude of those joys that God will pour out on that day. Do not watch for iniquity in each other, if you do you will not get an endowment, for God will not bestow it on such. But if
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we are faithful, and live by every word that proceeds forth from the mouth of God, I will venture to prophesy that we shall get a blessing that will be worth remembering, if we should live as long as John the Revelator; our blessings will be such as we have not realized before, nor in this generation. The order of the house of God has been, and ever will be, the same, even after Christ comes; and after the termination of the thousand years it will be the same; and we shall finally roll into the celestial Kingdom of God, and enjoy it forever.
"'You need an endowment, brethren, in order that you may be prepared and able to overcome all things; and those that reject your testimony will be damned. The sick will be healed, the lame made to walk, the deaf to hear, and the blind to see, through your instrumentality. But let me tell you, that you will not have power, after the endowment, to heal those that have not faith, nor to benefit them, for you might as well expect to benefit a devil in hell as such who are possessed of his spirit, and are willing to keep it; for they are habitations for devils, and only fit for his society. But when you are endowed and prepared to preach the gospel to all nations, kindred, and tongues, in their own languages, you must faithfully warn all, and bind up the testimony, and seal up the law, and the destroying angel will follow close at your heels, and exercise his tremendous mission upon the children of disobedience, and destroy the workers of iniquity, while the saints will be gathered out from among them, and stand in holy places ready to meet the Bridegroom when he comes.
"'I feel disposed to speak a few words more to you, my brethren, concerning the endowment: All who are prepared, and are sufficiently pure to abide the presence of the Savior, will see him in the solemn assembly.'
"The brethren expressed their gratification for the instruction I had given them. We then closed by prayer, when I returned home and retired to rest.
"Friday, 13. Attended school during school hours; after school, returned home.
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"This afternoon, Erastus Holmes, of Newbury, Ohio, called on me to inquire about the establishment of the church, and to be instructed in doctrine more perfectly.
"I gave him a brief relation of my experience while in my juvenile years, say from six years old up to the time I received the first visitation of angels, which was when I was about fourteen years old; also the revelations that I received afterwards concerning the Book of Mormon, and a short account of the rise and progress of the church up to this date.
"He listened very attentively, and seemed highly gratified, and intends to unite with the church.
"On Sabbath morning, 15th, he went with me to meeting, which was held in the schoolhouse, as the chapel was not finished plastering.
"President Rigdon preached on the subject of men's being called to preach the gospel, their qualifications, etc. We had a fine discourse; it was very interesting indeed. Mr. Holmes was well satisfied, and returned and dined with me. Said Holmes has been a member of the Methodist Church, and was excommunicated for receiving the elders of the Latter Day Saints into his house.
"Monday, the 16th....
"In the course of the day Father Beeman, Elder Strong, and others, called to counsel with me. In the evening a council was called at my house to counsel with Alva Beeman on the subject of his moving to Missouri. I had previously told him that the Lord had said that he had better go to Missouri next spring; however, he wished a council called. The council met, and President David Whitmer arose and said the Spirit manifested to him that it was his duty to go, Others bore the same testimony.
"The same night I received the word of the Lord on Mr. Holmes' case. He had desired that I would inquire at the hand of the Lord whether it was his duty to be baptized here, or wait until he returned home. The word of the Lord came unto me, saying, that Mr. Holmes had better not be baptized here, and that he had better not return by water,
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also that there were three men that were seeking his destruction; to beware of his enemies.
"Tuesday, 17. Exhibited the alphabet of the ancient records to Mr. Holmes and some others. Went with him to F. G. Williams' to see the mummies. We then took the parting hand, and he started for home, being strong in the faith of the gospel of Jesus Christ and determined to obey its requirements. I returned home and spent the day in dictating and comparing letters. A fine, pleasant day, although cool.
"This evening at early candle light I preached at the schoolhouse.
"Wednesday, 18. At home in the forenoon until about eleven o'clock. I then went to Preserved Harris' to preach his father's funeral sermon, by the request of his family. I preached on the subject of the resurrection. The congregation were very attentive. My wife, my mother, and my scribe accompanied me to the funeral. Pleasant out, but cool and cloudy on our return....
"At evening Bishop Whitney, his wife, father, mother, and sister-in-law came and invited me and my wife to go with them and visit Father Smith and family. My wife was unwell and could not go, but I and my scribe went.
"When we arrived some of the young elders were about engaging in a debate on the subject of miracles, the question, Was it or was it not the design of Christ to establish his gospel by miracles? After an interesting debate of three hours or more, during which time much talent was displayed, it was decided, by the President of the debate, in the negative, which was a righteous decision.
"I discovered in this debate much warmth displayed, too much zeal for mastery, too much of that enthusiasm that characterizes a lawyer at the bar, who is determined to defend his cause, right or wrong. I therefore availed myself of this favorable opportunity to drop a few words upon this subject, by way of advice, that they might improve their minds and cultivate their powers of intellect in a proper manner, that they might not incur the displeasure of heaven; that they should handle sacred things very sacredly, and
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with due deference to the opinions of others, and with an eye single to the glory of God.
"Thursday, 19. Went, in company with Dr. Williams and my scribe, to see how the workmen prospered in finishing the house. The masons in the inside had commenced putting on the finishing coat of plastering. On my return I met Lloyd and Lorenzo Lewis, and conversed with them upon the subject or their being disaffected. I found that they were not so, as touching the faith of the church, but with some of the members. I returned home and spent the day in translating the Egyptian records. A warm and pleasant day.
"Friday, 20. At home in the morning. Weather warm and rainy. We spent the day in translating, and made rapid progress.
"At evening President Cowdery returned from New York, bringing with him a quantity of Hebrew books, for the benefit of the school. He presented me with a Hebrew Bible, Lexicon, and Grammar; also a Greek Lexicon, and Webster's English Lexicon. President Cowdery had a prosperous journey, according to the prayers of the Saints in Kirtland.
"Saturday, 21. Spent the day at home, in examining my books, and studying the Hebrew alphabet.
"At evening, met with our Hebrew class, to make some arrangements about a teacher. It was decided, by the voice of the school, to send to New York for a Jew to teach us the language, if we could get released from the engagements we had made with Dr. Piexotto to teach us, having ascertained that he was not qualified to give us the knowledge we wished to acquire of the Hebrew.
"Sunday, 22. Went to meeting at the usual hour. Simeon Carter preached from the seventh of Matthew. President Rigdon's brother-in-law and other relatives were at meeting.
"In the afternoon the meeting was held in the schoolhouse.
"In the evening, a council of high priests and elders was held in the presence of the members of the church, when Mr. Andrew Jackson Squires, who had been an ordained elder in the church, and for a time had preached the gospel successfully,
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but after a while sent his license to President Smith, in a letter, came before the council and confessed that he had been in temptation and fallen into error, so much as to join the Methodists; yet said he was not in faith with their doctrine. He desired to return to the fellowship of the church, asked forgiveness of the brethren, and restoration of his license....
"President Rigdon showed the folly of fellowshipping any doctrine or spirit aside from that of Christ.
"Mr. Squires arose and said he felt firm in the determination of doing the will of God in all things, or as far as in him lay; was sorry for his faults, and, by the grace of God, would forsake them in future.
"Council and church voted to restore him to fellowship, and the office of elder also, and that the clerk give him a license.
"Monday, 23. Several brethren called to converse with me and see the records. Received a letter from Jared Carter. Spent the day in conversing, and in studying the Hebrew. A stormy day.
"Tuesday, 24. At home. Spent the forenoon instructing those that called to inquire concerning the things of God in the last days.
"In the afternoon we translated some of the Egyptian records.
"I had an invitation to attend a wedding at Brother Hyrum Smith's in the evening; also to solemnize the matrimonial ceremony between Newel Knight and Lydia Goldthwaite. 4 My wife accompanied me. On our arrival a considerable company had collected. The bridegroom and bride came in, and took their seats, which gave me to understand that they were ready. After prayers I requested them to rise and join hands. I then remarked that marriage was an institution of heaven, instituted in the garden of Eden; that it was necessary it should be solemnized by the authority of the everlasting priesthood. The ceremony was original with me, and in substance as follows:
4Lydia Knight in her history, page 30, says this was on the 23d.
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You covenant to be each other's companions through life, and discharge the duties of husband and wife in every respect; to which they assented. I then pronounced them husband and wife in the name of God, and also the blessings that the Lord conferred upon Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, that is, to multiply and replenish the earth, with the addition of long life and prosperity. Dismissed them and returned home. Freezing, some snow on the ground.
"Wednesday, 25. Spent the day in translating. Harvey Redfield and Jesse Hitchcock arrived from Missouri. The latter says that he has no doubt but a dose of poison was administered to him, in a bowl of milk, but God delivered him.
"Thursday, 26. Spent the day in translating Egyptian characters from the papyrus, though severely afflicted with a cold. Robert Rathbone and George Morey arrived from Zion.
"Friday, 27. Much afflicted with my cold, yet I am determined to overcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Spent the day at home, reading Hebrew. Brother Parrish, my scribe, being afflicted with a cold, asked me to lay my hands on him in the name of the Lord. I did so, and in return I asked him to lay his hands on me. We were both relieved.
"Saturday, 28. Spent the morning in comparing our journal. Elder Josiah Clark, from the State of Kentucky, called on me. Considerably recovered from my cold. Cold and stormy, snow falling, and winter seems fast to be closing in; all nature shrinks before the chilling blasts of rigid winter. Elder Clark, above-mentioned, whose residence is about three miles from Cincinnati, was bitten by a mad dog some three or four years since; has doctored much, and received some benefit, but is much afflicted notwithstanding. He came here that he might be benefited by the prayers of the church. Accordingly we prayed for and laid hands on him in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and anointed him with oil, and rebuked his afflictions, praying our heavenly Father to hear and answer our prayers, according to our faith. Cold and snowy.
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"Sunday morning, 29. Went to meeting at the usual hour. Elder Morley preached; and in the afternoon, Bishop Partridge. These discourses were well adapted to the times in which we live, and the circumstances under which we are placed. Their words were words of wisdom, like apples of gold in pictures of silver, spoken in the simple accents of a child, yet sublime as the voice of an angel. The saints appeared to be much pleased with the beautiful discourses of these two fathers in Israel. After these services closed three of the Zion brethren came forward and received their blessings, and Solon Foster was ordained an elder. The Lord's Supper was administered. Spent the evening at home. Snow fell about one foot deep. Very cold.
"Monday morning, 30. The snow continues to fall-an uncommon storm for this country, and this season of the year. Spent the day in reviewing and copying the letter I dictated on the 16th, concerning the gathering, for the Messenger and Advocate. Henry Capron, an old acquaintance from Manchester, New York, called on me. I showed him the Egyptian records.
"December 1, 1835. At home. Spent the day in writing for the Messenger and Advocate. Fine sleighing, and the snow yet falling.
"Wednesday, 2. A fine morning. I started to ride to Painesville, with my family and scribe. When we were passing through Mentor Street, we overtook a team with two men on the sleigh. I politely asked them to let me pass. They granted my request, and as we passed them they bawled out, 'Do you get any revelation lately?' with an addition of blackguard language that I did not understand. This is a fair sample of the character of Mentor Street inhabitants, who are ready to abuse and scandalize men, who never laid a straw in their way; and in fact those whose faces they never saw, and [whom they] cannot bring an accusation against, either of a temporal or spiritual nature except our firm belief in the fullness of the gospel....
"When we arrived at Painesville we called at Sister Harriet Howes, 5 and left my wife and family to visit her, while
5This is the wife of E. D. Howe, author of "The History of Mormonism."
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we rode into town to do some business. Called, and visited H. Kingsbury. Dined with Sister Howe, and returned home. Had a fine ride-sleighing good, weather pleasant.
"Thursday, 3. At home. Wrote a letter to David Dort, Rochester, Michigan; another to Almira Schoby, Liberty, Clay County, Missouri.
"At evening visited with my wife, at Thomas Carrico's. A respectable company waited our arrival. After singing and prayer, I delivered an address on matrimony, and joined in marriage, Warren Parrish and Martha H. Raymond. Closed by singing and prayer. And after refreshment, returned home, having spent the evening very agreeably.
"Friday, 4. In company with Vinson Knight drew three hundred and fifty dollars out of Painesville bank, on three months' credit, for which we gave the names of F. G. Williams and Company, N. K. Whitney, John Johnson, and Vinson Knight. Settled with Brother Hyrum Smith and Vinson Knight, and paid Knight two hundred and forty-five dollars; also have it in my power to pay J. Lewis, for which blessing I feel heartily thankful to my heavenly Father, and ask him in the name of Jesus Christ, to enable us to extricate ourselves from all embarrassments whatever, that we may not be brought into disrepute in any respect, that our enemies may not have any power over us. Spent the day at home, a part of the day studying Hebrew. Warm, with some rain, snow fast melting.
"This evening a Mr. John Hollister, of Portage County, Ohio, called to see me, on the subject of religion, and I spent the evening conversing with him. He tarried over night with me, and acknowledged in the morning, that although he had thought he knew something about religion, he was now sensible that he knew but little, which was the greatest trait of wisdom I could discover in him.
"Saturday, 5. Weather cold and freezing, with a moderate fall of snow. In the forenoon, studying Hebrew with Dr. Williams and President Cowdery. I am laboring under some indisposition of health....
"Sunday, 6. Went to meeting at the usual hour. Gideon Carter preached a splendid discourse....
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"Monday, 7. Received a letter from Milton Holmes, and was much rejoiced to hear from him, and of his success in proclaiming the gospel. Wrote him a letter, requesting him to return to Kirtland. Spent the day in reading Hebrew. Mr. John Hollister called to take the parting hand with me, and remarked that he had been in darkness all his days, but had now found the light, and intended to obey it.
"This evening a number of brethren called to see the records, which I exhibited and explained. Fine sleighing.
"Tuesday morning, 8. At home. Read Hebrew in company with Dr. Williams, President Cowdery, Brother Hyrum Smith, and Orson Pratt.
"In the evening preached at the schoolhouse as usual; had great liberty in speaking, congregation attentive. After the services closed, the brethren proposed to draw wood for me.
"Wednesday, 9. At home. . .
"This afternoon I was called, in company with President David Whitmer, to visit Angeline Works. We found her very sick, and so much deranged that she did not recognize her friends and intimate acquaintances. We prayed for and laid hands on her in the name of Jesus Christ, and commanded her in his name to receive her senses, which were immediately restored. We also prayed that she might be restored to health; and she said she was better....
"The petitions of the people, from all parts of the United States, to the Governor of Missouri to restore the saints to their possessions, were arranged and mailed at Kirtland, this day, for Missouri. The petitions were numerous, and the package large, the postage thereon being five dollars. It was directed to the Governor.
"Friday morning, 11. A fire broke out in a shoemaker's shop owned by Orson Johnson, but the flames were soon extinguished by the active exertions of the brethren. A pleasant morning. Spent the day in reading, and instructing those who called for advice.
"Saturday morning, 12. Spent the forenoon in reading.
"At evening attended a debate at Brother William Smith's, on the following question: Was it necessary for God to reveal himself to man in order for their happiness? I was on
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the affirmative, and the last to speak on that side of the question, but while listening with interest to the ingenuity displayed on both sides, I was called away to visit Sister Angeline Works, who was supposed to be dangerously sick. Elder Corrill and myself went and prayed for and laid hands on her in the name of Jesus Christ; and leaving her apparently better, returned home.
"Sunday, 13. At the usual hour, ten a. m., attended meeting at the schoolhouse on the flats. Elder Jesse Hitchcock preached a very feeling discourse.
"In the afternoon Elder Peter Whitmer related his experience; after which President F. G. Williams related his also. They both spoke of many things connected with the rise and progress of this church, which were interesting. After this the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered, under the superintendence of President David Whitmer, after which I made some remarks respecting prayer meetings, and our meeting was closed by invoking the blessing of heaven. I returned home and ordered my horse, and myself and scribe rode to Mr. E. Jenning's, where I joined Ebenezer Robinson and Angeline Works in matrimony, according to previous engagements. Miss Works had so far recovered from her illness as to be able to sit in her easy chair while I pronounced the marriage ceremony.
"We then rode to Mr. McWithy's, a distance of about three miles from town, where I had been solicited to attend another marriage. We found a large and respectable number of the friends present. I had been requested to make some preliminary remarks on the subject of matrimony, touching the design of the Almighty in this institution, also the duties of husbands and wives towards each other. And after opening our interview with singing and prayer I delivered a lecture of about forty minutes, in which all seemed interested, except one or two individuals, who manifested a spirit of groveling contempt, which I was constrained to reprove and rebuke sharply. After I had closed my remarks I sealed the matrimonial engagements between Mr. E. Webb and Miss E. A. McWithy, in the name of God, and pronouncing the blessings of heaven upon their heads, closed by returning
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thanks. A sumptuous feast was then spread, and the company invited to seat themselves at the table by pairs, male and female, commencing with the eldest. The interview was conducted with propriety and decorum, and cheerfulness prevailed. After spending the evening agreeably until nine o'clock, we pronounced a blessing upon the company, and returned home....
"Monday, 14. A number of brethren from New York called to visit me and see the Egyptian records. Also Elder Harris returned from Palmyra, New York, and Brother Francis Eaton of the same place, and Sister Harriet Howe, called to visit us....
"Tuesday, 15. At home, and, as usual, was blessed with much company. Samuel Barnum is very sick, his arm much inflamed.
"This afternoon Elder Orson Hyde handed me a letter, the purport of which was that he was dissatisfied with the committee in their dealings with him, in temporal affairs; that is, that they did not deal as liberally with him as they did with Elder William Smith; also requested me to reconcile the revelation given to the Twelve since their return from the East, that unless these things and others named in the letter could be reconciled to his mind, his honor would not stand united with them. This I believe is the amount of the centents [contents] of the letter, although much was written.
"My feelings on this occasion were much lacerated, knowing that I had dealt in righteousness with him in all things and endeavored to promote his happiness and well-being as much as lay in my power. And I feel that these reflections are ungrateful, and founded in jealousy, and that the adversary is striving with all his subtle devices and influence to destroy him, by causing a division among the Twelve, whom God has chosen to open the gospel kingdom in all nations. But I pray my heavenly Father in the name of Jesus of Nazareth that he may be delivered from the power of the destroyer, that his faith fail not in this hour of temptation, and prepare him, and all the elders, to receive an endowment in thy house, even according to thine own order from time
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to time, as thou seest them worthy to be called into thy solemn assembly.
"Wednesday morning, 16. Weather extremely cold. I went to the council room to lay before the Presidency the letter that I received yesterday from Elder Orson Hyde; but when I arrived I found that I had lost said letter; but I laid the substance of it, as far as I could recollect, before the council; but they had not time to attend to it, on account of other business; accordingly adjourned until Monday evening, the 20th instant. Returned home.
"Elders McLellin, B. Young, and J. Carter called and paid me a visit with which I was much gratified....
"This evening, according to adjournment, I went to Brother William Smith's, to take part in the debate that was commenced on Saturday evening last. After the debate was concluded, and a decision given in favor of the affirmative of the question, some altercation took place upon the impropriety of continuing the school (debate) fearing that it would not result in good. Brother William opposed these measures and insisted on having another question proposed, and at length became much enraged, particularly at me, and used violence upon my person, and also upon Elder J. Carter, and some others, for which I am grieved beyond description, and can only pray God to forgive him inasmuch as he repents of his wickedness and humbles himself before the Lord.
"Thursday morning, 17. At home, quite unwell. Elder Orson Hyde called to see me, and presented me with a copy of the letter he handed me on Tuesday last, which I had lost. The following is a copy:-
"'December 15,1835.
"'President Smith;- You may esteem it a novel circumstance to receive a written communication from me at this time. My reasons for writing are the following: I have some things which I wish to communicate to you, and feeling a greater liberty to do it by writing alone by myself, I take this method, and it is generally the case that you are thronged with business and not convenient to spend much time in conversing upon subjects of the following nature.
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Therefore let these excuses palliate the novelty of the circumstance, and patiently hear my recital.
"'After the committee had received their stock of fall and winter goods, I went to Elder Cahoon and told him I was destitute of a cloak, and wanted him to trust me, until spring, for materials to make one. He told me that he would trust me until January, but must then have his pay, as the payments for the goods became due at that time. I told him I knew not from whence the money would come, and I could not promise it so soon. But, in a few weeks after, I unexpectedly obtained the money to buy a cloak, and applied immediately to Elder Cahoon for one, and told him that I had the cash to pay for it; but he said the materials for cloaks were all sold, and that he could not accommodate me; and I will here venture a guess that he has not realized the cash for one cloak pattern.
"'A few weeks after this I called on Elder Cahoon again and told him that I wanted cloth for some shirts, to the amount of four or five dollars. I told him that I would pay him in the spring, and sooner if I could. He let me have it. Not long after my school was established, and some of the hands who labored on the house attended and wished to pay me at the committee's store for their tuition. I called at the store to see if any negotiation could be made, and they take me off where I owed them; but no such negotiation could be made. These, with some other circumstances of a like character, called forth the following reflections:-
"'In the first place I gave the committee two hundred and seventy-five dollars in cash, besides some more, and during the last season have traveled through the middle and eastern States to support and uphold the store; and in so doing have reduced myself to nothing, in a pecuniary point. Under these circumstances this establishment refused to render me that accommodation which the worldling's establishment gladly would have done; and one, too, which never received a donation from me, or in whose favor I never raised my voice or exerted my influence. But after all this, thought I, it may be right, and I will be still-until, not long since, I ascertained that Elder William Smith could go to
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the store and get whatever he pleased, and no one to say. Why do ye so? until his account has amounted to seven hundred dollars or thereabouts, and that he was a silent partner in the concern, yet not acknowledged as such, fearing that his creditors would make a haul upon the store.
"'While we were abroad this last season, we strained every nerve to obtain a little something for our families, and regularly divided the moneys equally for aught [ought] I know, not knowing that William had such a fountain at home from whence he drew his support. I then called to mind the revelation in which myself, McLellin, and Patten were chastened; and also the quotation in that revelation of the parable of the twelve sons, as if the original meaning referred directly to the Twelve Apostles of the Church of the Latter Day Saints. I would now ask if each one of the Twelve has not an equal right to the same accommodations from that store, provided they are alike faithful? If not, with such a combination, mine honor be not thou united. If each one has the same right, take the baskets off from our noses, and put one to William's nose; or if this cannot be done, reconcile the parable of the twelve sons with the superior privileges that William has. Pardon me if I speak in parables or parody.
"'A certain shepherd had twelve sons, and he sent them out one day to go and gather his flock which was scattered upon the mountains and in the valleys afar off. They were all obedient to their father's mandate, and at evening they returned with the flock, and one son received wool enough to make him warm and comfortable, and also received of the flesh and milk of the flock; the other eleven received not so much as one kid to make merry with their friends.
"'These facts, with some others, have disqualified my mind for studying the Hebrew language, at present; and believing as I do that I must sink or swim, or in other words, take care of myself, I have thought that I should take the most efficient means in my power to get out of debt; and to this end I proposed taking the school; but if I am not thought competent to take the charge of it, or worthy to be placed in that station, I must devise some other means to help myself, although having been ordained to that office under
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your own hand, with a promise that it should not be taken from me.
"'The conclusion of the whole matter is such, I am willing to continue and do all I can, provided we can share equal benefits, one with the other, and upon no other principle whatever. If one has his support from the "public crib," let them all have it; but if one is pinched, I am willing to be, provided we are all alike. If the principle of impartiality and equity can be observed by all, I think that I will not peep again. If I am damned, it will be for doing what I think is right. There have been two applications made to me to go into business since I talked of taking the school, but it is in the world, and I had rather remain in Kirtland, if I can consistently. All I ask is right.
"'I am, sir, with respect, your obedient servant,
"'Orson Hyde.
"'To President J. Smith, Jr., Kirtland, etc.'
"Elder O. Hyde read the foregoing copy himself, and I explained upon the objections he had set forth in it, and satisfied his mind upon every point, perfectly. And he observed, after I got through, that he was more than satisfied, and would attend the Hebrew school, and took the parting hand with me with every expression of friendship that a gentleman and a Christian could manifest; which I felt to reciprocate with cheerfulness, and entertain the best of feeling for him, and most cheerfully forgive him the ingratitude which was manifested in his letter, knowing that it was for want of correct information, that his mind was disturbed, as far as his reflections related to me; but on the part of the committee he was not treated right in all things; however, all things are settled amicably, and no hardness exists between us and them.
"I told Elder Cahoon, of the Temple committee, that we must sustain the Twelve, and not let them go down; if we do not, they must go down, for the burden is on them, and is coming on them heavier and heavier. If the Twelve go down, we must go down, and we must sustain them.
"My father and mother called this evening to see me upon the subject of the difficulty that transpired at their house, on
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Wednesday evening, between me and my brother William. They were sorely afflicted in mind on account of that occurrence. I conversed with them and convinced them that I was not to blame in taking the course I did, but had acted in righteousness in all things on that occasion. I invited them to come and live with me. They consented to do so, as soon as it was practicable.
"Friday morning, 18. Brother Hyrum Smith called to see me, and read a letter that he received from William, in which he asked forgiveness for the abuse he offered to him [Hyrum] at the debate. He tarried most of the forenoon, and conversed freely with me upon the subject of the difficulty existing between me and Brother William. He said that he was perfectly satisfied with the course I had taken in rebuking him in his wickedness, but he is wounded to the very soul, because of the conduct of William; and although he feels the tender feelings of a brother towards him, yet he can but look upon his conduct as an abomination in the sight of God. And I could pray in my heart that all my brethren were like unto my beloved brother Hyrum, who possesses the mildness of a lamb, and the integrity of a Job, and in short, the meekness and humility of Christ; and I love him with that love that is stronger than death, for I never had occasion to rebuke him, nor he me, which he declared when he left me to day.
"This day, received the following letter from Brother William Smith:-
"'Brother Joseph-Though I do not know but I have forfeited all right and title to the word "brother," in consequence of what I have done, (for I consider, myself, that I am unworthy to be called one,) after coming to myself, and considering what I have done, I feel as though it was a duty to make an humble confession to you, for what I have done, or what took place the other evening; but leave this part of the subject at present. I was called to an account, by the Twelve, yesterday, for my conduct; or they desired to know my mind or determination, and what I was going to do. I told them that on reflection upon the many difficulties that I had had with the church, and the much disgrace I had
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brought upon myself in consequence of these things, and also that my health would not permit me to go to school to make any preparations for the endowment, and that my health was such that I was not able to travel, that it would be better for them to appoint one in the office that would be better able to fill it, and by doing this they would throw me into the hands of the church, and leave me where I was before I was chosen; then I would not be in a situation to bring so much disgrace upon the cause, when I fell into temptation; and perhaps, by this I might obtain salvation. You know my passions, and the danger of falling from so high a station; and thus by withdrawing from the office of the apostleship, while there is salvation for me, and remaining a member in the church-I feel afraid, if I don't do this, it will be worse for me some other day.
"And again, my health is poor, and I am not able to travel, and it is necessary the office should not be idle. And again, I say you know my passions, and I am afraid it will be the worse for me by and by. Do so, if the Lord will have mercy on me, and let me remain as a member in the church, and then I can travel and preach when I am able. Do not think I am your enemy for what I have done. Perhaps you may say or ask why I have not remembered the good that you have done to me. When I reflect upon the injury I have done you, I must confess that I do not know what I have been about. I feel sorry for what I have done, and humbly ask your forgiveness. I have not confidence as yet to come and see you, for I feel ashamed of what I have done; and as I feel now, I feel as though all the confessions that I could make, verbally or by writing, would not be sufficient to atone for the transgression. Be this as it may, I am willing to make all the restitution you shall require. If I can stay in the church as a member, I will try to make all the satisfaction possible. Yours with respect,
"'William Smith
"'Do not cast me off for what I have done, but strive to save me in the church as a member. I do repent of what I have done to you, and ask your forgiveness. I consider the transgression. the other evening, of no small magnitude; but
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it is done, and I cannot help it now. I know, Brother Joseph, you are always willing to forgive; but I sometimes think, when I reflect upon the many injuries I have done you, I feel as though confession was hardly sufficient. But have mercy on me this once, and I will try to do so no more.
"'The Twelve called a council yesterday, and sent over after me, and I went over. This council, remember, was called together by themselves, and not by me. W. S.'
"To the foregoing I gave the following answer the same day:-
"'Brother William -Having received your letter I now proceed to answer it, and shall first proceed to give a brief narration of my feelings and motives since the night I first came to the knowledge of your having a debating school, which was at the time I happened in with Bishop Whitney, his father and mother, etc.; and from that time I took an interest in them, and was delighted with it, and formed a determination to attend the school, for the purpose of obtaining information, and with the idea of imparting the same, through the assistance of the Spirit of the Lord, if by any means I should have faith to do so. And with this intent I went to the school on last Wednesday night, not with the idea of breaking up the school, neither did it enter into my heart that there was any wrangling or jealousies in your heart against me. Notwithstanding, previous to my leaving home, there were feelings of solemnity rolling across my breast, which were unaccountable to me; and also these feelings continued by spells to depress my spirits, and seemed to manifest that all was not right, even after the school commenced, and during the debate; yet I strove to believe that all would work together for good. I was pleased with the power of the arguments that were used, and did not feel to cast any reflections upon anyone that had spoken; but I felt it was the duty of old men that sat as Presidents, to be as grave, at least, as young men, and that it was our duty to smile [not] at solid arguments and sound reasonings; and be impressed with solemnity, which should be manifest in our countenances, when folly and that which militates against truth and righteousness rear their head.
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"'Therefore, in the spirit of my calling, and in view of the authority of the Priesthood that has been conferred upon me, it would be my duty to reprove whatever I esteemed to be wrong, fondly hoping in my heart that all parties would consider it right, and therefore humble themselves, that Satan might not take the advantage of us and hinder the progress of our school.
"'Now, Brother William, I want you should bear with me, notwithstanding my plainness. I would say to you that my feelings were grieved at the interruption you made upon Elder McLellin. I thought you should have considered your relation with him in your apostleship, and not manifest any division of sentiment between you and him, for a surrounding multitude to take the advantage of you; therefore, by way of entreaty, on the account of the anxiety I had for your influence and welfare, I said unto you, Do not have any feelings; or something to that amount. Why I am thus particular is that if you have misconstrued my feelings towards you, you may be corrected. But to proceed. After the school was closed Brother Hyrum requested the privilege of speaking; you objected; however, you said if he would not abuse the school he might speak, and that you would not allow any man to abuse the school in your house. Now you had no reason to suspect that Hyrum would abuse the school; therefore my feelings were mortified at these unnecessary observations. I undertook to reason with you, but you manifested an inconsiderate and stubborn spirit. I then despaired of benefiting you, on account of the spirit you manifested, which drew from me the expression that you was as ugly as the Devil. Father then commanded silence, and I formed a determination to obey his mandate, and was about to leave the house, with the impression that you was under the influence of a wicked spirit; you replied that you would say what you pleased in your own house. Father said, Say what you please, but let the rest hold their tongues. Then a reflection rushed through my mind, of the anxiety and care I have had for you and your family, in doing what I did in finishing your house, and providing flour for your family, etc.; and also, Father had possession in the
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house, as well as yourself; and when at any time have I transgressed the commandments of my father, or sold my birthright, that I should not have the privilege of speaking in my father's house, or in other words, in my father's family, or in your house (for so we will call it, and so it shall be) that I should not have the privilege of reproving a younger brother? Therefore I said, I will speak, for I built the house, and it is as much mine as yours; or something to that effect. I should have said that I helped to finish the house. I said it merely to show that it could not be the right spirit that would rise up for trifling matters, and undertake to put me to silence. I saw that your indignation was kindled against me, and you made towards me. I was not then to be moved, and I thought to pull off my loose coat, lest it should tangle me, and you be left to hurt me, but not with the intention of hurting you. But you were too soon for me, and having once fallen into the hands of a mob, and been wounded in my side, and now into the hands of a brother, my side gave way. And after having been rescued from your grasp, I left your house with feelings indescribable-the scenery had changed, and all those expectations that I had cherished, when going to your house, and brotherly kindness, charity, forbearance, and natural affection, that in duty binds us not to make each other offenders for a word. But alas! abuse, anger, malice, hatred, and rage, with a lame side, with marks of violence heaped upon me by a brother, were the reflections of my disappointment; and with these I returned home, not able to sit down or rise up without help; but, through the blessing of God, I am now better.
"'I received your letter, and perused it with care. I have not entertained a feeling of malice against you. I am older than you, and have endured more suffering, having been marred by mobs. The labors of my calling, a series of persecutions and injuries continually heaped upon me-all serve to debilitate my body; and it may be that I cannot boast of being stronger than you. If I could or could not, would this be an honor or dishonor to me? If I could boast, like David, of slaying a Goliath, who defied the armies of the living God; or, like Paul, of contending with Peter, face to
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face, with sound arguments, it might be an honor; but to mangle the flesh, or seek revenge upon one who never did you any wrong, cannot be a source of sweet reflection to you nor to me, neither to an honorable father and mother, brothers and sisters. And when we reflect with what care and with what unremitting diligence our parents have striven to watch over us, and how many hours of sorrow and anxiety they have spent over our cradles and bedsides, in times of sickness, how careful we ought to be of their feelings in their old age. It cannot be a source of sweet reflection to us to say or do anything that will bring their gray hairs down with sorrow to the grave.
"'In your letter you ask my forgiveness, which I readily grant. But it seems to me, that you still retain an idea that I have given you reasons to be angry or disaffected with me. Grant me the privilege of saying then; that however hasty and harsh I may have spoken at any time to you, it has been done for the express purpose of endeavoring to warn, exhort, admonish, and rescue you from falling into difficulties and sorrows, which I foresaw you plunging into, by giving way to that wicked spirit, which you call your passions, which you should curb and break down, and put under your feet; which if you do not, you never can be saved, in my view, in the Kingdom of God. God requires the will of his creatures to be swallowed up in his will.
"'You desire to remain in the church, but forsake your apostleship. This is the stratagem of the evil one; when he has gained one advantage, he lays a plan for another. But by maintaining your apostleship, in rising up and making one tremendous effort, you may overcome your passions, and please God. And by forsaking your apostleship, is not to be willing to make that sacrifice that God requires at your hands, and is to incur his displeasure; and without pleasing God we do not think it will be any better for you. When a man falls one step, he must regain that step again, or fall another; he has still more to gain, or eventually all is lost.
"'I desire, Brother William, that you will humble yourself. I freely forgive you, and you know my unshaken and unchangeable disposition; I know in whom I trust; I stand
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upon the rock; the floods cannot, no, they shall not. overthrow me. You know the doctrine I teach is true, and you know that God has blessed me. I brought salvation to my father's house, as an instrument in the hand of God, when they were in a miserable situation. You know that it is my duty to admonish you, when you do wrong. This liberty I shall always take, and you shall have the same privilege. I take the liberty to admonish you, because of my birthright; and I grant you the privilege, because it is my duty to be humble, and receive rebuke and instruction from a brother, or a friend.
"'As it regards what course you shall pursue hereafter, I do not pretend to say; I leave you in the hands of God and his church. Make your own decision; I will do you good, although you mar me, or slay me. By so doing my garments shall be clear of your sins. And if at any time you should consider me to be an impostor, for heaven's sake leave me in the hands of God and not think to take vengeance on me yourself. Tyranny, usurpation, and to take men's rights, ever has [been] and ever shall be banished from my heart. David sought not to kill Saul, although he was guilty of crimes that never entered my heart.
"'And now may God have mercy upon my father's house; may God take away enmity from between me and thee; and may all blessings be restored, and the past be forgotten forever. May humble repentance bring us both to thee, O God, and to thy power and protection, and a crown, to enjoy the society of Father, Mother, Alvin, Hyrum, Sophronia, Samuel, Catharine, Carlos, Lucy, the saints, and all the sanctified in peace, forever, is the prayer of your brother.
"'Joseph Smith, Jr
."'To William Smith.'
"Saturday morning, 19. At home. Sent the above letter to Brother William Smith. I have had many solemn feelings this day concerning my brother William, and have prayed in my heart fervently that the Lord will not cast him off, but that he may return to the God of Jacob and magnify his apostleship and calling. May this be his happy lot, for the Lord of glory's sake. Amen.
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"Sunday, 20. At home all day. Took solid comfort with my family. Had many serious reflections. Brothers Palmer and Taylor called to see me. I showed them the sacred records, to their joy and satisfaction. O my God have mercy upon these men, and keep them in the way of everlasting life, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
"Monday, 21. Spent this day at home, endeavoring to treasure up knowledge for the benefit of my calling. The day passed off very pleasantly. I thank the Lord for his blessings to my soul, his great mercy over my family in sparing our lives. O continue thy care over me and mine, for Christ's sake.
"Tuesday, 22. At home. Continued my studies. O may God give me learning, even language; and endue me with qualifications to magnify his name while I live.
"I also delivered an address to the church this evening. The Lord blessed my soul. My scribe is unwell. O my God, heal him. And for his kindness to me, O my soul, be thou grateful to him, and bless him. And he shall be blessed of God forever, for I believe him to be a faithful friend to me, therefore my soul delighteth in him. Amen.
"Wednesday, 23. In the forenoon, at home, studying the Greek language....
"Thursday, 24. The forenoon at home. In the afternoon I assisted the commissioner appointed by the court, in surveying a road across my farm.
"Friday, 25. Enjoyed myself at home with my family all day, it being Christmas, the only time I have had this privilege so satisfactorily for a long period. Brother Jonathan Crosby called this eve.
"Saturday, 26. Commenced studying the Hebrew language in company with Brothers Parrish and Williams. In the meantime Brother Lyman Sherman came in, and requested to have the word of the Lord through me; 'for,' said he, 'I have been wrought upon to make known to you my feelings and desires, and was promised that I should have a revelation which should make known my duty." 6
6 Verily thus saith the Lord unto you, my servant Lyman, your sins are forgiven you, because you have obeyed my voice in coming up
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"Sunday morning, 27. At the usual hour attended meeting at the schoolhouse. President Cowdery delivered a very able and interesting discourse.
"In the afternoon Brother Hyrum Smith and Bishop Partridge delivered each a short and interesting lecture, after which sacrament was administered....
"Monday, 28.... This day the Council of the Seventy met to render an account of their travels and ministry, since they were ordained to that apostleship. The meeting was interesting indeed, and my heart was made glad while listening to the relation of those that had been laboring in the vineyard of the Lord with such marvelous success. And I pray God to bless them with an increase of faith and power, and keep them all, with the endurance of faith in the name of Jesus Christ to the end.
"Tuesday, 29. The following charges were preferred:-
"'To the Honorable Presidency of the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints, against Elder William Smith.
"1. Unchristianlike conduct in speaking disrespectfully of President Joseph Smith, Jr., and the revelations and commandments given through him.
"2. For attempting to inflict personal violence on President Joseph Smith, Jr.'
"At home until about ten o'clock. I then attended a blessing meeting at Oliver Olneys, in company with my wife, and father and mother, who had come to live with me. Also my scribe went with us. A large company assembled, when Father Smith made some appropriate
hither this morning to receive counsel of him whom I have appointed Therefore let your soul be at rest concerning your spiritual standing, and resist no more my voice; and arise up and be more careful henceforth, in observing your vows which you have made, and do make, and you shall be blessed with exceeding great blessings. Wait patiently until the solemn assembly shall be called of my servants, then you shall be remembered with the first of mine elders, and receive right by ordination with the rest of mine elders, whom I have chosen. Behold, this is the promise of the Father unto you if you continue faithful; and it shall be fulfilled upon you in that day that you shall have right to preach my gospel wheresoever I shall send you from henceforth from that time. Therefore strengthen your brethren in all your conversation, in all your prayers, and in all your exhortations, and in all your doings; and behold and lo! I am with you to bless you, and deliver you forever. Amen.
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remarks. A hymn was sung, and he opened the meeting by prayer. About fifteen persons then received a patriarchal blessing under his hands. The services were then concluded as they commenced. A table was then crowned with the bounties of nature; and after invoking the benediction of heaven upon the rich repast, we fared sumptuously; and suffice it to say that we had a glorious meeting throughout, and I was much pleased with the harmony and decorum that existed among the brethren and sisters. We returned home, and at early candle light I preached at the schoolhouse to a crowded congregation, who listened with attention about three hours. I had liberty in speaking....
"Wednesday, 30. Spent the day reading Hebrew at the Council Room, in company with my scribe, which gave me much satisfaction, on account of his recovering health, for I delight in his company.
"Thursday, 31. At home. After attending to the duties of my family, retired to the Council Room to pursue my studies. The Council of the Twelve convened in the upper room in the printing office, directly over the room where we were assembled in our studies. They sent for me, and the Presidency, or a part of them, to receive counsel from us on the subject of the council which is to be held on Saturday next.
"In the afternoon, I attended at the chapel to give directions concerning the upper rooms, and more especially the west room, which I intend occupying for a translating room, which will be prepared this week."-Millennial Star, vol. 15, pp. 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 396, 422, 423, 424, 444, 467, 468, 469, 470, 503, 504, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 541, 542, 543, 548, 549.
During this period of time the Messenger and Advocate made its regular appearance, edited by John Whitmer. According to accounts given therein much work was being done in different parts of the country and many became obedient to the faith. Encouraging reports are found in its pages from Clear Creek, Illinois; Eel River, Indiana; New York; Canada; Vermont; Bradford, Massachusetts; Boston. Massachusetts; Saco and Farmington,
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Maine; Jamestown, Smyrna, Chenango, and Amity, New York; Beaver, Fallston, Bridgewater, Pennsylvania; Fulton, Schuyler, and Adams Counties, Illinois; Paris and Clark River, Tennessee; Genesee, Wayne, and Montgomery Counties, New York; Andover, Whitefield, and Franconia, New Hampshire; and Enfield, Vermont.
Sylvester Smith reports the Seventy as follows:-
"At a meeting of the seventy elders held in Kirtland on the 27th of December we were informed of the spread which the mighty work of God has taken by their means the past season. They have traveled, through the assisting grace of God, and preached the fullness of the everlasting gospel in various States, and generally with good success; many have been convinced, and one hundred and seventy-five baptized into the kingdom of Jesus. Notwithstanding many treat the proclamation of the last days with neglect, yet others seem disposed for eternal life, and receive it with a joy which none but the faithful can realize; and when the Lord in accordance with his word pours out the gift of the Holy Ghost upon those who believe and are baptized for the remission of sins, they are enabled to bear a testimony to their neighbors in favor of the work, and so the mighty wheel rolls on like a bright cloud in the heavens, unchecked by the efforts of men."-Messenger and Advocate, vol. 2, p. 253.
Thus ended the year 1835 in Kirtland and the East, while in Missouri nothing of particular interest transpired. The saints were peaceably following their several avocations and patiently awaiting the termination of suits which they had planted for damages against the citizens of Jackson County.
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