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Joseph gives an account of the journey, which will be of interest to the reader. He writes:-
"After completing the organization of the companies on the 8th, we recommenced our march towards Zion, and pitched our tents in a beautiful grove, at Chippeway, twelve miles from New Portage, for the night.
On the 9th we proceeded onward, and on Saturday, the 10th, passing through Mansfield, encamped for the Sabbath in Richfield.
"Sunday 11th. Elder Sylvester Smith preached, and the company received the sacrament of bread and wine.
"Monday the 12th. We left Richfield for the Miami River, where we arrived, after daily marches, on the 16th.
"We forded the Miami River with our baggage wagons, and the men waded through the waters. On the 17th of May we crossed the State line of Ohio, and encamped for the Sabbath just within the limits of Indiana, having traveled forty miles that day. Our feet were very sore and blistered, our stockings wet with blood, the weather being very warm. This night one of our enemies' spies attempted to get into our camp, but was prevented by our guards. We had our sentinels every night on account of spies, who were continually striving to harass us.
"About this time the saints in Clay County, Missouri, established an armory, where they commenced manufacturing swords, dirks, pistols, stocking rifles, and repairing arms in general for their own defense against mob violence.
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Many arms were purchased, for the leading men in Clay County rendered every facility in their power, in order, as they said 'to help the Mormons settle their own difficulties, and pay the Jackson mob in their own way.'
"Sunday 18th. We had preaching as usual, and the administration of the sacrament. 1 Monday l9th. Although threatened by our enemies that we should not, we passed through Vandalia quietly, and unmolested; all the inhabitants were silent and appeared as though possessed with fear. At night we encamped on an eminence, where we lost one horse.
"Wednesday 21st. We forded White River. Sunday 25th. Arrived at the State line of Illinois. We had no meeting but attended to washing, baking, and preparing to resume our journey, which we did on Monday the 26th, and at night were aroused by the continual threats of our enemies. Notwithstanding our enemies were continually breathing threats of violence, we did not fear, neither did we hesitate to prosecute our journey, for God was with us and his angels went before us, and the faith of our little band was unwavering. We know that angels were our companions, for we saw them.
1This day Joseph wrote to his wife as follows:-
CAMP OF ISRAEL in Indiana State, Town of Richmond, 18th May.
My Dear Wife:-Meeting being over, I sit down in my tent to write a few lines to you, to let you know that you are on my mind, and that I am sensible of the duties of a husband and father, and that I am well, and I pray God to let his blessings rest upon you and the children and all that are around you, until I return to your society. The few lines you wrote and sent by the hand of Bro. Lyman, gave me satisfaction and comfort, and I hope you will continue to communicate to me by your own hand, for this is a consolation to me to converse with you in this way in my lonely moments which is not easily described. I will endeavor to write every Sunday, if I can, and let you know how I am, and Bro. Frederick will write to Oliver and give him the names of the places we pass through and a history of our journey, from time to time, so that it will not be necessary for me to endeavor to write it. But I feel a satisfaction to write a few lines with my own hand. In this way I can have the privilege to communicate some of my feelings that I should not dare to reveal, as you know that my situation is a very critical one. Bro. Jenkins, and William, Jesse, and George are all well, and are humble, are determined to be faithful; and finally all the Kirtland brethren are well and cannot fail. I must close, for I cannot write on my knees sitting on the ground, to edification. O, may the blessings of God rest upon you, is the prayer of your husband until death.
Emma Smith. Joseph Smith.
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"On Tuesday, the 27th, we arrived at the deep river Kaskaskia, where we found two skiffs, which we lashed together, and on which we ferried our baggage across the stream. We then swam our horses and wagons, and when they arrived at the opposite shore the brethren attached ropes to them and helped them out of the water and up the steep bank. Some of the brethren felled trees across the river, on which they passed over. Thus we all safely passed the river, and the day following arrived at Decatur, where another horse died.
"Saturday evening, May 31. We encamped one mile from Jacksonville, and made preparations for the Sabbath.
"Sunday, June 1, 1834. We had preaching, and many of the inhabitants of the town came to hear. Elder John Carter, who had formerly been a Baptist preacher, spoke in the morning, and was followed by four other elders in the course of the day, all of whom had formerly been preachers for different denominations. When the inhabitants heard these elders they appeared much interested, and were very desirous to know who we were, and we told them one had been a Baptist preacher, and one a Campbellite; one a Reformed Methodist, and another a Restorationer, etc. During the day many questions were asked but no one could learn our names, profession, business, or destination, and, although they suspected we were Mormons, they were very civil. Our enemies had threatened that we should not cross the Illinois River, but on Monday the 2d we were ferried over without any difficulty. The ferryman counted and declared there were five hundred of us, yet our true number was only about one hundred and fifty. Our company had been increased since our departure from Kirtland, by volunteers from different branches of the church through which we had passed. We encamped on the bank of the river until Tuesday the 3d. During our travels we visited several of the mounds which had been thrown up by the ancient inhabitants of this county, Nephites, Lamanites, etc., and this morning I went up on a high mound, near the river, accompanied by the brethren. From this mound we could overlook the tops of the trees and view the prairie on each side of the river as far
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as our vision could extend, and the scenery was truly delightful.
"On the top of the mound were stones which presented the appearance of three altars having been erected one above the other, according to ancient order; and human bones were strewn over the surface of the ground. The brethren procured a shovel and hoe, and removing the earth to the depth of about one foot discovered [a] skeleton of a man, almost entire, and between his ribs was a Lamanitish arrow, which evidently produced his death. Elder Brigham Young retained the arrow and the brethren carried some pieces of the skeleton to Clay County.
"Continuing our journey on the 4th we encamped on the banks of the Mississippi River. At this place we were somewhat afflicted, and our enemies strongly threatened that we should not cross over into Missouri. The river being nearly one mile and a half wide and having but one ferry boat, it took two days for us to pass over. While some were ferrying others were engaged in hunting, fishing, etc.; as we arrived we encamped on the bank, within the limits of Missouri. While at this place Sylvester Smith rebelled against the order of the company, and gave vent to his feelings against myself in particular. This was the first outbreak of importance which had occurred to mar our peace since we commenced the journey.
"The same day, June 6, we resumed our journey, and at evening of the 7th encamped in a piece of woods, near a spring of water, at Salt River, where was a branch of the church. Sunday, the 8th, we had preaching, and in the course of the day were joined by my brother Hyrum Smith, and Lyman Wight, with a company of volunteers which they had gathered in Michigan, etc. The whole company now consisted of two hundred and five men, and twenty-five baggage wagons with two or three horses each. We remained at Salt River until the 12th, refreshing and reorganizing, which was done by electing Lyman Wight general of the camp. I chose twenty men for my life guards, of whom my brother Hyrum was chosen captain, and George A. Smith was my armor-bearer. The remainder of the company was organized
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according to the pattern at New Portage. While at Salt River General Wight marched the camp on the prairie, inspected our firelocks, ordered a discharge of the same at target by platoons, drilled us about half a day, and returned to the bank of the river."-Times and Seasons, vol. 6, pp. 1075, 1076, 1088.
Lyman Wight gives a detailed account of the travels of Hyrum Smith and himself from Kirtland to this place; from; which we learn that they visited branches of the church at Florence, Ohio; Pontiac, Michigan; Huron County, Michigan; and a branch called the "Ritchey branch," in Illinois (locality not given); as well as various neighborhoods where were scattered members; obtaining some means and several volunteers for the expedition; among whom we find the names of Charles Rich, Samuel Bent, Elijah Fordham, Osmon Houghton, Lyman Curtis, Mecham Curtis, Waldo Littlefield, Josiah Littlefield, Lyman Littlefield, David Dort, James Dunn, George Fordham. By union of these two companies there were over two hundred in the Camp.
The list of the names of the company as published by Andrew Jenson in his "Historical Record," volume 8, page 940, is here given:-
Aldrich, Hazen Bent, Samuel Cherry, William
Allen, Joseph Blackman, Hiram Chidester, John M.
Allred, Isaac Booth, Lorenzo Childs, Alden
Allred, James, Captain Brooks, George W. Childs, Nathaniel
Allred, Martin, Captain Brown, Albert Childs, Stephen
Andrus, Milo Brown, Harry Colborn, Thomas
Angell, Solomon Brown, Samuel Colby, Alanson
Avery, Allen A. Brownell, John Cole, Zera S.
Babbitt, Almon W Buchanan, Peter Coltrin, Zebedee
Badlam, Alexander Burdick, Alden Coon, Libeus T.
Baker, Samuel Burgess, Harrison Cowan, Horace
Baldwin, Nathan B. Byur, David Curtis, Lyman
Barber, Elam Cahoon, William F. Curtis, Mecham
Barlow, Israel Carpenter, John Denton, Solomon W.
Barnes, Lorenzo D. Carter, John S. Doff, Peter
Barney, Edson Cathcart, Daniel Dort, David D.
Barney, Royal Champlin Alonzo Duncan, John
Benner, Henry Chapman, Jacob Dunn, James
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Duzette, Philemon Hyde, Orson Richardson, Darwin
Elleman, Philip Ingalls, Warren S Riggs, Burr
Elliott, Bradford W. Ivie, Edward Riggs, Harpin
Elliott, David Ivie, James R. Riggs, Nathaniel
Evans, David Ivie, John A. Riley, Milcher
Field, Asa Ivie, William S. Ripley, Alanson
Fisher, Edmund Jessop, William Robbins, Lewis
Fisk, Alfred Johnson, Luke S. Rudd, Erastus
Fisk, Hezekiah Johnson, Lyman E. Sagers, William Henry
Fordham, Elijah Johnson, Noah Salisbury, Jenkins
Fordham, George Johnson, Seth Sherman, Henry
Forney, Fredrick Jones, Isaac Sherman, Lyman
Fossett, John Jones, Levi Shibley, Henry
Foster, James Kelley, Charles Smalling, Cyrus
Foster, Solon Kimball, Heber C. Smith, Avery
Gates, Jacob Kingsley, Samuel Smith, George A.
Gifford, Benjamin Lake, Dennis Smith, Hyrum
Gifford, Levi Lawson, Jesse B. Smith, Jackson
Gilbert, Sherman Lewis, L. S. Smith, Jazariah B.
Glidden, True Littlefield, Josiah Smith, Jesse B.
Gould, Dean C. Littlefield, Lyman O. Smith, Joseph
Grant, Jedediah M. Littlefield, Waldo Smith, Lyman
Green, Addison Lyman, Amasa M. Smith, Sylvester
Griffith, Michael Martin, Moses Smith, William
Griswold, Everett Marvin, Edward W. Snow, Willard
Groves, Elisha McBride, Reuben Snow, Zerubbabel
Hancock, Joseph McCord, Robert Stanley, Harvey
Hancock, Levi W. Miller, Eleazer Stephens, Daniel
Harmon, Joseph Miller, John Stratton, Hyrum
Herriman, Henry Morse, Justin [Justus] Strong, Elial
Harris, Martin Murdock, John Tanner, John
Hartshorn, Joseph Nickerson, Freeman Tanner, Nathan
Hayes, Thomas Nickerson, Levi S. Thayer, Ezra
Higgins, Nelson Nickerson, Uriah C Thompson, James L.
Hitchcock, Seth Nicholas, Joseph Thompson, Samuel
Hogers, Amos Noble, Joseph B. Tippetts, William P.
Holbrook, Chandler North, Ur. Thomas Tinney
Holbrook, Joseph Orton, Roger Tubbs, Nelson
Holmes , Milton Parker, John D. Waughn, Joel
Houghton, Osmon Parrish, Warren Warner, Salmon
Hubbard, Marshal Patten, David W. Weden, William
Humphrey, Solomon Pratt, Orson Wells, Elias
Huntsman, Joseph Pratt, Parley P. Whitesides, Alexander
Hustin, John Pratt, William D. Whitlock, Andrew
Hutchins, Elias Rich, Charles C. Wight, Lyman
Hyde, Heman T Rich, Leonard Wilcox, Eber
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Wilkinson, Sylvester B. Winchester, S., Captain Wissmiller, Henry
Williams, Frederick G Winegar, Alvin Woodruff, Wilford
Winchester, Alanzo Winegars, Samuel Young, Brigham
Winchester, Benjamin Winter, Hiram Young, Joseph
Alvord, Charlotte, from Michigan. Parrish, Betsey, wife of Warren
Chidester, Mrs., wife of John M Parrish.
Chidester. Ripley, Mrs., wife of Alanson
Curtis, Sophronia. Ripley.
Drake, Diana. There were also a few
Gates, Mary Snow, wife of Jacob children in the Camp, among Gates. whom were Diana, daughter of Holbrook, Eunice, wife of Chand- Chandler Holbrook; Sarah
ler Holbrook. Lucretia and Charlotte,
Holbrook, Nancy L., wife of Jo- daughters of Joseph Holbrook;
seph Holbrook. and a daughter of Alvin Winegar.
Houghton, Mrs., wife of Osmon
Joseph continues:-
"June 12. We left Salt River and traveled about fourteen miles, encamping that night on the prairie. The inhabitants of Salt River manifested a great respect for us, and many of them accompanied us some distance on our journey. We continued our march daily until the 18th, when we pitched our tents one mile from Richmond, Ray County. . . .
"Thursday 19. We passed through the town as soon as it was light and before the inhabitants were arisen from their slumbers, meeting with no opposition, but we had not proceeded many miles before one wagon broke down, and by the time that was repaired wheels run off from others, and such like incidents continued through the day to impede our progress. When we started in the morning we intended to arrive in Clay County that day, but in vain. At a seasonable hour we encamped on an elevated piece of ground between two branches of Fishing River, having traveled about fifteen miles. Fishing River, at this point, was composed of seven small streams, and those betwixt which we encamped were two of them.
"As we halted and were making preparations for the night, five men armed with guns rode into our camp and told us we should see hell before morning, and their accompanying
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oaths partook of all the malice of demons. They told us that sixty men were coming from Richmond, Ray County, and seventy more from Clay County, sworn to our utter destruction. The weather was pleasant at this time.
"During this day the Jackson County mob, to the number of about two hundred, made arrangements to cross the Missouri River, about the mouth of Fishing River, at William's Ferry, into Clay County, and be ready to meet the Richmond mob near Fishing River Ford, for our utter destruction. But after the first scow load of about forty had been set over the river, the scow in returning was met by a squall, and had great difficulty in reaching the Jackson side by dark.
"Soon after the five men left the camp swearing vengeance, we discovered a small black cloud rising in the west, and in twenty minutes, or thereabouts, it began to rain and hail, and this was the squall that troubled the Jackson boat.
"The storm was tremendous; wind and rain, hail and thunder met them in great wrath, and soon softened their direful courage, and frustrated all their designs to 'kill Joe Smith and his army.' Instead of continuing a cannonading, which they commenced the sun about one hour high, they crawled under wagons, into hollow trees, filled one old shanty, etc., till the storm was over, when their ammunition was soaked, and the forty in Clay County were extremely anxious in the morning to return to Jackson, having experienced the pitiless peltings of the storm all night, and as soon as arrangements could be made, this 'forlorn hope' took the 'back track' for Independence, to join the main body of the mob.
"Very little hail fell in our camp, but from half to a mile around, the stones or lumps of ice cut down the crops of corn and vegetation generally, even cutting limbs from trees, themselves were twisted into withes by the wind. The lightning flashed incessantly, which caused it to be so light in our camp through the night that we could discern the most minute object, and the roaring of the thunder was tremendous. The earth trembled and quaked; the rain fell in
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torrents, and, united, it seemed as if the mandate of vengeance had gone forth from the God of battles to protect his servants from the destruction of their enemies; for the hail fell on them, and not on us, and we suffered no harm except the blowing down of some of our tents and getting some wet, while our enemies had holes made in their hats and otherwise received damage, even the breaking of their rifle stocks, and the fleeing of their horses through fear and pain.
"Many of my little band sheltered in an old meetinghouse through this night, and in the morning the water in Big Fishing River was about forty feet deep, where the previous evening it was no more than to our ankles, and our enemies swore that the water rose thirty feet in thirty minutes in the Little Fishing River.
"Friday the 20th. We went five miles on the prairie to procure food for ourselves and horses, and establish ourselves for the moment in some secure place where we could defend ourselves from the rage of our enemies; and while in this situation, on Saturday the 21st, Colonel Sconce, with two other leading men from Ray County, came to see us, desiring to know what our intentions were; for, said he, 'I see that there is an almighty power that protects this people, for I started from Richmond, Ray County, with a company of armed men, having a full determination to destroy you, but was kept back by the storm, and was not able to reach you.' When he entered our camp he was seized with such a trembling that he was obliged to sit down to compose himself; and when he had made known his object of their visit, I arose, and addressing them, gave a relation of the sufferings of the saints in Jackson County, and also of our persecution generally, and what we had suffered by our enemies for our religion, and that we had come one thousand miles to assist our brethren, to bring them clothing, etc., and to reinstate them upon their own lands; and that we had no intention to molest or injure any people, but only to administer to the wants of our afflicted friends; and that the evil reports circulated about us were false, and gotten up by our enemies to procure our destruction. When I had closed a lengthy speech, the spirit of which melted them into compassion,
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they arose and offered me their hands, and said they would use their influence to allay the excitement which everywhere prevailed against us, and they wept when they heard of our afflictions and persecutions, and that our intentions were good. Accordingly they went forth and rode among the people and made unwearied exertions to allay the excitement."-Times and Seasons, vol. 6, pp. 1088, 1091, 1092.
H. C. Kimball in his journal writes of this journey a little more fully, and gives a similar account of the storm:-
"On the 12th we again resumed our march. Many of the inhabitants went with us several miles; they seemed to have much respect for us. We traveled about fourteen miles, and camped on a large prairie.
"Friday the 13th. My horses got loose and went back ten miles, with others. I pursued after them and returned back to the camp in about two hours. We tarried in the middle of this prairie, which is about twenty-eight miles across, on account of a rupture which took place in camp. Here F. G. Williams and Roger Orton received a very serious chastisement from Brother Joseph for not obeying orders previously given. The chastisement given to Roger Orton was given more particularly for suffering me to go back after the horses, as I was one of Joseph's life guard, and it belonged to Roger to attend to the team; but, as the team was my own and I had had the care of it all through, he still throwed the care on me, which was contrary to orders, inasmuch as the responsibility rested upon him to see to the team. In this place further regulations were made in regard to the organization of the camp.
"A day or two after this Bishop Partridge met us, direct from Clay County, as we were camping on the bank of the Wacondah [Wakenda] River in the woods. We received much information from Brother Partridge concerning the hostile feelings and prejudices that existed against us in Missouri in all quarters. It gave us great satisfaction to receive intelligence from him, as we were in perils, and threatened all the while. I will here mention one circumstance that transpired during our stay at this place, which was, that of Brother Lyman Wight baptizing Dean Gould, as he
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was not previously a member of the church, yet had accompanied us all the way from Kirtland.
"We pursued our journey and followed the bank of the river for several miles. As we left the river and came into a very beautiful prairie Brother William Smith . . . killed a very large deer, which made us some very nourishing soup, and added to our comfort considerably.
"On Wednesday, the 18th, at night, we camped one mile from the town of Richmond, Ray County. On Thursday the l9th, we arose as soon as it was light and passed through the town before the inhabitants were up. As Luke Johnson and others, were passing through before the teams came along, Brother Luke observed a black woman in a gentleman's garden near the road. She beckoned to him and said, 'Come here massa.' She was evidently much agitated in her feelings. He went up to the fence and she said to him, 'There is a company of men laying in wait here who are calculating to kill you this morning as you pass through.' This was nothing new to us, as we had been threatened continually through the whole journey, and death and destruction seemed to await us daily. This day we only traveled about fifteen miles. One wagon broke down, and the wheels ran off from others, and there seemed to be many things to hinder our progress, although we strove with all diligence to speed our way forward. Our intentions were when we started to go through to Clay County that day, but all in vain. This night we camped on an elevated piece of land between the two branches of the Fishing River, the main branch of which was formed by seven small streams or branches, these being two of them. Just as we halted and were making preparations for the night, five men rode into the camp and told us we should see hell before morning, and such horrible oaths as came from their lips I never heard before. They told us that sixty men were coming from Richmond, Ray County, who had sworn to destroy us; also that seventy more were coming from Clay County to assist in our destruction. These men were armed with guns, and the whole country was in a rage against us, and nothing but the power of God could save us. All this time the weather was
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fine and pleasant. Soon after these men left us we discovered a small black cloud rising in the west, and not more than twenty minutes passed away before it began to rain and hail, but we had very little of the hail in our camp. All around us the hail was heavy; some of the hailstones, or rather lumps of ice, were as large as hen's eggs. The thunders rolled with awful majesty, and the red lightnings flashed through the horizon, making it so light that I could see to pick up a pin almost any time through the night; the earth quaked and trembled, and there being no cessation, it seemed as though the Almighty had issued forth his mandate of vengeance. The wind was so terrible that many of our tents were blown over and we were not able to hold them; but there being an old meetinghouse close at hand, many of us fled there to secure ourselves from the storm. Many trees were blown down, and others twisted and wrung like a withe. The mob came to the river, two miles from us, and the river had risen to that height that they were obliged to stop without crossing over. The hail fell so heavily upon them that it beat holes in their hats, and in some instances even broke the stocks off their guns. Their horses being frightened fled, leaving the riders on the ground, their powder was wet, and it was evident the Almighty fought in our defense. This night the river raised forty feet.
"In the morning I went to the river in company with Brother Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, Brigham Young, and others, as we had it in contemplation to proceed that morning to Liberty, Clay County; but we could not continue our journey, as there was no way to cross the river. It was then overflowing its banks, and we have seen the river since and proved that it was full forty feet from the top of the banks to the bottom of the river. Previous to this rain falling, it was no more than ankle deep. Such a time never was known by us before; still, we felt calm all night and the Lord was with us. The water was ankle deep to us all night, so we could not sleep.
"At this place, W. W. Phelps, S. W. Denton, John Corrill, with many others from Liberty, joined us, from whom we
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received much information concerning the situation of the fixed determination of our enemies to drive or exterminate them from that county.
"The next day when we moved into the country we saw that the hail had destroyed the crops and we saw that it had come in some directions within a mile, and in other directions within half a mile, of our camp. After passing a short distance the ground was literally covered with branches of trees which had been cut off by the hail. We went a distance of five miles on a prairie to get food for our horses, and also to get provisions for ourselves; and to get into some secure place, where we could defend ourselves from the rage of the enemy. We stayed here three or four days until the rage of the people was allayed.
"On the 21st Colonel Searcy and two other leading men from Ray County came to see us, desiring to know what our intentions were; for said he, 'I see that there is an Almighty power that protects this people, for I started from Richmond, Ray County, with a company of armed men, having a fixed determination to destroy you, but was kept back by the storm and was not able to reach you.' When he came into the camp he was seized with such a trembling, that he was obliged to sit down in order to compose himself. When he desired to know what our intentions were, Brother Joseph arose and began to speak, and the power of God rested upon him. He gave a relation of the sufferings of our people in Jackson County, and also of all our persecutions and what we had suffered by our enemies for our religion; and that we had come one thousand miles to assist our brethren, to bring them clothing, and to reinstate them upon their own lands; that we had no intentions to molest or injure any people, but only to administer to the wants of our afflicted brethren; and that the evil reports, which were circulated about us, were false, and were circulated by our enemies to get us destroyed.
"After he had gotten through and had spoke quite lengthily, the power of which melted them into compassion, they arose and offered him their hands, and said they would
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use their influence to allay the excitement which everywhere prevailed against us." -Times and Seasons, vol. 6, pp. 789, 790, 803, 804.
Lyman Wight, under date of June 19, 1834, writes:-
"This day passed through Richmond . . . . Four miles farther, between the two branches of Fishing River, encamped near a Baptist meetinghouse. About the setting of the sun the clouds commenced rising with a frightful appearance. Heavier thunder or sharper lightning probably never was heard or seen. The rain commenced falling in torrents, and continued nearly through the night. Those two rivers had increased from a low ebb to from sixteen to twenty feet of water, overflowing the bottom for several miles. This proved, however, to be a beneficial circumstance to us, as a mob had collected on both sides of the road, and were rapidly increasing in numbers, with a determination to fall upon us this night. Thirty or forty of this mob crowded themselves into an old cabin, and in endeavoring to hold their horses by their bridles, many of them were severely injured by the falling of the hail. About three miles from where we encamped the hailstones fell from the size of a rifle ball to that of turkey's eggs. We spent a doleful night."
Soon after crossing the Mississippi River they delegated Orson Hyde and P. P. Pratt to visit Governor Dunklin, to present before him the nature of their mission and ask his protection and aid. P. P. Pratt in his Autobiography writes of this interview as follows:-
"Arriving in the Allred settlement, near Salt River, Missouri, where there was a large branch of the church, the camp rested a little, and dispatched Elder Orson Hyde and myself to Jefferson City, to request of His Excellency, Governor Daniel Dunklin, a sufficient military force, with orders to reinstate the exiles, and protect them in the possession of their homes in Jackson County.
"We had an interview with the Governor, who readily acknowledged the justice of the demand, but frankly told us he dare not attempt the execution of the laws in that respect, for fear of deluging the whole country in civil war and
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bloodshed. He advised us to relinquish our rights, for the sake of peace, and to sell our lands from which we had been driven. To this we replied with firmness, that we would hold no terms with land pirates and murderers. If we could not be permitted to live on lands which we had purchased of the United States, and be protected in our persons and rights, our lands would, at least, make a good burying ground, on which to lay our bones; and, like Abraham's possession in Canaan, we should hold on to our possessions in the county of Jackson, for this purpose, at least. He replied that he did not blame us in the least, but trembled for the country, and dare not carry out the plain, acknowledged, and imperative duties of his office. We retired, saying to ourselves: 'That poor coward ought, in duty, to resign; he owes this, morally at least, in justice to his oath of office.'
"We returned to the camp, which was then on the march, somewhere below the county of Ray. President Joseph Smith, his brother Hyrum, L. Wight, and others, repaired with us into a solitary grove, apart, to learn the result of our mission.
"After hearing our report, the President called on the God of our fathers to witness the justice of our cause and the sincerity of our vows, which we engaged to fulfill, whether in this life or in the life to come. For, as God lives, truth, justice, and innocence shall triumph, and iniquity shall not reign."-Pp. 123, 124.
This sounds strangely out of harmony with Governor Dunklin's character as indicated in his actions in this trouble both before and after this time. If this account of Mr. Pratt is true, he must have weakened in his intention to restore and protect the saints, being intimidated by the lawless element. But in justice to Mr. Dunklin it is but fair to say that Lyman Wight, who was the commanding officer of the "camp," states in his daily journal under date of June 13, 1834, when Messrs. Hyde and Pratt returned and reported, as follows:-
"Traveled five miles and met Parley P. Pratt and Orson Hyde, who had been sent to the Governor to seek redress for the saints who had been driven from Jackson County.
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They brought the intelligence that the Governor would execute the law, whatever it might be."
Not being able to reconcile this difference, we give both statements and leave them with the reader without further comment.
Joseph continues the narrative as follows:-
"June 22. Cornelius Gillium, the sheriff of Clay County, came to the camp to hold consultation with us. I marched my company into a grove near by and formed in a circle, with Gillium in the center. Gillium commenced by saying that he had heard that Joseph was in the camp and if so he would like to see him. I arose and replied, 'I am the man.' This was the first time that I had been discovered or made known to my enemies since I left Kirtland. Gillium then gave us some instruction concerning the manners, customs, and dispositions of the people, etc., and what course we ought to [pursue to] secure their favor and protection, making certain inquiries, to which we replied, which were afterwards published and will appear under date of publication."-Times and Seasons, vol. 6, p.1104.
The accounts of H. C. Kimball, Lyman Wight, and P. P. Pratt agree substantially with the above. The questions of the sheriff and the answers by the company, referred to in the above, are not, so far as we know, available; but this interview evidently brought out the following statement from the sheriff:-
"Being a citizen of Clay County, and knowing that there is considerable excitement amongst the people thereof; and also knowing that different reports are arriving almost hourly; and being requested by the Hon. J. F. Ryland, to meet the Mormons under arms, and obtain from the leaders thereof the correctness of the various reports in circulation-the true intent and meaning of their present movements, and their views generally regarding the difficulties existing between them and Jackson County-I did, in company with other gentlemen, call upon the said leaders of the Mormons, at their camp, in Clay County; and now give to the people
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of Clay County their written statement, containing the substance of what passed between us.
"Being called upon by the above-named gentlemen, at our camp, in Clay County, to ascertain from the leaders of our men, our intentions, views, and designs, in approaching this county in the manner that we have; we therefore, the more cheerfully comply with their request, because we are called upon by gentlemen of good feelings, and who are disposed for peace and an amicable adjustment of the difficulties existing between us and the people of Jackson County. The reports of our intentions are various, and have gone abroad in a light calculated to arouse the feelings of almost every man. For instance; one report is that we intend to demolish the printing office in Liberty; another report is, that we intend crossing the Missouri River on Sunday next, and falling upon women and children, and slaying them; another is that our men were employed to perform this expedition, being taken from manufacturing establishments in the East that had closed business; also that we carried a flag, bearing 'peace' on one side and 'war or blood' on the other; and various others too numerous to mention;-all of which, a plain declaration of our intentions, from under our own hands, will show are not correct. In the first place, it is not our intention to commit hostilities against any man or set of men. It is not our intention to injure any man's person or property, except in defending ourselves. Our flag has been exhibited to the above gentlemen, who will be able to describe it. Our men were not taken from any manufacturing establishment. It is our intention to go back upon our lands in Jackson County, by order of the Executive of the State, if possible. We have brought our arms with us for the purpose of self-defense, as it is well known to almost every man of the State that we have every reason to put ourselves in an attitude of defense, considering the abuse we have suffered in Jackson County. We are anxious for a settlement of the difficulties existing between us, upon honorable and constitutional principles. We are willing for twelve disinterested
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men, six to be chosen by each party, and these men shall say what the possessions of those men are worth who cannot live with us in the county; and they shall have their money in one year; and none of the Mormons shall enter that county to reside until the money is paid. The damages that we have sustained in consequence of being driven away shall also be left to the above twelve men. Or they may all live in the county, if they choose, and we will never molest them if they will let us alone and permit us to enjoy our rights. We want to live in peace with all men, and equal rights is all we ask. We wish to become permanent citizens of this State, and wish to bear our proportion in support of the Government, and to be protected by its laws. If the above proposals are complied with, we are willing to give security on our part; and we shall want the same of the people of Jackson County for the performance of this agreement. We do not wish to settle down in a body, except where we can purchase the lands with money; for to take possession by conquest or the shedding of blood, is entirely foreign to our feelings. The shedding of blood we shall not be guilty of, until all just and honorable means among men prove insufficient to restore peace.
-Evening and Morning Star, vol. 2, p. 351.
While in this camp, which was on land belonging to a member of the church by the name of John Cooper, the revelation known as the Fishing River revelation was given. 2
21. Verily I say unto you, who have assembled yourselves together that you may learn my will concerning the redemption of mine afflicted people:-
2. Behold, I say unto you, Were it not for the transgressions of my people, speaking concerning the church and not individuals, they might have been redeemed even now; but, behold, they have not learned to be obedient to the things which I require at their hands, but are full of all manner of evil, and do not impart of their substance, as becometh saints, to the poor and afflicted among them, and are not united according to the union required by the law of the celestial kingdom; and Zion cannot
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Joseph resumes the history as follows:-
"About this time Brothers Thayre and Hayes were attacked with the cholera, and Brother Hancock was taken during the storm. I called the camp together and told them that in consequence of the disobedience of some who had been unwilling to listen to my words, but
be built up unless it is by the principles of the law of the celestial kingdom, otherwise I cannot receive her unto myself, and my people must needs be chastened until they learn obedience, if it must needs be, by the things which they suffer.
3. I speak not concerning those who are appointed to lead my people, who are the first elders of my church, for they are not all under this condemnation; but I speak concerning my churches abroad; there are many who will say, Where is their God? Behold, he will deliver in time of trouble; otherwise we will not go up unto Zion, and will keep our moneys. Therefore, in consequence of the transgression of my people, it is expedient in me that mine elders should wait for a little season for the redemption of Zion, that they themselves may be prepared, and that my people may be taught more perfectly, and have experience, and know more perfectly, concerning their duty, and the things which I require at their hands; and this cannot be brought to pass until mine elders are endowed with power from on high; for, behold, I have prepared a great endowment and blessing to be poured out upon them, inasmuch as they are faithful, and continue in humility before me; therefore, it is expedient in me that mine elders should wait for a little season, for the redemption of Zion; for, behold, I do not require at their hands to fight the battles of Zion; for, as I said in a former commandment, even so will fulfill, I will fight your battles.
4. Behold, the destroyer I have sent forth to destroy and lay waste mine enemies; and not many years hence, they shall not be left to pollute mine heritage, and to blaspheme my name upon the lands which I have consecrated for the gathering together of my saints.
5. Behold, I have commanded my servant Baurak Ale, to say unto the strength of my house, even my warriors, my young men and middle-aged, to gather together for the redemption of my people, and throw down the towers of mine enemies, and scatter their watchmen; but the strength of mine house have not hearkened unto my words; but inasmuch as there are those who have hearkened unto my words I have prepared a blessing and an endowment for them, if they continue faithful. I have heard their prayers, and will accept their offering; and it is expedient in me that they should be brought thus far, for a trial of their faith.
6. And now, verily I say unto you, A commandment I give unto you, that as many as have come up hither, that can stay in the region roundabout, let them stay; and those that cannot stay, who have families in the east, let them tarry for a little season, inasmuch as my servant Joseph shall appoint unto them, for I will counsel him concerning this matter; and all things whatsoever he shall appoint unto them shall be fulfilled.
7. And let all my people who dwell in the regions round about, be very faithful, and prayerful, and humble before me, and reveal not the things which I have revealed unto them, until it is wisdom in me that they should be revealed. Talk not judgment, neither boast of faith, nor of mighty works; but carefully gather together, as much in one region as can be consistently with the feelings of the people: and, behold, I will
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had rebelled, God had decreed that sickness should come upon them, and that they should die like sheep with the rot, that I was sorry, but could not help it. Previous to this, while on our journey, I had predicted and warned them of the danger of such chastisement; but there were some who would not give heed to my words.
"On the 23d resumed our march for Liberty, Clay County, taking a circuitous course round the heads of Fishing River, to avoid the deep water. When within five or six miles of
give unto you favor and grace in their eyes, that you may rest in peace and safety, while you are saying unto the people, Execute judgment and justice for us according to law, and redress us of our wrongs.
8. Now, behold, I say unto you, my friends, In this way you may find favor in the eyes of the people, until the army of Israel becomes very great; and I will soften the hearts of the people, as I did the heart of Pharaoh, from time to time, until my servant Baurak Ale, and Baneemy whom I have appointed, shall have time to gather up the strength of my house, and to have sent wise men, to fulfill that which I have commanded concerning the purchasing of all the lands in Jackson County, that can be purchased, and in the adjoining counties round about; for it is my will that these lands should be purchased, and after they are purchased that my saints should possess them according to the laws of consecration which I have given, and after these lands are purchased, I will hold the armies of Israel guiltless in taking possession of their own lands which they have previously purchased with their moneys, and of throwing down the towers of mine enemies, that may be upon them, and scattering their watchmen, and avenging me of mine enemies, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.
9. But firstly, let my army become very great, and let it be sanctified before me, that it may become fair as the sun, and clear as the moon and that her banners may be terrible unto all nations; that the kingdoms of this world may be constrained to acknowledge that the kingdom of Zion is in very deed the kingdom of our God and his Christ; therefore, let us become subject unto her laws.
10. Verily I say unto you, It is expedient in me that the first elders of my church should receive their endowment from on high, in my house which I have commanded to be built unto my name in the land of Kirtland, and let those commandments which I have given concerning Zion and her law, be executed and fulfilled, after her redemption. There has been a day of calling, but the time has come for a day of choosing; and let those be chosen that are worthy; and it shall be manifest unto my servant, by the voice of the Spirit, those that are chosen, and they shall be sanctified; and inasmuoh as they follow the counsel which they receive, they shall have power after many days to accomplish all things pertaining to Zion.
11. And again, I say unto you, Sue for peace, not only the people that have smitten you, but also to all people; and lift up an ensign of peace, and make a proclamation for peace unto the ends of the earth; and make proposals for peace, unto those who have smitten you, according to the voice of the Spirit which is in you, and all things shall work together for your good; therefore, be faithful, and, behold, and lo, I am with you even unto the end. Even so. Amen.
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Liberty we were met by General Atchison and other gentlemen, who desired us not to go to Liberty, as the feelings of the people were so much enraged against us. At their communication we wheeled to the left, and crossing the prairie and woodland came to Sidney Gilbert's residence, and encamped on the bank of Rush Creek, in Bro. Burket's field. During this a council of High Priests assembled in fulfillment of the revelation given the day previous, and the following individuals were called and chosen as they were made manifest unto me by the voice of the Spirit, and revelation, to receive their endowment:-
"Edward Partridge was called and chosen to go to Kirtland and receive his endowment with power from on high, and also to stand in his office of Bishop to purchase lands in the State of Missouri.
"William W. Phelps was called and chosen, and it was appointed unto him for to receive his endowment with power from on high and help to carry on the printing establishment in Kirtland until Zion is redeemed.
"Isaac Morley and John Corrill were called and chosen, and it was appointed unto them to receive their endowment with power from on high in Kirtland and assist in gathering up the strength of the Lord's house and preach the gospel.
"John Whitmer and David Whitmer were called and chosen, and appointed to receive their endowments in Kirtland and continue in their offices.
"Algernon S. Gilbert was called and chosen, and appointed to receive his endowment in Kirtland, and to assist in gathering up the strength of the Lord's house, and to proclaim the everlasting gospel until Zion is redeemed. But he said he 'could not do it.'
"Peter Whitmer, Jr., Simeon Carter, Newel Knight, Parley P. Pratt, Christian Whitmer, and Solomon Hancock were called and chosen, and it was appointed unto them to receive their endowment in Kirtland with power from on high; to assist in gathering up the strength of the Lord's house; and to preach the everlasting gospel.
"Thom B. Marsh was called and chosen; and it was appointed
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unto him to receive his endowment in Kirtland, his office to be made known hereafter.
"Lyman Wight was called and chosen; and it was appointed unto him to receive his endowment in Kirtland with power from on high; and to return to Zion and have his office appointed unto him hereafter."-Times and Seasons, vol. 6, pp. 1105, 1106.
This selection of men to go to Kirtland and receive endowments was in accordance with the late revelation.
In relation to the cholera and other items Joseph writes as follows:-
"June 24. This night the cholera burst forth among us, and about midnight it was manifest in its most terrible form. Our ears were saluted with cries and moanings and lamentations on every hand; even those on guard fell to the earth with their guns in their hands, so sudden and powerful was the attack of this terrible disease. At the commencement I attempted to lay on hands for their recovery, but I quickly learned by painful experience that when the great Jehovah decrees destruction upon any people, makes known his determination, man must not attempt to stay his hand. The moment I attempted to rebuke the disease, that moment I was attacked; and had I not desisted, I must have saved the life of my brother by the sacrifice of my own, for when I rebuked the disease it left him and seized me.
"Early on the morning of the 25th the camp was separated into small bands, and dispersed among the brethren living in the vicinity, and I wrote and sent by express, to 'Messrs. Thornton, Doniphan, and Atchison,' as follows:-
"'RUSH CREEK, Clay County, June 25, 1834.
"'Gentlemen:-Our company of men advanced yesterday from their encampment beyond Fishing River to Rush Creek, where their tents are again pitched. But feeling disposed to adopt every pacific measure that can be done, without jeopardizing our lives, to quiet the prejudices and fears of some part of the citizens of this county, we have concluded that our company shall be immediately dispersed and continue so till every effort for an adjustment of differences between us and the people of Jackson has been made on our
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part that would in anywise be required of us by disinterested men of republican principles.
"'I am respectfully, your obedient servant,
"'N. B.-You are now corresponding with the Governor (as I am informed). Will you do us the favor to acquaint him of our efforts for a compromise? This information we want conveyed to the Governor, inasmuch as his ears are stifled with reports from Jackson of our hostile intentions, etc.'
"I left Rush Creek the same day, in company with David Whitmer and two other brethren, for the western part of Clay County. While traveling we called at a house for a drink of water. The women of the house shouted from the door that they had 'no water for Mormons, that they were afraid of the cholera,' etc. We turned and departed, according to the commandment, and before a week had passed the cholera entered that house, and that woman and three others of the family were dead.
"When the cholera made its appearance Elder John S. Carter was the first man who stepped forward to rebuke it, and upon this was instantly seized and became the first victim in the camp. He died about six o'clock afternoon; and Seth Hitchcock died in about thirty minutes after. As it was impossible to obtain coffins, the brethren rolled them in blankets, carried them on a horse sled about half a mile, buried them in the bank of a small stream which empties into Rush Creek, all of which was accomplished by dark. When they had returned from the burial, the brethren united, covenanted and prayed, hoping the disease would be staid; but in vain, for while thus covenanting, Eber Wilcox died; and while some were digging the grave others stood sentry with their firearms, watching their enemies. . .
"The cholera continued its ravages about four days, when an effectual remedy for their purging, vomiting, and cramping was discovered; viz., dipping the persons afflicted in cold water, or pouring it upon them. About sixty eight of the saints suffered from this disease, of which number thirteen died; viz., John S. Carter, Eber Wilcox, Seth Hitchcock,
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Erastus Rudd, Algernon Sidney Gilbert, Alfred Frisk, Edward Ives, Noah Johnson, Jesse B. Lawson, Robert McCord, Elial Strong, Jesse Smith, and Betsey Parrish.
"The last days of June I spent with my old Jackson County friends in the western part of Clay County.
"On the first of July I crossed the Missouri River, in company with a few friends, into Jackson County, to set my feet once more on the 'goodly land,' and on the 2d I went down near Liberty and visited the brethren."-Times and Seasons, vol. 6, pp. 1106-1108.
Of these events Elder H. C. Kimball in his journal writes:-
"Here Brother Thayre was taken sick with the cholera, and also Brother Hayes. We left them there, and also Brother Hancock who had been taken with the cholera during the storm. Bro. Joseph called the camp together, and told us that in consequence of the disobedience of some who had not been willing to listen to his words, but had been rebellious, God had decreed that sickness should come upon us, and we should die like sheep with the rot; and said he, 'I am sorry, but I cannot help it.' When he spake these things it pierced me like a dart, having a testimony that so it would be. In the afternoon of this day we began to receive the revelation known as the 'Fishing River revelation.'
"On Monday we held a council as follows:-
"Clay County, Mo., June 23,1834.
"A council of high priests met according to a revelation received the previous day, to choose some of the first elders to receive their endowment; being appointed by the voice of the Spirit, through Joseph Smith, Jr., president of the church.
"They proceeded: Edward Partridge is called and chosen, and is to go to Kirtland and receive his endowment with power from on high, and also stand in his office as bishop to purchase land in Missouri.
"W. W. Phelps is called and chosen, and it is appointed unto him to receive his endowment with power from on high; and help carry on the printing establishment till Zion is redeemed.
"Isaac Morley is called and chosen, and it is appointed
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unto him to receive his endowment with power from on high in Kirtland; and assist in gathering up the strength of the Lord's house, and preach the gospel. John Corrill the same as Isaac Morley.
"John Whitmer is called and chosen, and it is appointed unto him to receive his endowment in Kirtland, with power from on high; and continue in his office.
"David Whitmer is called and chosen, and it is appointed unto him to receive his endowment in Kirtland, with power from on high; and stand in the office appointed unto him.
"A. S. Gilbert is called and chosen, and it is appointed unto him to receive his endowment from on high in Kirtland; and to assist in gathering up the strength of the Lord's house; and to proclaim the everlasting gospel till Zion is redeemed. He said in his heart he could not do it, and died in about three days.
"Peter Whitmer is called and chosen, and it is appointed unto him to receive his endowment in Kirtland, with power from on high; and assist in gathering up the strength of the Lord's house; and proclaim the gospel.
"Simeon Carter is called and chosen, and it is appointed unto him to receive his endowment in Kirtland, with power from on high; and assist in gathering up the strength of the Lord's house; and proclaim the everlasting gospel.
"Newel Knight is called and chosen, and it is appointed unto him to receive his endowment in Kirtland with power from on high; and assist in gathering up the strength of the Lord's house; and preach the gospel.
"Thomas B. Marsh is called and chosen, and it is appointed unto him to receive his endowment in Kirtland with power from on high; and his office will be made known hereafter.
"Lyman Wight is called and chosen, and it is appointed unto him to receive his endowment in Kirtland with power from on high; to return to Zion, and his office shall be appointed to him hereafter.
"Parley P. Pratt is called and chosen, and it is appointed unto him to receive his endowment in Kirtland with power from on high; and assist in gathering up the strength of the Lord's house; and proclaim the gospel.
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"Christian Whitmer is called and chosen, and it is appointed unto him to receive his endowment in Kirtland with power from on high; and assist in gathering up the strength of the Lord's house; and proclaim the gospel.
"Solomon Hancock is called and chosen, and it is appointed unto him to receive his endowment in Kirtland with power from on high; and assist in gathering up the strength of the Lord's house; and proclaim the everlasting gospel.
"F. G. WILLIAMS, Clerk.
"On the morning of the 24th we started for Liberty, Clay County, where our brethren were residing, who had been driven from Jackson County, taking our course round the head of Fishing River, in consequence of high water. When we got within five or six miles of Liberty, General Atchison and several other gentlemen met us, desiring that we would not go to Liberty, as the feelings of the people of that place was much enraged against us. Changing our course and bearing to the left we pursued our way across a prairie; then passing through a wood until we came to Brother Sidney Gilbert's, where we camped on the bottom of Rush Creek, in a field belonging to brother Burket, on the 25th.
"This night the cholera came upon us, as we had been warned by the servant of God. About twelve o'clock at night we began to hear the cries of those who were seized with the cholera, and they fell before the destroyer. Even those on guard fell, with their guns in their hands, to the ground, and we had to exert ourselves considerably to attend to the sick; for they fell on every hand. Thus it continued till morning, when the camp was separated into several small bands and were dispersed among the brethren.
"I was left at the camp in company with three or four of my brethren in care of those who were sick. We staid [stayed] with and prayed for them, hoping they would recover; but all hope was lost, for about six o'clock p. m. John S. Carter expired, he being the first that died in the camp.
"When the cholera first broke out in the camp Brother John S. Carter was the first who went forward to rebuke it, but himself was immediately seized by it, and as before
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stated, was the first who was slain. In about thirty minutes after his death Seth Hitchcock followed him; and it appeared as though we must sink under the destroyer with them.
"We were not able to obtain boards to make them coffins, but were under the necessity of rolling them up in their blankets and burying them in that manner. So we placed them on a sled, which was drawn by a horse about half a mile, where we buried them in a little bluff by the side of a small stream that emptied into Rush Creek. This we accomplished by dark, and returned back.
"Our hopes were that no more would die, but while we were uniting in a covenant to pray once more with uplifted hands to God, we looked at our beloved brother, Elder Wilcox, and he was gasping his last. At this scene my feelings were beyond expression. Those only who witnessed it can realize anything of the nature of our sufferings, and I felt to weep and pray to the Lord that he would spare my life that I might behold my dear family again. I felt to covenant with my brethren, and I felt in my heart never to commit another sin while I lived. We felt to sit and weep over our brethren, and so great was our sorrow that we could have washed them with our tears, to realize that they had traveled one thousand miles through so much fatigue to lay down their lives for our brethren. And who hath greater love than he who is willing to lay down his life for his brethren? This increased our love to them. About twelve o'clock at night we placed him on a small sled, which we drew to the place of interment, with one hand hold of the rope, and in the other we bore our firelocks for our defense. While one or two were digging the grave, the rest stood with their arms to defend them.
"This was our situation, the enemies around us, and the destroyer in our midst. Soon after we returned back another brother was taken away from our little band; thus it continued until five out of ten were taken away.
"It was truly affecting to see the love manifested among the brethren for each other, during this affliction; even Brother Joseph, seeing the sufferings of his brethren, stepped forward to rebuke the destroyer, but was immediately
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seized with the disease himself; and I assisted him a short distance from the place when it was with difficulty he could walk. All that kept our enemies from us was the fear of the destroyer which the Lord so sent among us.
"After burying these five brethren, or about this time, I was seized by the hand of the destroyer, as I had gone in the woods to pray. I was instantly struck blind, and saw no way whereby I could free myself from the disease, only to exert myself by jumping and thrashing myself about, until my sight returned to me, and my blood began to circulate in my veins. I started and ran some distance, and by this means, through the help of God, I was enabled to extricate myself from the grasp of death. This circumstance transpired in a piece of woods just behind Brother Sidney Gilbert's house.
"On the 26th, Algernon Sidney Gilbert, keeper of the Lord's storehouse, signed a letter to the Governor, in connection with others, which was his last public act; for he had been called to preach, and he said he would rather die than go forth and preach the gospel to the Gentiles. The Lord took him at his word; he was attacked with the cholera and died about the 29th.
"Two other brethren died at Brother Gilbert's house about this same time. One of these was a cousin to brother Joseph Smith, the Prophet. The names of those brethren who were with me to assist in taking care of the sick are as follows: Joseph B. Noble, John D. Parker, and Luke Johnson; also Brother Ingleson, who died soon after we left. . .
"I went to Liberty, to the house of Brother Peter Whitmer, which place I reached with difficulty, being much afflicted myself with the disease that was among us. I stayed there until I started for home. I received great kindness from them, and also from Sister Vienna Jaques, who administered to my wants and also to my brethren. May the Lord reward them for their kindness.
"While I was here a council was called at Brother Lyman Wight's, which I attended with the rest of the brethren. The church was organized; a presidency and high council chosen
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and organized and many were chosen from them to go to Kirtland to be endowed.
"From that time the destroyer ceased, having afflicted us about four days. Sixty-eight were taken with the disease, of which number fourteen died, the remainder recovered, as we found out an effectual remedy for this disease, which was, by dipping the person afflicted into cold water, or pouring it on him, which had the desired effect of stopping the purging, vomiting, and cramping. Some of the brethren, when they were seized with the disease and began to cramp and purge, the fever raging upon them, desired to be put into cold water, and some stripped and plunged themselves into the stream and obtained immediate relief. This led us to try the experiment on others, and in every case it proved highly beneficial and effectual, where it was taken in season.
"On the 23d of June Brother Joseph received a revelation, as before stated, saying that the Lord had accepted our offering, even as he accepted that of Abraham, therefore he had a great blessing laid up in store for us, and an endowment for all, and those who had families might return home, and those who had no families should tarry until the Lord said they should go.
"I received an honorable discharge, in writing, from the hand of our general, Lyman Wight, to the effect that I had discharged my duty in my office and that I was at liberty to return home. Before we separated the money which had been put into the hands of our paymaster and had not been used was equally divided amongst the company, making one dollar and sixteen cents each. Some of these brethren had no money when we started from Kirtland, but they received an equal share with the rest."-Times and Seasons, vol. 6, pp. 804, 805, 838-840.
Of the cholera plague Lyman Wight states:-
"June 23, 1834: In the course of this night some slight symptoms of sickness were discovered in the camp.
"24th. This morning, horrible to relate, the astounding news that the cholera had made its appearance in our midst was announced. I immediately, in company with four other elders, passed from tent to tent, and truly we found many
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who fell, apparently from a state of perfect health, upon their couches, in the most excruciating pain conceivable. We used due diligence through the day, both physical and spiritual, to relieve them from this distressing disease; but despite all our efforts four of them fell victims to death, and were buried in the course of the night. We continued with the camp all night, doing all that lay in our power to relieve their distresses.
"25th. We continued our labors through this day, but despite all our efforts five more fell victims to its ravages in the course of the day.
"To-day we disbanded the company and as many as were able scattered abroad among the brethren in the country. Many flew to our relief and gave us rest."
Thus ended the expedition of "Zion's Camp," and the camp passed into history.
What was accomplished by all this sacrifice? Impossible to tell. Such questions mortals cannot decide. Could we know what would have been the result upon the church, and their brethren in Zion, had they failed to go, we might by comparison form some conclusion; but that is impossible. It at least served to show the courage and determination of these early adherents of the faith under the most adverse circumstances and most appalling perils. It did more-it emphasized this important truth: That Zion must be redeemed by purchase and not by blood. All honor to the brave men who suffered or died in the heroic struggle to relieve their brethren in distress.
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